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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-08-18, Page 5
t 4 I 0 »i I < ; ;i ,THK. ■ EXETER.. TIMCS-ADVQCATE un,,.. n.jru ;.7 '• I.?7' - . ■ .,V~ TMURWY, AFGW XSth, 19&8 „ b 1 ( w* -rrrr SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario FAlXTRRM—-SEPTEMBER -6tM0M Courses 'Sterjographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Special and Correspondence Courses arranged. M. A. S'XONB, Com. Specialist B, F. WARD, B A. Vice principal Phone IDS princiiml vis- last with Eleanor Miliey, of Toronto, relatives in town recently. Elroy Dean, of Tillsonburg, Sunday 'with /friends in, town. MacKay, of Kenton, Man., with Miss M. Reid this week. Mae McNaughton, of Toron- i t ¥ / ► HENSALL Miss Elaine Peck, of Clinton, , lied with friends in town. Miss-Goldie Cross yisitgd week with friends in Clinton. Mr, Harold Bori’thron visited friends in Toronto on.‘Sunday. Mr, Ray Paterson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at hie home. Miss visited Mr. visited Mrs. visited •Miss to, spent the week-end at her home, ' Miss Dorothy McQueen, of Cen tralia, visited., on Sunday at ■ they home. . . Dr. -Smillie, 'accompanied by his t aunt spent the week-end at St. Cath arines. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bontihron spent the week-end camping at Tob ermory. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMartin, of Barrie, visited last week with rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Claren’ce Shepherd, of Harietsville, spent the week-end al their home. Miss Grace Brock, of London, is spending several weeks’ holiday with her parents. Miss Jean Davis, of Winchelsea, visited a few days this week .with Mrs. E. K. Hutton. Miss Jean McQueen has returned home after a pleasant friends in New York. Mr. ancl Mrs. Wm. London; visited a few week with friends in town. Mrs.. Geo. (Sparks has returned home after a week’s holiday campink with her son at Bayfield.' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore have returned home after a pleasant holi day camping at Pikes Bay. Mr. .and Mrs. Robert Higgins are spending several weeks with their daughter Mrs. Bert North, of Wood- stock. Mr. E. Grant, after spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Walker returned to his home in Sea forth. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hutton, Wing ham and Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Le Grom •of Toronto, the home of ton. •Dr. ,S. B. Hospital, Winnipeg, Walker, of Niagara Falls, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with, relatives here and at the Beach-O-Pines,-Mrs. Mc- Knigbt and children remaining for h week’s vacation. Miss Irene Douglas accompanied by Miss’ Ada Gramm and fsobel Manson, of Detroit and uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. McAsh, of Lon don, left on Friday morning for a to weeks’ trip through the States visiting Cincinnatti, Washington and Tennessee. The service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning was well attended. The Rev. D. C. Hill, of Exeter, occupying the pulpit. A very pleasing quartette was rendered. by Misses Irene Hoggarth, Mabel Work man and Messrs. R. Y. McLaren and Jos. Bengough. While assisting' at a threshing on the Ducan Stewart farm, north of Hensall, on Monday afternoon Rus sell Hedden suffered severe arm lacerations when the blower came off the separator and struck him on the arm. The W. M. S. of Carmel Presby terian Church held their regular meeting on August 11th with Mrs. C. S. Hudson presiding, and opened with a hymn and prayer led by Mrs. Hudson. The Bible lesson was taken by Mrs. J. Paterson. The roll- call was answered with “Trust.-” Follow ing the business and offering, Mrs. H. ■ Workmen led in prayer. After singing a hymn Mrs. Arnold, Mirs. Walker and Mrs. items of interest on in British Guiana.” closed with a hymn , prayer in -unison. Hensall Middle School Results, ’ ’1st, 75*100; 2nd, 06-'/4; 3rd, 00+ 66; C, 50-59. Brackets theaii belofw 50. - Mai'y Clark—E, 3rd; Ahc. Hist. Phys. ’0. ' - « Goldie Cross—E. lOonip., d;t E. iSit O; Ahc. Hist. C; goom- 2nd; Phys. C.r "• ■' ■ ■ . ,Toss .JE'Qrtggt’snEA.i Comp* ■ C > -Chn. Hist. 2nd; AM. Hist. 1st; Geom. 1st, Phys. 1st; L^r A._, C; Lat ,C„ 2iid. ...Mp'eifrr El. Lit.^Ci Cart. ' 't Ge6inr 2b.A.f ^bys.l 2,nd,x.:;‘-.l/,:/ ‘f' Edna E^omp; 2nd; E. Lit., lsX';, Geom. 1st} 1st, • / '^enticith visited Mr. and Walker, ■■■■ J visit with White, of days last on Saturday at Mrs. E. K. Hut- of St. Boniface and Mr. D. M. Edwards read "Mission Work Tiro* ♦, and the Ldrd’s Comp., 0; E. Lit 2nd Ghoui. c Can, Hist 1st; Anc. Hist. 2nd Geom. C; Phys. 3rd; Cliem. C; Lat. A. 3rd Lat. 0., 3rd; Fr. A., &. Alice Pfaff—(E. Comp.); (Eng. Lit.); Anc, Hist. C; Geom. 2nd! Prys. C. Barbara Shepherd— E. Comp. C; E. Lit., C; Ann Hist, C; Geom. C; Phys. 2nd. Maurice Tpdor—(E. Comp.); (E. Lit,); (Rhys.); Fr. A., C; (Fr. C.,) Services in the United church on Sunday morning last in the absence of the pastor, Rev. R. A. Brook, who is away on vacation,, was con ducted by Mr, Robert Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jopn pasfemore of our village,, a divinity student,, who gave a most interesting discourse. Treating largely on. the detours in Christian life and ihow costly they often were the interest of the large congregation, was mucn heightened by the -fact that the discourse was so well prepared, and that it was given from memory. Bob gives promise of being a very .outstanding minister in time to- come, being a splendid student and so intensely devoted to the religeous work. A pleasing solo “Jesus Lover of my Soul” was rendered by Mrs. George HeS& with Miss Eleanor . Fisher at the organ. > ■ CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and family of Windsor, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCul loch. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Houghton, of Harriston visited at the home of the former. Mrs. Lindsay MarKellar motored over to ILond-on on/Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barbour and Mrs. Barbour and. Mrs. Barbour Sr. to vis it David Miller, who is ill in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. S. Mll-er attended the funeral in Hensall pn Saturday of her sis ter-in-law Mrs. Stacey, who her home, in Detroit, Miss Dorothy Quapce, of London, visited with her mother Mrs. Quance Miss Annie pierce of Brussels, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Burton Mac- Donald.’ Mr. David Bruce is about after his serious accident of weeks ago. died at again some last Ida Sweitzer', of Stratford, over the week-end at her L. Schroeder spent last week SHIPKA Miss-Jean McKenzie spent week holidaying at Belmont Lake. (Services next Sunday in the Unit ed Church and Sunday School at 10.- 30 and preaching service at 11.15. Rev. D. Gladman’ in charge. Miss Mabel Harlton has been ap pointed to attend the Summer Camp at Goderich which is to be August 27 th. ^Misses Nola Sweitzer and Lillian LOvie spent the week-end at Grand Bend. Miss Myrtle Neil, of Brinsley, vis ited last week with Miss Nola Sweitzer. Miss visited home. Mrs. camping at Grand Bend. ‘ Mr. and Mrs;'Milt. Ratz and Jack spent Saturday in Sarnia. Miss Reta Ratz has returned to Victoria Hospital, London, after a three week’s vacation at her home here. Misses Mona and Dorothy Tetreau are holidaying- at Grand Bend with their aunt Mrs. P. Eisenbach. Mr. and, Mrs. F. La Fond and fam ily of Sarnia, visited over the week end with relatives. Norma returned home With theirt after two weeks’ holidays with Lily and ‘Audrey Fink- belner. Mr. and Mrs. H.- Harlton and fam ily visited With relatives at Brinsley Monday evening. Mr. Walter Neil from Lieury vis ited Sunday with relatives. * MELOROL ICE CHOSEN FOR THE ©NEA MORE FUN THAN A PICN1CI And ways MelOrol Ice Cream! Heartily en’oyi’^ • Cecile and Yvonne, are (left to right) Emilie, Annette, Mane, cecn One big reason-- protected purity MelOrol Ice Cream Two shipments of MelOrol Ice Cream go up to the QuiMS every week . With all lte "fresh-front-the-freezer gjodness and fine flavour preserved intact. . . abso Iutely pure and wholesome, not touched by hand. These advantages niake Borden’s MelOrol entirely different from Seam. Moreover, MelOrol is scientifically blended and frozen amazingly fa^» - making it smoother, ier more satisfying, try BordSi’s MelOrol Ice Cream today. Try it in cones, sun daes, sodas, malted milk a .Mothers, insist on it ior your children. Famous Five Enjoy A MelOrol Cone On Fourth Birthday What an occasion for the little girls! Ice Cream for their birthday! Of $°urs®» had to be the finest ice cream obtainable. Those r®sP0^ sible for the well-being of the Quints always insist on the best, and that they chose Borden s MelOrol Ice Cream in preference tp any other. They knew that these rich, roundf individual portions of wholesome ice cream, are automatically wrapped right at the freezer. This sPeC1^ wrapper gives the utmo sanitary protection to MelOrol . . . preserving its purity, perfect freshness and BUY MEL°R°L >CE CRwm AT all walkerside dealers II fl ,i fine flavour.7’7 T> IELIMVILLE The special service held on Sun day evening under the auspices of the W. A. was very gratifying. Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Exeter, preached an excellent sermon. The choir, com posed of members of the W. A. sang a. number and Mrs. Harold Bell also sang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. Prinigle Morley and daughter, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Heatherley of London, were visitors at Mr. Lewis Johns’ last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Runnails and three daughters of Edmonton and Mrs. Maud Harvey, of London, vis ited at Mr. Wes. joihns last week. Mrs. Brennerman, of St. Marys, spent part of last week with her daughter Mrs. Lloyd Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hogg and babe, of Thorndale and ' Mr. Ned Avery, of St. Thomas, visited’^on Sunday with Mr. Wm. Routiy. Mr. and Mrs. 'O. Stephen and dau ghters^ of "Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. A.. Stephen and children of Detroit vis ited at Mr. Chas. Stephen’s recently. Mrs. ,Jno. Johns and Teddy, .Miss Leola Johns, of ;Exeter; Mr. ..Hilton Johns, of Lucan and Mrs. Harold Boyes, of Stratford, are holidaying at a cottage at Grand Bend this week. a , , Miss Grace Brock is visiting, with relatives at Seaforth. Mr. Wes. HeyWdod and Mss Bessie have returned from a motor trip to Indianna, Mr. and Mrs.- Tihos. Bell* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Norman Jaques attended the funeral of Glen Houston, at Seaforth on Saturday. The young man was a nephew of the former and was in his nineteenth, year and died from the effects of a boil. Mrs. (Rev.) of the service Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie, Johns went with her. ; ■ . ' An error appeared in bne df the items which ivas printed in tlid Rlim-: ville news last week. It should have read: “Mrs-. Lily Hanna and dau ghter Annie, o,f Kihigsvilie; are visit ing the former’s 'feister-in-law "Mrs. ThbS. Bell. • 1 . Mr. Allen; a provincial auditor,- Was herb auditing the township’s hooks on.’ Monday and Tuesday1} The August’meeting of the Wi A. met on Thursday afternoon last at Mrs. F. Skinner’s,.. Mi’S. Renneth Johns was in the ^iiaiy and meeting opened with singing a hymn. Mi’s. Wm. Bradshaw^read-^ the«» Scripture lesson and Mrs. Harold Bell led in ’PWbi’.’/ by “A Beauty Spot in Ontario”, An instructive talk ’was given by Mrs. Ja<|k Delbridge on “Deficiency Dis+ eases in Children.” Some busriess was discussed ahd another hymri was sung. Meeting closed*.- 'With Mizpah ’iJeriedictibm * Mrs. Keniietli Johns gaye an interesting . demonstration en^makingyegetablead fruit. Salads. These were very pretty hnd also ap+ jjetiMng as the iddies were each sei'v* ed with igenerons helpings, therefore There were #0 (tz - * CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and children, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw. Marjorie remained for a week’s holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Talbo.t and Joan of Grand Valley, were week-end guests with Mr. add Mrs. Harris West. Mr. and Mrs. Myles McCabe and Mae, of Walkerton, visited on Mon day of this week with Mrs. Thomas. Willis. Mr. Jim Cook, of Aylmer, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and Harold visited with relatives in Chatham on Sunday. Miss Margaret Cook is holidaying al Grand Bend this week, Mr. and. Mrs. Maurice Neil, of troit, spent the week-end with and Mrs. E. Beaver. Mrs. S. Brokenshire. visited Sunday with her sister Mrs. W. Isaac at Gand Bend. Miss Kathleen returned to New ing for a couple parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I-Iicks. Miss Sadie Sholtz.and lady friend, and Mrs. Laurene Abbott and child- Mrs. Clara Abbott on Friday of last week. Mrs. Luckner, of Shipka, visited last week with her , daughter George Baynham Jr. Mrs. Lome Hicks visited relatives in Kincardine for a few days' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Smith and Marlene en joyed a motor trip do- Elora, Orange ville and'other .points on Sunday. ' The service in the church here on Sunday Augus.t. 2rlit will be in charge ■of the Young people’s Union. K . Mrs. Margaret Fletcher returned home on Monday of this week. Miss Eveleyn .Clark of Goderich is visit-' Trig with her. Mrs.’ F. McCann visited on Friday of last week with her aunt Mrs. L. Sholdice. . Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J? Falconbridge and -Laura Marie are holidaying for the month of August at Bayfield. De Mr. on Hicks, Reg. N., has York, after holiday- of weeks with her Mrs. with CREDITON Mrs. Albert Rodgers left for De troit and Windsor, after spending a month with her mother Mrs. A. King She will spend a few weeks there with her brother and sisters before returning to her home in New York city. Last Bunday being Temperance Sunday a program was given in the United Church Sunday School. In a very able manner Mr. J. Mawhinney gave an impressive talk on ance and Frederick Tilley lioem of Edgar Guest’s “Myself.” Mr. and Mrs. M. Logan, Mrs. W. King and Merta, of Forest; visited on Sunday last witih Mr. and' ■Mrs. ,S. King. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber nave returned after a week’s vacation among the 3 000 islands of Georgian Bay and motoring as far as Callan der and North Bay. Messrs. Melvin and Edward Lam port, of Pt. Alberne, B.C., are spend ing several week’s vacation at the home of their parents, having mo tored east by way Aof the middle States. Miss Pearl Haist, of Ann Arbor, Midi., is spending her vacation with her mother Mrs. Mary Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haumeller, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s father Mr. Charles Eilber, The many friends of Mr. Charles Eilber will regret to learn that he. is quite ill at his home here. Preparations are undpr.. way for the Haist reunion which is being held at the ExghgOljqal..Cb.ureh shed on Labor Day. Mr. Kenneth Lillow, of Stratford, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Christina Rogers, of Saline, Mich., is visiting with relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. “Haist spent Sunday at Port. Frapk; ■ ■ . . Mr. and Miss. Veriion Beaver and son Eugene and Mrs. Beaver’s par ents, of Pittsburg, are visiting with relatives in tfid vicinity, { Mr. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood,. Mi. ana, gave several delightful vocal num bers at the union services at the Evangelical church last -Sunday ev ening. • Rev. D. J. .Glhdman gave a very interesting and profitable mes sage. Mr. Frank Taylor and Mr. Walter Cutbush, of Exeter, will sing at the next Sunday morning's service. Temper read a entitled ZION. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hern, Keith and Frances visited on Sunday with Mrs. Armstrong of Exeter, Miss Mary Earl spent last* week with her cousins Mr. and Mrs* How ard Anderson, of Washington. The Mission Circle will meet on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Verna Jaques. Mr. and Mra. E. Hern, and daugh ters were present at the Thompson Penrose had charge at Roy’s'Church last KIRKTON Miss Mapy Ray, of Stratfprd, is holidaying jwith Mrs- Loupe and Miss John .'Sawyer. , , M<i$s Helen Robinson, of Varna, spent tihe past, week with her aunt Mrs. John Cluft »Little- Ilend Anderson',- of Mount Pleasant, is holidaying) with her grandmother. Mrs;''.Frank 'Anderson Sr. » Mr. and Mrs. -E. Reni and dau ghters, of 2ioh, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Roger. Some eightheir KiiiktOn Institute Indies met With the.St. Marys ladies -this-past Thursday and .put on -the program for’the afternb-On. The St. Marys ladies served a very ? dainty lunch at the close of the meeting. All report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis, Mr. ahd Mrs. R. Brock spent Sunday at Bay field. ■ . i Miss S. Smith,.of Monkton, spent the.week-epd with. Mrs. W. Donpd. Miss Nortpa/Edtvih and Ross Tufts were Supday gueet^pt Aw home of{Tvehe ‘able to jttdge. Mr. wnford D’ottpe.1 '! ‘ , , present... , ui. WINCHELSEA Mr. and. Mrs. R. E. Tooley, i)or- othy and Irene, Miss Jean Brock, of Zion and Miss Mildred Veal spent1 the week-end at Turnbull’s Grove. I • Mr.’ and Mrs. Gordon Dclbridge and family, of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. jack Delbrldge and spent, Sunday .with,. Mrs. . Geo. bridge. MisS Marion Copeland add Goldie Walker, of Plugtown, •Wednesday with Miss Norma cher, f Miss, ’yerna Bi’dtSk^ Of Kirkton, visited oil Thursday with Miss Mar jorie Fletcher. • Miss Doris Tlodgdne, of Saints- biiry, .visited last* week-end with Misses Greta and l^udhey Fldtchdr. Mrs. Ray i’arkihson, Of Ruseel- dale, ■'spent Saturday with Mrs. Her man Fbsidh " * sop. Miss J spent Fiet- h Reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd on-Thursday evening in honor of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Short ridge, missionaries in Morocco, N. Africa. The evening consisted of a musical program and a very interest ing talk given by Mrs. Shortridge on the native religion and habits. Miss Jean Brock spent the week end with Irene Pooley at Turnbull’s ’Gnoye. During-an electric storm on Wed nesday evening a large branch off a tree near Mr. Angus Earl’s was blown across the road taking down the hydro wires. Unfortunately Mr. and Mrs. G. Squire were unable to see the branch. The car was badly damaged in tihe front. Mrs. Squire, and Harry received face injuries. Wheat! Know What You Sow! Have your Fall Wheat Seed Cleaned at Lackie Bros. Government supervised Seed Cleaner . Phone: Kirkton 35rl5 LACKIE BROS* Whalen Corners it THE RED and WHITE STORE BEAVER BRAND BLUEBERRIES <■ Grocery Specials 2 tins for 25c NEW PACK PIE CHERRIES I . HEREFORD CORNED BEEF -■* VW’V McCORMICK’S WHOLE PUFFED ,Z......... .L.... . . KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES WITH SHOPPING BAG CATSUP—LIBBY’S OR BURLINGTON A...,. HURON TOILET TISSUE i PEAS, CORN, TOMATOES OR PORK AND BEANS . 1 . _____ ____,..................LI 6 tiris 25c.1 Vanilla Urge Entitle ... L. eaeh 39if. Fehnuit Buft&r 4ft Bulk .......2 IBs. for 25c. ' ' .'‘r -a : 'Ai*». ■'./-I' I.,1' 1?’ ’ J-.) LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY COOKIES Phone 102 Miiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiii III .......... 3 TINS FOR 25c. ’Grapefruit ........ .1L 6 for 25c* Oranges, Sweet and Juicy ...... per doz„ 19c. * Fancy, ripe Bananas .*..........3 IBs. for 23c. . 2 POUNDS FOR 25c ROL.L1EIS’ (^R6chRY-r;.--.5.--We’.MWr iMiMiiirtiiIII v-ffz I