HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-08-11, Page 8TIIUItSDAY, AVGWST Xi, i#88 V’S BEAUTY SHOPPE fOV W* Croq., Combination qr Spiral PERMANENTS 112 For Appointments VERA V. DECKER, Proprietress NOTICE TO ELECTORS Public Notice to the Electorate of the Village of Exeter and in regards to the vote to be taken on the By­ law as being submitted by the Muni­ cipal Council. Persons qualified to vote shall be those entitled to vote at an as owners of property and name is on the Assessment such Joint ownership on the sion of proof not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote. Exeter Markets Wheat 60c Oats 30c .’lanitoba's Best $3.00 Welcome Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour $1.70 Bran $1.40 Shorts $1.40 Creamery Butter 29e. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 2 2-2 5 c. A large 24 c. A. medium 23c. B 19c. C 170. $12.25 dressed. Your Eyes IN YEARS TO COME They are going tp be, tp a large extent, the result of how care your now, same when teeth. BETTER SEE C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday well or how ill you for them now. By failure to assist them you are practicing the sort of carelessness aS you neglect your Bowling Tournament Sixteen rinks participated in the men’s rinks tournaments held on the local greens Monday evening ten being from neighboring towns, and six local. The evening was, ideal for bowling. Three ten-end games were played, high vs. high. The prize winners were as follows: First, Bert Rivers. H. C. Carey, Ul- ric Snell, M. W. Teller with 3 wins plus 23; second, E. Nablo, Dr. Ken­ nedy, C. H. Smith and W. W. Love, Ailsa Craig, with 3 wins plus 16; third, R. Winter, W. Barber, J. Wil­ lis, E. H. . “ " " “ ‘ plus 14; fourth, A. L.j Case, Bonthron, W. O. Goodwin, Dr. Taggart, Hensall, 2 wins plus The remaining rinks were as lows: Harstone, St. Marys, 1 plus 7; Kilpatrick, London, 2 12; Sills, Seaforth, 1 plus 3; W. J. Smith, Exeter, 2 plus 14; J. Davis, St. Marys, 1 plus 2; J. M. Southcott, Exeter, 1 plus 8-; Douglas, Strath- roy, 1 plus 1; Northgraves, St. Marys 2 plus 12; T. H. Elliott, Exeter, 1 plus 1; H. Douglas, London, 3; W- E. Sanders, Exeter, 0 R. N. Rowe, Exeter, 1 plus 8. It is proposed to hold a tournament of mixed rinks run off within the next Rinks will be drawn and a schedule drawn up. A fee of fifty cents will be -charged and prizes will be award­ ed. Persons desiring [to compete please leave your name ;vith R. N. Creech, election whose Roll as submis- 245 LOCALS G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone Close, Seaforth, 2 wins Fred Mc- 14. fol­ win Plus 1 plus wins; I local to be month. J ohn Orchard, of Mrs. W. Orchard Mr. and Mrs. Shedden, called on Mr. and C. Pearce on Sunday. Mrs. is a sistei’ of Mrs. Pearce. FOUND—A gold cuff link initials J. G. D. Owner may same by paying for advt. with have grain have same paying Apply at Times-Advocate FOR SALE—Cu,embers and honey. Wholesale prices for Quantities. Also large and pickling onions. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. FOUND—A set of tools in sack. Owner may proving property^ and advt. by for FOR SALE—Used electric wash­ er; swinging wringer, $15.00.— G. A. Hawkins, Exeter ltp FOR SALE—Beach Annex Stove, Congoleum rug 9 by 10 feet. Apply Win. H. Partlo, Andrew St. APPLES FOR SALE — Duchess, Astrachans, Yellow Harvest, Trans­ parents. Jas. Gardiner, phone 21- 10, Kirkton 2tc FOR SALE—Household furniture, including- Mason & Risch piano. Ap­ ply to Mrs. Wm. Daniels, opposite the English church, Hensail. Itp COTTAGE FOR RENT- Bend. Well loctaed. Apply to At Grand Conveniences. Times-Advocate, for sale in Exeter and sur- villages. Also a good Houses rounding choice of farms. Wm. Pearce, Exeter „ itc. STRAYED—From soutn half lot 3, Con. 5, Usborne, a red and white yearling heifer with horns, slit on under side of left ear. Information gladly received by W. T. Elford, R. R. 3, Exeter, phone 44 r 4, Kirkton. 7-28-3tc 1 I I Miss Edith Hunter visited in Lon­ don last week.Frank and Grace Strange, of Lon­ don, were home over the week-end. Miss Jean Snell visited in London last week with Miss Margery Madge., Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his sister Miss Mary Tapp. Mrs. A. O. Elliott sang two at the open air services at < Bend Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of London, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy. Messrs. Warren May and Arthur Gaiser are on a motor trip to Mont­ real and Quebec City. Mr. J. W. Batson, of Toronto, spent a day last week with Mrs. Bat­ son and children in town. Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Borden and Britain, and Jos. B. Creech are on a motor ’trip to Halifax. Messrs. Grafton Cochrane, Orville Lawson and Eric Carscadden, spent the week-end in Detroit. Mrs. Arthur Coxworth, of Hen­ sail, visited- with Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy Friday of last week. Mrs. A. A. Ericson and son Billy, of Rochester N.Y., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May. Mrs. Ida Creech,, of Toronto, vis­ ited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Frederick and Glen Wuerth, of Crediton, are spending a few days with their cousin, Dawson Goulding. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman and daughter Marion are holidaying for two weeks with relatives in Peter­ boro. Mr. Ray Pryde, of Pt. Arthur, is holidaying for a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pryde. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, visited for a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho­ garth. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cudmore, Bruce and Diane visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sims, of Ingersoll. Dr. MoTaggart, of Hensall, re­ turned home Saturday after holiday­ ing for two weeks in the Temiskam- ing District. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Horlene, of Walkerton, the home of Mr. and Mrs. on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Harvey and Bus well, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. near Lucknow. Mr. R. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock, is visiting his sister Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and the Eacrett connection in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. F. . May and Mar­ jorie are spending their vacation at •1-----—d cruising the > solos Grand Hind and visited at John Hind Mrs. A. E. visiting Johnston FOR SALE—Used furniture and stoves, furs repaired and remodelled reasonable. Opposite the Movies. Closed on Wednesday, FOR SALE—House In Exeter with every convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply to L. Huston, phone 162j. 3-17-tfc. FARMS—If you wish to buy or sell a farm, see us. A good selection for sale at all times.—C. V. PICK­ ARD, phone 165. HOMES FOR SALE—In Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Lucan. Good values and terms,—0. V. PICKARD phone 165, Now is the time to (la that repair­ ing. No job too large or too small, When in need of duality tested grav­ el call 171 r 3, Exeter. We deliver any will ere. Prices reasonable. Cud- more’s Gravel. ROOF FIXING All kinds new and old, Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. Wo have used this hew liquid on asphalt as ever. Roofer, roofs for 8 years, still good Drop a card to joe, Becker Clinton, Phone 42. Alexander Bay and cruising 101'0 Islands. Mr. Marvin Howey and Miss jorie Lang, of Peterboro, are holi­ daying with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mrs. J. T. Hardman, of Toronto, and Mrs. J. S, Hope, of Oakville, are holidaying with the former’s daugh­ ter, Mrs. F. Johns. Mrs. C. L. Wilson, Norma, Hugh and Jimmie, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Broken- shire, St. Thomas. Mr. R. H. Cornish attended the Westinghouse Radio Convention held at the Westmount Golf Club at Kit­ chener on Wednesday. The lantern slides that are shown each Sunday morning in the Main Street Sunday School are much en­ joyed by the children, ■Rev. and Mrs. Claire Oke and two sons, Beverley and Ross, of Sun- dridge, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding on Sunday. Miss Olive Lawson, of town and Miss Audrey Yearley, of Grediton, have returned home after camping for a week at Grand xiend. Mrs. Wm. Brock, who has been spending the past two weeks with her neiphew Mr. Oharles Trothan, of Detroit, returned home Sunday. Miss Martha Kilmer, of Thomas and two grandsons, Lea and Don. Stephens, of London, are visit­ ing at the home of Mr. Geo. Penhale Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher and daugh­ ter Mary are holidaying at Grand Bend. Dr. 0. A, Henrich, of Wa­ terloo, is in charge of the office during Dr. Fletcher’s absence. Mar- St. Mr. Theo. Walper was in Owen Sound last Sunday evening as guest conductor of the Owen Sound City Band. Mr. M. Walker was in Grimsby for the week-end and was accom­ panied home by Mrs. Walker and son, who had been holidaying there for a week. Mrs. Jas. Francis and Darlene Rowcliffe, of Tavistock, Mrs. Geo. Jaques and Mrs. H. Kyle, of town, spent the first part of this week at Grand Bend. Mr. B. IV. F. Beavers conducted the morning service at Centralia on Sunday, August 7th, Mrs. Beavers and Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson at­ tended the service. Mr. Ben Wilson and four daugh­ ter, of Romulus, Mich., visited for a few days last week with the form­ er’s brothers Mr, Syd. Wilson and Mr. Chas. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. George Beavers and son Fred returned to Toronto on Thursday last after a pleasant visit with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. j Mr. Eugene Howey and mother, i Mrs. W. S. Howey, returned last } week from a pleasant motor trip to , Montreal, Sherbrooke, Quebec and St. Anne. At .Sherbrooke they vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ewing and at Quebec they had the privi­ lege of a trip of inspection through the S. S. “The Empress of Britain.”. Miss Jessie Hodgert is leaving on Thursday on a motor trip to Pririce Albert and Regina, Sask. Miss Hod­ gert is accompanying Mrs. R. G. McKay, Alex and Margaret, whoI have been visiting at Cromarty, back j to their home at Prince Albert. She will also visit at the home of Mr. I A. E. Hodgert and with other rela­ tives at Regina. “Our Permanents Rule the Waves” TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 Order D. & H. Anthracite Now Choir S pan. Church Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and mon “The Transfiguration” The Fiftieth Anniversay Re-Opening of Trivitt Memorial Church will be held on Sunday, September 4th. Ninth Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.-—Sunday School THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FLASH! sum- 3 10 11 THE NEW FALL BRITISH SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS HAVE ARRIVED FROM PICNIC HERRINGS 2 tins................29c 5 and under, Gwen Sims, 'McDonald; boys, 5 and Claire Balkwill , Gordon VINEGAR For your pickling use Heinz pure vinegar 1 gallon .... 55c MEN’S FINE SHIRTS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas (A Hill, R.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “The Loveliest Woman Evening service only during August UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches Rev. R, O. Copeland, of Main St. in charge Music under the direction of Miss E. Huston and the Main Street a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Main Street 7 p.m.—James Street Prayer Service, Thursday Service in Main Street PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study, Friday Night, 8 P-ui. Services tor Sunday, August 14th ’10.30 a.m.--S. S. and Bible Class 11.30 a.m.—Devotional Service 8 p.m.-—Evangelistic Meeting “You will enjoy not a carnal thrill but a Spiritual Uplift at all our ser­ vices and a warm welcome awaits you.”—'Come! BUY WINTER COMFORT AT LOW SUMMER PRICES Summertime is coal-buying time. The time when wise fuel buyers obtain their usual winter’s supply of D&H Cone-Cleaned Anthra­ cite, at over unusually low mer prices. Buy D&H now. You’ll get Comfort at less cost. Order JAS. P. BOWEY more now. Phenes: Office 33} res. 157j USED CARS 1935 1929 FORD Deluxe Coach with trunk CHEVROLET Sedan CHEVROLET Coach1930 1928 PONTIAC Sedan 1929 PLYMOUTH Sedan 4 cylinders 1929 PLYMOUTH Coach 4 cylinders 1935 FORD Half Ton Truck 1930 CHEVROLET Panel Truck AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter with fused collars 10 dozen Men’s fine shirts. These shirts are exceptional value. They come in a splendid range of patterns and have fused collars very special each $1.00 54 inch White and Colored Table Oil Cloth 6 pieces only colored and white table oil cloth, 54 inches wide. The regular price is 50c a yard. Anothed special for this week per yard 39c. 42-INCH PILLOW CASES These are hem-stitched and are excellent values at this low price. Per Pair 50c TURKISH TOWELLING A good quality Turkish Towelling. Our regular 25c line. Special this week at per yard 20c CUPS AND SAUCERS About] fifteen dozen. These cups and saucers sold for $1,50 a dozen. We make a special of them this week at Per Dozen. 85c MEN’S NAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS A Good quality shirt, made full and roomy to retail at a low price. EACH 79c. BLUE DENIM WORK PANTS 5 dozen only Blue Denim Work Pants. A good wearing pant and not too heavy for the hot weather. Special at per pair $1.25 LINEN TOWELLING Another special is our all linen towelling, comes in red, green or yellow border. Per Yard 15c. Linoleums and Linoleum Rugs You will be interested in our low prices for Ljnoleums and Linoleum Rugs: 6 ft. x 9 ft., Regular $6.95 for .... $4.25 7 1-2 ft. x 9 ft, Regular $7.85 for $5.95 9 ft. x 9 ft., Regular $9.35 for .... 6.95 9 ft. x 10 1-2 ft, Regular $10.95 for $9.95 GROCERY SPECIALS SODAS Plain or Salted 2 pkgs.. . 25c FLOUR Choice Pastry 24 lb. sack . . 55c PEARL SOAP 5 bars ..... 16c TOMATO JUICE 3 tins for . . . 25c married M. Tiedemann, Wilson; Harold Main Street Picnic Main St. Sunday School picnic was held at Grand Bend on Wednes­ day, Augusts fil’d. There was a good attendance and all enjoyed the afternoon. A good supper was served at 5:30 in the pavilion. Gerald Skinner. Jack Jennings, Evelyn Howard and Gladys Rych- man, took charge of the sports which were held following the sup­ per hour. The results were as fol­ lows: Girls, Queenie under, Sims; girls, 5 to 8, Maxine McDon­ ald, Pearl Kirk, Norma Snell; boys. 5 to 8, Earl S’ms, Jack McKnight, Claire Balkwill; girls 9 to 12, Bar­ bara Harness, lean Kirk, Donna Cornish; boys 9 to 12, Hugh Wilson, Donald Hooper. Gerald Campbell; girls 13 and over, Eleanor Abbott, Lillian Kestle, Mary Caldwell; boys 13 and over, Clifford Quance, Eric Jennings, Melvin Kestle; ladies race, Mrs Mrs. R. Turnbull Mrs. L. wheelbarrow race, boys, Hockey and Donald Copeland, Doug­ las Harness and Fred Statton, Eric Jennings and Hugh Wilson; girls’ wheelbarrow race, Olive Caldwell and Marilyn Campbell, Mary Cald­ well and Lillian McDonald, Doris Webber and Lillian Kestle; boys’ three-legged race, Eric Jennings and Hugh Wilson, Melvin Kestle and Earl Sims; girls’ three-legged race, Olive Caldwell and Eleanor Abbott, Doris Webber and Lillian Kestle; shoe kicking race, Kathleen ! Kestle-, Florence McDonald, Mary Kirk; balloon volleyball, Donald Copeland's side, cothes pin race, Olive Lawson, Mary Kirk, Merna Sims. Miss Olive Wood, R.N., of Streets- ville and Miss Pearl Wood,’of town and Miss I. Blatchford, of Detroit, left Sunday for a trip to- Sault Ste. Marie to visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Anderson. From there they gc to Fort William to visit Dr. and Mrs. Frank, Blatchford. They enjoy­ ed a boat trip through the Muskoka Lakes and are, stopping at other places of interest along the They expect to be gone for weeks. Mr. R. H. and Ralph Cornish, re­ turned Sunday from a trip to Cou­ dersport, Penna., where they had motored with relatives frOm Phila­ delphia, who had been visiting Can­ ada for the first time. While in Coudersport they visited the famous ice mine where during the hot sum­ mer months ice forms to a des4h of two feet, the causes of which has not been determined. The friends were very much impressed with Canada and' expressed the wish that they would like to live in Huron County. way. three I MAGIC COFFEE 1 s « • • • • 25c PORK & BEANS e tins . . 25c CORN BEEF 2 tins ..... 25c Southcott Bros Exeter Walker s Condition Powder Market Your Hogs Sooner By Using Walker’s Condition Powders3 An Excellent Ton<c for g Sheep, Hogs,Poultry no <?ua»xi4 § • H«nuf-»<lar<J by - » § M.WALKER Phm IL § = OHTAAIO SS ^iiiiiinniinnniiiiuniiiiniiiiiuiMninimmniniiwjfe For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store ■—.■■mi—■ n—— Ross Ward, of London, is visiting With Gerry Lawson. Mr. C. M. Cornish visited in Wel­ land over the week-end. Mr. Milton Bissett, of Brantford, is visiting with Mr; and Mrs. Milo Snell. Mr. Harry L. We they, of Oakville, is visiting with liis brother Mr. E. Wethey. Miss L. Bowman, of Preston, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Southcott. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hem, Fordwich, are holidaying with former’s mother, Mrs. J, Hern. Mrs. Ellis, of Regina and Miss Mary Grafton, of Timmins, are vis­ iting- with Mr. and Mrs. ,T. G. Co­ chrane. Dr. and Mrs. MaoLacihlan and son Robert, of Jackson, Mich., spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. ■Steiner. Miss Florence Welsh, who has been spending some time in Cleve­ land, Ohio, returned to her home on Monday. Mr.. J, F. Gillespie, of Toronto, | visited for a few days the latter part •of last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt. Miss Emily Knipe, after a few months’ visit with her sister, Mrs, W. D. Sanders, has returned to her home in Detroit, Dr. Burns Walker, Mrs. George Walker HOnsall, visited with John HOdgeft recently, Miss Annie HandfOrd spent the week-end in Toronto. She was ac­ companied home by her sister, Mrs. Geo. Griffith and son Harry. TIP TOP TAILORS NEW PATTERNS ...........................................NEW WEAVES GREATER VALUES Order Your Winter Overcoat NOW for future delivery J. is O. of the of and Mr. Winnipeg, Olive, of and Mrs. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER ONT. Miss Irene Russell has left for Chatham General Hospital to go in training. Mr. and Mrs. H. Runnels and three daughter, of Edmonton, Alta., and Mrs. Maud Harvey, of London, are visiting with Mrs. J. S. Harvey. Mrs. Davis, and Miss Vina Fisher returned to Hamilton last week af­ ter visiting at the home Of Mr, Rd. Coates and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson have re­ turned to their home in Chicago af­ ter spending a week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rus­sell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allison were at .Shallow Lake on Wednesday at­ tending the marriage of Mr. John. Allison Rydall to Miss Anna Atche- son, Mr. and Mrs, Eric Armstrong, of Hamilton, visited in town and at Grand Bend the forepart of the week Mr. Armstrong being libra On busi­ ness in connection with the Bray Hatchety. Mr. Richard Coates, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, fol­ lowing an oiperation, was able to re­ turn home this week, Miss Marjorie Pearce, of Toronto, is Sipending her vacation at her home here. She was accompanied 'home by Dr. J. E. Whiting, of Toronto Hospital for Consumptives, Weston, Who returned to Toronto ‘evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roland and daughters Marjorie othy, who spent the past the former’s parents, Mr Jas. Brintnell, left on Wednesday morning to visit In Detroit, prior to returning to their home in North Battleford. on Sunday Brintnell and Dor- week with and Mrs. Mrs. Prank Taylor and daughter Jean and Miss Norma Dearing went the past week visited with-Mrs. Tay­ lor’s sister, Mrs. Norman Ford, of Detroit. Mr. Taylor motored over Friday for the week-end and while there they attended the box family reunion at Sylvania, Ohio-.