HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-07-28, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 218th, 1038 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’S BEAUTY SHOPPE for Croq., Combination or Spiral PERMANENTS 1125 For Appointments VERA C. DECKER, Proprietress Walker’s d Condilion Puwiiec y An Excellent w for " Gttle Mwp Hoj, n =i -j M WALKER Pam 0. .1 miirari O«W) s Get More DOLLARS Per Hog By Using Walker’s Condition Powders - at - Walker’s Drug Store Exeter Markets Wheat 62c Oats 30c Manitoba’s Best $3 00 Welcome Flour $2.20 Low Grade Flour $1.70 Bran $140 Shorts $1.40 Creamery Butter 29c. Dairy Butter 22-25C.Eggs. A large 23e Eggs, A medium 22c Eggs B 17c Eggs C 15c. Hogs $11.75 V *r E Poor Eyesight NEVER EARNED GOOD WAGES Of all your faculties, sight is the ipost essential. Your eyes are your livelihood. Op them depend? your hap­ piness and the > welfare of your loved ones. Don’t take chances with these irreplac­ eable treasurers. is CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B.4-, B.D, Minis ter Mrs, J. G. Cocbraue, Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School GREATLY REDUCED Another rack of Dresses, ten only in Crepes and Voiles. Values as high as $10,95, These are very special values. FOR SALE—1 2-furrow horse drawn, disc plow, practically new; used one season, at greatly reduced price. Apply to Wm. Kay, Crom­ arty. HONEY FOR SALE—Choice qual­ ity clover honey in customers con­ tainers 10c. a lb. 50 pounds or over 9c. a pound. Darrell Parker, R.R. 3, Exeter. 7-21-2tp FOR SALE—1 bicycle, several hand washing machines, 1 electric washing machine; one 14 amp. one half k. w- generator, Cornish Bros. 245 EXTRA BUS SERVICELOCALS DURING LONDON OLD BOYS C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday G. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone in MINK FOR SALE—Dark, hardy, prolific strain, full information on request, inspection welcomed. El­ mer Trick, 3i miles west of Clinton, Ont., R. R. 3 Experienced breeder. at of FOR SALE—Iron pump and 28 ft. pipe, ready for .well, E. C. Apple­ ton, Exeter. ltc FOR SAILE—Fordson tractor, disc and plow. Apply Alex Voisin, Ailsa Craig. 7-2 8-2tp FOR SALE—Whippet sport road­ ster, cash. Mrs. John Prout. ltp. STRAYED—From soutn half lot 3, Con, 5, Usborne, a red and white yearling heiler with horns, slit on under side of left ear. Information gladly received by W. T. Elford, R. R. 3, Exeter, phone 44 r 4, Kirkton. 7-28-3tc Leaves Exeter for London Sundays Holidays 8.40 a.m. and 6.10 pan. Leaves London for Exeter and Points North Sunday and Holidays 12.45 noon; 8.00 and 10.30 p.m. Week Days Leaves Exeter for London 8.40 a.iu. and 4.55 p.m. Leaves London for Exeter and Points North 12.45 noon; 6.00 p.m. & 10.30 p.m, Fop Further Information see Central Hotel, Exeter and and TOMLINSON’S Machineless Permanents FOR SALE—-Used furniture and stoves, furs repaired and remodelled reasonable. Opposite the Movies. Closed on Wednesday. FOR SALE-—One Maxwell Power Washing machine in good repair, 3 tub size, one coal oil heater. Apply Andrew Hicks. ltp. «• ——_------ FOR SALE—I have now on hand weed chemical selling at 10c, pound. Nelson Coultis, R.R. Exeter. per 3 BABY (’HICKS A number of Bray Started Leg­ horn pullet chicks, 2 to 3 weeks old. will be available this week. Also day- old chicks in some of the heavier breeds. Write for prices today. Mr. Rivers, across the street from the Hatchery. FOR SALE—House in Exeter with every convenience; with fruit trees. Apply to phone 162j. good garden L. Huston, 3-17-tfc. to buy orFARMS—If you wish sell a farm, see us. A good selection for sale at all times.—C. V. PICK­ ARD, phone 165. of J. I black j may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Phone 21 r 10, Kirkton. STRAYED— Onto the farm Gardiner, on Sunday last, a and white terrier. Owner GRAND BEND—Rooms for girls, housekeeping privileges, hydro, run­ ning water, well located, two to a room $5.00 per week per person. Apply to Mrs. L. Phinn. HOMES FOR SALE—In Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and ‘Lucan. Good values -........ phone and terms.- C. V. PICKARD 165. Now is the time to do that repair­ ing. No job too large or too small. When in need of quality tested grav­ el call 171 r 3, Exeter. We deliver anywhere. Prices reasonable, Cud- more’s Gravel. ROOF FIXING All kinds new and old. Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square, Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Joe. Becker Roofer, Clinton, Phone 42. AGENTS are ambitious, active, in establishing your business with sales and own of If you interested profitable over 200 guaranteed household pro­ ducts, ACT NOW! Safe and solid plan for alert .person. Quick^Sales. Steady cash. NO- obligatioft in send­ ing for full details of offer. FAM- ILEX CO,, 570 St. Clement, Mont­ reat Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore visited Galt on Sunday. Miss Vera Decker spent Sunday her home in Zurich. Dr. Wm. and Mrs. Lawson, Listowel. spent the week-end here. Mr. Jas. Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting with his mother, Mys. J. Stacey. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. T, O. South­ cott. James Street Sunday School are holding their picnic at Grand Bend today (Wednesday.) Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moise at Port Elgin. Miss Marion Schwegler, of Toron­ to, Is visiting with her uncle avnt, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore. Mrs. Fletcher, of Jtrathroy Miss M. Fletcher, of Detroit, visited ,vith Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nethercott, of London, visited with the latter's sis­ ter, Mrs. Wm. Pincombe last Fri­ day. Mrs. G. Manson, Miss Jessie Man- son and Miss Matthews, of London, were the guests of Miss L. M. Jeck- ' ell on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Pearce, who is taking a summer course in agriculture at the O.A.C.. Guelph, spent the week­ end at his Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shute, of Lon­ don, and Mrs. Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pincombe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harris, Kings­ ville, and Miss Brown, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sillery and other relatives. Mrs. Will Pybus, of Chiselhurst, and Miss Nellie Pybus and Geraldine Bragg, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryckman this week. Air. and Mrs. S. Roacb and son Arthur Roach and Mr. Cecil Trelea- ven, of Dungannon, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Hor­ ton. Air. and Mrs. Will Armstrong and daughter Lois, of Toronto, formerly of Moose jaw, Sask., visited with Air. and Mrs. Will Ryckman, Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemis, Miss Aland Bolton, of London and Mr. and Airs. Gordon Bolton, Hensall were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. E. Lindenfield. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ed worthy and little daughter Elaine, of Tillson- burg, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Edworthy's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Horton. Mrs. Harvey Messer and daughter Betty Ann, of Toronto, who have been visiting with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton, turned home with Mr. Messer Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance and Wingham on Sunday and called on Air. and Mrs. James Gilmour, Mr, Gilmour being in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mear, of Thorndale; Miss Mary Smith, Mrs. Wm. Braithwaite and Peggy, Lon- , don; Miss Mulligans, of St. Thomas and Mrs. Hobbs and daughter Re­ becca, of Birr, were the guests of Mrs. F. Sharpe on Sunday. Elaine Dobbs, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks’ vacation with Miss Verna Coates. Elaine is one of the fresh air children sent out from Toronto during the holidays and this is the third summer she has visited with Mies Coates, Mr. and Mrs. Will Saunby, of 806 Orange A.ve„ Santa Anna, Calif., vis­ ited for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton, Mr. Saunby being a cousin of Mrs. Horton, They will visit at Minnea­ polis at Mrs, Horton's brother, Mr. J, M> Saunby bn their way home. home here. Wm. Balman, of Clifford Phone 146 Order D. & H. Anthracite Now BUY WINTER COMFORT AT LOW SUMMER PRICES Summertime is coal-buying time. The time when wise fuel buyers obtain their usual winter’s supply of D&H Cone-Cleaned Anthra­ cite, at over unusually low mer prices. Buy D&H now. You’ll get Comfort at less cost. Order JAS. P. BOWEY sum- more now. Phones: Office 33; res. 157j Mr. Cecil Laing, of Erin, visited ovei* the week-end at hie home here. Miss Carrie Davie' visited with her sister, Mrs. O. Walker at Staffa on Sunday, Mr. Wilbur Millson, of Vancouver i3 visiting with his uncle, Mr. Hy. Welsh. Mr. Frank Weekes, of Hamilton, is holidaying with his uncle, Mr. J. Weekes. Miss Susanne Bawden, of Goder­ ich, is visiting her grandmother Mrs. S. Martin. We have room for three Veterans who wish to attend the Corps Reun­ ion Toronto. Get in touch with Bill Davis at the Times-.«.ilvocat.e by Fri­ day evening. MOTORS motored to USED CARS 1935 FORD Deluxe Coach 1929 PLYMOUTH Sedan, 4-cyl 1928 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan 1928 PONTIAC Sedan 1935 FORD 1-2 ton TRUCK SPECIALS ON TIRES Trade in those old tires on new ones at the New Low Prices. Phone 100 AND CO. Exeter 11 a.m.—Public Worship During the month of July morning service only, conducted by Rev. W. A. Young B. Sc.A., of Hensail. The Sunday School picnic is post­ poned until Thursday, July 28th. UNION SERVICES Maip St. and James St. United [ Churches Rev. A. Page of James Street in charge. Music under the direction j of Mr, W- R. Goulding A.T.C.M. and ‘ the James Street choir. | 10 a.m.—Sunday School i 11 a.m.—Main Street I and Take your pick for the low price of $1.98 Kenwood All Wool Blankets Kenwood Blankets have beauty and warmth, without weight. They come in plain colors and two color combinations, The prices have been reduced. Plain shades are now $5.50 Two colors are now $8.95 7 p.m.—James Street Wednesday, 8 o’clock, Prayer vice in James Street church. Ser- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organifet, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Mi (141 emiss Seventh Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Rev, W. Mair, of Thames Road will preach. Service in the Parish Hall. PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Services for the Week FRIDAY, JULY 29, at 8 p.m. Sunday, July 21st— Sunday School 10.30 a.m. Morning Worship 11.30 a.m. Evangelistic service 8 p.m. Evan. Allan & Parmenter will be present at the morning service, Miss Parmenter bringing Special speaker for the vice the message, evening ser- Bowie, Scot- attend Please will be Evang. L. land. All are invited to Special Attention Special meetings will be held in the Mizpah Mission, commencing on Tuesday, August 2, at 8 p.m. and continuing each night until Sunday, August 7. Evag. Allan and Par­ menter will be the special speakers. On Friday evening August 5, Miss Parmenter will give her life story in response to the many requests from those who have previously heard this r e m ark able experience. Subject: “From 'Cabaret to Calvary” Plan to attend all the services; you will regret missing any of them. Everyone is welcome Mrs. M. Rutherford, of Toronto, is spending the week at ‘the home of Airs. S. W. Sims. Mr. and Airs. Francis Hill and family have returned to London af­ ter visiting for two weeks with Mr. Hill’s mother, Mrs. L. Aldsworth and other relatives, Mrs, Wm, Foster, who has been spending a month with her sister Miss Annie Handford,’ returned to Toronto on Sunday accompanied by her daughter Miss Dorothy. Misses Bernice and Ada Horton, Miss Marjorie Flitoil and Mr. Bill Morrison, of oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. Horney and Miss M. Hor­ ton after spending a week at Grand Bend. Linoleum Rugs at Great Savings In two excellent patterns, suitable for verandahs, kitchens, bedrooms and small r rooms. 6 ft. by 9 ft. Regular Price $6.25 Sale price $4.25 They are away below regular price, 7 & ft. by 9 ft. Regular Price 9 ft. by 9 ft. Regular Price $7.85 $9.35 * Sale price $5.95 Sale price $6.95 45 prs. Men’s Heavy Shoes Some have leather, others have Panco soles with rubber heels or steel plates. We are making a special of these good work shoes this week at per pair $2.75 ♦ Visit Our China Department Bring in your visitors and have them brouse around and inspect our New China and Glassware that we have on display. You are not obliged to buy. GROCERY SPECIALS PEP With Milk Jug Free 2 pkgs, for . . 25c CHATEAU CHEESE 21-2 lb. pkgs. 30c TEA 1 lb.....................39c CATSUP 2 bottles for . 25c CHOICE CORN 3 tins for . . . 25c SUPER-SUDS Red Package 3 pkgs. .... 25c RINSO Large size Package Each..................49c SARDINES 6 tins for . . . 25c SCHNEIDER’S LARD 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c Southcott Bros. Exeter,Phone 16 rnri T 11^ 87 million 1937, more and bread, a women’s J EC Summer is Here! On With the Cool Wearing Apparel CURRIE CRYSTAL CRASH TIES—Priced from 50c. to $1. MEN’S SOCKS Ankle length in Silk and Silk and Wool FULL LINE OF STRAW HATS FOR SUMMER SUMMER TROUSERS AND SPORT SLACKS FANCY BELTS NEW AND DISTINCTIVE 50c. and $1.00 taken as her subject oil that occasion “Women and the Social Glass.” Bright, intelligent women shove the Temperance question into the ‘‘Land of What’s the Use,” while tlie liquor business flourished throughout the length and breadth of our land ancl in Ontario conditions are deplorable and alarming. The conditions were briefly but effectively reviewed as glso were world conditions in regard to Temperance. Mrs. Christie had taken great care and trouble to bring before the meeting a comparison of values. Ontario spent dollars in liquors during than was spent on milk Why is the social glass question? It leads to weakened will and loss of self control as increase in illigitimacy and other appalling conditions testify. Displayed on one cable was whiskey $2.58. On an­ other table groceries costing $2.58 as follows: Sugar 5 lb., roast beef 3 ib., rolled oats 4 lb. butter, lard, ! cheese and soda biscuits, 1 l'b. each; j milk, 1 qt.; tea lb.; potatoes, 1 jl.k.; oranges, i doz.; shredded i wheat, 1 box; pork and beans, 1 can and 2 loaves of bread. Miss Hart­ noil was the guest speaker of the afternoon and brought a very earn­ est and informative message. De­ termination in the part of the liquor forces to induce women to drink ! and to patronise the beverage rooms was: being puade everywhere. Al- James Street W. At. S« The July meeting of the James St. W.M.S. was held in the church par-| lours, July 14th, with the President in charge. Hymn 15’3 was sung and all repeated the Lord’s prayer. Min- j utes of the June meeting were read' and adopted. The treasurer’s report ' was given by Mrs. Buswell showing $209 sent to presbyterial Treasurer to date for 1938 (6 months givings). Community Friendship Secretary ported making 16 calls. It was cided to hold the usual meeting August 11th, for which Mrs; B. F Beavers kindly offered her home. A committee was appointed to ar­ range for this meeting as follows:' Mrs.' Buswell, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. F. ' cohol and nicotine do not belong to Delbridge and Mrs. Beavers, Offer­ ing was taken and 12 responded to the roll call. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Horney "Tem­ perance” Jibing the theme with Buswell, Mrs, Ogden and Mrs. bridge taking part, a solo by T, Coates brought the worship vice to a close. The meeting ^hen given over to the Temperance Secretary, Mrs. G. Walker1, who had arranged an exceptionally fine pro­ gram. Mrs. Christie brought a splendid report -on Temperance from the recent W.M.S, conference branch held in London. Mrs. w. PHONE 81 EXETEB, ONT. re- de- on W. Miss Jean Hagerman returned af­ ter spending five weeks with her aunt Mrs. Louisa I-Iorton in Oshawa. the beautiful and uplifting influenc­ es of life, rather, they belong to. the things that degrade, injure and de­ stroy human life and happiness. Miss Hartnell also read a paper pre­ pared by Mrs. Miners, who recently left for Kingsville, Quotations were given from the world’s’ greatest statesmen speaking of the evil and danger of the drink traffic. Among others "Were it not for liquor the doors of divorce courts could be closed.” This splendid programme was^brought to a'close with the sing­ ing 1 of hymn 100 ano the benedic* Craw had tion, I Mrs. Del- Mrs. ser- was Mrs. Jamieson, of Montreal, form­ erly Miss Cora Manning and her son Manning, called on friends in town, Tuesday while on a motor trip. They visited at Pt. Colborne and Niagara Falls before coming to Exeter and left here to call on friends in Clin­ ton. Mention was paper of early by Mr. Frank near Ellmville the first week in July, have had a cauliflower tufly headed and a cabbage of good size. made in last week’s ripe tomatoes grown Coates. A resident had ripe tomatoes ; they also Mr. F, J. McLeod, of. Ailsa Craig, was elected D.D.G.M District South Huron, Lodge which met in week. A number of from Exeter wove in i I., of Masonic , at the Grand' Toronto Inst ! the brethren attendance. Mrs. Beasley, of Toronto, is spend­ ing a week with Mt. and Mrs. A, E. Barker. * Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Smith, of Toronto, are visiting the latter’s ■ mother Mrs. Irvin Armstrong and sister Miss May. Miss Ruth Carling, who. has 'been visiting with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Carling/for a month returned to. her home in London on Saturday. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Johnston this week were Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffatt, of Bn- ion; Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Hall and his sister, Miss Mary Hall, of Ashfioid; Mr, and Mrs. R, W. E. Hall and daughters Lorraine and Almeda, of Brantford. Mr. Hall is a nephew and Is principal of the Central School there: Mr, and Mrs. John Blake and niece, Miss Olive Blake, of Ashfield and Mr. Walter McBoath^of Brucefield,