HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-07-21, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY Slst, 1938 V’S BEAUTY SHOPPE for — Croq., Combination or Spiral PERMANENTS 112 For Appointments VERA C< DECKER, Proprietress 3 ft. Walker’s ’ Condi hbn Powder -1 An M (attic HqmRwIIq « -3 . t»y ’■*» i| M WALKER Phro ». £ anaGnUMVO Having Trouble with your CALVES? Here’ the Remedy For Sale - at - Walker’s Drug Store Exeter Exeter Markets Oats 35c. Manitoba’s Best $3.00 Wt-k-'me Flour $2.30 Low Grade Flour $1.70 Bran $1.40 Shorts $1.4 Q Creamery Butter 29c. DairyEggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 22-25c.A large 24c A medium 23c. B 18c. C Tec. $11.25 Practically all of the wheat has been cut in this district and thresh­ ing will begn shortly. There is some report of rust hut not as much as in some localities. Some of the wheat is not a very good sample but on the whole it should be a pretty fair crop FOR SALE—Houses in Exeter and special Farms of various size and -Wm. C. Pearce, Exeter ltp other villages, some with terms. price.- <S. S. and Bible Class -Devotional Services -Evangelistic Service 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Rev. W, Mair, of Thames Road will preach. Service in the Parish Hall. TRIV1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Sixth Sunday After Trinity 10.30 i 11.30 8 p.m.' We welcome you to all our services! Pastor J. T. EDGAR THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ■ GREATLY REDUCED TIMM TABLE TOMLINSON’S LOCAL NEWS Southcott Bros Phone 16 in Exeter, a.m.> a.m.- Poor Eyesight NEVER EARNED GOOD WAGES To Exeter South Bound Daily Except Sundays and Holidays 8.40 a.m. and 4.55 pan. Sundays and Holidays 6.10 pan. North to Kincardine, Pt. Elgin and Southampton Daily Except Sundays & Holidays 1.45 p..m and 7.10 pan. Sundays and Holidays 1.45 p.m. and 8.55 pan. Of all yopr faculties, sight is the most essentia}. , Your eyes are your livelihood. On them depends ypur hap­ piness end the welfare of your loved, ones. Don’t take chances with these irreplac­ eable treasurers. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, R.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 1U a.in.—Sunday School Bus ServiceLOCALS C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Phone 245 11 a.m.—-Public Worship During the month of July morning service only, conducted by Rev. W. A. Young B. Sc,A.t of Hensall. The Sunday School picnic is post­ poned until Thursday, July 28th, UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St, United Churches Rev. A. Page of James Street in charge, Music under the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. and the James Street choir. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—James Street 7 p.m.—Main Street. Wednesday, 8 o’clock, Prayer Ser­ vice in James Street church. This is a real bargain. 18 only Summer Dresses that sold regularly for $2.95 each. We must clear them and are putting them on our $1.00 rack this week. Be sure to get one at this low price. LUNCH CLOTHS Made from good qualify materials. The patterns are very smart and come in bright colors. $1.35 — $1.59 LADIES’ CREPE GOWNS Made of good quality cotton crepe in plain white, neck-trimmed with colored figured crepe SPECIAL AT $1.00 ’ SILK HOSE LADIES’ PYJAMAS In the season’s newest shades. These Cotton Crepe in pink, blue, peach or are sub-standards and are special value at maize. Two very smart styles priced at PER PAIR 59c.$1.19 — $1.85 MINK FOR SALE — Pure Bred Quebec Mink for Sale. Place your or­ der now for first choice of this year’s kits. We have over a hundred kits to choose from at $50 a trio. Corres­ pondence invited. R. Faber’s Ranch. R.R, No. 1, Hensall, Mink Ont. horse new; FOR SALE—1 2-furrow drawn disc plow, practically used one season, at greatly reduced price. Apply to Wm. Kay, Crom­ arty. 2tp ■Custom Plowing done, sonable. C. Faber R. R. Phone 22-92 Hensall. Prices rea- 1, Hensall, & May’s in Stephen Finder please LOST—Between Jones store and H. Beaver’s Township, 45 bags, leave at Jones & May’s Seed store. .Leaving Room for tel or Box for Vancouver, Aug. two. Apply Central 13 8 Exeter. 1st. Ho- FOR SALE-—Bathing suit new, size 40; bathing suit has been used} size 38. Apply at Times-Advocate. , HONEY FOR SALE—Choice qual­ ity clover honey in customers con­ tainers 10c. a lb. 50 pounds or over 9c. a pound. Darrell Parker, R.R. 3, Exeter. 7-21-2tp WANTED—Collie dog, 6 months old, good to work. Clinton Sweet, Centralia, R. R. 1. ltp BRICK FOR SALE — About* seven thousand sloip brick. Good. Apply to The Wick wire Press, Exeter. Our Clover Honey is ready for sale, good quality. Ewart Pym, Simcoe St., Exeter. FOR SALE—1 bicycle, several hand washing machines, 1 electric washing machine; one 14 amp. 'one half k. w. generator, Cornish Bros. STRAYED—Onto lot 3, con. Stephen about 21st of June one Apply Hubert White, Crediton 1. 3, hog. R.R. andLOST—Spare tire 5.2.5x20 rim, in the vicinity of Exeter. Find­ er please return to Seth Winer, Exe­ ter. ltp. FARMS—If you wish to buy or sell a farm, see us. A good selection for sale at all times.—C. V, PICK­ ARD, phone 165. STRAYED—Onto the farm Gardiner, on Sunday last, a and white terrier. Owner have same by proving property and • paying for advt. Phone 21 r 10, Kirkton. of J. black may GRAND BEND—Rooms for girls, housekeeping privileges, hydro, run­ ning water, well located, two to a room $5.00 per week per person. Apply to Mrs. L. Phinn. HOMES FOR SALE—In Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Luican. Good values and terms.—C. V. PICKARD phone 165. Now is the time to do that repair­ ing, No job too large or too small. When in need of quality tested grav­ el call 171 r 3, Exeter. We deliver anywhere, Prices reasonable; Cud* more’s Gravel. ROOF FIXING All kinds new and old. Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 6 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Joe. BeCkbr Roofer, Clinton, Rhone 42. FOR SALE—Hous0 In Exeter with every convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply to L. Huston, phone 162j. S-lT-tfc, I I I Mrs. Maud Heywood is holidaying at Ipperwash beach, Miss Jean Coates has been engag­ ed to teach school near Medina. Mrs. S. B. Taylor, Shirley and Lorna are camping at Grand Bend. Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, is holidaying at her home for two weeks. Mr. Wm. Birney, of Toronto, is ‘ spending a few days with his mother Mrs, Chas. Birney. Jean Christie, of Toronto, is vis­ iting with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Miss June Gordon returned to her home in Toronto Saturday after holi­ daying with Mr. and Mrs. T. O, Southcott. Mrs. Strange and daughter Grace have just returned from Bright’s Grove where they have been vaca­ tioning. Mr. Roy Parsons, Mrs. S. Parsons, Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. Grierson and Mrs. E. Treble visited in Meaford over the week-end, Mr. Harvey Perkins, Ray and Ivan and Mrs. Chas. Perkins spent the week-end in Detroit, the latter re­ maining On a visit. Mrs, Gladys Rousom returned to her home in Toronto Saturday after visiting for a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffiths who have been visiting with Miss Annie Handford for a few weeks returned to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Thos. Webb, of Edmonton and Miss Violet Willis, of Marlette, Mich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Frday last. Miss Mary McKaig on Monday re­ ceived a half dozen silver knives and forks which she won in a recent draw at Mount Carmel. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Down, of Gobles, have been visiting with their daughter Mrs. Wm. Kernick. They left this week for Port Stanley. Master Ronald Hookey has return­ ed to his home in London after vis­ iting for two weeks with his grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beavers and Laurene and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in Londesboro on Sat­ urday at the Moon and Tufts reunion Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Borden Sand­ ers, Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Annie L. Sanders attended the funeral .of the late Mrs. Elia Millson, at Lon­ don, on Monday. Mr. Alfred Coates, who was in­ jured in a fall from a cherry tree last week is improving nicely. Hd was able to be out of bed Sunday for the first time. On Monday of this week Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston had the pleas­ ure of having their son Freeborn and family of Washington, D.C., vis­ it them. They are holidaying at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones, Hensall, were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and also in the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones. On Sale from July 14 to 23 rd. Best quality Silver’ware in Grosvenor Plate at Half Price for eight, 314 pieces, regular $50.00 for $25.00 at S, B. TAYLOR’s Jewellers. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gurd and daughter Ruth and Mr* and Mrs. Geo, Jewell, of London, visited in town on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell staying to visit friends in and around Exeter for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson and two children and Mrs. Acheson’s <mother Mrs. Farrell, who have been holidaying at Exeter and Grand Bend have returned to their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Neil M. Marshall, Jr. and children Neil Alice, of 'Dearborn, ing their vacation They 'are residing Cottage” at Port Frank during July. Machineless Permanents Phone 146 The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. V. Broughton on the death of her father, Samuel G. Riddell, who died suddenly in Lon­ don on June 28th. Mrs. Brough­ ton is remaining in London for a few weeks.ft Messrs, W. H. Pollen, W. M. of the Exeter Masonic Lodge, and Jas. Bowey, W. M. of the Hensall Mas­ onic Lodge, with Bro. W. W. Taman, Thos. Pryde, M. W. Pfaff, J. A. Tra- quair, E. M. Dignan and H. S. Wal­ ter are in Toronto attending Masonic Grand Lodge. Mrs. Austin F. Bickell and Dor­ othy Anne, of London, returned to their home Sunday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kuntz of Windsor, and Mrs. R, McDonald and son Thomas of Detroit, were al­ so visitors at the parental home. PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) -Service Friday Evening at 8 p.m. with Communion Services for Sunday lit and Nancy Mich., are spetid- at our beaches, at the ’‘Stucco TAKE A TIP FROM US’ BUY COAL NOW PRICES ARE GOING UP Why wait and pay MORE for the coal you need next winter. Fill your bin with D & H Cone- Cleaned Anthracite NOW — be­ fore prices advance. So Call Us Today. JAS. P. BOWEY Phones: Office 33; res. 157j USED CARS 1935 FORD V8 De Luxe Coach 1930 CHEVROLET Coach 1930 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan 1929 CHEVROLET Sedan 1929 PLYMOUTH Sedan, 4-cyl 1929 WHIPPET Coach 1929 PONTIAC Coach 1935 1-2 ton FORD Pick-Up 1931 FORD 1 1-2 ton 1930 CHEVROLET Panel SPECIALS ON TERES Trade in those old tires oh new ones at the New Low Prices. Mr. and Mrs. Poyner, of Stratford, were in town on Tuesday. Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Hunt holidaying at Kingsville. Mrs. J. A. Stewart is visiting with relatives at Bowmanville. Miss Marion Bissett has returned to Exeter after holidaying in Detroit. Mrs. Hill and babe, visited with her mother Mrs. H. Jennings for a few days Miss Jean Fitton, of Trenton, is visiting with her grandmother Mrs. S, Fitton. Mrs. Milo Snell and her daughter May, and Mrs. N. Baker are holiday­ ing at Grand Bend. Masters Donald, Douglas and Ross Scott, of Tilleonburg, visited last week with their aunt Mrs. M. Cook. Miss Dorothy Camm, of Usborne, has been engaged to teach domestic science at the Forest Hill Village, •School, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery visited at the Boys Camp at Goderich on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Hattie Handford, Woodstock, and Miss Dorothy Foster, of Toron­ to, are holidaying for a couple of ’weeks with Miss Annie Handford. Miss Helen Brown, of Toronto, visited with Miss L. M. Jet Roll dur­ ing the past 'week and is this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harris at Kingsville. Mrs, Buchanan, son Hugh and daughter, of Calgary, Alta., and Mr. Douglas Blatchford, of Toronto, vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood last Week1. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding, of town; Mrs. David Goulding, of Kirkton, were at Arthur on Monday attending the funeral of the former’s uncle the late Jonathan Goulding. Mr. and Mrs. E. Russell, Mrs. W. J. Beer and Mrs. B. Cunningham were in London Saturday owing to the death of Mrs. Werner, mother of Mr. K« Werner. Mr. W. J. Beei* at­ tended the funeral on Sunday. Mrs. J. G. Stanbury, Jack and Ro­ bert, of St. Catharines, wiho are holi­ daying at their summer home at Bayfield, called on friends in town Tuesday. Miss; Elaine Stanbury, With Miss Jean Grieve, of Grand Bend, were in town Tuesday. New China, Glassware, Dinnerware Bring in your friends and look over our tables of China and Glassware. Many new novelties have been added. STRAW HATS FOR MEN Showing the newest shapes in light weight straws for hot weather. $1.00 — $1.19 — $1.95 NEW BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS Just the thing for holidays and for cool summer evenings. EACH $1.95 TOOKE’S AND FORSYTHE SHIRTS In plain white and the new mellotone. These are quality shirts. PRICED AT $1.95 WHITE OXFORDS FOR MEN In three price ranges showing the new­ est styles. $2.95 — $3.95 — $5.00 Specials in Summer Footwear 50 pairs Misses and Boys’, also Women’s Canvas Footwear. Many of these lines sold for $1.50 and $1.75. See this table of special values at per pair 98c. GROCERY SPECIALS TOMATOES 3 large tins . . 25c CORNED BEEF 2 tins................25c PICKLES Large jar .. . 25c PORK & BEANS 3 large tins . . 25c BREAD FLOUR Extra special while they last Alberta Rose 49 lb. .... $1.69 SHORTENING 2-1 lb. pkgs. . 25c PEKOE TEA Black — Special 1 lb.....................39c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA 3 boxes for . . 25c MAGIC COFFEE 1 lb.....................27c Main Street Evening’ Auxiliary An outdoor meeting held at the home of Mrs. E. Russell was opened by singing “Far and Near the Fields” and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Miss Olive Lawson read the scripture the 22nd Psalm. Mrs. Harvey Ste­ wart (nee Verna, Walker) favored us with a lovely solo, followed by singing “I Lay My Sins on Jesus.” It was decided to withdrawn our Au- guest meeting. Mrs. Layton very ably told us about some of the in­ teresting speakers and their address­ es which she. has heard while on her visit to the South. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the benedic­ tion. A dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cryderman and Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Cry- derman and Mr. and Mrs. David Rit­ chie, of Thamesville, were guests at the James St. parsonage on Sunday. Summer is Here! On With the Cool Wearing Apparel CURRIE CRYSTAL CRASH TIES—Priced from 50c. to $1 MEN’S SOCKS Ankle length in Silk and Silk and Wool FULL LINE OF STRAW HATS FOR SUMMER SUMMER TROUSERS AND SPORT SLACKS FANCY BELTS NEW AND DISTINCTIVE 50c. and $1.00 W. W. T A M A N AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter BABY CHICKS Catch Up and Cash In on the high egg prices early next Winter, with Bray started pullet chicks. We have some 2 and 3 week old Leghorn pul­ lets available. Order now while the supply lasts, Mr. Rivers across the street from the Hatchery, Main St. W. M. S. 1‘HONE 81 EXETER, ONT. F are the best. Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer Firtt The regular meeting was held on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Johns was in charge and opened the meeting with the hymn "Blessed As­ surance” and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. The preeident took charge of the business. Cards were sent to the “shut-ins,” A hymn, program was conducted by Mrs. Wickwire, which all enjoyed. The Study Book Was also taken by Mrs. Wickwire. The August meeting is to be at the Riverview Park with Mrs. Gunning as Leader. Visitors during the week at the hdme of Mr. and Mrs. tl. Welsh were Mr. A. E. Duke, London; Mr. A. E. Bailey, Toronto; Mrs. J. T. Fuller and daughter Mrs. Arthur Brown, of Sarnia; Mrs. Harold Young and son Toronto; Mrs. John Snell, Windsor. Mrs. Snell is remaining for some time to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing arriv­ ed home Monday afteb spending six Weeks with relatives in various parts of Michigan. They vlsjted in Detroit, Birmingham, Flint,, Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, Heieey, Sebetvaing, Kingston and Mhrlette spending the last week in Sarnia. SALESMEN! If you ate not earning $3 a day, you cannot afford to miss this op­ portunity! Over 800 men make from $13.00 to $50.00 weekly ac­ cording to ability with distribution of 200 guaranteed products. Cash Sales. Free Gifts, Liberal com­ mission! RIGHT NOW best time td start this business. Free particulars Without obligation, FAMIDEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreat*