HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-07-07, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE TIHKSBAY, JI.M TUf, 1038 HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron spent Sunday in Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McAsh, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday with relatives. Miss Mae McNaughton,« Toronto, spent the holidays at her home here Mr. Harry Howad has been in very poor health for several weeks, Mrs. Trenner, o-f Montreal, is vis­ iting with hei* brother Mr. Alt. Tay­ lor, Mr. George Davis, of Mount For­ est, spent the holiday with friends in town. Miss E. Johnston, was in Toronto last week and returned with a new Podge coiupe. Mr. Norman Sinclair, of Blyth, called on friends in town on Sat­ urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, of Chesley, are visiting relatives in Hensail this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, McKenzie and family, spent the holidays with friends at Strathroy. Mr. Casey Hudson and friend, of Listowel, epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McLean and children, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. ILaird Mickle and children spent the week-end with relatives in Ridgetown. Mrs. Irwin, of California, is visit­ ing with her brother Mr. Thomas Sherrtt and other relatives. Mr. Ross Miller and Mr.. John Faulds, of Windsor, were'recent vis­ itors with relatives here. Miss Grace Brock has returned to her position in London, after spend­ ing a week at her home. Mrs. Dr, Steer and little daughter came home from St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, on Monday. Mrs. Elizabeth McAsh, is visiting for a week at the home of her son Mr. John McAsh, of Varna. Miss Margaret Hobkirk, of De­ troit, is spending a few days visit­ ing relatives and friends in town. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, spent the holiday here with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, Albert Spencer. The Hensail Citizens Band took part in 'the Band Tattoo held at Parkhill on Wednesday evening last. Mr. Albert Passmore, of Delhi is spending his holidays with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. During the summer- months the evening service in the United church will start at 8 p.m. instead of 7. The village council had the roads all oiled.and sanded last week and they are now in good shape for the summer. A number from here attended the Butt family reunion held at Harbor Park, Goderich, on Saturday after­ noon. Miss Minnie Sangster is recover­ ing nicely from her recent opera­ tion for appenditicis at the Clinton hospital. Mr. Harold Sherritt, of Toronto., spent the holiday and week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherritt. The Hensail Public Library will be closed for a couple of weeks, the librarian, Mrs. Cameron, being away on her holidays. Mr. Cecil Hudson .and little' son of Chicago, spent the holiday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. Mark Drysdale, who has been confined to- his home for several months was able to be out for a drive on .Sunday. The Arnold Circle- of Carmel Presbyterian church will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. English who has been ill at the home of her brother Mr. Geo. Howard, of Exeter, for several weeks is now improving nicely. Dr, Samuel Coulter, of Toledo, Ohio, accompanied by his wife and daughter are visiting with the Dr’s father, Mr. John Coulter. Quite a number of young men from Hensall are employed at the Exeter Canning factory on the pea pack for a couple of weeks. Miss Joyce .Scruton, of Toronto, -spent the holiday and. week-end with her mother Mrs, A. Scruton and sis­ ter Miss Mildred Scruton. Mrs. W. Johnston and son Mervyn and Mrs. Berie, of Pilot Mound, Man., were visitors last week with their cousin, Mrs. Nelson Blatchford. Miss Dorothy MacCraken, of Tor­ onto, Field Secretary for the Upper Canada Tract and Book Society, was in town a couple of days last week. Mr., and Mrs. Jamesr Priest, of port Huron, were visitors here over the week-end with the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. James Priest, Sr. The Sunday School and congrega­ tion of the United church will hold their annual, picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon, July 13th. Mu. and Mrs. Dr. Smith aond children, of ,St. Marys, and Mrs. 0. Abbott, spent the holiday and week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. Mr. Douglas Sangster assisted at the C.N.R. station last week, taking the place of Donald Walker who was attending the big military camp at Pinehill. A. baseball game will be played on the local diamond on Friday ev­ ening between the Blyth and Hen­ sall teams of the Huron-Perth league series. Mr. John Zuefle was in Flint, Mich., on .Saturday last attending the funeral of his brother the latf Chris, Zuefle, a former Exeter busi­ ness man. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Henry, of- Cass City, Mich., visited relatives in town laet week; also visited with rela­ tives at Russeldaje, .Clinton and Woodstock, Mr, E* K, Hutton, who was re­ lieving at the C. N. R. station for a few days hag returned home and has resumed h,is position with Mr. A. J. Sweitzer at the Beach.-O-Pines. Miss Winnie Stewart, of the 3rd Con,, Tuckersmith, who' has been in Dr, Moir’s Hospital, Huron Springs, for some time taking treatments for rheumatism is slowly improving. Mr, and Mrs. William McLean and family, of Hamilton and Mr. Albert Passmore, of Delhi, spent the holi­ day and week-end here with their parents Mr, and Mrs, John Passmore Mr. Siess, of Flint, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Black and Mr. Hogan, of Kit­ chener, Mr. and Mrs. Sours and Mr. Reynolds, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. E. K, Hutton. Mr. Nathan Warrener, of Pontiac Mich,, a former well known Hensall resident was in town on Sunday af­ ternoon calling on friends. Mr, Warrener’s many friends were glad to see him. Misses Alva McQueen, Goldie Cross and Marion Filshie will at­ tend the summer school which is to be held in Goderich next week as delegates from the Y.P.S. and Sun­ day School of the United church. At Carmel Presbyterian church there was no service in the morn­ ing. The, pastor Rev. Mr, Young, conducted the service at Caven Pres­ byterian church, Exeter. In the ev­ ening Rev. Mr. Young occupied his own p'ulplt. Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dayman, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. Edith Snell and Miss Jessie Hodgert spent Wednes­ day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ho­ gan, of Lucknow. Quite a number of Hensall ladies played a game on the- Hensall bowl­ ing green on Monday evening, Al! ladies wishing to play will be made welcome, and it is expected that a special night for the ladies will be selected. Mr. G. C. Petty left on Tuesday for Ottawa, where he will be a dele­ gate for the Federal Riding of Hur- on-Perth at the convention being held in Ottawa this week to select a leader to take the place of Right Hon. R. B. Bennett. The Hensall boys who were with B Company, Seaforth, a unit of the Middlesex-Huron regiment, who spent last week in training at the Pinehill Military Camp, returned to their homes on Saturday morning They all report a good time at the camp. Mr. Olapde Blowes, Miss Ellis and Miss Pfaff, teachers in the Hen­ sall Public School, have all been re­ engaged at the same salary. Mr. R. Moore, principal of the Continua­ tion School has also been re-engag­ ed and his assistant will be Miss M. Kilpatrick, of Trowbridge. Haying is in full swing in this district and is a good crop. The fall wheat is very heavy, also other grains. There are hundreds of acres of beans growing and quite a number of Hensall people are en­ gaged in hoeing beans for the farm­ ers. While working on William Har­ vey’s new garage,* at the west side of the village, Mr. James Kilpat­ rick had the misfortune to have a 28 foot timber fall on him. He suf­ fered a broken shoulder and torn ligaments in his arm. He was taken to the Scott Memorial Hospital, .Sea­ forth, for treatment. (Secretary-Treasurer A. L. Case, of the Hensall Board of Education has received a cheque from County Treasurer A. H. Erskine for ?!,- 301.76, the county’s share for pay­ ment of the education of pupils at­ tending the Hensall Continuation School who live outside the school district. The holiday passed very quietly in the village, no celebration of any kind being he4d. There were quite a number of visitors in town, quite a number of American cars being noticable. From Thursday evening to late Monday night there was a tremendous traffic through here on No. 4 Highway. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron at­ tended the Youngblut and Wagner family reunion held on.Monday on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Adam F. Youngblut, on No. 19 Highway, 2% miles south of Tavistock.' Mrs. Bonthron sang several selections in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. Young- blut’s recent 50 th wedding anni­ versary. Russel Hedden, while helping his brother Vernon paint the roof of d barn on one of the John’s farms near Elimville, had the misfortune to slip on the wet paint and in trying ®to save himself from a bad fall clutched at some tin on the roof and in doing so cut, his fingers so badly that it took several stitches to close 1 the wounds. [ Mr. Sam Rannie is attending the 1 Summer School at Western Univers- ! ity, London, taking tne vocal and ; instrumental courses in music. Miss Lettie Love, Miss Mabel Workman and Miss Hasel Thompson are tak­ ing the course in education. The course in education is for teachers and is requited for making perman- sent interim first class certificates. a Dull Boy" and you have contri­ buted not a little to our community recreations. We have enjoyed our fellowship with you and feel that our lives are richer for having had you in our midst for this period of time, As a slight token of our apprecia­ tion of what you have meant to us and our affection for you, we beg you to accept these gifts and we trust that our loss will be others gain. May God bless you in your new undertaking and througho-ut the remainder of your life, Signed on behalf of S.S. No. 10, Hay. Miss Love made a very appropri­ ate reply and thanked her pupils and friends for their beautiful gifts. iShe spoke of her pleasant relation­ ship with pupils and ratepayers of the section and would always have pleasant memories of her four years as teacher in No. 10, Hay, and that she would watch the future careers of her former pupils with a great deal of interest. Miss Love is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Love, of Hensall and as a teacher she has shown great ability. Death of Mrs. Mary Welsh The death occurred at her home on Tuesday morning of Mrs. Mary Welsh, widow of the late Richard Welsh and one of our aged and well known residents. Mrs. Welsh has been in poor health for several years. About five weeks ago her condition became serious and ow­ ing to her advanced age she failed to rally. She was bom in Devon­ shire, England 87 years ago and in 1880, with her husband and several children1 came to Canada. The family located at Hensall and have resided here since, where they have been highly respected citizens. Mr. Welsh predeceased her by about 7 years. .She was a member Of the United church, Mrs. Welsh was the mother of 12 children, 11 are living, one son, George Welsh, was killed at Passahendale, during the Great War. The surviving members of the family are Mrs. W. Seed and Mrs. Andy Youngblut, of Vancouver; Mrs. J. A. McMunchy, Winnipeg; Mrs. Abner Johnson, of Ninga, Man.; Mrs. L. Bishop, Bat­ tleford, Sask.; Mrs. Agnes Fair­ bairn, Snow Flake, Man.; Mrs. E. Doyle, Toronto; Mrs. Alf. Clark, Hensall; William and Thomas, of Hensall and John, of Vermilion, Al­ berta. There are also two brothers and one sister surviving and quite a number of grand children and great grand children. The funeral, which was .private, took place from her late residence, King St., on Sat­ urday afternoon, interment taking place in the Hensall Union cemet­ ery. The funeral service was con­ ducted by her former pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair assisted by the new­ ly inducted pastor of the United church Rev. Mr. Brooks. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a beautiful solo “Good Night and Good Morning.” The pall bearers were four nephews Messrs. Ivan, William, and Charles Welsh, Albert Scott, and two grand­ sons, Messrs. Scott and Royce Welsh. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mrs. Geo. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and son Norman, of Strath­ roy; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Welsh, Miss Leila Welsh, Miss Vera Welsh and Mrs. Jones, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh, of Stratford; Mrs. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, of Farquhar; Mrs. John New­ combe, Mrs. Ed. Howald, Mrs. Clark Mr. Harry Welsh and Mr. William Welsh, all of Exeter. DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam­ ily, of Pontiac, Mich., are spending their vacation with the former’s mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Mclsaac and family, of Windsor, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender. Mrs. Henrich, of Kitchener, visit­ ed friends here oh Sfunday. Mr. Harry Hoffman is attending a post graduate course in- embalming at the Banting Institute in Toronto this week. Dr. R. H. and Mrs. Taylor are at­ tending the Conservative Convention in Ottawa this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce and Miss­ es Grace and Reta Hayter, of Wind­ sor, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter, Master Bobby Hayter returned with them and will spend his holidays in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, of Windsor, railed on friends here over the holiday. Mr. Orna Statfen and friend, of. Sarnia, vesited relatives here on Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Nichal, of Hickson and Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell and Mr. and Mrs. Granger, of Detroit, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Jas, Hart­ leib and Lavada. Mr. Wes, Smith and mother, Mrs. H. Smith, of Detroit, called on friends on Sunday. They were presi­ dents of the village forty years ago therefore saw a lot of changes in t licit tinio* Mrs. Frank Morenz who has been attending her mother who is serious­ ly ill returned to her home in De­ troit on Monday. Mr. Milford Mclsaac and Willis A large number of farmers and others attended a field meeting held on the farm of Mr. James Smillie, one mile north of Hensall on the Highway, tm Monday evening. The meeting was tor the purpose of in» specting the variety and fertilizer test plots on fall wheat which were laid out on Mr, Smillie’s farm last fall in co-operation with the field husbandry and chemistry depart­ ments of the O.A.'C. The meeting was under the direction of the Hur­ on County branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Lady Injured in Accident What might have been a serious accident happened to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kyle, of Hensall, while driv­ ing on the Mill Road, near Seaforth, early Saturday morning. The car was driven by Mr. Kyle and crashed with another car driven by Mr. El­ mer Turner, of Varna, who was ac­ companied by Mrs. Turner. After colliding practically head on, both machines took to the ditch on the same side of the road. The Kyle car crashed through a fence and turned over. Mrs. Kyle suffered an injured left eye and head and body injuries. She was taken to the Sea­ forth hospital for treatment and lat­ er in the day was brought to her home. Mr. Kyle sustained minor lacerations. The Turners were not injured. Constables 'Stewart and Snell investigated the accident. Annual Party The annual party of the United church Mission Band was held on the church lawn on Monday after­ noon when the leader of the Band, Miss Kathryn Drysdale, assisted by Miss Goldie Cross and Miss Mar­ garet Tudor entertained about 40 members. The afternoon was spent in games followed by a short pro­ gram after which a dainty lunch was served. Induction Service The induction of the new pastor, Rev Mr. Brooks, formerly of Blyth, took place at the United church on Thursday evening last. In spite of the wet evening, the service was well attended. Rev. Mr. Peters, of Varna, addressed the congregation, and Rev. R. Gale, of Bayfield, ad­ dressed ’ the minister. After the induction service was over a recep­ tion was held and a social half hour spent. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Brooks conducted the services both morn­ ing and evening and at Chiselhurst in the afternoon. Death of William Dow • Mr. William Dow, an aged and highly respected citizen of Hensall, passed away at his home on Thurs­ day after an extended illness. He was born in the Staffa district, in Perth county and spent his early life there and after reaching man­ hood, farmed there for a great many years. He later purchased a farm 1U miles soutn of Brucefield on the Highway, and resided there till two years ago he purchased a residence iu Hensall and with Mrs. Dow, retired from the farm to live in Hensall. Since coming to Hen­ sall he has been in poor health most of the time. He was a very suc­ cessful farmer, always taking a keen interest in general farming and raising live stock. In religion he was a Presbyterian till the time of church union and since has been a devoted member of the United church. Mr. Dow was married .twice. Besides his widow he is sur­ vived by three daughters: Mrs. P. Good, of Stratford; Mrs. Hugh Nor- ii’is, of Staffa; Mrs. George Miller, of Hamilton and two sons W. C. Dow, of Windsor and Thos. Dow, of Detroit, children by his first mar­ riage. Another daughter, Mrs. E. Miller, passed away two years ago. A private funeral will be held from his late residence on Wednesday af­ ternoon, followed by a public ser­ vice at Roy’s church. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Brooks, pastor of the United church, Hensall, assisted by Rev W. A. Young, pastor of Carmel Presby­ terian church. Inter merit will be made in Roy’s cemetery. Presentation The scholars and parents of S. S. No. 10, Hay Twp., held their annual picnic at Turnbull’s Grove on Sat­ urday afternoon, June 25th. Dur­ ing the afternoon Miss Lettie Love, who has been a very successful teacher at that school for the past four years, and at the end of this term resigned to accept a position with the Toronto Board of Educa­ tion, was presented with an ad­ dress and an areo-Pack and dres­ sing case. The following is the ad­ dress: Hensall, June 25th, 1938 Dear Miss Love: You have come io the end of your sojourn amongst us, and it is with the deepest regret that both pupils and ratepayers realize that the time has come to say adieu. For four years you have been associat­ ed with us and during that time you have striven, both by precept .and example to train the children of this community for future citi­ zenship, You have been richly en­ dowed by nature with all the graces Of leadership and having given of your best you have won the respect and admiration of ail. In yOur school life you have realised that "All Work and no Play, Makes Jack | THE RED and WHITE STORE | | SPECIALS H REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR ......................................... || PASTRY FLOUR.........................s.................................................... H POST TOASTIE CORN FLAKES ............ ................................ S BEAVER BRAND BLUEBERRIES .................. .......................... == TOMATO JUICE, 28 % OZ. TIN................................................. 10 lb. for 53c g 24 lb. bag 55c. g 3 pkgs, for 20c g 2 tins for 25c H 3 tins for 25c § S SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 27 OZ. JAR............ ...........................................each 21C. H =Peas ............................................. 3 tins 25c.Oranges ............................... per dozen 19c,EE EE Corn ....................................... 3 tins for 25c.Grape Fruit.....................................6 for 25c. MMMM Tomatoes .............................. 3 tins for 25c-New Potatoes .................... 10 lbs. for 25c.EE “I--11-Pork and Beans..........21 oz. tin 3 for 25c.Large Watermelons .................... each 65c. DUMART’S PURE LARD ..................................2 LBS. FOR 25c..S __ r-m ..==E= Phone 102 ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver EE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN of Detroit, spent the week-end here. Willis will remain here for the holi­ days. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile spent a few days in Detroit and Lansing. Mich., last week. Miss Ruth KI einstiver has resign­ ed her .position as teacher in S. S- No. 10, Stephen and has accepted the school in Centralia. ■ Mrs. J. Rasch'ke and children, are spending their holidays with the former’s mother Mrs. Merner. Miss Jean Dark, of Windsor, is visiting 'her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. .Steinhagen. WOODHAM The W. M. S. meets this week in the basement of the Church witn Mrs. Edgar Rodd, convenor of group No. 3 in charge of the program. The. Sunday School rooms of our church have been washed, painted and varnished which adds greatly to its appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Switzer re­ turned Saturday last from their wed­ ding trip, having visjted several days With the former’s sister, Mrs. Sinn, of Sudbury and they also visited other important places of interest. . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parkinson attended the anniversary supper and, concert at Granton on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and little dau­ ghter of Kirkton spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson of Washington, Oxford County. Mr. and Mrs. Kelk and family, of Windsor, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and daughter Ruth, of Erie, Penn., are holidaying at present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hopkins. Mrs. (Rev.) D. Thompson, Park­ hill, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson. Mr. Wendell Camm leaves Monday of this week for Guelph to take a course at the Summer School there,, for the month of July. Miss Greta Fletcher, of London, spent the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Mrs. C. Camm spent the week-end with friends in Exeter. CLANDEBOYE On Tuesday evening, June 2'8, fol­ lowing a ball game at Clahdeboye public school the section gathered in the school house for a social even­ ing in honor of their teacher Miss Beulah M. Hodgins, who has accept­ ed a position in the Junior room in Lucan. During the evening Miss Hodgin-- was asked to come forward while she was presented with a beautiful desk lamp on behalf of the pupils. The address was read by Mar­ ion Simpson and the presentation made by Arnold Lewis. Following this an address was read by Inez Hendrip and the presentation of a set of silverware made by the school board on behalf of the section. De­ spite a rather severe case of larynig- itis Miss Hodgins replied thanking the pupils and the section very kind­ ly for their lovely gifts and the co­ operation which had been given her during her two years at Clandeboye, assuring them that they had been two of the happiest years of her life. The previous evening while the dra­ matic Society was being entertained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hendrie, Mildred Waugh and Beulah Hodgins were each presented with a lovely silver casserole, as a kind re­ membrance of the many good times spent with the Dramatic Club dur­ ing the past few years. WANTED—General maid and a nursemaid for season. Experience 'preferred. Miss Doyle, Henderson Cottage, Boach-O-Pinos, Grand Bend. ELIMVILLE The strawberry supper held under the auspices of the W. M. S. on July 1st was a great success from all viewpoints. Tables were bountifully laden and although the berries were hard to procure everyone had a generous helping. The program giv­ en by London artists, Grace Need­ ham Clarke, Edith Bedgood and A. B. Stein was high class and delight­ ed the audience with their numbers. The receipts amounted to about $85.00 clear of expenses which is a very gratifying amount for the Society. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johns and children, of Lu.can, Mr. and Mrs, J. Willis and family, of .Stephen, were visitors at Mrs. J. Johns recently. Miss June Bierling, of Exeter North, is holidaying with her sister Mrs.,, Kenneth Johns. Miss Florence Bell, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hosptal, Lon­ don, returned to her dutes after a pleasant vacation spent in New York and with relatives here. Mr. Bert Gardiner, or Farquhar, visited at Mr. Will Johns the first of the week. Miss Raply from London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Richard Johns. Mr. and Mrs. John Penrose and two children, of St. Claire .Shore, Michigan, visited with the former’s parents Rev. and Mrs. penrose the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Elford, Doris and Annie attended a school re­ union near Wellburn on Sunday. Miss Veda Clinton, of London, is holidaying this week at Mr. P. Murch’s. Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch and Mar­ ian, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munch, and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Lenore and Floyd spent Sunday at Spring­ bank. MOUNT CARMEL Miss Regina McCann, nurse-in­ training at St. Mary's Hospital, Kit­ chener, is spending three weeks’ va­ cation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo McCann. Mr. and Mrs. John Barry and family, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Messrs. Dennis and Gerald O’Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. John Rou-land, of Detroit, visited with the latter’s brother Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carey over the week-end. Miss Mary Regan, of Detroit, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Diet? rich. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Euchue and family, of Detroit, spent the week-' end with the latter’s father Mr. James Carey. Dr. and Mrs. Higgens, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and^ Mrs. James Bowland. Miss Madeleen Glavin, of Colgan, is spending her vacation with her father Mr. Joseph Glavin. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jos. Dietrich is seriously ill. Wo hope to see her out soon. Misses Hilda and Elizabeth Diet- rich. of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dietrich. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Baxter, of De­ troit, called on friends here Sum day. Rev. Fr. Guinan, of Sandwich, visited with his sister Mrs. M, Ryan a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Doyle and family of London, have moved to their summer home for the summer months. You will be delighted at the many ways you can convey joy and happiness to your friends and loved ones with a greeting card, A full line of cards displayed in the cabinet style, Exeter Yimes-Ad* voeate. CREDITOR Mrs. Albert Smith and two daugh­ ters, Mrs. (Rev.) Schmitt and Mrs. Klehn, of Kitchener, visited last Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Oestricher. Miss Cora Stahl, of London, spent Sunday at hex- home here. Mr. Fred Beaver, or New York, is spending his vacation with relatives in the community. Mrs. William Decker, Mrs. F. Haberer and two daughters of Zu­ rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galser. We are glad to report that Mr. Fred Gaiser is somewhat improved after his recent illness. Rev, and Mrs. D. J. Gladman, who are on their vacation left on Monday for Oakville. Mr, and Mrs. M. W. Telfer spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Jonhson, of Fordwich. Mrs. Samuel Stahl and daughter Gertie, Mrs. Dearing and daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Resgeskie and family, all of Waterloo, were guests on Sunday of Mrs. Stahl and family. Mr. Henry Eilber’s rose garden has been a perfect riot of colour dur­ ing the past few days, Mr. Eilber who has many varieties of roses, takes a great interest in his flowers The foliage presented a picture an artist would have loved to paint, but unfortunately the life of these blooms are brief arid within a few weeks they will all have disappeared. t The United Church Women’s As­ sociation sponsored a successful Strawberry Festival at the church shed on Monday evening. A play was well presented by the Young People of Greenway United Church. iCrediton defeated Ailsa Craig on Tuesday evening by the score of 12411.' Mrs. George Cook has returned to Bright’s Grove after spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. C. Roeszler. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber are spending two weeks at their icottage at Grand Bend. Miss Hazel Woodall, who was en­ gaged to teach the intermediate room in the public school has re­ signed. Miss Ella Morlock is tak­ ing her place leaving a vacancy for room 1. The town trustees are having the sidewalks repaired in the village. The work is very satisfactory and is being done by Mr. Ted Stanlake of Grand Bend. Union services will be held in the Evangelical and United Churches during the months of July and Au­ gust. Rev. A. E. Pletch will 'con­ duct the services during July and Rev. D. J. Gladman will be in charge during August. The. following is the order of the services: July 10th Evangelical service, 9.45; S’hipka., 10.30; Brinsley 2.15; United church Crediton 7.30; July 17th Evangelical chuivh 9.45; Brinsley 2.15; Union service in Evangelical church 7.30. July 24th, Evangelical church 9.45; Shipka 11.15; union service in the United church 1.3>0; July 31st all. services as usual. August 7th, Evan­ gelical church 9.45; Brinsley 2.15; union service in United g-hurch 7.30; August 14th, Shipka 10.30: Brins­ ley 2.15; union service in Evangel­ ical church 7.30: August 21st, Evan­ gelical 'Church 9.45; Shipka 10.30; union service United church, Cred- iton, 7.30; August 28th all services as usual. THAMES ROAD Master John Ferry and his friend Master W. Haist, of Sehromborg are visiting at the manse. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas visited with her parents on Sunday. The pea harvest rias commenced amongst growers here. Mr. and Mrs. B. Venner and Mr. and Mrs. Fassmore wore visitors at Goderich on Sunday. Miss Thelma Parker is holiday­ ing at Cromarty with relatives.