HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-06-30, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE 80th, 1938 Ladies Let us solve your various Beauty Problems: Spiral, Croquinole and Combination Permanents, Finger Waves, Marcels, Manicures, Facials, Scalp Treatments, shampoos and Rinses. (All Waves Guaranteed) V’s 112 for Appointment Vem C. Decker Exeter Markets Oats 43 c, Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.50 Welcome Flour $2.20 Low Grade Flour $1.70 Bran $1.60 Shorts $1,60 Creamery Butter 29-3Oc Dairy Butter 22-2 5c,Uggs ' ' EggsEggs, Eggs, Hogs AA B C $11.00 lai’ge 22c medium 20c 17c. 10c. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Cow­ en, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Rivers and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott motor­ ed to Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, on Sunday where they are attending the annual Lions convention. — Variety in — COOKED MEATS FOR THE HOT WEATHER NOTICE Dr. Weekes wishes to announce that his office will be -closed from June 28 th to July 5th inclusive. NOTICE TO WATER USERS VILLAGE OF EXETER Do not waste the Municipal water supply, especially while the Canning Factory is operating. If this warning is not observed citizens may be asked to refrain from watering the lawn, Cooked Ham Virginia Ham Coronation Loaf Meat Loaf Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Bologna Cooked Corned Beef Luncheon Loaf Weiners Summer Sausages THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 11 a.m.---Public Worship During the month of July morning service only, conducted by Key. W. A. Young B. Sc.A., of Hensall, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A, E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School Proper scientific examina­ tion of your eyes and the ap­ plication of properly fitted glasses constitute eye sight insurance and comfort. If in doubt about your eyes see C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Girl or woman wanted for general housework.—Apply Mrs. W. Tainan, Phone 95 Exeter. STRAYED—From farm Thursday June 23, a bay gelding about 1500 lb., 12 years old. Any person know­ ing of such horse, please phone W. E. Nairn, 24 r 8, Kirkton. ltc STRAYED—-A one year old sorrel colt from grass farm 2* miles west of Exeter. Phone Mert Sholdice, of Crediton. •STRAYED—From Lot 15, Con. 6, Hay, one red yearling steer with pig ring in each ear. Information glad­ ly received by Amos Wildfong, R. R. 1, Exeter. TENDERS Tenders for remodelling of heat­ ing system at Huron County Gaol at Goderich, Ont., are being called for. Plans and specifications may be seen at the County Clerk’s office, Goderich, on or after July 5th, next. All tenders to be in not later than July 14th. (Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT TURNER Chairman of Property Committee FOR SALE1—1 bicycle, nearly new 2 refrigerators, guaranteed; several hand washing machines; 1 electric washing machine.—‘CORNISH BROS FOR SALE—-Pulleys and set of hangers, 2 4-in. rubberized Good Year belts about 20 feet long, prac­tically new. W. E. Middleton. atFOR RENT—Summer home Grand Bend, hyrdo, running water, 4 bedrooms, in -good Ideation. Ap- plv Times-Advocate. FARM FOR SALE—150 acres-in Usborne Township, 1J miles off No, 23 Highway west of Woodham, acres of bush, rest good land, 2 bank barns 34 x 84, brick house and a frame Driving shed and garage, wells. Priced to sell, possession 1st March, 1939. Apply M. L, Beavers. Exeter. 12 tillable 34 x 64; cottage. 3 good Now is the time to do that repair­ ing. No job too large or too small. When in need of quality tested grav­ el call 171 r 3, Exeter. We deliver anywhere. Prices reasonable. Cud- more’s Gravel. HOUSES, FARMS FOR SALE— Several good homes; also 100-a-cre farm. Good buildings. One thousand dollars down will give possession.— Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter.C. V. I ROOF FIXING kinds new and old. Flat As- roofs. We repair at $2.00 a Guarantee them for 5 yrs. All phalt square. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Joe. Becker Roofer, Clinton, Phone 42. FOR SALE—House In Exeter with every convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply to L. Huston, phone 162J. 3-17-tfc. BABY CHICKS Hatching season almost over. Get your share of the profits to be made from eggs next Fall and Winter. Or­ der Bray Chicks today. Local Bray Hatchery closes for the season on June 30th. Order Bray Chicks from Mr. Rivers, across the street from the Bray Hatchery. ' SALESMEN! If you are not earning $3 a day, you cannot afford to miss this op­ portunity! Over 800 men make from $18.00 td $50,00 weekly ac­ cording to ability With distribution of 200 guaranteed products. Cash Sales. Free Gifts. Liberal com* mission! RIGHT NOW best time to start this business. Free particulars without obligation, FAM.ILEX 570 St. Clement, Montreal. CO GREETING CARDS Wo have just installed a fullWe have just installed a full line of everyday greeting cards for every occasion. A call will be appreciated. EXETER TIMBS-ADVOCATE Ideal Meat Market I Phone 38 Main St, SAVE THE COUPONS LOCALS NOTICE Dr. Cowen’s Dental Office will be closed from Monday, June 27th to Saturday, July 9 th inclusive. Rev. D. C. and Mrs, Hill and fam­ ily are holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss Reid, of Bayfield, visited with friends in town the past week. Dr. E. S. and Mrs. Steiner and son Tommy are holidaying at Morden, N. Y. Mrs. E. Broadfoot, of Port Hope, is visiting with Miss M. Grigg and Miss K. MacFauI. Miss Verna Brock, of Kirkton, sipent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broiek. Mrs. G. Jaques visited for a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. Stevenson, at Birr. Mr. Charles Grafton of Timmins, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. J, Coch­ rane Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Seaforth, visited Chas. Johns one Mr. and Mrs. Los Angeles, Calif., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saul and Mrs. Mae Saul, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. Hockey on Sunday. Mrs. Alex. Lloyd and two daugh­ ters Beverley and Shirley, of Toron­ to, are visiting at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott and family, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt on on Sunday. Miss Pearl Love, who recently un­ derwent an operation /in Victoria Hospital, London, was brought home on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd, Mr. and Mrs. G. Layton visited on Friday last with Mrs. Medd’s brother at Nissouri and also at Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer and family and Mr. and Mrs. S. Mor- lock visited at the home of Mrs. L. Sweitzer on Sunday. Mrs. F. D. Hutchinson, of Seaforth and Mrs. Price, of Aylmer, have re­ turned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stewart. Mr. George Dobbs and Mrs. Fergus McCann, of ! visited Sunday with the sister Mrs. Lome Sholdice. Miss George visiting parents bere. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green and daughters Wilma and Lois and Mr. Jack Hillman, of Dutton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moir on Sunday. Mr. William Houston and Miss Martha and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Houston, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt in town on Friday evening last. Miss -Grace Darling, of Clandeboye pupil of Mr. Arnold Kilmer was highly successful in her music exam­ ination held at Toronto on Monday of this week. The Grade was Ad­ vanced Senior Piano. E. R. Hopper has a fine display of houses in his store window. The houses were made by pupils of Form I of the Exeter High School. This kind of work being a part of the new course of Study in art. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of town, Messrs. Reg. Beavers and Don Ritchie, of Sarnia, were in Toronto on Sunday where they attended the baptismal services or the former’s grandson George Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Beavers. The gardens at the Exeter Public School have behn judged this week. This year there were three rooms which’ took the agricultural course, this being two more than last year. The result of the judging was as fol­ lows: Room VI/ Jean Snell, Roy Kirk Mary Kirk; Room V, Gtfenneth Jones, June Smith, Marion Cowon: Room IV. Robert Coleman, Ross Mc­ Donald, Jean Shell. Sam. Cudmore, of with Mr. and Mrs. day last week. Geo. Baldwin, of Mr. and Stratford former’s Nona Chambers and Master Karr, of Algonac, Mich, are this week with the former’s Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cham- Houston, of Kilmonarch, Exeter Phone 245 10 1,1 a.m. and 7 p.m,—Rev. R, C. Cope­ land will inaugurate his ministry in Main St, church, i Thursday, 8 .p.m.—Induction service ' for the new pastor, Rev. R, C. Copeland. Rev. W. Mair will be in charge and Rev. Don. Gladman will be associated in the service. Bus Service TIME TABLE To Exeter South Bound Daily Except Sundays and Holidays 8.40 a.in. and 4.55 pan. Sundays and Holidays 6.10 p.m. North to Kincardine, Pt. Elgin and Southampton Daily Except Sundays & Holidays 1.45 p.an and 7.10 pan. Sundays and Holidays 1.45 pan. and 8.55 pan. Dr. W. E. Weekes, Mrs. Weekes and Billy are visiting in Detroit. Mrs. J. N. Perkins, Mrs. W. Hunt­ er and Mrs Russel Snell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Perkins in London on Friday last. Mrs. Hunt­ er is remaining for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sutherland and daughter Frances and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant, of Glencoe, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant. The public schools have closed for the summer vacation. Entrance ex­ aminations have been held this week. At Exeter 2 6 pupils from var­ ious schools have been trying their Entrance exams presided over by Mr. E. J. Wethey. Mr. Jos. Creech has been ipresiding at Winchelsea where six pupils were writing. The H. ,S. departmental examinations will conclude today Thursday, W. C. T. U. Annual Meeting The. annual meeting of the W.C. T.U. for Exeter district was held in Main St. church, on Thursday, June 23rd, with Miss Hogarth leading in the devotional exercises. In the ab­ sence of the president Miss Hartnoil took charge of the business for the day. A tribute was paid to the mem­ ory of one of the members, the late Miss Jessie Moir, of Hensall, by Miss Murray. The election of officers then took place with Miss Murray presiding: President, Miss B. Hart­ noil; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Wm. Cook; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. W. F. Abbott; Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. C. W. Christie; As­ sistant, Mrs. W. C. Pearce; Treas., Mrs. W. G. Walker; Pianist, Mrs. W. Cook; Assistant, Mrs. Chas. God­ bolt; .Supts. of Departments: Evan­ gelistic, Miss Hogarth and Mrs. Ab­ bott; Flower Mission, Mrs. “G. Kers- lake; Publicity and Social, Mrs. Wal­ ker, Mrs. Pearce, Miss Hunter; Tem­ perance in the S. Schools, Miss Mur­ ray; Medal Contest, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers; Anti-Narcotic, Mrs. Pearce; Travelers’ Aid, Mrs. W. Cook. Total amount raised during year ending June, 1938, $56.88, Total member­ ship 36. increase- 3. USED CARS 1937 CHEVROLET Coupe 1933 FORD Deluxe Sedan 1930 1930 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan CHEVROLET Coach CHEVROLET Sedan 1929 FORD Model A Coach 1929 1930 FORD Model A Coupe 1928 PONTIAC Sedan 1929 PLYMOUTH Sedan, 4-cyl 1929 PONTIAC Coach 1928 DURANT Coach 1929 WHIPPET Coach 1935 1-2 ton FORD Pick-Up 1934 Maple Leaf 2* ton truck Racks and Platform SNELL BROS. AND CO. ExeterPhone 100 Young Men s and Men’s Clothing We carry a big stock of Young Men’s and Men’s clothing, showing the newest cloths and styles in prices to suit your pocket book. See our values in two pant suits. Prices range from $15.00 to $27.00. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur rage, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a.m.—Church School 11 a.m.—The Minister 7 p.m.—The Minister Wed. 7.30 Monthly meeting of the Board of Stewards Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Tliird Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and ser­ mon: “A Spiritual Food” Sunday School and Congregational Picnic will be held Wednesday, July 6th at Grand Bend. PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creanrery) Services for Sunday, June 26th Notice that the services for Sunday July 3rd, will be S. S. and Bible Class at 10.30 a.m. also Devotional will follow 8 p.m.—Great Evangelistic Meeting ’‘You will enjoy attending these services and receive food for' the soul.” Pastor J. T. EDGAR Coal Prices Going Up In a few days the prices of D&H Cone-Cleaned Anthracite will advance. Order next Winter’s supply now and take advantage of present low prices. D&H Cone- Cleaned Anthracite offers savings in other ways also; it leaves less ash, it does not clinker and re­ quires less attention. Don’t wait! Telephone now! There are only a few days left. JAS. P. BOWEY Phones: Office 33; res. 157j Sally Splash ,the local swimming star, uses Cress Corn and Bunion ‘Salves. Remove ugly warts, Cal­ luses too. iSold by Browning's, CoJc’s and all Drug Counters. MEN’S STRAW HATS In newest shapes $1.00 — $1.50 — $1.95 NEW SPORT TROUSERS New Patterns and Styles $1.95 — $3,00 — $3.50 HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR No buttons to come off BOYS’ 75c. — MEN’S $1.00 NEW ANKLE SOX FOR MEN New Summer Shades 35c. AND 50c. NEW SHIRTS BY FORSYTHE In the newest plain shades EACH $1.95 WHITE SHOES FOR MEN In two of the newest styles $2.98 AND $3.95 McBrine Luggage for your Vacation Including Overnight Cases, Twin Sets, Suit Cases and Gladstone Bags. We have just received a shipment of very smart luggage. Look these over before taking your vacation. WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS No one ever regretted buying quality any size, any sleeve length. $1.95 — $2.50 — $3.50 — $4.00 — $5.00 IRISH LINEN TOWELING In both tea and hand toweling. In blue, green, red and yellow stripes. SPECIAL VALUE PER YARD 25c. BATHING SUITS AND TRUNKS All wool and in plain shades. Made by Ballantyne. 59c. TO $2.50 PURE SILK HOSE Ladies’ sub-standard hose, regular $1. value. All newest shades. SPECIAL PER PAIR 59c. Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs We offer you special prices on Linoleum, Rugs. They are much below regular prices; also a big range of four yard patterns to choose from. Get our prices. GROCERY SPECIALS RICE 5 lb. for . . . 25c PRINCESS FLAKES 2 pkgs.............29c 1 for............... lc SALT Plain or Iodized Bags or Shakers 3 for...............15c PORK AND BEANS 3 tins for .. . 25c SPECIAL BULK TEA Per lb..............39c LARD Pure Schneiders 2 1 lb. pkgs. . 25c NEW POTATOES 7 lbs................25c SOAP New Castile Toilet 10 cakes.... 25c VANILLA 2 8-oz. bottle 25c Southcott Bros. rm J 1!Q] Phone 16 Pleasantly Surprised A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith, of Toronto, drove out to Kettle Point on Tues­ day where they held a picnic. After all had partaken of a very appetizing repast Mr. .and Mrs. Griffith were asked to -come forward and , were presented with a beautiful silver bread plate, it being the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day. Although taken completely by sur­ prise Mr. Griffith on behalf of him­ self and wife thanked the friends for the gift and best wishes and hoped 'they would live to enjoy the gift and remember the pleasant memories of the day. Summer is Here! On With the Cool Wearing Apparel CURRIE CRYSTAL CRASH TIES—Priced from 50c. to $1. MEN’S SOCKS Ankle length in Silk and Silk and Wool Dominion Day Permanents FULL LINE OF STRAW HATS FOR SUMMER SUMMER TROUSERS AND SPORT SLACKS FANCY BELTS NEW AND DISTINCTIVE 50c. and $1.00 at — TOMLINSON’S Scientific SECURE YOUR VOTES FOR “MISS EXETER” HERE Regular $6.00 $5.50 w. w. PHONE 81 A N EXETER, ONT. ■r “A Pleasure to Serve You”Phone 146 TULIP OIL Regular $5.00 for $3.50 PARISIAN CERTIFIED Regular $3.50 For $2.95 3 Operators —, No Waiting AIL Waves Guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and their three children left Monday for Tab­ er, Alta., where Mr. Delve has secur­ ed a position with a Canning com­ pany. The ’ friends will new home. Mr. (and Hamilton, : eter, called on old friends in town Tuesday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber, of Crediton. Mr. Smith, at one time conducted a re- Pair shop in Exeter and used to make the Eilber bicycles when bic­ ycles were first introduced. At her lovely summer home, beam” at Grand Bond Mrs. Dr. en was the hostess for the meeting of Group 3 of the James St. W. A. A large number of ladies were present and after enjoying a varied program of outdoor sports all repaired to the dining room where a dainty lunch, was served. Thanks was tendered Mrs. Cowen for her hospitality and also the sports and lunch committees, best wishes of many accompany, them to their Mi’S. Israel Smith, of former residents of Ex- ‘Sun- CoXv- June Master Edward Perkins, of Lon­ don, is visiting with his grandparents Mr, and Mrs. John N. Perkins. Mrs. Ellen Wilkinson, who has been spending the past year witlr her sister Mrs. C. Birney, left last week for Winnipeg where she will attend the wedding of her son James Wil­ kinson. She whs accompanied by Mr.- and Mrs. H. Hopper and daughter Miss Lillian, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Fred . Foster, of Granton, have announced the - en­ gagement of their only daughter, Rhea Agnes, to John Derwin Beet- son, only son of Mr. John Beatson and the late Mrs. Beatson, of Gran­ ton. The marriage to take place on July 6th. Recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. MrSi D. K. Alton, and Mrs. Samuel Gordon, of Lucknow, Graham, of Goderich; Miss S. Mal- lough, of Lucknow; Mrs. Glenn, of Nile and Mrs. J. J. O'Brien, of Brucefield, in the home ot H. Johnston were of Ashfiold; Mr. Morrison and son Mrs. Percy