HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-06-30, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE T1WBSBAY, JUNB 80th, 1038 . HENSALL Mrs. Catherine Hedden visited in Crediton on Sunday. Miss Sadie Fletcher, of Montreal,, is visiting ‘ Fink. Mr. Geo. Mrs. Geo, Zurich. Mrs. James Dick has poorly for the last two weeks at her home. Dr. and Mrs. Collyer and .children, of London, called on friends in town on’Sunday, Mrs. William Doig, of Tucker smith Twp., called on friends in town on Monday. Mr. E. K. Hutton left for Fergus on Friday, where he will relieve at the C.N.R. station there. Miss Margaret Bell is making a number of improvements to her home on the Highway, Miss Clarissa Mitchell attended the Mitchell reunion held at Spring­ bank on Saturday last. The Hensall Masonic Lodge held an election of officers in the Lodge rooms on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wein, of of Goderich were visitors with friends in town on Sunday. Mr, Milton Boyle, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his grand­ mother Mrs. Richard Welsh. Mrs. H. Dayman accompanied by Miss Jessie Hodgert, of Exeter, are spending a week at Grand Bend. /Mrs. ’John Elder has returned home after a pleasant visit with re­ latives in Kingsville and Detroit. 'Mr. Adolpli Masse, of St. Joseph, has’ been assisting for several weeks at Mr. Frank Farquhar's barber shop Quite a number from Hensall at­ tended the Decoration Day Services at Exeter cemetery on Sunday last. Mr. Geo. Hawkins, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for several weeks is now slowly iipprov- ing.Mrs. John Corbett and son Ross are visiting .this week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz of Dashwood. Miss Grace Mason, Reg. N., of Goderich, has been engaged as sup­ ervisor at Dr. Moir's hospital, Hur­ on Springs.Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bon­ thron, of Detroit, were recent visit­ ors with5 the former’s mother Mrs. ’ Robt. Bonthron. Quite a number of students are writing on their entrance examina­ tions this week with Miss Irene Douglas presiding. The front of Kerslake’s produce store has been repainted which adds greatly to the appearance of that part of Main street. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill quietly celebrated their 25th wed­ ding anniversary on Saturday, June 18th at their home. Mrs. Geo. Davis and daughter of | Winchelsea, were visiting at the/ home of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton for several days last week. Mr. William Slavin, of Chisel­ hurst, spent a few days last week visiting with his sisters Misses Mar­ garet and Elizabeth Slavin. Mt. Robt. Passmore who for this past two years has been attending Toronto University passed all his ex­ aminations with high honors. Mrs. J. W. Peck, of Clinton, ac­ companied by her son Ronald and daughter Elaine were recent visitors with relatives and friends. Mr. Garnet Case is opening up a bakery and confectionery store ah Grand Bend on July 1st and will : continue for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill intend leaving shortly to spend the summer months at their summer 1 home at Oakwood, Grand Bend. Miss Marie Miller has returned to her home in Windsor after spending i a couple of weeks visiting relatives . and friends in Hensall and vicinity. : Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hutton, of Tor­ onto and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hutton, : of Wingham spent a few days visit- i ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton. ' Misses Maj* and Margaret Schwalm of London, and Miss Violet Schwalm, ; of Stratford, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. : Mrs. Bertha Bell and Mrs. Fred Manns are leaving shortly for Kin- : tore,, where they will have charge of : rhe summer camp there for boys and girls, Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Joyce, of Clinton, accom­ panied by Mrs. Coward,_ qf Winni­ peg, Man., were recent visitors with Mr..and Mrs. H. Dayman. Mr., .and Mrs. Earl Love and children, of ' the Pari- (Line, Stanley Tw;p., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie. The 'Hensall Citizens Band are leaving the rooms they have occu­ pied for'some time in the Petty Block and We believe they have se­ cured rooms over Rennie’s store. Mr. James McEwen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen, of Hay Twp., recently graduated with sec­ ond. class honors in Commerce and Finance, from the Toronto Univers­ ity.Another game in the Huron-Perth baseball league series was played in Hensall on Friday evening between the local team and Mitchell, Hen­ sall: won'the game by the score of 9 to (h All books, belonging to the Hen­ sall Public .Library are to be return- with her srsmr Mrs* Ed Douglas and Sparks spoil- liis sister Tuesday in been very H. Hawkins and BACKACHE ” A Cry for Help .Most .people fail to recognize the seriousness of p bad back. . 'fhe stitches, twitches and twinges hire'bad''ChOugh tod cause enough, suffering, but back of the backache, tod: the; cause of at all, is the dis­ ordered kidneys crying' Out’ a warn­ ing through the back. t ... . .u . The pam in the back is the kia- nOyfi- cry for help. 60 td thbir assistance; Get a-box of Doan’s Kidney' Pills.. A remedy for back­ ache and sick kidneys. Be sure tod g<Bt "Doan’s.’’ , ■ The T. MUhurn (Jo., Lid., Toronto, Ont, ed by Saturday evening July 2nd. ? school was presented with an ad- The library will be closed for two ‘ '.................... weeks as the librarian wyi be away oq her holidays . Miss Margaret Grieve, of Seaforth, has been engaged as teacher for S.iS. No. 2, Hay, to take the place of Miss Lettie Love, who resigned to take a position with th® Toronto Board of Education, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Manson, of London, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Earl Douglas and children who are visiting in London from Nova Scotia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Sparks and other relatives. Mrs. Harriet Young, o Mich., spent a few, days last week visiting with Miss Jessie Bell and Mrs. Hugh McEwen. During the week the three ladies took a motor trip to Barrie, Owen Sound, South­ ampton and other points. Miss Margaret Kilpatrick, of Trowbridge, has been engaged as-as­ sistant Continuation School teacher by the Hensall school board, her duties to start aafter the summer holidays. Miss Kilpatrick is taking the place of Miss Irene Douglas, who has resigned. The services in Carmel Presbyter­ ian church on Sunday were well at­ tended, the "pastor, Rev, W- A. Yoking preached at both services. At the morning service Mr. and Mrs. Young took the solo parts in the anthem and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a beautiful solo “Sun Rise,” During the month of July there will be no morning service in Car­ mel Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Young will take change of the ser­ vice in Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, and will occupy his pulpit at night, there will be no Each Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Hill of Caven eter, will Flint, own During August evening- service. Presbyterian church, Ex­ conduct the service. Court of Appeal Judge Costello, of Gode-•County rich, held a Court of Appeal on Mon­ day to hear the complaints <5f Owen Geiger and Frank Holman, that cer­ tain properties owned by them were assessed too high. At the Court of Revision held here a month ago the council acting as a board of re­ vision, upheld the valuation placed on a number of properties by the as­ sessor and which were appealed to that court. Mr. Geiger and Mr. Coleman both felt that they had a grievance and appealed to the County Judge. ’Some evidence was taken but in giving his decision he stated that the warrant ment of missed. Presentation to Drummer At the band practice in their rooms on Monday evening, Mr. Em- old Drummond who has been drum­ mer for the band for a number of years was presented with a pair of woolen blankets. Mr. Fred Beer spoke a few words of appreciation of Mr. Drummnd’s services to the band and made the presentation. Mr. Drummond thanked the band for the present and their good wishes, has but sail and _____________ ... „ . ___ have been good" citizens of Hensall for the past 18 years and it will be regretted by their many friends if they decide to move away from Hen­ sall. evidence was not enough to him changing the assess-, the assessor. Appeals dis- He not decided yet as to his future will have the future of the Hen­ band very much at heart. Mr. Mrs. Drummond and family Farewell Service At the United Church on Sunday morning the communion service was held. In the evening the pastor Rev. Arthur Sinclair gave his fare­ well address and bid farewell to the congregation that he has ministered to for so many years. A quartette, “We Will Never Say Good-Bye” was sung by Miss -Lettie Love, Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mrs. C. Blowes and Harry Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family are leaving for Blyth on Wed­ nesday where Mr. Sinclair will as­ sume charge of the United Church. There is a feeling of deep regret in the village and vicinity over Mr. Sin­ clair leaving Hensall. He has been here for nearly 15 years. He has stood at the oipen graves of about 300 of our people, baptized and mar­ ried our sons and daughters. The young people of the United church under 20 have known no -other ipas- have com- that visit tor. IMr. Sinclair and family the best- wishes of the- whole munity and we sincerely - hoipe they will often come down and us. Birthday Party Cadet James .Hummer,’ accompan­ ied by his sister Miss'Kate Hummel, of Melville, , Pa., are visiting with their aunts Mrs. Thos. Berry, Mrs. Gordon Bolton and Mrs. John Bol­ ton. 'On Monday .evening last a birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. Berry-in honor'of Miss Kajte Hummel Who celebrated her 18th birthday that day. ' About forty of the uncles, aunts and* cousins of the young lady’ gathered 'at the home of Mrs. Berry. Mrs. R. J. Paterson read a very nicely ’woi'ded address and afterwards Miss Hummel was presented with ‘soine .valuable and useful gifts. Cadet Jim Was not forgotten, both young people expres­ sed their thanks1 fbr the beautiful gifts and invited them all to a visit to Melville.- 'After the presentation some fine music was given by sev­ eral members (present. The dining room was beautifully decorated and an important part1 of the table dec­ oration wasm birthday cake. A very pleasant evening was spent and was brought to. a. uQlose • by ■ all singing ■'“They are Jolly Good Fellows” and all wished MisfPHummel many more hhpipy birthdays and . a aafe trip back to their home in Melville after their holiday." 1 * t Continuation School Picnic The pupils ofithe Xensall Contin­ uation School; accompanied by the teachers, held their-annual picnic at Turnbull's Grove on Thursday after-, noon. ' A very ipleaaaM* • afteimoon whs sjjent'in swimming and games. During the • afternoon t Miss Irene Douglas, who: has. resigned her pos­ ition on the teaching: staff .of .the dress and 3 hydro bedroom lamps. The address was read by Miss Pearl Harpole and the presentations were made by Misses Norman Cool, Jean­ ette Salmon, and Margaret Tudor, ' The following was the address:I We the pupils of the Hensall Con- I tinuation School desire to take ad- l vantage of this opportunity to ex- i press to you our appreciation of ; your services to us as teacher in our school. Our presence here is for the purpose of indicating* to you, not only that we have recognised/ the marked ability with which you have conducted the work of the school, and the loss which we have sustain­ ed in the severance of your connec­ tion with the school, but also that we desire to pay a tribute to the many excellent qualities of heart and mind which have manifested themselves in your social intercourse with us We are glad to know that in this later respect, we shall still continue to enjoy the advantages of your presence amongst us, for al­ though you have said “Adieu” to.the profession which you have adorned for so long, we are glad to know that you will still remain a member of this comunity. In looking back over the years which it has been oiur good fortune to have you as our teacher, we cannot fail to notice the marked advancement which has been made by those over wnom you have had charge. Your efforts on behalf of your pupils have been untiring and the result is that you. have suc­ ceeded in maintaining a high stand­ ard of efficiency in all departments of the work. You have been engag­ ed in the grandest of all work in the fashioning the intellect, the con­ science, the character, the destiny of future generations of men and wo­ men, and now as you step down and out from this noble profession, we ask you to accept this gift as a slight recognition of the many excellent qualities which you possess. Signed on behalf of the pupils of the Hen­ sall Continuation School. Miss Douglas thanked her pupil? for their beautiful gift and good wishes and expressed her sorrow on leaving the school and in future will watch the career of her former pupils with a great deal of interest. The pupils and teachers of the Hensall Public school held their an­ nual picnic in Mr Hugh McEwen’s bush on Friday afternoon. A very pleasant afternoon was spent in games of all kinds find swimming in the creek. Ice cream and lemon­ ade was served. CREDITON Mr. Laurence Wein conducted the anniversary choir of 75 voices at Kirkton one Sunday recently at both morning and evening services i Miss Hazell Woodall sipent the week-end in Fordwich with Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pletch attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Roppel, at Dash­ wood, on Saturday, We regret to report that Mr. Charles Eilber and Mr. Fred Gaiser are on the sick list, speedy recovery. Mr. Sarnia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CBarles Roeszler. Mr. Harold Fahner gave the re­ port of the convention held at South East Hope at the Sunday mornins session of the Evangelical Sunday School. The Evangelical Sunday Schoo] .pieni/c will be held at Grand Bend on July 6th. Miss Pearl Haist, of Ann Arbor Mich, visited a few days mother Mrs. Mary Haist. Miss Agnes Lamport home after sipending the months in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Miss Walker spent Tuesday at Ipper- wash Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Haberer, of Zurich, entertained a number of young people of the community at their cottage at Grand Bend on Sun­ day. Miss Lyla Haist sipent a few days last week at London. Mr. Ezra Faist and Mr. John Hirt- zel spent the week-end at Chesley. The Late Charles Roeszler Mr, Charles Roeszler passed away suddenly at hs home in Crediton on Sunday evening, June 26th in hiS 78th year. Deceased was born in the Township of Stephen where he lived his entire life. He was held in the highest esteem by a wide circle of friends. Deceased is mourned by his loving wife and one brother John Roeszler. He was a member of the Crediton Evangelical church. Fun­ eral services was held from his late residence at two o’clock Tuesday af­ ternoon with interment in the Cred­ iton Evangelical cemetery. The pall bearer© were Wm. Roeszler, Emmer­ son Roeszler, John Williams, Harry Hirtzel and Lawrence Hirtzel. sympathy of. the community is tended to the bereaved. We hope for a and Mrs. George Cook, of with her returned past few The ex- i MOUNT CARMEL Mrs. C. O’Brien, Mr. Jack Morris­ sey, of Centralia and Mrs. Joseph Glavin motored to Detroit for the week-end. Miss Marjorie Regan, of London, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. M. Regan. Mrs, C. O’Rourke, Gordon and Mr. Jerry -Barry spent Satuday in Lon­ don, 'Visiting friends. ■ . Mr,, and Mrs, .John Houlihan, Mr. and . Mrs. Joseph., Ryan, spent W:itj ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold.Ryan, j).t Lu'can. ‘ ' ... Mrs, Gus. Coughlin and ‘soft James are spending’a’ieW Weeks on Mr. M, Doyle’s farm. ' Mr. Robert Beach, of Detroit, spent the'' wfeek-end with'Mr. and* Mrs. Jos. McKeCVer;’'"'Mt's;" Beach'1 returned with him after Spending two Weeks With her parent's. ' Mr. Jack1 O’Hanley, of Bornish, visited friends here on Suh day. i DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L»D.S., D.D.JiL DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash- wood, first three (jays of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. There will be an open air Band Concert on Dr. Taylor's lawn on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesfricher and family, of Chicago, and Mrs. W- Priddy, of Alabama are spending their vacation with relatives. Mrs, McPherson ana daughter, of Byranston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Oestricher, Mrs. Harry Zimmer and Tressie and Mrs. Joe. Ziler are spending a few days in Detroit, Mrs. Sidney Baker was taken to London hospital last week where she underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis. A number of relatives from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Preeter in Kitchener on Thurs­ day. Miss Ella Martinson and Mrs. Schatz spent Wednesday with friends in Sarnia. Dashwood band provided the pro­ gram for the Strawberry Social at Lucan last week. Several from here attended the band tattoo in Kitchener on Satur­ day. Miss Phyllis Reid is spending a few days in Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wildfong spent Sunday in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tieman. 25th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Becker, of Dashwood, celebrated their 25 th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 25th. During the evening a mock wedding was performed. Mr. John Snider acted as groom and Mrs. Herman Hanschild as bride. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goqtz attended them. Those who were present for the oc­ casion were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kelley and daughter of Toronto; Mr. and and Mr. and and ___ _ ________ __ _____, Mrs. Jacob Rausch ad Emil Rausch. eTteam winning with a score of 12- Miss " - - ------- Mrs. John Goetz and son; Mrs. G>us. Speelberg and and Mrs. Herman Goetz, Mrs. Herman Hanschild, Mrs. Herman Rausch,Mr. THE RED and WHITE STORE REPPATH GRANULATED SUGAR PASTRY FLOUR POST TOASTIE CORN FLAKES BEAVER BRAND BLUEBERRIES TOMATO JUICE, 28% OZ. TIN SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 27 OZ. JAR Peas Corn Tomatoes Pork and Beans fcmui—< 3 tins 25c. 3 tins for 25c. 3 tins for 25c. Oranges ........ Grape Fruit ... New Potatoes 21 oz. tin 3 for 25c.Large Watermelons per dozen 19c. ........6 for 25c. ... 7 lbs. for 25c. ......... ©ach 69c. DUMART’S PURE LARD 2 LBS. FOR 25c. ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver lilllllllilllllillllllililliiliiiiiilliiliiiiiliiillilliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiliiiliiliillllllllllllliil^ Phone 102 Gertrude Amy and the solo of the Bridegroom was sung by Harry Hoff­ man. Dashwood 8. & C. Club,Picnic The Stitch and Chatter Club of Dashwood brought their eleventh year -of activity to a close recently with a jolly picnic at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher. An exciting game of soft ball was played Mr. son. Mr. ........... .................. Mr-1 with Miss Ella Martinson and Miss an(3 Anne Tieman as captains, the form- Louisa Rarich, all of Kitchen- j er; Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goetz and family, of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. A. Dahmer and family, of Atwood; Mr. Bill Becker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stire and family, Mr. Charles Becker and son , Xil ____ ___ Mrs. P. Martine and daughter, Mrs. Iceeded by the Vice-President, Mrs, ” ”r“ La.vina Kellerman. Mrs. Kellerman was appointed during the year to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mrs, 10 Picnic supper was served on the lawn. During pie year the club has raised funds with which they are furnishing a .sot in the War Memor- ia Hospital for Children in London, Miss Ella Martinson who has been our enterprising president during the year will retire in the fall to be suc- STRAWBERRY SUPPER FRIDAY, JULY 1st ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH will be served by the W- M. S. fol­lowed by a musical program by the following London artists: Grace Needham Clarke, contralto; Edith Bedgood, soprano; Wallace Herbert, basso; Dorothy’- Best, violinist; Mrs. Martin Smith, elocutionist; Alex B Stein accompanist Admission 40c. and 25c. I John Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Vai. Becker and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reste- meyer, Mr. Melvin Restemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Walper, Alvin and Glen, all of Dashwood; Mr. Norman Walper, of London; Mr. Wm. Rarich of Zurich. Zurich "brass band was present for the occasion. A very pleasant evening was spent after which a dainty lunch was served. Dashwood Evangelical Congregation Honor Pastor on Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary The congregation of Dashwood Evangelical church held a double celebration on Saturday afternoon when they gathered on the church Harry Rader. WINCHELSEA Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ ton Brock, of Woodham; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Marion, of Zion and Mr. John Andrew, of Ex­ eter. Mr. Donald Brock, of Byron, spent the past week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Mr, and lawn for their annual picnic anu alsc < Mrs. Emmerson Gunning and Ron­ in recognition of the twenty-fifth aid, of near Exeter, visited on Sun­ wedding anniversary of their .pastor day with Mr. and Mrs. N. Clarke. Rev. H. E. Roppel and Mrs. Roppel Ac three o’clock a lively sports pro­ gram was run off under the direc­ tion of Chester Gaiser. At five o’clock Rev. and Mrs. Roppel, to whom the celebration was a complete surprise, were escorted to decorated chairs on the lawn. Then to the strains of the Lohengrin Bridal Chorus played by a brass quintette a charming wedding party of small Children came slowly across the lawn to the guests of honor. Little Miss Shirley Guenther was a dainty and demure bride in' her trailing dress and veil and carrying a,shower bonquet of American Beauty roses. Master Robert Haugh was the gal­ lant young groom Who presented Rev. Mr. Roppel with a handsome tea service, the gift of the congre­ gation, while the small bride pre­ sented her bouquet to Mrs. Roppel. Little Misses Nancy Tieman and Anne Taylor were charming brides­ maids each carrying a basket of roses. 'Congratulatory addr esses were made by Rev. A. E. Pletc-h, D.S., af Crediton and Rev. Hecken- dorn, of Zurich, after which Rev. and Mrs. Roip-pel replied fittingly. Following the addresses Mrs. J. M. Tieman sang “I Love You Truly.” At the conclusion about 150' people sat down to bountiful picnic supper the tables arranged on the lawn. This is the first.time in the history of the church that the Sun­ day School picnic was held on the church property. It is usually held at the lakeside. : Mission Clitic The Young People’s Mission Circle of Dashwood Evangelical Church presented an inspiring program on Sunday evening with Rev, H. E. Rop­ pel as chairman. The Henrich Mem­ orial Band furnished special music including a brass quartette by Mrs. T. Klumpp, Miss Gertrude Hoffman, Harry Hoffman and Donald Oes­ tricher and a clarinet quartette by MisSes Myrtle Gaiser, Belva Truem- ner, Stuart and Murray Wolfe. A missionary exercise was given by 7 women in white bearing large let­ ters made of roses. Those represent­ ing the W.M.'S. were Mrs. M. Tiernan, Mrs. H. Eagle^on,. Mrs. V. " ‘Mrs. H. Dngle^o.n,.4Mrs. V. Schatz, and the Y.M.P.U.' wer'eUMUsses Aldene Eagleson, Grace Pepper,- Gertrude Ahiy, and .Ila-Mason, with Miss Ella Martinson • as reader/ The.« feature of the program was the presentation of the cantata '"the Ten Vifgine.” If opened with the trumpet call /played by D. oestricher and a vocal quar­ tette who heralded the Bridegroom’s coining; TheYvirgifis were Misses R. Witmer, Phyllis Rbid, ^Eunice 06b- trlcher, Myrtle Gaiser, Aldene Eagle- Bon, Gertrude Hoffman, Anne Tie­ man, Ila Mason, Ella- Witmer and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coward, of Lumley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and Shir­ ley, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pym and By­ ron, Mrs'Mary Yentz, Miss Virginia Koepke, of Toledo, Ohio, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Horney and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler, of Lon­ don, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Miss Marjory Fletcher spent the week-end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Fletcher, of Exeter. Pym Re-union The annual re-union of the Pym family was held on Saturday, June 25th at Riverview Park, Exeter. The weather was rather cold but every­ one enjoyed themselves to the ful­ lest. The attendance was not so large as usual owing to the threat­ ening weather. The afternoon was spent in sports and ball game. At the supper hour the tables groaned with good things to eat and every­ one done ample justice in satisfy­ ing the inner man. The election of officers for 1939 resulted as follows: President, Mr. W. E. Essery; Sec’y- Treas., Mr. Harold Davis; managing committee, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dick­ inson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pym, Mrs. B. E. Hicks, Mr. Stanley Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Sports were as follows: Under 5 years Donald Pym, Ald/un Pym; girls 6 to 10, Leona Pym, Nona Pym; boys 6 to 10, Howard Pym, Malcolm Kirkland; single ladies, Helen Essery, Mildred Hicks; single men, Clifford Hicks, Byron Pym; married ladies, Mrs. Mervyn Pym, Mrs. Harry Cole; mar­ ried men, Wm. Essery, Freeman Horne; kick the slipper, Helen Es­ sery, Mrs. M. Pym. It was decided to hold the next re-union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland. Bargains in Pullets Only a few White Leghorn Pul­ lets left. Up to eight weeks and priced for quick sale. HOGARTH CHICK , HATCHERY Phone: Exeter 266 ELIMVILLE The large number who attended the Anniversary services here last Sunday listened to, two splendid addresses by Rev. Donald Gladman, of Crediton. In the morning the Sunday School Choir filled the choir loft and sang two children’s songs. In the evening the regular choir sang, two numbers. The church was beautifully decorated with lovely flowers. Many visitors were in the vicinity who attended the services. Mr. and Mrs. Jno Mills and Miss E. Mills, A. T. C. M., of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of Brucefield, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jno Brock. Mrs. McLaughlin, Miss Verna Mc­ Laughlin and Mrs. Davidson, of Wing­ ham, visited at Mr. Ed. Johns on Sat­ urday last. Miss Edna Hall, of Wellburn, spent a few days at Mr. Wm. Elf ords rec­ ently. Mr. A. C. Whitlock, of St. Tiomas, and Mrs. R. Dennison, of London vis­ ited in the community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rae and son Rob­ ert, Mrs. Helen Wenzel, of Stratford called on relatives in the vicinity last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford and son, of Hibbert Bdy, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Franklin Skinners. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell and child, of Detroit, are in the village spending their vacation. Don’t forget the Strawberry Supper here on' July 1st. Come and help the W. MJ .S. GRAND BEND ' Mr. Bert Holt who has been with the paving company at Parry for some time returned home day.. Mr. Eddie Gill is all smiles. boy. Mrs. John Mousseau who was taken very suddenly ill is getting along very well considering what she had to bear and her many friends* hope for her a speedy recovery. j Mrs. Ted. Stanlake attended the funeral of her father on Saturday. Mr. Reggie Parks, who has been chef for Rev. J. B. Moore, returned . to his home in Trenton on Monday. There passed away at the home of Mr. Bert Holt on Friday Mr. Alfred Tiedermann, father of Mrs. Holt in his 7<Sth year. iMr. Tiedermann had been in bed for the past ten weeks and death came as a happy release from his suffering. The sympathy is extended to the family. Mr. George Devine is very ill at, present. i Mr. Bruce Ireland of the Bank of j Commerce visited over the week-end ■ with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sim Ireland. " | A large .gathering assembled at the United church, on Friday even­ ing and presented the minister, Rev. J. B. Moore with a purse of money. ’ Mr. Moore is leaving for his new field of labour on Thursday at Grace United church, Loneon. He preach-: ed his farewell sermon to a filler church on Sunday night. It showed the very high esteem in which he was held in the .community. The best wishes of the congregation go ; is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and son Norman, Mrs. were week end Tufts. Mr. and) Mrs. ily were week end guests with Mr. E. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Drusman and family, of Aylmer, were Sunday guests witih Mr. H. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs, Ross 'Marshall and little .daughter Marylin, were Sunday visitors with. Mr. G. Rathburn, Grant­ on. with him, Sound Satur- Its a KIRKTON Mrs. A. Tufts, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts and. family attended the Golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gambel, of Seaforth the past Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Parsons, of Shel­ burne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphreys t-his past Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson and family spent the week end at Niagara Falls. We are glad to report that Mrs. Maitland Hammond has returned to her home from Victoria Hospital and CROMARTY Anniversary services were held in the Cromarty church1 on Sunday last when Rev. Mr. Helly, of Listowel. preached both morning and evening. There was a good attendance, at both services. The choir rendered excel­ lent music and- Mr;. Alex -McKay of Prince Albert, Saskv , rendered a couple of eXc^lleh't ’sofbF'at both morning and evening services. Mr. Joseph Speare had the* misfor­ tune to fall from the.roof of a small building he ’wks ‘ erecting ' for Mr. Worden at Staffa. He was badly cut about t.he head and had one of his thumbs broken and also received a bad shaking up, which will lay him up for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce and family, of Brussels, visited with-their daugh­ ter Mrs. McDonald over Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. .. Lloyd.. Miller, of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, ney and daughter Lois?'of Mitchell, visited over Sunday with Mrs. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John §60tt, Mr, and Mrs. Duncan McKellhr and Mr, and Mrs. A. 'Buxton motored to Windsor Saturday returning dn Sunday. Mr. William Houghton of the vil­ lage is improving the appearance of his residence by* giving it a coat of paint. ; A number of the members of the W.JjI.S. motored to ,Avonton. Tuesday an$ attended the fiftieth anniversary of$he W.M.'SJ 'of'thht place. They ha# a most enjoyable outing, “ Mr. and ^toshoff, of .Sebring* ville, called number of friends'on Sunday last, . , , ;S£rs. McKay ( nee Befesie Sodtt)" and family, of Prince Albert, is af present spending the holidays*’with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. * divilibation;/advances —-the man in jail today is a much better edu­ cated man •t^ft^.W^e<iMjisonors. Brown, of guests with Alvin Doupe Toronto, Mrs. A. and fam- SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will meet on Thursday Evening, July 7th, at the home of Mr. Jacob Kellerman. The Y. P, Society held their ann­ ual picnic to Ipperwash Beach on Saturday afternoon last and report a good time. Rev. Mi. Penrose, of Mimville, preached in the United Church, oh Sunday last, while the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Gladman was preaching anni­ versary services at that place. Mrs. Wesley Jones, Of Creditoin, who has spent the past week visit­ ing with her sister, Mrs. T. Keys, returned to her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Switzer spent Sunday ih Thedford, Next Sunday is Missionary Sunday in the Sunday ’School, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair and family of Cold stream, visited Sun­ day kt the hbineJ'of and Mrs. j Ed. Lamport-. ■■ ’ , Gjuite a number .from here attended i tlie decoration ' services in Exeter Cemetery on Sunday last. Mr. Ed,'Lamport went to Grand Bend and visited the Sunday School and gave a Missionary talk on Sunday last ' Communion Service Vrill, be held next Sunday, Rev. D. Giadtoan M charge, at the usual hour U0.30;