HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-06-09, Page 4THURSDAY, SUNK Oth, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Rock Bottom Cash Stores L o o Cook’s Buy Jar of t Brooms Five String • • • • • • • . . 25c Shortening Crispy Flake 2 1-Ib. prints. 25c BIRTHS BRINTNELL—At Sheddem on May 30 th, 11)38, to Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sell Brintnell, (nee Hilda Corbett) a son, Edwin Nathaniel. GREENSTREET—-At Victoria Hos­ pital, London, on Friday, June 3, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Greenstreet, of Kirkton, a daugh­ ter. LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY June otli, jOtli, 11 th DOUBLE FEATURE Jean Autrey in “The Old Corral (Western) at MARRIAGES ARCHER—WOOD-—At .Sarnia, tario, on Tuesday morning, 31, 1938, by Rev. R. C. Brown, - Specials - Queen’s Favorite Baking Powder 1 qt. sealer . . 29c Tomato Soup Campbell’s 2 tins ..... 15c FRE£ On- May rector of Canon Davis Memorial Church, Mildred Alicia, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs/ D. Wood, of Exeter, to Edward Maurice Archer, son of Mr. Albert Archer and the late Mrs. Archer, Of Plmypton Township. ’t Have Everything” With Don Ameche, Alice Faye, Hitz Bros, an all star cast MONDAY,- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY June 13th, 14th, 15th Joan Crawford in o o BROADWAY SALAD DRESSING for only 43c and receive FREE a 6 oz. jar of Sandwich Spread DEATHS HERN—In Usborne, on .Saturday, June 4th, William F. Hern, aged 53 years, 1 month, 2 days, THOMPSON—'Suddenly on June 3rd in Kelowna, B.C., Laurette Baym ham, beloved wife of Walter R. Thompson, and daughter of Mr. George and the late Mrs. Bayn- ham, of Centralia, in her 53rd year. CARD OF THANKS The family .of the late William F. Hern wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the 'kindness and sympathy extended during their re­ cent bereavement; also for the floral tributes and loan of cars and espec­ ially to Mr. Hector Taylor for his solo and Mrs. Wilbur Batten, as ac­ companist. Choice White A Breakfast Treat CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Harding and the Morley fam­ ily wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness during their sad be­ reavement, for floral tributes and to Rev. Mr. page. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J.,A. Traquair wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown them during Traquair’s illness. Mrs. COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value EXETER 58 TELEPHONES HENSALL 46 Georgeous Hussy” Metro Goldwyn Meyer Picture 4( The First in the Series of • • •Band Concerts.. by the EXETER ./CONCERT BAND will be held in VICTORIA PARK EXETER Sunday Afternoon June 19th at 3 o’clock Ted Walper, Director KIRKTON Garnet Doupe and daughter attended the -graduating ex- iheld at Stratford General GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. English of Greenway pleasantly surprised on Satur- June 4th by their relatives of fifty in number gathering at home to extend congratula- on their fiftieth anniversary SUCCESSFUL SALE OF SHORTHORNS MOTION PICTURES Motion pictures of the Life of Christ from the Nativity to the As­ cension with musical accompani­ ment was presented in the James Street United church Sunday even- the seats from where could be seen were oc- time before the service Chairs were placed in Mrs. T. Doube and son Miss Merle Ferguson The auction sale of Shorthorns of Oestreicher & Peck held at Clover­ dale .Stock Farm. Crediton, on June 1st, proved very satisfactory, consid­ ering present conditions in the coun­ try. While no- extreme high prices were realized the general average were day, over their tions and best wishes for may more years of happiness together. They were * .proved the entire lot must have been married in 1888 ny Rev. P. H. Jones of the Corbett Methodist Church and have resided at Greenway during the whole of their married life where by their hospitality and kindly interest in all have won the love and respect of a large circle of friends. The rooms were fragrant with a profus­ ion of flowers and the table with a lace -cloth was centred with a three- storey wedding cake and gold cand­ les. After receiving hearty congrat­ ulations and many beautiful gifts, the evening was spent in social in­ tercourse and music. Violin and .piano selections and songs; recita­ tions by little Miss Marilyn Well­ man of Pt. Huron and songs by Miss Eleanor McLinchey and Marion Hicks. A bountiful supper was serv­ ed by the younger group and all did justice to the occasion. The happy evening was brought to a close by all joining in the singing of “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.” Guests were .present, from Detroit, London, Toronto, Byron, Pt, Huron, Ketwood and Grand Bend. rather pleasing and were appreciat­ ed by the buying public even though the attendance was not too large.. Quite a lot of the females and sev­ eral young bulls were still in the calf age and these sold in single lots. The average of the entire lot was close to the $100 mark. The Oestreicher cattle over 1 year of age made an average of $1114 and all the bulls over 1 year averaged $106. The three Orange Blossom heifers consigned by Oestricher seemed to be the favorites and became the pro­ perty of W. J. McDonald, Woodstock and Gordon C. Stewart, of Ailsa Craig. R. M. Peck sold 3 bulls of tike kind that should have brought more icredit out a more throughout the country need more seed stock of this kind and in no nicer way can this be obtained than by buying them at their own valua­ tion at public auctions from good reliable sources. ing. All of the pictures cupied some commenced, the aisles and many persons stood throughout the presentation while others were turned away*unable to gain admission. The pictures were presented by the National Bureau for Religious and Educational films and were patterned after tihe World Famous Passion Plays at Oberam­ mergau and Freiburg. A collection was taken up amounting to $48.88 twenty per cent, of which remained with the congregation. .Sun- pre- B.D., The and These cattle were amoney. to the breeders and will with- doubt ma)ke their new owners money. The cattle breeders HARDWARE NEEDS ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENS filled with the famous Gi’ay Wick Wire 50c., 60c. and 70c EACH SCREEN DOORS as low as $2.25 Our best doors are filled with the famous Gray Wick Wire AT $3.25 AND $3.50 GENUINE GRAY WICK WINDOW SCREENING for windows doors and ver­ andahs, lasts years longer than ordinary screening and costs no more. 1-2 inch. LAWN OR GARDEN HOSE in 50 ft. coils complete with couplings and clamps ONLY $2.65 High Grade CORD HOSE cut any length 8 AND 10c. FT. GARDEN TOOLS all kinds. Reasonably priced ; WOODHAM . The regular meeting of the W. M. . S. was held last Wednesday after- ■ noon in the basement of the church > with fifteen members present and , the president presiding, with Mrs. . Jas. Squire, convenor of (group No, 2 in charge of the programme. Thd worship service was conducted by Mrs. Wm. Rodd, the theme being “Temperance.” A hymn was sung ■ and the president read the Scripture lesson. A short time was taken for business. Miss Ethel Wilson fav­ ored with a piano solo; a temperance dialogue “Afterthought and Fore­ thought” which presented the prob­ lem of social drinking and the rea­ son for total abstinence was taken by Mrs. Wilbur Wynn, Miss Hannah Rinn, Mrs. Herb. Lankford and Miss Etihel Wilson, which was quite inter­ esting. Mrs. Jas. Squire gave the Bible chapter on “The Life of David” Mrs. Frank McNaughton gave a reading on "Christian Stewardship.’ Mrs. Gorby closed the meeting with prayer. We were pleased to see Mrs. (Rev.) Laing, able to be out again after her very severe illness. Little Miss Bessie McCurdy, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira MeCurdy was taken to Victoria Hospital last Monday for treatment. We are glad to know she is somewhat improved. There were no services held here last Sunday owing to it being. Con­ ference Sunday and the Anglican iChurcih Anniversary services at Kirk- LINDENFIELDS’ Phone 181 IHI ....- ton. Many vei’Sary Church, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routly, of Bright visited recently1 Wilbur Wynn, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitors Jas. Anderson Jr. <Sr., Thames Road Men are busy the inside of the Mrs. W. Switzer, moving to ohr burg. from here attended Anni- services at the Anglican Kirkton, on Sunday last. with Mr. and Jas. with and Mrs, iSquire Mr. and Jas. Anderson were Mrs. here remodelling house of Mr. and who will soon be Mrs. Glenis ercises Hospital last week. The pupils of the Kirkton school and their teacher, Miss E. Walcolm, held a picnic last Friday on the farm of Mr. H. Greenstreet. No doubt the children hope to make, this an annual picnic. Mrs. N. Goulding spent the past week with friends in Exeter. ■Sunday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Switzer and family with Mr. R. Switzer; Mr. and Mrs. M. Lamond, Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts with Mrs. J. Creery; with Mrs. Wm. Scott; Gunning and Mr. Gerald with Ross Marshall. Mr. James Foster and of Dresden, spent Friday Roy Francis. Dr. Robt. Good and nephews Jack and Bobby Good, of Detroit, visited the past week with Mr. M. Gray. St. Paul’s Church Anniversary Anniversary services were held at St. Paul’s church, Kirkton, on day with large congregations sent. Rev. C. H. James, B.A., preached at both services, morning anthem “Our Help ■Shield” was well rendered by the ehoir, Billy Switzer taking the solo part; Mrs. Geo. Hall sang a solo "Come Unto Me.” The them “Praise His Holy solo part taken by Leon L. Smith, of St. Marys i “Jesus Lover of My Soul' ening service. Mr. Harry Burgin was called home to attend the funeral of his mother, of New Brunswick, who passed away on -Sunday, June 5th. Mrs. Burgin at one. time lived in tihe vicinity of Kirkton and also spent the past winter with her son Harry. We .ex­ tend our sympathy. evening, an- Name” the Paul. Miss sang a solo ” at the ev- DIED SUDDENLY Mr. william F. Hern* a life long resident ox vae Zion community in Usborne township died suddenly at his homo on Saturday, June 4th, aged 53 years, 1 month and 2 days. Mr. Hern was stricken with a (heart attack about 6.30 in the morning and passed away in a short time. In November, 1936, the deceased suffered a heart attack and for about four months die was confined to his bed but at the time -of his death he was apparently in. his usual health, Mr. with Miss Alma Earl who predeceas­ ed him in August 1929, His moth­ er Mrs. Thos. Hern died in Exeter four months ago. He is survived by one sister Miss Minnie Hern and four sons William Elgin, of London; Thomas, Lloyd and Arthur, of Zion. The deceased was an active member of the Zion United church being a member of the Session and for 12 years acting as secretary of the trustee board. ■- For a number of years he was superintendent of. the Sunday School. He was well thought of in the community and was a man whose word was as good as his bond. The funeral took place Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. Mr. Penrose. A solo was sung by Mr. Hector Taylor accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Batten. The pall­ bearers were Messrs. George Earl and Wellington Hern, of town, James Earl, John T. Hern, Ephriam Hern and Nelson Gorvett. Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery. Hern was united in marriage 1937 FORD COACH with Hester; small mileage for $675 1936 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN and trunk for $675. 1933 FORD COACH. The model that is always so much in demand. Our price only $390.00. 1932 FORD 4-CYLINDER COACH for $325.00. 1931 CHEVROLET COACH, newly painted, $325.00. 1931 FORD COUPE, rumble seat, a guaranteed car $275.00 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE at $250.00 1929 FORD COUPE $150.00, 1929 PONTIAC COACH $150.00 MECHANICS BARGAIN—1931 AUBURN COUPE, all new tires, This car is listed at $275.00 in the Toronto lists. Our price only $190.00. WHIPPETS, CHEVROLETS, PONTIACS, DODGES, CHRYSLERS AND FORDS FROM $25.00 TO $100.00 15 USED TRUCKS, LONG OR SHORT WHEEL BASE, DUMP OR STAKE BODIES FROM 1930 TO 1937 BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES AND GENERAL REPAIRS BUMPING, PAINTING AND WELDING. 15 MEN WAITING TO SERVE YOU BUY YOUR TIRES NOW AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES * SANDY ELLIOT DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office -over the P-ost Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. day-s w'ith Mr. and other rel­ be observed in Dr. and Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Timbrell, Mr. A. Bean, of London; Mrs. Arm­ strong and Chester, of Rodney; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob England, of Thed­ ford; Misses Evelyn.Perry and May Baskerville, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faust, of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Faust and Miss Mary England, who are very poorly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rhinard Willert’. Mrs. Vernon and son Melville, of Windsor and Miss Jean Mclsaac, of Detroit, spent a few and Mrs. P. Mclsaac atives. Children’s Day wm the Evangelical Church on Sunday evening assisted by the band on the church lawn, weather permitting. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor attended a Convention in Hamilton on Tuesday. Mrs. R. Merner of the 14th con­ cession's,pent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Auger and ■daughter June, of Humberstone and Mr. and' Mrs. Robt. Hopcroft, of Crystal Beach were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. The Dashwood Memorial .Band will give their first band concert on Saturday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Luft and Mr. and ( Mrs. Fred Preeter are spending a I few days in Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt and two dau­ ghters, of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. chener, spent S. Miller. Miss Ruth several weeks ed home. Mr. W. Schultz, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. Mrs. Rader, who has been attending her mother here returned to her home with them. Simpson, of Kit- a few days with Mrs. Hopcroft, who spent in Exeter has return- A New Idea in Greeting Card Display EXETER “The Home of the Ford”Phone 64, Exeter For your convenience we have installed a new ‘•'Filing cabinet” type of index with which you can quickly and easily select a greeting card for any specific occasion. This cabinet is a complete greet­ ing card department . . a treasure chest of beauti­ ful expressions of love and friendship. These cards say just what you want to say when someone has a birthday—gets married—has a new baby, Or an anniversary. They’ll cheer up those who are ill and carry your love and sympathy to the home of the bereaved. We have a great many cards to choose from ranging in price from 5c to 25c. Come often—browse through this cabinet— you’ll be delighted at the many ways you can con­ vey joy and happiness to your friends and loted Ones. The Times-Advocate PHONE 31w ELIMVILLE The special service held last Sun­ day under the auspices of Mrs. R. Batten’s group of the W. M, S. was well attended. Rev. A. E. Johns gave a very interesting address on the Japanese and Chinese situation and missionary outlook at present. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, of Centralia sang two solos in (her usual very capable manner which were very .ap­ propriate. They were “The Light Divine” and “Alone.” Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Allison, Muriel, Ronald and Roy, of Springfield, were Sunday visitors with relatives in the community. Miss Ina Ford returned with them for a visit. ■Miss J. Whitlock, -of St. Thomas, spent the week-end in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Squire Herdman are getting settled on their farm home south of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pym family, of Thedford, visited in village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns tored to Waterloo on Monday, and Mrs. Walter Johns returning with them there. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns and Dr. and Mrs. Johns left on a trip on Tuesday. The former to visit in Ridgeway, near Buffalo and the latter are going to Itica, N. Y. Dr. Johns has secured a posi­ tion in Edmonton and will go there early in the Fall. Miss Bessie Bell, Reg. N., of New York, motored home on Monday and will spend the week visiting with re­ latives here. Miss Florence Bell, nurse-in-training at Victoria Hos­ pital, London, intends to return with her for her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routley and Anna at­ tended a pleasant re-union of mem­ bers of the Whiteford family held at Mr. Garnet McFalls last Sunday in honor of Mr. Wm. Whiteford, of Iowa, brother of Mrs. Horne, who is visiting here. Mrs. Wihiteford, Sr., was also able to be present. The Sunday School anniversary services of this c'hurch will be held on June 26th, at 10.30 a.m. and 7 D. Gladman, of Crediton speaker. M. S. intend holding a supper on July 1st. advertisement re pro- and the p.m. Rev. will be the The W. strawberry Watch for gramme. . Next Sunday being Zion annivers­ ary no' preaching service will be held in this church. CROMARTY The June meeting of the H. M. S. met in t'he basement of tihe church on Thursday afternoon last with a fair attendance. Mrs. Reidie, act­ ed as president for the day. A very interesting and profitable time was spent. Matters of business were dis­ cussed and interesting papers were read, en by Mrs. Mrs. Reidie. with a hymn and praper by Mrs. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Miller, of Grimsby, Mr. Alf* Miller, of Toron­ to and Mr. and Mrs. Cole, of Toron­ to, visited with Mrs. S. Miller over the week-end. Mr. Joseph Speare motored to Harriston and visited end with his son. Mr. and Mrs. B. motored to Brussels latives over tihe week-end. Mr. Wm. Hoiughton has made artistic addition to llis home in ecting a very neat platform On the east side of his dwelling. Mrs. McIntosh is having some re- 'pairs done to her residence, also having a. very neat picket fence built along t'he front of her property. Wedding bells are ringing in the neighborhood. The devotional part was tak- Miller, Mrs. Hill and The meeting closed over the week- 0. McDonald and visited re- all er* Mrs. Anderson, of Ontario visiting with Miss Anges Schroeder and children CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. C. Brokenshire and children, of Detroit, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight and with Mrs. S. Brokenshire. Miss Bernice Brokenshire remained for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. George Essery, of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw. Mrs. Thos. Willis is visiting with relatives in South Bend, Ind. Miss Laura Knight, of London, is ■holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills last week on their way to Fort Erie where Truman has secured a permanent position. Mr. and Calif., are Anderson. Mrs. H. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. Mrs. Lochner, of Shipka, visited during the past week with her dau­ ghter Mrs. George Baynham Jr. I Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott, Miss Agnes Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of California, spent Sun­ day at Niagara Falls. . Presentation •On Wednesday evening a number from here motored upi to Clinton and spent the evening with Mrs. R. Park­ er. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Parker were presented with an occasional chair, an end table with book trough and a mirror. Mr. Park­ er expressed his appreciation for the lovely gifts. Young People Conduct Service The/service in the church here on Sunday morning was 'ably carried out by members of tihe Young Peoples’ Union. The (president Bruce Isaac, led the service. A splendid address was well delivered by Evelyn Clark. Special music was provided by a young peoples choir with Greta Pollard at the piano. A. vocal duet by Mildred and Bill Elliott was very nxich appreciated. Beulah Skinner read the Scripture lesson. The ev­ ening service was in charge of the pastor Rev. R. N. Stewart. 'On Saturday of last week Mr. G. Baynham Sr. received the sad news of the death of his daughter Mrs. W. R. Thompson, of Kelowna, B.C. Mr. Baynham has the sympathy of his many friends in his bereavement. Don’t forget the picnic on the school grounds on Thursday after­ noon June 9th. Sports commence at 3 p.m. Good prizes and a time. Come and bring, your basket. good Lunch Baseball defeated Centralia 10-1 in the baseball ■Lucan score of played here on Monday evening. by -a game CREDITON EAST Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn and son of Baden, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuihn. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wein and two sons visited with Mr. and Mrs Leon­ ard Wein on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Appleton and family, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale. Mrs. Wilson Anderson and Charles spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Harold Taylor in Exeter. jM1’. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards family, of Ingersoll, spent tihe week­ end with relatives hero. Mrs. Ed­ wards is remaining for a week’. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Trfebner of Exeter, visited Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Jack JOsney. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner and Mr, and Mrs. Ben Price, of Dashwood visited Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Metz. son and and