HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-06-09, Page 1Store closed Wednesday at 12 noon during June, July, Aug. and Sept. < SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES’ and MISSES’ READY-TO-WEAR SUMMER DRESSES We have an exceptionally fine stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ summer dresses for street and house wear, featuring particularly the well known Martha Washington brand. These are made in materials all guaranteed fast in colour. Special—Ladies’ House Dresses, reg. 75c, clearing at 49c each I Monarch Brand Knitted Suits The new Knitted Suits are here in attractive colors and weaves for Girls, Misses and Ladies, showing both two and three piece styles. Our prices are very low on these lines. < Monarch Brand Bathing Suits We have bathing suits for every member of the family. The styles are very at­ tractive and prices reasonable. Special—Boys’ all wool bathing trunks at $1.00 and men’s at $1.50 each. Clearing Sale of Summer Dress Fabrics We are placing on sale this month a large stock of Summer Wash Fabrics, many of them at half price and less. Come in and look over these bargains. I Furnishings for the Home Congoleum Rugs at lower prices; also large size Linoleum Rugs in dropped pat­ terns at reduced prices. We have a large stock of Linoleums, Rugs, Window Blinds, Curtain Rods, Cur­ tains and Nets, Draperies, Etc. at very low prices. VERANDA RUGS New patterns in grass verandah rugs in popular sizes and prices. A BARGAIN IN TEA-TOWELS LARGE SIZE ALL LINEN AT 29c. EACH Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday ORANGE MARMALADE 1QP 32 oz. jar each ...........................“<*141 JL«7L GOLDEN WAX BEANS 7 £nr 1 No. 2 tins, new quality .........fa* lUl IvL ANTCHEK Destroys i on. ants and entire nest .... |Jvl fa**7V CANNED GOODS O OE- Peas, Corn or Tomatoes .......O llllo NO. 1 GRADE SALT EEni?. 4 CL.100 lb. bags for feeding CoarseuuC^me‘t EMFO TOMATO JUICE £ 105 oz. tins ...................................v iur I POTATOES—We will buy sound, firm potatoes at 50c. per 90 pounds in your sacks (5c. less if we supply the sacks). This price is for trade only and potatoes should be not less than two inches in diameter, with all cut, sunburnt or rough potatoes removed BOARD OF EDUCATION The monthly meeting of the Board of Education was held in the Public Library on Monday evening, June 6th, at 8 o’clock. Absent W. H. Dearing and F. J. Delbridge, The H. S. principal reported for May: number of •pupils 173, aggre­ gate 3455. School was open every lawful day with complete staff, In­ spector Hoag had paid a brief visit. He felt Exeter was doing well in taking the steps to iprovide the new accomodation at the present time. •Supplies desired had been received. Public School principal reported for May; Number on roll 216; aver­ age attendance 204,08. Staff had been complete during, the whole month except on May 9 th, when Miss Kirk was absent in the morning and on May 27th when Miss Kenney was absent all day, both trying exam®. Mrs, Ellis was substitute in each case. 118 pupils had planted gar­ dens and these will be looked after from time to time. Stakes and seeds had been provided from tihe grant money. An additional sum of $6 was required for agricultural pur­ poses. Recommendation exams had been held throughout the school and those who had obtained an average percentage of 66 or better would be promoted without writing final tests. A music exam had been held June 6th and this concluded the year’s work in that subject. A sup­ ply of exam paper was requested. Per C. V. Pickard and A. O. El­ liot that the two, reports be adopted and exam paper procured as desired. Carried. Per J. M. Southcott and A. O. El­ liot: That Mr. Waghorn be granted the additional $6 for agricultural purposes. Carried. Per G. Lawson and J. M. South- cott: The agriculture class gardens be divided into three sections and prizes of $1.50, $1.00 and 50c be al­ lowed for eacih section. Carried. Per W. May and Mrs. Beavers: That the salary of the public school principal be increased to $1,300. Carried. Pei' A. O. Elliot and J. N. Willis: That the blanket resolution re text books as passed each year be con­ firmed. Any unauthorized books or old editions caused by delay in pub­ lication to be used, only at the dis­ cretion of the principals. Carried. Per J. N. Willis and A. O. Elliot: Payment Qf the following accounts. S. Martin & Son, supplies $3.25; D. Gestetner, supplies $10.53; Grigg Stationary, dept, supplies, stamps, books, etc. $47.5 5. Carried. Adjournment: Wm. May, K. M. MacFaul, Secretary CLANDEBOYE FARMER IS FOUND DEAD James Barry, of Clandeboye, was found dead at his home on No, 4 Highway, Tuesday morning when his brother Thomas Barry forced an entrance to the farm home in which, James Barry had been living alone. Not having seen his brother tor some time Thomas called at the home and finding the doors locked he became suspicious 0" something being wrong and had to force- his, way into the house. The body was found in a sitting position on the side of the bed. Coroner Dr. Banting, of Lucan, was called and he decided that an inquest was unnecessary, death having been due to. a heart at­ tack. Mr. Barry wag about 50 years old. According to a report from the storekeeper at Mooresville Mr. Barry was last seen on May 23rd when he purchased a loaf of bread at the store. Nothing was thought of his absence as he .was often away for. days at a time and it was thought by the neighbors that he might be visit­ ing. with his brother Thomas. KILLED BY “LIGHTNING An electrical storm passed over this section Monday night accompan­ ied by rain. The storm was more severe to the south of Exeter. Lome Sholdice, of Biddulph, lost a horse that was struck by lightning. Sev­ eral animals were shocked. RECEIVES Ph. D. DEGREE ■Exeter extends congratulations to one of her local boys, Hugh J. Creech, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech, who on Thursday of this week will have conferred on him by the University of Toronto the de­ gree of Doctor of Philosophy. Dr. Creech is a graduate of the Exeter High School. He secured his B.A. and his M. A. degrees from the Uni­ versity of Western Ontario, graduat­ ing in chemistry and now he receives the highest degree in the gift of the university. As a result of his re­ search at the Banting Institute, Dr. Creech has recently been awarded a Fellowship which allows him to con­ tinue bis work on cancer producing chemicals at Harvard University for the next two' years. Mr. and Mrs. Creech left for Toronto today (Wed­ nesday) to be present at the con­ vocation. Your Superior Store 1 FRACTURED LEG Mr. Stephen Hogarth suffered a fracture of his right leg below the knee Wednesday of last week while visiting at the farm of his son-in-law Mr. Amber Carter, of Prospect Hill. He was standing on a box when the box gave way under him twisting his leg with the above result. He was brought to his home in an ambulance His many friends, however, hope that he may soon be around again. BOWLING NOTES The first local jitney of the sea­ son was played on the Exetei- bowl­ ing greens Friday evening of last week with eight rinks in play, Three prizes were given, the prizes being won by Wm. Rivers, Win. Kress, E. J, Wethey and H. C. Rivers, skip with 2 wins plus 12; Wm. Rivers, S. B. Taylor, G, Layton and G. Coch­ rane, skip, with 2 wins plus 5; Mrs. A. O. Elliot, Mrs. Pollen, Bert Riv­ ers and Truemen Elliott with one win plus 3. The Ladies’ Bowling Club are holding a mixed tournament this (Wednesday) afternoon. DIED IN GUELPH Miss Minnie Weekes was in Guelph the forepart of the week attending, the funeral of her brother-in-law, Evan A. MacDonald, who. for fifty years was a leading business man of that city, who died on Saturday following a brief illness. The de­ ceased was born in Guelph and spent his entire life there. FOr half a century he was associated with D. E. McDonald & Bros. Department Store. He was a former member of the city council and was at one time active in the Chamber of Commerce and othei' civic organizations. -He was united in marriage with Miss Susie Weekes, who predeceased him a number of years ago. A son Evan of Toronto, and a brother William, of Guelph, survive. PLEASE The Times-Advocate recently sent out a list of accounts to« those whose subscriptions have not been renowed. In many cases the amounts were small and while they do not mean much to the individual the total •amount runs into several hun­ dred dollars, We have been pleased with the response so. far but there are others that we would b'e glad to hear from. If you find it easier to. send part of the account it will be gladly received. Look at your label and send in your renewal at once. GRADUATES OF WESTERN The following are the pictures of four of the recent graduates from Western University, London, who have secured their B.A. degrees. .... NU-WALL .... The world's finest paint for walls and ceiling WASHABLE MADE IN 11 COLORS ODORLESS Can be applied easily on any interior surface ready for use within two hours See us for Colors and Information If you have any tinsmithing or plumbing, eavetrough or roof work, pumps and furnace work. See us. PIG FEED IS AWAY DOWN IN PRICE SUDDEN DEATH BUG KILLER—-New Life for leaf feed­ ing insects. Dust on leaves of Potato Plants, Cabbage Plants, Tomato plants, Cucumber, etc. Better results Less work. SCREEN DOORS, SCREEN WINDOWS, HOES, SHOVELS SPADES, FORKS, ETC. 2 LB. TIN HAWE’S WAX AND BOTTLE FURNITURE POLISH — SPECIAL AT 79c. PINT HAWE’S FLOOR-GLOSS WITH APPLIER 59c.—QUART 98c. ROY’S UNITED CHURCH (Thames Road Charge) ANNIVERSARY, JUNE 12th 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.rti. Speaker—Rev. DeWitt Cosens, of Clinton TUESDAY, JUNE 14th SUPPER AND CONCERT by the London Carilloners Admission 50c. and 25c. LITTLE INTEREST SHOWN IN MEETING A meeting of the ratepayers was held in the Town Hall Friday even­ ing of last week to consider the ad­ visability of providing a rest room in Exeter. The attendance was not large there being less than thirty persons present. Reeve W. D. Sand­ ers occupied the chair. A few ex­ pressed their opinions both in favor and against the proposition and a resolution was passed that the mat- ter be left in the hands of the coun­ cil. The proposed new building is estimated to cost between $1,500 and $1,800 and this amount has been provided for in the estimates for this year. It is proposed to er­ ect the new building on the new street, a few rods off Main St. DESTROYED BY FIRE The two storey brick house on Garfield Hill’s farm, on tihe Sth con. ol Stephen Township, was complete­ ly destroyed by fire recently. The loss is about $<2,000. A spark from the chimney is blamed for the out­ break, and whicth started in the roof. It had gained much headway before being noticed and efforts of a bucket brigade were limited to sav­ ing adjoining buildings, while neigh­ bors from the township and also from this village, assisted in carry­ ing all the furniture out safely. Many from Crediton went to the fire, which was a half-mile west of the village. The loss is partially covered by in­ surance. THE LIONS CLUB About twenty members of the Ex­ eter Lions Club visited the London Lions Club at a supper meeting in the Hotel London Thursday evening of last week. Mr. Arthur Ford, of The London. Free Press, gave a very fine address. Entertainment was provided by Miss Ena Gooding and a motion picture showing the use of valves and their control by Crane Limited proved to be exceptionally interesting. Dr. Weekes, president of the Exeter Lions voiced the ap­ preciation of the visitors at the very gracious reception received. At the regular supper meeting of the Exeter Lions in the Central Ho­ tel Monday evening there was a good attendance with President, Dr. Weekes in the chair. Mr. G. Koch read a short ipaper on Magna Carter week. Mr. Fred Heaman, a guest of the evening, entertained the gather­ ing with some very clevei' card tricks. Prof. Langdon, of the De­ partment of French of the University of Western Ontario, gave a very in­ structive and entertaining address on t\he “isms” of Quebec. A vote of thanks was tendered the speaker by Dr. Roiilston and S. B. Taylor. THE. KI NG’S BIRTHDAY To-day (Thursday) June 9th is being officially observed as the birthday of His Majesty King George VI. The day has been proclaimed a holiday by the . Dominion Govern­ ment. The day will be observed as a holiday by the schools, the banks and the post office but business gen­ erally is not closing down and stores will be open as usual. The actual date of the King’s birthday is De­ cember 14 th. Traquair’s Hardware Mrs. Swenerton, of Kingsville, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Balkwill, Mrs. Balkwill being her neice. .Lakeview Casino. GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Ladies 3bc. .Men 50c. Dancing Free Conundrums Why is a baby like a sheaf of wheat? Because it is first cradled, then threshed and afterwards becames the flower of the family, Thames Rd. S. School ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June 19th 11 a.m.—Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Centralia 7.30 p.m.—Rev. Levi Hussey, of Mitchell Followed by a Strawberrg Festival Tuesday, June 21st, 1938 A play will be given by the Mission Circle “THE THREE PEGS” Admission 50 and 25c. 15 (Candidates Confirmed Bishop Seager confirmed a class of 15 candidates at Grace Church, Greenway. The candidates were pre­ sented by Rev. F. L. Lewin, rector Of Parkhill and Greenway parishes. Work Started on Pavement Workmen have started laying the 10-foot strlD of pavement from Ailsa Craig to Parkhill, on No. 7, highway. The Honsberger Paving Co. has the contract. CHANGE IN PASTORS •Rev. R. C. Copeland, of Thames- ville, will be the new pastor of the Main Street United church accord­ ing to the final draft of the station­ ing committee of London Conference which was handed out on Monday. Rev. A. E. Elliott, who has served the Main Street congregation for the past six years in a most efficient manner and who has made many friends in this community, has been stationed at Thamcsville. The final draft places Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cous- ens, of the Clinton Wesley-Willis church at Essex. Ninety-three chang­ es in all were made, a *new high re­ cord in the London Conference of the United church. . BRIDE-ELECT HONORED BY CROMARTY FRIENDS A happy event took- place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacLar- en, when a kitchen Shower was giv­ en in honor of their daughter, Rena, whose marriage is soon to take place. After the large gathering had carried through a successful program and an attractive presenta­ tion of the abundant gifts which were duly appreciated and graciously responded to by the bride-elect, an excellent lunch was served, The en­ joyable evening closed with the un­ ited good wishes of the company for the coming young bride, NEWSPAPER PARTY VISIT GOLD MINES Newspaper publishers from Ontar­ io and Quebec held their annual convention at the Royal York hotel in Toronto Thursday of last week. The party visited the Globe and Mail building and were entertained to. a splendid luncheon. On Friday and Saturday J. M. and Mbs. Southcott accompanied the party of about one hundred persons by special Pullman coaches to Tim­ mins and' Kirkland Lake. At Tim­ mins the party visited the Hollinger mines and dressed in rubber coats, top boots, rubber hats and miners’ electric lamps both the men and the ladies were lowered to a depth of 3,800 feet into the mine where they were shown the underground work­ ings. In the afternoon a motor trip was made around town, the ladies taking afternoon tea at the golf club. A banquet was held at the Empire Hotel in the evening.. Sleep­ ing on the train that night the party left at 6.45 Saturday morning for Kirkland Lake. At noon the party was entertained to a banquet at the fine Curling Club. In the after­ noon the ladies attended a threatre party while the men divided into two groups and visited the Lake­ shore and the Wright-Hargreaves mines and were shown the process of extracting the gold. Before leav­ ing for home the party assembled at “The Chateau’’ the local residence of Mr. Harry Oakes on the Lake­ shore property where they were royally entertained. Everywhere was the warm northern hospitality generously extended.- Next week we hope to give a more detailed ac­ count of the trip. HORTICULTURAL DISTRICT MEETING The District meeting of the Horti­ cultural Societies of Huron, Grey and Bruce, will be .held in the Com­ munity Arena, Exeter, Wednesday, June 15th, commencing at 10 a.m. Following is the Prize List for the Flower Show to be held in connec­ tion with the above meeting, judg­ ing for which will commence at .11 a.m. All members of the Horticul­ tural Society are urged to enter as many items as possible. (Lunch will be served at 12:30 p. m. Delegates are asked to bring lunch. Dessert, tea and coffee will be provided by the local society. Please let the President or Secretary know by June 12th if you expect to attend so. that .provision may be made. An interesting program will begin at 1.30 in charge of the District Dir­ ector, Mr. G. S. Fols ter, of Owen Sound. Mr. John F. Clark, from the Department 'of Agriculture, To­ ronto, will be the special speaker, along with other speakers and mus­ ical numbers. As this is tile first district meeting to be held at the southern end of the district, we hope all our members will take advantage of the opportun­ ity tn attend. The prize list: Columbine, collec­ tion,’ Delphinium, 3 stems; iris, col­ lection; Peonies, 3 blooms, 1 variety Peony, collection; Roses, 4 assorted; Roses, collection of 12; Collection of perennials, other than named; Basket of cut flowers; Japanese or Dish garden. Please bring your own containers. Frizes of $1.00 and 50o will be given In each class. REAL ESTATE CHANGE The auction sale of the house and household effects of the late Mrs. Sarah Kyle was held on Saturday af­ ternoon last at which there was a large attendance. Good prices were realized for the household effects. Mr. John Prout, of Usborne, purch­ ased the house at a price of $700. Mr. Frank Taylor ' was the auction­ eer. PRESENTATION Main Street Sunday School service on Sunday morning last was marked by a very pleasant feature when members of the Young People’s Un­ ion presented their pastor, Rev. "A. E. Elliott, who is leaving this month for his new charge at Thamesville, with a fountain pen. The address was read by Ray Waghorn and Jack Jennings made the .presentation. Mr. Elliott thanked them for the gift and expressed his appreciation of the 'hearty co-operation and fellowship of the young people throughout the six years he had spent in Main St. Church, The following is the ad­ dress : Exeter, Ont., June Sth, 1938 Rev. A. E. Elliott, Exeter, Ontario. Deal’ Mr. Elliott: . The members of Main Street Un­ ited church Young People’s Union desire to convey to you, in this way and by this gift, their kindest por- | sonal regards and their appreciation: of your keen interest in all their activities, shown by your helpful counsel and co-operation. The best wishes of Main Street Young People go with you to your new pastoral charge for abundant success in all your ministry and es­ pecially in your work with young people. Sincerely, Jack Jennings, President When is a man thinner than a lath? When he-s a-shaving,