HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-26, Page 2THUKSPAT, MAX SOUi, 10S8 THE EXETER TtMES-ADVOCATfc
After Suffering Acute
Pain for Years
Rheumatism first attacked this
old lady m 1931, and gradually
spread from her arms to other parts
of hei’ body. Then she started to
take Krusehen ‘Salts, and now she
sends the following letter in hex* own
“I have suffered from rheuma
tism Since 1931. At first, I felt
acute pain in both arms. I could not
sleetp foi’ pam. It grew worse, and
xi*adually crept down to the tips of
my fingers. Next it reached my
knees and ankles, which make me
quite helpless fox' a long period. A
friend recommended me to take
Krusehen Salts. I find they do me
more good than any other medicine,
liniment or ointment I ever used.
This is my own handwriting, though
I am in my 84th
The pains and
mutism are often
of needle-pointed
in the muscles and joints. Krusehen
Salts stimulate your liver and kid
neys to healthy, regular action, and
assist them to get rid of the excess
uric acid which is frequently the
cause of your suffering.
year.”.—(Mrs.) H.
stiffness of rheu-
caused by deposits
uric acid crystals
By A Horse»
When a man drops front -sheer ex
haustion or illness, promptly seize
an en-iboard or a camtake and pound
persistently adhered to. .
If a man finds his load too heavy,
and feels that it will strain him to
i proceed, kick off a fence-board and
knock him down and then hammer
him thoroughly. This will give (him
renewed energy and he will make no
fuss. But do not, on any account,
reduce his load.
If a man refuses to drink when
you .give him water, do not give him
any for two days. That will “teach
him” to be thirsty at any time you
find it convenient to attend to him.
It is a good plan to ply the whip
frequently on a mai\ who is at work.
No matter if he is doing his best,
hit him now and then on “general
principles” and prevent him from
taking any comfort. If his load is
not ’heavy, oblige him to go much
faster to make up for it.
Tie your man’s head back in an
unnatural position with his eyes to
ward the sun. This will give him a
fine appearance and prevent stumb-’
ling. In winter remove his clothes
to “prevent his catching cold”. He
will also dry quicker when you over
work him. Men thus treated are
much healthier than when allowed
winter clothing.
Mr. Alpine McEwen is spending a
couple of weeks visiting in Toronto.
Mrs. Geo. Hedden is recovering
nicely from her recent severe illness.
Mrs. Geo. Sparks visited 'over the
holiday with her son Mr. A. Sparks
of London.
Mrs. Fred Manns and son
neth are visiting relatives in
don this week.
Mrs. Albert Bower, of Grand
spent last week with her :
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent
Sunday at Benfield visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. James Barkens.
Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Wren, spent
Sunday visiting their relatives Mr.
and Mrs. Tippet near Brucefield.
Mr. Walter Fee has sold his prop
erty on the highway to Mr. Peter
Moir, who gets possession at once.
Mrs. Frank Graham, of London,
; spent a few days last week visiting
with friends in Hensail and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chadwick, of
Hamilton, were week-end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer.
Mr. Robt. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs,
Alf. Nesbitt and family, all of Blyth,
I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J.
Miss Joyce Coddling, of London,
spent a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Manley Jinks and other re
Rev. W, A. Young, pastor of Car
mel Presbyterian church, preached
anniversary services at Kintore on
Mrs. Hannah Taylor intends leav
ing this week for the West to look
after her property interests in
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hutton and
little son visited on Sunday with the
latter’s grandmother Mrs. Alexander
of Cromarty.
Mr. Wm. Hayter, of Stanley Twp.,
visited for a day last week with his
old neighbors Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. A. Harvey and Mrs. Annie
Logan are spending a couple of
weeks in Toronto visiting relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Blatchford
and son Richard, of Detroit, visited
relatives and friends in Hensail and
vicinity last week.
•Mr. and Mrs, John Coleman and
two sons, of London, visited over the
week-end with their aunt Miss
Annie Consitt and other relatives.
Mr. M. G. Drysdale, who has been
confined to his home for several
weeks suffering from a severe attack
of rheumatism is slowly recovering.
Ed. McQueen, E, K. Hutton Har
old Higgins and Harvey Hudson are
engaged in construction work at t’he
Beach-o’-Pines with A. J. Sweitzer,
Miss Mary Buchanan, of Niagara
Falls and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Buch
anan, of London, were recent visit
ors with Mrs. Alex Buchanan and
Miss Ruth Hedden, who has .been
here for several weeks looking after
her mother Mrs. Geo. Hedden, who
has been seriously ill has returned
to her position in Clinton.
Miss Esther Martene has return
ed to her home in Dashwood after
spending several months
home of Mr. Harry Howard
on Mr. Howard’s sister Mrs.
who has been seriously ill.
Mrs. Dr. Cawthorpe and two sons,
of Tavistoc-k, spent the week-end
with the former’s sister Mrs. Bertha
Bell. Mrs. Bell returned to Tavis
tock with them on Sunday evening
and will visit there for a time.
Mrs. Ed. Fink, of Hanover, visit
ed over the holiday with her hus
band, who is employed as tinsmith
with Bonthron & Drysdale. As
as he can secure a
intends moving his
Messrs. R®bL
Seriously Injured
Thrown beneath a landpacker
when the team bolted. Thos. Dun
seith, 70, formerly of St. Marys, em
ployed on the farms of Lome Wool-
acott. No. 8 highway near he town
limits, was severely injured at 4.30
on Tuesday afternoon. The noise
made by the machine as it was be
ing drawn onto the pavement is be
lieved to have caused the horses to
take fright as the implement was
being taken by Dunseith from one
farm It another. The runaway team
made a sudden turn and this threw
Mi’. Dunseith off and the machine
passed over him. The horses dash-
on but when one of them slipped and
fell, Bob Keyes, a service station op
erator near by grabbed the team and
held them. Mi’ Dunseith was taken
to the Woolacott home suffering
from a broken right ankle and lac
erations as well as shock. He was at
tended by Dr. Pridham, of Mitchell,
and removed to Stratford Hospital
One of the horses was badly injured
as it fell on the pavement.
The death took place in Clinton
Hospital of Mr. Charles W-atson, of
Condesboro, following a few days
illness. He is survived by .his wid
ow and three daughters, Mrs. John
Sinclair, of Kippen; Miss Elda, at
home and Fern, who was attending
Stratford Normal -School; one bro
ther Amos Watson, of London and
one sister, Mrs. Fred Richards, of
Bly th. The funeral was held from
the Londesboro United Church con
ducted by
Rev. A. W. Gardiner with
in Londesboro cemetery.
Cause Enough.
you ever seen a company“Have
of women silent?*’
“Yes; once somebody asked who
was the oldest.”
at the
on the head and on the ribs. If
does not fully recuperate him,
him violently in the stomach,
treatment will restore him if
The Ladies Aid and W. M. S. of
the Evangelical Church, Zurich, pre
sented Rev. and Mrs. Burn, who are
leaving soon for their new home in
Milverton, with a silver basket and
casserole. Mrs. W. Bryce read the
address and Mrs. W. Merner present
ed the gifts.
harrowing one, taking place
carpenter shop at Universal
Where he is swapping cal-
retorts with Adoliph Menjou
Charlie McCarthy, the pinewood
prodigy, walks like a man. Edgar
Bergen’s dummy has been furnished
with pliable legs and arms which
move whenever Bergen wishes—just
like Charlie’s jaw.
As Charlie tells it, the oiperation
was a
in the
in a movie.
Universal officials had insisted
Charlie needed realistic limbs. He
should get off Bergen’s knee and
stand on his own feet, they argued.
“(Some one around here needs a
head worse than I need a leg, but
I'm not mentioning any names,”
said Charlie.
It took a week or so to equip the
red-beaded mouthpiece with his new
manual and pedal extremeties.
A-l Baby Chicks. Write for spec
ial prices on Barred Rock Pullets
all ages. White Leghorns .07-c.;
Barred Rocks .08c.; White Rocks,
Hampshire Reds, S.C. Brown Leg
horns .09c.; Jersey Black Giants .10c
Heavy Surplus .08c.; Light Surplus
• 07 c.; Brown Leghorn Pullets .18c.;
White Leghorns .16c.; Leghorn Cock
erels .02c.; Rock Pullets .12c.; Cock-
eiels ,07c.; Four Week Pullets .30c.
five 35c. Order from ad. Guaran
teed 10 0 per cent safe arrival to your
Telephone 38-3, Granton
Granton, Ontario
Mother’s Favorite
The Children’s Too
For Coughs And Colds
Dr* Wood’s
Norway Pine
Oo Not Accept a Substitute
Insist On Korf's"
4 k milburn con ltd., product
house Mr.
family to
man Sinclair, James MeEwen
Alex Filshie, who have been attend
ing Toronto University have finish
ed their studies at the University
for this term and ’have returned to
their homes where they will spend
the summer.
Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid.
The May meeting of the Ladies’
Aid of Carmel Presbyterian, church
was held in the school room of the
church on Tuesday evening. The
minutes of the previous meeting wore
read by the secretary and approved.
A business period was held. Mrs.
Logan’s group will entertain at the
June meeting. The following pro
gram was presided by Mrs. John Mc
Ewen’s group.1 violin solo by Miss
Margaret Doujgall accompanied on
the piano by Mrs. Andrew Dougall,
Mrs. Roy Bell gave a very interest
ing and descriptive talk on “Gasa
Loma”. Solo by Miss Helen Bal
mers “Have You Seen my Daffo
dils?” This was followed by games
contests and lunch.
TWO teachers appointed
Mr. John A. Thompson, of Toron
to, has bean appointed to the vacancy
on the St. Marys Collegiate Institute
staff caused iby the resignation of Mr.
E. P. Jones. Mr. Alexandra P. Seg-
gie, of Windsor, was chosen to fill
the vacancy of Miss Newan, who al
so resigned. Mr. Seggie has the qual
ifications to' also teach in the new
Commercial departments which will
be started in t-he fall. His salary will
be $.1,400 per annum. Mr. Thomp
son, is a music speeihlist, his salary
will be $^530 per amitixm
Hudson 112 De Luxe Sedan, $959 -—fully equipped, ready to drive in Tilbury, Ont.,
freight, license and taxes extra.
Yet every mile costs less in
this new “Lowest Priced” Car
“Unusually perfect in material, workmanship and finish.” That’s
the dictionary definition of “De Luxe”—that’s why no other
name than “De Luxe” can properly describe this new Hudson
model. Come in and see all your money can buy.
112-inch Wheelbase
"f Jt i?T, Detu*e 3-passenger coupe, ready to
■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ /A drive Tilbwy, Ont., fully equipped.
II ■ ■ *i-ocal delivered price determined by add-
6 Cylinders... 83 Horsepower
j°r DeLuxe 3-passenger coupe, ready to
*HUD5ON Terraplane . $943 and up
♦HUDSON SIX...................$1133 and up
*HUDSON EIGHT .... $1185 and up
Pieces quoted are for 3-pass. coupes
. -—w. oy aaa-
>f?r!afeS‘ frei9hb artd license fee. Hudson
112 Standard prices start at $875,50.
Attractively low lime payment terms, with
new Hudson Plan.
“And the best news
is the price'*
Cook Bros., Distributors, Hensall
. Associate Dealers
Thos. Coates, Exeter; H. Mousseau, Zurich; J. E. Mason, Goderich; Wm. Brown; ;AmberIey
Success is a good test of friend
Does the Trick!
A series of six pictorial stamps
will be issued by the Dominion post
office department on June 15 to
complete the current King George VI
regular issue. The following scenes
are depicted: iSix cents air mail, scene
on Mackenzie River, N.W.T.; 10c.,
.Memorial Chamber, Ottawa; -20c. Ft...
Garry Gate, Winnipeg; 50c. entrance
to Vancouver Harbor; 20c. special,
delivery, Canadian coat of arms; $1
Chateau de Ramezay, Montreal,
new stamps are in various col-
The annual meeting of the Cyclone
Baseball League was held at Ander
son. The following officers were
elected: President, O. Reed; Vice-
President, E. Pitt; Secretary, R.
Marshall. Seven teams, Staffa, Rus-
seldale, Carlingford, st. Marys Jc.,
Wellburn, Devizes and Kirkton
entered teams. Field day has
set for July 1st.
Miss Lillian Snider, of the Colleg
iate Institute staff, St. Marys, is ar
ranging to an exchange through the
Department of Education with Miss
Margaret Inglis, of Liclitenburg in
the Transvaal, -South Africa. It is
a town of 2,700 persons of Dutch
extraction located in the gold area
of South Africa.
Marlene, young daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Dagg, of Zurich, fell
head first down the post office steps
badly injuring her head. ’She was
takert to the hospital in London' for
treatment and is now home again
and improving nicely.
Public Utilities
Renew Now!
Phone 246
R. R. 3, Exeter,
iSo YOU don’t care what people
think? Well, if you are really sin
cere, why don’t you let your beard
grow? You know you’ve always
wanted to.
or Ben Case
or G. N. Evans, Canada Packers, •
Ltd., Exeter
HYDRO is your cheapest servant
TJie installation of a 3-wh*e service
and wiring to Electric Range is now
being installed at no cost to the con*
sinner on Ranges of 60 amperes or
over capacity, regardless of where
the range Is purchased
This applies to the Village of Exeter only
*■* I
And n ow ejteryw<omanX
' >' < “
fford to enic
THE modern electric raiige is a perfect cook
. . , ends baking and roasting failures * . .
makes every meal a delicious success. And it’s
amazingly thrifty!
For example, you can cook a meal elec
trically for less than Yz# a person, on the
average. Then there are savings on food, be
cause your electric range never burns or
scorches.. ♦ savings on your budget, because
you can make tastv meals using inexpensive
meats and “left-overs” . * * savings on re
decorating expense, because flameless, soot
less electric cooking keeps your kitchen so
clean and fresh.
Start cooking the fast, clean, cool electric
way and save money, Today’s range prices ate
very reasonable—and the HYDRO Thrift
Flan makes it easy to buy.
ft II
For Rural Power Districts Ranges wilt be financed at 4 per cent, up to three years to pay. $20.00 Allowance to each Hydro Hural Consumer
(Summer cottage users excepted) who purchases a NEW ELECTlRC RANGE at 60 amp. or more capacity. See Your Rural Superintendent »
Tune in the HYDRO “COOKING SCHOOL of the AIR” conducted by Ann Adam every WEDNESDAY morning, 10.15 a.m.
Standard Time. CFRB - CFCO - CFPL . CFRC « CKLW