HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-19, Page 8TJWRSPAY, MAY 101b, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The Fashion Experts of London, Paris, Now York, Holly­ wood have announced that Shorter Hair in 1038 will be worn by fash­ ionable. ladies. It is now definite that return to Smarter Styles are favoured. Get,your permanent in one of the New Styles at V’s Beauty Shoppe 112 for Appointment Vera C. Decker Exeter Markets Oats 43c. Manitoba’s Best Flour §3.89 Welcome Flour §2.40 Low Grade Flour §1.90 Bran §1.65 Shorts §1.65 Creamery Buttei* 3 2-33c. Dairy Butter 26 - 29c. Eggs, A large 20c. Eggs, A medium 17c, Eggs B 16e. Eggs, C 15?. Hogs §9.75 C. E. Zurbrigg, optometrist, will be closed on May 23, 24 and 25 while 1 he is attending the Optometric Con­ vention in Toronto. plants Geraniums, Colas, Salvia, Petunia, Canas, Labenia, Etc., for cemetery planting. Those desiring . flowers ■planted in the Exeter Public Cem­ etery please make your selection be­ fore May 24th. Please notify K. G. CLARK, Supt. NOTICE We wish to advise that our London Truck will leave Exeter at 9.OU a.m. as per usual for the summer sche­ dule. Please have your calls, orders and parcels in early and assist us to give you better service. Yours in Service TUCKE Y TRANSPORT M ..........„,g IDEAL MEAT MARKET Choice Quality Meats Fresh, Cured & Smoked Meats Butter, Lard and Shortening Milk and Cream SAVE THE COUPONS Phone 38 Main St. ——---------- ------------— N PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the By-law prohibiting dogs from run­ ning at large during the months of May, June, July and August will be strictly enforced and that all dog owners must secure tags. By Order of the Municipal Council Jos. Senior, Clerk NOTICE— Having opened an of­ fice in London and having all re­ cords of glasses made in Exeter I am prepared to give a one day ser­ vice on all breakage and repairs. Mail to J. W. Ward, 2GO Queens Ave,, London. NOTICE The next meeting of Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, May 31, 193 8 at 2 p.m. Ail accounts, notices of deputa­ tions and other business requiring attention should be in the hands of the County Clerk by May 27th. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk Goderich, Ont. FOR SALE—Barn in good shape size 34 x 42, also small hen house suitable for colony house. These buildings are near Sihipka. Price §200 or terms can be arranged. Ap­ ply to Wes. Nichols, Grand Bend. FAR SALE—That fine red brick residence on Andrew St., Exeter, the property of Mrs. George Williams. Fully modern. Like new. Priced to sell. Terms. C. V. Pickard, phone 165: WANTED — Work in gardens, plowing, etc. Phone 187w. iFARM FOR SALE—Lot N£ Lot 4, Con. 9, Usborne, 50 acres; bank barn 68 by 46; framehouse 36 by 30; kitchen and woodshed; 30 acres Lot 1, Con. 7, -under cultivation, good state of repair, 4 acres of bush-. Would sell seperately. Good condi­ tion. Garfield Brock, Woodham No. 1. Ill health cause of selling. 5-19-3tc. MAID WANTED — For London home. Apply by letter to P.O. Box 232, Exeter. FOR SALE—Hand washing ma­ chine in good shape. Phone Exeter 26w. FOR SALE—2 young Hereford bulls. Apply to John Hirtzel, phone 36 r 3, Crediton. 5-1'2-tfc ROOF FIXING All kinds new and old. Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at §2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Joe. Becker Roofer, Clinton, Phone 42. FOR SALE—House in Exeter with every convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply bo L. Huston, phone 162j. 3-17-tfc. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmo're’s cement gravel for all cement work. Approved by engine­ ers. All grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt ser­ vice for all concrete jobs. Phone 171 .r 3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R. ft. 1, Hensail. 3-31-tfc “Rugs, Stock of late importer, includes Wiltons, Broadl-ooms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly^ write for price list. TRADERS AND IMPORTERS 54 Wellington St., West, Toronto It isn’t always the dumbest girl who needs the most lessons in swim­ ming. I I I LOCALS I i f The lilacs are in bloom. Tuesday, May 24th, will be a pub­ lic holiday. Mrs. F. A. May is visiting for two weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Brooks, of Toronto, is visiting for a few days with- friends. Mr. Frank Johns and Gordon, of Toronto, visited in town on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MawsOn visited with friends in Stratford last Satur­ day. Miss Ida Blatchford, of Detroit, is visiting her father, Mr. F. Blatch­ ford. Mrs. T. Fissette, of Brantford, cal­ led on friends in Exeter Thursday of last week. Mrs. A. •$. Davis has returned home after visiting for a week in London. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Northcott, of Stratford, visited with friends over the week-end. .■ , Mrs. L. Hall, of Mitchell, is visit­ ing for two weeks with her brother Mr. F. A. May. Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, visit­ ed with his sister Miss Mary Tapp over the week-end. Mr. Win. Hayley was called to Guelph on Sunday owing to the ill­ ness of his father.' Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Reg. and Mrs. S. Fitton spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph- Grant and little daughter Joanne, of London, visited in town on Sunday. Dr. H. H. Cowen was in Toronto this week attending the annual con­ vention of the Dental Association. Mr. Ted Taman, of Atwood, and Misses Margaret and Jeanette Tam­ an, of London, spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. Samuel Elliott was in Mitchell for a couple of days owing to the death of his sister-in-law Mrs. Viv­ ian. Mr. Kenneth Hockey, who is em­ ployed with Mr. E. R. Hopper, is in Toronto taking a short course in enbalming. Mr. Frank Coates has been ill during the pas-t week and on Tues­ day was taken to St. Joseph's Hos­ pital, London for treatment. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston spent the forepart of the week in Toronto where the doctor attended the an­ nual dental convention. The Nicholson Brothers, drainage contractors, of Monkton, have com­ menced work on the Aidworth drain in Hay Township. Mr. and Mrs. E. Blatchford and son Richard, of Detroit, visited for a few days with Mr. and- Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm/Ferguson and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto, visit­ ed during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Messrs. Stewart, Percy and Allen Gould, Charles O’Brien and Ewald G-orwmsky spent the week-end with friends at Niagara Falls. Mr. Fred Brown ana Mfs. H. H. Hummeston and daughter Helena, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes on Sunday. A number from town attended a supper and entertainment at Whalen Tuesday evening! Misses Ila and Iva Willis, of town, took part m the program. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blanchard and family, Mrs. -Sylvanus Cann and Jean spent Friday in London and visited with Jackie Cann, a patient at the War Memorial Hospital. Miss Olive Wood, of Streetsville, has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, H. Wood and with Miss Doris Harmon, spent a few days last week visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. N. Graham, Jack and Ronald and Mrs. David Rowcliffe, of Walkerville, visited m Exeter the latter part of last week, Mrs. Row­ cliffe is at present enjoying fairly good health. Mrs, Little, of Ingersoll and Miss Laura McKay, of Woodstock, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mrs. Thornton and Miss Alice Handford. Mrs, Thornton returned to Ingersoll with them on a visit, I DON’T BUY THINGS I DON’T WANT SINCE I GOT NEW GLASSES Many people wonder, when they get home why they have bought certain articles. They are mere* ly victims of eye strain and re­ sultant brain fatigue. They buy in semi-blindness. Correctly fitted glasses may lessen your shopping fatigue and add greatly to your judgment. C. E. ZURBRIGG, Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable glasses at reason­ able prices Office closed on May 23rd, 24th and 25th while at the Optometric Convention « fluff,®ItU 'Jv lays 51 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C- Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Coclirane. Organist tu a.m.— -Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship “Old Men Dream Dreams.’’ 7 p.m.—Public Worship Killing Time. Spring Coats at Bargain Prices.. All of our Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Coats are greatly reduced for a quick clearance. If you are needing a coat be sure to see these SPECIAL BARGAINS. - • • SPRING DRESSES We are showing some very special bargains in Spring Dresses. They consist of print­ ed Chiffons, printed and plain Crepes at prices that are reasonable. 01 G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School, 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. p. u. Thursday 7.3 0 p.m., Prayer Service Screens! Warm weather will soon be here. Get those SCREENS and SCREEN DOORS NOW DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Wood Shingles, Toronto Asphalt Roofing Products This office will be open Saturday Evenings from 7 to 10 Huron Lumber Co. EXETER Phone 48 Residence 255 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Hold Fast the Reality of God" 3 p.m.—iCthurch School 7 p.m. — John Wesley’s Spiritual Awakening. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Rogation Sunday 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon “Blessings’’ 50 PAIR FRILLED CURTAINS A splendid curtain for bedrooms and kitchens in all shades. PER PAIR 59c. SPECIAL IN LADIES’ HOUSE DRESSES 50 only Ladies’ Print House Dresses, our regular 79c* to $1.00. These are slight­ ly soiled. WHILE THEY LAST—50c. .............. 1 . . - AXMINSTER MATS 27 inches by 54 inches. A good qual­ ity mat in a wide range of patterns and colors. VERY SPECIAL AT $2.95 ROOM LOTS OF WALL PAPER See our room lots of Wall paper with enough paper for a good sized room at 99c., $1.29 AND $1.49 Special Prices on Axmxnister Rugs These are outstanding values. They come in three sizes. Compare our quality patterns and prices before buying 7 1-2 by 9 ft. $19.95 9 by 10 1-2 ft. $29.95 * 9 by 12ft. $34.95 BORDERLESS RUGS in English Floorcovering. Note these low prices 6 by 9 ft. $2.50 — 9 by 10 1-2 ft. $4.35 7 1-2 by 9 ft. $3.10 — 9 by 12 ft. $4.95 9 by 9 ft. $3.75 — 9 by 15 ft. $6.25 4 YDS. WIDE ENGLISH LINOLEUM This is a drop pattern and we have but one pattern to show you. Clearing this week at per yard. Splendid pattern for Dining rooms and Bedrooms SPECIAL AT $3.00 WASHABLE BLINDS A good quality and good looking blind that is washable. In green only AT EACH 50c. CURTAIN NETS We offer a splendid range of curtain net and scrims in new weaves and colorings AT PER YARD 25c. Clearing Sale OF MEN’S WORK SHOES ALSO SOME BOYS’ BROKEN SIZES GROCERIES 3 tins Pork & Beans .....for 25c. Canned Pumpkin ..... 3 cans 25c. Golden Bantam Corn 3 for 25c. Peanut Butter.......2 lbs. for 25c. 29c. Jams for ......................... 25c. Hillsdale Tea ........... per lb. 48c. and a number of other clearing lines H. Bierling PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study Friday evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, May 22nd £ p.m.—-S. School and Bible Class 3 p.m,—-Devotional service 8 p.m.—Great Evangelistic Meeting We welcome you to all these servic­ es. Come! Pastor J. T. EDGAR lc. SALE PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES large pkg lc. with 2 for..............29c CHICK OATMEAL Rolled, 7 lb... 25c PIE CHERRIES 2 tins for . . . 29c Golden Wax BEANS 2 tins............19c lc. SALE Concentrated SUPER SUDS 1 large pkg with 1 small for . . 20c 6 lc. SALE PEARL SOAP bars with one package of Ammonia for 26c WHEATFLAKES A Full Line of FLOWERING PLANTS AND OTHER PLANTS — including — Spanish Onions, Five kinds of Cabbage,. Six kinds of Tomatoes, Four varieties of Asters, Verben­ as, Salvia, Drecena, Ferns, Be­ gonias, all kinds of Geraniums, Foliage, Vinca, Wandering Jew, Petunia—Giant, Balcony, Rosy Morn and others. Hanging Baskets, Etc. A Full List Next Week L. DAY & SON Florists Exeter WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAYS We, the undersigned merchants of the village of Exeter, agree to close our places of 'business every Wed­ nesday at twelve o'clock noon be­ ginning Wednesday, June 1st and during the months of July, August and September. iSouthcott Bros. B. W. F. Beavers G. A. Hawkins Martin’s Music Store W. W. Taman H. S. Walter Jones & May Joseph Senior Grigg Stationery A. E. Wuertih E. R. Hopper Rivers’ Meat Market E. ILindenfield Exeter Ladies’ Wear J. A. Traquair Chainway Stores V. Deckei’ V. G. Essery F. G. Wright & Co. W. J. B6er Ideal Meat Market ■G. M. Armstrong G. M. Simpson R. N. Rowe S. B. Taylor Jas. Lawson I I 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c CATSUP Large 26 oz. bottle 15c• •••••• X MU Leave us Your Order for Pineapples Southcott Bros. Exeter, Phone 16 Main Street Y. P. U. The meeting in change of Kath- leen Kestle opened by singing “Jesus Saviour Pilot Me” after which Rev. Mr. Elliott led in prayer. _ The Scripture lesson was read by Lillian MacDonald. Tom Walker then fav­ ored with a delightful piano solo. The topic on “The Maritime Prov­ inces” was given in three parts by Phillippa Harness, Florence Mac­ Donald and Lillian Kestle. The meeting closed by singing- “Love Lifted Me” after which the Mizpah benediction was repeated. J A new line of .... Currie Crystal Crash Ties .... in rich colors, has just been received PRICES 50C, 75c, $1.00 A New Line of Men’s Socks Ankle length in Silk and Silk and Wool I USED CARS 1936 CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach, Master model with trunk 1936 CHEVROLET, Standard Coach with Low Mileage 1934 CHEVROLET Master Coach 1935 CHEVROLET Master Coach 1934 CHEVROLET H.D. Truck 157 inch. W.B. Stake Body 1935 CHEVROLET 1-2 Ton Pick-up AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfomg and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Grassiok at Varna on Sunday last. Mr* J. E. Burns, of Pt* Huron, was a pleasant caller at the Times- Advocate on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burns were visitors with Mrs. Burns* parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Witzel of Dashwood. CALLING ALL -SALESMEN! AGENTS! Would you consider a change that would really make money? New Sales Plan. -Sale of 200 guaranteed food, medicinal, toi­ let preparations. Lower prices. Lib­ eral -commissions. Extra cash bonus. Free 'gifts. If you have a car and a little cash and want to sell some­ thing that 'repeats the year ro-und in exclusive district, write to: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. Phone VICTORIA DAY SPECIALS Phone 146 — at — KG TOMLINSON’S PERMANENTS CHILDREN Reg. .$1.75 for $1.50 Over 12 Years Reg. .$2.00 for $1.75 Children . Reg. .$1.50 for .$1.00 m PERMANENTS ADULTS Naturcllc Oil Reg. .$5.50 for $4.00 • Tulip Oil Rog. $5.00 for $3.50 Parisian Certified PERMANENT ENDS Reg. $2.25 for $1.95 PERMANENT RNDS Reg. $3.50 for $2.95 We Carry a Complete Line of Nets, Rinses, Etc. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED STRAW HATS Summer Straws will.,soon be the vogue. We are prepared with a splendid line for the opening of the Straw Hat season. SUMMER TROUSERS AND SPORT SLACKS FANCY BELTS NEW AND DISTINCTIVE 50c. and $1.00 W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. At the Lions Club Meeting at the Central Hotel on Monday evening Mr. William Glintz, of London, a past District Governor Of the Assoc­ iation was the guest speaker and he gave an excellent address on Lion- ism stressing the importance of ser­ vice, ' Lion Les. Coates read a short paper. There was a good turnout. Caven Congregational Circle The May meeting of blue C. C. 0. was held on the tenth, at the home of the president, Mrs. Hatter, withi a record attendance. The meeting was opened by a hymn after which Mrs, Alvin Moir led the Devotional per­ iod. The regular reports were read and found most: satisfactory. The following committee for May-Juno were appointed: Church envelope, Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Strang; Church Flowers, Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. W'hy.te. It was decided to paint the manse, details to be in charge of the manse committee, with the as­ sistance of the Church managers. The July meeting is to take the form of a picnic afternoon tea at River­ view Park, the program to be ar­ ranged by Mrs, Earl Mitchell and Mrs. Alvin Moir. After the business meeting was concluded the ladies were favored by a piano solo by Mrs. Fred Hatter, which was much en­ joyed by all. Mrs. Latimer Grieve then gave a travelogue of their trip to California and their winter so­ journ there. This proved extreme­ ly interesting, especially as Mrs. Grieve had many snapshots, of beau­ tiful scenes and many other articles to illustrate her talk, The program Concluded by a humorous question- aire, arranged by the program com­ mittee, after which lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Hatter assist­ ed by Mrs* Stanlake, Miss Jeokell, Miss weekes and Mrs. Alvin Moir.