HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-19, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Did You Know That And those gorgeous tulips I swimmers be taught the the will carry household A woodpecker does not eat acorns that it stores away, but worms which are in the acorns. One foot of a horse fly enough poison to infect a in summer time especially. Yopng ducks are born 'but young swans have to by their mothers. House cleaning’s done! f ♦ Living wages imply profitable labour. ******: * * HE WAS ALWAYS TIRED AND ILL THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 193S QUIDNUNC The number of people of Finish origin from (Finland-Suomi) in the world is about Six Million—in the United Stages about two hundred and fifty thousand. The racial stock of Finland (Suomi) is not Swedish, Norwegian or Russian. It is said to be histor­ ically older than any of these. It is more closely related to the Magyer (Hungarian) and Bulgarian. The Finns have been closely iden­ tified with the history of the United States. The recent .historical dedi­ cation address made by the Govern­ or of (Pennsylvania credits the Finns and Swedish people with being the first permanent settlers in what is now known as Pennsylvania. < The chief characteristics of the Finn are Sincerity, Loyalty, Integri­ ty, Honesty and singleness of pur­ pose. In all history, no Finn has ever been 'known to shirk .his duty. Honesty with the Finn, is not a matter of policy nor an assumed vir­ tue. It is an instinctively inherent trait, It is the right thing to do and he does it no matter what any one else may say or think.* * * Dora had returned from (Sunday School where she had been for the first time, so “What did my this morning?” “That I am was the beaming reply. There is something in human ture that backs away from a new idea until that new idea has been proven sensible and practical and useful. That is why the man who is ahead of his era in his thinking and his acting is looked upon as “queer”— we .hate to be jarred out of our men­ tal ruts.* * * A Thought Fop Today It’s a wicked old world, I’ve heard you say, A wicked old world, and I’ll agree That trouble and sorrow block the way, And the sunshine is often hard to see It’s a wicked old world, but tell me, son, Are you one? We’re just a bit anxious about the blossoms. ******* * Those cold days and * * frosty nights taught us humility. The meteor flag has lost some of its awe-in-spiring grandeur. Get on with not. Many a one, better.—Jowett. trying to make it a better The feet. Two your neighbors whether you like 'his policies er by being thought better than he was, has become * * •«« A then’s egg contains 66 per cent, water, 10 per cent, fat, 113 per cent, protein and 11 per cent, minerals. The ant is the only species besides man which has domestic They keep “cows” lice or apihids. ‘Humminb birds sters in the nest, baby is woven to the tiny nest. African monkeys pounches for carrying 'South American monkeys have pounches and carry food in i hands. animals. and milk ] tie one the their young- foot side Father asked her: little daughter learn a child of Satan!” ***Louis E. Thayer * * * PRANKISH PROBLEMS Answer to .Problem No. 13: horse can graze 17,600 square Prankish Problem No. 14: men went hunting. They shot a deer and wanted to know the weight but did not have any scales. They took a rail and balanced it across a ■fence. The two men sat on the rail until it balanced. One weighed 130 pounds and the' other weighed 190 pounds, the man took the balanced position. What did the deer weigh? Watch for the correct solution in this space next week. * * * Customer: “Haven’t you thing you could guarantee to me early in the mornings?” Salesman: “Yes, but I They who deer with switched ends and weighed 13 0 pounds on his lap1. It just the rail in the same .»» JqF modern! »,!»/FIREPROOF » HOTELS XCONVENIWAY LOCATED ► EASY PARKING FACILITIES ChoosS PATES1 ♦1.50 I to 250 Single no Hnhifi any- waken t. People wiho spend their time looking for a leader, prove to the world that’s all they’re fit for. ******** There’s not mucih use in striking for higher wages when cash to pay any wages is not available. Henry Ford says that he will pay all-year wages as soon as he is guaranteed year-through sales. ***«*««* “Times are not half so bad” Quoth little Nimble Dick, Who nails tihe Kopeks as they run, Quick, quick, quick. ><« • •• • • THOSE AMIABLE GERMANS The German government has determined on its course of ac­ tion regarding all property held by Jews under German domination The short and long of the policy is that .the Jews are to Ibe robbed of their property and then starved or forced into exile. This is a fulfilment of what tihe spokesman of the German rulers said before some Americans was to be their policy of “benevolant extermina­ tion”. Irishmen -and Scotchmen and Canadians of no particular breed will do well to ponder such state of affairs, for what Germany is doing to the Jews she would do, nation under the sun. were she able, to every other ** * * * TIME WILL * * * TELL looks as if Haile Salasse and his country deal from the rest of the world. The king Stubborn Cases Of Constipation Constipation May Become Serious If Allowed To Continue Keep Your Bowels Regular With milburns^BLaxa-Liver 1 PlLLS-^fl They Do Not Gripe, Weaken or Sicken don’t think his mother would like parting with him.” /Sorrow never comes too late—nor happiness too soon. Ms * ■Complacency is usually the trag­ edy of ignorance. * * * One fault with modern civilization is that it has made us all feel own our code of morals is correct. » ♦ • you can’t boss yourself, to ipay someone to do it Your salary is (based on you for the If have you. amount of supervision you require. * Once more we near the column’s end The reader is glad and we are sad' Hope this one is not quite so bad Main point is—’have we kept the . trend?’ Us * THE COLONEL Borrowing At The Bank "fo- ptbotOi. Producers and distributors i of dairy products may skim deeper, richer “cream of profits” from their business, by borrowing at suitable rimes. The purchase of a few more good milk cows, the buying of better equipment, providing modern storage for cheese, butter and other dairy products—for example — may mean in­ creased profits. You, who believe you can increase your profits by borrowing on security of your dairy products, are cordially invited to Hsl consult with our local branch manager re­ garding loans. i . BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 “a bank where small accounts are welcome” MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . . . . the Outcome of 120 Years' Successful Operation Exeter Branch: W. H. MOISE, Manager 12 On the surface it have had a very raw and people of that land have been despoiled, subjugated all for no cause of tiheir own. King and people joined the League of Nations in good faith and lived up to' the provisions of the League through­ out the struggle that lhas 'turned out so disastrously for them. In face of such becoming conduct, no' nation lifted one finger in their beihalf. Their necks are under 'the lheel of the conqueror without the protest of any first class power. This is the way things appear this hour. But is there anoibher side to this story? We’d like to know. We wait with patience a statement from the League. Failing such an utterance from the League, a declaration from the British' For­ eign Office is in order. Something should 'be done to' clear the air. If Haile Salasse and his people merit tihe treatment they 'have un­ dergone, we’d like to know it. Expediency never permanently su­ persedes justice. Right in the only abiding might. 'SO' (history teaches. Witilr the statement that tihe League abandoned Ethiopia to prevent a world war we have little patience. The policy of doing a li'ttle wrong in the interests of a great right does not appeal to. us. We are not convinced that Italy would have fought tihe League had she been told to keep her hands off and had solid battalions and dreadnoughts and airplanes been marshalled to enforce the (hand­ off policy. Still less are we convinced that European peace is in­ sured by approval of Italian policy with Ethiopia. We wait a frank statement in regard to the League’s action, as well as an explana­ tion of on tihe part of (the United States government why Uncle Sam did not take up tihe quarrel in defence of justice. Because the United States is not a member of tihe League does not free her from hearing her share of tihe white man’s burden. First Gas Buggy We are very grateful to Mr. F. W. Hess of Hensail, who gave us the following information: On Bunday, May 8th last it was thirty years since the first New Gasoline Automo­ bile was brought to Zurich. Some of the older residents now living will well remember tihe little “one cylin­ der” Reo “Devilwagon” and it was owned by Mr. Fred W. Hess, jewel­ ler and now jeweller in Hensail. Mr. Hess tells us that at that time gaso­ line was 65c. per gallon, bought at the drug store. The license was $1. and the 'number was from year to year (the same) until 1911, when cars became more plentiful on the highways. This notorious Reo probably carried the first load tile in Canada. Wm. Hess was the driver, and Mr. John Hildebrandt .the passenger and it steamed into Zurich with its load in 190'S1. What a revela­ tion the auto industry has brought us since 1908 or the past thirty years and just what is before us? Well, we will see. —Zurich Herald car of Mitchell Lady Dies (Mrs. Sarah Ellen Vivian, widow of George Vivian, died at the hame of her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Doerr, 'Mitchell, after an illness of only a few days. Mrs. Vivian was born in England, April 4, 1863. For the past 45 years she has been a resident of Mitchell. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. D. M. Roberts, Tor­ onto; and Mrs. H. W. Doerr, of Mit­ chell; one son, Percy, at Detroit. The funeral service was held on Satur­ day. Interment in Woodland ceme­ tery. Exeter, My Nativity (by Frank W. K. Tom, 2306 Putnam St., Toledo, 0.) There’s an old home in the .Northland where the sugar maple grows In a village, where the River Aux ‘Sable gently flows And murmurs a soft welcome. Where the chapel bells ring clear At the closing of the day, at the ending of the year. To the old town in the homeland by recollections flow, Where cares resign to reveries of the years of long ago, To the woodlands, and the river, to tread the verdant sod; To reSt, and dream of hills and dales, of ferns and goldenrod. Where daffodils, and narcissi and tulips debonair, And apple-blossoms lend their pungent fragrance to the air. To hear the night-jars lusty cry as they forage through the night And playful borealis spreads ill is fantasy of light. Where evening zephyrs whisper through the pine trees on the lawn, And tihe cricket sings his cadance from night-fall until dawn. Where the trembling moon-beams flood the night like a stream or yellow gold, And life is like an evening sohg, or a story that is told. HURON TOWNSHIPS IN FAVOR OF COUNTY COUNCILS The rumors that the Ontario Got* ernment has under advisement n move to abolish county councils in, the province are likely to echo at the -sessions of Huron (County Coun­ cil, which opens at the end?of May. Already four townships have endors­ ed resolutions, to 'be read at the County Council, protesting any such contemplated action on the part of the government, and several other townships are expected to forward similiar resolutions within fhe next week or two. The four municipalities which have gone on record against any proposal to abolish the county councils are Stanley, Hay, 'Stephen and 'Goderich townships, and copies of their reso­ lutions have been forwarded to the county clerk. After they are pre­ sented to the County Council there is a possibility they will be sent on to Premier Hepburn. Where the rumors originated that the government was considering a jnove to abolish the councils is not by any means certain, but the feel­ ing in Huron County is virtually unanimous against the idea, generally felt in municipal that any such move would the government that introduced it. Three Complaints Gave Him a Miserable Time (Suffering from three complaints —disordered kidneys sciatica, and rheumatism, how could this man be anything else but always tired and. ill? This is what ihe ‘writes:—- "Up to a month or so ago, I had suffered continually from kidney disorder, sciatica, rheumatism, and generally felt off colour. I was con­ stantly tired, and under medical su- _. pervision, tried many remedies, but plant I without effect until I gave Kruschen 'Salts a trial. In four weeks, Krus- chen has brought about a complete transformation. I have a healthy ap­ petite and once more feel that it is good to be alive.”—‘S.V.’N, The 'kidneys are the filters of the human machine. If they become sluggish, impurities find their way into' the blood stream, and the seed of half-a-dozen common ailments is sown, The scientific combination of salts in Kruschen quickly coaxes the kid­ neys back to' healthy, normal action. Soon your ailments are relieved and life 'becomes a joy again. of each wall of have their cheek food, > no t'heir ISnake eggs are small and white about the size of a pigeon's egg, shell is soft, 7 or 8 are glued together in a circle and are very heavy weighing 3 or more pounds. When you buy a Hudson seal coat don’t think it is made from seals, or that it comes from Hudson Bay. It is only a trade name applied to muskrat skins, which have been clip­ ped and dyed. Grizzly bears are by no means as dangerous as his reputation would have us 'believe. It is only when wounded that the bear assumes ibis kingship of the mountains. The cow, the foster mother of tihe world, the patient, kind creature which furnishes us with so many of the good things we daily enjoy. The Stone age. The The The The The ’Copper age. Iron age. jSteam age. Wireless age. Bingo age. and away we —History— Telegram sent—‘.‘No money, fun. Your son.” ■Reply (Father)—“How sad. bad. Your dad.” go. No Too It is circles defeat 'Friends—“My wife had a dream last night and thought she was mar­ ried to a millionaire.” Man—“You’re lucky. My wife has dreams like that in the day time. The engagement is announced of Helen Barbara, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Wilhelm, Milver­ ton, to Wallace Alexander Ross, youngest son of Mrs. William A- Ross and the late Mr. William Ross, of Kippen. The marriage will take place in May. Varnishes^ Paints Enamels - Wax PLAT WALL FINISH .17 Beautiful Shades—-Washable—Durable ■ H. S. WALTER, A. SPENCER & SON, Exeter Hensail £ g r‘: A GRAND BIG CAR in WWqihinfy but The De Luxe Ford V-8 looks big and is big — in performance and value. The De Luxe was designed for a defi­ nite group of customers — folks who liked the basic Ford features, but wanted a little more size and style. We’ve put in everything they asked for. The De Luxe is richly appointed, in­ side and out. Closed sedans have longer bodies and larger luggage space. The V-8 engine under the hood de­ velops 85 smooth-flowing horse­ power and gives 22 to 27 miles “THE CANADIAN CAR’’ on a gallon of gas, as owners report. In comfort, performance and pride of ownership, the De Luxe Ford sets a new high for the low-price field. De Luxe prices are especially reason­ able when you realize that they include a great deal of equipment for which you are often asked to pay extra. . . . The newly Styled Standard Ford V-8 is even lower priced. Because both cars are Fords, you know that whatever you pay, you’ll get good measure for your money. A MONTH, with reasonable down-payment, buys any new Ford V-8 car under T. F. C. National Finance Plan- | ()R|) V-B STANDARD