HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY IMh, 1988
FOR SALE—Brick house in Hen
sall,, the property of Mrs. Margaret
Earce.tt. This property is in good
repair and can be purchased on very
reasonable terms.-—C. V. PICKARD,
phone 165, Exeter.
Mr, Alpine McEwen is recovering
nicely from his recent severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stewart, of
Toronto, called on friends in town
on Saturday.
Mr. Harold Bontihron is in Toron
to this week attending the school of
Mr. and iMrs, Robt, Green, Dutton,
called on relatives and friends in
this district last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Kaiser were re
cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. H.
Zappe, of Brucefield.
Miss Ethel Murdock has returned
to her home after spending several
weeks with' friends in Aylmer.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, of De
troit spent the week-end here with
their grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Bon
Mr. Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi
spent the week-end at the home of
his. parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Pass-
'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavander and
family were recent visitors with ‘Mr.
and Mrs. Lome Forrest, of Bnuee-
■ field.
'Mr. and Mrs. Bland, of Saskat
chewan were visitors last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. A.
Mr. Geo. C, Petty spent a few days
last week visiting at the home of
his brother-in-law Mr. Robt Dins-
dale at Kippen.
Mr. Walker Carlisle is assisting
in the Bontihron & Drysdale hard
ware store in the absence of 'Mr.
Harold Bontihron.
Mrs. Lou Simpson has returned to
her home after spending the winter
month's in Arizona and other south
ern. states in the interest of her
health. v
Mr. D. W. Foss, of Toronto, and
a former well known resident, of
Hensall, is visiting with Mr. Geo.
Douglas also calling on old friends
in town.
Mrs. Dr. Reid, of Pont Rowan,
spent the week-end here with rela
tives and friends and also attended
the funeral of her cousin the. late
F’red Manns.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verbeen, who
have been visiting for some time
near Ailsa Craig have moved to
Hensall and re occupying apart
ments in the Joynt Block.
Mr. Casey Hudson, of Listowel
spent -the week-end here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Go. Hudson
and also attended the funeral of this
cousin the late Fred Manns.
Mrs. William Henry and daughter
Miss Margaret Henry, of Stanley
.township, near Clinton, were calling
on relatives and friends in this dis
trict for several days last week.
Miss June Kennedy, of Winnipeg,
was a recent visitor with her grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty.
Miss Kennedy is taking an arts
course at the Toronto University.
Preparatory Services were held in
Carmel Presbyterian church on Fri
day evening last with the pastor
Rev. W. A. Young m charge. On
Sunday morning communion service
was held and four new members join
ed tilie church at this service.
W. M. S. Meeting
The W. M. S. of Carmel Presbyter
ian Church held .their regular month
ly meeting in the basement of the
church on Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
(Rev.) W. A. Young presided. The
meeting opened by singing a hymn
and prayer by Mrs. Young. Miss Jean
Dougall read tlhe 'Scripture lesson
and Mrs. Henry Arnold led in pray
er. A hymn “Just as I am” was
sung. Mrs. Young .then gave a very
interesting talk on "Courage”. The
roll call was then called and answer
ed with “Courage” as the text word.
The president then took charge of
the business period. Arrangements
were made for the. birthday party
which is to be held in the 'basement
of the church on June 16tJh. Mrs.
J. A. Paterson' sang a solo “There
is a Rainbow m the Sky for You.”
Mrs. W. A. Young then gave a very
interesting talk on 'Mission Band
work. iMiss Diantha Young sang a
solo “We ate ILittle Sunbeams.”
Mrs. Roy McLaren gave, a reading
on “Gifts
prayer in
Friday, May 20th
Dance in comfort to one of the
most popular Old and New Time
Dance Bands of Today.
General Admission 30c.
C. Watson, Manager
charge, of Miss Hazel Smillie and
Edison Forrest and a lunch was serv
ed. .
From Egypt and a Gift to
After singing a hymn the
closed with the Lord’s
Senior Institute Meeting
A meeting of the Women’s Senior
Institute was held on Wednesday ev
ening last at tihe home of Miss Maibel
Workman, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale act
ed as chairman in the absence of
the president, Miss Maude McLean.
Mrs. R. J. Moore gave a financial re
port which showed that the society
had a good balance on hand. In
teresting and instructive papers
were given on the following subjects
“Home Economics” by Miss Gladys
Mrs. Young;
Workman; '
G. Drysdale;
Mrs. J. A.
'Education” Miss Sangstei*;
Activities and Relief,”
“Legislation,” Miss M.
'Agriculture,” Mrs. ML
“Canadian Industries,”
Paterson; “Publicity,”
Miss Irene Douglas; “Peace and In
ternational Relationship?’ Mrs. R.
J. Moore. An election of officers
for the coming year took place, re
sulting as follows: President, Miss
Beryl Pfaff;
1st Vice-Pres., Mrs.
W. A- Young; 2nd Vice-Pres.,
■M. G. Drysdale; Sec’y-Treas.,
R. J, Moore; Press Reporter,
Gladys Luker; District Direct-
Miss Maude. McLean; Branch
Directors, Miss Mabel Workman,
Miss Irene Douglas and Mrs. Cross;
Pianist, Miss Gladys Luker; Audit
ors, Mrs. Garnet Case and Mrs. E.
Drummond; District Representatives
Miss Olga . Bell, Mrs. E. Kennedy,
Mrs. Paterson. Mrs. Paterson fav
ored with a pleasing solo. Mrs.
Rundle and Miss Keddy were inter
esting visitors from Exeter. At the
close of the meeting a lunch was
served and a pleasant s’ocial
hour spent.* * *
Miss K. Sells and friend, of
d.on, visited over the week-end
Miss Greta Lammie.
Mr. Levi Rands who is employed
on the C. N. R. section at Shakes
peare, spent Sunday with his family.
Dr. Harry Joynt left 'this week for
Saranac Lake
post graduate
Miss Mary
where he is taking a
course at the Grudeau
The Women’s Institute of Credit-1 ES
on, are giving a course on Home Ut- ~
ilization of Wood Project under phe ~
direction of Miss Lillian Howell, To- as
ronto, commencing Monday, May 23 s
until Thursday, 26th. All ladies ~
' are invited to take the course. A
small fee of 50c, members 25c. ss
Mr, Gerald Gross, of Kitchener, ss
visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ~
G. E. Wenzel. ss
Misses Marguerite and Gertrude
Amy visited their grandmother and ss
other relatives in Hamilton and ■—
Peterboro the past week. I
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein spent
the week-end at St, Marys.
Miss Lulu Gaiser, of McMaster
University, Hamilton, spent a few
days last week at 'her home here.
We are glad to report that Mr, E.
Sweitzer, who has been a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has
returned .home,
'Fishing along tlhe Aux Sauble
river continues to attract many vis
itors. Each week-end for the past
month motorists have been parked
along the side of the river.
Lovers of natural scenery have
been enjoying the many beautiful
blossoms during the past two weeks.
Apple and plum trees are loaded
with blossoms. Every indication is :
for a bumper crop, of fruit. :
Mr. George Becker, of Dashwood,
raised Mr, Herman Atkinson’s barn
south of Centralia on Monday, ready
for the foundation,
Mr. Fred Neil of McGillivray pur
chased the barn of the Clark farm
one and a quarter miles west of
Crediton and one and half miles
Mrs. Earle Walker, of Drinkwater
Sask., is visiting her brother and
father Mr. Garnet Hill and Isaac Hill. ;
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gordon and i
children, of Detroit, spent t'he week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mitchell.
Evangelical Anniversary
(Rev. Dr. Hirschman, of Zion Evan
gelical Church, Kitchener, will 'be the
guest speaker at the anniversary
which will be Jield in the Evangel
ical Church on Sunday, May 22nd.
Services at 10.45 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Dr. Hirschman will also address the
Sunday School. A choir of 35 voices
will render special music for the day.
Everyone cordially invited to attend.
Evangelical Y. P. L.
Last Friday night the Young
People's League began with a short
song service conducted by Lawrence
Wein. The Department of Recrea
tion with Mrs. Lawrence Wein spon
sored a very interesting and instruc
tive program which consisted of
scripture by Miss Dorothy Amy; vo
cal solos by Norma Fahrner, Jack
England; topic by Miss Ru'by Fink-
beiner; solo, Frederick Wuerth;
duet, Edward .Schenk and Orland
Gaiser; reading, Eldon Smith; solo,
Helen Bullock; duet, Glen and Doris
Evangelical Mission Circle
The May meeting of the Evangel
ical Mission Circle was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Get
tinger. The committee in charge with
Mrs. Emmerson Wein as convenor
rendered a very interesting program
which consisted of a piano trio by*
Marguerite Gettinger, Gladys Ratz
and Mrs. Freeman Morlock; a read
ing by Marguerite Gettinger; solo by
Mrs. Freeman Morlock; an instru
mental 'by Gladys Ratz and a discus
sion on the chapter of the Study
Book “Highland Heritage” by Dor
othy Ratz. The program was fol
lowed by two instructive contests
after which light refreshments were
THE RED and WHITE STORECourt of Revision
A Court of Revision on the 193 8
Assessment Roll of tlhe village was
held in the Council Chambers of the
Town Hall on Monday evening. The
whole council acted as a Revising
Board. Quite a number of appeals
were in. Miss Clarsia Mitchell ap
pealed against the assessment on
her property on Queen St. and in a
very interesting and capable manner
presented her case. Miss Nettie
Cameron appealed her assessment.
Mr. Frank Coleman appealed against
the assessment on the property on
Brock St. that >he recently purchas
ed from Mr. J, W. Ortwein. Mr, P.
Stewart had his name signed to pap
ers appealing that certain properties
were not assessed high enough', par
ticularly the Post Office Block and
the New Commercial Hotel, Each
appeal was disallowed, the council
preferring to accept the judgment of
tlh'e Assessor, Robert Paterson, as to
the proper assessed value of these
properties. Considerable ill feeling
was shown and some threats were
made to carry some of the appeals
to the County Judige.
Death of Frederick Manns
It is with deep regret that we
have to write this week of tlhe death
of one our most respected citizens
and business men, Frederick Manns,
who passed away at his home on
Thursday last at the age of 68 years.
Mr, Manns suffered a foot infection
several months ago., About five
weeks ago .he had a toe amputated
in the Seaforth Hospital. Later the
leg was taken off below the knee.
This it was thought would stop the
infection. He was brought to his
home but gradually sank till he pas
sed away. Mr. Manns was born near
Grand Bend, a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Manns. The
family moved to Hensall when he
was a young boy and he has resid
ed here continuously since. He first
learned the butcher business, later
started in the 'barbering business.
Later he and Mr. Frank F'arquhar
started in business, conducted a
barber shop, pool room and a tobac
co business and for over 25 years
Manns & Farquhar were one of t'he
best known, firms in Western Ontar
io. Owing to the illness of Mr.
Manns the firm dissolved partnership
last December. He had a very
friendly disposition and had a host
of friends. He took a great interest
in the Fraternal orders of the vil
lage, being a prominent member of
both the Masons and I.O.O.F. For
several years he was a member of
tihe Hensall School Trustee Board.
He was greatly interested in the wel
fare of the village and was always
willing to do his part in its munici
pal, sports and social life. He was
a member of the United church.
About 30 years ago he married Miss
Jessie Shepherd, who survives him,
and one son Kenneth. One brother
Charles Manns, lives in California.
The funeral took place from his late
home on King St., on .Saturday after
noon and was under the auspices of
.Hensall Masonic Lodge of which
deceased was a valued member for
a great
■was one
sail for
The service at the home was con
ducted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of
the United church, assisted by Rev.
W. A. Young, pastor of Carmel Pres
byterian church. Both ministers
paid a high tribute of respect to the
deceased. During the service Rev.
Mr. Young sang a solo “Lead Kindly
Light.” The floral tributes sent by
different organizations, relatives and
friends were numerous and very
beautiful showing the higlb esteem
felt for Mr. Manns in the commun
ity where he spent most of his life.
Interment took place in McTaggart’s
cemetery. At tlhe grave side the
Hensall Odd Fellows had charge of
service,. Past Noble Grand Bro. Sid
ney McArthur taking the Noble
Grands part of the service. Past
Noble Grand G. J. Sutherland took
the Clhaplin’s part, while Bro. W. O.
Goodwin acted as marshall. The
pall bearers were Dr. A. R. Campbell
William Consitt, T. C. Joynt, Errol
Drummond, Thos. Welsh and Frank
Farquhar. The flower carriers were
Lloyd McDonald, Ernest Slhaddick,
Wm. McKenzie, Archie Parsons,
John E. McEwen and John McBeth.
There was a large attendance of
brethren from both lodges. Among
those who attended the funeral from
a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. F.
Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks,
Mr. and Mrs. W.ilbert Bengougli, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie' Merter and Mrs. F.
Sraham, all of London; Mr. Charles
Manns and son, of Sanalac, Mich.;
Mr. and Mrs. Meadon, of Sanalac,
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Dewar, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Watson, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Cleave, all of Bayfield; Mrs. Moffat,
of Varna; Mrs. Brandon and daugh
ter, of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Joihn
S. Wren and Mr. Harold Shepherd,
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Shepherd and daughter, of Harriets-
ville; Mr. John Stewart and Miss
H. Murray, of Seaforth; Mrs. Dr.
Reid, of Port Rowan; Mr. Cassey
Hudson, Listowel. Mr. Manns will
be sadly missed in Hensall. Ho was
a .great favorite witlh every one es
pecially the children. He spent a
great deal of his time visiting the
sick and shut-ins and frequently
acted as a pall bearer at
His bereaved widow and
the sympathy of the whole
GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, Choice quality.
CHOICE QUALITY PEAS, large No. 5, sweet
FANCY COOKIES, fresh assorted
Peanut Butter in bulk...........2 lbs. for 25c.
White Tuna Fish.....................2 tins for 25c.
Libby’s Pork and Beans large tins 3 for 25c
phone 102
10 lb. for 55c
2 tins for 19c
10 bars for 29c
24 LB. BAG EACH 59c.
Supreme Shortening
Calay Toilet Soap...
New Potatoes...........
2 lbs. for 25c.
2 lbs. for 25c.
.... 4 cakes 19c.
, 5 lbs. for 25c
. per lb. 29c.
3 PKGS. 20c.
We Deliver
Miss Mary McGregor was t taken
to Victoria Hospital, London, last
week where she will remain for a
few weeks care and rest.
Misses Kathryn Drysdale, Elva
McQueen and Goldie Cross attended
the Young Peoples Convention held
at Brucefield on Saturday.
Cardboard houses made by the
Art class of Grade 9, of the Hensall
Continuation school are on display
in the windows of the
win store.
Mrs. G. Voth, the
Simpson, has returned
in Detroit, after spending several
weeks visiting with her grandmoth
er Mrs. Robt.
her father Mr.
Rev. Arthur
the United
speaker at
held in the
on .Sunday,
a former pastor of that church. Rev.
Mr. Stewart, pastor of the Centralia
United church took Mr. Sinclair’s
work here.
United Church Y. P. S.
The Y.P.S. of the United dhurch
held their regular meeting in the
school room of the clhurch with
Gladys Passmore presiding. Hymn
120 was sung and the Lord’s prayer.
The Scripture lesson was taken by
Norma Cook. A very interesting re
port was. given of the Y.P.'S. conven
tion held in Brucefield United
church on Saturday last given by the
following in order of the session:
Morning service, Kathryn Drysdale;
afternoon session, Elva McQueen;
evening session, Goldie Cross. All
reports were much enjoyed. A piano
solo by Gladys Luker, devotional
reading, Ethel Martene, instrument
al duett Elva McQueen and Goldie
Cross. Hymn 1514 was sung and the
Miscellaneous 'Shower
Mrs. Stanley Mitchell gave a mis
cellaneous shower at her home ‘on
Thursday evening last in honor of
Miss Marguerite McQueen. Mrs.
Mitchell was assisted by two' girl
friends of the bride, Mrs. Melv. Moir
and Miss Sally Manson. The gifts
were brought in a prettily* decorated
wagon drawn by Patsy Mitchell and
Bobby Traquair dressed as bride
and groom. The bride received many
beautiful gifts. During the evening
Mrs. Young Mrs. Hutton and Miss
Irene Hoggarth sang several numb
ers. At the close a delicious lunch
was served.
At the Presbyterian Manse, Hen
sall, on Saturday, May 14th, at 12
o’clock noon, Rev. W. A. Young of
ficiating, Miss Flora Marguerite Mc
Queen, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. McQueen was united in mar
riage to Mr'. John MacDonald Rigby,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rigby, of
Blenheim. The bride wore a navy
tailored suit with matching acces
sories and a cors'age of Talisman
roses and lily of the valley. The
bride was attended by her sister Miss
Jean McQueen, who wore a black
tailored suit with' matching accessor
ies ''and corsage Of yellow roses. The
groom was attended by his brother
Mr. Clare Rigby. During the sign
ing of the register Mrs. Young sang
“My Wo'rld.” Following the cere
mony the bridal °coupie left by motor
for Niagara Falls. On tijieir return
they will reside in Blenheim.
Gives Talk on Trip
The Wholeho Class of the
ed chunch met in the school room of
the church on Friday evening last
with Mr. Edison Forrest as chair
man. A very pleasant and helpful
evening was spent. The meeting op
ened by singing hymn 352 and all
repeating the Lord’s prayer. Miss
Gladys Passmore read the Scripture
lesson. Mr. Clarence Smillie gave j
a. very interesting talk on his recent; anniversary services in
trip to England and Scotland. He, Church on Sunday last,
also showed a number of interesting!
pictures that he 'brought home from,
those countries. Misses Goldie
Cross and Elva McQueen favored
with a piano duet. After
Anker- Holth ELIMVILLE
W. O. Good-
former Mary
to1 her home
Bonthron and with
Cecil Simpson, of
.Sinclair, pastor of
church was the guest
the anniversary services
United clhurch Centralia
Rev. Mr. Sinclair was
many years. The funeral
of the largest held in Hen-
many years, a great many
•coming a very long
to pay their last respects.
A quiet wedding was
in the United Church
Bright on Saturday, May
Alwinna Hill, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Hill was united in mar
riage to Joihn Galloway, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Galloway, Liverpool,
England. Rev. Hagelstein uncle of
■the bride officiated. The bride wore
a navy blue travelling suit with
navy blue accessories. After motor
ing to London and. partaking of a
wedding dinner served to the immed
iate family, the bride ad groom left
for Detroit for a short honeymoon.
hymn 221 the meeting closed with
the benediction. A social hour Was
then spont in games which were in
son have
iCanon. A. A. Bice, of All Saints’
Church, London, conducted the 28th
St. Marys
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton spent
the week-end with the former’s par
ents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.
'Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis, of
London, spent Sunday witili relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Les. Thompson spent
Sunday with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Morley.
Mrs. McDonald, of Montreal,
visiting with her daughter Mrs.
(Rev.) R. N. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and
Harold were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock at
Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook visited with
friends at Munroe on Sunday.
.‘Mr. Adamac and family recently
took up residence in the village. Mr.
Adamac is employed with Mr. W. T.
Mrs. Clara Abbott has returned
home after spending the winter with
her brother Mr. and Mrs. F. Fairliall
in Pasedena, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford and fam
ily, of Kornoka, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Madge,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mitchell
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
R. Parker.
Rev. and Mrs. Falconbridge were
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyes
of last week. Mr. Falconbridge was
the guest speaker at. the service of
the combined Centralia and Whalen
congregation held in the 'church
here on Wednesday evening.
•The Home and School Club will
hold their regular monthly meeting
in the school on Friday evening of
this week. The Home and School
Club from Shiplca, Mrs. Taylor and
Mrs. McDonald, of Goderich will be
guests for the evening. Mi*s, McDon
ald was a delegate to the Home and
School Convention recently held in
Toronto and will address the meet
ing. Home and School Clubs aim to
strengthen the public, interest in the
development of our boys and girls
as future Canadian citizens. Visitors
are always welcome,
Don’t forget the bail game to be held here on May 24tli, Lieury vs.1
Regardless of make or size
of any separator
For the first time we can now
supply you with a new pan as
LESS THAN $70.00
on a 600 lb. capacity
Makes your old separator just
like new
John Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Giblert Dafoe and
Doreen, of London, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns on .Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell and
child, of Detroit, were week - end
visitors with relatives here.
Misses Etheiene and Eilene Johns
spent the week-end at Mr. Arthur
Gardiner’s at Farquhar.
Messrs. Wes. Horne, Wm. Rout-
ly, John Whiteford and son visited
at Watford on Sunday.
Elimville W. A.
The W- A. held their May meeting
at the home of Mrs. Garnet Johns.
Sixteen members were present. Miss
Dora Delbridge had charge and the
meeting opened with hymn 15 6 fol
lowed by the scripture lesson read
by Miss Ruth Skinner. Mrs. Penrose
led in prayer. Readings were given
by Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Davis and
Mrs. Ken. Johns after which hymn
16 8 was sung. invitation
been extended to t'he W. M. S. to
I attend the June meeting. After
singing hymn 174 the meeting clos
ed with the Mizpah benediction. The
remainder of the afternoon was
spent in sewing.
A-l Baby Chicks, Write for spec
ial prices on Barred Rock Pullets
all ages. White Leghorns .07c.;
Barred Rocks .08c.; White Rocks,
Hampshire Reds, S.C, Brown Leg
horns ,09c.; Jersey Black Giants .10c
Heavy .Surplus .08c.; Light Surplus
.07c.; Brown Leghorn Pullets .18c.;
White Leghorns .16c.; Leghorn Cock
erels .02c.; Rock Pullets .12c.; Cock
erels .06c.; Four Week Pullets .30c.
five 35c. Order from ad. Guaran
teed 10 0 per cent safe arrival to your
Telephone 38-3, Granton
Granton, Ontario
manse at
14th when
at a fraction of
regular cost.
See your dealer.
Ask him, too,
about the new
IVTOW is the time to fill your bin with
HAMCO - Canada’s famous dustless,
smokeless, wasteless Coke. Save dollars
throughout the next heating season by taking
advantage of the new reduced price. Ask
your local HAMCO Dealer for particulars.