HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-19, Page 4THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATEMIUBSDAY, MAY lotHi, J08S Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Stores - Specials - I Canned Goods 325c 1 P, & Bean Prunes Large Size 2 lb..................19c McLaren’s Invincible Products Olives, Extracts, Baking Powder, Jelly Powders, 1 Spices Schneider’s Pure Lard 2 lb.................25c Tomato Soup Campbell’s 2 tins............ 15c I 11 lb. . tologna Special 15c• • • • • lUV Soap Flakes Princess, lc Deal 3 pkgs.............29c 1 COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value EXETER 58 — TELEPHONES — HENSALL 46 London - Wingham Motorways Change of TIME-TABLE LEAVE EXETER SOUTHBOUND— Daily Except Sundays and Holidays 9.00 A.M. & 4.55 P.M. NORTHBOUND— Daily Except Sundays and Holidays 1.45 p.m. to Wingham 7.10 PAI. to Kincardine SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS ONLY SOUTHBOUND— 6.10 PAI. NORTHBOUND— 1.45 p.m. to Wingham 8.55 PAI. to Kincardine For Further Information Consult Local Agent, Central Hotel Our Customers have appreciated the High Quality and Results they have obtained in JAP-A-LAC TIME-TESTED ENAMELS & VARNISHES Why not let us supply you with the same high quality in paint to beautify and protect your home and outbuildings? 1-2 inch. LAWN OR GARDEN HbSE in 50 ft. coils complete with couplings and clamps ONLY $2.65______ LAWNBLACK DIAMOND MOWERS for real value with bearings guaranteed to wear out and to never need adjustment PRICED from $8.75 - $13.95 roller never FOR BETTER HARDWARE SHOP AT LINDENFIELDS’ Photie 181 Exeter ZION Mission Circle will be held on. Saturday at the (home of Laurene Hern. We are glad to report that Mrs. Angus Earl is improving. A number from here attended the anniversary services at Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and son; also Mr. W. Stephens, of Pt. Stanley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern. SECURES VALUABLE HORSE Mr. Chas. Godbolt last week lost his imported horse “Launcelot.” Mr. Godbolt has replaced ihim by purchas- • ing from Mr. E. J. Falconer, of Pe- ’ trolia, a 2-year-old colt “Inspira­ tion” sired by Lochinvar. Loc'hinvar is a horse weighing 2300 lbs. He has won 5 championships at Toronto, i which no other horse in Canada has ; done. He won championsihip and i trophy in 1928 at Chicago. Altoge­ ther 'he has won 59 icihampionships ; and has never been beaten m the !show ring. Mr. Falconer paid $3,- j 200 for this horse as a 2-year-old. i His colt Inspiration has gild-edge : breeding and should prove a splen- I did sire. This horse is open for in- I spection six days in the week hut spectators on Sunday are not wanted Does a Doctor keep in good .health because he takes no medicine—or does he take no medicine because he j has good health? COLEMAN INSTANT LITE GASOLINE STOVES the hottest summer cooking device known at the low price ONLY $25.95 WESCO COAL OIL STOVES For those timid of gasoline these are the most economical and efficient in their field ONLY $25.00 BIRTHS OR AGO—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital on Saturday, May 14tib, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago, of Blanshard, a son (William Alexander) MASSE—At Hay Township on May 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Masse a daughter. KELLER—-At Hay Township, on May 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Edward Keller, a daughter. MILLER—At Hay Township to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, on May 3rd ix daughter. JENKIN—At St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tuesday , May 17th, to Capt. and Mrs, Earl Jenkin, of Lucan, a son, MARRIAGES RIGBY—M-cQUEEN—At the Pres­ byterian Manse, Hensail, on Sat­ urday, May 14t,h, Flora Marguer­ ite, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen, of Usborne, to Mr. John M. Rigby, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rigby, of Blenheim. GALLOWAY—HILL—At the United 'Church manse, Bright, Alwinna Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hill, of Crediton, to Mr. John Galloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Galloway, of Liverpool, England, by Rev. H. W. Hagelstein DEATHS HOLDEN—At Crediton, on Tuesday, May 17th, John Holden, in his 8'5th' year. SELVES—At St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tuesday, May 17th, Fred Selves, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Selves, of Usborne, aged 19 years. MANIN'S—In Hensail, on Thursday, May 12th, Frederick Manns, aged 6 8 years. MiciCALLUM—In London, on Mon­ day, May 16th, Thomas Henry McCallum, formerly of Exeter, in his 86th year. BEAVERS—In Vancouver B.C., on May 17th Phoebe Harris, beloved wife of George Beavers B. A., in her 8l&th year. IN MEMORIAM RGWiCiLTFFE—In loving memory of David Rowcliffe, who passed away two years ago May 1)8, 1936. ’Tis sweet to know we’ll meet again Where troubles are no more; And t'hat the one we loved so well, Has just gone on before. Ever remembered by loving Wife & Daughter. • IN MEMORLUI DAVIS—'In loving memory of Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis who passed away two years ago today, May 18th. His memory is as sweet today As each hour and every day That God granted us to keep our boy Until he fell asleep. His memory we will always keep close to our hearts. Sadly missed by the family ENGAGEMENT ■Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter Marjorie, to Mr. Squire Herdman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman, of Usborne, the marriage to take place in the near future. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. L. Aidworth has returned after a few weeks visit with her sons in Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs. F. Newman and son Seldon returned to Kingston Wednesday af­ ter visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon. The play by Crediton foung people to be given in the James Street Unit­ ed church has been postponed inde­ finitely. Mrs. M. Fletcher is seriously ill with pneumonia with two nurses in attendance. Her many friends will hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones attend­ ed the funeral of the late T. H. Mc­ Callum in London on Wednesday. Mrs. Ed. Johns, of Usborne, had the flesh taken from one of her fin­ gers when her hand was caught while a car door was being closed. A number of Masonic brethren, from town were in Lucan Thursday' evening of last week attending the celebration of the 75tli anniversary of Irving Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and dau­ ghter Marion of Melbourne; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green, of Dutton, visitecj Mr. and Mrs. James Green and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moir on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson attend­ ed the funeral last Thursday of Dr. John M. Jones, who died ill Brook- lyn¥ N. Y. Interment was in West’s Cemetery, McGillivray Township. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ford, Messrs, Orval Lawson and Wm. Chambers and Misses Eileen Snell and Gladys Stone enjoyed a week-end fishing trip at Cliesley Lake. A beautiful bouquet of flowers adorned the pulpit at James Street United Church on Sunday 'being plac­ ed there in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Th os. Jones by their daughters Miss Ella Jones and Mrs. Rice, Banco in Dublin on Friday, May 20th, Benny Palmer’s Orchestra. . LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 19th, 20th, 21st ‘The Buccaneer’ with Frederick March and an all star cast, A fast moving action sea picture MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY May 23rd, 24thj 25th “Victoria the Great” with Anna Nagle, Anton Walbrook and a cast of thousands Look! Look! Having taken over the stock of the People’s Shoe Store I ’have a lovely assortment of shoes and slippers to g0' at prices to suit every pocket Shoes for Dad, Mother and Everyone Bring the family and fit them at a small cost while the bargains last Something for the boy or girl with every order whether repairing or purchase ■Sefe these bargains before they are gone Repairing promptly and neatly done A. E. Wuerth Exeter 'Shoes, Rubbers and Leather Repairing Cash Prices. No Exchanges Announcement I wish to announce that I have taken * over the Distributing Agency for this district for McColl Frontenac Gasoline and Oils Including Automotive and Industrial Oils and Greases, Keresene and Fuel Oil Telephone your requirements to Dashwood, phone 40 r 13 and you can be assured of prompt service TANKS AND WAREHOUSE ARE BEING LOCATED AT HENSALL E. HAIST DASHWOOD, ONT. FREE Illustrated Lectures on THE PROPHECIES of DANIEL AND THE REVELATION AND OTHER BIBLE TOPICS TO BE HELD EACH SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY at 8 p.m. (Song Service at 7.45) in the Hall on Main Street FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE SALVATION ARMY come and bring your bible SOME OF THE SUBJECTS The Wind-Up of Nations The Second Coming of Christ Signs of the Times Satan’s Arrest and Imprisonment Armageddon Where Are tihe Dead? Spiritualism Why God Did Not Kill the Devil Heaven: What and Where? The Seal of God The Seven Last Plagues Conversion Baptism Hogarth Chicks are Easy to Raise HOGARTH Chick Hatchery Phone 266 Exeter Tested Recipes Jellied Ham Rolls 6 slices icooked ham 1 small bar wlhite cream .cheese •or 1 cuip cottage cheese Cream to moisten J cup horseradish 1 package lemon jelly powder 1% cups boiling water % C'Ujpi vinegar 1 teaspoon salt Dash of cayenne Matae a paste of cheese, cream and horseradish. .Spread generously on thin slices of ham. Roll tightly. Ar­ range rolls in mould, Dissolve jelly powder in boiling water to which vinegar, salt and cayenne 'has been added. Cool. Pour over ham rolls and chill. When thoroughly set, cut into oblong sJhaipes with one ham roll in each. .Serve on crisp lettuce. If desired one-half cup seedless rais­ ins may be added to the jelly mix­ ture when partially set. Eggs a la ICing 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons minced onion 5 ’ cupi mushrooms, sliced 1 tablespoon (chopped green peppers 3 tablespoons flour 11 cups milk 2 tablespoons chopped pimento 6 hard-cooked eggs 1 egg .yolk 'Salt and pepper Cook onion in butter 5 mimites. Add mushrooms and green pepper and cook until mushrooms are delicately browned. Blend in flour. Add milk and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Cook 10 minutes. Add pimento and lhard-cooked eggs cut in qiuarters. Poui’ some of the sauce over beaten egg yolk and stir into sauce. Cooki one minute. .Serve on toast. One-half cup green peas may be added in place of green pep­ per and pimento. Cheese Sandwiches—'Spanish Style 3 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup chopped celery 2 cups canned tomatoes 11 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper 12 slices 'bread Cheese Cook onion 5 minutes in 2 table­ spoons butter. Add icelery and to­ matoes, and simmer 15 minutes. Melt 1 tablespoon butter, blend in flour, and add tomato mixture. iStir until sauce is slightly thickened. .Season with salt and pep.per. Toast (bread. Place slices of cheese between two slices of toast. Cover sandwiches with hot tomato sauce. Pompadour Rice 1£ cups cooked rice 3 talblepsoons fruit sugar •Few grains of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup whipping cream Male syrup Combine rice, sugar, salt, and vanil­ la. Whip cream and fold into rice. Boil syrup until thick. Cool. Pour syrup ever rice mixture m sherbert glasses. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and children spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, of Fairfield, spent Sunday -with Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Heatherely, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. 'Mr. Joseph Flynn, of Exeter, spent Sunday with bis daughter Mrs. Jack Jesney. Miss Ruby Penhale, of Zurich spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, spent Sunday wit'll ‘ the former’s brothers Mr. Henry and Abe Dearing. Mr. Ed. Sweitzer, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, with blood poison in his hand returned home .Wednesday and is improving fine. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Suns had their son Bill}' to London on Sunday for an X-ray on his ears. Mrs. Wm. Snell, of Exeter, is vis­ iting with lier daughter Mrs. E. Kel­ lar, SH1PKA Mrx Jack McKenzie, of Windsor, is at present visiting for a -couple of Weeks at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner. The Home and School Clubs of Grand Bend and the Bee Line visited our club on Tuesday evening last and provided a program Mrs. Taylor of Goderich was the speaker. Lunch was served and a very interesting time was spent by all present. Mr. Geo. Scott attended the fun­ eral of the late Mr. John Jones D.D.B., of Brooklyn N.Y. to- West’s Cemetery in McGillivray Township on Thursday afternoon last. The Y. R. Society held their reg­ ular meeting on Thursday evening last with a large attendance at tihe home of Mr. Jacob Kellerman In the absence of the president Nola Sweitzer John Lamport, vice-presi­ dent was in charge. Meeting opened by song and prayer. A program was given consisting of music and read­ ings and a fine address by Rev. D. Gladman also contests. Lunch was served. Meeting closed 'by the Miz­ pah benediction. .Lakeview Casino. GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AND MAY 24th Ladies 35c. Men 50c. Dancing- Free DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. The Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran Church intend having a Strawberry 'Social on Wednesday evening June 22nd, Further particulars later. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Maier, of Detroit spent the week-end with his father and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Port Hur­ on, spent the week-end with the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. Witzel. Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich and Mrs. Vallett, of Flint, Mich., were 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen, who spent the past week with relatives in Park­ hill returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pfile, of De­ troit, are visiting with relatives. Mrs. R. Armstrong and son Her- ston and Miss L. Armstrong, of Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac on Sunday. We are pleased to report that Mr. Micllsaac, who has been on the sick list for some time is improving. Mr. Louis Rader is on the sick list. Her daughter Mrs. W. Schultz, of Detroit, is attending her. Miss Emma Tieman, of London, spent a few days with relatives here. IStuart Wolfe visited friends at Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merner, of Detroit, visited witih Mrs. G. Merner and family on Sunday. Mr. Elgin Merner and Kathleen and Miss Helen Luft were Sunday visitors with friends in Kitchener. Mrs. Hamacher is visiting in Dor­ chester. Mr. and Mrs. R. Geiger and dau­ ghter Romaine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wildfong. Little Marilyn Bender is spending two weeks with her aunt in Toron­to. KIRKTON Mr. David Gilfillan, of Winnipeg, returned to his home after spending the past two weeks with his brother Wm. Gilfillan. Mrs. Callahan (nee Doris Sawyer) of St. Thomas, spent the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Sawyer. Rev. Mr. James, formerly of Thed­ ford, moved to the rectory this past week and commenced his new work at Kirkton and Saintsbury. Miss Joan Parker visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazel­ wood in Detroit this past week. CROMARTY Wilfred Scott and Ross Houghton returned to Guelph after spending the week-end at their homes here. They were accompanied on the re­ turn trip by Mr. and Mrs. William Houghton and son Gordon who also called on friends in Waterloo. Mr. Otto Walker of Staffa has purchased a vacant lot previously owned by Mrs. S. A. Miller. We un­ derstand he intends to build in the near future. Miss Ada Speare visited with her father on Sunday. We are sorry to report our minis­ ter, Rev. James Redie not enjoying the best of health. We wish him a speedy recovery. MOUNT CARMEL Miss Winnie Madden, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her father Mr. Michael Madden. ■Miss Magdalene Moser, of Detroit, spent the week-end with her father Mr. Albert Moser. Mr. Hubert Carey was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for an operation on Saturday night and is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Joseph Moulahan is taking treatments in St. Joseph’s Hospital, We hope to see him him out soon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carey visited friends at London on Sunday. GREENWAY Messrs. Lawrence and Harold Pol­ lock spent a few days last week vis­ iting friends in Montreal and La Chute, Quebec. The W. M. ,S. held a successful quilting at the home of Mrs. Roy Hutchinson last Wednesday. Mrs. Win. Hicks spent a few days last week with her daughter Mrs. P. Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock, Margery and Miss Mary Corbett, of London, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. J. F. Sutcliffe, of Thorndale, preached a very inspiring sermon in the United Church on Sunday under the auspices of the W. M. S. Mrs. Sutcliffe’s many friends here were glad to welcome her back to Green­ way again, The music was supplied tby a ladies* choir. Mrs. R. L. Sheppard, of London, visited Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. English, Miss Gladys Stewardson, Brinsley, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Stewardson, The Harmony Class held thoir May meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bol­ lock. The meeting opened with the ihymn “'What a Friend we have m Jesus” followed by the Lord’s pray­ er in unison, Mr. Lawrence Curts was in charge of the Devotional per­ iod assisted by Mrs. Whiting. Mr. Milton Pollock, Mr. Arthur Broipbey and Mrs. McIntosh, The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mr. Roy Whiting. Plans for the annual picnic were discussed. It was de­ cided to hold it at Stoney Point on June llt)h. The meeting was closed witih prayer by Rev. J. B. Moore. MORTGAGE SALE --- of --- FARM LANDS Under the powers of sale contained in a mortgage, which will ibe produc­ ed at the sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1938 at the hour of 2 o’clock in t)he after­ noon, by Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, on the premises, the following lands: ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel of land and premises lying and being in the Township of Hay, in the 'County of Huron, composed of the North Half of Lot Eight and the 'Soiutih Half of the South Half of Lot Nine in the Eighth Concession of the said Township, containing Seventy-Five acres more or less. Gn the said lands there is said to be a dwelling house and barn both of wihich have been unoccupied for several years. The land will be offered subject to a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE Twenty per cent, of purchase mon­ ey is to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in Thirty days. For further particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply to: FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exe- (ter, Ontario. CARRUTHERS & McMILLAN, Solic­ itors for the Mortgagee, 404 Tal­ bot.Street, London, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen for the year 193\8 will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, in Crediton, on Thursday, the 26tih day of May, -1938, at one o’clock p.m. HERBERT K. EILBER, Township Clerk, Crediton, Ont. Dated at Crediton, May 2nd, 19 3 8. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, June 6th, 1938, at 1 p.m. for:—- 1, Crushing and elevating 1500 or more yards of gravel in Skinner’s Pit, Township' of Usborne. Work to be done between September 1st and October 1.5th, 1938. Contractor is to furnish everything. State prices per yard delivered in bin. 2. For hauling gravel from said Skinner’s Pit on roads in the Town­ ship of Stephen. State price per yard mile. Work to be started as soon as gravel is crushed. The lowest or any of the above tenders not necessarily accepted. HERBERT K. EILBER Clerk Twp. Stephen Crediton, Ont. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tenders for Coal,” will be received until 12 o’clock noon (daylight saving,), Mon­ day, June 6, .1.938, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob­ tained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, ■ Ot­ tawa; and the Supervising Architect 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in .accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attach­ ed thereto. . When the amount of a tender ex­ ceeds the sum of $5,000.00—whether it be for one building only or more —the tenderers must attach to their tender a certified cheque on a char­ tered bank of Canada, made pay­ able to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dom­ inion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncondition­ ally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. The Department also reserves the right to demand from any success­ ful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque or bond as above, equal to 10 per cent, of the amount of his bid, to guaran­ tee the proper fulfilment of the con­ tract. By order, J. M. ,SOMERVILLE, •Seevstary Department, of Public Works, Ottawa, May 6, 1938.