HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-19, Page 2THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1988 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Sam 8
by Phyllis Moore Gallagher
Her Bethrotlial Kiss
He excused himself from Admiral
Warfield, came over to her and drew
her away from those gathered around
her. He bent closer: “Let’s get out
of this for a moment, angel. I told
Ephriam that when dinner was an
nounced he’d find us m the library.”
He ushered her into the hall then
and in the -dim amethyst shadows
of the winding stairs he stopped and
pulled her near and kissed her with
tentative gentleness. When she did
not move his lips stayed on hers-—
ardent, tender—and there was peace
not passion, in her heart.
After a moment they drew apart,
With his arm half about her waist
they walked slowly toward the li
brary. Richard didn’t say anything.
He never spoke immediately after he
kissed her. She .had asked him once
about that strange silence and he
had said: “From heaven to earth
takes a moment, Patsy.” .She had
felt shy after that and never -could
find any careless words to say.
■Suddenly Patsy had the feminine
urge or necessity to talk. She pulled
a little away from him. She had
said something about test tubes and
burettes and acetylsalicylic acid. She
knew the subject he liked best—his
For a second Richard was perfect
ly still, staring past her‘through the
windows at the blackened sky and
the tall live oaks, that were swaying
in a wind that seemed to have a
stony hardness, a crushing weight.
Ill another hour or two, he thought,
it might be a real Eastern 'Shore
storm—the kind that failed the trees
of leaf and'limb and tore off the
roofs of the smaller houses. Then
he looked down into Patsy’s blue
eyes with a beguiling tenderness and
took her face between his hands. He
said: “This isn’t a night for talking
shop, Patsy. It’s a night for telling
you how beautiful you are — how
much I love you.”
Patsy opened her lips to speak,
but the first word died. A tall,
slender shadow came out of the li
brary and stood on the threshold of
the sun parlor.
■Richard’s hands fell quickly from
her face and Paitsy’s head turned
just a trifle. Her heart began to
throb. 'Lee Cavendish stood there,
a dull flush in his bronzed cheeks,
embarrassment and a little something
else, too, in this blue eyes. He said,
as easily as if he had not come upon
them unexpectedly:
“Your grandfather has some splen
did Reuterdahls of destroyers, Patsy.
And I envy ;his books. I must have
opened fifty volumes and every -page
was cut. You -can tell .his library
isn't just a library in name only—
it’s used!”
Then he offered them a cigarette
and lit one for himself. He stayed
with them for a moment smoking
xeisurely, talking — gay, easy, witty
things, with a vein of the most grace
ful tact running through his words.
At last he left, saying something
about the gale that was .howling
about Tree Tops; and when he was
gone the sun parlor, to Patsy, turn
ed chill as though a door had been
left open to that cold east wind.
She turned quickly to Richard.
Her cheeks were pale and there was
a strange luminous flush in her eyes.
She caught his hand and held it so
tightly that her nails dug into his
’Palms. She said: “Richard lets not
wait until October! iLet’s
“Patsy-—do you- mean
Yes, she eant it. It
true with her golden head against
his breast like that and her soft bare
young arms holding him close, almost
as if she were afraid of something.
He could only wait until tomorrow
to see if it lasted. He lifted her hand
with hot impatience, kissed the palm
the defenceless wrists where the
veins ran bluely. Darling! Darling!”
he said." You don’t know what hea
ven it’s going to be—you have no
Candlelight flickered over the en
gagement dinner. On the gardenias
and the antinque mirrors beneath
them. On shallow fragile glasses
blown in Italy. On champagne bub
bling. The grandfather clock in the
hall struck 8, slowly, as if it were
tired from years of chiming. And
finally it struck 9 and then 10. In
the hours that passed the brewing
storm was forgotten in the laughter
and the merry tinkle of glass and
get married
.Siren nt Work
As old Ephriam brought in frap
pes Grandfather got slowly to his
feet and said again how sorry he was
that Marcia had been taken sudden
ly and could not come down to din
ner. He proposed a toast to Patsy
and Richard. They all stood and
drank. Virginia Keith smiled up at
Lee, a wistful smile, and the other
hand surreptitiously touched the
back of his. With every glance all
during dinner she had tried to hold
his eyes with a long, knowing, se
ductive look — a look to call to- mind
all the delights of foribidden sweets
and the ecstasy of intrigue.
The toast was over. Every one sat
down. There followed one of those
heavy silences that happen occasion
ally at formal dinners. Some one
laughed. And. then Charlotte
low’s lisp came out plainly:
“O(h, listen, everybody, guess
I saw Friday! Victor Caldwell!
came out of the Peggy Stewart
—and got into a big Wolls-Woyce!
He looks so wich! I wonder how he
makes his money! Captain Kingston
said he thought he must be a gang
ster. • But Donald Murphy said ‘no’
—that he thought he was in some
kind of a shady wacket. What do you
all think?”
Nearly every one at the table had
some idea about Victor Caldwell’s
mysterious background, but no one
seemed to' really know anything.
Tippy suggested that he might be
“tops” as a gigOlo—he was certain
ly handsome enough with his inky
black hair and his dreamy Latin
Patsy saw that Virginia Keith
very still and a little pale during
subject of Victor Caldwell, as if
easy. iShe thought: “Virginia
probably wondering if any one saw
her with him at the Log Cabin Tav
ern that afternoon. I’d like to -know
if there is anything between them,
or if he is just another man to her.”
Storm of Emotion
All at once there was a sound of
rushing stumbling feet on the stairs.
Admiral Warfield looked up from
his frappe to see Marcia standing in
the hall, her auburn hair tumbled
about her tear-stained face, her black
silk dress wrinkled and mussed from
lying on the bed. He said in a jubi
lant voice: “Marcia, child, I’m glad
you came down!” Then his ruddy
face whitened a little, for he saw
the wild look in Marcia’s eyes.
Mai’cia"s swollen, terrorized gaze
flung about from one to the other of
those at the long table, and came to
rest at last upon Patsy, who sat,
wide-eyed, her fingers groping ner
vously at the base of her throat.
“Stop this noise, do you hear!”
Marcia cried out in a voice that seem
ed whipped from her throat, “I can’t
stand it, see! I can’t stand the laugh
ter and the clinking of glasses and
the happiness. I can't stand any
thing that reminds me of . .” Her
voice splintered and Patsy felt as if
the fragments of it had pierced her
own flesh.
Marcia stiffened and her mouth
worked tightly against her teeth.
She bent suddenly forward, her small
face ghastly colorless, her brown eyes
glazed and bloodshot. The sound of
her own voice had inflamed her now
and she went on rapidly, biting off
the words: “Four years ago I sat at
this table in Patsy’s place! Tom sat
across from me there—there! Do any
of you know what it is to wait for a
man who will never come back? Do
any of you know what it is to listen
for a voice you’ll never hear again!
Do you—do you—”
Admiral Warfield got up. He said:
Marcia, oh, my poor child!”
Patsy could see the blood receding
from his face, leaving it almost as
white as his hair, and the tears that
filmed in his pale eyes. Marcia, even
in her hysteria, must have seen, too,
for she stood for a moment uncer
tain, trembling. Then she broke
into tears, covering her face with her
hands. She moaned: “Oh, my God,
what am I doing-—-what am I doing;
It’s that wind out there—-I can’t
siand that wind! The night Tom
cracked up the wind—the wind—”
Admiral Warfield said quietly:
“Richard, Tippy, Ted, I wish you.
boys would talc Marcia upstairs and
make her lie down. .She isn’t .herself.
No. Patsy, I’d rather you wouldn’t
go. Ephriam!—mix Miss Marcia a
teaspoonful of amonla and take it
up to her.”
His gentle old eyes opened and
closed slowly once or twice and his
fingers worked nervously. Then he
said to his shocked, silent guests:
"If you will be good enough to ex
cuse us—”
the wall -of wind that ran into her
from the east. When she did be
come -conscious of it she didn’t want
to go back, even then. She fell ac
if she could never face any of those
people again.
•Suddenly the fury increased anu
it was impossible to turn back. She
could no longer even open her eyes
against the lash of the wind, It was
as though she were struck blind.
Stark fear caught her. It had been
tracking her but she had evaded it
until now. 'She knew she was in no
real danger as long as the live oaks
resisted the storm—she liad only to
cling there until the fury abated—
but the icy hand clutched at her
heart, just the same.
It was not forever that she clung
there; it only seemed so. Actually
it was less than ten minutes when
she heard the sound of a voice hurl
ed by the wind into her ears.
Another Step in Fate
“Patsy!" it was Lee Cavendish,
calling her name through his hands,
shouting* with all his breath. He had
seen her go to the side door; had
never dreamed that she would go
out into that tempest. But when she
had returned promptly he had start
ed looking for -her.
She tried to answer, but the wind
whipped the words back into her
mouth, choking -her, and fear para
lyzed her throat. A moment later,
as bright scissors of lightning slit
the sky, Lee saw her — her white
arms -circling the trunk and her
flimsy blue dress flying out around
iher. When he reached her she let
go everything and went straight into
his arms.
(To be continued-)
and we have them!
It’s Goodyear’s greatest tire!
The “G-3” gives more of
everything you want in a tire.
It’s a big-mileage, economical
tire, designed to save you
money. See it today!
Misses Elliott and May, Mrs. Wes.
Burns and Donald, of St. Marys vis
ited on Saturday With Mr. and Mrs,
R. W. Batten.
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Foster spent
the week-end with friends in Toron
(Mr, and Mrs. Theron Creevy and
family visited with the latter’s
father Mr. Jas, Anderson, of Thames
Road on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and
Jean visited wjth Mr, and Mrs. Jas,
Kirkland of Thames Road on Sunday
The regular monthly meeting of
the Elimville W. A. was held at the
home of Mrs. Garnet Johns Thurs
day last with a good attendance.
50th Anniversary
die of those unique events
appreciatively celebrated by Mr.
Mrs. Louis Kalbfleiscji on Saturday
when in the evening soma thirty
guests including .their children and
other friends gathered to do honour
and respect to this fine and genial
couple of fifty years ago, Mr. and
Mrs, Kalbflelscli have been highly
esteemed residents of this commun
ity all these years and have a large
circle of friends witih wihom we join
m extending congratulations. Friends
were present from Kitchener, Lon
don, Michigan and other points.
—Zurich Herald
Exeter Smiim-Ahunratr
Established 1873 and 1887
at Exeter, Ontario
Published every Thursday jnoralnl!
SUBSCRIPTION—$2.0:0 per year fi>
RATES—Farm or Real Estate for
sale 50c, each insertion for first
four insertions. 25c. each subse
quent insertion, Miscellaneous ar
ticles, To Rentt Wanted, Lost, or
Found 10c, per line of six words.
Reading notices 10q, per line.
Gard of Thanks 50 c. Legal ad
vertising 12 and 8c. peT line, IB
Memoriam, with one verse 50c.
extra verses 25c. each.
Member of The Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Association
Rev. C. B. Heckendorn. of
Elgin, “has been appointed to
ceed Rev. E. Burn, pastor of
Zurich Evangelical Church,
Heckendorn was ordained as an
er in 1930 when the Conference
held at Zurich. Rev. and Mrs. Burn
are retiring for a year.
53 Years in Business
To stay in business in the same
location and in the same town for
fifty-three years is the unique re
cord established by Cooper’s Store.
Starting in a small way there m May
1885, the 'business has expanded in
to one of the largest establishments
in Clinton. In addition to business
activities, Mr. A. T. Cooper has been
actively engaged in municipal and
church work, and was elected mayor
in 1919 and 1923. He is a member
of the Collegiate Institute Board.
—-Clinton News Record
The funeral of the late Mrs. J. Gil-
fillan was held on Monday, May 2nd,
from the home of her son Mr. W. A.
Gilfillan, Concession 14 Usborne,
near Kirkton. The service was con
ducted by Rev. Mr, -Lewis of Kirkton
and Rev. John Riddell of 'First Pres
byterian Church, St. Marys, During
the service Mrs. Truman Tuft and
Mrs. Will Urquhart sang the hymns.
The pall bearers were: Messrs. Al
bert (Shier and Reuben Shier of Kirk
ton, Arthur Garner and Harry Rhode
of Thames Road, Peter Garner, of
London and Charles Lewis of St.
Marys. Mrs. Gilfillan’s son, Mr. Da
vid Gilfillan of Winnipeg was home
for the funeral. Friends were pres
ent from Blyth, Londesboro, Hensail,
Exeter, London and fit. Marys.
—'St. Marys Journal-Argus
Professional Cards
(F. W. Gladinan)
Money to Loan, Investments Made
Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our
Clients without charge
Office: Carling Block, Mjain Stxde*.
Snell Bros. & Co.
Exeter, Ont.
A radio “ear” has been
that listens beside a baby’s
transmits to another room
or the opening of a window
bed and
any cry,
or door.
Huron District No. 8 I. O. O. F.
held their annual meeting in the Odd
Fellows’ Hall at Brucefield on Wed
nesday evening of last week. All
lodges were represented. Bro. M. Mic-
Keller, of iSeafortih, was elected Dis
trict Deputy Grand Master and Bro.
Hugh F. Berry, Brucefield, is District
Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S
Office: Carling Block
dosed Wednesday Afternoons
left turn
Hand and arm exthndod
horizontally. Manydriver*
also point with their index
finger. '
Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D,DS,
Office opposite the Post Office,
Main Street, Exeter
Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j
Closed Wednesday Afternoons
For Huron and Middlesex
Phone 57-13 Dashwood
Build Up Run
Down Systems
They Help To Infuse New
Life and Energy Inta
Dispirited, Health Shat
tered Men and Women
Into the Night
The engagement party was over.
Richard, Tippy and Ted were at Mar
cia’s side, Richard’s arm about her
shoulders, urging her gently into the
hall and upstairs,
to leave
The guests were
into- their coats, preparing
yet daring not to because of
storm. Without a word to any
Patsy slipped out the side door
down the flagstone walk toward
gardens, unconscious at first of
For Huron and Middlesex
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
EXETER P. O. or RING 138
i *
f -5 Jolts
% Bit
i'gnah generally understood by Canadian
Most accidents are preventable. Do your part by
RIGHT turn
Hand and arm extended
upward or moved with a
sweeping motion from the
rear to tho front.
Head Office, Exeter, Ont.
Mitchell, R.R.
Vice-President .... JOHN
Kirkton, R.R.
W. H. COATES ............. Exeter
JOHN McGRATH ................. Dublin
WM. HAMILTON .... Cromarty R. 1
T. BALLANTYNE .. Woodham R. 1
JOHN ESSERY ............... Centralia
ALVIN L. HARRIS .... Mitchell R. 1
THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty
B. w. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter
Solicitors, Exeter
Cedar Chests
we challenge you to find a quicker
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In an emergency, its lightning quick
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TOP PERFORMANCE ... at regular gas price
Also furniture remodelled to order.
We take orders for all kinds of ca
binet work for kitchens, etc at the
Shingles & Lumber
Buy your Shingles now while
the price is right; also White Pine
Dressed 10 in. and 12 in. wide at
$40.00; Matched Siding, White
Pine at $40.00; all sizes of 2 in.
lumber at low prices.
Phone 12 Granton
More HowlOrs
"Oliver Twist was at
"A fusilade is the
"Transverse is crazy
ten while the poet 19 in a, trance.”
"A hassock is a Russion calvary
"Triumph is three snorts on a
great contor-
bones of an
poetry, writ-