HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-05-19, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19th 1938 Sixty-Fourth Year I LARGE ENTRY FOR EXETER RACES of • •• THURSDAY, MAY 19th Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Spring Coats at Bargain Prices o. Elliot, of I-I. Cunning- YOUNG MAN DIES Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday I OF DANIEL DYERDEATH each 17c DIED IN LONDON each 15c Jones & May ACCIDENT1 WOODHAM ANNIVERSARY Do You Want to Save AND SUPPER Rutledge, Brus- Some Money?Rutledge, Brus- Pedden, Stratih- tihe the ap- by when choir took Stratford. They will future home in Strat­ best wishes of many be extended to them. Grattan, A. enthusiasm by works, the spirit of problems GET OUR PRICES ON LINOLEUMS — RUGS — CONGOLEUMS CURTAINS — NETS, ETC.the service the royally entertained by tihe ladies. House Dresses on Sale at 49c Four dozen House-Dresses, our regular 75c. quality to clear in a hurry at 49c. Berry, St. MAPLE LEAF SALMON Half pound tin .................. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 9 nL~c (Fresh and Crisp .......................pKgb* wut PORK AND BEANS, 9 Libby’s or Aylmer 21 oz. tin.. ** lvl 4i«JL TUNA FLAKES Half pound tin STORE CLOSED MAY 24th—OPEN MONDAY EVENING Made-to-Measure Suits Mr. E. B. Neeb, Clothing Stylist, for The House of Stone, Toronto, will be at our store in person, Thursday, May 19th, to assist you in the selection of your new Sum-« mer Suit or Top-Coat. Well dressed men know and appreciate that in Hoqse of Stone Clothes they receive all that is to be desired, newest style, exclusive fabrics, fine tail­ oring and accurate fit, at very moderate prices,, make it a point to visit our store on this date and inspect these cloths, whether you are needing a suit or not. It will be a pleasure to show you these Special Sale values. Our Spring Coats are going fast at these bargain prices. Come early while there is a good range to choose from. Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Summer Dresses The new Summer Dresses are now in stock. We are featuring particularly the well knojwn Martha Washington brand in many styles and fabrics. Colors absolutely ly guaranteed. Porch Rugs and Awning Ducks We have a good stock of fibre rugs for verandahs, etc. in various sizes also rever­ sible awning duck at reasonable prices. THE NEW BATHING SUITS ARE NOW IN STOCK FOR LADIES’ MEN AND CHILDREN We have a large stocks of Children’s Play Suits, Shorts, Slacks, Ankle Socks, etc., ready for the hot weather. Princess Flakes, Special Deal9 Buy 2 pkgs. 29c. get 1 for lc.... lvl Jul ROYAL YORK COFFEE IL 97, Medium grind ..................... <*>• Red Band Jelly Powders C nlrneSix flavors ......................... ” P»55* PINEAPPLES—Now at their best: Excel­ lent quality and the lowest price in years Phone 32 Your Superior Store TO PETITION COUNCIL FOR A GRANT FOR NEW BUILDING A special meeting of the Board .... Education was held in the public library Monday evening to consider plans for tihe erection of a new build­ ing in connection with the Exeter school to provide for the two new courses of study requested by the Department of Education. The new courses are domestic science for the gads and manual training for tihe boys to be taken by the pupils in the first and second grades of the (high school and possibly by the pupils in tihe higher grades of the public school. The provincial gov­ ernment will pay one half of the cost of a new building up to $20,000 and one hall' of the cost of the equipment up to $4,000. Tihe first thought of the Board of Education was that when erecting a new building at least two additional class rooms should be provided as the present building is now crowded. The probability is that the new courses will have a strong appeal to students from the country who otherwise stop school after the entrance and that addition­ al class-room would be needed. How­ ever when the cost of a two-storey building with a basement and heat­ ing system was taken into consid­ eration the Board decided, that the time was not opportune to build more than was required at tihe pres­ ent time, but at the same time to plan such a building as could be readily added to should the demand require it. It was estimated that the propos­ ed building would cost in tihe neigh­ borhood of $25,000, with the govern­ ment paying $10,000, leaving $15,- 000 to be raised by the municipality. Added to this it was estimated that the equipment would cost in tihe neighborhood of $3,000 of which $1,500 would have to be provided by the municipality. On tihe basis of the present attend­ ance of county pupils attending the Exeter high school it is estimated that the County would provide ap­ proximately $6,50'0 towards the new building and equipment. The remain­ der of the cost spread over a period of twenty yearis would cost the rate­ payers of Exeter not more than 50 cents on a $1,0 00 assessment. A deputation from the Board com­ prising the chairman, R. N. Creedh, W. H. Dearing, and J. M. Southcott was appointed to wait on the coun­ cil at its next meeting requesting that the necessary funds be provided for the erection of new building. Before any definite steps can be tak­ en it will be necessary to submit the whole matter to the Municipal Board. EXCHANGE SERVICES An exchange of pastors and choirs took place Sunday evening Rev. W. A. Walden and the of St. Marys United Church charge of the service in Janies Street United Church and Rev. A. Page and the choir of James Street Church in St. was Harry six anthems Come” Soul” and took charge of the service Marys. The St, Marys choir under the direction of Mr. Urstadt. The choir furnished numbers including three “From Egyptian Bondage “Bless the 'Lord O My “Gloria in Excelsis” also a hymn “Holy Spirit Truth Divine". A solo was sung by Mrs. J. Ferguson and a duet by Marion and Ruth Follick. Rev. Mr. Walden spoke from the words of Caleb to Joshua on enter­ ing the Promise Land “Now there­ fore give me this mountain.” Caleb at the time was 81 years of age when most men are ready to quit but with a courageous spirit he was ready to conquer the hill of the giants, had initiative and linked up his faith cannot but admire man. There are He and We the today the solving of which' require great courage. Great efforts are neces­ sary to built true character. Day by Day we come face to face with the giants of this world the overcoming of which requires faith and courage. To be true followers we must put on the -whole armour of God. We are heirs of God’s promises and the Same faith in God that brought vic­ tory to Caleb will bring victory to us. “Fear not” qomes tihe words to strengthen us in facing the giant i evils. At the conclusion of the ser­ vice a committee from the W. A. served a dainty lunch. A vote of thanks was tendered to tihe ladies 'by the St. Marys choir and m turn an expression of appreciation of the splendid services of the minister and choir was expressed. At St. Marys tihe James Street choir sang two anthems, solo, by Mrs. Elliot and a quintette by Miss Helen Penhale, Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. W. R. Goulding, W. Cutbush and A. Fau- cett. Following choir was St. Marys FIRE AT PARKHILL An early morning fire at Park­ hill swept throught the two-storey Maple Leaf Bakery building, owned by ‘Mayor w. 1J. Thompson, Saturday forcing 19 people to flee and .causing $10,00 0 damage before the Parkiiui and Ailsa Craig fire departments brought the blaze -under control. For nearly two hours after the fire was discovered at 4:15 a.m., the entire downtown section of the town was threatened. Discovered by Pat Ryan, 16-y ear-old -bakeshop em­ ployee, the fire is believed to have started in the doughnut room, Ryan raced upstairs and warned people living in apartments that the build­ ing was on fire and 15 people who had been sleeping were led to safety. Three other bakeshop employees who were just completing the night’s work also escaped. A water shortage threatened fire fighters, who used up 70,0ti0 gallons from the village 10 0,0 00-gallon standpipe before the blaze was con­ quered. The Parkhill fire depart­ ment, under the direction of Chief J. C. Dawson, had five hose lines directed on the blazing building at 4:30 a.m., and half an hour later the Ailsa Craig pumper, with Fire Chief Shipway and 10 men, arrived to assist them. The two-storey dwelling of Mrs Dan Anderson, south of the bakery, caught fire, adding to the excite­ ment, but this blaze was quickly ex­ tinguished, probably saving tihe rest of the business block. At 111 o’clock Parkhill firemen Were still pouring water into the smoking interior ot the building.'’ A few minutes later the rear wall of the building collap­ sed, nearly pinning firemen in charge of the hose-line at that point. The building wras partly covered by in­ surance. ! POYNER—WILLIAMS A quiet wedding took place in Stratford Monday evening when Mrs. Maud Williams, of town, was united m marriage witih- Mr. A. E. Poyner, of make their ford. The friends will See us for Tinsmithing and Plumbing, Repair Work, Decks Eavetroughing, Furnace Work, Water Softeners, Bathroom Jobs, Kitchen Sinks. Tihe Anniversary services of the Woodham United Sunday School will be held Sunday, May 22nd, at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m., conducted by Rev. W. H. Burgess, B.A., B.D., of Toronto. Special music by the school morning and evening. On Tuesday, May 24, a supper will be served in the Or­ ange Hall from 5.30 to 8 o’clock fol­ lowed by a program presented by iSt. James Dramatic Club, of St. Marys. Admission: Adults 45ic, Children 25c Rev. A. Laing, Pastor; Fred Superintendent. Doupe. A NARROW ESCAPE See Us for Fishing Tackle Garnet narrow Purina Feeds are Down in Price Traquair’s Hardware — AGENT FOB — Lowe Bros. Paints and Varnishes Eric Heywood, son of Mrs. Heywood, of 'Stephen, had a escape from a serious accident Wed­ nesday of last week. He was riding a bicycle on Main St. near the bridge and pulled out from behind a wagon to run head on into an approaching automobile in which were two women Eric suffered a badly skinned leg and narrowly escaped further injur­ ies when he passed beneath the car. His 'bicycle was badly damaged. The driver of the car stopped to ascertain the damage and then drove on. The lad was attended by Dr. Dunlop. T. H. McCallum For Many Years A J/.rominent Citizen of Exeter Died Monday Mr. Thomas Henry McCallum, who for 37 years conducted a tannery business in Exeter and who during that time took a 'keen interest in the welfare of the village having served as reeve and councillor, died at his home, 431 Pall Mall St., London, on Monday in his 8 6th year. He had been ill for the past month. The deceased was born, at Huntsville, Ont., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCallum, pioneer Scotch settlers of Waterloo County, where he spent his boyhood days. 'Mr. Mc­ Callum came to Exeter in 1876 where he conducted a tannery busi­ ness, the tannery being located on tihe south bank of the Aux Sable river. For years he was one of Ex­ eter’s leading citizens and served on the municipal council and as reeve. It was during his term of office as reeve that the town’s first waterworks system waS installed: He was one of the leading officials of the Main .St United church. He held offices in the Royal Templars Association and was a member of the Canadian Order of Forestiers. Twenty-five years ago the family moved to London where Mr. McCal­ lum conducted a coal business under the name of McCallum & Willis for several years, retiring from busi­ ness life'' 18 years ago. He was a member of tihe Colborne St. United church. He spent his summers at his summer home at Grand Bend. His wife, Mrs. Sarah McCallum, died seven years ago. Surviving are one son, Dr. Clinton McCallum, of Buf­ falo; three Willis and London and of Toronto; Elmira and Gilchrist, of . __ _J vice was held from the home Wed­ nesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Murray Stuart, interment in the Woodland cemetery. Mrs. Dan Davis received word Wednesday morning of the death her brother, Mr. Daniel Dyer, of Sag-* inaw, Mich., a former resident of town. Mr. Dyer spent his early life in Exeter being a son of the late Alex Dyer and for a number of years was associated with the late Charles ■Sanders in publishing tihe Exeter Advocate, later going ' into the printing business in Saginaw, Mich. He is survived by his wife, one son Ashton and a daughter Genevieve; also- three sisters, Mrs. D. Davis, of town, Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Brantford and Miss Carrie Dyer. The remains are being brought to Exeter and will arrive at 10.34 .a.m. and a short ser­ vice will be held at Trivitt Memorial church at 11.45 with interment in the Exeter cemetery. Mr. Dyer be­ longed to tihe Masonic Order and the Masonic Brethren will act as bearers. Fred Selves, aged nineteen years, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Selves, of Usborne, died in St. Joseph’s Hospital; Tuesday. On Wednesday of last week Fred was taken seriously ill and was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital where he „, underwent an operation for a rupt- j ured appendix. He appeared to 'be ’ doing well but took a bad turn and ; passed away. He was a fine lad and his passing will be much regret­ ted. Besides his parents he is sur­ vived by two sisters, Helen and Mabel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunkin, of town, are grandparents. The funeral will be held Thursday after­ noon with interment in the Exeter cemetery. Rev. Mr. Mair, of Thames Road, will be in charge. The sym­ pathy of tihe community will go out to the bereaved. Phone 37 We Deliver DIED IN MANITOBA daughters, Mrs. G. N. Elsie McCallum, of Mrs. -Edwin Kingsbury, a brother Robert, of one sister, Mrs. Mary Barrie. A private ser- MASONIC “AT HOME” Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F. & A.M. held a successful “At Home” in the Arena on Wednesday evening of last week at which' about 140 persons were present. The W.M. Bro. W. H. Pollen welcomed the visitors. The first part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre and bridge. Prizes were given for tihe euchre and were awarded as follows: Lone hands, H. C. Rivers, but as Mr. Riv­ ers'had been assisted by Mr. Middle­ ton tihe prize was turned over to- the latter; ladies high, Mrs. M. W. Tel- fer. Following tihe cards entertain­ ment was provided with Mr. J. A. Tr-aquair acting as chairman. The Boyce Bros, of London sang several selections; Miss Mary Coombes, of London, gave a sword dance; a tap dance and Irish dance. Phyllis Pills- worth, Kathleen Ashbee and Alice Ashford, pupils of Miss Coombes, gave a couple of dance numbers and little Betty Clark gave a toe dance. Following the entertainment lunch was served after which dancing was enjoyed, tihe music was provided hy Geo. Grant’s orchestra. ■On Sunday afternoon while Mr. John Hunkin was motoring on Main Street with ihns parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunkin, he turned from Main street onto a side street at home of his parents. A car proaching from behind driven Mr. Russell Trott, of London, was in the act of passing'tihe Hunkin car when the driver applied the brakes and in stopping his car, the driver put his elbow through window. The driver blame for tih>e accident kin’s failure to signal turning, the scene and following some cussion Mr. Hunkin settled for the car-door placed the on Mr. Hun­ that he was Chief Norry was called to dis- $6. ■.t in Song! and DUncc .Revue The second annual song and dance review by the pupils of Miss E. Gooding, of London, is being held in Leavitt’s Theatre. The Ex­ eter girls and boys are being assist­ ed by a nitmiber of girls and boys from London. A large number of pupils are taking part. The hall was filled Tuesday evening and to­ night (Wednesday) will be the third performance. Assisted at Funeral Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Hunt attend­ ed the funeral of Mrs. Hunt’s cous­ ins, John Craig Watterworth and Do­ lores Joanna Watterworth, the two children wiho were killed while roll­ er skating at Glencoe on May 10th, when they wore struck by an auto­ mobile driven by a Mr. Snider, of Detroit. The funeral was held on Friday and Mr. Hunt assisted with tihe service. The death took place at Langdom, Manitoba, of Mrs. William Sihort- ridge, who has been in ill health for some time. Margaret Elizabeth Shortridge, was born September 15, lS8i6, at Exeter, the daughter of Jas. and Agnes Moir. She her parents an early age. dren Orville, all of whom father and mother and six brothers and sister, Mrs. Clyde Maxwell, Wil­ liam, Mabel and Albert, all of Snow­ flake and Mrs. John Conner, Mow- 1 bray, Man. '* moved with to Snowflake, Man., at She leaves three chil- Harvey and Mafjorie, live at Langdon; her FEEDING FOR MARKET Hog and cattle feeders heard an interesting lecture and demonstra­ tion on the feeding of hogs and cat­ tle for market, in the Town Hall on Monday by Mr. Ellis H. Hamel, manager of the hog and steer divi­ sion ofv Purina Mills. Morning and afternoon meetings were held and lunch those hour, most feeding and the gave some interest­ ing information on how to feed and the times to market live stock. There was a good attendance for both gatherings. Mr. Jf, A. *Tra- quair, local dealer, sponsored the meetings. and coffee was served free to who remained over the noon Mr. Hemil is one of the fore­ authorities on hog and steer ON TRIP TO COAST Messrs. Fred Ellerington, Stewart, N. Stanlake and J. per left Monday morning on a trip through- the West to the They will visit, at various places and at Nelson S tanlake’s Stanlake. DEATH OF J. HOLDEN •Mr. John Holden died Tuesday the home of Mr. Ed. Penhale, Crediton in his 85 th year. The de­ ceased lived near Seaforth for many years and for the past two months has been living with Mr. and Mrs. Penihale. He is survived by two sons Robert and William, of London; one brother Thomas Holden, of Exeter and a sister Mrs. Alford, of Detroit, His wife died about fourteen years ago. The funeral will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. from the home of Mr. Penhale conducted by Rev. D. J. Gladman witih interment Exeter ceremtery. in Alex Trieb- mofcor coast. B. C. will visit with Mr. only brother Mr. Chester DIED IN VANCOUVER Mr* B. W. B&tiVcrs received. & telegram on. Wednesday morning from bis cousin Mr. Alfred Ford, of Vancouver, informing him of the death of his aunt Mrs. George Beav­ ers, who. was formerly Phoebe Har­ ris, aged 88 years, who passed away at her home in Vancouver B. C. The funeral was held on Thursday ia, that city, DIED AT CLANDEBOYE Thomas Albfert Lewis, a resid The Exeter Race Committee are delighted with the number of entries that have been received for the stake races that are to be held in Exeter on June 22nd. The entry lists are now closed and altogether 54 en­ tries have been received. Among the entries are some of the fastest horses in Western Ontario. Considerable work has been put on the track, a power grader having -been used and the track is now in tihe best condi­ tion it has ever been. There are 11 entries in the 2.18 class; Hl entries in the three year old pace; 11 en­ tries in the three year old trot and 21 entries in the 2,2 8 class, Following are the entries: 2.18 Trot or Pace, $400 Peter Bidwell, H. Elie, Sudbury. Bennie Harvester, H. Elie, Sud­ bury. Vester Bars, A. Balore, Mt. Elgin, Sandy Signal, W. Dawson, Port Lam-bton. June Grattan, L. James, London. Kathleen Grattan, Pine Ridge, London. Babe Grattan, D. Campbell, Ailsa Craig. Troxie R., Brooks Bros., London. Bert Patch, E. Wilson, Mono. Mills. Toney Grattan, E. Lantz, of New Hamburg. Tom Longboat, J. Browm, of New Liskeard. Three-year-old Trot, $300 Pineridge Casey, Pine Ridge, Lon­don. Grattan Express, A, Exeter. Victoria Harvester, ham, Brussels. Joe Harvester, H. Marys. Nora Lee, H. Berry, St. Marys. Baroness Lee, L. Owen, Tillson- burg. Princess Beth, G. Litt, London. Eleanor Atlantic, E. W. Fawn, of Mitchell. ■Oakhurst Queen, L. Charlesworthy Ailsa Craig. Anna Oakie, T. Yearly, Crediton. Bertha Axworthy, T. Reid, Ailsa Craig. Three-yeair-old Pace, $300 June Grattan, W. J. Hyatt, Lon­ don. Unko. Bars, G. Knight, Blenheim. Peter Grattan, W. Glendenning, of Blenheim. His Excellency, Pine Rid'ge, Lon­ don. ‘ Top Hat, J. W. Hern, Exeter. Alberta Lee, Brooks Bros., Lon­ don. Patricia D., Brooks Bros., Lon- Bud Gano, L. Mack, Hamilton. Chester Grattan, W. Eagleson, of Parkihill. Ima Lee, H. Berry, St. Marys. Alex Volo, L. James, London. 2.28 Trot or pace, $300 Rosalind, R. Scott, Toronto. 'Oliver Grattan, T. Yearly, Credi­ ton. Teddy Davenjort, A. Elliot, Exeter Sir Robert, T. Smith, Stratford. Ray Evans, S. Simpson, Aivinston. Charlottes Boy, V. Keating, Cor­ bett. Donna Bars, A. Elliot, Pt. Edward. Allan Grattan, A. Elliot, Pt. Ed­ ward. Sharkey Bellini, J. Cahill, Strat­ ford. Grattan Wood, C. Barr, Parkhill. Grattan Queen, Hon. Earl Rowe, Newton Robinson. ■Baron Rothchilds, Morrissey Bros. Centralia. Tony G., W. Harvey, Hensall. Joe Harvester, J. seis. May Grattan, J. seis. Dr. roy. Donetta, C. McLean, Kerwood. Jessie Evans, S. Hodgins, Cland-e boye. King Direct, J. Wellwood, Merlin. Arbor Grattan, Dr. Wilson, Strath­ roy. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Mr. Sidney Sanders and Aljoe, Mrs. Joihn Kellett and Verda and Mrs. T. G. Creech and Joe were at Embro on Sunday attending the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Hilderby. Mrs. Hilderby was a native of Ex- j eter, her maiden name being Miss I Gertrude Gould, She resided in Ex- | eter until the time of iher marriage. Deceased was 52 years of age. She is survived by her husband, three daughters and four sons, Mrs. Clay­ ton Scott, East Zorra; Mrs. Lome Sinclair, Embro; Fern, William, Frederick, 'Francis and Russel at home; also three sisters, Mrs. Peter Robertson, Kellett, of Sanders, of Frederick Gould, of Strathroy, funeral Sunday afternoon. of Woodstock, conducted the service. Mrs. Hilton, of Woodstock, sang , “Some Day We’ll Understand.” In- ' terment took place* in the North Em* I bro cemetery. The pall bearers were six nephews: James McMillan, Ward McMillan, Melbourne Hutch­ inson, John W. Hutchinson, Peter Robertson, Jr., and Ted Bruce. j I Thomas Albfert Lewis, a resident of Clandeboye' and for 12 years a rural lhail carrier in that district died on Sunday in Victoria Hospital, London, months’ of ago. ters and sonette, ____, ____, ___ __ Walls and Mrs. Leia Evans, both of Pontiac, Mich., and Joseph Lewis, Sterling, Mich. There are also four sisters, Mrs. Sarah Barlow and Miss Charity Lewis, of McGillivray Town­ ship and Mrs. Marie Marsh and Miss Mary Lewis, of Wllhesport, Ont, The funeral was held Thursday after­ noon from the Murdy & Son funeral home in Lucan. Interment was in Clandeboye cemetery. of Stratford; Mrs. John Elimville; Mrs. Sidney Exeter and one brother, The was held from her home Brother Kelly, following two and a half illness. He was. 6(5 years Surviving are three daugh- one son, Mrs. Florence Bis- Flint, Mich.; Mrs, Ina -Bruce Shitpton, seven-year-old son of Mr ‘ - Stephen, underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital early last week for appendicitis and is getting along nicely, Ho is expected home in a few days, and Mrs. Earl Shapton, of