HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-28, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938 THE’EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The Fashion Experts of London, Paris, New York, Holly­ wood have announced that Shorter Hair in 1938 will be worn by fash­ ionable ladies. It is now definite that return to Smarter Styles are favoured. Get your permanent in one of the New Styles at V’s e 112 for Appointment Vem C. Decker Exeter Markets Wheat 86;c. Oats 45c. Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.90 Welcome Flour $2.60 Low Grade Flour $2,00 Shorts $1.75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2,15 Creamery Butter 35c, Dairy Butter 29-32c. Eggs A large 17c. Hggs Eggs Eggs Hogs A medium 16e. B 14c. C 13c. $9.50 NEW HOME FOR SALE—Let us show you through this 1J storey brick. Also several other houses and farms.—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. ■■ t NOTHING Can Take the Place of SIGHT Ha,ve you ever considered what would become of you, should any­ thing impair this precious faculty? Fortunately modern Optometric Science can determine definitely if your eyes need help and, IF NEEDED, provide glasses that will bring your eyes to peak ef­ ficiency and comfort JuO wl« CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. g. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—-Public Worship in NEW PATTERNS IN 4-Yard Wide Linoleums See our new patterns in 4-yard wide Linoleums before you buy that new floor covering. We carry a stock of the best selling patterns in both Canadian makes. IDEAL MEAT MARKET Choice Quality Meats -FOR SALE—-Property in Exeter North, also a 'brick -house for sale or rent. Apply to Geo. Barkner, Exe­ ter, P. O. Fresh, Owed & Smoked Meats Butter, Lard and Shortening Milk and Cream C. E. ZURBRIGG, Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable glasses at reason­ able prices Open every week day except Wednesday 10 11 iSubjeet; "The Church and the World,” ■p.m.—Public Worship Subject: "The Tower of Siloam.” Friday, April 29, at 3 p.m., Easter Thankoffering meeting of W.M.S., Mrs. J, R. Hill, of Ottawa, guest speaker. Quarterly tea. Saturday, April 30, Presbyterial Mis­ sion Band Rally at Belgrave. 7 WANTED—Grass pasture for 6 Hensail, ltc yearlings Moses Bechler, R. R. 1. WANTED—Girl at housework, vocate. positiondesires Apply at Times-Ad- ltp G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed FOR to Mrs. SALE—Weaned pigs. Apply Evelyn Broderick, Exeter. ltp SALE—3-year-old colt, well Also I can take a few Cecil Rowe, R.R. ltp. FOR broken, cattle into grass. 1, Exeter. Main St.Phone 38 Phone 245 SAVE THE COUPONS LOCALS MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister IFOR SALE—Choice bearing variety strawberry plants ready for planting; also some good Gladioli bulbs, choice colors, 15 c. a dozen.—Frank Gollings R.R. 3, Exeter. I gfr wi'«n»n<i — !!■!■ ii»» <i—I— ii wnu.MW n mi. M Mr. E. R. Hopper is this week an­ nouncing a stock reducing sale of furniture. See full page advt. in this issue. Warm weather will soon be here. Get those SCREENS and GIRL WANTED — For general housework. Two children, all mod­ ern conveniences, good wages. Mrs. Homer G. MeLay, Aylmei’, Ont. The annual meeting of the Exeter W. I. will be held at the home of Miss F. E. Hunter Tuesday, May 3rd at 7.45. Reports for the year will be received and election of held. SCREEN DOORS NOW 2tc. officers ltp. be held DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Custom Hatching at prices. Exeter. Apply Gordon reasonable Cudmore. ltp A Progressive Euchre will in the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall on Friday, Ap-ril 29 th under the aus­ pices of the A.Y.P.A. Lunch will be served and prizes given. Admission 25c, FOR Wood Shingles, Toronto Asphalt Roofing Products This office will be open Saturday Evenings from 7 to 10 11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday 7.3 0 p.m., Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, Arthur Page, Minister W- R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—‘Rev. W. A. Bremner, B.A., ex-president of the London Con­ ference. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Rev. W. A. Bremner Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Service Sunday, May Sth—Mothers’Day Ser­ vices. ft SALE—‘Strawberry and rasp­ berry plants, best variety; quantity of No. 1 Ebenezer onion seed or out on contract; amber, white and wheat honey from 5 to 10c. W. F. Abbott. buck- a lb. WANTED—Dressmaking or ing of any kind; also dyeing. Hy. Ford, Elimville phone Kirkton. sew- Mrs. 44r6, 4-2(8-2tc FOR SALE — Comfortable home, modern; garden, fruits. Reasonable. J. W. Powell, Real Estate Barber Shops Close We the undersigned barbers of Exeter, will close at 12.30 noon on Wednesday during the months of May, June, July, August and Septem­ ber. Elmore Harness Alf. Tomlinson William John Hockey Garnet Flynn Norman Hookey. Huron Lumber Co. EXETER Phone 48 Residence 255 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday After Easter 11 TENDERS WANTED For wrecking the east end of Crystal Palace; also tenders for purchase of the main building of palace. 30 th. R. G. Seldon, Secretary. the the the Tenders to be in by April Exeter Agricultural Society. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received Saturday, May 15th, for the decorat­ ing of the interior of the School­ house S. S. No. 4, Usborne. Partic­ ulars may be had from the secretary. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted.—-C. H. May, Sec’y.- Treas., R.R. 1, Centralia. until shape house These FOR SALE—Barn in good size 34 x 42, also small hen suitable for colony house, buildings are near Shi.pka. For sale cheap. Apply Times-Advocate. Quantity of mangolds for sale— Horses for sale or exchange.—G. J. Dow,Exeter. ROOF FIXING kinds new and old. Flat As- roofs. We repair at $2.00 a Guarantee them for 5 yrs. All plhalt square. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever.’ Drop a card to Joe. Becker Roofer, Clinton, Phone 42. TRACTOR PLOWS—We have sev­ eral new two & three furrow tract­ or plows These will ed -prices. of the popular makes, be sold at greatly reduc- Sandy Elliot. FOR SAIzE OR RENT The farm property of the late Wil­ liam Ford, in the Township of Us- borne, containing 100 acres more or less. For further particulars apply to Fred Ford, Executor or J. W. Morley Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. HOMES FOR SALE IN EXETER A brand new house with every convenience, moderately priced. Al­ so several other good buys. C. V.PICKARD, Phone 165, Exeter SALE—H&us0 In Exeter with -convenience; good garden FOR every with fruit trees. Apply to- L. Huston, phone 16 2 j. 3-17-tfc, BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmotre’s cement grh,vel for all cement work. Approved by engine­ ers. All grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give -pfompt ser­ vice fot all cohcrete Jobs. Rhone 171 ,r 3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R. R I, Hensail, 3-31-tfc i Clearing Sale OF MEN’S WORK ALSO SOME BOYS’ SIZES SHOES BROKEN at her Clinton, home of on Wednesday and Miss Thel- the former’s over the C. Glenn and son spent the week- Mrs. J. N. Glenn ■Seeding is in full swing. School re-opened Monday follow­ ing the Easter vacation. Mr. O. Crawford spent the week­ end at his home in Owen Sound. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, spent the Easter hoildays home here. Mr. Arthur McInnis, of spent Easter week at the Mr. and Mrs. R. McInnis. Mr. Wm. Kydd, Jr. and Miss Betty Sturdy, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Mrs. E. Harrison, Mrs. M. Belling and son Donald, of Detroit, spent Easter weeks with relatives in town. Mrs. Bice and Miss Marjorie Bice, of Parkhill, were visitors during Easter week with Mrs. H. K. Hynd­ man. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford and family attended the Trentousky-Rose wedding at Logan fast. Mr. Jack Waldron ma Hockey visited parents at Grand Bend week-end. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rosser and daughter Margaret Ann, of Blen­ heim, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jack, of Toronto, end with Mr. and and other friends. Miss W. Frain spent Easter week with relatives in Exeter and Brus­ sels returning to her school near Woodstock on Monday. Miss Doris Elford, of Elimville and Miss Mildred Veale, of Winchel- sea visited over the week-end with Mrs. M. ElfOrd of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Witwer and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Head, of London, visited oil Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hatter. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Neil and son LaWrehce and Mr, Robt. S. Johnston, of Toronto, visited on Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Jones. 55 Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Whsoft, Of Chicago, returned home Tuesday af­ ter visiting for a week with the lat­ ter’s parents Mr, and Mrs, M. M. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. a. O. Elliot visited in Inwood on Sunday and were ac­ companied home by Marion and Jean who spent Easter week with their uncle and aunt, The last dance of the season will he held at the Exeter Arena on Fri­ day 13th frith. Benny Palmer and his orchestra. Everybody come to see the wltidup1 of a successful season, GROCERIES Brooms for .............. Brooms for ............... 35c< 50c. Canned Pumpkin 25c. 39c. Canned Pumpkin ..... 3 cans 25c, Golden Bantam Corn 3 for 25c. Peanut Butter.......2 lbs. for 25c. 29c. Jams for ...........................25c. Hillsdale Tea ........... per lb. 48c. and a number of other clearing lines H. Bierling TOMLINSON’S Hair Dressing Phone..................146 ...USED CARS... 1937 CHEVROLET COACH with Trunk CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH with Trunk 1936 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN with Trunk. FORD DELUXE SEDAN with Trunk CHEVROLET MASTER COACH OLDSMOBILE SEDAN with Trunk CHEVROLET COACH PONTIAC SEDAN 1936 1935 1935 1934 1936 1931 1931 1929 FORD MODEL A COACH Truck Specials 1934 H. D. CHEVROLET 2-ton stake racks $495.00 1935 PICK-UP CHEVROLET 1-2 ton.....................$485.00 AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter a.m.—Holy Communion Sermon: “Christ the Way” Corporate Communion for members of the W. A. 3 p.m.—Sunday School PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamtery) Evangelists Allan & Parmenter of Toronto', are conducting SPECIAL MEETINGS each evening this week at 8 p.m. and on Sunday at 3 and 8 p.m. Special subjects for Sunday services Afternoon 3 p.m. "The .Heavenly Banquet” Evening at 8 p.m. "A Party Becomes A Panic” «» Special music and singing at each service "Come, hear, see for yourself!” You are cordially invited by Pastor J.T. EDGAR MERCHANT’S STOCK FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by un­ dersigned up to May 20th, 193 8, for purchase of stock-in-trade and fix­ tures of J. C. Reid & Co., Dashwood. Du-e to death of the late J. C. Reid, it is necessary to offer business for sale. Inspection invited. Highest or any tender not necessarily accept­ ed. J. C. REID & CO. Dashwood, Ont. FLOWERS For Mothers’ Dav, May 8th, orders sent to J. AV. POWELL, Exeter will be promptly delivered to home, school, church or cemetery. ■Potted plants in various colors, from 50c, 73c., $1.00 to $5.00; Mix­ ed -pans, 75c. to $1.00; Window Box Gardens 12 to 16 in., $11.00 to $.2.00; Carnation $3.00 per dozen. Order early. Out of town customers send cash with order. CALLING ALL .SALESMEN! AGENTS! Would you consider a change that would really make money? New Sales Plan. Sale of 200 guaranteed food, medicinal, toi­ let preparations. Lower pricek. Lib­ eral 'commissions. Extra cash Free gifts. If you have a. car little cash and want to' sell thing that repeats 'tibe year in exclusive district, FAlMlLEX CO., 570 “St. Montreal. bonus, and a some- round write tot , Clement, Mr, I. Never thought nothing could ever remove -his Cords and Bun­ ions, Cress Cord add Bunion iSalves did. Sold by Browning’s Cole’s and All Drug Counters. * ■------------------------------ ----------—...................... PAPER BLINDS In green or cream. A good blind for little money. EACH 15c. ..........., .............. . ............ ------—*■ 100 FELTOL MATS 18 inches by 36 inches. English make and good patterns SPECIAL AT 18c. WASHABLE BLINDS Washable Cellulose Fibre blinds in green only. Good value EACH 50c. CURTAIN RODS Royal Curtain rods in 2 lengths for dif­ ferent windows. 15c., 20c., 25c. Bargain Prices on Linoleum Rugs We offer a number of good Linoleum Rugs in drop patterns in the following sizes. These will last only a few days at these prices. 7 1-2 by 9 feet, reg. $7.85 for $5.95 9 by 15 feet, reg. $15.95 for $11.95 9 by 9 feet reg. $9.35 for .....................$6.95 12 by 12 feet, reg. $17.35 for $13.95 9 by 10 1-2 feet, reg. $10.95 for $9.95 12 by 13 1-2 feet, reg. $19.25 for . $15.95 9 by 12 feet, reg. $12.50 for $10.95 12 by 15 feet, reg. $21.95 for $16.95 CURTAIN NETS BY THE YARD In a variety of new weaves and patterns. Prices range from 20c. TO 75c. PER YARD FRILLED CURTAINS 50 pairs Frilled Curtains. A real value AT PER PAIR 59c. FRILLED CURTAINS 24 pairs frilled curtains, assorted designs and colors another good value at PER PAIR $1.00 LACE CURTAINS These are ready to hang. New weaves and patterns 2 1-4 yards long at $1.00, $1.25 ANDs$1.50 Wallpapers for Spring A few rolls of our New Wall Papers will make a great change in the appearance * of your rooms. See our room lots at $1.29, $1.49 and $1.79 GROCERY SPECIALS FLOUR Choice Pastry 24 lbs. . .. 63c SALT Block, plain . . 25c Iodized ..... 30c SUGAR 10 lb. for .. . 55c PEACHES Dried 2 lb. for . . .35c PRUNES Large Size 2 lb. for . . 25c BASKETS For your picnics With silver ware Each .... $1.25c SODAS Christie’s Salted 2 boxes for . . 25c GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS ALSO ONION FOR JAM Raspberry or Strawberry © Large jar . . . 25c P. & G. SOAP 7 bars for .. . 25c PLANTING 6 LBS. 25c. Southcott Bros. Exeter,Phone 16 Spanish Onions, Early Cabbage A Full Line of Flowering Plants Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes filled to order. A full list next week L.DAY & SON (Florists) London - Wingham Motorways Change of TIME-TABLE Effective — APRIL 24th LEAVE EXETER SOUTHBOUND— Daily Except Sundays and Holidays 9.00 A. M. Sundays and Holidays Only 6.10 P.M. NORTHBOUND— Daily Except Sundays Holidays 7.10 P. M. Sundays and Holidays 8.55 P. M. and f Only COMMENCING MAY 1st, 1938 TWO ROUND TRIPS DAILY — Between —* EXETER — LONDON — & KINCARDINE For Further Information Consult Lo<al Agent, Central Hotel Search the World, You’ll Find no Finer Value Than Our Top Coats Come in early and see our Coats while there is a large stock to choose from. Style and Value Combined Prices Range from $12.00 to $17,50 W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. ■■■■■■BMP About forty members of the Mis­ sion Band of the James St. United church were entertained to a party during Easter week. Games and contests were followed by refresh­ ments. Mrs, J.' H. Jones, Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs. J. Southcott were in charge. iMiss Doreen Hamilton, of Ottawa, secretary of Dr. Young, M.P,, from Saskatoon; and Miss Ruth White, as­ sistant secretary in the Prime Me­ ister’s ofiice, visited at .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton’s and at Grand Bend on their way to Buffalo for an Easter vacation, * At the morning service in James Street United Church on .Sunday Mr. Allan Penhale (played a cornet solo "The Old Rugged iCross” which was much appreciated by the congrega­ tion, At the evening service a la­ dies' chorus was suttg in addition to the anthem. Charles Cowan while playing around a dump truck at his home got a finger caught and it was badly bruised. Miss Sally Witwer returned to her after spending Easter week with Iler uncle and aunts Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hatter and Hatter. Miss Jean Cann and 'Miss Ruby Cutting spent iSunday in London and visited with Master John Cann, the former’s brother at the War Mem­ orial Hospital. Mr. Lome Baskerville, of Lon­ don, called on friends in town on Monday. His father Mr. '9, Basker­ ville, formerly of Exeter1, is at pres­ ent ill in Victoria Hospital Where he has beeft for the past several months His friends frill be glad to know that his condition at present is somewhat. improved. home in London