HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-28, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MR. FARMER For Outstanding and Profitable RESULTS Feed PIONEER FEEDS FOR POULTRY Pioneer Chick Mash, Growing Mash Big 3 Laying Mash FOR HOGS Pioneer Weaning Rations, Hog Grower, Hog Finisher, Pork Producer (Concentrate) FOR CATTLE 4 Pioneer 16, 18 or 24 per cont. Dairy Ration 32 per cent. Dairy Concentrate, Bulky Sweet Dry & Freshening Ration Results are the only sound measure of feed value. Pioneer feeds have proven their superiority because they produce pro­ fitable results, We are here to give you service and satisfaction. Drop in and look over the feeds. Take home a bag and watch it produce results. ‘S —..I. I 1.1 I II . PIONEER ‘FEEDSR FOR POULTRY HOG? CATTLK AHp HORSES MtUM CMLAM nova fMIU (WMnjIWni J. A. TRAQUAIR, Exeter HENSALL FOR SALE—Brick house in Hen­ sail, the property of Mrs. Margaret Earcett. This property is in good repair and can be purchased on very reasonable terms.—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. with num- resi- Miss Barbara Shepherd visited friends in London last week. Rev. W. A. Young attended a synod meeting in Toronto this week. Dr. Harry Joynt, of London, was a recent visitor with his mother Mrs. Alice Joynt. Miss Irene Douglas spent a few days last week visiting with friends in Toronto. (Mr. (Frank Battersby, of Stratford s/pent a day last week visiting friends in the village. Miss Jessie Paisley, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. E. Rannie. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelland, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mr. A. L. Case is making a ber of improvements to his dence on South Richmond St. Mr. and Mrs. William Dougall, iSr., recently celebrated their 53 wedding anniversary at their home in town. Mrs. A. Voth, of Detroit, is spend­ ing a week or two visiting with’ her grandmother’ Mrs, Robt. Bonthron. The Hensall Public and Continua­ tion schools re-opened on Monday morning after the Easter vacation. Mr. William Pfaff is spending a few days in Seaforth this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Elder. Mr. William Stone was called to London last week owing to the ser­ ious illness of his daughter Mrs. E. Fulton. •Mr. Albert Spencer has purchased from Mr. G. C. Petty a lot on King St. West and will build a house on the property. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Berry, of Toron­ to spent a part of the Easter holi­ days visiting with iMr. Berry’s mother Mrs. TJios. Berry. Mrs. John Tapp accompanied by her son Dr. James Tapp-, of Ottawa, were recent guests of Mr. Alex Grey and daughter of Seaforth. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, principal of the Continuation School at Schrom- berg, spent the Easter vacation with his mother Mrs. David Cantelon. Mr. Wesley Richardson has rent­ ed the 50 acre farm of his neighbor Mr. Charles Blackwell, of the Blind Line, Hay Twp., for a term of years. Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Scruton and little daughter their home in Port Dover after spending the Easter holidays with relatives here. Mr. Robt. McKenzie has rented the house On South Richmond St. frOm Mr. Harvey Jacoibi, of Chiselhurst and has moved his family into the village. Miss Victoria Bolton, of Toronto and her two sisters Maud and Elda Bolton, of London, visited with1 t'heir parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton of the Boundary foi’ a few days last week. Mr. Frank Rath'burn has rented his farm in Tuckersmith Township three miles north-east ofHensall for a term of years apd will move to .his mother’s farm near Sarnia which he will manage. Misses Edith and Lilly McEwen who spent the Easter holidays with their brother Mr. John McEwen and his wife have returned to their home in Kitchener. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron and son Har­ old Bonthron were visitors with Mrs. Bonthron’s mother, Mrs. Youngblutt at Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Bon­ thron will visit with- Kitchener re­ latives for a few days. Mrs. Samuel Taimer, of 'Stratford, visited last week with her sister Mrs. Eva .Stapleton and her father Mr. W. Stone. While here she was called to London owing to the serious illness of her sister Mrs. E. Fulton. ■Our mason’s, carpenters and .paint­ ers are very 'busy at present and are looking for a very busy summer. Good progress is 'being made on the new house (being ibuilt for Miss Fame Logan on King .St. 'Construction is soon to start on the new grain ana bean elevator for Mr. (Geo. Thomp­ son on the West side of the railway tracks and the new bouse to be built foi’ Mr. Albert Spencer will 'be start­ ed in the near future. Leg Amputated ,Mr. Fred Manns, who for several weeks has been suffering from gan­ grene in one of his toes and who had the toe taken off about a week ago was again taken to the Seaforth Hospital on Frday night and on .Sat­ urday morning the leg was taken off just in a still Mr. Manns is are life have returned to ibelow the knee. serious condition, but hopes held out for his recovery. Death of Miss Flora. SntitHn Miss Flora Smith, an aged and long resident of Stanley Township, died at her late home, Stanley Tw.p., on Monday afternoon. Miss Smith who has been in poor health for sev­ eral years resided with her brother Mr. Alex. Smith on the Smith home­ stead. 'The funeral took place from her late home on Wednesday after­ noon, interment taking place in Baird’s cemetery. Reception A reception, was held in the Town Hall on Friday evening last in .hon­ our of Mr. and .Mrs. Wesley Jones, a recent bride and groom. Over 200 were present and a very enjoyable evening was spent in dancing. Dur­ ing the evening Mr. and Mrs. Jones were ipresented with an address which was read by Mr. John 'Fortune- and were presented with a beautiful studio-couch. Mr. Jones on behalf of Mrs. Jones and himself thanked their many friends for the beautiful gift and their good wishes. Annual District Meeting The annual distrist meeting the I. O. 0. F. will be held in Brucefield lodge hall on May 11th. The Hensall nual church Presbyterian ening, May Grand Master Hensall has been visiting the Odd Fellows lodges of the district during this last two weeks, Mr. Carlisle at­ tended a large meeting of the Gode­ rich lodge on Monday evening and was at Exeter on Tuesday evening. Baptismal Service At Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday morning a baptismal service was held when the little sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Love, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell were baptised by the pastor Rev W. A. Young. There was also a quartette sung by request in memory of the Lodge will hold its an- service in the Carmel church on Sunday ev- 8th. District Deputy Wilson Carlisle, of a--... of the late Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Sr., who passed away just a year ago. The beautiful hymn “Jesus Saviour Pilot Me,” which was a great favor­ ite hymn of Mrs. Hudson was beauti­ fully rendered by Bev, W. A- Young, Messrs R. Y. McLaren, W. A. Mc­ Laren and Jas. Bengough. Invite Blyth Pastor on Condition At the United church on Sunday* Rev. Mr. Brooks, of Blyth occupied the .pulpit both morning and evening and preached two very interesting sermons to large congregations. At the evening service Mr. W. O. Good­ win and Mr, Harry Horton were the soloists for the special parts in the anthem. After the evening service a special congregational meeting was held presided over by Rev. Mr. un- in- of the Bremner, of Brucefield. It was animously decided to extend an vitation to Rev. Mr. Brooks, Blyth, to become the pastor of Hensall United church on condition that the Blyth people are willing to Brooks. It is with deep we learn of the decision Sinclair to leave Hensall a pastor here for about release Mr. regret that of Rev. Mr, after being 15 years. Death of Jan Smit Word .was received here last week of the death of Mr. Jan iSmit, a form­ er well .known resident of Hensall, which occurred at the 'Simcoe hospit­ al on Sunday after a short illness. He was in his 3 5th year. About twenty years ago Mr, Smit aocomip- anied by his mother and two sisters, came to Hensall and district from Holland and were hard working and industrious citizens. Mr. Smit work­ ed for district farmers and for sev­ eral years he was also engaged by Cook Bros, to work in their mill. He was a strong, robust man and was highly regarded by all who (knew him. A few years ago the family removed to Delhi where they have since place from Delhi, Delhi friends here will (be sorry to hear of his death.a Social Evening The members of the Huron mas­ onic lodge Hensall held a very pleas­ ant social evening in their lodge rooms on Friday evening, entertain­ ing t'heir wives and friends, enjoyable gram was ed. Mr. chairman, gram; Pianoforte solo>, Murdock-; male quartette, Rev. W. A. Young W. 0. Goodwin, Dr. Smillie and W. A. McLaren; solo, Mrs. K. Hutton; reading Mrs. F. Rathburn; solo, Mrs. W. A. Young; solo, Dr. Smillie; duet, Rev. W. A. Young and Dr. Smillie; solo, Mrs. W. A. Mc­ Laren; solo, Rev. W. A. Young; ac­ companists Mrs. John Young. In prizes went first, Mils. Mrs. W. A. E. Paterson, Clinton, 2nd., Mr. Thos. Pryde,, Exeter. After the euchre games were over a lunch was served and a social half hour spent. United Y. P. S. Entertains Janies St. ■On Monday evening the Y.P.IS. of the United Church entertained as their guests the Y.P.S, of James St. United church, Exeter, when a very fine program was put on by the Ex­ eter Y. P. Ian Filshie took charge of the opening exercises. After wel­ coming the Y.P.S. of Exeter hymn 48 was sung and Mr. Ortwein led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Ether Martene. Hymn 23 was sung. Mr, Charles Cox, president of the Exeter Y. P. then presided. Miss Vera Decker gave a reading, this was followed' by a guitar selection by Gordon Klein- feldt; readings were given by Helen Finkbeiner and Miss Hannah Mat­ hers. Guitara selection by Gordon Kleinfeldt. These numbers were all very much enjoyed. An interesting feature of the evening’s program/ Was a humorous debate in the sub­ ject “Resolved that Exeter was a bet­ ter place to live in than Hensall.” Miss Irene Sweet and Elgin Luxton took the affirmative side. Claude Blowes and Walter. Spencer took the negative side. After much discus­ sion the judges decided in favour of the affirmative. Games and contests were then enjoyed followed by lunch. A hearty vote of thanks by Mr. Filshie. resided. The funeral took on Wednesday afternoon last St. Alban’s Anglican .church, interment taking place in the cemetery. Mr. '.Smit’s many A very musical and vocal pro­ given and euchre was play- Laird Mickle acted as Following was the pro­ Mrs. John Miss Eleanor Fisher, Murdock, Mrs. W. A. the euchre games the to the following: ladies' Frank Rathburn,i 2nd, McLaren; gent’s 1st Mr. Cox and replied was given to by Ian GRAND BEND ‘ Martha Allister, of St. MarysMrs. is visiting in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard and Miss Yeo visited over the week-end in Bridgen with their son, Mr. Rus­ sell Mollard. iMiss Peg and Bill, who spent the Easter holidays here re­ turned home with them. Mi*, and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, o£ Detroit, Spent the we6k-end with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brenner. Mr., and Mrs. Oliver, of Sarnia, visited their sister Mrs. Gilbert Stat- ton over the Week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Patterson, of Sariiia, visited the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. WHALteN (Mr. R. Hopper is this week an­ nouncing a stock reducing sale furniture. See full page hdvt. this issue. of In THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1936 aiiCREQITON The citizens of the village are re­ quested by the village council to nave all rubbish ready for removal to the town dump* 011 Thursday, May 5th, All rubbish to be placed in bags, or boxes, and ’brought out on the street for quick removal, , Several cases were tried and posed of by Judge Costello in Div­ ision Court here on Monday, The annual conference of the Evan­ gelical vene Church Bishop ville, Ill,, will be chairman of the sessions and will officially open the Conference on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. Crediton Evangelical choir will have charge of the music Thurs­ day evening. This is social and moral reform night and Rev. E. B. Silcox, of Toronto, will give the ad­ dress, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Miss Myrtle Walker visited on Sunday with friends in St. Thomas. Mrs. Charles Kerr, Courtland and Lauretta Kerr, of Benmiller, visited friends in the community on Sunday. Mr. Fred Anderson, of Lucknow, is visiting a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H, K. Eilber. The Harris & Morkin people of London were in the village last week making repairs to the boiler at the Public School. Mrs. Dambra and daughter, Rosa, visited ity on Mr. Haist, visited ity on remaining with Mr. and whinney. The annual meeting of Crediton will be held in Hall, May 2nd at 8 p.m. Election of officers and reports will be given. Members are requested to be present. An unusual and pleasant exper­ ience occurred on Sunday when mem­ bers of Miss Ella Morlock's Sunday School class visited Mrs. Christian Trick, who has been confined to- her bed for several months, victim of a paralytic stroke. The young ladies' class rendered a devotional program Which was much appreciated by Mrs. Trick. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, of Fordwich, visited friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Ed. Sweitzer was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sun­ day with a case of blood poisoning in his hand. We hope for a speedy recovery. The baseball meeting called Crediton this week by baseball en­ thusiasts from the community was well attended. The treasurer( report­ ed $26 in the treasury. Crehiton is fielding a smart team this year and Monday evening the club elected its officers: Honorary President, Dan Maclsaac; President, F. W. Morlock; Vice-President, G. E. Wenzel; Treas­ urer, J. H. Kuhn; Manager Sylvester Wuerth; Assistant, E. K. Fahner. The clulb has appointed two repre­ sentatives to attend a district base­ ball meeting which is being held at Hensalh Thursday evening. Fall wheat looks exceptionally good in the district. iSeveral farm­ ers have mentioned during the past week they, have never seen the wheat looking more promising at this time of the year. Alfalfa and clover are also looking good. Rain­ fall of the past few days will great­ ly benefit all crops. Seeding is in full operation. The well-tiled clay land is working over nicely into a good seed soil. The Young People’s League of the Evangelical Church held their regu­ lar meeting -on Friday evening. Gor­ don Ratz acted as chairman and took charge of the opening devotion. The subject of the evening, “Co-Op­ eration” was discussed by Earl Haist with corresponding scripture read by Ruby Ffnkbeiner; mouth organ selection by Ray Morlock; paper on .current events by Eldon .Smith. An interesting Bible contest conducted by Ella Morlock concluded a profit­ able meeting. Presentation to Young Couple Recently about forty friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. John Gaiser, to honor the recent bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gaiser. A Short varied program Was given after which Mr. and Mrs. Gais­ er were .called forward. Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser read the address and Mr. M. Beaver made the presentation of a handsome cloick. The bride and groom suitably thanked their friends for the fine gift. Refreshments were served and the rest of the evening was spent in games. (Following is the address: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gaiser: We, your friends and neighbors take much pleasure in gathering at your home tonight to offer you our heartiest congratulations upon the occasion Of your marriage and to wish you many years of happily mar­ ried life. We are pleased to welcome Mrs. Gaiser to our community. We trust, you will soon find us to be your friends and that you will enjoy liv­ ing in our midst and- sharing with us our social life and activities, As a small total of our friendship and esteem and as^n expression of our very best wishes we ask you to accept this gift. Our wish for you R. Batten convenor will have charge is that you may both bo spared to of conference Sunday service. After IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPECIALS diS' Church of Ontario, will con- at Centennial Evangelical , iStratford, .May 3rd to 8th. G. E. Epp, D.D., of Naper- with friends in the commun- Sunday. Freeman Haist, Mr. Allan Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ehlers, with friends in the commun- Monday. Mrs. Clara Ehlers is Mrs. Ma- the W. 1. the Town at HEREFORD CORN BEEF 2 tins for 25c PURE CANE SUGAR 10 lb. for 53c QUICK QUAKER OATS WITH GLASS WARE FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER WITH PREMIUM 1 POUND AROMA COFFEE WITH CUP & SAUCER per package 29c per tin 25c all for 39c PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK 2 lb. for 25c AYLMER TOMATOES, No, 2 tins....4 FOR 25c. DUTCH SET ONIONS ...................................................................................4 POUNDS FOR 25c. ALSO A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS — STEELE BRIGG’S OR RENNIE’S — No. 4 Peas......... = Sweet Corn........ = Pork and Beans .......................3 tins for 25c ......................3.tins for 25c. ......................3 tins for 25c. | Dessert Pears No. 2 tin.... | Supreme Shortening .......... | Pure Lard ............................. ............each 10c. 5= . 2 lbs. for 25c. S ... 2 lbs, for 25c. sss =s BREAKFAST B ACON, SLICED ........................................................................PE:R POUND 29c. Phone 102 ROI I IFTC5’1 X, JmmM lawm I Immmi ^*1*1 (^GROCERY We Deliver ^illllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllill(llllllllllllll(lllll(l!llllllllllll(llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllir i enjoy long life, happiness and pros­ perity and that the common task, joys and trials of the years may only serve to bind you closer to each other. We hope that God’s blessing may fall richly upon you both. Signed—The Neighbors (Crowded out last week) Easter services at the Evangelical Church were of special interest. In­ teresting sermons both morning and evening by the pastor held the atten­ tion of everyone. Choir music for the day was of a high order under the direction of Lawrence Wein. At the morning service Mrs. Wm. Smith and son Gerald (contributed a vocal duet and five new members *. were taken into church fellowship. At the Sunday School session a ladies quar­ tette consisting of (Misses Ruby and Norma Finklbeiner, Mrs. L. Wein and Miss Marguerite 'Lamport delighted everyone with a splendid selection. Mrs. Chas. Hoffman and Mrs. Emery Fahner rendered a vocal duet at the evening service. Mrs. F. W. Mor- lock efficiently (presided at the pipe organ. (The churich was beautifully decorated witih flowers. A bouquet of roses was given by the Michael Finklbeiner family in honor of Mrs. M. Finklbeiner who passed away one year ago. An Easter lily was given in honor of Mr. Wm. Finkbeiner who passed away last year. A large crowd filled the Evangel­ ical church last Friday evening. After the opening devotional by the pastor a group of .Sunday School members presented a drama entitled “The Symbol of the Cross.” This drama made a deep impression on all (pres­ ent and was enjoyed by all. Mr. Al­ vin (Finkbeiner and Miss Alma Ratz supervised the production. The cast included Marguerite Lamport, Ada Gaiser, Bernice Haist, Gordon Ratz, Ray Morloicto and Sheldon Finkbein­ er. A good self denial offering was* received. THAMES ROAD DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. (School reopened on Monday after Easter holidays the teachers having spent their holidays at their respect­ ive homes. Mrs. E. R. Guentner returned to her home on Saturday after spending the past week in Kitchener. Miss Emma Tieman, of London, spent Easter holidays with relatives. Mrs. N. Evans and daughter Cath­ arine, of Kitchener, is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Hoffman. Mr. E. R. Guenther has purchased a new G. M. C. bus to be used for passenger, mail and express between Exeter, Dashwood Grand Bend. The first trip made Wednesday. route and Was ELIMVILLE W. M. S. Meeting The Easter W. M. S. meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at home Of Mrs. Lewis Johns. Thirteen members were present. Mrs. Wes. Johns who was in charge opened with the call to worship “Crown Him with many Crowns” was sung and Scripture leSson 'Was read by Mrs, unison leaflet. Master L. Johns with responses in from the Easter program Prayer was offered and Let Me Walk with Thee” was sung, Roll call was answered by Easter quotations and Devotional leaflet read by Mrs. W. Elford. Mrs. B. WH* liams Was appointed delegate to the convention to be held in James St. church on April 26 and Mrs. Sher, Brock ns alternate. Grotfp Cb Mrs. O in the So- an Easter a temper­ harm in Brock bene- A-pril and An­1 given Road given considerable discussion it was decid­ ed that the society will send cards of sympathy to those bereaved in­ stead of floral tributes as formerly and cards, fruit and flowers sent to the sick. The society is asking for contributions of second band cloth­ ing for a bale. It was decided to .purchase the book "Through Miss­ ionary Windows” for use ciety. Mrs. T. Bell read poem and Mrs. F. Brock ance article “What’s the Drinking.” Mrs- Sherwood gave an article on “Friendliness”. This was in relation to supply work. Mrs. Penrose pronounced the diction. Women’s Association The W. A. met for ©.their meeting on Thursday the 14th at Mrs. Ken. Johns’. IMrs. Penrose pre­ sided over the meeting. After sing­ ing opening hymn the leader offer­ ed prayer. The scripture' lessons were read by Mrs. A. Pym, Mrs. A. Cooper, Miss D. Delbridge, Mrs. W. Skinner. A pleasing piano solo was given by Mrs. Well. (Skinner Mrs. Kirkland gave a reading. other hymn was sung. Some business was dealt witih and Mrs. K. Johns demonstrated an open bed. Meeting closed with the benediction. The play “The Night Owl” by Zion Church, Mitchell members was one of the best here for some time. Attendance was fair. This was given under the au­ spices of the W. A. The Mission Circle held a meeting and social combined on Tuesday night of last week in the church. Miss Eula Herdman presided over the meeting, Miss Marion Miners read the scripture lesson. Miss Eva Penrose gave a story on Easter and Miss Dorothy Johns read a poem. Af­ ter the program the evening was spent in games. Ten tables were ar­ ranged with different games which were played in progressive style. The girls wore print dresses and the boys overalls. Lunch was served by the losing side. On Friday evening last the Young People from this community gather­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Jaques to present Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Jaques with a daybed. Mr. Gil­ bert Johns read the address and Messrs. Harold Bell and Laverne Skinner made the presentation. The recipients expressed their thanks. A pleasant social time was enjoyed by all present. Miss Bessie Johns returned (home from London on Sunday and is mak­ ing good progress toward recovery from her recent appendix operation. She spent a, couple days with Mrs. Jack Delbridge after leaving the hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heywood, of Welland, were Easter visitors at Mr. Jno. Heywood’s. Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and family of Arthur have returned after spend­ ing Easter holidays with the form­ er’s mother .Mrs. Geo. Monteith. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs. T. Ballantyne and Miss Beth were recent visitors at Arthur. ■Some very cold days have made seeding a chilly job. Some farmers have completed the work. Mr. Glanville Sr. is nursing an injured knee sustained when he fell through some steps coming down form the barn. Young people’s will be held Fri­ day evening. Keen interest is being taken by the ladies in the sewing demonstra­ tions at the home of the Misses Keddy each Saturday afternoon un­ der the auspices of the W. I. Mr. Albert Hey has moved onto the farm recently owned by Mr. Jas. Fraser on the Thames Road. Women’s Association The W. A. held a very interesting meeting on Wednesday at the .church the ladies having recently sponsored a fine piece of work at the church, viz: remodelled part of the basement into a .pantry, making work .handier for all responsible for the delectable side of the church work. A program contributed to by Mrs. Squire, Mrs. Harris in a duet; also Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Harris duet and reading by Miss Roberta Duncan. A talk was given by Mrs. John W. Stewart on her trip south. CREDITON EAST Mrs. Rebecca. Stewart returned to her home in Exeter Thursday after a few days visit with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner. Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son Russell, of Grand Sunday with Mr. and Merner. 'Mr. and Mrs. John ___ __ daughter, of near Thedford, spent the week-end with relatives here. 'Mrs. Sam Sims and children spent Tuesday .with her mother Mrs. John Baird, at Grand Bend. iMr. John Holden Who is making his home with his niece Mrs. Ed. Penhale, suffered a stroke on Mon­ day last, but is somewhat improved at present. Bend, spent Mrs. Eldon Sims and RRAY CHICK Does the Trick! Exeter, Phone 246 or Ben Case R. R. 3, Exeter, or G. N. Evans, Canada Packers, Ltd., Exeter ■Production of apricots in Canada is .practically limited to British Col­ umbia. Varnishes* rain+s Enamels - Wax VARNISHESMbMm Aw Aw *■* Mr AWfc *M Wr Far Every Purpose — Indoor* Mid Outdoor* H. S. WALTER, A. SPENCER & SON, Exeter Hensall «