HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-28, Page 4XIIUIUSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Rock Bottom Cash Stores
Matches Prunes
Large Boxes Large Size
3 for..............18c 2 lb. for ... . 19c
Blue Ribbon Coffee ' . 39c
Black, Mixed and Green
Half Pound
Queen Favorite Baking Powder sX . 29c
No. 1 Pure Clover
No. 5 tin ... 53c
Electric Bulbs
Very Special, 40 & 60 Watts
3 for.............25c
2 lb.................25c
10 lb...............54c
The Stores That Give You Value
SKELTON—At Clinton Hospital on
Tuesday, April 2 6th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Skelton, Clinton, a son.
McKlNNON—In Scott Memorial Hos
pital, Seaforth, on April 19th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon, of
'Cromarty, a daughter.
PENHALE—At Private Patients Pa
vilion, Toronto Western Hospital,
Friday, April 22nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. Orval L. Penhale (nee Doris
Lowman) a son. Both doing well.
KYLE—Jn Exeter on Monday, April
25th, 1938, Sarah Jane Coultis,
widow of the late James Kyle, in
her 80th year.
Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney wishes to
thank her many neighbors and
friends for so many kindnesses ex
tended to her while a patient at Vic
toria Hospital, London.
ROUTLY—In loving memory of a
deai’ husband, John Routly, who
passed to the Great Beyond, May
1st, 1933.
Calm and peaceful is he sleeping,
Sweetest rest that follows pain;
I who loved him, sadly miss him,
But trust in God to meet again.
Sadly missed and ever remembered
by his Wife Minnie.
...Lawn and Garden Necessities...
Then see our Black Diamond and others at prices, widths
and styles to suit
The roller bearings are guaranteed never to wear out and
never need adjustment“Now ain’t that sumpin”
A new stock of Screen Doors and Windows fitted with
genuine “Grey Wick” galvanized wire screen
Means years of extra service and you pay no more.
Lawn Combs, Shovels, Spades, Hand Cultivators, Weeders,
Hoes and Rakes
Phone 181 -:- Exeter
Hello! Sport Fans
Here is where you can get latest
news on games and snappy early de
livery. The London Evening Free
Press, printed hours later than any
other paper coming into town.
15c Per Week Delivered
Call us for a copy of Evening or
Morning Edition
Phone 115
The boys are ready to serve you
with those leading sealed products:
Shell Oil and Gasoline
Sunoca Oil and Gasoline
Buffalo is out of season but, now
is the time to step into the shop and
buy good steaks and roasts of beef
and pork that will cook 'up quick
this warm weather, also smoked and
cooked meats.
S. J. V. Cann
Mrs. Thon, of Saskatoon, Sask.,
spent several days with her uncle,
air?" Jonathan Kydd.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rlanchard and
Mrs. Sylvanus Cann spent the week
end with Mr, and Mrs. George Roch-
ola, of Ripley.
Rev. D. C. Hili’, Rev. Jas. Reidie,
of Cromarty and Mr, Hy, Strang mo
tored to Wingham on Monday and
attended a meeting of the Synod of
Hamilton and London held Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Three car-loads of young people
from town were at Brussels Friday
of last week where they attended
the annual Easter conference for
older boys and girls. Over two hun
dred young people were present from
the county, Miss Dorothy Traquair,
of town, president of the 'girls sec
tion, presided for the opening exer
cises along with the president of the
boys section. The newly elected of
ficers were: Girls, Pres., Jeanette
Sanderson, of Brussels; secretary,
Verna Barber, Goderich; treasurer,
Eleanor Cousins, Clinton. Boys,
President, Benson Suiter, Clinton;
vice-president, Lloyd Wheeler, Brus
sels; secretary, Chas. Wellwood, of
Wingham; treasurer, Robt. S'outh-
cott, Exeter.
A new table and benches for the
Juvenile section of the Library have
been purchased, They were made by
Mr. Harry Gidley and show the work
manship of a master craftsman.
The following new books have
been received recently
Non Fiction
Hajji Baba Morrison
History of Canada Wittke
This is Ontario Hale
She Water Drinker Slater
In a Canadian Shack Sime
Whick We Did Clarke
The Importance of Living Yutang
Life of Service Baldwin
Four Hundred Million 'Customers
I’m Telling You Charlesworth
Thundering Hoofs Grey
Great Argument Gibbs
Proud Heart Buck
The Scarlet Riders Campbell
Lost King Sabatine
Golden House Vachell
The Hurricane Nordhoff
Action at Acquilla Hervey
Tish Marches On Rhinehart
No Hearts Ertz
Victoria 4.30 Roberts
Mary Poppins Travers
Silver Chief ■O’Brien
Back of the North Wind McDonald
When I Was King Wetham
James Street W. M. S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W. M. S. met in James Street
Church on Thursday, April 14th.
Mrs. Kyle presided during the busi
ness period. Our Community Friend
ship Secretary made 15 calls during
the month and the Strangers Secre
tary made 26 visits. Final plans
were completed for serving dinner
at the Presbyterial meeting on April
26t'h. Mrs. Sharpe led the devotion
al period which was a responsive
Easter service. An Easter dialogue
was well given by Mrs. Christie in
the character of Mary and Mrs. H.
C. Carey as Mary Afagdalene. The
chapter of the Study Book was
presented in the form of a tour con
ducted by Mrs. J. M. Southeott and
several ladies who acted as the mis-
isonaries on the different fields and
gave an account of their work in
these different countries. Mrs. Fan-
son read an article on the Temper
ance work. The meeting closed by
repeating the Watchword.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl, of Exeter
visited on Monday with Mrs. M. Pull
Miss Eunice Parkinson holidayed
during last week with Mr. H. Foster
of Winchelsea.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brock, of Union,
visited with relatives in the .com
munity on Sunday.
Mrs. Earl Johnston was a recent
visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cann, of
the Thames Road.
Blanshard’s new township road
grader with Mr. Bickell operating it
was in this district the latter part of
the week. It is one of the most
modern and up-to-date machines on
the market and will be a real bene
fit in keeping our roads in first class
condition during the whole year.
Misses Elva and Mary Morley vis
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Anderson, Thames Road.
Mrs. J. Hazelwood, Mrs. W. Mor
ley, Mrs. Thos. Gunning and Mrs. F.
Squire attended the Huron Presby
terial at James St. United Church,
Exeter, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark spent Sun
day with relatives near HenSall.
Messrs. Edward and Wm. Willert
and mother Mrs. H. Willert visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art
Miss Lorna Kraft, of London, is
visiting her parents X[r. and Mrs.
E. G. Kraft.
Miss Grace Willert is spending a
week with friends In Kitchener.
Master Jackie Clark, of Hensail,
visited last Week with his grand*
parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark.
(Continued From Page One)
the limit of their acocmplishment.
Lodge members are united to each
other by the ties of brotherhood, but'
they are united to each other against
the rest of the world. Brother will
do much for brother, help him in his
difficulties but none of this 'benevo
lence is shown to such as have not
the password.
The speaker would not say how
jusf were such criticisms, or whether
it applies more to certain orders
than to others, but he did say that
it aught not to apply to any, And it
would not apply if in addition to the
lesson that David and Jonathan
teach is added the lesson that is of
fered in the parable of the Good
Samaritan. Then the members of
the lodge will not be content to
simply help each other hut will feel
impelled to take an interest in the
welfare of those who have never been
initiated in the lodge room, and to
support and connect themselves with
all movements that seek to amelior
ate the conditions which make life
hard for so many people. A worthy
lodge is a lodge that lives up to the
light of Christian revelation and
which stands for the highest stan
dards of Christian morality.
On the return of the brethren to
the lodge room a vote of thanks was
tendered the .minister for his very
excellent sermon and to the man
agers of the church and the choir.
Rowe-Bruette No. 3, the sensation
al sweet natural Gas Well brought
in last fall by E. P. Rowe, eminent
Toronto geologist, with a potential
open flow of over 4,000,000 cu. feet
per day, paid its fifth monthly re
turn this week amounting to-$43.60
on each $5 00 invested and totalling
for the past five months about $16 5
in dividends'—paid through the Guar
anty Trust Co., of Toronto. We un
derstand quite a number of Exeter
people hold interests in this well.
A number of our W.M.S. members
attended the Presbyterial in James
Street church at Exetei* on Tuesday.
The Ham Supper of the Mission
Circle girls was well attended.
Mrs. Jas. Trevethick and Carl
spent Friday with her mother Mrs.
Hess, of Zurich.
School re-opened on Monday last
after the Easter holidays with Miss
Lillian Kennedy and Ila Trevethick
in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lewis enter
tained friends from St. Marys and a
few neighbors at progressive euchre
on Tuesday evening last. Ladies
prize was won by Mrs. Wes. White
and gents went to Mr. Melvin Light
foot, of St. Marys.
Mrs. iSholdice,' of London, spent
Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lewis.
McGillivray W. I.
The McGillivray W. I. held their
annual meeting in West McGillivray
Hall with- the following officers el
ected for 1938-39: Hon. President,
Mrs. John McEwen, Sr.; President,
Mrs. J. L. Amos; 1st vice-pres., Mrs.
James Dixon; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs.
John Lewis; sec’y-treas., Mrs. Mae
Allison; assist., Miss Marie Boland;
directors, Mrs. G. Hod'gins, Mrs. W.
White, Mrs. Dan Lewis; district dir
ector, Mrs. A. B. Erskine; home ec
onomics, Mrs. E. Scott; agriculture
and Canadian industries, Miss A.
Northgraves; education, Mrs. M.
Watson; legislation, Mrs. Tom Lee;
health and child welfare, Mrs. Wm.
Paterson; Canadianization, Mrs. L.
Stewart; historical research, Mrs. R.
Wilson; relief and sunshine, Mrs. A.
Smith, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, Miss O.
Scott; community activities, Mrs. A.
McMillan, Mrs. L. Allan; Publicity,
Mrs. Wes. Lewis; question drawer,
Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. N. Was-
nidge; pianists, Mrs. Tom Lee, Mrs.
Jim Trevethick;'auditors, Mrs. Gar
net Hodgins, Mrs. Aaron Scott.
Russell Scott has rented the
farm of Mr. George Wilson adjoin
ing the village and is now busy put
ting in the spring crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, of
Carlingford, visited at the home of
Mr. George Wallace last Sunday.
Miss Elsie Chittick, who spent a
few weeks with her grandmother
Mrs. Robinson left for her home at
Prospect Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of the
village visited with friends in Brus
sels last Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Quance, of London,
visited over the week-end with her.
Mr. John Houghton, of Harristop
was home for the week-end with his
Friends and neighbors of the vil
lage gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan ^(cKellar on Thursday
evening lest, it being the 25th an
niversary of their wedding, They
were presented with a handsome sil
ver basket and a bouquet of roses. A
pleasant evening was spent. Friends
were present from Sarnia, Stratford,
Shakespeare, Mitchell. The evening
was Bpent in euchre and a very de*
Melons lunch was served before they
all departed for their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Earl visited
with friends in the neighborhood
last week.
Mrs. Armstrong, of Exeter, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern on
Misses Adeline, Norma and Ilene
Roger, of Kirkton, visited with Mr.
and Mrs, E. Hern last Tuesday. ‘
Mrs. A. Gunning visited several
days last week with her* daughter
Mrs. James Earl and Mrs. Allan
Mrs. M. Hern, Mrs. C. Jaques,
Mrs. Wellington Brock and Mrs.
Warren Brock attended the Huron
Presbyterial at James Street United
Church, Exeter, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Harry
and Bobby spent Sunday with Mrs.
Herman Kyle, of Exeter.
Mrs. J. Johns, spent last week
with Mrs. W. J. Brock.
A number of the young people at
tended the reception of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Jaques at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Jaques on Friday
evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Culbert of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake,
Patricia and Bobbie, of near Exeter
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walker
Kerslake on Sunday.
(Mrs. Freeman Horne and Kathleen
spent Monday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Petei* Whitlock, of Thames
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym and
family, of Thedford, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. John Prance.
Misses Dorothy and Gertrude
Camm returned to Toronto after
spending the holidays with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock visited-
•on Sunday witlh Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Brock of Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Burns, and
Donald, of St. Marys, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten on Sun
'Mrs. -M. Elford and Miss Jessie
Monteith, of Exeter, spent a few
days recently with Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Veal.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. iCollier and
Grace, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. .H. Bailey.
Miss Mildred Veal spent the week
end with her Grandmother Mrs. El
ford of Exeter.
Ajpril 28th, 29th, 30th
with Dick Powell, Frank McHugiii,
Francis Langford, an all star cast
May 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Feature Comedy with the Weaver
Bros, and Elviry, Nat Pendlejton
Miss Edna Gallop, of Seaforth,
spent the Easter holidays with Mrs.
Ross Marshall.
Little Jean Humphreys, ef St.
Marys, spent the week-end with het
grand parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Hum
Rev. Mr. Bell, of Toronto, preach
ed a very impressive temperance
sermon at the United church on Sun
day last.
' Misses Edna and Marion Arthur,
of Anderson, spent Sunday with
their cousin Miss E. Hodge.
Little Goldie Walker, of Milver
ton, spent the easter holidays with
her grand parents Mr, and Mrs. E.
The regular meeting of the Ladies
Aid will be held on Thursday after
noon, May 5th at the home of Mrs
L. Finkbeiner.
Next (Sunday being Missionary
Sunday in the Sunday School mis
sionary instructions will be given.o
Mr. and Mrs. V. Sharpe entertain
ed on Thursday evening last in hon
or of their little daughter Eleanor,
it being her first birthday.
Elaine Fahrner, of Crediton, vis
ited over the week-end with Mar
garet Ratz.
Mr. David Ratz and Mrs. Otto, of
New Hamburg visited oh Monday ev
ening last with their brother Mr.
John Ratz and celebrated his 85th
birthday. (Mr. and Mrs. Housan ac
companied them.
Miss V. Sharpe returned to Aub
urn after spending the Easter vaca
tion at her home .here.
Elsie Gaiser spent part of Easter
vacation with friends in Crediton.
Mr. Lome Finkbeiner, has purchas
ed the (Statham farm and gets pos
session at once.
Nice condition and real
good tires ........................$325.
Driven only 6,000 miles
by a retired gentleman in
Hensail. For a good used
coupe buy this one.
Only ............................... $650.
Several cars from 1927 to 1930
for less than $100.00
Phone 64 Exeter
Misses Mary and Winnifred Mor
rissey, of Detroit, spent the week
end with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Morrissey.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo McCann and
family spent Sunday with friends at
Kitchenei' and Preston. ,
Messrs. Austin Boland and Nor
man Geromette, of London, called
on friends here .Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Visgar, of De
troit, spent the week-end with Mr.
Stephen’ Morrison.
Mr. Gordon O’Rourke visited his
friends at London on Sunday.
■Mr. Dave Geromette Jr. spent the
week-end with friends at Windsor.
Miss Ella Houlahan, of Chatham,
is visiting with Mr." and Mrs.
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Brophy.
Mr. Newton McGregor, of Saska
toon, is visiting with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McGregor.
(Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman and
Marilyn, of Port Huron, spent the
week-end with relatives here. Mrs.
A. McIntosh returned home with
them after spending some time with
friends in Port Huron.
The WJM.S. of the United church
will hold a quilting and 10c tea at
the home of Mrs. Dean Brown on
Thursday afternoon.
Miss Hood, of Toronto, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mrs. Geo. Darling and sons, of
Byron visited last week with her
sister Mrs. Wm. Hicks.
Rev. Mr. Beacom, of Essex, oc
cupied the pulpit in the United
church on Sunday. The music was
supplied by the choir of Grand Bend
United church and was much en
joyed by the large congregation pre
sent. Greenway choir had charge of
the music at Grand Bend United
church Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. MioPherson and
family, Mrs. A. Pollock, of Toronto
and Miss Ruby Pollock, of Hamilton
visited friends here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bloomfield and
Ruth, of Union, visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brophy.
to Raise
Chick Hatchery
Phone 266 Exeter
FROM EXETER, MAY 6th and 7th
M tO *
WINDSOR, Ont. and DETROIT, Mich.
$3.05 return
Equally low fares from all adjacent C. N. R. stations. T120B
Ask for handbill and complete Information from Agents.
CANADIAN NATIONAL•—— - ■" ....—-——-------•
(Mrs, Dee Cornelius, pf London,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Simpsop.
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Exeter,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jqnjes Neil
on Monday of this yreek,
Mr. and1! Mrs. John Talbot and
Joan, of Grand Valley, were guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West last
Misses Iva and Ila Willis find Mas
ter Elmer Willis, of Exeter spent
their Easter holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Davey and with Mrs.
Thos. Willis.
Mr. George Brown, of London,
was a recent visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Simpson,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Luckner, of
London, were Sunday visitors with.
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Ford of Komoka and with Mr. and
Mrs. Alf. Fungar in Ldbo.
Mr. Chas. McFalls, Mrs. John
McFalls and Mrs. Wm. Bowden vis
ited with Mr. Allie McFalls in Lucan
on Sunday.
Mrs. George Baynham Sr. was tak
en to Victoria .Hospital, London, on
Monday of this week for treatment-
Mrs. M, Willis and daughter visit
ed over the week-end with Mrs. T.
A fair crowd attended the lecture
“Palestine in Pictures” by Rev. J. B,
Moore, of Grand Bend, that was put
on in the church here on Thursday-
evening of last week, Messrs Thos.
‘Boyes, Homer Buswell, Mrs. R. N.
Stewart and Miss Greta Pollard sang.
“Memories of Galilee.”
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder have
returned homp after spending a week
witlh friends in ,Detroit, Birming
ham and Seline, iMich.
Mr. Earl Hodgson, <of Chatham,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
The Trustee Board of the Kirk
ton Union Cemetery will this year
mow all the plots in the cemetery.
We hereby notify all plotholders'
who have not paid for perpetual up
keep to please reimburse us to the
John i extent of one dollar per plot.
N. B. DOUPE, Chairman
— of —
Under and 'by virtue ot the provis
ions contained in a certain chattel
mortgage which, will be produced on
the day of sale, there will 'be offered
for sale Iby .public auction on Part of
Lot 1, Concession 1, Hay Twp.
on the north side of the Lake Road,.
FRIDAY, APRIL 29 th, 1938
at 2.00 o’clock sharp the following
HORSES—Aged heavy white horse.-
aged bay heavy horse.
CATTLE—1 black cow, 1 roan,
IMPLEMENTS—Set of sleighs &
rack, manure spreader, cultivator,
disc harrow, riding plow, steel roller,,
seed drill, set of diamond harrows,
binder mower, walking plow, wagon
and rack, hay rake, hay fork, slings
and ropes.
FEED—About 15 tons of hay, a
quantity of oats.
■Other articles too numerous to-
For further particulars apply to
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exe
ter, Ontario:
F. E. WILLIS, Bailiff, Exeter, Ont.
J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Mort
gagees, Exeter, Ontario.
— of —
The undersigned auctioneer has re
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction on •
SATURDAY, APRIL 30th, 1938
at 2 o’clock sharp the following
2 storey frame house with water,,
hydro and two lots on Andrew St,
•being lots No. 1065 and 1066. Lot
1066 will be sold separately.
For further particulars apply to-
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Possession at once.