HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-21, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL J21st,. 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The Fashion Experts of London, Paris, New York, Holly­ wood -have announced* that Shorter Hair in 1938 will be worn by fash­ ionable ladies. It is now definite that return to Smarter Styles are favoured. Get your permanent in one of the New Styles at Exeter Markets V’s 112 for Appointment Vera C. Decker Wheat 95c, Oats 45c, Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.95 Welcome Flour $2.69 Shorts $1.75 Bran §1.70- Low Grade Flour $2.15 Dreamery Butter 39c, Dairy Butter 34-37e. Eggs, A large 16 c. Eggs, A medium 15c. Eggs B 14c. Eggs C 13c. Hogs $9.50 NOTHING Can Take the Place of SIGHT Mi NEW PATTERNS IN 4-Yard Wide Linoleums ■ TENDERS WANTED For wrecking, the east end of the Crystal Palace; also tenders for the purchase of the main, building of the palace. Tenders to be in by April 30th. Exeter Agricultural Society. R? G. Seldon, Secretary. IDEAL MEAT MARKET Choice Quality Meats Fresh, Ciu-ed & Smoked Meats TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until Saturday, May 15th, for the deporat- ing of the interior of the School­ house S. S. No. 4, Usborne. Partic­ ulars may be had from the secretary. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted.—C. H. May, Sec’y.- Tre.as,, R.R. 1, Centralia. Butter, Lard and. Shortening Milk and Cream SAVE THE COUPONS Phone 38 Main St. W-N FOR SALE — Choice little pigs. Apply to Orville Taylor, R.R. 1, Ex­ eter. Itp •FARMS AND HOUSE FOR SALE —House to rent. Wm. C. Pearce, Exeter. Itc woman months, WANTED—Middle aged for house keeping for 2 small family, modern conveniences. Apply Box 5, Lucan, Ont. <1 11—» II ■!— II ■—> Kp 1 1 i LOCALS I I_____________________[ Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend will give his illustrated lecture “Pal­ estine in Pictures” Thursday even­ ing of this week at Centralia. LOCALS itp shape house These FOR SALE—Barn in good size 34 x 42, also small hen suitable for colony house, buildings are near Shi.pka. For sale cheap. Apply Times-Advocate. Quantity of mangolds for sale— Horses for sale or exchange.—G. J. Dow, Exeter. FOR SALE — Two storey frame house in the village of Dashwood, good location, hot water heating fur­ nace, hydro, 3 piece bath, hard and soft water, lar.ge garden and stable. Apply Gottfried Oestricher, phone 57r23, Dashwood. 4-12-2tp ROOF FIXING All kinds new and old. iFlat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Joe. Becker Roofer, Clinton, PLone 42. TENDERS Tenders will be received on or before April 30, 1938, for the paint­ ing and redecorating of the auditor­ ium of the United Churcih, Kinkton.* T. A. Crago, R.R.l, St. Marys Chair­ man R. E. Doupe, R.R. 1, Science Hill, Secretary TRACTOR PLOWS—We have sev­ eral new two & three furrow tract­ or plows of the popular makes. These will be sold at greatly reduc­ ed .prices. Sandy Elliot. FOB SALE OR BENT The farm property of the late Wil­ liam Ford, in the Township of Us- borne, containing 100 acres more or less. For further particulars apply to Fred Ford, Executor or J. W. Morley Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. HOMES FOR SALE IN EXETER A brand new house with every convenience, moderately priced. Al­ so several other good buys. C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165, Exeter FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A country store and dwelling with half acre and small barn, also a walk-in ice refrigerator, meat box and show case. Apply at TimeS-Advocate or Beecher Noals, Saintsbury store. 4-7-3tp FOR SALE—House in- Exeter with every convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply to L. Huston, phone 162j. - 3-17-tfc. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmoire’s cement gravel for all cement work. Approved by engine­ ers. All grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt ser­ vice for all concrete jobs. Phone 171 r 3, Exeter. H. T. Cudmore, R. R. 1, Hensail. 3-31-tfc MINISTER’S SON INVENTS INVISIBLE EAR DRUM The Invisible Ear Drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, a son of the late Rev. A. B. Leonard, D.D., for mahy years secretary of the Board of For­ eign Missions of tihe Methodist Bpis- cdpa.1 Church, for his own relief from extreme deafness and head noises, has so greatly improved his bearing that he can join in any ordinary icon- versation, go to .church and the theatre and hear without difficulty, inexpensive and has proven a bless­ ing to many people. Write for book­ let to A. >0. Leonard, Inc., Suite 239, Canada 'Cement Building, Montreal, 1 iNch Mr. Warren May is spending Eas­ ter week in Toronto. Miss Phillipa Harness, is visiting relative in Wingham. Mrs. Arthur Campbell is visiting in Stratford.friends Miss Thelma Waldron, of Grand Bend, is visiting with Miss Thelma Hockey. Mrs. Annie Henderson, of Platts- ville, is visiting with Mrs. Margaret McNichol. Misses Marion and Jean Elliot are spending Easter week with relatives in Inwood. Mrs. Wm. Rollins, of London is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. T. G. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey cele­ brated their 42nd wedding annivers­ ary on Easter Sunday. Mrs. H. Kyle is confined to her bed through illness with Mrs. Geo. Hunter in attendance. Miss Annie McGill, of Granton, is spending this week with her grand­ mother, Mrs. T. McCurdy. Master Jack Southcott, of ■ Mt. Brydes, is visiting with his grand mother, Mrs. C. A. Southcott. Miss May Jones was in Hamilton Thursday of last week attending the funeral of the late E. B. Pepper. Mrs, Alex. Rhode and children, of Mitchell, are spending Easter week with the former’s mother Mrs. Jos. Yellow. The Purple Martins have returned having arrived here on the 17th. Last year they arrived on the 16 th of April. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell return­ ed Sunday after spending two weeks in London with their daughter Mrs. Wm. Bradt. Mr. Eugene Howey, of Mt. Forest H. S. staff is home for the holidays. Mr. Marvin Howey was home from Peterboro for Easter. Mr. Charles C. Pearce, of Holmes­ ville, is spending the Easter vaca­ tion at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale, of Glen­ coe, called on friends in town Mon­ day. They spent Easter with Mrs. Neale parents’s near Brucefield. Miss Margaret Penhale, of Lon­ don, spent Easter at her home, leav­ ing Monday for Toronto where she will attend the O.E.A. convention. Mrs. Roy Alderson and three children, of Arkona, are spending Easter week with the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colling­ wood. Mr. Lloyd Fruere, of Hamilton, is spending Easter week with his brother-in-law and sister, Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Elliott at the Main St. par­ sonage. Mrs. Jas. F. Russell returned to her home dt Dhauvin, Alta., last week after visiting for a couple of months with .her mother, Mrs. E. Jory and other relatives. Mr. Gordon Hodgson, of Kitscoty> Alta., is visiting with relatives in this community. He is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter of town. Reeve W. D. Sanders and mem­ bers of the Exeter Council were in Mitchell Monday evening getting in­ formation in connection rest room in that toiwn. Miss Barbara Atkinson grandmother Mrs. iS. F. London, left for New York City on Saturday morning where they will spend .part of the Easter Holidays. Mr. Rex Mills, of Wyoming, Grand Guardian of the Grand Lodge, of Ontario I.O.O.F. visited Exeter Lodge No. 67 I.O.O.F. Tuesday evening. Guests were present from the Goder­ ich Lodge. and lher •Glass, of Haye you ever considered what would become of you, should any­ thing impair this precious faculty? Fortunately modern Optometric Science can determine definitely if your eyes need help and, IF NEEDED, provide glasses that will bring your eyes to peak ef­ ficiency and comfort CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist ) a.m.—(Sunday School . a.m.—Public Worship Sermon; “Not Your Own.” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Annual Oddfellows church parade to Caven church. 10 11 See our new patterns in 4-yard wide Linoleums before you buy that new floor covering. We carry a stock of the best selling patterns in both Canadian makes. '■ PAPER BLINDS In green or cream. A good blind for little money. EACH 15c. 100 FELTOL MATS 18 inches by 36 inches. English make and good patterns SPECIAL AT 18c, C. E. ZURBRIGG, Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable glasses at reason­ able prices Open every week day except Wednesday G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Protect Your Clothes from Moth __________________9 — USE — TENNESSEE AROMATIC CEDAR for lining up one of your clothes closets It will more than pay for itself in the saving Ask for an Estimate Huron Lumber Co. EXETER Phone 48 Residence 255 Clearing Sale OF MEN’S WORK ALSO SOME BOYS’ SIZES SHOES BROKEN GROCERIES Brooms for ............... Brooms for ............... 25c. 39c. 35c. 50c. Canned Pumpkin ..... 3 cans 25c. Golden Bantam Corn 3 for 25c. Peanut Butter.......2 lbs. for 25c. 29c. Jams for ......................... 25c. Hillsdale Tea ........... per lb. 48c. and a number of other clearing lines H. Bierling “OUR PERMANENTS RULE THE WAVES” TOMLINSON’S Barber Shop, Hairdressing Phone 146 ~ SPECIAL — USED TRUCKS 1934 Chevrolet 2 ton Heavy Duty Stake Rack price $495.00 Stake Body price $200.00 SNELL BROS. ANt) CO. Phone 100 Exeter MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E* Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister •Sunday School 11 3 p.m. 7 p.m.—Tihe Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday 7.3 0 p.m., Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH . OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Dhoir-Leader a.m.—“Experience or Hearsay”11 3 p.m,—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Facing the Music.”' Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Service Tuesday, April 26th, Huron Presiby- terial. ■ TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M., A. Hunt Organist,, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemls9 First Sunday After Easter a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon ■^Sunday School 11 3 p.m.- the I The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Sei’vice Friday Night at 8 pan. Services for Sunday April 24th 2 .p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class 3 p.m.—Devotional Service 8 >p.m.—iGreat Evangelistic meeting The pastor will be in charge of all (Sunday’s Meetings On Tuesday April the 26tln We are having with us Evangelists, Allan & Pomentor, for special services. You cannot afford to miss these meetings.—Come! J. T. EDGAR, Pastor FLOWERING POTTED PLANTS FULL OF BLOOM L. DAY & SON Florists his home in and Barbara Lampman at O’Brien and and OUT OF TOWN FOR EASTER Among those who spent the holi­ days out of town were: Dr. and Mrs. Dunlop in New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. Servent in Strat­ ford. Mr. Ben Dawson at London. Mrs. E. 0. Harness in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Burgesville. Mr. and Mrs. Len. family, in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte two sons in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper children in Wingham. Messrs. Les.> Coates and Ed. .Ward spent Easter in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crawford at Hanover and Owen Sound. Mrs. Redfern and daughter Jban spent the holidays in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. M. Walker and son visited with relatives at Grimsby. Mrs. H. C. Clarke, Margaret and^ Lois spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh, of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd Marjorie spent Good Friday Mr. and Mrs. T. Moffatt, at towel. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins, and Dr. J. W. Browning, visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Becker in New Hamiburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Kestle and Janet, of town, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Clarke, of Crediton, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Dale, of Bramp­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis,, or Tavistock, Spent Good Friday in Rockwood. Mr. Jaques returned home Jaques spent Easter with Mrs. Francis. and and with Lis- and Mrs. Mr. and who hasMr, Earl Christie B.A., completed his first year in Theology at Queen’s University, Kingston, is visiting with hfsi parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Earl will leave shortly for Birk*^ Faile whore he Will have charge of a Mission Field for the summer. I. WASHABLE BLINDS Washable Cellulose Fibre blinds in green only. Good value EACH 50c. CURTAIN RODS Royal Curtain rods in 2 lengths for dif­ ferent windows, 15c., 20c., 25c. Bargain Prices on Linoleum Rugs We offer a number of good Linoleum Rugs in drop patterns in the following sizes. These will last only a few days at these prices. 7 1-2 by 9 feet, reg. $7.85 for...........$5.95 9 by 9 feet reg. $9.35 for ....................$6.95 9 by 10 1-2 feet, reg. $10.95 for ... $9.95 9 by 12 feet, reg. $12.50 for.............$10.95 9 by 15 feet, reg. $15.95 for.........$11.95 12 by 12 feet, reg. $17.35 for.......$13.95 12 by 13 1-2 feet, reg. $19.25 for .$15.95 12 by 15 feet, reg. $21.95 for.......$16.95 CURTAIN NETS BY THE YARD In a variety of new weaves and patterns. Prices range from 20c. TO 75c. PER YARD FRILLED CURTAINS 24 pairs frilled curtains, assorted designs and colors another good value at PER PAIR $1.00 FRILLED CURTAINS 50 pairs Frilled Curtains. A real value AT PER PAIR 59c. \ LACE CURTAINS These are ready to hang. New weaves and patterns 2 1-4 yards long at - $1.00, $1.25 AND $1.50 Wallpapers for Spring A few rolls of our New Wall Papers will make a great change in the appearance of your rooms. See our room lots at $1.29, $1.49 and $1.79 l GROCERY SPECIALS SHORTENINGOATMEAL Quick Quaker with Glass Ware FLOUR Choice Pastry 24 lbs. . 29c . . 65c CORN-ON-COB Aylmer Golden Bantam 5 cobs for . . 20c FBE-E Rin®° LUXtoilet SOAP Hjodeem coupom h&ie. ALL-WHEAT (with model aeroplane) 2 pkg..............25c CANNED GOODS Peas, Corn, Pork and Beans and Tomato 3 tins for 25c P. & G. SOAP 7 bars for ... 25c KELLOGG’E CORN FLAKES with cereal bowl 3 • • Southcott Bros. Exeter,Phone 16 1H= M. Cranky is not so irritable since he used Dress Corn and Bunion Salves. Remove Calluses, Warts ‘ Sold by Browning’s, Cole’s all Drug Counters. too. and a fortune, but a pleasant, pro­Not fitable business for earnest and ac­ tive people. Any dependable per­ son can operate this business in a reserved district. 200 guaranteed* home necessities used by millions of people. Safe and advantageous cash plan. SQUARE DEAL. No risk. For free particulars write “FAMILEX” 570 St. Clement, Montreal, if you wish to “get sdmewhere,” London - Wingham Motorways Change of TIME-TABLE Effective —- APRIL 24 th LEAVE EXETER SOUTHBOUND— Daily Except Sundays Holidays 9.00 A. M* Sundays and Holidays 6.10 P.M. Only NORTHBOUND— Daily Except Sundays and Holidays 7.10 P. M. Sundays and Holidays Only S.SSj p. M. COMMENCING MAY 1st, 1938 TWO ROUND TRIPS DAILY — Between — EXETER — LONDON — & KINCARDINE .Flor Fuirtlier Information Consult Local Agent, Central Hotel Search the World, You’ll Find no Finer Value Than Our Top Coats Come in early and see our Coats while there is a large stock to choose from. Style and Value Combined Prices Range from $12.00 to $17.50 PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. Main Street Church W. M. S. ** The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. ■Andrew’ Campbell, with a small attendance. The meeting was opened with singing Easter hymns, and all repeated the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The vice-president, Mrs.. Elliott, took charge of the business, and Miss Hartnoil presided over the devotional part. The Study Book was given by Mesdames Medd, Ab­ bott, Mawson. and Rowell Which proved to ibe very interesting. Miss Hartnoil was appointed Baby Band Superintendent, with Mrs. K. J. Sims as her assistant. Arrangements were made for the Huron Presbytery the dinner to be served at Main Street United Church on April 218 th. Mrs. E. Walker cldsed the meeting with prayer. The May mooting will be held in the Chuificli parlors with Mrs. G. s: Howard as loader, START A Answers to the Cross-Word Puzzle printed on another page. P Rids C rI i e E •P A L.E R E A S T A P O D L A D E F!1 E r R e T L 1 E R S A L.E i T s T 1 N K L.E S M E N N F A K E L E A P T 1 A P E D 1 R E E S H A D E L O V E R fa p E R T C O V E T 1 D E E P M O E Ia N E TP D E L.E R S R E t G f A T A T E D E A fa M 1 E N S hr £S E S T S L E E E A fa T S R E P|O R t|e R S BUYING CLUB Distributor of Household Applianc­ es can offer attractive proposition to organise buying groups, Box A, Tlmes-Advocate, itp