HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-14, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ■fl? Permanents.... • Look your best for the Easter Sea­ son. Have your hair dressed in the latest style. For charm and indiv­ iduality get your permanent from our new machine. AH Waves Guaranteed Bay or Evening by Appointment V’s V- C- Decker, prop, Phone 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat §6c, Oats 45c. Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.95 Welcome Flour $2.50 Shorts $1,75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 40c. Dairy Butter 34-37e. Eggs, A large 16e. Eggs, A medium 15 c. Eggs B 14c. Eggs C 13c. Hogs $9.65 4 I* Proper eyesight is a great factor in the reduction of accidents on highways, in factories and in the home and adds materially to the sum of human happiness. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B,A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G, Cochrane, Organist Easter Services, both morning and evening We would like you to see our new merchandise for Spring. New Coats, Dresses, Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves and Lingerie, all in time f or aster IB The Ladies Bowling Club will hold their annual meeting1 in the t&wn hall on Tuesday evening, April 19th at 8 o’clock. Quantity of mangolds for sale— Horses for sale or exchange,—G. J. Dow, Exeter. Swift’s Premium Hams C. E. ZURBRIGG, Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable glasses at reason­ able prices Open every week day except Wednesday 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“At the Rising of the Sun” 7 p.m.—“The Resurrection and the Messiah.” Children’s Choir at both Services. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA FOR SALE—-Named and unnam­ ed Gladiolus bulbs. Apply Norry, Exeter, phone 264, to N. ltp IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS frameFOR SALE — Two storey house in the village of Dashwood, good location, hot water heating fur­ nace, 'hydro, 3 :piece bath, hard and soft water, large garden and stable. Apply Gottfried Oestricher, 57r23, Dashwood. phone 4-12-2tp three-fur- condition. FOR SALE—Cockshutt row tractor plow in fair Priced cheap for quick sale. Fred J. Neil, Ailsa Craig, R.R. 3, phone 615- 33. ltp. FOR .SALE—Massey-Harris man­ ure spreader in good repair, McCor­ mick-Deering outthyow disc seasons. Will give terms. Times-Advocate. used 2 Apply itc. COLT FOR SALE—Yearling*, or will exchange for a cow. Apply at Times-Advocate. ltp If you are ambitious, this is for YOU! Success guaranteed! No risk. Selling line of 200 popular products in exclusive territory! Join our sales force for profitable wages! 75 0 men average income of $35.00 weekly! For free particulars without obliga­ tion, write TODAY: FAMILEX CO. St. Clement, Montreal, FOR SALE—Coleman lamp, -wash­ ing machine and wringer, set flat irons, 2 large coal oil lamps, carriage, fanning mill, ohe wagon. Apply Times-Advocate. baby light ltp ROOF FIXING All kinds new and old. Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt as ever. Roofer, roofs for 8 years, still good Drop a card to Joe. Becker Clinton, Rhone 42. TENDERS Tenders will be received on or before April 30, 1938, for the paint­ ing and redecorating of the auditor­ ium of the United Churoh, Kinkton. T. A. Crago, R.R.l, St. Marys Chair­ man R. E. Doupe, R.R. 1, Science Hill, Secretary TRACTOR PLOWS—We have, sev­ eral new two & three furrow tract­ or .plows These will ed prices. of the popular makes be sold at greatly Sandy Elliot. reduc- s '■ G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader EASTER SERVICES SPECIAL MUSIC -The Minister ■Sunday School •ros plowing,Tractor vating within radius Reasonable rates. Bros., Dashwood. discing, of 10 culti- miles. Apply to Wein 4-7-2tc. FOR SALE—A quantity of yellow blossom sweet clover Seed. Apply Wm. F. Alexander, R.R. 2, Hensall, phone 13 r 32. 4-7-2tc FOR SALE Centrally located, spacious build­ ing lot, clean and well drained, ready for house building. Several houses also. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE OR RENT The farm property of the late Wil­ liam Ford, in the Township of Us­ borne, containing 100 acres more or less. For further particulars apply to Fred Ford, Executor or J. W. Morley Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. I I i LOCALS I I I gjrMU»ii <><wc-«>»»wnn Mum ■ i iwuani ijg| FLOWERS FOR EASTER—Phone your order to Marion Bissett, Wil­ liam St. Phone 15 Ow, LOCALS to be on the visited with on Sunday. W. G. Medd visited the week-end. Thursday for the Friday will be Good Friday. The farmers hope land soon. Miss Mary McKaig relatives in Kitchener Mrs. F. Sharp is visiting for a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. in Toronto over Schools close Easter vacation. Mrs. M. McKaig, of Hensall, visit­ ed with Mrs. McNichol, on Monday. Miss Marion Bissett has returned home after visiting for a month in Detroit, Chatham and London. Misses Helen Finkbeiner and Vera Decker spent Sunday with the form­ er’s parents Mr, and Mrs. Finkbeiner at Crediton. Mr. William Gillespie, who has been confined to his home through illness, has been quite the past week. Peter Cowen, young and Mrs, H. H. Cowen, with pneumonia improved. Reeve W. D. and Mr. Edward attended an agricultural meeting at Clinton on Tuesday. Misses Laurence and Mary Moore, of Thamesville, were the guests of Rev. A. and Mrs. Page at the James St. parsonage on Sunday. Mr. Jesse Elston, who has been ill at his home for several weeks, con­ tinues to improve. His sister, Miss Elston, arrived home Friday last from Edmonton to be with him. Mr. C. Tanton 'has .purchased from the Estate of the late C. B. Snell the 'building now occupied by him as a /^utcher shop and residence com- 5 ^fEed. Miss Ann Turnbull R.N., left for ;vNew York after spending the last three months with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull, Miss Turnbull sailed on the Queen Mary on Am>il Sth for an extended visit abroad^ Mr. Chas. Triebner was in Toronto a few days last week attending a Supertest Service Station equipment school. Mr. Triebner has again been engaged by the company to look af­ ter their service pumps in this dis­ trict for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson, Thelma and Luella, of Detroit, visit­ ed with relatives here oven the week- has Mrs. time sick during but is son of Dr. has been ill considerably Sanders, of Exeter Lamport, of Shipka and week Bus Service... LEAVE EXETER (Thursday and Saturday) APRIL 14th and 16th NORTH BOUND— 1.45 P. M. and 7.30 P. M. SOUTH BOUND­ 11 3 p.m 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y, P. U. Thursday 7.30 p.m., Prayer Service Thursday, April 14th at 8 p.m.—Holy Week Service Speaker—Rev. Mr. Chandler a.in HOMES FOR SALE IN EXETER A brand new house with every convenience, moderately priced. Al­ so several other good buys. C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165, Exeter FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A -country store and dwelling with half acre and small barn, also a walk-in ice refrigerator, meat box and show ease. Apply at Times-Advocate or Beecher Noals, Saintsbury store. 4-7-3tp end. Mrs. E. Passmore, who been visiting with her daughter Robinson in Detroit for some returned to Exeter wittf them. Rev. D, C. and Mrs. Hill family are in Toronto this where Mr. Hill is attending the an­ nual meeting of Knox College Alum­ ni. On Wednesday morning Mr. Hill gave an address on “The Hum­ anism of Berdjaev” the Russian philosopher. Several inches of snow covered the ground during a storm that visited this section Friday last. The snow blocked some of the concessions in places and a few motorists were stal­ led and had to be pulled out. The snow proved a splendid blanket for the fall wheat and the clovers pro­ tecting them from damage by frost. It all week. disappeared the first of this FOR SALE—House In Exeter with good garden Hufltoh, 3-17-tfc. every tjonveniehcd with fruit trees, Apply to, L. phone 16 2j. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Ctidmoire’s cement gravel for all cement work. Approved by engine­ ers. AH grades of road gravel. We have two trucks to give prompt ser­ vice for all cohcrete Jobs. Phone X71 .r 3, Exeter. II. T. Cudmore, H. R 1, Hensall. 3-31-tfc James Street W. A. regular meeting of the Association of James Wo- Street The men’s United Church took place on Thurs­ day, March 7th with Mrs. C. Kestle in charge. Mrs. Heywood read the Scripture and all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. After the business session Mr. Moffatt gave a short talk oh “Banking”. Mrs. S. Elliott then favored with a solo. Refreshments were served by a. hostess and her committee, 9.25 A. M. and 5.05 P.M. (Friday) APRIL 15th NORTH BOUND— 1.45 P.M. and 9.45 P.M. SOUTH BOUND— 9.25 A.M. and 6.20 p.m. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.-—“The Impulse of the Res­ urrection” 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 -p.m,—Sacred Cantata .presented by the choir. “The Victorious King” by Nolte Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Holy Week Ser­ vice—Rey. A, Sinclair Thursday 2.30 p.m.—Monthly meet­ ing of the W. M.-S. NEW OXFORDS FOR SPRING CHIFFON CREPE DRESSES 1 dpzen only Chiffon Crepe Dresses in dots and floral effects, Each dress has a separate slip. They are exceptional value at $4.50 FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSIERY Showing all the newest shades in bright colors, at 59c., 79c. and $1.00 LADIES’ GLOVES FOR EASTER New shades and styles in kid, silk and crepes 50c. to $1,95 NEW FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN In Gaberdine and Kid in Oxfords and New Sandal effects at popular prices. $2.95, $3.50 TO $4.95 KAYSER TWIN-SIDE SLIPS So flawlessly tailored they can be worn inside out. Lengths graduated according to sizes. Wears well and tubs beautifully. EACH $1.50 NEW PARASOLS Just the thing for April Showers in new shades of transparent silk; also in plain shades with neat borders $2.95 AND $3.50 Men’s New Spring Clothing for Easter Let us show you something new in clothing. We have in stock a very fine range of the newest cloths and models. Price for two pant suits range from * $16.50 TO $26.00 ARROW AND FORSYTHE SHIRTS FOR EASTER It pays to buy quality when bringing shirts. You get it when you buy these brands $1.50 TO $1.95 BILTMORE HATS FOR MEN You will need a new Hat for Easter $1.95 TO $3.95 NEW NECKWEAR FOR EASTER The colors are brighter and the pat­ terns varied. A new shipment for Easter. SPECIAL AT 55c. You want quality as well as style when you buy footwear. We have both. $2.95, $3.50, $4.00 TO $6.00 Curtains and Curtain Nets Showing a fine range of the Newest weaves in Nets and Scrims by the yard or pair. GROCERY SPECIALS Protect Your Clothes from Moth TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss SHORTENING Jewel 2 1-Ib. pkgs. . 25c PEAS 3 tins for . .25c — USE — TENNESSEE AROMATIC CEDAR for lining up one of your clothes closets It will more than pay for itself in the saving Ask for an Estimate EASTER SERVICES a.m.—-Holy Communion and Ser­ mon Subject: “Victory” Anthem: “Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead”—Simper 3 p.m.—Sunday School A Sacred Concert -will be given by the Sunday School in the Parish Hall The congregation is invited. Good Friday service at 8. p.m. 11 CLEANSER Classia 3 for...........13c OATMEAL Quick Quaker Large with China for 29c FRURinso LUXtoilet SOAP Hedoem coupon4 hate. P. & G. SOAP 7 bars for ... 25c Huron Lumber Co. EXETER Phone 48 Residence 255 Clearing Sale OF MEN’S WORK ALSO SOME BOYS’ SIZES SHOES BROKEN GROCERIES Brooms for ............... Brooms for ............... 35c. 50c. Canned Pineapple 25c. 39c. Canned Pineapple ... 3 cans 25c. Golden Bantam Corn 3 for 25c. Peanut Butter.......2 lbs. for 25c. 29c. Jams for ......................... 25c. Hillsdale Tea ........... per lb. 48c. and a number of other clearing lines H. Bierling MOTORS moM/rrs USED CARS 1936—Oldsmobile Sedan • Special, with Trunk 1936—Chevrolet Master Deluxe Coach 1934—Chevrolet Master Coach 1934— Chevrolet Master Coach 1935— Ford DeLuxe Sedan with Trunk 1931—Chevrolet Coach 1935—Chevrolet Pick-Up AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter ALL-WHEAT (with model aeroplane) 2 pkg.............25c SODA BISCUITS (1 lb. package) 2 for.............25c ORANGES Large and Juicy 20c, 25c, 30c The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Services Friday night in charge of Rev. H. J. Yhderhill, of Goderich SPECIAL SERVICES FOR SUNDAY Mr. Vincent Trimmer and Young People, of London, in charge of all ■services. Services at 2 pm., 3 p.m. and 8 p.ih. We welcome you to all of our Services J. T. EDGAR, Pastor FLOWERING POTTED PLANTS FULL OF BLOOM Leave your orders for Easter Flowers and Lilies EARLY L. DAY & SON Florists Rutih, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson, Usborne, underwent an operation for, the removal of her ton­ sils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital on Wednesday. Jerry Foot has broken his engage­ ment with Iva ‘Corn. He is in love with Cress Corn and Bunion Salves Sold by Browning’s, Cole’s and All Drug Counters. Phono 146 Southcott Bros. Janies St. Mission Circle The Mission Circle of James St. United church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Rev. Page. Miss Dorothy Welsh, the president presided. The meeting was opened with a 'hymn after which Mrs. Walker led in prayer. Sever­ al items of business were discussed. It was decided that the play “The Small Town Romeo” put on by the Crediton Y. P. would be presented in James St. church basement on Friday, May 13th, .under, the auspices of the Mission Circle. This play comes highly recommended. Miss Betty Coates then took charge. Af­ ter singing a hymn the Scripture was read by Jean Coates followed by a short reading by Helen Finkbeiner-. Miss Edna Martene read a few vers­ es taken from Matthew after which a short topic based on the verses was given by Vera Decker entitled “The Resurrection.” After taking the 5th chapter of the Study Book the meet­ ing closed with a hymn and Mizpah benediction. After a contest a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. ....EASTER PERMANENTS SPECIAL LADIES’ PRICES $5.50 Tulipoil $3.50 $7.50 Nhturelle Individual .... $5.00 Other Waves $2.05 and $4.50 All permanents in­ clude shampoo, fin­ gerwave and hair trim. Phone 140 SPECIAL High School Students During the Easter Holidays Naturelie Push Up Wave com­ plete With gorgeous ringlets. No finger­ wave required 3 OPERATORS —- NO WAITING You will appreciate our riew Soapless, OH Shampoo T BARBER SHOP LINS N’S HAIRDRESSING IE JI Search the World, You’ll Find no Finer Value Than Our Top Coats Come in early and see our Coats while there is a large stock to choose from. Style and Value Combined X Prices Range from $12.00 to $17.50 W. W. T A M A N RHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Rev. D. McTavish, of .Calvary United Church, London, and a form­ er pastor of James St. Church, gave a lecture “The Luggage of Life” in the church Friday evening of last week under the auspices of group 4 of the W. A. There was a good at­ tendance and for almost an hour and a half Mr. McTavish entertained the audience with his humorous and amusing stories. which the Scripture Lesson was read by Doreen Parsons and player of­ fered by Mrs. A.. Paige, fering was taken by Ross and Teddy Hannigan. A James St. Mission Rand 4 The Easter Thankoffering meet­ ing of the James St. Mission Band was held on Wednesday last at L15 with a good attendance of Band members and their parents and friends. The president J. O’Brien, presided very capably and the min­ utes were read by the secretary Dawson Gou-ldlhg, Tlhe worship ser­ vice was taken by the Band (Super­ intendent, Mrs. J. H. Jones, during The of- Parsons Short of­ fering exercise, showing the special objects to which the offering is giv­ en, was given by Marguerite Pick­ ard, Janet Kestle, Donald Grant, Donald Southcott, Billy Moise, Don­ ald Brintnell, Dorothy Reeder and Mary Fletcher, Qtlher numbers on the program were a recitation by Gwenneth Jones; instrumentals by Mae Snell and Marlon Cowen and a vocal duet foy Marie Shirley Appleton On the piano by Mrs. L. Jeckell was the guest speaker and held the attention of veryone by a very appropriate story “The Story of Eleven Cents.” The W.M.S. president Mrs. H. Kyle -closed with prayer. Melville and accompanied Melville. Miss