HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-14, Page 5THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE )THURSDAY, APRIL Mfthi 103S Life Is Just What You Make It! WHY NOT TREAT YOURSELF TO SOME NEW FURNITURE THIS SPRING A Spring-Filled Mattress on your bed will give you the rest you deserve, and will fit you for the Spring and Summer just ahead Don’t be fooled by the newspaper ads. in the city papers of stores that are giving furniture and mattresses away, such as $25.00 mattresses for $11.95 or $5 for your old mattress, etc. The Mattresses are specially made up to sell at these prices. You get what you pay for: Our overhead in Exeter in much lower than in city stores. We sell for less than their special Prices all the time. Drop into our store and see our large bedding stock. We carry the well known Marshall-Simmons, Spring-Aire and Waterloo Bedding Mattresses. Our Spring-filled mat­ tresses are all guaranteed for five years. We can fit any bed. E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE STORE Phones: 99, res. 63 Exeter HENSALL FOR .SALE—'Brick house in Hen­ sail, the property of Mrs. Margaret Earcett. This property is in good repaid and can be purchased on very reasonable terms.—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. Madam LeMasurier, Permanent Waving Specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Hensail, April 27th, fo-n the purpose of .per­ manent waving all t'he latest methods with or without electricity. Try our latest creation Machineless wave. Open for business 9 a.m. One day only. Mr. T. C. Joynt spent a few days last week in Toronto. 6 Dr. Smillie spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Mr§. William Parke is visiting rel­ atives in Toronto this week. Mr. Roy Todd spent a few days last week visiting in London. , Miss Annie Jarrott has taken a position at Dr.. Moir’s hospital. ’ Mr. C. A. McDonell is visiting witlh Mrs. Geo. Laughton, in Toron­ to. Dr. Harry Joynt, of London, vis­ ited with relatives in town on Sun­ day. Mr-. Kenneth Passmore spent the week-end visiting in Hamilton and Toronto. Miss Maud Chambers of Clinton, visited relatives in this district for a •cpuiple of weeks. Mrs. John Corbett and little son Ross spent the week-end with rela­ tives at Dashwood. Mr. Ray Foster has returned to his home after spending a couple of months in Toronto. Mr. Alex Filshie, who is attending university in Toronto, spent the week-end at his home. Miss Mildred Follick, of London, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Follick. Work has been commenced on the new residence being erected for Miss Fame Logan on King St. Miss Nellie Fee, of Milverton spent t'he weekend here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Fee. Mr. Har-ry Cook, of Toronto, visit­ ed over the week-end with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. iC. Cooik. Messrs. Ronald Peck, of Clinton, and William Coles, of Listowel, visit­ ed friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. F. Thom, of Saskatchewan, has 'been visiting her aunts Mrs. W< Lammie and Miss Martha Hunter. Miss Dorothy -McQueen, nurse-in­ training in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Peter Manson, who was ser­ iously ill for several weeks with heart trouble’ is able to 'be out once Nora, Wake Up! A Comedy-Drama Will be presented by Chiselhurst Y. P. S. on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th at 8.15 p.m. at HENSALL TOWN HALL Admission 25c. and 15c. with Mr. Gram’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gram. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Spanks and son Ford, of London, were’ visitors on Sunday with Mr. Spark’s mother, Mrs. Geo. Spanks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and daughter, of Delhi, visited on 'Sun­ day at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Pfaff. Master Roblby Bell, of Tucker­ smith, visited for a few days this week at the home of his grandfather Mr. Wm. L. McLaren. Mrs. Harry Abray and her sister Miss Myrna Hudson, of London, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mrs. Dr. Campbell who has been visiting at the home of-her mother in Nova Scotia for several weeks re­ turned to her home on Monday. Mrs. Lome McNaughton, of Crom­ arty, spent) ,‘tthe week-end Visiting with her father Mr. W. L. McLaren and other relatives in town. Mu. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and family, of Thames Road, were visit­ ors Saturday with Mrs. Passmore’s parents Mr,, and Mrs. Peter Moir. The little son of Mu. and Mrs. Levi Rands who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is improving and will soon be aJble to be brought home.. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H-unkin and family, of Thames Road were Satur­ day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and Mr. W. L. McLaren. Mr. and (Mrs. Scott Welsh moved on Tuesday from the apartments in the Joynt building to the house on Brock St. 'belonging to the late Wm. McKay estate. f Miss Margaret Bell, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Rofot. Bell, of Tucker­ smith, has accepted -a position in the offices of the London Life Insurance Company, London. 'Communion service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Good Friday morning at 11 o’clock. The ipastor, Rev. W. A. Young, will have Charge of the service. Mr. William Reynolds and the Misses Reynolds are making some improvements to their property at the corner of South Richmond and Albert Streets. Misses Mildred Forrest, Helen Munn and Eleanor Bell, of Hensail, will be members of the 19 3 8 gradu­ ating class of nurses at Victoria Hos­ pital, London, in May. Mrs. Herman Dayman, who spent the winter months at Daytona Beach Florida, returned to her home on Monday. -Mrs. Dayman spent a very pleasant winter in the South and is much improved in health. Mr. William Fee while returning from Exeter on Wednesday last lost control of his car which ran into the ditch. Mr. Fee had his face badly cut and bruised and his hand cut. The car was also badly damaged. Mr. Fred Manns who has been suf­ fering severely for several months from an infection in one of his toes had the toe amputated on Saturday at the Seaforth hospital by Dr. Steer. Mr. Manns returned home the same day. Mrs. .Tames W. Bonthron has re­ turned home after spending the win­ ter months in Florida. On the way home she spent a wOeik visiting in Detroit. Mr. Bonthron, who also spent the winter in the South, re­ turned home a week ago. more. Miss Olive Walker has Returned to her .position in Sutton after spending a couple of weeks visiting at her home here. Mr. Albert Passmore and friend of Delhi, visited over the week-end with the former’s .parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. • Mr. and M-rs. Percy Gram, Lans»- ing, Mich., were week-end visitors, The Passion Play which was put on in the United church on Monday evening under the auspices of the W. M. s. was well attended. The play consisted of moving picture illustrat­ ing the life of Christ and was pres­ ented by Mr. W> R- Croson, of Lon­ don. Preparatory services will be held in the United church on Friday ev­ ening at 8 p.m. and holy communion will be observed at the Sunday morn­ ing services, The pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, will have charge. Special Easter music is being prepared by the choir. The Hensail Senior Women’s In­ stitute meeting which was to have been held on April 13 has been post­ poned until Wednesday evening, April 27th and will be held in the school room of the Anglican church. A Lenton debate and a travelogue by Dr. Jas. Bell will be the main feature of the programme. W. M. S. Meeting The W. M. S. of the United church held their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Thurs­ day afternoon, with the president, Mrs. Cross presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn ,81 and .prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and adopted as read. The visiting committee for the month Mrs. Bal- lantyne and Mrs. McQueen reported that they had made 2 6 calls and found two confined to bed. A duet “Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide” was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Annie McDonald and Mrs. Ella McLean. The devotional was read by Mrs.\Q. Cook. A hymn “We Have Heard a Joyful Sound” was then sung. Mrs. Robt. Moore took the study book and her address from Chapter 5 was very interesting and instructive. It was moved by Mrs. McQueen, sec­ onded by Mrs. Sinclair that Mrs. Cross he appointed a delegate to the Presbyterial to be held in Exeter Carried. The meeting closed by singing the hymn “The Morning light is Breaking” and repeating the Mizpah 'benediction. Interesting Pictures Shown At the meeting of the Young People’s League of the United church an interesting and instructive program was given. Lantern slides were given by Mr. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood and Dr. James Bell, of Hensail, both of whom were recent visitors to the Old Country. Mr. Hoffman who attended the Corona­ tion last year as a member, of the great choir, gave the audience an in­ teresting description of what took place on that occasion. Dr. Bell gave a talik on the places he had vis­ ited in different parts of the world. B'oith talks were illustrated and were listened to with great interest by those present. The meeting was largely attended and was opened by; singing some popular and ’ sacred hymns. Rev. Mr. Sinclair acted as chairman and introduced t'he speak­ ers. .Mr. Hoffman delighted his audience with four solos entitled: “Shipmate of Mine,” “The Trumpet­ ers,” “The Changing of the Guard” and “It Was For Me.” He was ac­ companied on t'he .piano by Miss A. Tieman. .A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Hoffman and Dr. Bell for the pleasant evening they had given. BRINSLEY (Special services will be held at t'he United church on Sunday next. Mr. Earl Walls, of London, will as­ sist the choir. The assessor, Wm. Bradley, has been around making his calls. 'Mr. George Hodgson has turned in his car and is sporting a new one. Word has been received of the sudden death of Harley Robinson, of Toronto. Harley was the youngest son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Wm. Robinson (nee Amy Pierce.) . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis took a flying trip to Windsor last week­ end. Messrs. Ever-ard Corbett, Ern Har­ ris, J. L. Amos and Grant, Amos took in the Spring Show at Stratford last Wednesday. Hogarth Chicks are Easy to Raise HOGARTH Chick Hatchery Phone 266 Exeter CREDITON. 'Sunday evening the Crediton Un­ ited congregation enjoyed very much two musical numbers by Misses Shirley Appleton and Marie Melville, of Exeter, A sacred drama entitled “The Symble of the Cross” will be (given at the Evangelical church on Friday evening. This will he a fitting cli­ max to that great day “Good Fri­ day.” All are cordially invited to attend. The Evangelical .Sunday School Or­ chestra held their annual meeting after the Sunday morning session. The following officers were elected: President, Everett Fahrner; leader, Emmery Fahrner; assistant leader. Albert Mario,ok; sec’y-treas., Free­ man Morlock. Mrs. John Hoffman and daughter Lily, Mr. and Mrs. R. Exkstein, of London, visited, on Sunday with friends in Crediton, We regret to report that Miss Meleeta Wein is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. We are glad to report that Mrs, Henry Eil’ber is up and around again -after her recent illness. Miss Gertrude Beaver is spending a few days in Hamilton this week. Mrs. Chris. Haist is confined to her bed through illness. We hope she will soon be up and around again. Don’t forget the Ibaking sale of the L. A. and W. M. ;S. of the Evangelical Church on (Saturday, April 16th, 3 p.m. at Freeman Morlock’s store. Mr. Howard Haist, o£ Fenwick, visited a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W- H. Finkbeiner. A Good Friday evening service will be held in the United church, Rev. Arthur Page, of James Street church, Exeter, wi’ill be the speaker. Three United church congregations Shipka, Brinsley and Crediton are uniting for this service. The Young People’s Society of the United church held their regular meeting Monday .evening. Mrs. D. J. Gladman took the chair. A mis­ sionary program was in charge of Gerald Schroeder. Farmers rof this district are anx­ iously waiting the turn in the weath­ er that will make it possible for them to begin their spring activities. As yet none have been able to get on the land. Comparatively recent rains coupled with week-end snow­ falls have made the land very boggy and it will likely be several days, even undei’ the most favorable con-| ditions before the usual spring work will .commence. C. I. C. Elect Officers The C. I. C. class of the Evangel­ ical Sunday School elected for presi­ dent, William Swartz; vice-president, Clayton Sims; secretary-treasurer, Everett Fa'hrner; asst.,, Gordon Mor­ lock; teachers, Roy Ratz; asst., H. K. Eil'ber, Wm. Swartz, convenors of committees, Membership, Albert G'aiser, Sympathy and relief, H. M. Faist, Social, Wm. Oestreicher, Lib­ rarians, Chris. Fahrner, Joe. Fink­ beiner; Honorary teacher, Bernard Braun. S. S. Class Hohl Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Dorcas Band class of the Evangelical church was held in the class room on the evening of March 28th. Sev­ eral officers and committees gave splendid reports of the year’s work. The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $29. The teacher of the class is Rev. Mr. Pletch. The elec­ tion of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Clayton Sims; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Wm. Smith; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. D. Flinklbeiner; sec’y, Mrs. J. Ratz; asst., Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser; treas., Mrs. D. Mclsaac; asst., Miss Alma Smith; pianists, Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner, Mrs. C. Hoff­ mann; chorister, Mrs. Emery Fahr­ ner; librarians, Mrs. Wm. Fisher-, Mrs. A. Holtzmann. The class then adjourned to the auditorium where they were joined by members of the C. I. -C. 'Class and the following pro­ gram was rendered. Mr. H. K. Eil- ber occupied the chair and opened t'he meeting with a sing song follow­ ed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Pletch. Mr. Roy Ratz .read the Scripture and Mrs. Chas. Hoffmann and Miss Alma Smith gave a vocal duett followed by a piano duett by Mrs. Everett Fahrner and Mrs. Emery Fahrner. The guest speaker, of the evening was Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Lucan, who gave a very comprehensive talk on the “Aims of the Sunday School.” A male Quartette composed of Free­ man Morlock, A. E. Wuerth, Emery Fahrner and Albert Morlock gave a splendid selection after which Mr. A. Amy, Supt. of the Sunday School ex­ pressed appreciation of the very fine program and Mr. Johnston closed the meeting with the benediction. Three-Act Comedy The Young People of the United church recently presented a three- act comedy “Small Town Romeo” in the Town Halil. Rlissell Finkheiner ‘and Alwinna Hill ably played the leading roles supported by Nelson Lamport and Ted Wright who added a touch of the humorous. Mrs. D. J. Gladman as the spinster maid, who fell in love with' the village con­ stable played her part well. Miss Hazel Woodall playing the part of Miss Gates very cleverly acted a jewel roll. The remaining members of the cast were Marion Lovie, Roy Lovie, Jack Galloway and Doreen Baker. Rev. D. J. Giadman was director of the play. ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllIlH | THE RED and WHITE STORE ■ REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR, KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES, with cereal bowl FANCY COOKIES, large assortment RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM NATIONAL SOAP FLAKES P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA LAUNDRY SOAP NO. 4 PEAS GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, Choice Quality Ready-Cut Macaroni Good Cooking Rice . Dates .......................... White Beans ............ ...... per lb. 5c. 5 lbs. for 24c. 4 lbs. for 25c. 8 lbs. for 25c. Sweet Juicy Oranges Fresh New Spinach ... New Beets ................. Texas Grapefruit ..... per doz. 19c. .....2 lbs. 19c. per hunch 5c. ..... 6 for 25c. DELUX JELLY POWDERS — Assorted flavors 6 pkgs, for 25c Phone 102 ROLLES’ GROCERY We Deliver == ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii^ fairly well filled and the young people are to be congratulated upon their success. 'The proceeds amount­ ed to $34. The Young People pre­ sented the play at Garnd Bend last Friday evening. Evangelical Y. P. L. The annual meeting of the Young People’s League of the Evangelical church was held in the Sunday School auditorium with a splendid attendance. Miss- Alma Smith oc­ cupied the chair. The topic was given by Miss Lyla Haist with (cor­ responding scripture read by Emery Fisher. Gordon Ratz -contributed a vocal solo and Miss Alma Ratz read an interesting story which made a deep impression on all present. Rev. Mr. Pletch presided at the election of officers which resulted as follows: Miss Nola Faist, who has been the efficient league treasurer for the past six years, asked to be excused. President, Gordon Ratz; Vive-Pres., Ruiby Finkbeiner; Recording Secret­ ary, Earl Haist; Treasurer, Ella Mor­ lock. The meeting closed with the E.L.C.E. benediction. Crediton W. I. The regular meeting of the W. I. met in the hall on Monday night, April 4th, a goodly number 'being present. The meeting opened by singing the 'Ode and repeating the Lord’s prayer. The president pres­ ided over the business. The motto “Do good to your enemy that he may become your friend.” Roll call, a (current event. Mrs. J. Wood- all occupied the chair for the pro­ gram as follows: -Sing song with Mr. Gladman and Mrs. L. Wein taking special part; reading, Mrs. Wm. Wright; piano instrumental by Mr. Lawrence Wein; reading, Mrs. I. Finkbeiner; song, “O, Canada.” Mr. Gladman gave an interesting lecture on “Peace and International Relationship” illustrating his talk by means -of an outline map of the continents of Europe and Asia. The hostesses were Mrs. J. Woodall, Mrs. T. Trevethick, Mrs. D. Mclsaac. A vote of thanks was tendered by Mrs. H. Eilber to all who helped make the meeting a success. This was seconded by Mrs. M. Ewald. CREDITON EAST Beverley Cliffe has been engaged to work for Mr. Ernie Stahls for the summer. Mr. Gordon Merner is confined to his bed with an attack of pleursey. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale and daughter Grace and Mr. John Hold­ en spent Sunday in Zurich. Mr. John Holden who has been living in Seaforth moved his house­ hold effects here and will reside with his niece and nephew Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale. Mrs. Ed. -Penhale entertained ten little girls at her home Tuesday ev­ ening in honor of her daughter Grace’s ninth birthday. A dainty supper was served and games play­ ed. Grace received many fancy gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender and daughter, Mrs. Ed. Penhale and Mr. Harry Lewis spent Friday in Lon­ don. MOUNT CARMEL Mr. Alonzo McGann accompanied by Mr. Gerry Campbell, Mary and John spent Thursday with Mrs. Campbell’s brother near Dublin. Mr. Joseph Glavin, Of Ilderton spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Glavin. Mr. Anthony Dietrich, of London, is visiting his brother Joseph Diet- rich. , Mr. George Clarke spent Saturday at Strathroy. Miss McCormick, of Bornish, vis­ ited her Sister Mrs. John Hall, for. a The hall was few days las-t week. For Beauty and Economy and Low Priced Transportation buy an R&G Ford Dealers Used Car These cars have all been thoroughly renewed, and now guaranteed as only your Ford Dealer guarantees used cars. 1937 FORD COACH, only 3,000 miles 1937 FORD COUPE, a real nice one 1935 FORD COACH only $425.00 1931 CHEVROLET COACH for $325.00 1930 CHEVROLET COACH, very low mileage 1932 FORD COUPE, newly painted and 15 Good Trucks from 1-2 ton to 2 ton, long or short wheel base, dump and stake bodies, all years from 1929 to 1937 We have an over stock of first grade truck tires, on which which we will give more than a liberal allowance on your present truck tires. Phone 64 SANDY ELLIOT Exeter BETTER CHICKS AND t>TTT T T7HTQJorl 1 1 JlL/Av Jl U A d YOU CAN HAVE BOTH — AND AT LOWER FEED COST Feed your Chicks SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter and they will surpise you with their size and health. After eight weeks, change to a Mash made with one bag of SHUR-GAIN Developing Concentrate and three bags of your own grain. If you haven’t your own grain, feed SHUR-GAIN Grow­ ing Mash. SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER...............$2.90 per bag SHUR-GAIN Developing CONCENTRATE $3.15 per bag SHUR-GAIN 16% GROWING MASH.......$2.40 per bag BETTER CHICKS AND BETTER PULLETS ARE THE FOUNDATION FOR MORE EGGS NEXT FALL AND WINTER. INSURE YOUR PROFITS WITH SHUR-GAIN For Sale by,— MICKLE & SONS, Hensail CENTRALIA FARMERS, Centralia CANADA PACKERS LIMITED, Exeter CANADA PACKERS LIMITED, Centralia KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Nelson St. Clair, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and M>rs. Wm. Mason. Miss Leila Mossey spent t'he week- Mr. Ben McCann lost two valuable horses last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Dietrich visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Dietrich. Miss Tena McCann is visiting with relatives in Detroit.end at her home in St. Marys. QUALITY BLOOD TESTED Phone for PRICES. JoL BREEDERS They are O K; Let us do your Custom Hatching. We guarantee a good hatch if your eggs are fertile. Phone 14 r 7 Kirkton* Ont. R. E. POOLEY