HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-04-14, Page 4THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Rock Bottom Cash Stores Cook’s Dried PeachesFancy Cookies Choice Quality 17c Sc1*o nrn JLJ o c IELA9 LSs Soda Biscuits Jam 23c COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value EXETER 58 TELEPHONES HENSALL 46 Canned Goods Peas Corn Tomatoes P. & Bean 2 tins............15c Raspberry and Strawberry Large bottle Large Assortment 2 lb Soup Vegetable or Tomato MRS. (REVO HOLMES FORMER RESIDENT OF EXETER, DIES IN LONDON Mrs. John Holmes, widow of Rev. John Holmes, died Thursday evening at hei* street, London, two and a half her 91st year. Mrs. Holmes SPECIALS LUX TOILET SOAP l&riaem coupoM hjete. Lux Soap <4 for S3C Rinso 2 3C or 10C Fresh and Crispy 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM STAINTON—At Guelph General Hos-, pital, Thursday, April 7th, to Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton-, a son. (John Harold Beverley.) CREERY — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, April 9th, to Mr. arid Mrs. Theron Or eery, of Usborne, a daughter. GUENTHER—In Dashwood on Mon­ day, April 4th, -to Mr. and Mrs. Er­ vin. Guenther, a son. N'E'IL—In loving memory of Thom­ as W. Neil, who died April .1937. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall There is nothing left to answer But his picture on the wall. Lovingly remembered by his Daugh­ ters. 16, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern and Margaret wish to extend their thanks to the friends and neighbors and to the Exeter High School the kindness extended during recent accident. for her Mushrooms It is early to be speaking of mush­ rooms but Mr. J. A. Stewart came across one by chance last week. He found it growing in a flower, pot along with a geranium. It grew to a fair size. CARD OF THANKS andMr. and Mrs. John Jones daughter, Hazel wish to express their thanks to the friends and neighbors foi* the flowers and cards and kind­ nesses extended during the latter’s illness in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Easter Bonnets Damaged With a high wind blowing a box of Easter hats being one of a ship­ ment for Miss Essery, milliner, was blown from a truck after it had been unloaded from the train at the Ex­ eter station one day last week and as the train pulled out the wheels ran. over it damaging a number of hats. When Re-decorating Ceilings, Walls and Woodwork - use Glidden’s Jap-O-Lac - TIME-TESTED — PAINTS, ENAMELS & VARNISHES For Sanitation, Beauty and Durability DUROLAVE—Washable, water paint for walls and ceilings 5 pounds covers about 300 square feet and costs only 90c. Handled Axes, exception value reg. $1.50 reduced to $1.35 Steel Lawn Combs the best for cleaning lawns ONLY $1.15 SPECIAL A real bargain in Axe Handles priced from 19c* to 35c. Bamboo Lawn Combs ONLY 25c* Special Prices on 1, 2 and 3 ply plain Roll Roofing When in need <of Barbed Wire see us for attractive prices. LINDENFIELDS’ “The home of Time-Tested Paints and Good Hardware” Phone 181 Exeter home, 134 Langarth after an illness of months. She was in was born on March 11, 1848, at Hampton, Ont. Her par­ ents were Thomas and Elizabeth (Heard) Greenway. In early life she moved with her family to Huron County where she later taught in the Exeter school. On June 5, 1iSi77, she was married to Rev. John Holmes who prede­ ceased her- in July, 1937. With her husband -she spent some 40 years in the Methodist ministry in many Western Ontario charges. Three 'brothers who spent most of their lives in Manitoba and one sis­ ter/ of Exeter, predeceased her a number of years. The late Hon. T, Greenway, former premier of Mani­ toba, was a (brother. .Surviving are two sons, of London and DeWitt Holmes, of Toronto, and one daugh­ ter, Miss Luella, at home. There are eight grandchildren and two grandchildren. THAMES ROAD great v DASHWOOD Dr, W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON At office in Rartleil) Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. Mr. peter Mclsaac is confined to his home through illness. His friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Hopcroft is spending a few weeks with friends in Niagara. Mrs. Gill, who has been visiting with her sister in Detroit, has re­ turned home. 'Special services are ‘being held in the Evangelical church this week. A number of friends met at the home of Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Fri­ day evening as a surprise in honor of her birthday. The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre after which a dainty lunch was serv­ ed, Miss Jean Willert is spending a few weeks in Kitchener. Miss Vera Kraft has returned to London after spending some time with her mother. •Mrs. J. Bruice, of Windsor, is spending a few days with her, parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayter. Miscellaneous Shower Mr. gaged Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris have en- with Mr. Dawson. Elmer Passmore and Master Ken. Duncan were among local .vis­ itors to the spring fair at Stratford. The many friends and neighbors of this community will express con­ gratulations and (good wishes to Mrs. Annie McCurdy, .of Exeter, on her 75 th birthday on Sunday. ’Hon. J. Gardiner,, of Ottawa, with Mr. and .Mrs. G. Allen, of Kirkton, were present at the morning service on .Sunday. Lumley .School Trustees are in­ stalling hydro in the school fob lighting and also an up-to-date toilet system. The Biblical story of “Ruth” was charmingly portrayed by the young people School, Church pa-city Mr. George Grant furnished violin numbers between acts and Mrs. H. C. Carey accompanied throughout. A silver collection was taken with spendid results. Silver Wedding The neighbors and a number, of relatives joined on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann to congratulate and spend a social evening, their Some beautiful gifts (among which the lucky black cat made an appear­ ance) from relatives were expression of good wishes future for which Mr. Cann ed sincere appreciation. A social time was enjoyed by all. Lunch was served by the hostess friends. Cn Monday evening of last week aibout fifty relatives and friends gathered a>t the home of Mrs. John Dieterich in honor of ‘her daughter Greta bride-elect. The evening was spent playing progressive euchre, after which Miss Greta was present­ ed with many useful gifts, lowing address was read Martha Rader: Dear Greta,— We, your friends ihave here this evening to wish you much happiness in the steps which you are about to take, and as you look at marriage think of it as being a won­ derful adventure in life for you and your husband. We could not let this occasion pass without showing our apprecia­ tion of your friendship. We ask you to accept these gifts, wishin long, life. James Street United Church, Exeter gathered at 8 o'clock The fol- by Miss THE WESTMINSTER CONCERT CO. Presents In a Complete Novelty Programme of Refined Fascinating Entertainment The Only Organization of Its Kind WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th Admission 35c and 15c LEAVITT’S THEATRE WINCHELSEA g you a happy and prosperous -wedded THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY April 14th, 15tli, 16th of James .Street Sunday Exeter, at Thames Road on Sunday evening to a ca- and appreciative audience. Signed, Your Sincere Friends Restemeyer-Dieterich the occasion being silver wedding anniversary. a happy for the express- pleasant WOODHAM and The Mission Band intend holding an Easter concert on Tuesday even­ ing April 19th. Admission 20c. for adults and 10c. for children. The Mission Circle meets Monday evening April 18th at the home of Mrs. Audrey Johnson. The Sunday School adherents are busy practicing their hymns for the day, May 22nd. Mrs. Gordon Sinclair is at .present nursing at the home of Mrs. Porter, St. Paul’s neai’ Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott; Mr. and Mrs. N. Squire, Farquhar and Mu. and Mrs. Jas. Earl, of Zion attended the 25th anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann of Thames Road on Saturday evening last. Friends of Mr. Clarence Gunning were sorry to know that he was tak­ en to Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment. We hope it will be 'bene­ ficial. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Milton Hooper is having been under recently. Some from here ligious pageant Road church, last Sunday evenim It was .presented by members of James Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood was the scene of a lovely spring wed­ ding when Greta. Magdalina, young­ est daughter of Mrs. John Dietericih, became the bride of Leonard Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reste- meyer. Rev. T. Luft performed the ceremony. The bride, accompanied by her brother’ Theodore, entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, which was played by Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer. The bride was lovely gowned in white net with a jacket of braid trimming and her silk veil was 'held by orange blossoms and she carried a (bouquet of pink Briar roses. The bridesmaid Miss Amelia Rader, was dressed in blue lace with silk net trimming and hat to match and carried pink Nancy roses. The groom was supported by Harold Kraft and Alvin Walper sang "O Perfect Love”. The happy couple left amid showers of confetti and ’will spend fjheir honeymoon in London, Palmerston and Owen Sound, the 'bride travelling in a blue suit with accessories to match. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm on the 14th conces­ sion of Hay. “SOULS AT SEA” With Gary Cooper, George Raft an all star cast MONDAY MORNING 12.15 ‘THE TOAST OF NEW YORK’ with Edward Arnold & Gary Grant MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 18th, 10th, 20thApril “HIT THE SADDLE” (Western) the three Mesquiteers CENTRALIA .Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend will give his illustrated lecture “Pal­ estine in Pictures” Thursday evening April 21st. Mr, and Mrs. Truman Mills, of Wyoming were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. H. Mills. Miss Margaret Cook spent the week-end in London. Mrs. Jack Morrissey returned home last week after visiting her, mother Mrs. Milligan in Detroit for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Herb, and Mr. Herb, berta, visited and Mrs. J. A. Pollard. Mr. and Mbs. Fred Huxtable and Marie, ors of table. Mr. Ripley, visited fob a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lome HiOks. Mrs. Fred.Bawaen and children visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. McCann in Strat­ ford. Hablton, of Shipka Sherritt, of Anna, AI- last week with Mr. improving nicely the doctor’s -care attended the re- “Ruth” at Thames g. Street Sunday School. KIRKTON Kirkton village cemetery held their annual meeting at of Exeter, were 'Sunday visit- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hux- and Mrs. ThoS. Pollock, of Presenting Robert Livingstone, Ray Carrigan Tex Terhune COMING— “BRINGING UP BABY” with Charles Ruggles, Katherine Hepburn DANCE ECCLESTON CASINO Grand Bend WED., APR. 27 at 9 p.m. BENNY PALMER and his orchestra Under the auspices of the Grand Bend Band—J. W. Walper Director ADMISSION 50c* Come And Support The Band > Judge: “What, you here again!” Prisoner: “Yes, sir,” Judge: “Are you not ashamed to be seen here?” Prisoner: “No. sir, What’s good enough for you, is good enough for me.” .Easter Novelties Mr. Theron Creery is all smiles these days? It's a girl. Mrs. Chas. Godibolt, of Blanshard, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher. Mf. John Andrew, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel, of Whalen, Mrs. P. Murch, Mrs. A. E. Pym, Mrs. Norman Jacques, of Elimville; Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Byron, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal. Mrs. Ray Parkinson, of Russeldale spent a day recently witih Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster. Mrs. Freeman Horne and Kathleen are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock, of Thames Rd. SHIPKA The board the home of Mrs. A. E. Doupe Mon­ day night with seven members pres­ ent. Mr. David Hazelwood was ap­ pointed caretaker for, another year. Mr. John Hanna, Mr. H. Hanna, Mr. R. Ross, Mr. Stewart Shier at­ tended the spring horse show at Stratford last Wednesday and report it to be one of the best fairs in years. The Anglican Young People pre­ sented their musical comedy in Exe­ ter last week to a packed house. Mr. and Mrs, L. Fletcher have moved to the farm of Mrs, N. GOuld- fng at Kirkton. Miss Mary Morley, of Whalen spent the past week with her sister Mrs. R. Brock, Hon. Jas, Gardiner, of Ottawa, snettt the week-end with his mother Mrs. J. Gardiner. Centralia Y* P. Watch Our Window For Easter Novelties priced from lc to $1.00 xThe .regular meeting of the Cen­ tralia Y. P. was held on Tuesday ev­ ening with a very good attendance. The meeting was opened wit|h a hymn followed with ’prayei’ by Art Hastewell. The minutes were read and the roll called. presided and took charge of the business. Walter charge of the meeting. A hymn was sung after which Mildred Elliott read the Scripture. Mr. 'Cecil Skin­ ner played a selection on the violin accompanied by Alma .Skinner on the piano. The topic “Napoleon and Jesus” was given by Edna Mathers, Mr. Stewart led a discussion on the, topic, A rending was givenzby Aud-| rey Rowe. The meeting was clos-< ed with a hymn and tile benediction 1 pronounced by Donald RIML The1 president Mitchell took FANCY EASTER BASKETS Made-to-Order Before Buying See Middleton’s Hot Cross Buns THIS WEEK-END Leave Your Order for Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday We Deliver |w. E. Middleton Phone 52 j ^y the hostess. Mr. O. Mellin is spending a .few days in Parkhill after having an op­ eration for the removal of his ton- I sils by Dr. Taylor at Dashwood. ; Wedding Bells are again ringing­ in our midst when Miss Greta Die­ terich became the bride of Mr. Reste- meyer of Dashwood. We extend con­ gratulations. On Tuesday evening of last week the young people of Dashwood gave Miss Greta Dieterich a shower,. (Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Latta family moved last week onto farm of Mrs. Fred Kading. Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeineu faily visited on Sunday with friends at Greenway. At the morning service on Sunday last Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer sang a solo entitled. "Open the Gates of the Temple.” Miss Tilly Dieterich who has spent some time in London returned home last week. •Misses Lorraine Baker and Mil­ dred Lamport, of London, were Sun­ day visitors at their home here. Next Sunday Communion service will be held, at the United church after the Easter services at 10.30 a.m. The Y. P. S. entertained the Brins­ ley young people on Wednesday ev­ ening of this week at the United Church, Miss Nola Sweitzer has left for London where she intends to remain for a time. 'Miss .Reta Ratz nurse-in-training in Victoria Hospital, London, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs and Mrs. Crawford McPher­ son and family from Pankbill visited Sunday with relatives here. (Mr. Ed. Lamport spent one day this week in Clinton on business. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held last Thursday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Gladman with thirteen members and. four, visitors present. The President, Mrs. Ed. Lamport presided. Meeting opened with hymn and the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. The Sculpture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Ratz. En­ couraging reports were given and adopted. Reading were given by Mrs. Arthur IFinkbeiner, MiSs Pearl Keyes, Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer, Rev. Mr. Gladman then gave an interest­ ing talk on the present situation in different countries after which all took part in contests. The May meet­ ing will be held at the hottie of Mrs, Lome Fihkbeiner. A vote of thanks was moved to Rev. and Mrs. Glad­ man for t’heib kind hospitality. Rev, Mr, Gladman closed the meeting with prayer, A dainty lunch was served ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Tollfree, Mr. Tom­ my Ravenry and Miss Connie Raven- b.y, of London, were visitors in the village last Sunday. We understand, they are intending to return to Eng­ land soon where Tommy will take up a course in aviation. The W. A. are sponsoring a play to be presented here on April 18th. See advt. for, particulars. This congregation was well repre­ sented at Thames Road church on Sunday evening last where the re­ ligious pageant “Ruth” was present­ ed by members of James Street Unit­ ed Church. Mr. T. Cornish, Mrs. Lutman and. Mrs. Hewitt, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Kellett who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cooper and children Gerald and Frank, of Exe­ ter, were Sunday visitors with Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. Deer are getting quite a common' sight these one in his and a Brock few saw •if and the and times. Mr. B. Cooper saw bush one day last week weeks ago Mr. Clifton one in their bush. CROMARTY B. 0. Macdonald attended the Robertson and Hensall, visited Wm. Houghton. Mr. funeral of this grandfather, Thomas. Flarity, of Wiarton. Miss Elsie Chittick, of Granton, is. visiting with Mrs. John. Mbs. Varley, of with Mr. and Mrs. A number of the girls and young women of this community gathered at the home of Miss Mary Allen and. presented her with a kitchen shower. The evening was spent in games and contests and a short program was carried through, followed by the presenting of the gifts to which she gave a very suitable reply. Lunch was served and a very enjoy­ able time was spent iby ail. Dr. Nasmith, of Staffobdville and his daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. John­ ston, of St. Thomas, attended the funeral of Mrs. Alex McKellar. Quite a number from the village attended the play given in Staffs on Friday night by the fiaintsbury people, entitled “Good Gracious, Grandma” sponsored by the Young People's t Auxiliary oX Cromarty Church. The play was excellent and those that were not .present missed a good treat, AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S on SATURDAY, APRIL 16th being the effects of the late Mrs. Heideman on Sanders Street, Exeter at 2 o’clock the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Buffet, dining room and kitchen tables; six dining room chairs; 4 rocking chairs sewing machine; cook stove and feeder stove; coucilr, hall tree, 2 bureaus,. 3 beds and springs; dress­ er, 2 wash stands; 6 kitchen chairs; coal-oil stove, 3 burners and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—DASH FRANK TAYLOR—Auctioneer L, ,H. H'EiDEMAN, Executor FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—One iron-grey percheron rising three! 1 grey Percheron rising & years old; 2 Clyde mates; 3 Percheron mares; Clyde geldings; 2 carriage horses. All gbod workers* Apply to Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138,