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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-03-17, Page 8
THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE Exeter Markets Creation short to be in Make avoid SHORT HAIR is the Latest Have your hair style for Spring. Get your permanent now. your appointment early and being disappointed. All Waves Guaranteed Day or Evening by Appointment V. C. Decker, Prop. Phone 112 for Appointments Wheat 86 c. Oats 45 c. Manitoba’s Rest Flour $4-00 Welcome Flour $2.65 Shorts $1,75 Bran $1.70, Low Grade Flour $2.15 ■Creamery Butter 40c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs C 15 c. Hogs $9.25 EYE STRAIN is a Warning W Izll 8S Stock up at Walker’s Drug Store during the Nyal 2 for 1 sale this week. forget our one wire elective For sale by Thomson Bros. Don’t fences, phone 48r2, Kirkton. FOR SA|LE—Residential property of the late Lancelot Hardy on the West side of Main street, in Exeter. Foi* particulars apply to J.W. Mor ley, Exeter Ontario. 3-17-3tc. FARM HAND WANTED — For farm work. Non-smoker .preferred. Apply Tmes-Advocate. WANTED CAR SALESMAN—To sons and Terroplanes, Cormission. State age Hud-sell Salary and and exper ience and mail copy of references if any, or call personally. Rhone 54, Cook Bros., Hensail, Ont. Hudson and Terraplane Distributors 3-10-2te ! WANTED—Cattle to feed. Phone 63 r 9, Kirkton. ltp. FOR SALE—Young York sow due to farrow March 30, also just freshened. Apply at Advocate. ■2 cows Times- Itp Butter 34-370. A large 17c. A medium 16c. B 16 c. « Savory Drumsticks 5c. EACH; 6 FOR 25c. THURSDAY & FRIDAY only Don’t ignore it! To do so is to invite permanent eye trouble, and possibly other detrimental effects on your general health. Come in now. Let us show you the new-type “Corectal” Lenses. They will bring a refreshing feeling of comfort and relief to your eyes. Try “Corectal.” C. E. Zurbrigg — at the - Ideal Meat Market Save the Coupons Phone 38 Main St. ■-...............................—------H *IWIIM II UTT Q 1 1 I LOCALS I 1 . i Today is the day for the wearing of the green. Mrs. S. Fitton spent the week-end visiting in London. Mrs. W. H. Levett, of Lond-on, vis ited in town on Sunday. George Beavers, of Toionto, Thursday with- his parents in Philip Johnston, of Welland, FOR SALE — pei’cheron, team weighing around 1500, -geldings, Jas. Glavin, Crediton, phone 29 r 32. 3-17-tfc MEN WANTED: for Rawleigh’s Routes of 800 families. Sales way up this year. Reliable hustler should start earning $3 0 weekly and in crease rapidly. Write today, Raw leigh’s Dept. ML-202-S-C, Montreal, Canada. FOR SALE—-Hart-Par and Silver King Tractors. All makes of second hand and rebuilt tractors, Goodison Thresher Co., Oliver Implements— Bruce Mitchell, phone 29r6, Credit- on. 3-10-3 tp. Transport Hamilton has been camps in NOTICE—-See us about cutting your wood with circular saw, Hubert Cooper, 2 blocks east of Bierling’s Store, Exeter North. ltp ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE — Apply to Hubert White, phone Cred iton 29rl4 ltp. FOR SALE—-House in Exeter with every convenience; with fruit trees. Apply to phone 162j. good garden L. Huston, 3-17-tfc. acre farm Others up -C. V. Pickard, phone FOR SALE—Choice 70 brick house, good barn, to 175 acres.- 165. with Mrs. Walker in Saturday for his farm Battleford, Sask. Mrs. Herb Sherrott and of Alberta, Mrs. Turner rCORECTAU LENSES ; NOTICE Dog owners are hereby warned to secure tags for their canine pets as perscribed .by By-Law before 1 police begin a check-up in order avoid buture embarrassment. The tags have arrived and -can procured from the Clerk. JOS. SENIOR the ■ to be Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook visited for a few days in Tillsonbur-g. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Lamport, of London, visited in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Kestle and babe -were in St. Thomas Sunday vis iting at the home of Mr. Harold Kestle. Miss Ruth Fraser, Mr. J. Stone and Miss Bessie McDonald, of Lon don, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. The Young People of the James Street Church presented their play “The Adventures of Grandpa” at Hensail on Tuesday evening with- a very good attendance. They will present it at Staffa on Wednesday 16 th and at Thames Road, Monday 21st. Mr. Nathaniel McDonald, of Clin ton, formerly of Exeter, died on Saturday, March 12th, in his 58th year. Mr. McDonald was a brother of Messrs. Joseph Donald, of town, place on Monday parlor in Clinton cemetery. and Norman Mc- The funeral took from the funeral to the Clinton 4th in the Series -of Extension LECTURES auspices of the Caven Y. P. G. “THE CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF MENTAL DISEASES” Dr. G. H. Stevenson, Superintendent of the Ontario Mental Hospital WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1938 At 8.15 p.m. Admission 25c. LEAVITT’S THEATRE FOR SALE — 75 acres pasture, Hay Township, good shade, never failing stream. Pay like rent and own. $400 down, balance ten, fif teen or twenty annual equal pay ments.—-Wm. Pearce, Exeter. ltc. WANTED—Single man to work on farm near Exeter. Apply box M., Times-A-dvocate. HOMES FOR SALE—Several Exeter, two with acreage. Also Hensail, Parkhill and Lucan. C. PICKARD, phone 165. in in V. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club would like all orders for grass seed booked by March 21st. We are also booking orders for Western feed • oats and fertilizer. Don’t forget to hear Prof. Ruhnke on the value -of -soil testing and diagnosing fertiliz- ■ er requirements in Exetei’ on March 1.9th. P. Passmore, Sec-y. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 17th, 18th, 19th “Back in Circulation A fast movinf comedy-drama with Pat O’Brien and Joan Blondell MIDNITE SHOW MONDAY MORNING AT 12.15 MONDAY & TUESDAY NIGHTS Edde Cantor and all star cast in Ali Baba Goes to Town Twentieth Century-Fox Special Production she she CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship iSermon;‘“Thirty Pieces of Silver ’ p.m.—Public Worship iSermon: “The Ages to Come” 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Rev. J. W. D-own. Subject “Goodliness” 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m., Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“Meditations on Lent.” -Church School -The Minister 8 p.m.—Y. 11 3 p.m.— 7 p.m.— Tuesday, Centralia. Wednesday, 8 Sunday, March anniversary. Pageant. P. U. visiting p.m.—Prayer service 27th—Church school I 7 p.m. Religious TR1VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Third Sunday in Lent 8.3 0 a.m.—Holy Communion 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Christian’s Joy” Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Lenten service. Preacher Rev. D. C. Hill.i i The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North Creamery) Don’t fail to attend Bible Study Friday Evening- Services for Sunday; March .p.m. S. S. and Bible Class p.m. Devotional service. p.m.—This will he of special terest to you, as we expect a guest speaker with us, in charge of the Sunday services. We welcome you, why not ceme, vou have likely done many a worse thing, but not likely to again. J. T. EDGAR, Pastor 2 3 8 of the 8 p.m. 20th in- LADIES! HAVE YOUR HAIR LOOKING WELL THIS SEASON*To- introduce our new Arnao Steamer we are giving our ne.w method scalp ..treatment with every Permanent... If your hair is too oily, dry, lustre less, fragile, falling or with dandruff we have the correct treatment, ap proved at the recent American Beauty Exposition Phone 2415 NOW G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE a New Wallpapers for Spring A few rolls of our new Wallpapers will make a great difference in the appearance of your home. A look through our new papers will convince you that we have a good range and that our prices are very moderate. Per Roll 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 20c to 35c Curtains and Nets There is such a wide selection of silk and cotton nets in plain weaves or with pat terns. We offer some splendid values at 29c, 40c, 50c and 65c. per yard. Frilled curtains 2 1-4 yards long—59c to $1.75 per pair. 1 Coats and Suits We are showing a fine range of coats and suits. The styles are smart, the colors and cloths new. Come and see our display. Dresses Our Spring dresses show great variety. Teen-Age dresses in tailored and bolero styles at $8.95. Printed silks and boleros at $5.95, also a special rack in plain and printed crepes at $3.49. * Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots Wear Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots during the wet, sloppy spring weath er. Every pair is guaranteed. Special values in Rubber Boots at $2.25 and $2.95. GROCERY SPECIALS WHEATFLAKES M-Y-T Nice 5 lb. bag .. 23c SHORTENING Crispyflake lb. pkg, 2 for 25c SOAP 1 pkg. of Ammonia Free with 6 bars of Pearl Soap VANILLA Large 8 oz. bottle 2 for...............25c FLOUR Special Pastry 24 lb. bag . . 65c OATMEAL Large Quick Quaker plain, per box 23 c DRIED APPLES For Pies 5 lbs. . •. 25c SAUER kraut 2 large tins .. 20c MAGIC COFFEE Try our Special Brand per lb..................25c Fleischman’s Yeast for Health and Baking Southcott Bros. all, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 TENDERS WANTED To close out the estate of the C. B. Snell, Exeteir, I am offering for sale by tender: 1. Two modern Red Brick Houses on Ann Street, with all modern conveniences. 2. The Brick Building known as the Old Commercial Hotel, corner of Ann and Main Streets, con taining barber shop, bake shop and offices on Main floor. Beauty shop and apartments above. 3. Butcher Shop with dwelling on Main Street. The above properties are at pre sent rented. Tenders to be in by 6 p.m., Monday, March 21st, 1938. The highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. John Rowe, Administrator c Exeter, Ontario late the FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 per ton Honrs 8 a.in» to IS p.m. Saturday 8 a*m. to is noon CANADIAN CANNERS Mr. spent town. Mr. is visiting with his sister Mrs. Eliza beth Frayne. Miss Evelyn Howard has returned home after supplying for two months at Alienford. Miss Olive "Wood, of Toronto, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wcod for a few days. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mis. W. G. Medd spent the week end in Listowel visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mcffatt and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. Tuckey and Ed gar Hunkin cf the Tu’c-key motored to Toronto and last Monday. Mr. Wm. Sims, who working in the mining Northern Ontario has returned to his home. Mr. Earl Parsons, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital for the past •week underwent an operation for igoitre on Wednesday. . Mrs. Harry Govier has returned to her home in Auburn after visiting with her granddaughter, Mrs. Ed ward .Sillery, near Exeter. Mr. W. G. Walker, who has spent the winter town, left near North Mr. and daughters, and sen, of Grand Bend, called on Mrs, Lydia Sweitzer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells and Caroline and Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Grant and babe, of London, visited with relatives in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers •and Mr. Wm. Coates are in Toronto where the men are attending a con vention of Insurance Underwriters. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ellsmere, of Golden Valley, have moved to- Exe ter and far the present are making their home with Mrs. Ellsmere’s par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen and Margaret and Mrs. Thomson and Alex, of Brucefield, visited on Saturday with- Mr, and Mrs. James P. Bowey. Mrs. C- W. Kestle was at Seaforth Monday evening attending a banquet of the Rebekah lodge of which is a past grand and at which was one of the speakers. Mr. Irwin G. Ford purchased property of the late William Mit chell, comprising a frame house and- an acre of land on Huron St., at the auction sale Tuesday after noon. The price paid was $500. Mr. L. H. Heideman, of Toronto, was in' town Tuesday' in connection with the estate cf his mother, the late Mrs. E. Heideman. Mr. Heide man has arranged to hold an auction sale of household effects on Satur day, April 16 th, Mr. and Mrs. -Samuel IStevenson and da/ughter Ej£len, of Birr, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. On Sunday they accompan ied Mr. *and Mrs. Jaques to Tavis tock and visited with Mr, and Mrs. James Francis. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson aha two children Jane and Nancy, of Toronto and Mr. Chas. Acheson, of Forest, visited on Sunday at -the home of Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mrs. A’chesOn, who has been confined to , her bed for several weeks is improv ing, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matfch 23rd, 24611, 25th, 26th The Good Earth’ with Louise Rainer & Paul Muni Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Picture JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s best Domestic Coal Get a trial ton Take a Ride.. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ - at SNELL BROS. “OUR PERMANENTS RULE THE WAVES” TOMLINSON’S Barber Shop, Hal^reSsing Phono 140 Specials Continued Through March (St. Patrick's Novelty Dance, Fri- day evening, Exeter Arena. Benny Palmer’s orchestra. Prizes & Novel ties galore. AND CO Exeter OUT OF ORDER Spring sure is around the corner. Did you see Mr. and Mrs. Robin in your back yard last Sunday? It sure was a surprise and a welcome to have the feathered birds back fo^ 1938. Of course someone will say they' always are bad on our cherries and berries. But did you know that these feathered friends more than pay for the rent and the food you supply them by the service they give ”ou in the garden. Yes, they really serve you—If it were not for these birds, our gardens would be overrun with inse’ets. We would be busy spraying ipoison there would be no time left for cultvating and planting. Talking of appearances just take a walk on one of our back streets just off the Main street and see the sights—Just now we are anticipat ing for a real good clean-up for both Byways and Highways and put on a new appearance here, there and everywhere. We do want to improve as we grow older. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey visited with the' latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant, in Glencoe on Sun day. Mrs. Carey remained in Lon don for a few days. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E .A. HJowald visited with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston in Simcoe on Sunday. Mrs. Ho-wald is remaining for a few days. • Main Street Evening Auxiliary Miss Eva Pearce kindly lent her (home for the March meeting -of the Main Street Evening Auxiliary. Miss Gladys Ryckman’s group had charge of the meeting which, was opened by singing “Jesus is Calling” fol lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison The second ihymn was “Softly Tend- brly” and the 23rd psalm was re peated in unison; The President' Mrs. Russel then presided over the business and also read a very in teresting letter from Mrs. G. Layton. The members were then favored by a piano solo by Mrs. Whgihorn and Miss Evelyn Howard delighted all with a talk on her trip to the coast. The meeting was closed by singing “Lead, Kindly Light” ahd repeating the Mizpah benediction* Aunoh was served by the group in charge. James Street Evening Auxiliary Thirty-five members of the James Street Evening Auxiliary were pres ent at the home of Mrs, A. Page for ki Search the World, 0 You’ll Find no Finer Value Than Our Top Coats Come in early and see our Coats while there is a large stock to choose from. Style and Value Combined Prices Range from $12.00 to $17.50 W. W. T A M AN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. _____________________________ their March meeting. Business was conducted by the President. Miss M. Jones presided over the program and led in the worship service. De votional leaflet was read by Mrs. I. Ford. The chapter of the study book was taken by Mrs. H. Pollen, Mrs. G. Hockey, Mrs. Elliot, Misses Isohel Turnbull, Marjorie Delbridge, Jean Sheere and Doris Salter. A pleasing, vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. Elliot and Miss Jean Sheere. Miss Ruby Finkbeiner of Crediton, a former member of the Auxiliary gave an address. inspiring and interesting A dainty lunch in keeping with St. Patrick’s day was served by Miss Delbridge’s group. Main Street W. M. S. The Main Street W. M. iS. their regular meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. G. Mawson with a good attendance. A hymn “Take Time to be Holy” was followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Elliott, second vice-president took charge of the business. Arrangements were mad© for the Easter Thank- offering on April 13th. The W. M. S. ar© asking the Evening Auxiliary to unite w,ith them in the church parlor* A committee was appointed to try’to secure a speaker from Friendship House, London, with her helpers to put bn the program, pre parations were also made for Huron Presbytery which will meet April 26 th in Main Street. Hymn “My held Answers to the Cross-Word Puzzle printed on another page. |g|aidi I zjs|aIg[ ImlI s [s p q e D E D s P A A N T El s A p E S T R A C E R A T s IS ran H L Ac. H 1 A T S cl l| |C EZIDWlR IQ 1 UJlIsIsMtHa |RIe5a|M|MK|I|TWb] ’Faith Looks up to Thee.” Mrs. F. Wickwire read th© leaflet from the study book. Mrs. Medd supplied fior Mrs. Jaques from the blue book. Miss Hartnoil gave introductions .on the blu© book for Friendship HjouSe, Landon. Mrs. Martin spoke on the translation of the Bible Into the Jap anese language. Mrs. Delve gave a readink on Indian education and Mrs. K. J. Sims on medical and hos pital work. Mrs. Qtoen spoke on young (people’s international leader ship. All were very interesting papers. Hymn Breath of God.” prayer. Two' visitors were preseftt. Mrs. Cunning closed the meeting with prayer for special missionary. “Breathe on me Mrs, Johns led in