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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-03-17, Page 4
THURSDAY, hlARCH 17th, 1038 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MARRIAGES ST. fatriot’s Cook’s TURNRULL—iSJMS—In the Crediton United Church OU Saturday, Mar. 12th, Hilda Ladema, second dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, to Robert Wesley Turnbull, young est son of Mrs. Elizabeth ,Turn- bull, by Rev. Donald J. Gladman. Novelty Dance Exeter Arena LOOK! FLOUR SPECIAL For the Balance of our DEATHS WALKER—Suddenly 1 (residence Oakwood : Bend, on Monday,. Clayton M. Walker, year. WESTMAN—In Biddulph Township, on Monday, March 14th, Margaret wife of the late Franklin West man, in her 64th year, BUTLER—In Lucan, on March 9, Elizabeth McCarty, wife of the late Everett Butler, in her 78th year. DOYLE—At St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Thursday, March 10, M. M. (Michael) Doyle, dearly be loved husband of Ettie Mae Har- ton, in his 64th year. at his late Park, Grand March 14th. in his 7<4th Friday, Mar. 18 -rr Dance to — BENNY PALMER’S ORCHESTRA Prizes and Novelties Galore Including prize to party coming the greatest distance Dance to commence at 9 shaiq> Admission 50c. EVERYBODY WELCOME XIRKTON Miss Manion Tufts and her bro ther Ross spent Sunday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. S. Mills at Woodham. Mr. Web Kirikiby is the first one in this vicinity to make maple sy rup* Mr, and Mrs, Lome Marshall, of London, spent the week-end friends in the village* FOR .SALE OB EXCHANGE—One iron-grey Percheron rising three; 1 grey Percheron rising 5 years old; 2 Clyde mares; 3 Percheron mares; 2 Clyde geldings; 2 carriage hordes. AU good workers. Apply to Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138. returned with. Mammoth IN MEMORIAL! MARCH SALE Hunt’s Diamond Bread Flour 98 pound bag.................... •3.50 GAISER—In loving memory of Earl W. Gaiser, who passed away one year ago, March 16, 1937. ’Tis sweet to know we’ll meet again, Where troubles are no more; And that the one we loved so weU Has just gone on before. Ever remembered by wife and family “THE ADVENTURES OF GRANDPA” A 3-act Comedy by the James Street Y. P. U. will be presented in Thames Road Church MONDAY, MARCH 21st at 8.15 p.m. Admission 25 and 15c. Play for his “Re- CREDITOR EAST Hunt’s King PastryFlour 24 pound bag.............69c CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Lewis Johns to thank their many neighbors for the kind- tc Billie while a patient Hospital, London, and Mr. and Billie wish friends and ness shown dn Victoria since he returned home. and Chas. Grand of Mt, “You Always Save at COOKS” Tihe Spring 2 for 1 Sale is held this week at Walker’s Store. being Drug SHIPKA COOK’S ring- Rock Bottom Cash Stores at Exeter and Hensall Presenting to the Farmers of this District 1.1.1.! n ........................ .sua; i ■» m i ■ ——................... ... • ••Talking Motion Pictures... of New and Approved Models of ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTORS —■ and THE FAMOUS ALL-CROP HARVESTER The Most Revolutionary Farm Machine Since the Binder — in — LEAVITT’S THEATRE, EXETER Wednesday, Mar. 23 at 2 p.m Scott & Allen Tractor Co. ALLIS CHALMERS DEALERS, CROMARTY, ONT. Wedding bells will soon be ng in. our midst. Mr. Wm. Taylor, of Bayfield, vis ited last week at the home of his brother Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mr. John Gowen is at present vis iting with relatives in Thedford. The Home and School Cltib held their regular meeting in the school house on Tuesday evening last with a large attendance. Th© evening was spent in a program after which contests were held and lunch was served. Mr. Orville Meili is off work suf fering from an infection in his arm. The Y. P. -Society will hold their regular meeting on Thursday even ing March 17th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, ■Mr. Ro-ylanice Westcott and Miss Helen Westcott, of Exeter, spent (Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ratz Xhe U.F.0* held an oyster supper on Monday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser. About fifty were present. The evening was spent in games and music and plenty of good things to eat. Rev D. Gladman preached a very interesting and helpful sermon Sun day morning which was much enjoy ed by all present. Mrs. Arthur Webb and Mrs. Louis Schroeder who have been under the doctors care for the past week are improving. Mr. and Mrs. C. Routledge and son, of Kintore, visited Monday at the’ho-me of Mr. and Mrs. Milt-on Ratz. Mr. Leonard Disjardine has been engaged to work for Mr. A. Gaiser for the summer. Boiling syrup and buzzing wood’ is the order of the day in this com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lippert and children, of near London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glanville. Mrs. David -Sturgeon, of Bend, is visiting at the home and Mrs. Eldon Merner. Lome, -the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner was taken to London on Sunday for an appendicitis operation, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney and Miss Irmq, Fehguson, of> Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Motz. Mr. Eber Lewis had his tonsils removed Tuesday in Exeter by Dr. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter, of Exeter, and Mrs. Wm. .Schroeder, of Fairfield, spent Sun day with Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wareing and children, -of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jasney. IMr. and Mrs. David Baird and.two sons and Mrs. John Baird, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mr. Sam Hedden, of London, vis ited -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau- and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rader, of Dashwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wein and children, of Sharon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, (Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims and family, of Thedford, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Stuar.t Kuhn and son, of Baden, spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H, Kuhn* . Birthday Party A jolly time was sipent on Satur day evening when the children and grandchildren and friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims gathered at their home to celebrate Mr. Sims’ 76th birthday Games were played after which a dainty lunch was served. Mr. Sims received some dainty and useful gifts Guests were present from Exeter London and Thedford. THAMES RQAD The hospitality of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner was .©njoyed by the choir with their husbands and their friends at (their home on Thursday evening, after the preparation of the Sunday music. The evening vas spent in games ©nd lunch was served ■by th© host and hostess to whom a hearty vote of appreciation was ex tended at the close of a very pleas ant evening. Mr, Jim Gardiner has from his trip to the South. The young people are looking forward to an address by Rev. D. C. Hill, of Caven Church, Exeter, Fri day evening. Roy’s iChurch are showing the Passion Play in picture with sound effect during this week. One of the W. A. Groups have invited the “The Adventures of Grandpa” an evening this week. Mr. Ivor Morgan is selling farm equipment this week. “Th© Bugles of God” viz: veille” “Alarm” “Last Post’ was the subject of a fine address by the pastor Sunday morning, Mr. E. Monteith and Mr. E. Pym were in Guelph Monday on a busi ness trip. Mr. Clifford Whitlock and Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, are home with their mother, who is very ill. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson en tertained their neighbors to a house .party Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Mair ministered to the Woodham congregation Sunday ev ening owing to the absence of : Mr. Lang due to the illness of Lang. With -oar sick friends. Mrs. Alexander Sr., has had niistortune to fall and break leg. She recently celebrated 92nd birthday. Miss Ella. Robinson is under 1 dical care. Mrs. Kerslake is improving present. MT. CARMEL Rev. Mrs. the her her me at Mr. and Mrs. T. Ducharme, of De troit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahoney. Mi'. James Carey visited friends at Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nap. Geromette, of London, called on friends here urday. Mr. tinette day at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carey accom panied by John McCarthy attended the funeral of their cousin Angelia Roberts at Sarnia on day. Miss Ann McPhee is on the list, ery. Mr. Joseph Regan, of Staffordville was home for Hubert Carey and Miss Ziler, of Zurich, spent .Sarnia and po-rt Huron. Sat- An- Sun- Miss Tues- sick We hope for a speedy recov- the weekend. Funeral of M, M. Doyle of M. M. Doyle, who Renew Now! The funeral died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Thurs day in his 64th year, was held Sat urday morning at 8.45 from St. Mary rectory, Lyle street, Loudon, to St. Marys church where solemn requiem high mass was sung at 9.00 o’clock by his son, Father Cyril Doyle. Father G. Glavin was deacon and Father J. A. Feeney subdeacon Father Fogarty officiated at the graveside. Interment was made in Mt. Carmel cemetery. • Pallbearers were: John Breen, Dean McConnell, Michael Dunn, Alvin Varnum, E. Ducharme and Dennis Doyle. BIRTHS GINGERICH—In Hay Township, off March 9 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, a daughter. HODGINS—On March 6, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins, of Lucan (nee Alma E. Fitzsimmons) the gift of a daughter, (Dallas Elleratta.) ■of Exeter, Miss Ger-■"7 entertained We extend to you a cordial invitation to inspect Spencer’s Enamelled Streamlined Range Clark, Mr. and Miss NOW ON DISPLAY This is something entirely new in conveniences, design and beauty Of course we have many other stoves to choose from as low as $23*00 House-Cleaning time is a splendid time to install an Up-to-date enamelled range to harmonize with new colors in the kitchen Incidentally we have the new colors. KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake, -of Grand Bend, were visitors on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Miss Helen Westcott, visited last week with trude Ratz. Mrs. Henry Eagleson a number of her friends to a quilt ing last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert Grace Willert attended the BeaVer- Wurm reception in Hensall on Fri day evening. The Misses Gertrude Ratz and Helen Westcott visited on Saturday with Miss Grace Willert. Mr. Gordon Surerus and mother Mrs. G. iSurerus were Sunday visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert, ■Mr. Arthur Hutchinson and his mother Mrs, John Allison, of Park hill, called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson last Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Mason visited a days last week with relatives Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade and Melvin visited last Sunday With and Mrs* R* Stade, of Zurich. few at son Mr. Lindenfield’s Hardware Phone 181 Exeter■W.J-iW The engagement is announced of Ruth Louise, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J, E. J. Millyard, of London, to Allen Clarence Willoughby, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Willoughby, of London, the marriage bo take place th© middle of April. ORATORY, ELOCUTION AND MUSICAL FESTIVAL ■under the auspices of the Exeter Women’s Institute TOWN HALL — FRIDAY, MARCH 25th — at 8.00 p.m. CLASSES Open to any Exeter High School Pupil . ORATORY—*Junior and Senior Open to any Exeter Public School Pupil ELOCUTION—Junior and Senior STORY TELLING—Juniors (ten years and under) VOCAL—Best Solo—Best Duet PIANO—-Best Piano Solo All entries should be handed in to the convenor— Miss Alma Brown, B.A., on or before Friday, March 18th Admission—Silver* Collection Free Moving Pictures! For Farmers and their Families All farmers and their families are invited to attend a FREE TALKING PICTURE. ENTERTAINMENT in the EXETER TOWN HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 18th, 1938 at 7.30 p.m. sharp Program will consist of Educational Moving Pictures & Comedies ALSO A FREE PRIZE DRAWING In the afternoon there will .be Lectures and Pictures of Special in terest to TRACTOR OWNERS, OPERATORS and those interested in tractors or farm machinery--ALSO IN THE TOWN HALL Tractor Owners Will Receive FREE Instruction on Repairing and Adjusting F. W. HUXTABLE International Harvester Co. Phone 153Exeter, Ontario m >■ WHALEN Miss Myrtle Millson, of London, is visiting her friend Ruth Hodgson tor a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, of Hazel Park, Mich,, are visiting with the former’s parents for a few days- Miss Mary Westlake, of Exeter, spent the weekend with Velma Squire. Miss Maida Morley returned home from Exeter on Sunday where she spent the past week with Mrs. Alice Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson, May- one and Glenn were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munroe. Mr. and Mirs. Percy Passmore, ot Thames Road, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning. Mr. Laverne Morley left on Sun day for Chicago and New Orleans. W. M. S. and W. A. The March meeting was held at Mrs.’ E. Foster’s home on Thursday with 23 members and 2 visitors pre sent, Mrs. H. Squire had charge o<f the meeting. ’Psalm 703 was led by Mrs. G. Arksey and Mrs. F. Gunning read the devotional leaflet. Mrs. E. Fostei’ took the Study Book for this meeting. Mrs. H- Squire prayer. Plans were made for the Easter meeting which will be held in the church entertaining husbands and families. Ruth Hodgson gave a reading. The W. A. was in charge ■of Mrs, E. Squire, 'Mrs. M. Pullen and Velma Squire, favored with ail instrumental duet. Several items of business were discussed at this time. Merle Squire gave a reading and Mr. Stewart closed the meeting. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to- sell by pub lic auction on Lot 18, Con. 11, Usborne Twp., Half Mile South of Farquhar, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH S3, 1038 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: 5 HORSES—’Gray mare, 81 years o-ld, in foal; aged mar© in foal, colt rising 2 years. CATTLE--Cow due March 28th; cow due May 28th; 2 fresh cows; 2 fall calves; 2 yearlings. HOGS—4 pigs weighing 150 lbs., chunks. 60 hens. IMPLEMENTS—Wagon, hay rack pig rack, wagon box, walking plow, new scuffler, 2-furrow plow, cream separator, pails, boxes, chains, whif- fletrees, ,neckyolkes. 20 hushels (barley, 30 bushels of cats for seed, 140 bushels mixed grain, 9 tons hay and other articles. TERMS—CASH IVOR MORGAN, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer AUCTION SALE ONTARIO BRED COLTS AND HORSES led in FOR (SALE—Having sold one of my farms recently I am overstocked and have the following for sale: Mc Cormick-Deering W-12 tractor, near ly new; 2-furrow tractor plow, 3- section spring tooth cultivator, M.- H. fertilizer drill, 11 disc; 2 Dur ham cows 4 and 6 years old, to freshen April 10th; registered Dur ham bull, 3 years -old; Grade Dur ham bull, 1 year old; 14 2-year-old steers for grass, quantity of Improv ed Banner seed oats, grown from seed that won first prize last year at Hensall Seed iShow. W. A. Mc Guire, R. R. 2, Bayfield, Ont., 4 miles north of Bayfield, Clinton 600 r 3. AUCTION SALE phone household effects undersigned auctioneer has THURSDAY, MARCH 17th TERMS—CASH Nairn and Taylor, Auctioneers G. J. Dow, Proprietor AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub lic auction on Lot 15, Sauble Con., Stephen Twp. MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1938 re-The ceived instructions to sell by public auction at at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HOiRSEiS—Clyde mare 9 years old in foal; aged Clyde mare in foal; aged work mare; Clyde filly rising one year o-ld; general purpose geld ing rising 3 years old. CATTLE — Registered Durham cow due May 10; 2 registered Dur ham cows due next fall; Durham heifei’ calf eligible for registration; Durham cow due in May; Holstein heifer due before time of sale; Dur ham milk cow freshened in Novem ber; Durham heifer rising 3 years; 3 yearlings, 3 calves. HOGS—3 young sows due to far row the first part of April; 2 older sows due to sale; young ^oung hog 8 2 years old; HENS—75 and 4 New Hampshire cockerels. IMPLEMENTS — Quebec riding plow; walking plow,'set of Diamond harrows, hand scuffler, 4-wheel trail er with rack, hay rack, buggy, 2 sets of d-ouble harness. 6 TERMS—-CASH WELLWOOD GILL Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer farrow before time of sow with litter of 8; months old; aged hog small ITamworth sow. New Hampshire hens hensall SATURDAY, MARCH 26th 1938, at 2 o’clock the following: Chesterfield and 2 chairs, floor lamp and shade, wndow blinds, sev eral pictures, dining room table and 6 leaves, 6 dining room chairs, buf fet, Vi-ctrola and records, Morris chair, .2 .wicker chairs, 2 rockng chairs, 2 iron beds, mattress, 2 springs, pillows, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands, chandelier, wash tu^b, saw, old couch, lawn mower, chains for car and jack, spade, -rake and hoe, hall tree, 2 small tables. TERMS CASH MBS. THUS. PARILMER, Proprietress FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 'FRANK COATES, Clerk TENDERS wanted re-The Township of Usborne will ceive sealed tenders for the follow ing services until (Saturday, April 2nd, at 3 o’clock p.m., when the 1 tenders will be opened. (1) A tractor, developing . not less than 40 brake horsepower on the belt to supply powei' for crush ing' approximately 2,000 yards -of gravel ill the month of June 1938. Tractor owner to supply drive belt and competent operator who- shall also oil and care for the crusher. Tenders to be by the hour, <(i2) For the trucking of the a- forementioned gravel from the crusher to the Township roads. All gravel to be spread under direction of and subject to approval of Tbwn- sliip Road Superintendent. (Suffic ient trucks to be provided to keep crusher running to capacity. Tend ers to be by the yard mile, at SO much per yard mile for trips up to 2 miles and so much per yard mile for trips over 2 miles, measurement in each ease to be from the pit. Tenders must be plainly marked “Sealed Tender” on envelope and must be submitted on approved tender form which may be obtained upon application to the clerk and must be accompanied by a marked |cheque for $25.00.I Lowest or any tender not heces- | sarily accepted, A. W. Morgan, Clerk, HetisAll, Ont. 2 yars old; 3 yearling steers,. Sow due May AUCTION SALE FARM stock AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been* instructed to sell by public auction,, at Lot 2, Concession 3, Stephen Twp*. FRIDAY, MARCH 18th, 1938 at 1:00 o’clock sharp the following:. HORSEIS—Work, team 12 and 13 years old, aged driver, colt rising 3 years old. CATTLE—Black cow due in. April, Ayrshire cow due time of sale, 'ted cow due due in June, roan cow,, farrow; red heifer, fresh, 3 years- old; grey cow, fresh, 2 years old; red heifer due in September, 2 yrs.. old; Herford bull, yearling heifers, 2 calf 2 months old. 50 laying hens. 1st, 8' chunks. IMPLEMENTS — M* H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M.H. hay loader, Deering mower, M.IH. 4-horse cultivator, M. H. 2-row scuffler, steel itoller, 3 drum; tractor disc, Deering seed drill, 13 (hoe; F. & W. walking plow, diamond harrows, M.H. man ure spreader, Fordson tractor, Oliv er tractor plow, 2-furrow; wagon, Sleighs, plate; pulper, double sling rope, gravel box, hay rack with slide rack; nockyoke, whiffletrees, belts, stone boat, circular saw. Buckeye incubator, 3 beds, 2 igas drums, lamps, heater, cradle, dres ser, 2 cistern pumps, bee supplies, cellar table, big chair'. TERMS CASH MRS. HERMAN MITCHELL, Proprietress FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAylor, Auctioneer cutter, buggy, grinder, fl-in. cutting box, cream harness, set single harness, Maxwell root separator, 2 set