HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-03-10, Page 8THURSDAY* MARCH 10th, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ess Your personality with one of the clever new coiffures for Spring from our new machine. Mohawk Permanents add that vouch of individuality so desired by smart women everywhere, Make your appointment early so that we may give you better service, Day or Evening by Appointment Each. Wave Guaranteed V’s Beauty Shoppe v« C- Decker, Prop. Phone 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat 90c. Oats 45c. Manitoba's Best Flour $4.16 Welcome Flour $26.5 ■Shorts $1.75 Bran $1.70 Low Grade Flour $2.15 ■Creamery Butter 40c. Dairy Butter 33 to 36c. Eggs, A large 20c. Eggs, A medium 19c. Eggs, B 16 c, Eggs C 15c. Hogs $9.00 EYE STRAIN is a Warning A mock Major Bowes program will be given in the basement of James St. dhuneh under the auspices of Groupe No-. 3, of the Women’s Association, on Friday March 18th, 8 p.m, Admission 10 c. 5c. EACH; 6 FOR 25c. THURSDAY & FRIDAY only Don’t ignore it! To do so is to invite permanent eye trouble, and possibly other detrimental effects on your general health. Come in now. Let us show you the new-type “Corectal” Lenses, They will bring a refreshing feeling of comfort and relief to your eyes. Try “Corectal,” C. E. Zurbrigg FOR SALE—$125 will <buy 45 cords cord wood skidded ready for trucks. Harold Corbett, Lucan. — at the — Ideal Meat Market FOR (SALE—7 head cattle, steers and heifers rising 2 years old, also 1 purebred Shorthorn bull, 2 old. Apply Henry Dearing, 26rl3, Crediton. Save the Coupons Phone 38 Main St. years phone H 'H ) WANTED CAR SALESMAN—To sell sons and Terroplanes. Salary and Cormission. (State age and exper­ ience and mail copy of references if any, or call personally. Rhone 54, Cook Bros., Hensail, Ont. Hudson and Terraplane Distributors 3-10-2te Hud- FOR SALE—Two young cows, one milking good, one will freshen in May.—'Sandy Elliot. Good York Sew to let on shares, also weaned pigs for sale. Apply to Arthur Broderick. ltp -Hart-Par and Silver King Tractors all makes, second-hand and rebuilt Goodison Thresher Co,, Oliver Plows —-Bruce Mitchell, phone 2'9r6, Cred­ iton. 3-10-3 tp. ALFALFA FOR SALE—-Apply to Huber.t W-hi'te, phene Crediton 29rl4Jtc. FOR SALE—1 tractor cultivator with tractor hitch and trolley— Apply John Strange, Maguire, ltp. FOR SALE—'Choice 70 acre farm brick house, good barn. Others up to 175 acres.—C. V. Pickard, phone 165. -FOR SALE—75 acres pasture, Hay Township, good shade, never failing stream. Pay like irent and own. $400 down, balance ten, fif­ teen or twenty annual equal pay­ ments.—*Wm. Pearce, Exeter. lte. WANTED—ISingle man to work on farm near Exeter. Apply box M„ Times-Advocate. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club would like all orders for glass seed booked by March 21st. We are also booking orders for Western feed oats and fertilizer. Don’t forget to hear Prof. Ruhnke on the value of soil testing and diagnosing fertiliz­ er requirements in Exeter on Mauch 19-th. P. Passmore, Sec-y. TENDERS WANTED ■To close out the estate of the late C. B. Snell, Exeter, I am offering fc-r sale by tender: 1. Two modern Red Brick Houses on Ann Street, with all modern conveniences. 2. The Brick Building known as the Old Commericial' Hotel, corner of Ann and Main Streets, con­ taining barber shop, bake shop and offices on Main floor. Beauty shop and apartments 3. Butcher Shop with Main Street. The above properties sent rented. p.m., Monday, March 21st, 1938. The highest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. John Rowe, Administrator Exeter, Ontario above, dwelling on are at pre­ Tenders to be in by 6 March 7 I I I LOCALS I I I IIIIMI II — I Mr. V, J. Kestle is confined to his home with influenza. Mr. Chas. Cox has taken a position with Soirthec-tt Bros, Mr. C. W. Christie was in Toron­ to for a couple cf days on business. Mrs. L. Phinn, and son Ted, Lon­ don, visited with friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. R. G. iSeldon is visiting with her daughter Mrs, F, Newman, of Kingston. Mrs. 'Thorntton has returned home after visiting for a week in London and Ingersoll. Miss Dorothy Ratz, of Slhipka, spent the week-end with her cousin Miss Irene .Sweet. Miss Beatrice Warren spent a most enjoyable week-end visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Robert Kydd spent the week­ end visiting her cuu-sin Mrs. E. A. Horton in St. Thomas. Mr. Jesse Elston, who has been confined to his home through ill­ ness, is slowly improving. Miss Mary Horney, of London, spent Saturday and -Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allison. Miss Mary Horney, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allison. Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull, who has been ill at her ’home since last fall, is improving and able to sit little. Mr. Reg. Beavers and Dowie, of Sarnia, spent the end with MV. and Mrs. B. Beavers. Mr. Wm. Ryckman, who recently underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is recov­ ering nicely. Mr. Henry Strang was in London Monday attending a meeting < ‘ missionary committee of the ilton and London Synod. Misses Lillian Finkbeiner Doreen Baker, of Crediton, last week-end visiting friends in Ex­ eter. Mrs. Geo. Dunn returned home Sunday after visiting with her daughter Mrs. J. T. Paisley in Cale­ donia for a week. The Exeter Agricultural Society have in mind the forming of a colt or calf club in -connection with the fall fair. They would be glad to receive any suggestions from pos­ sible members of the club. Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Misses Stel­ la Soutlicott, N. Carmichael, M. Sal­ ter, V. Coates and J. Sheere motor­ ed to Toronto Wednesday to attend the skating carnival at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Mrs. Southcott remain for a few days. LOCALS up a Miss week- W. F. of the Ham­ and spent will \ S’DR SALE—Desirable dwelling in the village of Exeter, namely lot No. 611, North Wellington St. ply Box M. Times-Advocate. Ap- shape, house These For sale Apply Times-Advocate. 2-24-3tc FOR SALE—Barn in good size 34 x 42; also small hen suitable for colony house, buildings are near Suipka. cheap. L FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to ia noon CANADIAN CANNERS Trivitt Memorial W. A. The Women’s Auxiliary of Trivitt Memorial church held a vo-tional and business meeting Tuesday evening at the home Mrs-. Oren Weiner. The opened with hymn 320 followed by Litany and Prayer by Mrs. Winer. Mrs. Archie Davis gave the scripture reading. The roll call was answer­ ed by alternate reading of 2 Corin­ thians 13th chapter. Mrs. Bierling gave a reading ‘The Call of Lent.” An instrumental was given by-Luel- la Stanlake. Mrs. Middleton gave a talk on Prayer Partners and W. A.’s obligations. Mrs. Tanton read a portion of the study book, meeting closed with hymn 403 lowed by the benediction. the de- on of meeting HOMES FOR SALE—Several Exeter, two with acreage. Also Hensall, Parkhill and Lucan. C. PICKARD, phone 165. in in V. If you are ambitious this is for YOU! SUCCESS GUARANTEED No risk selling line of 200 popular pro­ ducts in exclusive territory! Join our sales force for profitable wages 760 men average income of $35.00 weekly! For free -particulars with­ out obligation WRITE TODAY! FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. James Street W. A. The Women’s Association of James St. United Church held t'heir regular monthly meeting in the church on March the 3rd with a good attendance and with. the presi­ dent in charge. Mrs. Dr. Fletcher was asked to take charge of t'he meeting which she did by asking all to join in singing a number of old familiar hymns. Mrs. Page then gave a very interesting reading on the life and her daughter. Mrs, and Mrs. Batson then favored with a piano solo, took charge of the business part of the meeting. Refreshments were served at the close by a hostess abd her -committee. V LADIES! HAVE YOUR HAIR LOOKING WELL Tins SEASON To- introduce out new Arnao Steamer we are giving our new method scalp ..treatment with every Permanent... If youu hair is too oily, dry, lustre­ less, fragile, falling or with dandruff we have the correct treatment, ap­ proved at the re-cent American Beauty Exposition Phone 245 NOW G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE Wanted for Investment not essent- be well and re- Local Representative Established Toronto- Company. Experience ial but applicant must favorably known — references ■quired. -Large earning possibilities. Fullest co-operation given. Apply by letter stating full particulars to Btox 2SOB. FOR SALE--2 Johnston -corn-bind­ er wheels suitable for home-made tractor, also Dodge generators, able for wind chargers. Apply Kemp, phone 23rl7, Kirkton. suit- Geo. Group three of ‘ the James W. A. under the leadership of Earl Shapton held au aftern-oon tea at the home of Mrs. A. E. B'us- well Tuesday. Mrs. H. Shapton sang a solo and Mrs. J. W. Batsen played a piano solo It was decid­ ed to hold the Hay meeting at the home of Mrs. Asa Penhale. St. Mrs. SPECIALS. TIRES on Dominion, Goodyear . A generous allowance your old tires. BATTERIES Exide, General Motors Trade your battery in a new one. Motor Tune Up on on Have your car re-condi- tioned for Spring Gas and Oils Supertest—All Grades . Mobile, Castrol SNELL BROS AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., R.D, Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist. 10 a.m-—Sunday Schoo! 11 a.m.—Public Worship iSermon; “The Holy Trinity" p.m.—Public Worship Bermon: “Neither Male No>r Fe­ male” , Monday, March 14, at 8 p.m.—Caven Y. P. G, are guests of Y. P. U. of James Street Church 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.-—The Minister11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30 #.m„ Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page* Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leadei’ a.m.—“The Tragedies cf Silence”11 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—T.he Minister Monday, 8 evening. Wednesday, Thursday, of W. M. S. Sunday, March 27th—Church school anniversary. 7 p.m. Religious Pageant. . p.m.—Y.P. U.Social 8 p.m.—Prayer service 2.30—Monthly meeting 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss Choir Leader, Mr. * i Second Sunday p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “Yours to Venture” Wednesday 7.30—Lenten Service MacFaul Middle-miss in Lent The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Real food for thought in Bible Study Bible Study Friday Evening- 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, March 13th 2 .p.m. S. S. and Bible Class 3 p.m. Devotional service. 8 p.m. Great Evangelistic Meeting. We welcome you to all these services COME ! ! J, T. EDGAR, Pastor D&H ANTHRACITE The Five Point Fuel By burning D&H Anthracite— The FIVE Point Fuel — you heat your home with a SAFE fuel . . . an ECONOMICAL fuel, since all im­ purities have been removed. A CON­ VENIENT fuel . . . because it is easy to regulate. D&H Anthracite ir a fuel of COMFORT, too. It burns steadily, even—and finally, it is a ______________ cause it is five times inspected. Sure! Be Safe! Order D&H tlwacite—-Now. JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 oi’ 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ DEPENDABLE fuel . . . ibe- Bc An­ At the Ja'mes St. Y. P. U. Tues­ day evening the president, C. Cox. took charge of the business and Miss H. Finkbeiner the program. The Scripture lesson was read by Helen Westcott. After’ singing the hymn “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name,” Miss Jean Coates- told the story of it. Dorothy Welsh gave a violin selection. Hannah Mathers a reading and a selection by the Harmony Trio. Rev. D. Gladmaf gave an inspiring address on “Good Sportsmanship.” a contest was held at the close. PERMANENTS $ For Limited Time Only CROQUIGNOLE soft, Deep with Cluster of Curls DE LUXE Croquignole and wdrk of Marie Currie V. Kestle The president then (Such comfort you’ve never experienced. 'Cooler than any wave you have ever bad and absolutely safe. Your waves are set accurate­ ly and lastingly. 2 .45 $9.95Including J , Exeter’; Shampoo MMB Creates Shampoo and set. ’s „ .'eatest Value H TOMLINSON’S AIRDRESSING PHONE 146 New Wallpapers for Spring A few rolls of our new Wallpapers will make a great difference in the appearance of your home. A look through our new papers will convince you that we have a good range and that our prices are very moderate. Per Roll 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 20c to 35c Curtains and Nets There is such a wide selection of silk and cotton nets in plain weaves or with pat­ terns. We offer some splendid values at 29c, 40c, 50c and 65c. per yard. Frilled curtains 2 1-4 yards long—59c to $1.75 per pair. Coats and Suits We are showing a fine range of coats and suits. The styles are smart, the colors and cloths new. Come and see our display.1 Dresses Our Spring dresses show great variety. Teen-Age dresses in tailored and bolero styles at $8.95. Printed silks and boleros at $5.95, also a special rack in plain and printed crepes at $3.49. Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots Wear Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots during the wet, sloppy spring weath- Every pair is guaranteed. Special values in Rubber Boots at $2.25 and $2.95.er. GROCERY SPECIALS CUT MACARONI 5 LBS. FOR 25c. CHICKEN HADDIE GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Real Choice 2 TINS FOR 20c. SOAP P. & ,G. 7 BARS FOR 25c. COOKING ONIONS 2 TINS FOR 25c. 4 LBS. FOR 25c. JAM Raspberry or Strawberry LARGE JAR 27c. APPLES Choice Spies By Bushel or Basket VANILLA Large 8 oz. Bottle 2 FOR 25c. OXYDOL Large and One Small FOR 23c. APPLES Choice Spies By Basket or Bushel Southcott Bros Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 = 11L Answers to the Cross-Word Puzzle printed on another page ring Feeling Now SSGE®SE! ffll— SL_. BBS MH n® I BS@ □SEE gram MAN WANTED to supply Raw- leigh’s Household Proudcts to con­ sumers. Sales way up this year. We train and help you. Good pio- fits for hustlers. No experience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dig­ nified work. Write today, leigh’s, Dept. MI-202-53-C, real, -Canada. Raw- Mo nt- Caven Congregational Circle , The Caven Congregational Circle held its regular bi-monthly meeting on March. 1st at the home of Mrs, G. J. Dow with, an exceptionally full attendance. The meeting was in charge of the president Mrs. Hatter, who- called upon Mrs. Pilon to con­ duct the devotional period, after which the minutes were read by 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. 69c New spring suitings have arrived Come in to see our styles and order that new spring suit now. SPRING COATS We have the season’s smartest new samples for coats. Tailoring of a high order. WE OFFER STYLES THAT ARE NEW W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mrs. Mason and the various other business meeting, Mrs. Hill read a committees were reported upon. The following new committees were ap­ pointed for March ant April: Envel­ ope, Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Pilon, Mrs. Smith; church flowers, Mrs. Rus­ sell, Miss Jeckell; May luncheon, Mrs. A. Moir, Miss Jeckell, Mrs-. N. Stanlake, Miss Weekes, Mrs. Hunt­ er; May program, Mrs. Whyte, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Ellis. The next meet­ ing will Im held on May 3rd at the home of Mrs. Hatter. After the chapter from “Covenanting Days”, which was mo-st interesting and in­ structive. Mrs. Mason then arrang­ ed some most enjoyaole contests, after which lunch was -served by the hostess, Mrs. Dow, aided by Mrs. Mrs. Whyte, Mrs. Smith and Ellis. Hill, Mrs. Renew Now! nMsMnnan Good for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only This Certificate is Worth $2.31 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. 69c $3.00 VA- A lifetime This certificate and 69 c. entitles the bearer to one tof our genuine indestructible CUiUM FILLER SACKLEISS FOUiNJRAlN PENS. Visible Ink ISupply. You -SEE the ink! guarantee with each pen. iSizes for Ladies, Men, iBoys and ISupply. Girls. can write for Three Months ton One Filling! No Repair Bills! ed and guaranteed to be -unbreakable for life, can buy one in AUG 6 c Extra For Mail Orders Plunger Filter — Zip One Pull and its Full (This Pen holds 200 per cent, more ink than any ordinary- fountain pen on the market! You * - .............. ... [ pressure Bar! Every pen test- . - . ,___-______ Get your’s Now. THIS PEN GIVEN FREE if you the city for less than THREE DOLLARS! This cerificate good only while sale is ton. Also $1.00 and $1.50 Pencils to Match Above Pens 39c. WALKER’S DRUG STORE EXETER, ONTARIO n LdMlT 3 pens to Each. Certificate