HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-03-03, Page 8THURSDAY, MAUCH 3rd, 1938 Exeter Markets Eye Strain THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Your personality with one of the clever new coiffures fur Spring from our new machine. Mohawk Permanents add that touch of individuality so desired by smart women everywhere. Make your appointment early so that we may give you better service. Day or Evening by Appointment Eaclx Wave Guaranteed Wheat 90c. Oats 45c. Manitolba’s Best Flour $4.15 Wvkome Flour $26.5 Shorts $1.75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 40c. Daily Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 33 to 36c, A large 18c. A medium 17c. A pullets 16c. B 15c. C 14c. $9.00 An infomral dunce is being held in the Exeter Arena tonight (Wed­ nesday) under the auspices -of the Exeter Band. Music by Benny Pal­ mer’s orchestra. V, C. Decker, Prop. Phone 112 for Appointments Mr. Hilliary Horton expects to open up his blacksmith shop again on Monday, March 7th. Now is a good time to bring in harrows to be sharpened and repaired. NOTICE—See us about cutting your wood with circular saw. Hubert Cooper, 2 blocks east of Bierliug’s Store, Exeter North. 5c. EACH; 6 FOR 25c. Thursdays and Fridays only As often as possible we try to bring you new, appetizing and delicious products for your table. . This product Exeter'and we are will appreciate the flavour as they taste chicken and, of course, cook them as you would fried chicken. You will be able to get SAiV- O R Y D R U M S TICKS every Thursday & Friday. We would appreciate an order for some by calling personally or phon­ ing. is new to sure you delicious like fried you 2ec ■St, Patrick’s Novelty Dance sored by the Exeter Bowling Exeter Arena, Friday, March Benny Palmer’s orchestra, and Novelties galore. Keep the date. spon- Club, 18th. Prizes FOR SALE—A quantity of tur­ nips and mangolds. Apply to Luther Reynolds, R.R. 1, Hensall. Itc. FOR RENT — 100 acres, good buildings, near school. Lot 19, con. 5, Biddulph. Dr. Hodgins, 1,000 Richmond St., London. 3-3-2tc. CALLING ALL SALESMEN I AGENTS! Would you consider a change that would really make money? New Sales Plan. Sales of 200 guaranteed food, medicinal, toi­ let preparations. Lower prices. Lib­ eral commission. Extra cask bonus. Free gifts. If you own a car and a little cash and want to sell something that repeats the year round in ex­ clusive district, write to; GO., 570 SIT. CLEMENT MONTREAL. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Save the Coupons LOCALS FAMILEX STREET, Rawleigh this year. MEN WANTED for Route. Sales way up Real opportunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Raw- leigih’s Dept. M|L-202-O-C, Montreal. Canada. f “WHAT I EXPECT FROM EDUCATION” A Lecture by Dr. S. F. Maines Department of Extension, 'The Uni­ versity of Western Ontario, under the aupices otf the Caven Church ■ Young People’s Guild WEDNESDAY, .MARCH 9tli 8 p.m. Admission 25c.at FOR SALE'—50 acres, brick house, basement, barn, garage, $2,500.00, $1,000 down. Several others.—Wm. Pearce, Exeter. . pp FOR SALE—One bronze tom •key. Apply Hensall 94rl3. tur- ltp. TENDERS WANTED |To close out the estate of the C. B. Snell, Exeter, I am offering fo-r sale by tender: 1. Two modern Red Brick Houses on Ann Street, with all modern conveniences. 2. The Brick Building known as the 'Old Commercial? Hotel, corner of Ann and Main Streets, con­ taining barber shop, bake sho'p and offices on Main floor. Beauty shop and apartments 3. Butcher Shop with Main Street. The above properties sent rented. p.m., Monday, March 21st, 1938. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. John Rowe, Administrator Exeter, Ontario late above, dwelling on are at pre­ Tenders to be in by 6 March FARMS FOR SALE—Several good farms. One pasture farm. PICKARD, p'hone 165. C. V. FOR SALE—Desirable dwelling in the village of Exeter, namely lot No. 611, North Wellington St, Ap­ ply Box M. Times-Advocate. ■March came in like a lamb. Wednesday, March 2nd, was Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Mr. Norman Floody, of Windsor, spent the" week-end with friends in Exeter. Miss Ruby Cutting ' visited with Mrs. T. F. Jones, of London, over the week-end. Mr. Graham Campbell, of Thames- ford visited with .his parents Mr. a-nd Mrs. A. Y. Campbell. Mr. J. McTaggart, of Watford, vis­ ited with his mother, Mrs. McTag­ gart in town over the week-end. Miss Hettie Sweet, of London, vis­ ited for a couple of days at the home of her brother Mr. Clinton Sweet. Mrs. Martha Hewlett, and Mrs. Dave Lippert spent the week-end with their mother Mrs. Lydia Sweit­ zer. , The ladies of Trivitt Memorial churcih served a pancake supper in the Parish Hall Tuesday evening. They .provided a very fine repast. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Paisley and babe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Mirs. Dunn re­ turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Redmond and Billy and Mr. C. Priest, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce; Mr. Redmond visited mother in Hensall on Monday. A cold spell with near zero weath­ er visited this section over the week­ end. The ground was covered with j snow, Monday was fairly cold but the weather turned warmer Tuesday and most of the snow disappeared. About 200 persons were present at the Arena week, ed the floor manager. All report a i time. I. On Tuesday evening March Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl were santly surprised when their family gathered at their home to celebrate their wedding anniversary with them The evening was spent in music and ■games after which a dainty lunch was served. best wishes were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Earl for many more years of health and happiness. The regular meeting of Caven Young People’s Guild was held Mon­ day evening with the president, Miss Ethel Kydd presiding. The meet­ ing opened with the singing of 'hymn 270 followed by devotional exercises conducted by Miss Irene Kydd Scripture lesson was read and Mr. Hill conducted the prayer minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Mr, Hill an interesting talk on the Covenant­ ers of Scotland, The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah bene­ diction. c. his shape, house These For sale FOR SALE—Barn, in good size 34 x 42; also small hen suitable for colony house, buildings are near Snipka. cheap. Apply Times-Advocate, 2-24-3tc FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to IS noon CANADIAN CANNERS old time dance in the Exeter Thursday evening of last Murdock’s orchestra provid­ music with Wm. Hcwdgert as jolly 1st, plea­ FOR SALE—-Lot 2, Con. 2, Town­ ship of McGillivray, 100 acres, brick house, bank barn, hog pen and drive shed. Good clay loam, well fenced and watered, purchaser can possession in spring. For particulars apply to Miss Theresa Heffernan, Ailsa Craig, James Gla- vln, Crediton, Executors» of Law­ rence Barty Estate. 2-16-3tc. Congratulations and have more HOMES FOR SALE—Several Exeter, two with acreage, Also Hensall, Parkhill and Lucan. C. PICKARD, phone 165. in in V. POR .SALE—*Butter wrappers two colors ‘Dairy Butter’* 20c. hundred at Times-Advocate. in a The ReV. 'The were gave Only a searching and scientific eye examination will reveal the true condition of your eyes. Such an examination requires little time; there is pleasant about it and small. If you aye in doubt eyes consult us. We use the latest approved method with modem in­ struments and equipment. nothing un­ tile cost is about your C. E. ZURBRIGG, R o. Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s best Domestic Coal Get a Trial Ton From JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 3 3 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ LADIES! HAVE-YOUR HAIR LOOKING WELL THIS SEASON To introduce our new Arnao Steamer we are giving our new method scalp ..treatment with every Permanent... If youin hair is too oily, dry, lustre­ less, fragile, falling or with dandruff we have the correct treatment, ap­ proved at the recent American Beauty Exposition Phone 3415 NOW G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE BE HEALTHY! DRINK PLENTY’ of RAW MILK From a Certified Herd “The Milk Full of Vitamins” THE HIGHLAND HILL DAIRY N. Stanlake & Son SPECIALS on all PERMANENTS For FEBRUARY All Work Guaranteed TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone 146 ATTENTION! A. E. Wuerbh’s shoe repair store is the only authorized headquarters for Singer Sewing Machine parts and service. Special rate of $1.50 for over­ hauling any make of machine, ef­ fective until April 1st. Singer representative will j weekly. Reasonable terms may had on new or used machines. call ’ be L. R. Bridges ■Huron County representative Specials 1937 Chevrolet Sedan low mileage, DeLuxe equipment with trunk 1934 Chevrolet Coach Master series low mileage. Runs Like New 1932 Ford Coach 4-cylinders Ruhs and looks like hew. DeLuxe Model SNELL BROS AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter Two Stunning New Creations Illustration Shows the Newest in Bolero Dresses 1 Southcott Bros Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 ■■ ■■ .1 ................................... MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 11 Get that Spring Feeling NowMain Street Y. P. U. 10 11 first .Friday in Day of Prayer The meeting foi town and com- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss 2 3 8 who ihas India will be our guest. Do not miss the evening service and we invite you to join us at the “Lord’s Table.” J. T. EDGAR, Pastor CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Rlrs. J. G« Cochrane, Organist a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Public Worship Sermon; Personal Responsibility 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: Abraham and Isaac Friday, March 4 at 3 p.m.—World Day of Prayer, observed by the women of Exeter in Caven Church and Service of Youth at 7 p.m. Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m., Prayer Service Tonight, Wednesday, March 2nd.— Men’s Union JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Artliui’ Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—The Shepherd’s psalm Concluding the series “In the House of the Lord For­ ever” p.m.—-Church School p.m.—The Minister Y. P. Union 3 7 Tuesday, 8 p.m.- Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday 2.3 0 p.m.—Monthly meet­ ing of the W. A. First Sunday in Lent 8.30 p.m.—Holy Communion 3 p.m.—'Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Lost Art” Ash Wednesday Service at 8 p.m. The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study Friday Evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, March 6th ,p.m. S. S. and Bible Class p.m. Devotional service. p.m. M'iss Griffiths, of London, recently returned from World’s Day of Prayer On Friday, the Lent, the World’s will foe observed, all the women in munity will be held in Caven Pres­ byterian church at 3 p.m. That day in all parts of the world women will unite in a service of worship begin­ ning at sunrise in Eastern countries The program to be followed lias as its till erne ‘‘The Church, a World Fellowship.” The meeting opened in charge of Lillian Kestle. Following the first hymn the .Lord’s prayer was repeat­ ed in unison. Scripture lesson in two parts was read by Olive Lawson and Tom Walker. Mrs. Arto Delve and Eleanor Abbott favored with a duet. The topic “What Science Says About Alcohol” was efficiently given by Mr. W- G. Medd. A piano solo- was rendered by Betty Elliott. The meeting closed foy singing a hymn after which the Mizpah bene­ diction was repeated. held on at- James St. Y. P. U. The Y. P. of James Street thei regular weekly meeting Tuesday evening with a good tendance. The president Chas. Cox took charge of the business. Elgin Luxton the convenor of the Mission­ ary meeting then took change, After prayer the Scripture was read by Jean Coates. A very interesting topic on “Temperance was given by Mr. B. W. F. and humorous Harvey Hillan. were enjoyed closed with repeating the benediction in unison. Beavers. A delightful reading was given by Contests and games by all. The iStart fitting your ihdrses the ’ Spring work. Condition Powders.— Walder’s Drug Store. Style No Sketched Above is a Brand New meeting Mizpah now for Use Walker’s -For sale at Trimmed with colorful American Rose Design “Neva Wet” print ma­ terial. Detachable jacket .produces that much-sought youthful effect that mark ‘“'Teen Age” creations. B1 a ck—N a vy—iBir own Sizes 11 to 17 New York Model All tihe rage now on Fifth Avenue. Scallop effect all around the jacket. White treked blouse with camisole underneath. Belt 'in lovely 3-color combination. Youthfulness person­ ified. In Black or Navy. Sizes 9 to 17. •• GROCERY SPECIALS WHEATFLAKES 5 lb. bag PER BAG 25c. LARD Schneider’s Pure LB. PKG. 2 FOR 25c. FRESH SODAS 2 LBS. FOR 25c. LEMONS Large and juicy 4 FOR 10c. COFFEE Chase .& Sanborn 1 LB. TIN 37c. CORN Choice White 3 TINS FOR 25c. ' SOAP Elephant Soap 5 BARS FOR 20c. PRUNES Large and Meaty 2 LBS. FOR 25c. APPLES Choice Spies By Basket or Bushel Answers to the Cross-Word Puzzle printed on another page. A W E D M A 1 M P 3 T 1 M E E A G E R N 1 L.E O P E N 1 N G O R A N G E S M E R T E N S E R D S G M O S P A |P E E L E R S S T 1 N T E Dl P S A S E L L S El E L. O ~r V 1 E V A Id 1 El R E E D S E A TItERR1ERSTARTE pl O E L 1 S T B A N A T R 1 P 1 N A A R 1 E T T A ■R E T 1 R E D S E N S E T H A N D E A D S A G S Sj D A S P S ATTENTION HOUSEWIFE! Your spare time and our GUARAN­ TEED PRODUCTS will net YOU a handsome income. No investment required form reliable persons . . . Write for particulars to the JOHN R. CRESSY CO. 1536 Dundas W. Dept. 12 Toronto Jantos Street W. A. Wednesday afternoon of last the “Wide Awake” group of On week, James iSt. W. A. held their Febru­ ary meeting at the home of Mrs. J. and the were Mor- H. Johes. Mrs. Lindenfteld Mrs. V. Kestle had charge of program and the guest artists introduced by Mrs. page. Mrs, fatt delighted the ladles With a piano solo, consisting of a group of Opera selections. A vocal solo by Mirs. New spring suitings have arrived Come in to see our styles and order that new spring suit now. SPRING COATS Wejhave the season’s smartest new samples for coats. Tailoring of a high order. WE OFFER STYLES THAT ARE NEW W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. MT Gunning Was much appreciated. A “Menu” contest was neartily partic­ ipated in. Mcsdames Heywood, Milo Snell, Frank Taylor assisted the hostess at tihe tea hour. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. C. Carey. The roll call will be answered with a Ihouse- cleanfng hint. Group four of the James St, W. A. with Mrs. E. RoWcliffe as convenor met on. Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. S. iSteiner. -Miss Nettie Keddy was elected secretary­ treasurer of the group. It was de­ cided to have Rev, Mr, McTaVish, former pastor of the church, iglve a lecture early in April. After the business meeting, tea was serVe'd the hostess assisted by Mrs. Coates, Mrs. W. Moise, Mrs, Wood and Mrs. L. Rowcliffe, foy F. XV.