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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-24, Page 8
THt’HSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1938 the EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Week-End Specials IN PERMANENTS THURSDAY, MUDAY* SATURDAY For better results .get a permanent fu>om our New Machine. Hand-wind Spiral, Croa- or Combination Waves. Evenings by Appointment All Waves Guaranteed V’s Beauty Shoppe V. c. Decker, Prop. Phone 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat 92c. Oats 45c. Manitolbu’s Best Flour $4.15 Welcome Flour $2.75 Shorts $1.75 Bran $1.70* Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 39-40c. Dairy Butter 32-35*0. Eggs A large 21c. Eggs, A medium 20c. Eggs, A ipullets 18c. Eggs, B 15c. Eggs, C 14c. Hogs, $8.50 Eye Strain Only a searching and scientific eye examination will reveal the true condition of your eyes. Such an little time; there is pleasant about it and small. If you 01*0 iii doubt eyes consult us. examination requires notiiing un- the cost is about your We use tlie latest approved method with modern in struments and equipment. Large Crowd Attend Demonstration A large number of persons were in town Wednesday afternoon of last week, to attend the Ccekshutt “Par ada of Progress” presented by Mr. John Campbell, the local Cockshutt dealer. The visitors first looked ovei’ the machinery at the shop and the new “70” Coekshatt Hart-Parr tractor attracted the attention of many. At Leavitt’s Theatre the house was packed with a number of persons standing and all were inter ested in the motion picture demon stration. Pictures were shown of the 1937 International Plowing match, and also scenes from all part” of the world. A special comedy reel was also shownn. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING S. Boardman will be in Exeter and district next week. Kindly leave orders with S. Martin Music Store, phone 3. De-Mothing free with each tuning. Savory Drumsticks 5c. EACH; 6 FOR 25c. Thursdays and Fridays only As often as possible we try to bring you new, appetizing and delicious products for your table. "This product is new to Exeter and we are sure you will appreciate the delicious flavour as they taste like fried chicken and, of course, you cook them as you would fried chicken. You will be able to get SAiV- ORY DRUMSTICKS every Thursday & Friday. We would appreciate an order for some by calling personally or phon ing. C, E. ZURBRIGG, R o. Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s best Domestic Coal Get a Trial Ton From JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ LADIES! FOR SALE—2 brown gobblers.— Pat. Sullivan, Dashwood. 2-17-2tc. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Save the Coupons b———------- -——— ja HAVE YOUR HAIR LOOKING * WELL THIS SEASON FOR SALE—Desirable dwelling in the village of Exeter, namely lot No. 611, North Wellington St. Ap ply Box M. Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Barn in good shape, size 34 x 42; also small hen house suitable for colony house. These buildings are near Saipka. For sale cheap. Apply Times-Advocate. 2-24-3tc i LOCALS I I I To introduce owp new Arnao Steamer we are giving our new method scalp ..treatment with every Permanent... If youm hair is too oily, dry, lustre less, fragile, falling cr with dandruff we have the correct treatment, ap proved at the recent American Beauty Exposition Phone 2415 NOW FARM FOR SALE—The Fraseir Farm, containing 73 acres more nr less, being lot 27 So-uth Thames Rd. Twp. of Usborne. Apply to W. M. Bell, Hensail, R. R. 2. ltp bowlers meeting The annual meeting of the Exeter Bowling Club will be held in the basement of the Public Library on Thursday evening, February 24th at 8 p.m. Reports and election of officers. H. C. Rivers, President. G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE WANTED—Single man for work on farm near Exeter. Appy box S, Times-Advocate. 3tc. A Pancake Supper will be held on Shrove Tuesday, March 1st, at the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall. Pro vision will be made for those who do not care for pancakes. Admis sion 25 c. “These pigs seem to be doing much better now.” . “Yes, Walker’s Condition Powder did the trick. It will helj? yours too.” For Sale at Walker’s Drugstore FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 13 noon CANADIAN CANNERS Me th e led was FOR SALE;—Lot 2, Con. 2, Town ship of McGillivray, 100 acres, brick house, bank barn, hog pen and drive shed. Good clay loam, well fenced and watered. Purchaser can have possession in spring. For more particulars apply to Miss Theresa Heffernan, Ailsa Craig, James Gla- vin, Crediton, Executors of Law rence Barry Estate. 2-16-3tc. HOMES FOR SALE —Several in Exeter, two with acreage. Also in Hensail, Pankhill and Lucan. C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. MEN WANTED If you are interested in becoming associated with a large progressive manufacturing concern, then write TODAY! Our 20 0 alimentary — medicinal—toilet products sell on sight. Big, quick profits; repeat orders. Equipment indispensable for country route. You pay cash for your goods. 'Succeed or return them and get credit. For complete particulars and free catalogue with out obligation: FjAMlLEX CO., 270 •St. Clement St., Montreal. ■’ FARMS FOR SALE—Several good farms. One pasture farm. C. V. PICKARD, p'hone 165. Want a house or a farm? Write or see Win. Pearce. WANTED: Reliable man for Raw- leigh Route 800 Consumers. 200 easily sold household necessities. Sales way up this year. We teach you how; supply sales, advertising lit erature—‘all you need. Thousands earn $30 to $100. weekly. Rawleigh”'’ Dept., ML-202-GB, Montreal, Canada ATTENTION HOUSEWIFE! Your spare time and our GUARAN TEED PRODUCTS will net YOU a handsome income. No investment .required form reliable persons . . . Write tor particulars to the JOHN R. DRESSY CO. 1S30 Dundas W. Dept. 12 Toronto FOR SALE—/Fifty acre grass farm in Hay. Never-failing spring creek runs through farm. Will exchange for small house in Exeter. Apply to Box 2 8OK, Exeter Times-Advocate. 2-10-2 tp. FOR .SALE—Butter wrappers in two colors ‘Dairy Butter” 20c. a hundred at Times-Advocate, Reserve March 16th for a St. Pat rick supper in Main St. church. Mr. Tom Page, of Mitchell, is vis iting at the home of Mrs. N. Hanni gan. Mr.s B. W. Williams is confined to hen ibed with an attack of influ enza. Rev. J. R. Peters, of Varna, called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joihns on Monday. Miss Vera C. Decker spent Sunday visiting with her mother Mrs. C. Decker at Zurich. Mrs. John Payne spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Mal- lot ,of London. Mrs. A. J. Hamilton is visiting with her sister Mrs. Manford Bell ing, o-f Detroit. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers visited for a couple cf days with Mrs. Albert Geddes, of Hay. Miss L. M. Jeckell returned home Friday last after visiting for several weeks in. Toronto. Mr. Harold Broderick and Mr. R. Norris are this week attending a Ford School in London. Mr. and Mrs. Prelbble and family, of Ilderton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery on Sunday. Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Simser, of London, spent last week with their sister Mrs. Joseph Stacey. Miss Reta Elworthy, Reg. N., and Miss Esther McKercher, Reg. N., are spending a month'at Miami, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Acheson, of Forest, visited on Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. T. Aches on. «Mr. Chester Neil, of Usborne, un derwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and is recovering nicely. Mrs. N. J. Dore was in Toronto last week attending the annual con vention of the Ontario Horticultural Association. Mt. Arthur Tapp, left on Monday for Daulphin, Manitoba, where he will again have charge of a hatchery in that place. Mr. and Mrs. George Rockola, of Ripley spent the week-end With the latter’s parents Mr, and M-rs. Syl- vanus Cann. Mr. F. J. Delbridge was in London Friday of last week attending a con vention of Life Underwriters at the Hotel London. Mrs. H. Jennings,* who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, returned to her home Thursday last. Group No. 2 of the Women’s As sociation of James Street United Church under the convenorship of Mrs. Gordon Hunter held a tea re cently at the home of Mrs. W. R< Goulding. Main Street Y. P. U. The meeting in charge Lillian Donald opened by singing “In Garden” after which Mr. Medd in prayer. The Scripture lesson read by Hilda Sims. Shirley Moise and Betty Elliot then favored with a piano duet. The tc-pic “Midnight Shopping” was given by Mr. Hubert Jones. The meeting w^s closed Iby singing ‘"The Touch of His Hand on Mine” followed by the Mizpah'bene diction. Mr. J. A. Traquahr has had the in terior of his hardware store nicely decorated. BE HEALTHY! DRINK PLENTY of RAW MILK From a Certified Herd "The Milk Full of Vitamins” THE HIGHLAND HILL DAIRY N. Stanlake & Son j .................t- ................. SPECIALS on all PERMANENTS For FEBRUARY All Work Guaranteed TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone, 146 Now is the time TO — purchase — AT - AND CO. Phoiie 100 Exeter Sketched Above is a Brand NewIllustration Show's the Newest in Hensail, Phone 16 Jll Southcott Bros. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB ORGANIZED TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Quinquagesima Sunday p.m.—-Sunday School ■Evensong and Sermon CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J, G- Cochran©. Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School At b-oth services we shall memorate the 300th Anniversary of the signing of the National Coven ant in Scotland. 11 a.m.—A Covenanter Service In the manner of 300 years ago. 7 p.m.—Heirs of the Covenant Tuesday, March 1st, at 3 p.m. gular meeting of t-he Caven Con gregational Circle at the home off ■Mrs. G. Dow, MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston . • Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m., Prayer Service Wednesday, March 2, Men’s meeting JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Shepherd’s psalm “Goodness and Mercy shall Fol law” p.m.—Church School p.m.—"iShun Genealogies” Y. P. Union -Prayer Service Young People’s 11 3 7 Tuesday, 8 p.m.— Wednesday 8 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m.: Play: "Adventures of Grandpa” - ■ ----------------------------- . ............. - ■ ..............- - I 3 7.00 p.m.- 'Sermon: "'God’s Love” The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Locution one block North of the Creamery) « Friday Evening 8 p.m. sunoay, February 27 th and Bible Class Bible Study Services for 2 -p.m. S. S. 3 p.m. Devotional service. 8 p.m. Evangelistic meeting. At the evening service there wil be a message you won’t want to miss. We welcome you:—Come J. T. EDGAR, Pastor Mr. F. G. Wright was in Stratihroy ■on Sunday and was accompanied home foy -Mrs. Wright who spent the past week there. Mrs. Lloyd McLean, of Chisel hurst, irecently underwent an oper ation in Victoria Hospital, London, and is getting along nicely. •Mr. and Mrs. James Dearing, of, Dorchester, visited On Thursday and Friday last with relatives. Mr. Wes- Dearing accompanied them home on a visit, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broderick and Mrs. Evelyn .Broderick have returned home from Detroit where they spent the past week visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Sylvanus Cann, Jean and Pearl and Mr. and M-rs. G. Rockola spent Monday in London and ed with Jackie Cann at the Memorial Hospital. EXETER W. I. Style No. 4584 Style No » Stunning New Creations Bolero Dresses Trimmed with colorful American Rose Design “Neva Wet” print ma terial. Detachable jacket- produces that much-sought youthful effect that mark ""Teen Age” creations. B1 a ck—N a vy—iBir o wn Sizes 11 to 17 New York Model All tihe rage now on Fifth Avenue. Scallop effect all around the jacket. Wlhite treked blouse with camisole underneath. Belt in lovely 3-color combination. Youthfulness person ified. In Black or Navy. Sizes 9 to 17. X. SODAS WHEATFLAKES RINSO Fresh ■ Fresh Large Package 2 lbs. for 25c.5 LB. BAG FOR 25c.also 1 cake Lifebuoy Soap JAM SPECIAL 24c. Aylmer Schneider’s Pure Lard CORN 4 LB. I IN 59c.Crispy Crust 2 LB. PKG. 25c. Choice White COFFEE 3 TINS FOR 25c. Fresh Dated PEAS RICE Chase & Sanborn Regular size tins Good Cooking 1 LB. 37c.3 FOR 25c.5 LBS. FOR 25c. Get that Spring Feeling NowThe parents of S.S. No. 12, Stephen met in the school recently and or ganized a 'Home and School Mrs. Elgin election of as follows: : Des jar dine; rence Taylor Latta. for the following -committees: each to choose their awn helpers: Mem bership, Mrs. I. Bestard; social, Mrs. L. Desjardine; program, Mrs. Ezra Mrs. W. Webb. It was decided to hold the regular meetings of the 'dub on the last Monday af each month. visit- War Club. Webb conducted the officers which resulted President, Mrs. Howard secretary, Mrs. Law- r; treasurer, Mrs. G. ■Convenors were appointed New spring suitings have arrived Come in to see our styles and order that new spring suit now. . The February meeting -of the Ex eter Women’s Institute was .held at the home of M-rs. H. Kyle, 'Tuesday evening February 23rd. E. Walker presided. Opening ode was sung and the Lord’s Prayer re peated in unison. Thirty-three members were present and seven visitors. Plans were made for an oratorical and music contest to Ibe held on March 25th, in the Exeter Town Hall, Mas. M. Qtrance gave a talk o-n “B-uymanship.” A was given by Miss A, Brown by Henry Drummond and McDonald; community song Through Taras Hall; vocal solo by Mrs. T. Coates. Mr, James M-orley addressed the meeting on “Laws af fecting women and children.” De- montration on cookie making was ■given by Mrs. J. W. P-owell. A con test was held after which the hostess and her committee served refresh ments. The annual community night for the members and tiiein families will take place Friday evening Feb ruary 25 th in the Town Hall at 8 p.m, All cordially invited. PRIZE WINNERS regular monthly meeting of C. T. U. was held at the SPRING COATS We have the season’s smartest new samples for coats. Tailoring of a high order. WE OFFER STYLES THAT ARE NEW reading ; poems Wilson "Harp Mrs. Wm. Abbott, in charge, opening devotional period the business and roll call was answered by quotations Our secre- The the W. home -of Mrs. W. Cook wth the pres ident, After came which and answers to prayer. tary reported 800 temperance blot ters distributed throughout the hay schools in the community. We were then given the names of the prize winners for1 Exeter district in the temperance study, course. In Order of merit, Seniors: Marion Pooley, Zion S. School; Margaret McEwen, Br-ucefield; Mary Farl School; Laurene Hern, School; intermediates: Exeter, Main St. S. S. Zion Sunday Zion Sunday Betty Elliott Jack Sweet, W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Exeter, James St. -S. S.; Irene pooley Zion S. S. Juniors, 10 and lan, Brucefield; eter, James St. lake, Centralia; James St. S. S. years: Phyllis Kersiake, Centralia; Douglas May, Exeter, James St. S. S.; Jack Mcknight, Exeter, Main St. S. -S.; Elmer Willis, ExOter, james Hazel Hern, Zion s. S. 11 years: Betty Al- Billie Weekes, Ex- S. S.J Hazel K’ers- Mae Snell, Exeter,* Juniors, 8 and 9 HHF St. S. S.; Zion, Elmvllle, circuit, again had the highest percentage of its enrolment writing oh the exam ination. As this was a special W. C. T. U. Day of Prayer the timeYjas entirely devoted to- prayer and a most inspiring and uplifting address Whs given by Mrs. J. T. Miners on this subject: The March meeting will foe -held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Bearce.