HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-17, Page 8THURSDAY, JWWWAUY 17tli, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Let us solve your various beauty problems. Don't forget tihat we have install­ ed a New Permanent Wave Machine, and Drier. Hand Wind Spiral, Croq or Combination Waves. Det yours now. You will be as­ sured of the very best permanent. AU Waves Guaranteed V. C. Decker, Prop, phone 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat 95c, Oats 45c. Manitoba’s Best Flour $4.15 Welcome Flour $2.95 iShorts $1.75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 38c. Dairy Butter 30-3 3c. Eggs, A large 20 c. Eggs, Medium 19e. Eggs, pullets 17e. Eggs, B 15c. Eggs. C 14c. Hogs. $8.50 Eye Strain Only a searching and scientific eye examination will reveal the trpe condition of your eyes. Such an examination requires little time; there is nothing un­ pleasant about it and the cost is small. If you. are in doubt about your eyes consult us. We use the latest approved method with modern in- striunents and equipment. ,\zy aS er 10 11 LEAVITT'S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 17th, 18th, 19th (Double bill) NORTH OF THE RIO GRANDE (Western) With William Boyd “LET’S GET MARRIED” with Walter Connolly, Ida Lupino MIDNIGHT SHOW Monday morning 12.15 and MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY February 21st, 22nd, 23rd MR. DODD’S TAKES THE AIR Kenny Baker, Frank McHugh an all star cast. COMING—“The Bucchaneer” “Submarine D I” “The Good Earth” “Rosalie” HI—----------- 1 ........... ........ Oysters 45c per Pint — also — Fresh and Smoked Fillets, B. C. Salmon & Whitefish Save the Coupons Your Phone Order Appreciated Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Save the Coupons ■The regular meeting of the W. I. will be held on Tuesday evening, February 22nd at 7.45 at the home of Mrs. H. Kyle. FOR (SALE—2 brown gobblers.— Pat. Sullivan, Dashwood. 2-17-2tc. FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE §1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 13 noon CANADIAN CANNERS Mr. Hearst, travelling salesman of the United Farmers’ Co-Operative will address the Thames Road Farmers' Club, Monday evening, February 21st, to discuss the new Co-Op. Tractor with a view to the club taking the agency. P. Pass- more, Sec’y. FOR SALE—Lot 2, Con. 2, Town­ ship o£ McGillivray, 100 acres, brick house, bank barn, hog pen and drive shed. Good clay loam, well fenced and watered. Purchaser can have (possession in spring. For more particulars apply to Miss Theresa Heffernan, Ailsa Craig, James Gla- vin, Crediton, Executors of Law­ rence Barry Estate. 2-16-3 tc. WANTED — AMBITIOUS HUST- LTR. Sell Rawleigh’s Products. Sales way up this year. Needed in every home. Easily sold, pleasant work. Should start earning $30 weekly and increase rapidly. We teach you how. Rawleigh’s Dept., ML-202-5 0- B, Montreal, Canada. p. —--------------------------- farmers attention While the price of cattle, wheat and beans are low, why not grow a few acres of sugar beets? The price this year has advanced and you are given a guaranteed price of $5.50 per ton plus bonus. Anyone interested enquire of R. G. Seldon, Exeter, or Dougall Munro, Glencoe, Fieldman, •Canada & Dominion Sugar Co. Cmwx.—HHMMIMan<1i—ii —n—io»—'i<w»o— I I I LOCALS ! i________________J, Mrs. Fred Brock visited for sev­ eral days with her sister in Toronto, Mr. Wm. Ryckman is in St. Joseph Hospital, London, where he will undergo an operation. Mrs. J. S. Grant, of Glencoe, is visiting with her daughter Mrs. H. C. Carey for a few days. IMr. Aljoe Sanders has returned home after visiting for a few days with relatives in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis, of Tavistock, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz and Mrs. Rose, of Windsor, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, visited on Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. James Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rollins -nd Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. T. G. Creech. ITlie Thames Road Y. P. U. were entertained iby the Main St. Y. P. U. Monday evening. The visitors provid­ ed a splendid program. Games were enjoyed and a lunch served by the local society. ■June 22nd has been set as the date for holding the Exeter races. Three stake races and a ladies.’ driv­ ing race will 'be held. Purses will be announced soon. Mr. Preston Dearing, who (has made a splendid name for himself with his Dorset Horned sheep, at­ tended a meeting of the Sheep Breeders Association in Toronto last week and had the honour to be elected as one of the Directors. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Black and Mr. and Mrs. A. Flieucheur, London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Norry. Mr. Norman Norry, being a pigeon fancier, the visitors were treated to a roast pigeon din­ ner. Mr. T. Sanders, of Theodore, Sask, in renewing his subscription to the Times-Advocate says, “This district landed in the dry belt last year with very little crop and a real shortage of feed. The winter, so far, has not been too severe and with more than the average snow fall the prospects for the coming season are some­ what brighter. I must not forget to congratulate the citizens of Exe­ ter for erecting that much needed community building at the Fair grounds.” HOMES FOR SALE—Several in Exeter, two with acreage. Also in Hensail, Parkhill and Lucan. C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. Farms FOR SALE—Several good farms. One pasture farm. C. V. PICKARD, p’hone 165. If you are ambitious this is to’* Y<OU! ISUCCESS GUARANTEED’. No risk selling line of 200 popular products in exclusive territory! Join our sales force for profitable wages’ 750' men average income nf $35.00 weekly! For free particulars with­ out obligation WRITE TODAYt- FAM'lLEX CO., 570 St. Diment St,, Montreal. Want a house or a farm? Write or see Wm. Pearce. FOR SALE—Two gent’s overcoats' in splendid condition. Apply Box 280M, FOR SALU^-FIfty acre grass farm in Hay, Never-failing spring creek runs through farm. Will exchange for small house in Exeter. Apply to Box 280K, Exeter Times-Advocate. 2-10-2tp. FOR SALE—Butter wrappers in two colors * Fairy Butter” 20c. a hundred at Times-Advocate. Improving Nicely Mrs. Harry Jennings, who recent­ ly underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London, is improving nice­ ly and is expected home any day. Returns From Hospital Mr. H. O. Southcott has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, hav­ ing undergone an operation Wed­ nesday of last week. He is expect­ ed home today. Birthday Surprise A birthday surprise for Mr. Wm. H. Dearing was held Thursday of last week when a number of neigh­ bors and fr-ends called at his home for a social evening. The evening was spent at cards, Mr. Dearing winning the gent’s prize and Mrs. Earl Parsons the ladies'. Over twenty persons were present. Lunch was provided by the ladies and served at the close. Wltli the Toronto Symphony A recent issue of the Toronto Dally Star contains a picture of Mr. Fred Ford, former Exeter boy, a member of the Toronto Symphony orchestra. Mr, Ford is shown play­ ing a Susaphone or bass horn. Fred also plays the big base violin equal­ ly well. He has played with some of the leading orchestras in some of the most popular resorts in Can­ ada. C. E. ZURBRIGG, R.o Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s best Domestic Coal Get a Trial Ton From JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All work guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 BE HEALTHY! DRINK PLENTY of RAW MILK From a Certified Herd “The Milk Full of Vitamins” THE HIGHLAND HILL DAIRY N. Stanlake & Son 7 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist ) a.m,—Sunday School , a.m.—'Public Worship (Sermon: “The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ” p.m.—Public Worhsip iSermon: “The Communion of the Holy Ghost.” MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader , a.m.—The Shepherd’s Psalm “Table, Oil and Cup” “Good Health and Comfort” p.m.—Church School ’“The Dead Line” 11 3 7 Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday, February 24th — Young People’s Play. ■p.m.' TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss for that smart Spring Dress at a great saving. We are putting on sale SPECIAL DRESSES A rack of printed crepes, long sleeves at...... $1.99 SPECIAL DRESSES $3 49 A rack of plain and printed crepes, long and short sleeves SPECIAL DRESSES A rack of plain crepes, larger sizes at...........$4.95 The balance of our Dresses are greatly reduced Sheets Hemmed Free of Charge During the month of February we will hem all sheets free of charge. Un­ bleached sheeting at per yard 50c to 60c. Bleached sheeting 50c to 75c. GROCERY SPECIALS SHAKER SALT Plain or Iodized 2 FOR 15c. PEAS 3 CANS FOR 25c, SOAP LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 CAKES FOR 15c. BLEACH Bleach for Clothes 2 BOTTLES FOR 15c. CORN SPECIALS on all PERMANENTS For FEBRUARY All Work Guaranteed TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone 146 Social Evening The Adult Bible Class of James St. United church held a social ev­ ening Friday of last week. Over forty persons were .present and a fine program of musical selections was given with Mr. W. Cook, tlie class president, occupying the chair. A very fine address was 'given 'by Rev. W. A. Young, of Hensall. Lunch was served at the close. Great-Grandfather Dies several place at of last born at John Hagerman, aged 100 years, “grand old man of Essex” died Sun­ day, February 6t'h at the home of .hi® daughter Mrs. Steve Droon, of Essex Mr. Hagerman celebrated his centen­ ary last Easter Sunday. Failing health for the last year kept him confined to ihis bed for months. The funeral took Kingsville on Wednesday week. Mr. Hagerman was Hagerman’s Corners, 17 miles from Toronto, a community named after ■his father Nicholas Hagerman. He lived in Markham township until he was 43, then moved to Harwich Twp. Kent County. Surviving besides his daughter are 13 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Marjorie and Jean Hagerman, of town, are great-grandchildren of Mr. John Hagerman. Used Cars .. THESE CARS MUST BE SACRIFICED FOR SPRING BUSINESS 1936 1936 1936 1935 1934 Chevrolet Coach Oldsmbile Sedan Ford Coach Ford Sedan Chevrolet Coach 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1932 Ford Coach 1931 Ford Truck 1930 Whippet Coach 1930 Ford Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1928 Essex Sedan 1927 Chrysler Coach Snell Bros. & Co. Phone 100 Exeter Seventh Sunday After Epiphany p.m.—Sunday School3 7.0>0 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon PALMOLIVE SOAP with samples of Shaving Cream & Tooth Paste 4 CAKES FOR 23c. Choice White Corn 3 CANS FOR 25c. AYLMER SOUPS Vegetable or Tomato 3 CANS FOR 25c. the The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Bible Study Friday Evening 8 p.m. “A message straight from the preacher’s .heart to tihe hearer’s soul” Services for Sunday, February SOth 2 3 8 ip.m. S. S. and Bible Class p.m. Devotional service, p.m. Evangelistic meeting. Mr. Geo. Balch, be the service. We speaker welcome J. T. will a! of London, for the evening you-—-Come EDGAR, Pastor James Street W. M. S. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of James ,St. United church was held at the church on February 10th. The president op­ ened the meeting with singing .hymn 95 followd 'by prayer by the presi­ dent. About thirty ladies were pre­ sent and the roll call was answered with “Facts About Canada.” Mrs. Walker read a paper on “Temper- ence.” Mrs. Horney and her group took charge of the worship service, subject “Church in Action in the Nation.” Hymn 84 was sung. Mrs; Buswell and Mrs, Beavers read the Scripture “Paul’s Vision of the Liv­ ing Church” and the “Task of the Church,” Phil. 2nd chapter. Mrs. Stone read the devotional leaflet, “The Church in Action in the Na­ tion,” followed with prayer by Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Elliot sang in her pleasing voice “The Holy City.” The study book was then taken by several ladies giving reports on medical work in home and foreign mission fields. The meeting was closed with a verse of hymn 168. PASTRY FLOUR 24 LB. BAG FOR 73c, GRAPEFRUIT Pink Grapefruit 5c. EACH Southcott Bros Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 ffl Miss Vera C. Decker spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook at Hensall.E. Main Street W. M. S. The February meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Martin, 19 members answering the roll call. Mrs. Medd took charge of the devotional period. The meet­ ing was opened with hymn “Come Holy Spirit Heavenly Dove” after which, the Lord’s Prayer was repeat­ ed in unison. There are 41 mem­ bers on the roll and 50 membership cards were purchased. 'Six “World’s Friends” were ordered for tihe Mis­ sion Band; four cards were sent to the sick and .shut-ins. Mrs. F. Wickwire read the .Second psalm, after which each member was asked to offer a word of prayer. “I Need •Thee Every Hour’ was then sung. Mrs. Abbott took the lead in the 'Study Book with her committee of Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. F. Wickwire and Mrs. A. Ryckman. Each of the groups is busy making quilts. The meeting was closed by special prayer for a missionary, by The March, meeting at the home Mrs. Jaques and her charge. Mrs. Mawson Mrs. J. Sims, will be held Mawson with committee in is leader. of Mrs. Appliances, has COMING TO EXETER A Noted Rupture “Expert With years of experience, will be at Central Hotel all day and evening, Friday, February 18. 'Consultation free This method of treating rup­ ture, been men Thompson approved by several medical throughout Canada as being an advancement over all former methods. You can consult your local doctor after using our method. If he can find any rupture apparent your money will be refunded. THOMPSON APPLIANCE CO. Napanee, Ontario Ask at Hotel Office for Special apartment of Mr, Thompson Mid-Winter Specials Your opportunity to secure a lovely new Overcoat or Suit at a saving. • * * MEN’S SUEDE JACKETS ♦ A - Large Assortment of — TIES, SOCKS, FINE SHIRTS, NECK SCARVES A selection that insures good choice at a price that assures value. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Caven Y. P. Guild The regular meeting of the Caven Young People’s Guild was held in the form of a Valentine Social on Monday evening. The president, Mise Ethel Kydd presided for the o'pening exercises. Miss Irene Kydd con­ ducted the devotional exercises and gave tihe topic “Keepers of the Faith.” The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and the business discussed. This section of the meeting was concluded by the repeating of the Mizpaih benedic­ tion. The remainder of the evening was spent in games concluding with lunch. Answers to the Cross-Word Puzzle printed on another page. Main St. Evening Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the Main St. Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Lamport on Wednesday evening. Mrs. N. Hockey’s group had charge of the devotional part of the meet­ ing. “Jesus I Come” was sung fol­ lowed by prayer by Miss O. Lawson and another hymn "Jesus is ail the World to Me.” Mrs. Arto DOlve read the devotional lealflet. Miss Marjory Broderick gave a very in­ teresting reading and a duct was sung by Misses Mabel Follick and Myrna Sims. The president, Mrs. H, Russell then presided ovei’ the btfSi-i noss. The meeting closed by sing­ ing “I Walk With the King” and re­ peating the Mizpah benediction, Fol­ lowing the close of the meeting a contest was held and a dainty lunch served. Murray Mission Band V A M Ip 1 |g A S 1 IH M P o N E 1 R s E A 1 T E M T E E T E A R D 1 K E A S K 1 D L E N A P E R R T R A D E S D 1 E T E D A E a L A N O R E P E L s H E L P E R G O T 1 R E L O N G 1 N N S U R E A P E S R O T 5 P 1 N S 1.T ■1 N O D D T A S K]B E 1 O N E S On Monday, February 14th the Mission Band of Main St. church held a St. Valentine party in the church parlor with thirty-eight and girls in attendance. We have twenty paid up members, have taken the name Murray sion Band in honor of Miss Murray, now of Hensall, who for many years the beloved leader. After singing a hymn we repeated the Mission Band prayer in unison then Our Purpose or Aim. Lunch, consisting of sandwiches, St. Valen-’ tine cookies and home made candy was then enjoyed by all, boys now we Mis­ Jean was