HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-17, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1038 Enthusiasm EDITORIAL Nothing truly great was ever ac­ complished without enthusiasm. If you are not enthusiatic about your wonk, something, is wrong with you and you should find the reason and correct it at once, No man keeps up his enthusitsm automatically. It must be nourish­ ed with new aspirations, new efforts, new actions and new visions. Enthusiasm is contagious .... people just naturally can’t help but believe in and respect the enthusias­ tic man, If your enthusiasm is gone, it is your own fault . . .you have failed to feed it with new horizons. Failures, financial, moral or spirit­ ual!—are people who have lost the driving power and balance wheel of their enthusiasm. ■Check up yourself. Renew your enthusiasm NOW. * * ♦ Men are not judged by their in­ tentions—but rather by’ the results of their actions.* « * Believe in and bet on the man who does his best.* * * There is no outward, force that can compel a man to believe oi» dis­ believe . . . FAITH must come from within. >l> * Sis ■That man is to be .pitied who has not judgment enough to /know his friends from his enemies. »J* V Touch Wood Thousands of persons!—./yes, mil­ lions—have the superstitious habit of ‘touching wood’ with the 'idea in mind that the act of ‘touching, wood’ has some .mystic power to forestall impending illness or as an expres­ sion of gratitude for having enjoyed good health. The custom is supposed to have orginated soon after the crucifixion of Christ when parts of the true cross were exhibited and the devout believed that touching the cross im­ parted a personal benediction. ;JA.nd this act of reverence has been credited with innumerable 'miracu­ lous cures . . . both physical and mental. However, that which was once a pious act 'Of devotion had to be dis­ continued as the true cross was no longer to be touched . . . but the habit remained and grew to be a superstition and now, any piece o-f wood—(serves.* * * Think in Terms of Dollars It is alright; in fact, necessary, to look out for the pennies, but learn to think in ter’ms of dollars .... thousands of them. , ’ |The man who holds a penny, so close to his eyes that he cannot see the sun will never discover the wealth that lies all about him. >t> >D St There is nothing that is mys- sterious, deep, difficult nor pro­ found, when it is rightly under­ stood. $ >!« # An Advertising Secret The sign, “Fine Toilet Soap, 5 cents’ ■For months hung on the wall; The ladies ca’me and went each day But bought no soap at all. The sign was changed: “'Complexion iSoap, Price: Fifty Cents per cake.” And the dealer in the next few weeks A fortune small, did'make. >ii * * Answer to last week’s problem: 59 seconds. * * PRANKISH PROBLEM (No. 2): I a'm twice as old as you where when I was as old as you are. And when you are as old as I am, together we will be 63. What is your present age? :it # t # A friend was showing a Scotsman around his cutlery factory. “Here is a souvenir for you Mac,” he said when the visit was over, and handed him a pocket 'knife. “But” he added. “You’ll have to- give me a penny for it so it won’t cut our friendship.” With some‘reluctance, the Scot searched his .pockets and at la£t produced a nickel and then anxiously asked, “Have you any change?” “Sorry,” replied his friend, “I’m afraid I haven't? Mac thought for a moment, then said: “Well, ye can just gie me four more knives.” „ * * * If you can’t help to make the world better, at least youi can help from making it bitter.* * * Fellows who have to pay taxes on their incomes, started early by learning to tax their brains. * * ♦ ■ In any Quarrel, the smartest quits first. ❖ | One always feels foolish sending ■ regrets unless one is sure they will ; be mutual. I . Hi # Hi I Modesty is the hope that othex* , people will have sense enough to 1 recognize what we fail to tell them , about ourselves.* * * Mystery Man learns the ways of a distant star That whirls in the nebulous realms afar 'But never a man In the world may scan The mind of the maid with her heart ajar. * >l> * Quidnuncs There are enough copper tele­ graph lines in America (1,864,643 miles) to pirov/lde eight com;pile;te lines to th Moen , . if that were possible. It is possible for a person on a high mo-untain to get sunburned and frostbitten at the same time. The ice acts as a sun glass in some cases and has been known to start fires. It may be surprising to learn that anesthetics were administered by Chinese surgeons in the third century B. C. Also that a Chinese Bio-logist two thousand years before Harvey, found that blood, circulated jthro.’ the body; also, that catheter which the West invented in 1850 was dis- cribed in the book, “A Thousand G-olden Remedies” in the 7th cen­ tury A.D.; and that dissection was practiced by the Chinese anatomists in 1122 B. C. _ |An old dog can "be taught new triciks . . Dr. Waltei’ Miles of Yale University tested certain mind reac­ tions in a large group of persons over seventy years of age. He found one-third of his subjects just as skillful in the functions tested as the average adult of younger years. It has been found that a pound of cottage cheese (also known as Dutch Cheese -or smearcase) contains as m\ich protein as beef, veal, lamb or poultry. It contains more min­ eral matter than beef and as much energy. A pound of cottage cheese provides as much energy as a dozen eggs.* * * As surely as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West ‘likes at­ tracts likes.’ 'Successful men seeik out the companionship of those who are successful . . so. does the pro­ fessional ‘bum’ ... so does the knocker—'the crook, the radical, the slanderer, the musician, the artist, the pious and the spendthrift.* * « If you are in the wrong sort of company, look in the mirror and you will see the cause.* * * Get the Right Viewpoint When your heart is feeling heavy, And your brain in rather sad, Don’t think about your troubles . . But, of the fun you've had. 4*. »’t Office Boys? The World is now being run by ex-office boys. For a long time, it has been sus­ pected that the iconoclastic sixteen year old office boy with his synical disrespect for older people of thirty- five to ninety has the right per­ spective ... as one of the young tribe said to his boss: “Take that bozo out o-f his swizel chair, change his name and start him out in a strange town, and he couldn’t earn $8.00 week.” * * >i> Non-Advertising Firm's Pays Bill Every merchant or Manufacturer in business pays for advertising whether he uses it or not . . just as the man who drives a worn-out au­ tomobile pays for a good one whether he buys one or not. When a competitor’s advertising tadies business away from you, the profit you would have made on the lost sale is what youi’ competitor’s advertising has cost you. Thus, it is not the advertiser or the consumer who pays for adver­ tising, but it is the non-advertising who pays the nation’s advertising 'bill in lost business'—loss of profits on the business he should have had. * * * Virtue is the result of fear in the presence of dominating orthodoxy. 1 * * * Thre are just two kinds of know­ ledge: first, when We are informed on a subject ourselves, and second, when we know where we can find the information we want. * * * When a fellow is prosperous—any old system of Government is O.K. * * * It must be brief And not too solemn; A .parting verse— lAind the end of the column It’s a bad policy to cut down a tree to get at the fruit. The thaw 'knew seme needy wells to come to.# * * * * If Icy roads are a joke till one suffers a broken bone.* * * * # * * HS The Exeter ground hog is not quite sure about the weather.* * * * * * * ♦ New York Gity has opened a tight for a standard one-pound loaf to be sold for nine cents.******** ‘The farm boy is looking up the syrup-making outfit. Nothing like the sunshine and mild wind to put notions into people’s heads? The first six weeks, of 1938 have been hard on church attend­ ance, the very weeks when some churches were trying to take up a little slack.****** ** We met a young fellow who gave up farming to teach school because he thought teaching school was the easier of the two occu­ pations. He’s sorry. The weather wise and otherwise are assuring us that we’ll have nice weather till the 21st inst; after that, they say we’ll have a month of cold, wintry weather. Oh well! a * * » » « « More than 500,000 children in (Now York alone are growing up dependent upon public relief fo-r the necessities of life. So much in a measure for mistaken charity and the cunning of the politician. ******** “Whoever wishes to be well acquainted with- the morbid ana­ tomy of governments; whoever wishes to know how great states may be made feeble and wretched, should read the history of Spain.” Macaulay. * * * * * • * m * It will be a great day for the world when societies and govern­ ments and organizations of one sort and another get over the habit of meddling, The man who really minds his own business is the best sort of uplifter. **** **** Familiarity breeds contempt, but familiarity with an enemy does not insure immunity from his ravages. Tuberculosis is rapidly on the increase among medical students and student nurses set apart to combat this dreadful disease. Germs play no favorites. EVER TRY THIS Experiments show that tomatoes can be kept ‘almost twice as long in ordinary temperatures if an oil and wax mixture is placed over the stem scar. Tomatoes are said to “breathe” through this scar. ****** * » DISAPPOINTED High hopes that suplphanilamide would .conquor infantile par­ alysis. These hopes have been disappointed, to a very great extent. It seems that this dread malady, infantile paralysis (has not yet encounterd its specific. , ******** Governments of the world regard a spy as a spy and are in­ clined to hand a spy a spy’s reward. For a while women were un­ der the false impression that being women the laws of chivalry would give the woman spy exemption from the firing squad or the electric chair. They’re finding out that they were mistaken. We are not hearing about the “hops” of the aviatrix as frequently as we were a few moons ago. 'Some women folk consider these facts and grow wiser. * ******* CONTINUES SERIOUS Though the famous 'dust bowl region -of the western states is entering upon its seventh year of drought, dust storms are begin­ ning a month earlier this year than in .previous seasons. The Rus­ sian thistle is helping somewhat to prevent wind erosion, and its aid is badly needed as sufficient moisture did not arrive last fall to allow the wheat sown to secure a satisfactory rooting. All in all, the wheat crop of the dust bowl region is in a precarious state, though regional rains have helped out in some localities. A survey has brought out the fact that 6,000,000 acres should be taken out of cultivation and returned to grass, something far easier said than done, by the way. ’Of the 97,000,000 acres comprising the dust bowl, only .about 26,000,000 acres are thought to be capable of profitable cultivation. The problem of dealing with the American dust bowl, like our dust bowl in Western 'Canada, is enormous and difficult beyond all telling. (Such dust bowls are not only profitless but a menace to the regions near them. It seems too bad that each generation is re­ quired to spend a considerable portion of its time in correcting the folly of its predecessor. *•!«***£»** BAD WORK Two men in Alberta were believed to have uttered defamatory 'libel. By due process of law these men were found guilty of so uttering. For this offence the penalty given was a prison term. After some attempts to avoid the penalty, the courts ordered t'hat the prison term be served. Then followed an extraordinary procedure. The legislature took steps to have the penalty set aside by asking the federal gov­ ernment to do so. What action the federal government will take is not known at the time of writing. Our hope is that the federal gov­ ernment will sustain the action of the courts. It is in every way seemly that it should be so. We are not dealing with the justice of the court’s finding. That is the court’s concern. So far Canada has done well by leaving alleged lawbreakers to the action of courts duly constituted to give offenders a trial according to law. We do not care to see this custom set aside for that of trying men in the fuss and foam of legislative assemblies where partisanship is likely to dominate. .Legislative 'bodies are not judicial bodies. Neither are judges legislators. In the interest of the common­ wealth these two bodies should .be .kept dictinct. sji & Hi & # A WISE MRS. JIM Jim Braddock showed good sense in heeding the suggestion of Mrs. Jim to hang up his fighting togs and to- study the ways of the peacemaker. There were a number of bright young fellows who were anxious to bash his nose, .fo-r a consideration, but Mrs. Jim evidently preferred to present status quo of hubby’s proboscis. It seems that she told him so or something like this, and Jim heeded her. Wise Mrs. Jim. Wise Jim. And yet there are folks w-ho say that pugilists lack brains. Such a statement is no longer to be looked upon as setting forth the whole truth. Jim retired when the retiring was good. And of course that is the time to retire. Far too many couples have a way of keeping on in business till some ill wind blows them sky high. Far to many reeves or members of parliament and such people keep on till they are left high and dry on the banks and shoals of time. Many a merchant has been ruined Jn the last five years he has 'been in business. Jim did none of these*things. Mrs. Jim advised him against climbing into the squared circle once too often. Both of them knew that it takes a steady hand to carry a full dish. He’s a wise dog that knows when he has had his day and snuggles quietly in the back yard. Hard experience had taught this interest­ ing couple that poverty is an inconvenient thing, however honorable it may be. When they persuaded the wolf to get off the door mat they had no intention of holding out lamb clhops to get him back. Hence our saying to many of oui' friends, “Go to this pugilist, thou foolish one; consider in this respect, his ways and be wise.” Jim hasn’t asked our advice but we Suggest to him that he hide his wad as dog hides a bone, that .he secure for himself a bucksaw and saw wood or that he go back to his longshoreman’s iob Or lead some sort of simple life. -If he does so- he’ll be several milleniums ahead of some retired business and professional men who have spent their days of retirement is hastening to the financial bow wows. However, wo feel like asking him to heed that thrifty little wife of his. He’d better. The wolves are out. Stephen Council The iCo'uncil of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall at Crediton, on Monday the 17th day of February 1938 at 1 p.m. All the members were present. The min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The following correspondence was read and filed; 1. Letter from the Chief Engineer of Municipal Roads ackno-wledging receipt of the forms completed to show the detail of wonk and exepndi- ture carried out on the roads in the Township during the last year. 2. From Firstbrook, Monteith & ■Company, Chartered Accountants, of .'Stratford giving estimate o-f the cost to audit the Treasurer's books of the Township. 3. From the Chief Accountant of the Department of Highways with a •copy of a report to their auditor on his recent inspection of the boo-ks covering township road expenditure for the year 1936. JLamport-iShapton: That a grant of $10 be made to- the (Salvation Army to assist them in their rescue woi'k. Carried. Lamport-Love: That each of the Auditors be paid $20 for their ser­ vices and that By-law No. 504 be amended accordingly. Carried. Ratz-Lampo-rt: That F. W- Mor- lock, Collector of Taxes, having been unable to complete the collect­ ion of taxes and return his roll ac­ cording to resolution of this Coun­ cil passed on the 15th of December 1937, he is hereby a-uthorizd to con­ tinue the levy and collection* of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the powers provided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes and that the roll shall be finally returned to Township Treasurer not later than the 1st of March next. Carried. iShapton-Love: That the following shall be the scale of wages to be paid .for work performed on the Township Roads during the year 1938: General work — Man and team 40c. per hour; man and three horses 45c. an hour; man alone 17Jc. per hour; road foreman, 20c. per hour. iSnow roads— man and team 30c. per hour; man alo-ne 15c. per .hour; road foreman, 17Xc. per hour. AND that the following officials be appointed; Pound-fkee(persl—iB'. D. Cook, Hir­ am .Shapton, Royal Gaiser, Michael Ryan, William Love, Ezra Webb, Al­ vin Baker, Arthur J. Amy, Lorne Finkbeiner, Arthur1 Baker, .Solomon Pollock, Henry Devine, Hilton Ford, William Stade, Garfield Steeper, Harold Brophey, Thomas Mawhinney Fence Viewers—'Henry Mills, John Morloek, Leslie Richard, Jacob Ratz Ed. G. Kraft, Eli King, W. J. Brown John Gill, James E. Hodgins, Road foremen—1, Nelson Baker; 2, James Willis Jr.; 3. William Rol­ lings; 4, Lawrence Hill; 5, Frank King; 6, Wm. -Oestricher; 7, Ed. Chambers; 8, Michael Finkbeiner; 9, Harry Yearley; 10, Henry Eagle- son; 11, Joseph Regier; 12, B. Mc­ Cann; 13, Stephen Morrison; 14, W. Devine; 15, M. C. .Sweitzer; 16, Pla- cide Desjardine; 17, Henry Isaac; 18, Augustus Latta; 19, Harold Turner; 20, John Gill; 21, Elgin Webb; 22, (Centralia) Nelson Bak­ er; 23, (Crediton) w. J. Bowman; 24, (Dashwood) Daniel Haugh; 25, (Grand Bend) Peter Eisenbach; 26, HSR) John Klumpp. Carried, Ratz-iLamport: That By-law No. 520 to appoint certain officials hav­ ing been read three times be passed by the Reeve and Clerk and the .Seal of the Corporation attached thereto. Carried. Lamport-Love: That the folio-wing Pay-Sheets and Orders be passed: Franklin King, road 5, $4.89; Hy. Yearley, road 9, $7.80; Peter Regier road 10, $6.15; Ben McCann, road 12, $1.20; Harold Turner, road 19, $7.00; John Gill, road 20, $15.71; Nelson Baker road 1, $6.13; Dennis O’Rourke, road 11, $4.19; Lorne Finkbeiner, road 8, $7.65; Lorne Finkbeiner, road 8, $9.15; William Devine, road 14, $5.52; Matthew Sweitzer, road 15, $3.13; Stephen Morrison, road 13, $5.40; total $83.92. Orders—F. J. Wickwire, printing account, $67.3 6; Salvation Army grant $10; County Treasurer, indi­ gent Hospital account, Mo-rlock $9,- 50; Treasurer of Ontario, insulin ac­ count 80 c. Carried. The council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 7th day of March, 1938 at 1 p.m. -- Henry K, Eilber, 'Town-ship Clerk SEAFORTH MAYOR PRESENTED GOLD WATCH About 1,200 Kitchener fans were present Saturday night w'hen Tor­ onto Maple Leafs defeated Boston Bruins 3 to 1 in a National Hockey League game at which presentations were made to four Boston players and one Leaf. The Mayors of Kit­ chener and Waterloo presented tra­ velling bags to members of Boston’s Kraut line of Milt Schmidt, Bobby Bauer and Porky Dumart and to Bingo Kampman of Leafs. All foiui’ come from the Kitchener-Waterloo district. Cooney Weiland, native of Seaforth, Ontario, was given a gold watcih by Mayor J. J. Cluff, Seaforth EDEEI i REEt BOOK ON HOCKEY “How to Become a Hockey Star” by that great authority T, P, “Tommy” Gorman, a Great Book profusely illus­ trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framini!) Group Montreal “Maroons" Group "Les Canadiens” or individual pictures of: Dave Trottier Johnny Gagnon Herbie Cain Baldy Northcott Wilf. Cud© Paul Haynes RussBlinco “Babe” Siebert Pete Kelly Earl Robinson AurelJoliat Marty Barry Bob Gracie Walter Buswell Joffre Desilets Carl Voss George Mantha “Ace" Bailey Gus Marker Stow E vans Frank Boucher Dave Kerr Too Blake “King” Clancy or any of the most prominent players on the" Maroons" or "Les Canadiens" clubs • Your choice of the above • For a label from a tin of “CROWN BRAND” or “LILY WHITE” Corn Syrup,—Write on the back your name and address and the words “Hoc­ key Book” or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail label to address below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND MEN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD TheCANADA STARCH COMPANYLImited TORONTO F2 Life A Burden Work A Drudgery Tired All The Time? No Rest Day Or Night? Is The Medicine You Require To Help Build UpYourStrength I TODAY WE ANNOUNCE IA NEW “LOWEST PRICED "CAR ^HUDSON 112 H COMPANION CAR TO HUDSON HUDSON Six * HUDSON &W THE BIGGEST CAR THE LOWEST PRICE FIELD HAS EVER SEEN! THE SMOOTHEST RUNNING! THE STURDIEST! THE SAFEST! YET ONE OF THE MOST ECONOMICAL! (^Yes! It’s Biggest and Best!^ Say Owners of the "Other Three" Leading Lowest Priced Cars.) for 3-passenger Coupe; $968 for Brough­ am; $989 for4-pa$$engerVictoria Coupe, the only 4-passenger coupe in the lowest price field with all passengers riding inside; $ 1009 for Sedan—fully equipped, delivered at Tilbury, Ont., Federal taxes paid—transportation costs ahd local taxes, if any,extra. Attractively low tlmo payment terms, with new Hudson Plan. Cook Bros., Distributors, Hensail Associate Dealers:- H. Mousseau, Zurich; J. E. Mason, Goderich; Wm. Brown; Amberley