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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-17, Page 5
HENSALL -Rev, W. A. Young was in Toronto on Tuesday, Jerry Johnston has accepted a position at Joynt’s store, Mr, Harry Cook, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor at his home here. Mrs. Thos, parlmer is spending a week or two. visiting with London relatives, Miss Mildred Smillie, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, James Smillie. Mr. Norman Sinclair, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents Rev, Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair. Miss Martha Hunter has been con fined to her (home for over a week suffering from a severe cold, Miss Mildred Forrest, nurse-in training at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, spent Sunday at her home, Mrs. George Sparks has returned to her home after spending a couple of months with London relatives. (Mr. Thos. Smale, of Tillsonburg, was a week-end visitor with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Smale. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor with hei’ par ents Mr. and Mrs, Albert Spencer. Mr. Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi, is spending a few holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- more. /Mrs. Ruth Paisley, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. E. Rannie and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie. Miss Dorothy McQueen, nurse-in training at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. The many friends of Dr, Camp bell will be sorry to hear that he has been confined to his home for over a week through illness. Mrs. Peter Fisher is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Walter Moffatt, of Stanley Township. Mr. Moffatt is at present in the Clinton Hospital. Mr. Fred Manns was able to re sume his work at his barber shop on Saturday after being laid off for several days suffering from sore feet. ■Mr. Albert Whitesides, a member of the Provincial Police Force stationed at Kitchener, was here on Wednesday attending tthe funeral of his brother-in-law, the late Thos. Parlmer. Mr. and were here funeral of late Mr.s. Walter Fee have .returned to their home in Ailsa Craig. Fee accompanied them home will visit for a time there. Mrs. T. Lindsay who has spending a part of the winter months visiting with her daughter, Mrs. F. Rathburn and Mrs. Geo. iFaulikner is now spending several weeks visiting with her sisters Mrs. Dr. Lindsay and Misses Margaret and Georgia Murray, of London. While working in the basement of ■the Kos.y Corner Restaurant on Sat urday, Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, wife of the owner, had the misfortune to slip and fall. Putting out her arm to save herself she injured the liga ments of the arm severely. She was given immediate medical attention. There were no bones .broken. |The in the under Great cess, a large crowd being out to en joy the evening. Over two hundred played at the Bingo tables. Among the prize winners were Miss Mar garet Johnston, Mrs. John Parke and James Nicol. After lunch danc ing was enjoyed, the music being furnished by the McNicol orchestra. iMr. Joseph Hudson returned to his heme here on Bunday from To ronto where he has been taking treatments at Christie Street hospit al for nearly two years. Mr. Hud son had one of his legs amputated at a London hospital a couple of years ago, but did not improve much in his general condition so he was taken to Toronto for further treat ment. He has been fitted with an artificial leg which he is learning to use nicely and his general is much improved. (His many hope that the improvement permanent. W. M. S. Meeting The Women’s Missionary of 'Carmel Presbyterian church held their regular monthly meeting in the school room of the church on Thursday afternoon. There was a good attendance of members, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren presided. The meet ing opened by singing a hymn and prayer led by Mrs.. Arnold. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Jean Dougall. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and adopted as read. The roll was called and answered with faith as the text word. A business period presided over Iby the president was held, Arrangements were made concerning the World’s Day of Prayer to be held on March 4th. Mrs. Young read the report of the visiting committee and Mrs. Manson read the Allocation. A hymn was sung and the offering taken. Mrs. Andrew Dougall sang a beautiful solo, accompanied on the piano by (Miss Margaret Dougall. Mrs. R. Y. McLaren gave a very interesting ad dress on Mission work in Jhansi, India. The meeting closed by sing ing, a hymn and repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison. Mrs. Ernest Harris who last week attending the Mrs. Harris’ mother, the Mr. and been Bingo games and dance held Town Hall on Friday evening the auspices of the Hensall War Vetrans was a hi© suc- health friends will be Society The meeting opened by a hymn followed by the prayer in unison. Minutes previous meeting were read a dainty lunch served, of the Late T. Parlmei' those from a distance 1.......J Cannel, Ladies* Aid The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres byterian church held their February meeting in the school room of the church on Tuesday evening with the president, Miss Hannah Murray pre siding, singing Lord’s of the and adopted. Business was discus sed, after which Mrs, Walker took charge of the program which was put on by her group. A very inter esting reading was given by Mrs. Farquhar, “Minutes of the Ladies’ Aid,” A play was then given entit led “A Society for Doing Good,” by Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Roy McLaren, Miss Hannah Murray, Miss Helen Walker, this was greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Young sang a solo, after wihich a Valentine contest was en joyed and Funeral Among wlie attended the funeral of the late Thomas Parlmer were; Mr. Albert Whitesides, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. E. Parlmer, of Toronto; Mr. land Mrs. Geo. Miners, of London; Mr, Roy Parlmer, of Windsor; Mrs. Fines, of Clinton; Mrs. MciCloy, o-t London; Mr, and Mrs. Curtis, of Mitchell; Mr. Bruce Armer, Mr. and Mrs. Tweddle, and Mr. McDonald, of Ailsa Craig, The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. Sinclair, pastor of the United church, assist ed by Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of Carmel Presbyterian church, floral offerings of relatives friends were very beautiful. Parents Visit School 'On Friday afternoon of Education Week, open house was held at the public school at which a goodly num ber of parents and other friends gathered at the school to listen to a program of songs, recitations dialogues given by the pupils of school, under the direction of Claude Blowes, principal of school. (Two inspiring addresses on educational topics were given ’by Rev. Arthur Sinclair and Rev. W. A. Mr. Robt. Moore, principal Continuation School interesting address, was served by the parents were much The and and the Mr. the Young. of the Hensall also gave an Afternoon tea teachers. The interested in the s'plendid display of work in the children’s note and art books and manual wonk. Mission Circle IThe Mission Circle of the United church met on Friday evening at the home of Miss Norma Cook. After a lunch the by' singing of God” fol- Mary Clark Valentine contest and meeting was opened “Breathe on me Breath lowed by the motto, read the Scripture lesson. This was followed by sentence prayers by Audrey Twitchell and Barbara Shep herd. A business period followed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A collec tion was taken up and the roll cal led. Miss Irene Douglas gave a very interesting address on the first chapter of the Study Book. The meeting closed by singing '“‘Abide With Me” followed by the Lord’s prayer. No Ice For Skating'. Party .'The skating party which was to have been held at the local rink on Friday evening by the Young People’s Society of the United church and having as their guests the Y. P. S. of the Chiselhurst United church wap cancelled -on account of t|he condition of the ice on the rink after the recent thaws. Instead of the skating party- the young people met in the basement of the United church to spend the evening. A sing song was held led by Sam Rannie accompanied on the piano by Miss Greta Lammie. 'Games an.d con tests were held, lunch was served and a social hour spent in a very happy way. IThe program, was ar ranged and conducted by the social committee of the Young People’s Society. The Late John .Mr. George Hudson on Thursday that his Hudson had passed home in Marlette, Mich., Thursday morning, after an illness of several weeks from pneumonia. Mr. Hudson was the second eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson and was born on the Hud- so-n homestead farm, -Parr Stanley Twp., 78 years ago where he spent his early life. Some 50 years ago he took up land in the Marlette district, in Michigan and built up a prosperous farm and where he was a well known and highly respected citizen. Tliig is the first break in the family of 4 sons and 7 daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. His mother passed away at her home here last May in her 97 year. He is surviv ed by his wife, two sons and three daughters, seven sisters, Mrs. Al. Harvey, Mrs. James Logan and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle, of Hensall; Mrs. J. Jarrott, of Hillsgreen, Mrs. William Douglas, of Bmtcefield; Mrs. James Foyer and Mrs. John Consitt, of Sea forth, son, of Pontiac, Mich, of Hensall and Isaac Hudson, Seaforth, from his tern o on, held. A Hudson received word brother John away at his early on Line, and Three brothers, Thus. HUd- Geo. Hudson of The funeral took place late home oh Saturday af- where a short service was public service was held at the church, interment taking place in the Marlette cemetery. Relatives from HOnsall and district who at- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'THURSDAY, FEBBUAHY Mill, 19M Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Walker Carlisle, Mrs. and Mrs. A. Harvey, tended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Elden Jarrott and Mrs. James Jarrott, of Hillsgreen; Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas, of Bnucefield; Mrs. John Consitt, of .Seaforth; Mr. Geo. Hudson, Carlisle, Mr, James Logan of Hensall. The Late Webster Turner The funeral of the late Webster Turner took place from his late home, 'Stanley Township, on Satur day afternoon, interment taking place in the Bayfield cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. F. Chandler, pastor of the Hillsgreen United cihurch, of which the deceased was a member. The pall bearers were Harey Coleman, Anson Coleman, Geo, McNaughton, Wm. R. Charles Stepheson. bearers were Harvey and James Turner, Herbert Stepheson, Fred Mcdy- mont, Elmer Webster, Roy Keys and Norman Holland, butes tives from lette, | Bray Chick Hatchery (Fred W. Bray, Limited) Exeter, Phone 2-16 THAMES ROAD Johnston, Jas. Stepheson and The flower Keys, Wilmer Lome Coleman, Fred The floral tri- were very beautiful. Rela- and friends were present Pilot Mound, Manitoba; Mar- Michigan; Goderich, Lucknow London, Welland, Hensall and ton. Women’s Senior institute The regular meeting of the Women’s Senior Institute on Wednesday evening last at home of Miss Irene Douglas, president Miss Maude McLean The meeting opened by Clin- Hen- wassail held the The ■presided, singing the Institute Ode which was followed by repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison. IThe roll was cal led and answered by the uses of salt and soda. Two songs “Carry Me Back to Old Virginia’’ and “The Maple Leaf Forever’’ were sung. Miss Gladys Luker gave the motto a poem on “Canuck’’ after which all sang “O’ Canada.” Miss Greta Lam- mie gave a very interesting talk and demonstration on leather goods, business discussion followed, decided to put a first aid kit school building. A pleasing instrumental was given by Goldie Cross and Elva McQueen. It was decided to hold the next meet ing at the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff. A display of aprons will be shown and prizes given. A piano instru mental was given by Miss Gladys Passmore and Miss Helen McMui’chi Donations of clothing was brought to be packed in the hale to be sent to Miss Slowman in (Saskatchewan. Mr. Robt. Moore, principal of the ■Henlsall Continuation .School gave an interesting address and demon stration on Rayon and Celanese. Hunch was served and a social half hour spent. A It was in the piano Misses |The draw for .prizes in the Tirnes- Advocate subscription contest will be made Saturday evening next at 8.3 0 p.m. All renewals paid be fore that time will be entitled to a coupon. Only those with coupons in the one box have a chance of winning of the 16 prizes. DASHWOOD Dr.W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. iSpecial music will be rendered by the Henrich Memorial Band in the Evanglical Church on Bunday even ing. iBe sure to attend this service. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bendei- motored to New Hamburg on Sunday where Mrs. Bender is staying for a week owing to* the illness o-f her father there. Misses Margaret, .Sadie and Evan geline Held entertained a number of their friends to a party on Friday night. ■Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Guenther and family visited in Kitchener on Sun day. Miss Irene Russell of the Second concession of Hay, spent a few days with Miss Phyllis Reid. A very successful quilting was held in the basement of the Evangelical' church last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson. Bryan- ston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E Oestricher on Saturday Mervyn Tieman is attending the Hardware Convention in Toronto this week. ; Stephen Teacher’s Club On Monday evening the teachers of Stephen 'Township visited t’he (Sharon and Dashwood 'Schools for the third monthly meeting. Informal discussions were held in the repsect- ive schools concerning the New Course of studies and other matters of interest. IA delicious Valentine lunch was served by the teachers of the Sharon and Dashwood schools. Arrangements were made to visit three schools in the vicinity of Cen tralia on March 14th. parents Mr, and is visiting with Henry Stevenson Toronto, Mr. and has purchased We hope for a speedy recov- Mrs. C'larke has returned from and is of her Exeter. CREDITON Miss Edith Davies, of Toronto, is spending two- weeks’ vacation With Miss Carrie Fahrner, Mrs. Harry Dale, of Brampton is visiting with her Mrs, F, W. Clark. Mrs. o'hn Lovie her daughter Mrs. in Detroit. Mr. W. H. Wood, spent tihe week-end Mrs. Fred Kerr. Mr. Henry Dearing the farm of the Frederick Haist es tate on the 4th concession of Ste phen. Possession will be given on March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Eilber who have been visiting in Michigan for two mouths returned home on Sat urday. Mrs. Wellington Haist was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Loudon, on Saturday for treatment. Latest re ports are that she is doing as well as can be exjpeced. Miss Almina Wuerth and Mr. Murray Hanlin, of Clinton, attended the hockey game in Toronto on Sat urday night. Mr. F. W. Clank is on the sick list, ery. Victoria Hospital, London, recuperating at tihe home daughter Mrs. V. Kestle in Kicked By Horse 'Carl Kuhn, of the 4th concession suffered a severe kick from a ’.horse on Monday afternoon. Carl was en gaged in hitching up his team and when about to hoo/k the last trace, one of the horses kicked and struck 'him in t'he face. Dr( Misener was called and it was found that he sus tained a^broken nose, several bruis es about the face and he suffered considerably from loss of Mrs. Alfred Melllck Announcement of the Mrs. Alfred Mellick, blood. Dies death which i L Of took place suddenly at her home in Zu rich on Saturday, February 12th was received with the deepest regret by residents of this district with whom she was very well known. Mrs. Mel- lick’s many fine qualities of heart and mind won her a large circle of warm personal friends who join in expressions of regret at her death and in sympathy for the bereaved. (The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon when the spacious home was thronged with those gathered to pay the last honors to one who ■had earned not only theii- highest respect and esteem, but also their most affectionate regard and appre ciation. Enjoy IJlnsti'ated Lecture Last Friday evening ;a large crowd assembled in the Evangelical Church to view the slides given. Mr. •Harry Hoffman and Dr. Bell, of Hensall presented a large number of very beautiful and interesting pic tures to the intense delight of every one present. Mr. Harry BJoffman with Miss Anna Tieman as accom panist also favorably impressed everyone with three well rendered solos. Mr. Gordon Ratz acted as chairman and thanked Mr. Hoffman and Dr. Bell for splendid program. I Harry their XIRKTON Mrs. Blatchford and little daughter of Detroit, spent the past week, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson. Miss Elaine Denham visited with friends in London the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Waterton and family, of London, were Sunday vis itors with Mr. Roy Switzer. Miss Gladys Shier is staying with Rev. Mrs. Parsons for a co-uple of weeks. The A. Y. P. A. of the Anglican Church held a very successful box social Friday night. A good evening is reported. Mrs. Chas. Miller is enjoying a visit from her mother who is here from the West. ‘She intends to re main until March. Mr. Jas. Anderson Jr., attended the stock sales at day. ■Mrs. D. Parker at Cromarty with end of the week. IThe (Sunday School had a splen did attendance of 76 on Sunday. The board of the church have ar ranged that Mr. Roland Williams be church treasurer and Mr. Robt. Dun can chairman. (The recent springlike weather aas cleared u’P our roads for the present and we are just wondering if we are due for more snow. The wheat is bare in these parts. We are sorry to hear that the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw son is under the friends wish for covery, . There was a church on Sunday morning1. Ser vices are -being held in the basement during the winter months. The pastor’s talk was on the burning message that came to Moses, explain ing how today we lack confidence in ourselves to do and act. Whereas, if we exercise this quality in our spiritual and national life much good can be done but to fail other issues will be brought about. Mr. Mair closed with an impressive solo “Hold Thou My Hand.” Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore were up to Hensall on Sunday to visit Mrs. Robert D. McDonald, who is very ill. Miss Alice Passmore is visiting for a few days with friends Whalen. Whilst the older folks were joying themselves at Farquhar younger ones were visiting with young people of Main Street United church, Exeter, in a Valentine social. The youngsters social at Sunday School. Mrs. Lloyd Shier visited with her mother Mrs. Gollings at the home of Miss Mury Tom in Exeter Wednesday. It would be a gooa thing for people of Thames Road to help Exeter Horticultural .Society by join ing and also helping themselves getting the good premiums. Women’s Missionary Society The February meeting of the M. ,S. was held at the home of Mrs. Stone. ‘Scripture reading- by Mrs. J. Cann. Minutes and roll call. Mrs. Whitlock gave a reading; a solo by Mrs. Miller and a reading by Mrs. Dawson. Mrs. Wiseman gave the topic. IThe meeting closed with a hymn and repeating the Lord’s Itrayer in unison. Mission Circle The Mission Circle meeting was held in the church on Friday even ing of last week. The meeting op ened by singing hymn 123 followed- ed by the Lord’s prayer. Business was then discussed. It was decided to hold a croq-uinole party Friday night, February 25th. Helen Mor gan read the Scripture lesson and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Social Evening A very pleasant time was by members of the Thames Farmer’s Club and their wives on Monday evening at Farquhar Hall. Progressive euchre was played with 19 tables in play. Mrs. James Mc- Kellar was high lady and Mrs. Bob. Duncan, lady with most lone hands. Mr. jack Hodgert and Mr. Norman Passmore tied for gent’s high and in the out Mr, Hodgert won, he also won for lone hands, but divided his prize with Mr. Passmore. Luncih was served about midnight and then to finish the night there was a little jig which was enjoyed by all. The music was furnished by Messrs. Jas. McKellar and Ken McNicol and cal ling off by A. Hunkin. Every one had a good time and would like to see more of them, and it won’t be long before the farmer won’t have any time to play. He will have to work hard and fast with not much in it these days, with cattle bought for 6 cents and selling at 4 cents; pigs at 8c and feed worth around $2.00 per hundred; wheat per bushel and bread at loaf, etc. Cream Producer Toronto on Mon- spent a few days her parents the doctor’s care. The him a speedy re It pays to deliver your cream to SWIFT CANADIAN CO. at TWO cents a pound extra for butter fat. CREAM PRICES Special ,••• • • 41c No. 1 . . , Delivered to . 39c EGG PRICES Brookfield .................. 23c, A (Large ..„................ 32c. A Medium ,................. 31C. A Pullets .,...................19c. B Grade .................... 17c, O Grade .................... l«c. SWIFT CANADIAN CO. CENTRALIA After having the Sunday School rooms re-decorated there will be a re-opening Sunday February 20th, with- a special service. A great day is expected with all former superin tendents present. Come and bring your friends. Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here Mr. and Mrs. M. Brokenshire, of Hagersville, visited with the former’s mother Mrs. S. Brokenshire last week. A group of Centralia Young People presented their playlet entitled ‘Jane Legacy” in the 'Crediton United held a Valentine |'Church o-n Tuesday of this week. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, of Us- borne, visited with their daughter Mrs. Margaret Fletcher on Friday of last week. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. Pol lard on Friday last were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, Mrs. Dave .Smith, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning, of Whalen. Mr. James Oke, an esteemed resi dent of this community is suffering from a paralytic stroke.. IThe Women’s Missionary Society are sponsoring an oyster supper and play in the school room of the church on Friday evening, February 25th. Keep this date in mind. ■On Thursday evening of this week the Young People’s Union are 'hold ing a social evening in the school room of the church. Mrs. Calvin Simpson, of London, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. James Oke, who- is in .a critical condition following stroke. On Friday evening the Home and School their regular monthly meeting in the school. Everybody is welcome. The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Dunlo,p, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Essery, Mrs. C. Turner and Mrs. Thos. Carling, of London, were visitors with Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw on Thurs day of last week. The ladies attended at en- the the last the the by w. spent Road at $1.00 10c per Rupture Expert to be at the Cen- ral Hotel on Friday, February 18, See announcement on last BRINSLEY page. and Mrs. an opera a paralytic ef this week Club will hold MOORESVILLE Thomas Atkinson is on the the 35th anniversary of the Centralia Women’s Association which was cel ebrated in the school room of the on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. took part in the program. Y. P. U. regular meeting of the Cen- ch'urch Tssery The tralia Y. P. was held on Tuesday ev ening with a very goad attendance. The president presided and the meet ing was opened with- a hymn follow ed with prayer by Mr. Stewart. ‘The minutes were read and the roll call ed. Freida Lewis then tooik charge A reading by Mildred Hicks was much appreciated. A missionary topic was given by Bill Elliett fol lowed by a discussion on the topic. A duet was then given by Reg. and Mr. Hodgson. Miss .Evelyn Clarke closed the meeting with the Mizpah benediction. W. A. Mark 35th Birthday At the Centralia United Church the Women’s Association recently celebrated its 35th birthday with appropriate festivities. -Following a brief musical program the secretary gave a history of the organization since its inception in 1903. During the 35 years of its existence the as sociation had raised $13,764.73 which has been expended in the in terests of the congregation. Ten presidents had held office dur ing that period, three of whom had passed on. At the close of the program a birthday tea was served to over 100 members, past and present, together with a number -of visiters. IThe table was decorated with candles centred by a birthday cake surmounted with 35 candles. Mrs. Andrew Hicks and Mrs. T. Boyes poured tea. The candles were lighted by Mrs. Arthur Brouiks and 'Mrs. George Essery, who were assisted by Mrs. William Bow den, while Mrs. John Essery cut the cake. A suitable address was given by Mrs. Arthur M-cFalls. Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson presided over tihe gather ing, which was attended by guests; from. London and Exeter. USED CARS AND TRUCKS $675.00 $675.00 $675.00 $575.00 $490.00 $450.00 1937 Plymouth Coupe ............ 1937 Ford Coupe .................... 1937 Ford Tudor with Trunk 1936 Ford Tudor .................... 1935 Ford Tudor .................... 1934 Ford Tudor, like new.... SEVERAL GOOD USED CARS FROM $40.00 UP TRUCKS READY TO GO TO WORK 1937 FORD V8 DeLux Cab 1936 FORD V8 DeLux Cab 1936 CHEVROLET MAPLE LEAF 1935 FORD PANEL 1935 FORD V8 1936 INTERNATIONAL LONG TRUCK 1934 INTERNATIONAL STAKE TRUCK SEVERAL GOOD CHEAPER TRUCKS For Better Value See Master and Pioneer POULTRY & LIVESTOCK FEED Now Offered For Sale by Eric H. Carscadden BRAY HATCHERY Phone 246 ■Mr. sick list. Mr. William Lee is recovering from his recent illness. /Mrs. Ed, Dundas and sons Jimmy and Bruce have returned home af ter spending a week with her mother Mrs. C, Hartleib, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Whiteford spent Monday in London. Mrs, Nellie Gilmour spent week at the home of Mr, and Harry Neil. A large number attended the cellaneous shower in honor of Jack Darling (nee Eleanor Hotson) on Saturday at the home Of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Simpson. MisSes Olive and Margaret Has kett, of Denfield, spent Saturday at the heme of Mr. and Mi’S. Arthur Billie, little son of Mr. Melvin Allison underwent tion for masteids at Victoria Hos pital, London, on Friday last. We hope Billie will soon recover. A reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Bell (nee Dorothy Reese) in the school house on Friday evening. All of the students attending the short course at Ailsa Craig from around here went, to Guelph th spend the day at the Agricultural College. CREDITOR EAST Phone 64 SANDY ELLIOT Exeter A good stock of parts and accessories and 12 men waiting to serve you. CAR PAINTING AND BUMPING EXPERTLY DONE mis- Mrs. Exeter -Simpson, Mr. Sam Lawson and mother Mrs. Geoi’ge Lawson and Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Meritor add children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Baird, at Grand Bend. Mr. Mervin Brokenshire, of Hag- ersville, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mrs. Brokenshire who has been visiting her mother returned home with him. Mrs. jack Williams and two sons, of Khiva spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. Gharles Glanville. Hogarth Announces Economical Prices DON’T GAMBLE HOGARTH’S CHICKS have made money for hundreds of customers and will d,o it for you. Get our prices and order NOW. Let Hogarth fill your brooders early and reap extra profits from our early hatched Chicks. Hogarth Chick Hatchery PHONE 266 EXETER, ONT.