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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-17, Page 1
4 1 D8TABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17th, 1938 / V Sixty-Fourth Year * Overshoes-— | dJO OQ a pr. Our best grade Women’s Velvet Overshoes, Goodrich & Kauf- AA man make. Black & brown, while they last $2.29 cash. Also misses at < ■t*of Women’s 1 Women’s Rubber Overshoes at $1.19 Black or Brown, well-lined while the sizes last at $1.19 per pair. 5 doz. pr. 8 ounce Blue Overalls at $1.50 J Made by Big B Overall Co., good full sizes, from size 32 to 44 on sale at $1.50 pr. < Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats We are clearing out our Overcoats at reduced prices for cash. Now is a good time to buy yourself a good coat at a low price. Students sizes 34 to 37 at $11.00; Men’s at $13.00 to $15.00. NEW WALLPAPERS FOR SPRING Our new papers are here. We are showing a great variety of both plain and fancy patterns to suit any room; also we have a number of room lots suitable for bedrooms and kitchens which we are clearing out at $1.19 per room lot. Men’s Winter Underwear on Sale..... ! • •••• Men’s Heavy Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers on sale 65c, or 2 for $1.25. Men’s Heavy Fleece-lined Combinations regular $1.50 on sale $1.19 Suit. Boys’ Heavy Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers on sale at 49c. a garment. Boys’ Heavy Fleece-Lined Combinations, reg. $1.00 on sale at 79c. a suit. Men’s Heavy Ribbed Wool and Cotton Shirts and Drawers reg. $1 on sale at 79c. gar. Men’s Heavy Ribbed Wool and Cotton Combinations reg. $1.25 on sale at $1.39 suit. Stanfield’s All Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg. $1.50 on sale at $1.19 garment. Stanfield’s All Wool Combinations in same reg. $2.75 on sale at $2.19 a suit. Stanfield’s Red Label Shirts and Drawers, reg. $2.00 garment on sale at $1.59 gar. Turnbull’s and Stanfield’s fine natural wool combinations reg. $3 on sale at $2.35 suit. Ladies’ Slips on Sale Ladies’ White Satin and Crepe Slips, values to 1.95 on sale at $1.39 garment. Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday ORANGE MARMALADE Idr St. Williams, 32 oz. jai* ......... Cdvll SANTA CLARA PRUNES 9 IK® IQr ■Large size, sweet .................... 7* 1U*> ISFv CANNED PEAS O £nl. No. 2 tin, standard quality “ 1 U1 RINSO DEAL fnr I pkg. large Rinso, 1 cake Lifebuoy GOLDEN WAX BEANS O ||nc 1Qr Aylmer Braud, choice quality « IU15> XUV FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT £ £nr Nice size and juicy ....,.......... V 1U1 wdt GRAPEFRUITS £ni>9Er 'OR 25c. ...large w lUI mJULPearl White Naptha Soap C LQ1.C 1Q/» TEXAS PINK GRAP Save the Coupons ...4.......... v Udi © Very large 4 FOR 25c Phone 32 JOneS & May Your > Superior > Store < EXETER COUNCIL Wedesday, pelb. 9 th, 1938 The municipal council met in reg ular session. Absent Councillor (Southcott through illness. (The min utes of the meeting held January 26 th were read and adopted on mo tion of Councillor Dignan and May. Carried. Communications were read — A letter with copies of agreement be tween the Municipal Corporation of the County of Huron and the Muni cipal Corporation of the Village of Exeter, and as required by the High way Improvement Act and the im provements of streets in the Village. Motion per Dignan and May that the Reeve sign the agreements and that the seal of the Corporation be at tached thereto. Carried, Per Tuckey and May that the grant of nine hundred and fifty dol lars ($950) be given the Exeter Lib rary Board payable quarterly. Car ried. Messrs. Chambers, Pym and Ap pleton waited on the Council asking relief from the flood waters caused, by open drain blockage across Al bert (Street and along Edward and iSimcoe Streets. iThe committee will investigate. Per May and Tuckey that the Council wishes to object to the in crease of fees for radio licenses as imposed by the Minister of Trans port and that a resolution be drafted and forwarded to the Minister and also to the local member of Huron South, Mr, Golding. Carried. Per Dignan and Tuckey- that the1 Tax Collector’s salary for 193 8 be one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) Carried. A Public Notice to the effect that action will be taken against party or parties who wilfully or otherwise destroy or damage in any way trees, shrubs or fences on property of any kind within the limits of the muni cipality will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of. the law. By-law No. ’1, 1938, a by-law governing appointments for the year was given the third reading and fin ally passed on motion of Dignan and May and carried. The following list of accounts were read and ordered paid: Win. E. Abbott, rent $15; Goldie Coch rane, relbate on 1937 tax on property on William street $8; Exeter Library Boards grant $250; prov. Treas., Toronto, Insulin 96c; W. C. Pearce, Relief Officer $9.00; Irvin Ford, gasoline (Fire Dept.) $2.50. Direct Relief Accounts James Bowey, coal $20; Chainway Stores, supplies $2.90; William Hat ter, milk $13.20; Jones & May, sup plies $27.80; H. T. Rowe, coal $40; R. G. Seldon, coal $30; Southcott Bros., supplies $23.70; R. Motz, sup plies $22; Alfred Wuerth, repairs 90c; Ideal Meat Market, $11.15. Passed on motion of Tuckey and Dignan. Carried. Adjournment by Tuckey. Jos. Senior, Clerk ..........................................................................'L322.', ' = 96TH MILESTONE Mrs, Hannah Marie Sanders is to day celebrating her 96th birthday anniversary at the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, 2nd concession of Stephen, where she has resided for 79 years. She is the oldest woman resident in the district. She was born in Devonshire, Eng., Febru ary 17th, 1843, being the second younigest of four sons and eleven daughters of the late James and An ne Pomeroy. At the age of six weeks she came to Canada with her parents and their fourteen children. This was a memorable voyage. They crossed the ocean in a sailing ves sel which took six to seven weeks to make the trip. Tihey encountered stormy weather and the trip was much delayed. When the Pomeroy family arrived in Canada they set tled first in Stratford and then mov ed to ,St. Marys. From 'St. Marys the family moved to Downie Township, Perth County where Mr. Pomeroy was engaged as caretaker of an An glican Church. In 1860 Hannah Marie Pomeroy married John Sand ers and settled on the farm on the 3rd concession of Stephen, where Mrs. Sanders has been a continuous resident with the exception of one year. At the time they moved onto the farm only five of the fifty acres was cleared land. Mrs. Sanders re lates how she would burn the brush heaps at night while her husband and brother would split the rails used in 'buildinig fences. In a rem iniscent mood she told tales of the early days, ©ears and deer were plentiful in her girlhood years. One morning Mr. Sanders noticed that one of his pigs had been taken. He at once investigated, followed tracks until he came upon the bear that had succeeded in getting away with the pig. Mr. Sanders captured the bear but the pig had been terribly torn to pieces. Mrs. Sanders is in fairly good health and does not use glasses. She has only one brother living, namely, James, of London, at 'present spending the winter in Florida. She has three daughters, Mrs. Geo. Walker, with whom she resides, Mrs. George Penhale, of To ronto and Mrs. Frank Triebner, of Exeter, who celebrated her 76th birthday an Monday, February 7th. Mrs. Sanders was present for the oc casion where she received a large number of callers. Mrs. Sanders re ceived a substantial money-order as a birthday gift from an intimate friend in Guilford, England. Her many friends will joini with the TimesHAclvocate in congratulations and best wishes for .her future wel fare. SUFFERED STROKE Mr. James Oke, of Centralia, on Thursday of Ast Week suffered a paralytic Stroke and is confined to his bed. Early Sunday mornirjg he suffered a second stroke and at present is in a critical condition. LEAVING FOR ELMIRA Mi*. Earl Alien, who has been em ployed in the garage of Mr. Thos. Coates has accepted a position at Elmira and leaves shortly, for that place. Mrs, Alien w'ill remain in town for a time 'before joining her husband. GOING TO WATFORD -Miss Ella Link, of town, has ac cepted a position in Watford, in the millinery and ready-to-wear depart ment of A. Brown & Co. She will begin her new duties next Monday, Miss Link has many friends in Exe ter and the best wishes of all will follow her. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson, who has been in Victoria Hospital, for the past few weeks where he underwent a mastoid op ration, also an operation for the re moval of his tonsils and adenoids, has made a splendid recovery and has been able to return to his home. HAND SEVERELY INJURED Mr. Geo, Hepburn, while operat ing a planer in the work shop on his farm on Friday last had the misfor tune to get his right hand caught in the machine. About half of the thumb and the tip of the index finger were . taken off. Mr. Hep burn was brought to Exeter and treated at the office of Dr. Fletcher, LONG DISTANCE CALL On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer received a long distance tele phone call from their son, Mr. Ed. Winer, of Los Angeles, Calif., the occasion being the fortieth annivers ary of their wedding, Sevwsal mem bers of the family talked ever the long distance and the voice carried very distinctly. DEMAND FOR TURNIPS Mr. Wm. Welsh left lu&t week for Florida with a Mr. ossier, of Lon don, to whom he had sold a truck load of turnips. The load contained about 275 bushels. In Florida. Mr, Ossier will purchase a truck load of fruit to be brought to London, Mr, Eric Campbell, of t'he Tuckey Trans port, has just returned from Cin cinnati where- he accompanied Mr. R. Fairless, of Lucan, with a truck load of turni'ps, returning with a load of fruit and onions. At the present time Mr. Setft Winer has about a dozen men em ployed in supplying turnips or Ru tabagas as they are called in the U. S, A., for the American market. The men are working night and day to supply the demand and the farm ers are finding a ready outlet for their turnips. The -turnips uro brought to the warehouse on James street where they are trimmed, washed, stamped with an Exeter trade mark dipped with a light coat ing of wax and packed in fifty pound bags. Last week a car-load was waxed by Mr. Winer for Canada Packers and was shipped to Chicago; a second carload was shipped to Flint, Mich, From 1800 to 2000 bus. are put up in a busy week or albout 300 bus. a day. The price to the grower is 18c. a bushel. HOCKEY Cyclone League StandingwL Pts. Zurich ................. 6 0 12 Hensail ................ 3 3 6 Exeter ................. 2 4 4 Crediton .............. 1 5 2 Play-Offs Start Monday Night The Cyclone schedule has drawn to a close and a tournament will be held at the Arena on Monday night with all teams taking part. The local team had two more games to play but in order to complete the schedule in a hurry, these were defaulted. The teams finished as follows: Zurich, Hensail, Exeter and Crediton. Two games will be played on Monday night with the winners meeting in another game at a later date. Maple Syrup Supplies MAPLE SYRUP TIME IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER NOW is the time to look over your sap supplies, Sap Spouts, " Sap Buckets, Syrup Containers GET your requirements NOW, do not wait until the sap is running Electrical Supplies Toasters Irons Le Page’s Glue Muresco Waste Paper Baskets Stable Forks Shovels Feed Measures FULL LINE OF COLEMAN LAMPS AND LANTERNS Buy that BOY of yours a good jackknife so that he can carve out wooden images, etc., to duplicate what is on display in our show window Those IMPLEMENTS, etc., that need repairing. We carry a full line of bolts, washers, hinges, screws, etc. Don’t forget that trip to Purina Mills, St. Louis, Mo. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14th. Enquire at store Traquair’s Hardware PHONE 27 WE DELIVER BINGO!! THURSDAY NIGHT at 8.30 p.m. in the Legion Club Rooms 15 Good Prizes Door Prize Admission 25c. Do Not Forget the Play "Adventures of Grandpa’ — in — . James St. United Church EXETER under the auspices of the Y. L. C. and the Y. P. U. Thursday, Feb. 24th ADMISSION Adults 25c.; Children 15c. A DASTARDLY TRICK (On Friday evening of last week while the Adult Bible Class of the James Street Sunday School were holding a social evening in the church some person or persons play ed a dastardly trick that might have resulted in serious damage. They took the cap and nut from one of the rear wheels of Mr. Bert Bissett’s buggy. Mr. and Mrs. Bissett had gone q,b0'ut a block when the wheel came off. Fortunately they had a quiet horse and little damage was done. Returning to the shed they had some difficulty in locating the cap and nut. A further exam ination of the buggies in the shed revealed that a nut had been re moved from the back wheel of Mr. Harvey Perkins’ buggy. In that case the cap had been put back on again Fortunately this was located before Mr. and Mrs. pcrltins had started out as Mr. Perkins was driving a frisky animal and a runaway would possibly have been the result had the wheel come off while they were on the road. iSome boys had been observed loitering around the shed. A warning has 'been Issued that in future persons loitering about the shed will be prosecuted. DISTRICT FLOWER SHOW At a recent meeting of the newly elected executive of the Exeter Hort icultural Society it was decided to extend an invitation to hold the dis trict flower show in Exeter. The dis trict comprises the counties of Huron Bruce and Grey. A tentative date was set for Wednesday, j,une 22nd. The flower show in previous years has been held in the northern part of the district and the local society welcome the opportunity of holding it in Exeter for the first time. It no doubt will stimulate local flow er growers to pay a little more at tention to their flowers this year. Members of the executive are mak ing a canvas for this year’s member ship. Mrs. N. J. Dore is the presi dent and E. C. Harvey the secretary. SPLENDID CONCERT Despit the disagreeable weather on Sunday evening there was stand ing room only in Leavitt’s Theatre for the concert put on by the Exeter Concert Band. Mr. J. Laugiheed, of Hamilton. Canada’s foremost trom bone soloist and whistlei’ hade his second appearance on the Exeter stage and delighted .his audience with his trombone solos and whistl ing. He was accompanied by Bobby aged eight, who played a -concet solo and was heartily encored. Stratford Mites Beat Clinton Hockey fans were treated to a fast game at the Exeter Arena Wednes- , day evening of last week when the Stratford Junior O. H. A. remained ' undefeated in a strenuous game with the Clinton team with a score of 6-4. Stratford led at the end of the first period 3-1 and 5-3 -at the end of the second period. There were no pen alties in the first period Clinton drawing one penalty in the 2nd and one in the 3rd. Stratford drew two penalties in the 2nd and 2 in the third. ■CLINTON—Goal, Hawkins, def., Neelans and Doak; centre, Pickett; Wings, draper and Scrinegour. sub. Schenalls, R. Creech, Rockwood, Ril ey, F. Creech. STRATFORD—Goal Hess; defence Martell and Groves; centre, Writt; wings, Stirling and McEwen, subs., C rerar, Huras, Pidgeon, Furlong and Cousins. “Say Bill, your horses look much better than they did a few weeks ago.” “Don't they! I’ve been feeding Walker’s Condition Powders. It’s the best I have ever used. I got it aTt WALKER’S DRUGSTORE. ,‘Tlie draw for prizes in the Times- Advocate subscription contest will be made Saturday evening next at 8.30 p.m. All renewals paid be fore that time will be entitled to a coupon. Only those with coupons in the box have a chance of winning one of the 16 prizes. SUBSCRIBER FOR 56 YEARS (The Times-Advocate is this’ week in receipt of a renewal subscription for Mrs. E, A. Ross, of Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Ross has been a sub- scriber to- this paper since 1882, this being- her 5 6 th renewal and is therefore one of our oldest sub scribers. Mrs. Ross has maintained a keen interest in the aff-airs of the old home town and on various oc casions we have learned that some of the Exeter Old Boys and Girls in Winnipeg have been kept posted on the news of Exeter through Mrs. Ross. The Times-Advocate extends best wishes for her future welfare. LECTURE WELL ATTENDED 'The first of a series of five ex tension lectures by the faculty of the University of Western Ontario was given in Caven Presbyterian Church Wednesday evening of last week. Dr. D. J. Wilson spoke on the present status of hypnotism. Je gave a history of what .has really been accomplished and dispelled many popular misconceptions of hyp nosis, He gave numerous illustra tions of the power of suggestion in everyday life. He was accompanied by Dr. G. R. Bourne, of London, and a student, Ralph Ritchie, who was hypnotized for several demonstra tions. The A. Y. P. A. of Trivitt Mem orial church held a Valentine euchre in the Parish Hall on Monday even ing. Valentihe (decorations adorn ed the ball. The president; Miss Amelia Acheson, welcomed the vis itors. Eleven tables were in play. Ladies’ high was won by Mrs. Wes. Dearing; gent’s high by Ed. Ward; lone hands by Mrs. Crawford and consolation by Donald Dearing. Lunch was served at the close. PRESENTATION Mr. E. T. Edworthy, of Stratford, the popular representative of Can ada Packers in this district, was re cently given a rousing “send-off” by his customers and friends of that city prior to moving to Tillson'burg, where he will make the headquart ers of his new territory. During the evening Mr. Edworthy was present ed with a desk. A number of friends spoke of the pleasant relationships during the fifteen years Mr. Ed worthy had been a resident of .Strat ford. Mrs. Edworthy was formerly Miss Hildred Horton, of town. Cred it on's First Win In a Cyclone League fixture Mon day evening Crediton handed the Exeter team a 3-2 defeat. In the first period McDonald scared for .Exeter then Bowden for Crediton, The se cond period went scoreless. In the third after Cornish put Exeter in the lead, H. Wolfe tied it up and L. Faist got the winning counter for Crediton’s first -win of the series. EXETER — Goal, Goetz; defence F Creech, Cornish; centre, McDon ald; wings, R. Creech, Beaver; subs Snell, Ccates, Willard, Wein. CREDITON—Goal, Smith; defence Zwicker, Lillow; centre, Bob Wolfe; wings, A. Fahrner, Bowden; Subs., L. Faist, Bowman, Mathers, England H. Wolfe, Quinlivin. Referees—Fahrner and O’Brien P. S. Defeats First Form The public school hockey team defeated the first form of tihe high school by a 6-1 margin in a game at the Arena Tuesday after school. Jack -Sweet scored five and Douglas Ptyde scored one for the Public School, while Glen McTavish scored the only goal for* the High School, Monday was St. Valentine’s Day with its usual presentation of cards, mostly handsome but others not so handsome, also candy, flowers, etc. | London Skating Club Carnival, Exeter Arena, Friday Night | | Thirty Members of the London Skating Club in Fancy and Figure Skating,^Speed, Spins and Jumps. Beautiful Costumes. 1 g The biggest attraction ever presented on ice in Exeter. Admission 50c. H. S. Students 35c. P. S. Students 25c, i 1 — SKATING AND DANCING AFTER THE CARNIVAL — 1