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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-10, Page 8
Thursday, 10, toss Permanents Don’t forget that we have installed a New Permanent Wave Machine. Get your permanent now and avoid ’ being disappointed, Special, ‘prices for children under 12 years. Evenings by Appointment AH Waves Guaranteed V’s Beauty Shoppe V. c. Decker, prop. Phone 112 for Appointments The Adastru Mission Circle of the Main St. Church will hold a gressive crokinole party in church parlors on Friday evenin, 8 o'clock, sion 15 c. pro- the . -gat Prizes and lunch. Admis- Everyone welcome. Y. P. A. of Trivitt church a Valentine euchre in tne com- The A. will held Parish Hall on Monday evening mencing at 3 o’clock. Good prizes. Admission 25c. Cosmetics Praised MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Your Opportunity SPECIAL DRESSES GROCERY SPECIALS NOTICE Union 3 7 But in this case it is not only a matter of style, but also a matter of improved, clearer, more com fortable vision. Ch oil* evening Butter 2 9-3 2c. A large 17c. medium 16c, pullets 15 c. B 14c. C 13c. $8.10 SHORTENING Crispy Flake 2 pounds for 25c. Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist mid Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister Nola Sweitzer, of Shipka, a few days with. her grand Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer. Jessie Hcdgert, of town, and of Hensail, left You’ll thank Science for its progressive achievements*—once you enjoy the undistorted, clear- vision-in-every-part-of-the-Ien!' which “Corectal” provides. *A Canadian oDevelopment1 LARD Home rendered 2 lbs. for 25c. BROOMS Special five string for 25c. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St Save the Coupons Exeter Markets Wheat 98c. Oats 45c, Manitoba’s Best $4.25 Welcome Flour $2.95 Shorts $1,75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 37c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs 45c per Pint — also — Fresh and Smoked Fillets, B. C. Salmon & Whitefish Save the Coupons Your Phone Order Appreciated Physicians are divided as to whether young women should use cosmetics and certain hard-hearted business executives say there’s too much powdering in between times too much rouging and lip-sticking, and fussing and fixing. Nevertheless, the director of one of the biggest American Life Insurance Companies, employing thousands of girls, tells j .... ti-rxr,, +V..A ..co r.-F Mrs. Geo. Hunter visited with re latives in Clinton on Friday last. Air. Orville Lawson, of the bank of Commerce staff, is off duty with in fluenza. Miss visited mother Miss Airs. H. Dayman, Tuesday for a trip to Florida. Airs. H. Jennings, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is improving nice ly. Messrs. Preston Dearing, C. Tan ton and S. B. Taylor, motored to Toronto -on Tuesday for a couple oi days. Rev. A. A. Trumpet, of London, formerly of Exeter, has been elected president of the London Humane Society. Aliss Nellie Carmichael, of South cott Bros, staff, has been assisting with their branch store in Hensall for the past few days. Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon, of town, and Mrs. Hall, of Mitchell left Saturday on a three- weeks motor trip to Florida. Mrs. Chas. Johns, Mrs. H. Kyle, Mrs. A. J. Hamilton and Aliss Celia Christie were at Clinton Tuesday at tending a meeting of the executive cif the Huron Presbyterial. ■We understand that Mr. Hilliary Horton, ’who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for several weeks was able to leave the hospital re cently and is at present visiting with his daughter in Stratford. Mrs. W. C. Pearce returned to her home on Saturday after visiting with her daughter in Detroit. She re turned home in company with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Simpson who were visiting in Hensall over the week end. Mrs. M. A. Ortwein, of Great Falls, Man., in renewing her subscription to the Times-Advocate says that she enjoys reading the paper very much. She is always sure of at least one large letter a week. Air. and Mrs. William E. Winer celebrated their forteith wedding an niversary on Tuesday, February 8tn. A large number of friends called at the home to extend congratulations. Many telephone calls, letters and cards were also received. Mr. and Mrs. C. W.- Kestle were at Lawrence Station on Monday attend ing the funeral of a friend the late John McLellan. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Down, the form er being confined to through illness. Mrs. F. Triebner of brated her 76th birthday Her mother, Mrs. Hannah Sanders, of Stephen, who is 96 years of age spent the day with her. The latter has been enjoying remarkable health and is quite active for one of her years. ■On Tuesday evening January 22nd Mrs. Archie Ryckman entertained in honor of Mi’S. Emerson Anderson (nee Doreen Caldwell.) About forty friends and neighbors were present and presented her with a miscen- eous shower. A social hour was spent after which lunch was served by the hostess. One of the smartest dances of the season was held in the Exeter Arena Friday evening, of last week by the Exeter Bowling Club. About 27b persons danced to the music of Benny Palmer and his orchestra, of. St. Thomas. (Several tables of bridge were also played. The hall was nice ly decorated. us this: “We encourage the use of cosmetics among our girls within reasonable limitation's. Heightened effectiveness, assurance and general competence may be gained by skill ful makeup. If a girl feels that then fear, awkwardness and seli- consciousness are lessened and aut she is attractive and personable, is apt to 'be a much better worker with greater chances of success. Most girls we find, are intelligent about such things and all they need is a little sensible guidance.” REWARD The Misses Carling have instruct ed me to offer a reward for $25.00 for information leading to the con viction of the person or persons re sponsible for the damage to their iron fence on the North side of Hur on (Street on or about February 6th, 193 8. Those responsible will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. J. W. MORLEY Comfortable house and barn, poul try houses and small acreage, also several farms. Wm. Pearce. Exeter FOR SALE—Two gent’s overcoats in splendid condition. Apply Box 2S0M. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club will hold a euchre and crokinole party at Farquhar Hall on Monday, ’February 14th. Play to commence at 9 o’clock sharp. All 1937 mem bers and their wives and any pros pective members are invitpd. Ladies please provide lunch. The club can still handle a few more orders for Manitoulin cedar posts. P. Pass- more, Secretary. FOR SALE!—(Fifty acre grass farm in Hay. Never-failing sipring creek runs through farm. Will exchange for small house in Exeter. Apply to Box 2 8OK, Exeter 'Times-Advocate. 2-10-2 tp. GALLING ALL SALESMEN I— AGENTS!—Would you consider a change that would really make money? New Sales .plan. Sales of 200 guaranteed food, medicinal, toilet preparations. Lower prices. Liberal commission. Extra cash bonus. Free gifts. If you have a car and a little cash and want to sell something that, repeats the year round in exclusive district, write to: FAMILEX CO., 570 ST. CLEMENT SIT,, MONTREAL. ' WANTED—Men with car. Route experience preferred but not neces sary. Rawleigh Dept. ML-202-M-B, Montreal, Canada. FOR SALE—1928 Ford coach in good condition. Apply to Harry Strang, R. R. 1, Hensail. Phone Ex eter 177 r 16.. Butter wrappers printed with name and address $3.25 a thousand at Times-Advocate. the cow theFOR SALES—iA fine Durham to freshen about the middle of month. Apply to Daniel Hodgson, Centralia, WANTED—-50 or 100 acre farm to rent. Apply to Ivor Morgan, R. R. 1, Kirkton, 2-3-2tp FOR SALE—Butter wrappers two colors ‘ Dairy Butter” 20c. hundired at Times-Advocate. in a inFOR SALE—-Stucco cottage, good repair, nice lot, well located. Own your own home. C. V. PICKARD phone IBS. Exeter, Advertisements in this column ate charged at the rate of 10c per line. The minimum charge for a three- line advL is 25c. 10c extra will be charged when applicants ate to ap ply at this office or a box number. 10c additional will also be charged if itetns are not paid for within ten days and have to bo booked. YeSj Glasses Have Gw Modern/ Too! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rpv, Douglas Hill, B.A., R.D Minis ter Sirs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship 4th sermon in nowledging our “What we owe England” 7 p.m.—Public Worhsip Sermon: The Nature of Worship the series * Debts” to the Church of for that smart Spring Dress at a great saving putting on sale A rack of printed crepes, long sleeves at SPECIAL DRESSES SPECIAL DRESSES t 4Q A rack of plain and printed crepes, long and short sleeves V • 11Z C. E. Zurbrigg LOCALS n 3 p.m,-—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday Y. P. U. Thursday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service To-night Wednesday, Men’s Union A rack of plain crepes, larger sizes at................. $4.95 The balance of our Dresses are greatly reduced his home town, Celer on Monday. Main Street Y» P. U. With Marion Powell in charge the meeting opened by singing “I am Thine Lord” after which Rev. Mr. Elliott led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Ray Waghorn. Our second hymn was “Let the Low er Lights be Burning.” “Business for the King.” by Mr. Medd. two readings, favored with , meeting was closed by singing Anchor Holds” followed by the , pan benediction. The _ . __ „ was Helen Smith (The Harmony two numbers. On Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday I attended the Hair Dress ers’ Convention at the Booke- Cadillac Hotel in Detroit and took a course in Hair Styling. G. M. Simpson Exeter Phone 245 BE SAFE! DRINK THE NATURAL RAW MILK FROM TUBERCULIN AND BLOOD TESTED HERDS Highland Hill Dairy N. STANLAKE & SON Y. P. Entertained On Tuesday evening the James St. Y. P. were entertained by Elimville Young People. iTJhe program which was put on by James Street opened with a hymn after which Rev. Mr. Penrose led in prayer. The .Scripture lesson was read by Ardys McFalls: violin selection by Catherine Arm strong. The tO'pie “Tht goal of life and a woman who chose it” was tak en by Miss Vera Decker. Earl Hey wood favored wth a guitar selection; duet by Audrey and Labelle Sims; reading by Elgin Luxton; piano duet by Ol:a Reid and Laurene Beavers’ readiig by Helen Finkbeiner and a guitar selection by Gordon Klein- feldt. The Elimville young people then took charge of the social part. Games and contests were enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was served. The James Street Young People moved a vote of thanks to the socialcommit tee for the enjoyable evening that had been spent. • •Used Cars .. THESE CARS MUST BE SACRIFICED FOR SPRING BUSINESS Chevrolet Coach, standard Ford Coach, low mileage Chevrolet Master Coach Chevrolet Master Coach Chevrolet Master Coach Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan tO'pie given gave Trio The ■ “My e Miz- JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W- R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—The Shepherd’s Psalm “Thy Rod and Thy Staff” p.m.—Church School p.m.—“Youth and Statesman.” The Young People’s render the music at the vice. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayex* Service Thursday' 2.30 p.m.—(Monthly meet ing of the W. M. S. Friday 8 p.m.—Bible Class Social Evening. Speaker Rev. W. A. Young Hensall. the Eldei TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Sixth Sunday After Epipihany p.m.—Sunday School3 7.0'0 p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon ! 1936 1936 1935 1934 1934 1937 with trunk 1934 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan with trunk 1932 Ford Coach, 4 cylinders 1930 Pontiac Coach, low mileage 1930 Pontiac Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1930 Whippet Coach, 4 cylinders 1933 Chevrolet 1-2 ton pick-up 1931 Ford, long wheelbase truck with racks and platform. Snell Bros. & Co. <7Phone 100 Exeter i i the The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Bible Study Friday Evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday February 13th 2 p.m. S. S. and Bible Class 3 p.m. Devotional service. 8 p.m. Evangelistic meeting. You will enjoy the bright singing as well as the preaching—(Come! J. T. EDGAR, Pastor LET OLD MAN WINTER PROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF D. & H. ANTHRACITE Ask Old Man Winter. He’ll prove that D. & H. Anthracite is the real zero weather fuel, accurately sized. It supplies .heat that is easier to control, is more draft-obedient and provides a steady even flow of warmth to every corner of your home 'Convince yourself by H. Anthracite “makes warm D.& Sil ■ ! ' 1 ' • 1 ""T...... "'■On .......................i Iiim.li ....................................................... Sheets Hemmed Free of Charge During the month of February we will hem all sheets free of charge. Un bleached sheeting at per yard 50c to 60c. Bleached sheeting 50c to 75c. APPLES Cooking Apples 25c. for 11 qt. basket VEGETABLES Fresh Tomatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Beans SOAP Carbolic, English quality 5 bars for 25c. ONIONS Cooking 4 lbs. for 25c. PRUNES Large Meaty Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c. PEACHES Dried 2 lbs for 35c. Southcott Bros. Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 James Street Women’s Association The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of James St. United Church was held at the Church on February 3rd with the President in charge. Mrs. Cutbush read the Scripture lesson and offer ed prayer, plans were completed for a Valentine Supper to be held on February 15th. (The members are working on the group system with the following leaders: No. 1 Group, Mrs, (Rev.) A. Page; No. 2 Group, Mrs. G. Hunter; No. 3 Group, Mrs. ■Earl Shapton; No. 4 Group, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Mrs. E. Shapton gave a reading and Mrs. H. C. Carey a piano ■ solo. Lunch was served at the close by a hostess and her committee. trying a ton of the fuel friends.” that JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to IS noon CANADIAN CANNERS insurance rates increasing When automobile accidents in crease automobile insurance rates go up. When rates go up because accidents increase you can’t afford to be without insurance protection, especially when you can secure the savings now being enjoyed by’ thou sands of careful car owners through “L-M-C” NON-ASSESSABLE PAR TICIPATING policies. This saving has never been less than 20%. Don’t complain about the high cost of Automobile Insurance, something about it! See Your Local Agent ERNEST C. HARVEY no Just a short time left to get in on the Times-Advocate draw for prizes. (Sixteen prizes are to be given away on February 19th. iftrst prize $5; "five prizes of $2.00 each and ten prizes of $1.00 each. Renew now. •One coupon for each year renewed. A Ik. s.Caven Church W. SI. A large number gathered home of Mrs. W. Hatter, afternoon of this week for the Feb ruary meeting of the W. M. ,S. of Caven Church. Mrs. Wm. Sillery, president, presided over the meeting. Reports of the secretaries were given. It was decided by the mem bers to raise talent money during February, the same to be used to supply articles for the bale. Mrs. D. C. Hill gave a paper on the life of Rev. James Nisket, our pioneer missionary to the Indians of West ern Canada. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and a social time spent together. at the Tuesday <■ Mid-Winter Specials Your opportunity to secure a lovely new Overcoat or Suit at a saving. « .« « « * « * * MEN’S SUEDE JACKETS A — Large Assortment of — TIES, SOCKS, FINE SHIRTS, NECK SCARVES A selection that insures good choice at a price that assures value. W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. country and of the wonderful work being done by1 the Grenfell Mission, also stressing the need of work still to 'b.e carried on. A reading on Val entine was given by Miss Alice Handford. Following tihe closing of the meeting ,a Valentine contest held and a dainty lunch served. was of the eellav if is available, as Eggs sihuld not ■or cases immed- James St. Evening Auxiliary Miss R. Morris was the guest speaker at the James St. Evening Auxiliary on Monday evening held at the home of Miss Helen Penihale. The President, Miss Celia Christie, presided over the business. A sew ing meeting for the making of lay ettes to be sent to the West will be held at the home of. Mrs. G. KoCih later this month. A vote of appre ciation was expressed to be extend ed to Mrs. John Parsons for seven quilt tops which she has donated to the auxiliary. Mrs. page spoke of the activities of Miss Irene Moore, the missionary adopted by the so ciety. Miss Reta Rowe then took charge of the meeting. Miss Flor ence Down read the devotional leaf let followed with prayers. (The third chapter of. the study book was A / . A quar- was sung .by Mrs, T. Coates, H. Carey, Miss R. Rowe Lindenfield accompanied M. Cudmore. “Labrador, and its People” was taken by Mrs. G* 0. Koch, tette Mrs. MIsS Mrs. Country subject of a very interesting given by Miss Morris, of London, who taught school in that country for some time, ■Tho speaker brought first hand information of this vast and by the t*.r talk is is Principals of Grading The grading of farm products based on the principle that it sound business to classify live stock in such a way that the consumer Will be able to recognize and purchase quality products, and that the price premium which the 'consumer will pay for the better grades should be returned to the producer of them. Practice has proven the value of the theory involved in the grading prin ciple. Grading activities have been a tremendous incentive to qualify production, with resultant .price benefit to producers. Gather Eggs Often least daily The Eggs should be gathered at twice a day, and three times is better during hot weather, time of one gathering should be just before dark or as near to it as prac ticable. (This last gathering may not produce a great number of aggs, but since broody hens will commonly search out the nest containing eggs after the day’s laying has ceased, failure to gather late in the day IS a common source of distinct deter ioration. Each gathering should be ©laced in the coolest part no other cool spot soon as gathered, be put into cartons iately if this can be avoided. The ideal container for cooling eggs is a wire trayi. A wire basket is the next best, and perhaps the most practical. These baskets are waste paper con tainers. As an insight into the capacity of the United Kinngdom as a user of food, almost all the British Empire’s • exports of eggs, two-thirds of the ogg exports from Denmark and Po land, half of the egg shipments of the Netherlands and China, and one- third the egg exports from Egypt together with the home production in Britain, were absorbed by the British market in 1936. Casein, manufactured chiefly from skim milk, is used in industry and is closely effected by industrial con ditions. Argentina is the chief ex porter of casein, accounting for about half of the total world export (8i8,u 800 <wts. in lose,) France is (Ar gentina’s closest competitor, the two countries together providing over 80 per cent, of the world’s exports.