HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-10, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, WBWY 19, 1938 Kirkton Library Formed 25 Years Ago Mortgage Burned by Dr. Campbell EDIT RIAL In the old school copy hook we write line on line, “Mighty oaks, from tiny acorns grow,” and now in later years we see this old axiom literally fulfilled right under our eyes, From time to time various organi­ zations have functioned in this com­ munity. We have had music, both instrumental and choral, in sport, baseball, quoits and even a first class howling green at the time when the Kirkton community was expect­ ed to break in bankers for the Mol- sons bank. These have pretty well all passed away, but they/ iplayed their part in breaking down the pre­ judices and antagonisms of the pion­ eering community and showed the (possibilities of co-ordinated effort in community welfare. Organized in 1913 In 1912 it was felt that the time was ripe for extension of community effort into the field of .Library ser­ vice. Interested parties met at the home of Mrs. A. iBretlnour and a pro­ visional committee was appointed. In 1913 “The Kirkton Public Lib­ rary Association” was formed. The zeal with which they applied them­ eelves is evidenced by a catalogue published in the following year which showed 126 books of fiction '85 class­ ed books, 18 books of reference and some periodicals. Truly a start had been made. To extend the field service traveling libraries boxes were secured from the Libraries Branch and placed in bordering communities i.e., woodham, Farquhar, winchelsea Anderson, etc. While this feature has been discontinued the interest so roused still shows the wisdom of this move. From the beginning the books had been quartered in one of the local stores, the store-keeper acting as librarians. With the growth of the library and the extension of interest, it became necessary to provide bet­ ter service. |So a nearby .residence was rented, two rooms reserved for library purposes and a tenant install­ ed who was to act as librarian. This move was fortunate and saved the books from loss of fire which short­ ly after totally destroyed that local store in which they had been housed. The juvenile department was great­ ly extended about this time and gen­ eral reading greatly enriched by a legacy of 59 volumes of Howard Classics, the bequest of the rector’s wife. Situation Saved■ ■” * In 1926 the threatened sale of the ^MILBURNV^B Laxa-Liver 1. • PlLLS*jfl| Stimulate The Sluggish Liver Clean The Coated Tongue Remove Bad Taste In Mouth Sweeten The Breath property in which the library was housed, precipitated an impasse. The Library was located, to move might be disastrous, and all the funds were tied up in books and equipment. However community opinion sup­ ported the Board, subscription lists were circulated, and $200 was prom­ ised toward a purchase fund. A prominent citizen igave $200, and a former one $25. The remaining $600 was borrowed on an amortisation plan, with payments of principal and interest spread over ten years. These payments has been made, the pro­ perty improved and annual purchases of books made, until at the end of 1937, we find ourselves with assets exceeding $2,000', including 1,000 volumes of fiction, 600 of classed bopks, 400 juvenile, besides fixtures and no liabilities. Surely a worth-­ while accomplishment in twenty-five years. Circulation the past year was 2470 adult fiction, 155 non fiction, 810 juvenile. Traveling libraries are still used to supply up-to-the minute reading and being listed separately, accounts for the low circulation of non-fiction. Books are classified under the Dewey decimal system and catalogued by a type-written card in­ dex system. During the past 'year purchases of juvenile books were made with a view to provide supple­ mentary reading in connection with the new school course. The co-oper­ ation of parents, school boards and teachers with the association would result in the extension of this field library service. Mortgage Burned At the annual meeting held re­ cently in Aberdeen Hall, citizens in general joined with members of the association to celebrate the release from indebtedness. Mr. Richard Humphreys who has been chairman of the board for many years, presid­ ed. Mr. W. A. Roger, who has been the faithful secretary-treasurer these last few .years, was secretary. Dr. C. S. Campbell gave a resume of library activities in the early days,- after which tlhe chairman delegated to him the honor of burning the mort­ gage. The members of the 'Board for 193 8 are: Mrs. S. Adamson, chair­ man; Mrs. S. Adamson, Rev. G. L. Lewis, Rev. G. P. Parsons, Rev. A- Laing, Dr. C. A. Campbell, Mrs. N. Watson, Miss W. A. Doupe and O- C. Sawyer, /Secretary. The library has enriched the lives of all those who have come within its influence and has made a great contribution to 'community well being. The accumulated wis­ dom gained in providing 25 years of library service will not limit this enterprise but rather inspire direct and encourage the attempt in tlh« future to provide greatex* service to a greater number. Already plans have been laid to improve the pro­ perty, repair books, balance the lib­ rary, extend the membership, to in­ stall, hydro, etc. A sweeping reduc­ tion has been made in membership rates. The continued support of the community is expected and we feel will be given.—(St. Marys Journal- Argus. And how the youngsters have enjoyed the ice! ****** ** A hydro electric power system is no stronger than its severest test. A little sand well-placed is cheaper than law Shits and 'broken bones. * » * * * ? Japanese bombs have their share in moulding public opinion in the United States. And now our Yankee cousins are calling their financial troubles a business relapse, ******** iOur Exeter merchants are offering the best shopping induce­ ments that you ever dreampt of. ******** Old man wintei* is penalizing folk fox- the bad things they say about him by giving us a lot of miserable weather. ******** “The causes of calamity are delusively obvious” .remarked Gid­ dings. It wasn’t tihat way with the bridge at Niagara. ******** Those who do not believe in military preparedness will do well to read the story of some Chinese and Spanisihi cities and towns. ******** Those engineers are smart fellows. They had plans all made out for a new bridge at Niagara before the old one was down, which causes one to wonder and wonder and wonder. THINKING! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867 S. H. LOGAN A. E. ARSCOTT President Genera! Manager you may need. Community Service JgACH branch of this Bank is a "community bank”, linked to a central organization that places every customer in contact with a service national and international in scope. The branch of this Bank in your community is fully equipped to take care of any banking service SIGNIFICANT Speaking of business in the U. |S. Leonard P. Ayres says in The Atlantic Monthly fox- February: “In recent m-ontihs, stock prices have suffered one of the most rapid declines in their liistory, and flotations of new securities have dwindled away to a mere trickle.” These facts are well worth study. ******** QUEER, ISN’T ET? Were it announced that Jim Braddock were to appear, say in London, one night and Stanley Baldwin to aip-pear in the same city the following night there would be ten people out to see the pugil­ ist fox’ one that would be in attendance to see the statesman. The main difference between the respective crowds would be thie shape of the heads. ******** FjROM SCENES LIKE THESE A blacksmith not a hundred miles from here 'had a dull month last winter. This period he devoted to making two wheel barrows and a set of bob sleighs. These he stored. With 'the first snow of this winter the sold the sleighs and tlhe barrows taking in the neat sum of $60. in lone week. His opposition sipent the same period in rabbit-hunting, but had no sale of barrows or sleighs. He had none to sell.******** A DISMAL ALTERNATIVE There’s a joyous note in the year-end news item that the out­ put of pianos in the United IStates set a ten-year record in 1937. Not only does this mean better business, but implies a greater ap­ preciation of music. A piano must be played, not merely turned on. lOf course, there is another viewpoint—that of the dwellers in the same apartment house in which Junior and Susan take their lessons. But suppose there had been a 17.32 pei’ cent, increase in the output of saxaphiones—ox1 cornets!—Christian fiience Monitor. ******** A BIT. OF GOOD WORK Dad simply would not go on relief. His wages were pitifully small. Mary’s shoes were thin. Her stockings had long since lost their “feet.” Hei’ mit^s did not meet hex’ threadbare coat by two inches. They were mended, neatly but very thinly with cord. 'Her school inarm noticed the condition of affairs and mentioned the fact to a lady we know. .Said lady did this and that, learned t-o- knit and supplied the stocking's and the mitts, while the school inarm looked after some up-dies and a pair of shoes. Neither marm not her mothei’ spenUorfe copper at a fashionable week-end resort. Such folk ar not bujJt that way. s * ♦ * ♦ » ‘ * • */ ~ WELL DONE! (Surely the powers that be have done well to turn down the re­ quest to authorize the sweepstake business for the support of hos­ pitals. Gambling works for the good of no one, while its record is an exceedingly bad one. There is little doubt but that the big county that petitioned for the establishing of the sweepstakes enter­ prise will bitterly regret its action. This event in their history will make bad reading when the history of that part of the province is written up. Yet this move was made under the eves of Ontario’s parliament buildings, on the doorsteps of half a dozen theological colleges, within a rifle shot of scores of churches and cathedrals and under the shadow of the provincial university. **«««*** HE KNEW ENOUGH The ladies and gentlemen who listened in to the radio broadcast of the Braddock-Farr prize fight will be glad to learn that Brad­ dock has decided to retire from the fisticuf .road to wealth. No doubt the mighty bruiser is a man of valor, but discretion is the bettei’ part of valor he well and truly believes. He’s a wise fighter who when he wins a sum of money retires before someone knocks him over, for the fightei’ who retires full of victory and applause and cash is spoken of with something akin to reverence, while the fighter who stays with his job till he is toppled ovex* is regard­ ed as a poor affair. Wise Braddock! Wise are all men who know when they have had enough! Wise the man in any walk of life who retires 'before he is utterly crowded to the wall. Who wins a wad and runs away •May make some dough anothei’ day. * ******* Hadn’t Wc Better Think About It Is the popular method of spending the iSabbath day to be com­ mended? We ref ex* to the way certain pleasure resorts .have of advertising the pleasures and sports and catering they have to offei’ for Saturday and Sunday and to the cowds who heed the ads. |Are Canadians justified in turning the .Sabbath into a day of pleasuring? There is but one answer. In this connection we recall a conversation with the head of a law firm who, quite unsolicited on our part, told us that ovei’ a period of mdre than 50 years he had observed that financial troubles and social misery and Sabbatih day violations went hand in hand. This man who has loaned as much as a million and a half of money in one year without losing a dollar of his clients’ money, steadfastly refuses to consider any business on (Sunday. He leaves his 'busi­ ness in his office on iSaturday night and does not discuss it in any way till Monday morning, He and his family go to churcihi and make a distinctly religious use of the Sabbath. “Said he “The command, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy’4 is given by too high an authority for me to disobey.” However, there are many who disagree with him, but who dis­ agree to their hurt. We quote a few lines that we believe contain a truth that this nation must respect it it is to amount to very, much “A .Sabbath well spent means a week of content, And strength for the work of the morrow. ® But a (Sabbath profaned, whatever is gained, Is a certain forcruijnex* of sorrow,” !An ignorant Kaffir sold an Afri­ can diamond mine for a few -trinkets. A Pennsylvania farmer went West to seek .his 'fortune in (the Gold Fields of California—and his succes- soi’ became a millionaire because >of tihe discovery of oil on his farm. A Forty-Niner cursed the grey metal that baffled his search for Gold'—and a man named Fair be­ came the Silver King of America, |To most of us, the othex* fellow’s job looks easiex* than our own—to the donkey tihe other field is greener. It isn’t the job, the circumstance, that helps men to succeed, to ’p-ros- p ext—while hundreds toil day after day in the same ihumdr.um existence. It’s the individual himself. ISuccess, Achievement, are yours for the taking if you are willing to pay the price. What is the '.price? The answer is THINKING! Most of us are mentally lazy. There are far more mentally lazy people than physically lazy people. Every normal man, woman and child has the latent ability to be­ come geniuses if they will train themselves to concentrate and think constructively. Thinking is a matter of training. The real worth of our educational institutions lies in their 'power to train people to think. But thinking is not always a matter of school room training — must successful people learned bo tihink construc­ tively after they left school. Do a little creative thinking your­ self each day—in solitude—isay, just ten minutes a day at first. Think about your task, youx* job —your ambition'—your business or your hobby. In time, THINKING— creative and constructive thinking— will become a deep rooted habit. You will be ihappiei’ and make others happy;—and you will gain in mater­ ial wealth as well. o—o—o THE END OF A PERMANENT WAVE When you come to the end of a (permanent wave, And you look at yourself in the glass; ’Youi’ hair is quite straight, and your neck needs a shave, • » iA.nd you seem to have lost all your class. Do you think what the end of a permanent wave 'Can mean to a woman that’s broke-, Though she holds back hei’ tears and tries to 'be brave, With grief, she feels that she'll choke. Well, this is the end of a permanent wave And once more life is full of care. When I think what lots of coin I could save, If I hadn't cut off my hair! There’s just one thing to do at tihe end of a wave If you’ll listen, dear girls, I’ll tell; Don’t think for a moment a cent you can save— But go out and get a marcelle’, o—o—o Aim high. jStrive for an ideal. Live it. Dream it. Pray for it. Wisihi for it. ILong for it. Fight for it. And, as sure as there are stars in Heaven, you’ll attain it. Wishing, striving, longing, yearn­ ing, dreaming, working for a goal means praying . . and praying puts us in tune with the infinite; and in turn, sets in motion the impulses and vibrations so that in time all things begin to take shape to- give us our cherished ambition. o—o—o T.he man who wastes ten min­ utes a day cheats his employer out of a whole week’s work in the course of a year. o—o—o Prankish! Problems A microbe doubles its size every second. It takes 60 seconds to fill a glass. How long does it take to half fill tlxe glass? (Correct answer in next week’s col­ umn.) o—o—o The nearer we approach to per­ fection, the fewex- faults we see in others . o—o—o Facts About Trees The Eucalyptus Tree in New Zea­ land the Sequoia of California are two of the tallest trees—each spec­ ies often grow to- a height of 300 ft. The Date Palm is perhaps the old­ est known cultivated tree—direc­ tions for its culture have been found by archeologists on sun-dried bricks in Mesopotamia and are esti­ mated at being about Five Thousand Years Old. Perhaps t>he most useful tree is the coccanut. It furnishes nut meat oil and fibre for .commerce and its leaves and trees are used extensively for building material in the tropics. Th£ Bamboo, perhaps, has mor© uses than any other tree except the Cocoanut. It’s shoots are used for food; its stalks are used for more than a thousand articles from art work to building material and from tools for hunting and fishing to athletic equipment. The Poplar tree is considered even better than (Spruce for paper mak­ ing . , , , magazine and book (pap­ er contains about 70 per cent, poplar fibre. o—o—o A man’s opinion isn’t worth a “tinker’s ephibbet” if by exlp-ressing a conviction—he will lose his job. o—o—o The more .hesitant the chap is who asks for a loan, the more chance you have of getting it back promptly. Bluewater U. F. 0. 'The January meeting met at the home of Mrs. Max Turnbull. It was opened with singing and the Wo­ men’s Creed. The roll call was re­ sponded by “If (Schnappy dropped a sack of gold pieces at your door and a note attached reading ‘Use this to travel somewhere in Canada. Where would you go and why?” Many an in­ teresting trip and adventure was told by the ladies. The monthly questions and answers were given. The beginning of a series of talks on “Ontario” was given by Mrs. M. Des- jardine. Mr. Douglas Gill, instruct­ or of music -in the schools gave an interesting talk to the club. The story of “The Rockdale Pioneers” was told and discussed by the presi­ dent. A community sing song was led with Mrs. Ross Love at the piano. Mrs. Ruth Gill gave an essay on “The Farmer Pays Inflated 'Debts With Deflated Prices.” The monthly letter was read from the vice-presi­ dent Mrs. Margaret Hamilton. 'This was followed 'by the secretary’s and treasurer’s reiport. The travelling library arrived at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Melvin Desjardine for all who like to .read good, inter­ esting books. Mrs. Verne Ridley in­ vited the club to her home for the February meeting. God iSave the King was sung and lunch was serv­ ed. The Bluewater U. F. W. O. Club spent a social evening last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Taylor. A good crowd was present and the evening was spent in games and -contests, after which lunch was served. PICOBAC SS PIPE ■■Mi ■■Ltobacco^HH FOR A MILD,COOL SMOKE | LOOK' A BIGNEW PONTIAC $MU FOR ONLY SBggg PONTIAC 66TTOW on earth can they build a car like JL1 this to sell at a price like that!” That’s what so many folks are asking us. There’s something about Pontiac which wins you on sight. And after you’ve settled behind the wheel, right in the lap of luxury — and tested all the top-notch features — you’ll be buying Pontiacs for the rest of your life. SAFETY SHIFT Gear Control heads the list—and Pontiac’s sure got something there! So get acquainted with this great new Pontiac. Try it Out •. today. ★ Pontiac ’’Special” Business Coupe (De Luxe Models from $1004), at factory, Oshava, On*. Full catalogue equipment included. Local delivered price determined by adding delivery charges which include] freight, Government tax and license fee. P-78 SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER Associate Dealers — G. Koehler, Zurich; J. E. Sprowl, Lucan <>