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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-02-03, Page 8
X THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1838 We wish to advise the public that we have jvurchased a New Mohawk Permanent Wave Machine. This ma chine comes highly recommendd by shops all over Canada. For better r©_ suits and better permanents get a Mohawk "Wave. Hand "Wind, Spiral, Croquinole < Also a new for qqickei' hair in half get a wave of its speedy cool and noiseless dryi- ing. Special Reduction on permanents fcr three days only THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY of this week Get your Permanent now. Make your reservations early and avoid being disappointed. Evenings by appoint ment. All permanents guaranteed. or Combination Waves. Turbinator Hair Dryer and better results. Drys ' tbe time. Next time you come and be convinced Exeter Markets "Wheat 98c. Oats 45c. Manitoba's Best $4.23 Welcome Flour $2,95 Shorts $1.75 Bran $1.70' Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 36c. Dairy Butter 29-32c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs Eggs C 14c, Hogs $8.25 Eye Strain rr e v. Of Deckel’, prop.. Phone 112 for Appointments Advertisements in this column are charged at the rate of 10c p©i' line. The minimum charge for a three- line advt. is 25c. 10c extra -will be charged when applicants are to ap ply at this office or a box number. 10c additional will also be charged if items are not paid for within ten days and have to be booked. WANTED: Man with car to take over .profitable Rawleigh Route. Es tablished customers. Sales way up this year. Must he satisfied witu earnings of $3 0. a week to start. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. ML-202-101- B, Montreal, Canada. WANTED—A. good fat cow, ready to kill. Apply at Times-Advocate. Keep the date open for a Valen tine Supper by the W. A. in James Street Church on February 15th. Butter wrappers printed with name and address $3.25 a thousand at the Times-Advocate. FOR .SALE!—|A number of good young cows to freshen next month four already in guarantee right and quiet or will exchange same for young cattle; also a few York sows due to farrow next month carrying their second litter. Apply Thompson, Parkhill R.R. 605-1-3. to Ernie 8, phone ltc. FOR SALE—<25 acres W£ lot 29, Con. 14, Hibbert, good soil, never- failing spring, some bush. Apply E. G. Ryckman, R.R. 1, Hensail.up Rd. car CEDAR POSTS—The Thames Farmers’ Club have ordered a load of Manitoulin posts. Persons desiring .posts should order at once to take delivery off car. meetings will be the first and Mondays of each month----P. more, See’y. The club third Pass- farmWANTED—50 or 100 acre to rent. Apply to Ivor Morgan, R. R. 1, Kirkton, 2-3-2tp FOR BALE—'Butter wrappers ■two colors ‘Dairy Butter” 20c. hundred at Times-Advocate. in a PIGS FOR SALE’—>8 chunks 60 7<0 lbs. W. J. Seymore, Exeter : FOR SALE—The Times-Advocate recently -purchased a bale of wiping cloths, thoroughly washed and ster ilized. We can part with some of these at 12c per lb. FOR SALE—Large Royal brooder stove, colony house, large Quebec heater, small Good Cheer range, drop leaf table. R. E. Balk will. FOR SALE—-Ninety acres adjoin ing hamlet, good 'buildings, watered by spring. Low taxes. $2,000 down, balance 4%.—Wm. Pearce, Exeter Young experienced farmer (mar ried) wants to get a good farm well equipped to work on shares, or work by the year. (Apply- to Box 2 8 OH, Times-Advocate. l-27-2tp FOR SALE—Stucco cottage, in good repair, nice lot, well located. Own your own home. C. V. PICKARD phone 165. Exeter. .FOR RENT-—Large size Goblin vacuum cleaner with attachments, 75c per day delivered at your door in Exeter. Exeter Public Utilities. MEN WANTED If you are interested in becoming associated with a large .progressive manufacturing concern, then write TODAY! Our 20i0 alimentary, medi cinal, toilet products sell on sight. Big, quick, profits; repeat orders. Equipment indispensable for country route. You pay cash for your goods. Succeed or return them and gat cred it. For complete particulars and free catalogue without obligation: CO., 570 St. clement St., Montreal. A large 18c. medium 17 c. pullets 16c. B 15c. H--1 Oysters 45c per Pint — also — Fresh and Smoked Fillets, B. C. Salmon & Whitefish Save the Coupons Your Phone Order Appreciated Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Save the Coupons » Pi «im ti num n irtm n mu ■> «n <i — iummn Ki in H n — -C 1 1I LOCALS I I I mu . »mi M RECEPTION LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer are celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary on Tuesday, February 8th, and will be “At Home” to their friends from 3 to 5 and 8 to 9 p.m. Dance to Benny Palmer and his 8- ipiece orchestra at the Exeter Arena Friday evening. Mrs. John Markham, of London, formerly of Exeter, visited in town for a few days. Mrs. Dwight Fisher, of Guelph, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Butler, of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodgson, of Whalen, visited on Wednesday, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner. Mr. M. J. W. Senior and Mrs. E. H. Senior visited on Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Messrs. Ray and Earl Frayne have returned home after visiting for a few days in Detroit and Sarnia. Miss Mary McPherson, Reg. N., and Dr. H. Washburn, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Cud- more on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Jennings underwent an operation'in Victoria Hospital, (London and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Wm. Butler, of London, was in town on Thursday on business and also visited with his mother at Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steele, of London, visited over the week-end with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner. Mr. jas. Grieve is remodelling his lunch parlor. He has. had it repaint ed and is installing some very at tractive stalls. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and Gord on expect to leave on Saturday on a motor trip to Florida. They will be away for three weeks. Mr. Wm. E. Balkwill, Jr., return ed home Saturday after visiting with his sister and family and little daughter Elizabeth Ann at Harris ton. Mr. E. A. Howald is again able to be around after being laid up for the past eight weeks. He expects to re sume his duties at the Harvey Bros, mill next week. Exeter friends of Richard John ston, of Lucknow district, brother of Mr. W. H. Johnston, of town, will regret to learn of his serious illness with pneumonia. Miss Marion Elston who has been visiting with her brother Mr. Jesse Elston and sister Miss Annie for several weeks, is leaving Saturday to return to her home in Edmonton. Her sister will accomany her. Messrs Roland Williams, P. Pass- more, A. W. Morgan, Gordon Mc Donald and W. T. Quinn motored to Toronto on Monday to attend the annual convention of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashbrooik Hill and babe left Tuesday' for iShed- den where Mrs. Hill and babe will remain while Mr. Hill intends mak ing a tour with auto and' trailer and will stal practice the mystic art of cry gazing. Only a searching and scientific eye examination will reveal the true condition of your eyes, Such an examination little time; there is pleasant about it and small. If you are in doubt eyes consult us, approved method with modern in- striun'ents and equipment, requires nothing un- the cost is about your We pse the latest C. E. ZURBRIGG, no. Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday NOTICE On Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday of next week I will at tend the Hair Dressers’ Conven tion at the Booke-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit and will take a course in Hair Styling G. M. Simpson Exeter Phone 245 Tea Travelling Tea of the Exeter Travelling “Across Canada” under the auspices Women’s Institute, Tuesday, Febru ary Sth, commencing at 5.30 ,p.m. Visit Halifax first course, hostess, Mrs. Jas. Bowey; main course, Ot tawa, hostess, Mrs. Lennis O’Brien; dessert, Vancouver, hostess, Mrs. Gordon Hunter. First and dessert courses 10c each, main course 15c. The public cordiallyi invited. Just a short time left to get in on the Times-Advocate draw for prizes. Sixteen prizes are to be given away on February 19th, First prize $5; five prizes of $2.00 each and ten prizes of $1.00 each. Renew now. One coupon for each ydai* renewed. The Exeter Board of Education are meeting this (Wednesday) ev ening for their inaugural meeting of the year. Mr. Hillary Horton, who has been in Victoria Hospital, iLondou, for several weeks, with a fractured hip sustained when he was knocked from his bicycle is progressing fav orably and expects to be out soon. BE SAFE! DRINK THE NATURAL RAW MILK FROM TUBERCULIN AND BLOOD TESTED HERDS Highland Hill Dairy N. STANLAKE & SON Prevailing Agnew-Surpass Rubber Prices at the F. G. WRIGHT & CO. Department Store Women’s Motor Boots All Sizes ............................ Men’s Buckle Overshoes All Sizes ............................ Men’s Rubber Boots All Sizes ........................... Men’s Rubbers All Sizes ............................ Kiddies Rubber Overshoes Including White ........... Kiddies Rubbers All Sizes ............................ An Attractive Thermometer Mr. Jas. P. Bowey ihas placed a large attractive thermometer in front of his place of business. At the top Is his name and business while the centre contains a large glass showing clearly the tempera ture while a second tube predicts the weather for the next 24 hours. The thermometer Is a fine piece of adver- ♦Mng aM tio do--'’-*' will be watched | closely by the public, IzIxKa ¥ CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. HilJ, B.A., B.D. Minister Mi's. J, G, Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—'Public Worship 3rd sermon in series “Acknowledg ing our Debts.” What we owe to the Baptist Church 7 p.m.—Public Worship 7 p.m.—“Daniel”» MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister -Sunday School •The Minister n 3 p.m.. 7 p.m.- Monday Y. P. U. Thursday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Wednesday, Feb. 9, Men’s Union. 11 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W- R- Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.>—The Shepherd’s Psalm “Through the Dark Valley” 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—The Minister Tuesday 8 -p.m.—iPrayer Service Wednesday, February 2nd, 8 pan. ANNUAL CONGREGATION AI^ MEETING Thursday 2.30 p.m.,—[Monthly Meet ing of the W. A. TRIV1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middleiniss Fifth Sunday After Epiphany 8.30 a.m.-iHHoly Communion 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7.0>0 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study Friday. Evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, February 5th 2 3 8 p.m. S. S. and Bible Class p.m. Devotional service. p.m. Evangelistic meeting. J. T. EDGAR, Pastor LIVABILITY DEPENDS ON COMFORT and for Comfort in your home you need D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite. It is long burning and easily regulated providing an ever-healthful temperature. Always Remember for Livability Order D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite T f $1.88 $1.49 $1.89 69c 99c 49c This is all this year’s First Grade Rubber Footwear February Special $5.50 Tulip Oil Permanent at $2.95 TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 THE MASSEY-HARRIS CO. introduces new JAS. P. BOWEY Phone 33 or 157 “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ at 1 p.m. Gome in and enjoy a good program at the Massey-HarMs Shop We have taken over Beatty Equip ment formerly handled by Mr. A. Jones g. Mcknight, phone 137 ♦ INSURANCE RATES INCREASING When automobile accidents in crease automobile insurance rates go up. When .rates go up because accidents increase you can’t afford to be without insurance protection, especially when you can secure the savings now being enjoyed by thou sands of careful car owners through “L-M-C” NON-ASSESSABLE PAR TICIPATING policies. This saving has never been less than 20%. Don’t complain about the cost of Automobile insurance, something about it! See Yonr Local Agent ERNEST C. HARVEY Attends Funeral ..Sheets Hemmed Free of Charge During the month of February we will hem all sheets free of charge. Unbleached sheeting at per yard 50 to 60c. Bleached Sheetings 50 to 75c. •• COMFORTER BATS Regular 69c. SPECIAL 49c. 42 INCH PILLOW CASES Regular 25c. SPECIAL 22 l-2c. TURKISH TOWELLING Regular 25c. SPECIAL per yard 20c. 36 INCH. COMFORTER CHINTZ Regular 25c. SPECIAL per yard 20c. KNITTING YARNS FOR SWEATERS Regular 10c. SPECIAL 9c. TURKISH TOWELS Regular 15c. SPECIAL 10c. Extra Special IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Large Size SPECIAL $2.19 REMNANTS We have just finished stock taking and have a lot of Remnants that we offer at half price. PURE LINEN TOWELLING Regular 18c. SPECIAL per yard 15c. BLACK ALL WOOL SERGE Regular $2.00 yd. SPECIAL 49c. WHITE FLANNELETTE SHEETS Large Size SPECIAL 89c. WHITE & COLORED FLANNELETTE 36 inch—Regular 20c. SPECIAL per yard 18c. WHITE & COLORED FLANNELETTE 36 inch—Regular 25c. SPECIAL 22c. MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Fancy Checks, Regular $3.00 SPECIAL $2.49 100 YARDS BLACK & COLORED SILKS Values to $1.50 SPECIAL per yard 25c. 27 INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE Regular 16c. & 18c. SPECIAL per yard 15c. FACTORY YARNS Regular 28c. SPECIAL 24c. STAMPED MATS New Patterns 30c., 55c., 65c. JANUARY SPECIALS IN RUBBERS Men’s Flannelette PYJAMAS All sizes January Special $1.25 Men’s Ruber Boots per pair ............... Men’s Heavy Rubbers, 6 eyelets ....... Boys’ Heavy Rubbers, 5 eyelets......... Youth’s Heavy Rubbers, 4 eyelets ... $1.95 $1.79 $1.59 $1.39 * GROCERY SPECIALS SHORTENING JELLY GRAPEFRUIT Crispy Flakes Shortening McLaren’s Jelly Powders Large 2 lbs. for 25c.mixed 6 for 25c. 6 for 25c. TOMATOES SPECIAL PRUNES Maple Leaf Tomato Five String Brooms Large Large tin 2 for 23c.25c. each 2 lbs. for 25c. CARROTS SOAP TEA Good bulk tea black or Old—3 lbs. for 10c.Laundry Gold Soap mixed New— 10c. a bunch 7 for 25c.49c. a lb. Southcott Bros. Hensall, Phone 16 .......... ....._ . Exeter, Phone 16 dlE the Cross-WordAnswers to Puzzle printed on another page. FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to IS noon CANADIAN CANNERS u S ED K3S SBH IBS ISE 1 S R T IE T A R S *S L.1 P S P A r[c high Do Rev. Mr, Page was in London on Monday attending the fttncral of the late Dr. McIntosh, Dr, McIn tosh died suddenly from a heart at tack at the age of 71 years. For 26 years he was minister of the King St, United church, formerly Presby terian. Dr. McIntosh Was born in Ashfield Township, Huron County, He attended the Goderich Collegiate. ROWE-BRUETTE No. 3 NATURAL GAS WELOj DIVIDENDS This big natural gas well, brought in late in 1937 by E. P. Rows, prom inent petroleum geologist of Toron to, disbursed dividends of $2,500 in December, $2,300 in January and Will payi out, through the Guaranty Trust Co., of Toronto, $3,000 in Feb ruary—the latter representing a re turn of $30 on each $500 investment or a total of $78.00 oil a $ 5 OlO" in vestment in 3 months. Another deep well in the Chatham district and ly|ing 2,750 feet directly east of Ro'we-Bruette No. 3, was started by Mr, Rowe last Wednesday and will be completed to the 3,0.00 foot level within the next 40 to 60 days. The first lime marker was discovered in both these wells at ex actly 307 f&et down. !Th© RoWe- Bfuette No, 3 Well showed a poten tial daily flow of over 4,000,0100 ■on feet. Mid-Winter Specials Your opportunity to secure a lovely new Overcoat or. Suit at a saving. ♦ **•••** MEN’S SUEDE JACKETS — Large Assortment of — TIES, SOCKS, FINE SHIRTS, NECK SCARVES A selection that insures good choice at a price that assures value. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Main Street y. P. U. The meeting, which was in charge of Tom Walker, opened by singing “The Banner of the Cross” after which Rev. Mr. Elliott led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Helen Smith. with a saxaphone number by) Mr* Wesley Ryokman. The topic on “Albert Sweitzer was very ably tak en by ralia. Kestle tion, Ing a hymn and repeating the Miz pah benediction. Wo were favoured Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Messrs. Harry and favoured with a vocal The meeting closed by Cent- Dave seico sing- F The percentage of the pupils mak ing deposits in the Penny Bank at the Exeter Public School has shown a steady increase during the past few months. Th© percentage de positing during November and De cember was 47 ah increase of thre© .per cent over the previous two months. Th© total amount on de posits at th© ©nd of December was $634.02 as compared with the previous year. Don’t forget th© dance in eter Arona Friday evening week. $594.21 the jSx- of this