The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-01-06, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCA.TE THURSDAY, JANUARY «, 1088
Grand Carnival
Official Opening of the New
Rink at Hensail
at 8 o’clock p.m.
Under auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce
12 prizes for Costumes & Races
See Bills
Band in Attendance
GRAND MARCH AT 8.30 p.m.
Adults 25c., Children 15c.
on Monday
son Dr. Fred
were holiday
and Mrs. C. A.
Mr. Harold Foster was in Toronto
on Monday..
Miss Erma Webber, of Zurich, vis
ited last week with her father Mr.
Roy Webber.
Mrs. Eva Stapleton has been very
poorly at her home on Queen St. for
several weeks.
Mr. Allen Davidson is confined to
his home this week suffering from
a severe cold.
Miss Ada Gram, of Detroit, spent
the holidays, with her parents Mr.
and Mrs.' Geo. Grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and
daughter, of Delhi, were New Year’s
visitors with relatives here.
Miss E. Johnston has returned
home after spending the Christmas
holidays with Toronto friends.
Mrs. Farmer, of Stratford, is vis-
' iting with her father Mr. William
Stone and sister Mrs. Stapleton.
Messrs. Harry and Will Duckett,
of London, were recent -visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Paterson.
Mr. Peter Marks-, of London, spent
a day or two last week visiting his
mother Mrs. William Hildebrandt.
Mr. W. Lindenfield, of Billings,
Montana, is visiting with his mother
Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield and other
The Hensail Public and Continu
ation Schools * reopened after
Christmas holidays
Mrs. Wallers and
Wallers, of 'London,
visitors with Mr.
Miss McViicar, of Poplar Hill and.
Mr. Keith Baker, of London, were
recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. G.
M. Drysdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and
daughter Joyce were Chris.tma£, vis
itors '*of Me and Mrs. A’lex. McDon
ald, of Tuckersmith.
Miss Minnie Reid and Miss Em
ma Johnston left on Wednesday for
Florida where they will spend the
balance of the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, spent a
part of the Christmas holidays visit
ing with .their (daughter, Mrs. Bert.
Peck, of .Stanley Township.
Mr. Isaac Jackson, of Calgary, is
visiting with his mother and broth
ers Mrs. Jackson, and George and
Robert Jackson on the highway.
Misses Almy and Greta Lammie
spent a few days last week visiting
with their brother and his wife Mr.
:and Mrs. Ray Lammie of Exeter.
’.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton are
moving this week to the home on
the highway that they recently pur
chased from the Thos. Pepper estate.
Miss Alice Pfaff has returned to
her home after spending the Christ
mas holidays with her brother Mr.
Ray Pfaff and his family at Exeter.
Mrs. John McArthur, of London,
accompanied by several members ot
her family spent Christmas with her
brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Arnold.
Mr. Joseph Hudson, who spent
the Christmas holidays with
family here return ed^to Toronto
Monday for further treatment
Christie St. Hospital.
The Hensail Public Library
opened cn Tuesday after being clos
ed for two weeks for checking pur
poses. They have a fine list
books for distribution.
Mrs, Thos. Berry spent the
mas holidays at the home
son Edward Berry, oL'
Her othei- son Wilson Berry and his
wife, of Toronto, spent Christmas
with "her at Windsor.
Mrs. Maud Hedden, who spent the
Christmas . holidays with relatives
and friends here returned to her
home in Glenworth on Sunday ev
ening. Mr. Hedden motored up and
spent New Years here.
The many friends here of Mrs.
Mary McKaig, who was operated on
in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
last week for appendicitis, will be
glad to hear that she is re-covering
nicely. Her condition was serious
for a few days.
Messrs Norman Sinclair, Alex
Filshie, Robert Passmore, Andrew
McKenzie and James McEwen, who
spent the Christmas holidays with
their parents returned to Toronto
on Monday to resume their studies
at Toronto University.
ization of
St. Paul’s
services will bo held at 11 a.m. and
3 p.m. At 11 a.m. the rector, Rev»
M. A. Hunt, will bo the speaker and
at 3 p.m. Miss Kathleen McNaugh
ton will give the address,
Mrs. Roy MdLaren’s group of the
Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian
of new
Chris t-
of her
January 9th, being the
anniversary of the organ-
the women’s Auxiliary ot
Anglican -church special
church held a guest tea at the home
of Mrs. Fraiik Farquhar on Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Young gave
a very interesting talk on Friend
ship. Rev. W.
beautiful solos,
time was spent
Mr, Andrew
student of Toronto and son of Mr.
and Mrs, William, McKenzie, ot
Stanley Township preached in Car
mel Presbyterian church on Sunday
evening to a large congregation.
Mr. McKenzie is a brilliant speaker
and his many friends here were
pleased to hear him at this service.
Mrs. W. A. Young sang a solo, “The
Holy City,” At the morning ser
vice the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young
occupied his own pulpit.
The Chamber of Commerce intend
holding a euchre and dance in aid
ot the band to secure uniforms for
same on January 19tli. This dance
went over big the last time and no
doubt will this time, The fchamiber
of Commerce also intend to help the
council in sponsoring a great open
ing carnival at the rink in the verv
near future, but the date will be an
nounced later and iboth. young and
old are expected to attend.
Jlensall CquikH aXinutes DASHWOOD
A. Young sang two
A very pleasant
by all present.
McKenzie, Divinity
first regular meeting of the
’council held this evening at
in the council chambers with
Minutes of
Dr, W. D. Bryce, D.D.S,
ACdffice in Hartleib. Blocky Dash
wood,, first three days of week and
at -office -over the Post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week.
8 p.m.
all members present,
the previous meeting were read,
Jones and Shepherd: That
minutes be adopted at read. <
Geo. Fee reported re Poll
collection as being finished,
asked instructions re stray dogs,
iF, G. Bonthron, Tax Collectoi*
ported re tax arrears $7719.43.
Brock and Twitchell: That
roll be extended until next regular
meeting. Carried.
■G, Walker reported re Town Hall
rents receipts as being $184.
Reeve Shaddick reported C. Cook’spent the holidays with her mother
treasurer and F. G. Bonthron, tax, Mrs. Martene,
collector and assessor as wishing to ‘
retire from their offices, Mr, C.
DR, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc,
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 96 Zurich, Ont.
a few weeks
this week for
Miss Irene
Leeland Quenther, who spent
visiting relatives left
his home in Saskatehe-
Martene, of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan McCallum
and Mrs, Tillie Restemeyer, Loh’
Cook having been apipoinfed in 1914 don, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
and Mr. ,Bonthron, appointed in1 Duncan Snider on Wednesday.
1932 and both having faithfully per
formed their respective offices
Mr. Fred Bonthron who has been
the village tax collector for several
years and assessor for 1937, resign
ed his positions at the council meet
ing on Monday and will devote liis
whole time to his duties as post
master and also to his insurance
business. At the same meeting of
the council on Monday evening Mr.
Robt. Paterson was appointed tax
collector ar.d assessor. (James ,A.
Paterson was re-appointed Clerk of
the village and
treasurer of the
relief officer, also
Day passed veryNew Year’s
quietly in the village, very few vis
itors being in town on account ot
the storm and bad condition of the
roads. Several parties who were
here expecting to spend the week-end
left for their
ing, fearing
bound. The
ized during
The young people of the village are
enjoying the new rink as there has
ibeen splendid skating for the past,.,
two weeks.
homes on Friday even-
t-hey would be storm
rink Vas well patron-
the day and evening
Sunday in the Churches
At the United church on Sunday
the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair oc
cupied his own pulpit both morning
and evening. A fair congregation
was out to enjoy the services. At
the morning service Mr. W. O. Good
win sang a solo and in the evening
Mrs. Geo. Hess sang a beautiful,
Chimney Fire
Quite a. lot of excitement was
caused in town on Friday afternoon
when word was received over the
phone that the home of Mr. IFred
Corbtt, of the Blind Line Hay, was
burning. The Hen-sail Fire Depart
ment left immediately for the scene
but on their arrival it was found
that it was just a chimney fire. The
farm buildings are straight west of
the house and the high .prevailing
wind made a dangerous situation;
Mr. and Mrs. Corbett were in town
at the time and lrad a. bad scare.
There was no particular damage
Hensail Chamber of Condnerce
Miss Zeta Nadiger R.N., of Howell
a | Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs, N. Og-
hearty vote of thanks was extended den, of Exeter, spent a few days
to each. ‘
s Appointment of ol’fiqjals are as
’follows: James A. Paterson,
lief Officer, Clerk and Treasurer,
salary $200; Robert J. Paterson, as
sessor and tax collector, salary $80; ,
George E. Fee, constable and poll holidays with her daughter Mrs. E.
Nelson R. Guenther.
Miss Oneida Restemeyer, of St.
Joseph Hospital, London, spent New
Years with her parents.
Death of Philip Foster
Philip Foster.died on Tuesday,
December 28 th at Blake in Stanley
I Township. He was in his 48th year
Levi Rands pound : and had been in failing health for
" __ ~ . ecmc time. Until a year ago he had
George Hud- * lived cn the Babylon line in Hay
J-“1- — ’ 'Township. He was unmarried and
is survived by four brothers Lang
and Cornelius, of Stanley Township;
Leo., of Eldersley, Sask, and John,
of Brownsville, Wash.; six sisters
Mrs. William Henhoffer, Kitchener;
Mrs. Eugene Kuntz, Formosa; Mrs.
Christens Dietrich, Stephen Town
on Friday at St. Boniface Church at
Zurich by Rev, Father L. W. Power
Interment took place in Zurich R. C-
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Wind-
Re- sor, and Miss Florence Baker, Lon
don, spent New Years with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. R, Baker.
Mrs. Hooper, of Exeter, spent the
The Township Council will hold
its first meeting next Monday at 11
Mr, and Mrs. JI. K, Eilber spent
New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Frit?, of Zurich.
Mrs. Chas. Zwicker’s health has
improved sufficiently to enable her
to spend a few weeks in Florida. She
is accompanied by her sister • Mrs.
Holman, of Toronto.
The Women’s Institute will hold
their regular meeting on' Monday
evening at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall.
A good attendance is requested.
Miss Lulu Gaiser spent a few
days last week in Indianapolis, Ind.,
Mr. Harold pletch, who has spent
the holiday at his home here return
ed to Queen’s University, Kingston
on Tuesday morning.
■Mr, Joe Polgae, of Straffordville,
spent a few days over the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Kerr.
vice in
Rev. A.
Mr. Wes. Revington and family,
of Lucan, and Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Walker, of Detroit, visited over New
Years with Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie.
Mr. Ben Lovie returned to Detroit
with them after spending the Christ
mas week here. Mr. Roy Lovie left
Wednesday for Detroit to visit for
S. Kinkbeiner took the ser-
the Crediton Evangelical
a week ago as the pastor
E. Pletch was attending the
of his brother.
Discount on Early Orders
A worthwhile discount on all chicks booked before
ary 20th for delivery any date during the hatching season.
Place your order now, fake advantage of this big discount.
Be sure of getting Lakeview Chicks, .-By all indications we
will be sold out away ahead this season.
Lakeview Mineralized Feeds and Mineral and Wormfood
for Poultry, Hogs, Cattle and Horses
Lakeview Mineralized Concentrate ..................... $3,90
Mineralized Laying Mash ............... $2,70 and $2,50
Mineralized Hog Concentrate and Pig Starter
Watch this paper for testimonials and further details on
our Mineralized Feeds and Wormfood in -the following week?,
Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros.
The euchre and dance sponsored
by the (Hensall Chamber of. 'com
merce put on in the Town Hall on !
'Wednesday evening was a very sue- | Shepherd
cessful affair. The large hall was N°- 1 be
crowded to the doors. Some 5 0 tables , hied,
were used for
prize winners
Mrs. Thos. Kyle; ' Ladies’
Mrs. John Faber; gent’s first, Lome
Coleman; gent’s second, Geo. Boa;
consolation prizes to R-uth McAl
lister, of Hillsgreen >and Harry Wil-
liard, of Exeter. The lucky prize
winners were Loretta Bell, Mrs. Jas.
McAllister and James Mickle. After
lunch dancing took place, the music
being furnished by the
Jhestra. Will Hayter
Died Suddenly in
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.. Bonthron
ceived word d'h Monday that their
brother-in-law, Mr. Norman peppier
of Hanover, had passed away sud
denly at Chicago while .attending a
furniture exhibition there.- He lei*
for Chicago on Saturday from Han
over. He was 53 years of ago.
Mr. Peppier was a son of Mrs. Pep
pier and the late Henry Peppier, of
Hanover and spent all his life ill
that town. Ho was a prominent resi
dent of Hanover, served on the high
school board, was a member of the
Masonic Order. He attended the
Evangelical church and was for
more than ten years superintendent
of the Sunday School, In business
he was general manager of the Pep
pier Bros,, Ltd., a. Hanover furniture
manufacturing company. In 1916
he married Miss Lillian Yungsblut,
of Waterloo and formerly of Hen
sail. Ho is survived by his mother
and wife and four children-, Fred
erick, William, Edward and Mary
Caroline; three brothers, William,
Miltom and Edgar and one sister,
Mrs. E. Grass, all of Hanover. In
terment took place at Hanover.
Mrs. Peppier and family have the
sympathy of their many Hensall
friends. Mr. and Mrs, Bonthroh on
receipt of the news left immediately
for Ran over.
playing euchre. The
were: Ladies’ first,
Murdock Or-
was floor
tax collector, salary $50;
Blatchford sanitary board and weeu I
inspector, salary $17 and 20c an ■
hour for weed cutting; Dr. J. G.
Smillie medical officer of health,
salary $9 0; Reeve Shaddick and N.
Blatchford were appointed members
of the board of health; George Wai-;:
ker caretaker of Hall and Park, sal-. Township,
ary $187.50; “ ‘
Keeper; Firstbrook, Monteith & Co.,1 some time,
auditors, salary $75; C “ ” ’
son, manager water tank? salary
$22.50; Carl Passmore, motor mech
anic, fire department, salary $25;
salaries of Reeve and council,
Reeve $3.00, Council $2.00 per
regular meeting attended.
Mr. Claud Blowes appeared re
the children of 1'0 and 12 years ot
age getting the use of the rink
hockey, same granted subject to
supervision of Mr. Blowes two
enings a week.
.■> Reeve Shaddick reported
fire brigade and asked to1
ed as fire chief.
J. Passmore appeared
matters at the rink and
different points to the council.
Correspondence read: Dept, of
Municipal Affairs; Dept, of Public
Welfare; James Brothers, County
Engineer; War Memorial Children’s
Hospital. iSaine filed. |
Bills and accounts read: W. Fras
er, labor, rink $22.20; T’. Richard
son, ditto $36.90; G. Moir, ditto $5.-
60; O. Hedden, ditto $4.'0|0; V. Hed
den, ditto $4.'0i0>; A. L. Case, freight
on scraper, rink 64c; James Broth
ers, rink $16.20; A. Spencer & Son
material, rink" $124.i8S; F. McLean,
labor, rink $2.60; O. Hedden labor
rink and streets $1.00; T. Brock,
ditto $1.40; R. Hedden, ditto $1.20;
D. Sangster, labor, hall 70c; Hydro
Com., hydro hall and rink $2'6.48;
Dept, of Highways, license, fire
truck $2.00; F. G. Bonthron, ex
change and postage $3.15; School
Board, current expenses $1,000; W.
R. Davidson, coal, hall $7.15;
Passmore, labor and cartage, rink
$38.77; J. A. Paterson, registration
B. M. D. $9.‘00; total $1,307.81.
Twitchell and Shepherd: That ac
counts as read be paid. Carried.
Brock and Twitchell: That by
law No. 1 be“'giveu first and second
; reading'.
Gladman; teachers for class I, Mrs, > CREniTOhi’ FASTR. Hill; asst., Mrs. W. Mack; Class K 1
II, Mrs, Trevethick, asst., Audrey! Mr- aud Mrs. Clarence Fletcher,
Yearley; Class III and IV, were join- Greta and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. W.
ed, Mr. Woodall teacher, asst Rus~;E- Fletcher and Marjorie, Mr, and
sei Finkibeiner; Class V, Alwinna ' Mrs. Roy Fletcher, Donald and Nor
Hill; assist. Marion Lovie; Class VI' spent New Years with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Mitchell, assts., Miss M.’^rs. John Fletcher, of Exeter,
Chambers, Mrs. S. King; Missionary] and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent
Com., Mr. j. Woodall, Mrs. G. Hili, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Pass-
Mr. H. Mitchell, Alwinna Hill, Mrs.' more, of Thames Road,
R, Swartz and Mrs. T. Yearley; Tern-! ^r- aild Mrs- Lome Hodge, -of
perance Com., Mr. Trevethick, Mrs.' Monroe, visited with Mr. and
re Hydro
and Jones; That iby-law
given third reading. Car-
and T wife hell: That
Mrs. Leo Strub, Kitchener;
Andrew Luntz, Bamberg and
Louis Ziler, of Stephen Town-
Requiem high mass was sung
Crediton School Meeting
The annual school meeting of the
Creditoil Public School was held last
Wednesday evening with a splendid
attendance. Mi*. Harry Beaver was
appointed chairman. Mr. H. K. Eil
ber, secretary-treasurer, gave bis re
port which showed a nice balance in
the treasury after the year’s business.
Mr. Lloyd Gaiser was re-elected
trustee for a term of three years.
At the close of the meeting the
Board of Trustees met for organiza
tion. Mr. Everett Fahrner was ap
pointed chairman of the board ancl
Mr. Ernest Guettinger, who has giv
en excellent service in the past was
re-appointed as caretaker for another
year, *>A vote of thanks was given
the teachers for the splendid
gram, they presented during
Christinas holidays.
Tile Country Newspaper
The thing that makes the weekly
newspaper so importannt is the
■closeness to its readers-. It is an
Intimate organ, t^ serves its read
ers in quite as helpful a manner as
does the minister, the priest,or the
town principal of the schools. It is
an institution-, without which no
town is quite complete. The coun
try newspaper is one paper that is
generally read from front to back—
ads and all. The small town editor
is a hard working, 'hard thinking
human being. He has everyone ot
his readers’ interests at heart. No
item of interest is unimportant. His
newspaper is the reflection of the
thought and tempo of
■ually he is a brave
fearless fighter for its
He earns little—but
He is a service. His influence is
wide and far-reaching. His citizen
ship is a fine gift to civilization.
tli e
Mack, Jim Mawhinney and Mrs. S. E. Pooley on Sunday.
King; Flower Com., Mr. G. Mawhin- 1vr” T>/'”
ney, Mrs. A. King, Mrs. R. Hill. The
meeting closed with prayer by Rev.
Mr. Gladman. Sunday, January 2,
being Missionary Sunday a program
was given by E. Chambers’ class. A
missionary story was read by Nel
son Lamport and the boys
class sang “A Gyspy Boy.”
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and
ley, of Kirkton, spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge
and Bruce spent Saturday with Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Delbridge, of Ex
Visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Free
man Horne on New Years were: Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Horne, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Whitlock, of Thames Road,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and family
of Elimville, Miss Joy Whitlock, of
on St. Thomas, Miss Muriel Allison, of
Mrs. W. H. Hayter Visited
Thursday with Mrs. Ed. McPherson Springfield,
at Grand Bend. I
Mrs. Joseph Carruthers, Sr., en
tertained her family and grand child- _
ren at her home on New Years.
Miss Beulah Hodgins has return
ed to Clandeboye after spending the
Christmas vacation at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Love enter
tained a number of their relatives
on New Years day.
Mr. Kenneth Hodgins, of Wiarton,
is visiting at his home.
'Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Love
for New Years were: Mr, and Mrs.
Colin Love and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Love,
Mrs. Ed. Gill, ‘Mr. aiid
and Mrs. Ed. Gill, Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
family and Mr. Hector
ed on
Mrs. Violet Walker, of Milverton,
visited, one day last week with Mrs,
W. E. Fletcher.
j Misses Marjorie and Audrey Flet
cher are spending a few days this
week with their grandmother Mrs.
John Fletcher, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis visit-
ed on Thursday last with Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford I-Iotham, of Byron,SH1PKA
The annual School meeting, of S.
S. No. 7 was held on Wednesday, De
cember 29th at the school. Mr. Al
bert Gaiser was again reelected for a
term. The trustees are M. E.
uxxng, Mi?. M. Sweitzer, Mr. A. Gais-j
er. . ■
The annual school meeting
S. No. 11 was held on Wednesday,
December 29 th at the school. Mr. Al
bert Morenz was chairman. iSecretary
Treasurer, report was given. The
ratepayers discussed the question of
having music taught in the school.
The trustees are Clarence Gale, Wes.
England and Stuart Webb.
The Messrs. Wilfred Disjardine,
Isaac Tetreau and Clarence Gale have
purchased new radios.
Sunday last was Missionary Sun
day with readings iby Lila Finkbeiner
J and Stuart Sweitzer given.
The regular meeting of the
and School Cluib will be held
day evening, January 11th,
o’clock, in the school house.
The Y. P. ,S. held a meeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport
one evening of this week.
Mr. Harold Kellerman visited over
i the week-end with friends at Fergus, j T^e Executive of the Sunday
School met in the church on Tuesday
Ye, afternoon to elect the officers for
„ . _ . Rev. D. Gladman
was in charge. Meeting opened with
, , a singiijg a hymn and prayer. After re-
i ports had been, given the officers
' were elected which are as follows: _ _ I Supt., Milton Ratz; assistant Supt.,
__ __ .; Secretary, Verne
Sharpe; assist. Secretary, Milton
Sweitzer; treasurer, John Lamport;
Pianist, Mrs. Milton Ratz; assist.,
Nola Sweitzer and Ruth Lamport;
Librarians, Jack Ratz and Stuart
Sweitzer; Miss. Supt., Pearl Keys;
Temperance Supt., Matt, Sweitzer;
Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. E. Keys;
Teachers, Ernest Keys, Jacob Kel-
lermann, Ivan Sharpe, Pearl Keys,
Wm. Sweitzer, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
Matt. Sweitzer, Mrs’. E. Keys; assist,
teachers. Major Baker, Louis Schroe
der, Mrs. A. Webb, Lillian Lovie. The
meeting was closed with prayer by
Rev. Mr. Gladman.
Miss Violet Sharpe left on Friday
for Auburn after spending the holi
days at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard and
Miss Leila, of Exeter, visited on
Tuesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Lovie.
New Year’s visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz are as fol
lows: Mr. and Mrs. E. Gaiser, Grand
Bend, Mr. and Mrs. A. Amy, Mr. and
Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Haist. all of Crediton.
Mrs. Martha Hewlett, of Exeter,
atid son Gordon of oshawa, visited
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Matt, Swietzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and
Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moren?,'
spent New Year’s in London with !
Mr. and Mrs. W» Corry.
adopt the resolution as prepared by I the" coming "yean
the Bank of Montreal. Carried. •
Brock and Twitchell: That
b;5-Iaw be prepared confirming the;
appointments and salaries. Car
Shepherd and Jones:
secure 7 copies of the
World. Carried.
Brock and Shopherd:
Reeve and Clerk be instructed to
arrange about the bonds of
ficials newly appointed also
tiring officials. Carried.
Jones and Brock:
journ. Carried.
That we ^QwarQ Lamport;
That the
of S.
at 8
we ad-
James A. Paterson, Clerk
Rev. Fr. Sullivan, of Toronto,
spent a few days with his father
P. Sullivan and other friends here-
last week.
Mrs. Corie .O'Brien spent New
Year’s with friends in Detroit.
Misses Lizzie and Hilda Dietrich
spent a few days last week at the
home of their brother Joseph Dietrich
Mrs. James Glavin and Camilla,
of Centralia, spent New Year’s with
the former's daughter Mrs. J. Carey:
Mr. Norman Geromette left last
week for London where he intends
to' remain.
Mr. Joseph R/yan, who has been
seriously ill is, we are pleased to say,
Miss Frances Campbell, of Lon
don, spent a few days last week
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jere
miah Campbell.
Master Michael Ryan left last week
for St. Joseph Hospital, London,
where Ire will take treatments.
Mr. Joseph Glavin Jr., of Ildorton
spent New Year’s at his home.
Messrs. EA Hogan and J, Ma
honey spent New Year’s with friends
at St. Joseph.
when other
“Yes, he's
a man who succeeds
a bankruptcy lawyer
of Thedford; Mr. and
Mfs. J. Love
all of Grand
Murray and
Murray visit-
Thursday with" friends in
the town. Us-
leader and a
best interests,
gives much.
Presentation Before Leaving
A very pleasant evening was
spent recently at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Heaman, when
about 75 friends and neighbors
gathered to 'say farewell prior to
their departure for Exeter where Mr.
Heaman has been engaged to work
on the farm of Mr. Milo Snell. Dur
ing the evening Mr. anc. Mrs. Hea
man were made the recipients %■£ a
walnut table,
by Mrs. John
ration being
Dear Mr. and
We have met here tonight to
you farewell before you leave
neighborhood. We regret to learn
that you are leaving
During your short stay
have made many friends
genial, generous manner
cherished remembrances
the address being read
Lovie and the presen-
made by Mr. Louis
Sirs. Heaman and
Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Mon
roe, visited for several days during
last week8 with Mr. and Mrs. F. Par
Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and
son Russell, of Grand Bend, spent
the Christmas and New Year’s holi
days with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mern-
Mrs. Rebecca Stewart and son
Charles, of Exeter, spent Sunday
with Mr. and ikrs. Gordon Merner..
Masters William and Beverly
Cliffe spent a few days in London
last week with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarvis.
Mrs. Wilson Anderson suffered a
Ifeart attack on 'Thursday tb-ut we.
are pleased to report is improving..
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz
family spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Henry M'Otz.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sandiman
Miss Eva Adrian spent the holi- I son cecn left for their home in .Sour-
days with her parents at Highgate.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and family
spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs.
N. Ogden, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, ot
Hazel Park, Mich., and Miss
Morley, of Toronto, visited last
under the parental roof,
Mr. Ralph Parkinson and
Lillian Spearin, of London, Mr. and last week^
Mrs. Geo. Parkinson and Eunice
spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Parkinson, of Russeldale.
Services in this church were with
drawn on Sunday afternoon on ac
count of the funeral of the late Mr.
Henry Hern of Zion,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. II.
White of Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Mellville Hern and
family were New Years visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslalce, of
Miss Muriel Neil, of Hazel Park,
’ is, Man., on Wednesday after
I week’s
I man’s
! Mrs.
visit here with
brother Mr. and
George Hays,
of Exeter-
Jean 1 spent Friday with her mother Mrs.
. Wilscn Anderson.
i Mrs. Ed. Penliale and daughter
Grace spent a few days in Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein enter
tained the “Wein” family on New
Year’s Day.
I Does
this line.
here you
and your
will leave
with this
neighborhood. As a slight token of'
our esteem and appreciation we ask . Mich., visited during last week with
you to accept this gift. We trust. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden.
you will have many happy 'hours of > Mt* and Mrs. Wilson Morley and
usefulness of this gift and that it1 Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Squire, were re
will bring back the thought that it ‘ cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
remembrance of the friends 1 Squire, Farquhar.___ _____ ... friends ■ Squire, Farquhar,
and neighbors of the fourth conces- j
sion who have learned to regard1
is a
Miss Mabel Elliott, of
spent the week-end with
Mrs. Wm. Brooks.
Treasure Seeker’s Class
j for 1938 are: Teacher, Mr.
Mr. andsion
you with the highest esteem,
best wishes for a bright, happy and j
prosperous New Year, we remain, |
The friends and neighbors of the; Johnson; Assist. Teacher, Mr. Earl
fourth concession. ' j Johnson; President, Gladys Squire;
1st vice-president, Ruth Hodgson;
Secretary, Russell Morley: Treasur-
xhu uuuuui m.euiug of the Board er, Maida Morley; Auditors, Harvey
of Management of the United church I and lyni French.
Annual S. S. Meeting
The annual meeting
S. S. was held on Tuesday evening, I
December 2)Stli, The meeting open- j
ed with devotional exercises after;
which reports of the various depart-;
ments and classes were given
lowed by a
election of
as follows,
assist, supts,
Mr, J, Mawhinney
na Hill
Mr. Ed. Chambers
Mrs. S. King; auditors, Mr. W. Mack
and Russell Flnkbeiner; cradle roll
supt., Mrs, J. Lovie; asst., Mrs. D.
classes were given, foi- [
musical program. The
officers for >19 3 8 were >
Supt., Mr. H. Mitchell; ]
Mr. Ed. Chambers and i
rec. sec’y, Alwin-I
envelope sec’y, Jack Gallo- ’
asst, Wm. Woodall; treas.,
paper librarian, I
G. Mawhinney; musical super-
; Mrs. A. Mathers; cor. sec’y,
D. A.
Wheatstone invested the tele
graph before Morse. Alcock and
Brown flew the Atlantic before
Lindbergh. And there are 26
mountains in Colorado higher
than pike’s Peak. Yet for every
person who heard of Wheat
stone, Brown and Mt. Evans
there are hundreds who know
of Sam Morse, Pikes Peak and
the “Flying Colonel.” Pikes Peak
gets the tourists because it's al
ways gotten- the publicity. And
the other mountains? Well, they
just sit back and sulk and
grouch about business being rot
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