HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-16, Page 8THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1937 Christmas Specials... Prepare for the Christmas Season with a Bonut Perma­ nent. Finger Waving, Marcelling, Facials, Etc V’s Beauty Shoppe For individuality 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat 96 c. Oats 40c. Manitoba’s Best $3.95 A eleome Flour $2.95 £411 rts $1.60 Bran $1.55 Low Grade Flour $2.00 ■amery Butter 35c. Butter 27-30iC, A Large 28e. medium 22c. pullets 21c. B 19c. Pj, Dairy Eggs. Eggs, Eggs, EggsEggs C 16c, Hogs $8.00 Tuesday was the last day for the paying of taxes without being added. a penalty HOCKEY PRACTICE Hockey practice at the Thursday evening from 7 Arena on to 8 p.m. The regular meeting of will be held * on Tuesday December 21st at 7.45 at the home Of Mrs. E. M. Quance. The roll call will be answered with a donation for Christmas cheer. An exchange of gifts not to exceed 15 c. the W. 1- evening, FOR SALE—2 washing machine engines. Morris Hern, Granton, R. ltpR. 1, TRUCKING—Expert movers of all kinds of local and Hard dry wood for also brick and tile, Wein, Crediton. farm sale Phone products, delivered; 13, Aaron 12-9-4tp. FOR SALE—Good 4-year-old Per- cheron; also 3-year-old mare. Make good third horse. Must be sold.— Sandy Elliot. MEN WANTED. Good nearby Rawleigh Route new open. If willing to conduct Home Service business while earning $30 and up weekly, write immediately. Rawleigh’s Dept. ML-2‘02-45-L, Montreal, Canada. f 11 I 11 3 7 with. BIG dividends i I j WAVES RESET Accurate & Lasting produc- it is a in Size, ■Christmas Services with special Christmas music will be held in the various churches next Sunday. DINNER Phone 140 made to please Cordially extends an invitation to the public to patronize their newly enlarged r.nd re-decorated Dining- Room Genuine LUXURY OIL WAvUl Reg. $7.00—$4.95 C. E. ZURBR1GG, R.o For Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices Open every week day except Wednesday TR1VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middleiniss IN D. & H. ANTHRACITE QUALITY COMES AHEAD OF COST Full-Course CHRISTMAS For Reservation Every effort will be the public at a very reasonable charge, A. & C. HARPER, Proprietors G. M. Simpson Exeter Phone 245 JAS. P. BOWEY “Sun Life Representative” ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE PERMANENTSXMAS phone L PARISIAN Certified Wave Regular $3.50 For $2.50 CHILDREN’S Regular $1,50 For $1.00 Phone 14G TULIP OIL WAVE Regular $5.50 For $3,150 LAlHES Regular $1.05 For $1.50 NATURELLE WAVE Regular $2.95 FOr $2.25 HAIRDRESSING TOMLINSON’S BARBER SHOP THESE PRICES ONLY GOOD TO DECEMBER 25TH CHRISTMAS 0GIFT TO YOU EXETER AND HENSALL BROS GLASSES.... are intended primarily to correct defective vision* but they ure worn where all may see them. Therefore they should be attrac­ tive and becoming to the features We offer a wide range of styles , and often use special lense shapes that the glasses may enhance a patron’s appearance. The Central Hotel FRESH OYSTERS 45c. a pint Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St Save the Coupons Saturday Night Admission 25c. WANTED—<25 young cattle to feed on hay, corn ensilage and straw. Harold Kellerman, Dashood. 2tc. —------------ I FOR SALE — Double barrelled shot gun, Quebec heater, kitchen cabinet, Good C’heer range.—R. Balkwill. E. Seven more shopping days to Christmas. Every child in Exeter should have a Christmas stocking. Mr. S. J. Hogarth is confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Wm. Ford, who has been Permanent for Christmas The Christmas Gift that last for Months CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B,A., B.D, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 "a.m.—'Sunday School 11 a.m,—Public Worship Christmas Service 7 p.m.—Public worship , Christmas Service Votes for two additional elders ceived at both services. Wednesday, December 22nd *—' An­ nual Christmas Entertain­ ment. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—“No Room in the Inn” 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“Religion and Joy” Christmas music provided by choir during the day. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30—Prayer Service Christmas Concert, Friday evening December 17th. You will fnd here a very fine assortment from which to make a selection. Lovely hosiery, beau­ tiful warm all wool blankets, dressing gownsj gloves fine sweaters, scarfs, lingerie are always timely, welcome—because they are so useful. Modest Prices ■« BAGS—The kind to surprise her wth at Christmas, grained and smooth calf, pouches, slide fasteners, top handles, envelopes, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader CHRISTMAS SERVICES L a.m.—Morning Worship Choir Anthems Sermon p.m.—Sunday School •‘White Gift Service” p.m.—'‘'Christmas and Music” Musical Service by the Choir. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.—December 17th S. S. Christmas Entertainment $1.95 GLOVES—Smartly flared slip-on gloves in French Kid, brown and black, $1.50 — $2.25 LINGERIE—Box after box, fresh and lovely in tissue wrappings, gowns, pyjamas, slips, panties and combinations sets $1.00 TO $2.95I visiting in Detroit for a week, has returned to her home. Dr. Walter Johns, of Waterloo, spent Friday and Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mrs. Douglas Triebnei’ who has been in Victoa’ia Hospital for a little over three weeks returned to her heme Sunday. Mrs. J. L. underwent an eph's Hospital on Saturday. Mr. E. A. Howald is again con­ fined to his home through illness. His friends hope that he will soon be around again. Three of the .churches in town will hold Christmas entertainments Fri­ day evening of this week. Caven will hold their entertainment Wednesday evening of next week. Order the T'imes-Advocate now to be sent to ycur out-of-town friends or relatives as a Christmas present. It will be appreciated 52 weeks iii the year. Mrs. Wm. Allison returned home from Victoria Hospital on Wednes­ day of last week where she had re­ cently undergone an operation. She is getting along nicely. A large evergreen tree has been erected between the Town Hall and the Library and. has been strung with numerous colored lights presenting a mest attractive appearance. Mr. Calvin Cutting and Mr. Geo. Andrews motored to London on Sat­ urday and took the excursion train to Toronto where they took in the New York Rangers and Toronto hockey game. A few friends of Mrs. P. McTag- gart, Sanders St., surprised her at her home on Wednesday evening, A ✓ ROBES—The gift for ease, satin or flannel in col­ ours of wine, blue,'rose or green. Small, medium or large sizes,to of to ■Companion to go couple Apply Phone iltp. WANTED- the sunny south for a ( months after Christmas. James Gardiner, Kirkton. 21rl0. TENDERS WANTED Tenders are being called for com­ mercial electric cooking equipment, suitable for Huron County Home. Tenders to include all installation costs. Particulars available at the office of the County Clerk, Goderich. Tenders to be in hands of the Clerk by December 24th. FOR SALE — Beatty Electric Washer, demonstrator—$30.00’ re­ duction, new guarantee.—Apply G. A. Hawkins ltp. FARM FOR .SALE—100 acres, Lot A, Con. 10, Usborne, bank barn silo, driving shed, garage, comfort­ able house. Apply to Jessie Horn, R. R. 1, Woodham. 12-9-3tp FOR SALE Pea and Corn Ensilage „ $1.00 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 noon CANADIAN CANNERS FOR SALE Fern Pots and Flowering Potted Plants. Many colors L. DAY & SON brickFOR SALE—A comfortable home, modern conveniences. Can be bought on reasonable terms.—C. V. Pickard, Phone 165. APARTMENT TO RENT — On Main street, centrally located, 7 rooms and all conveniences. Apply Times-Advocate, Cash paid for Dead Animals or Fertilizer Horses. Phone 34rl5, Dashwood. We pay for phone calls JACK WILLIAMS 10-29-tf FOR SALE—40 acre farm. N pt. 10, North Boundary. Biddulph, bank barn 30 x 68 on stone and brick foundation, framework, metal root, metal driveshed, hog pen, good wa­ ter supply. Apply on premises to John R. Ogden, R,R. 1, Centralia. Strayed Ads aSTRAYED — Onto my farm, Hereford steer. Owner may have same by proving porperty and pay­ ing expenses. Wm. Rats, Dashwood, R.R. *3. STRAYED'—One steer with either one or two scissor clips on right plate* a — vember 17th, information ikindlymoti'fy G. J. Exeter. Disappeared on night of No­ Anyone having any Dow your An Send the Timos-Advocafe to friend for a Christmas present, aftrae+ive card will be sent to them for LHriotxiias unnounviug; your guA. $3.25 TO $4.95 Kydd, who recently operation in St. Jos- returned to 'her home D. & H. Anthracite is not ed to meet price — Instead quality fuel, pure, uniform a coal that is easily regulated. Quality in turn make D. & H. An­ thracite a low cost home heating fuel. You get extra heat every ten. Prove these facts. Phone 3 3 or 157 Fourth Sunday in Advent 8.30 a.m.—iH-oly Communion 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7.0'0 p.m.—Evensong and .Sermon “The Joy of Christmas” Christmas Concert, Friday, Decem­ ber 17 th' at 8 o’clock. Christmas Service on Christmas Day at 9 a.m, in the church BOUDOIR SLIPPERS—Cosy and warm in such a variety of styles and colors. Designed for comfort. KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS—A beauti­ ful gift, satin bound in single and double bed sizes. Re­ versible $9.50, solid colors $5.95. SNO-SUITS—Roomy and warm. Wind and weather resisting fabrics in reds, blues and browns. Sizes 8 to 14 $7.50 re- for the occasion being her birthday, social hour was spent. Mrs. A. W. Etherington, who cently underwent an .operation mastoid trouble in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, returned home on Wednesday of last week and is slow­ ly regaining her health,, A severe snow storm visited West­ ern Ontario the latter part of last week. On Thursday and Friday the country roads were closed to motor traffic and faithful old dob­ bin had to come to the rescue. Snow plows kept, the highways open. Mrs. C. F. Chambers, of London, visited with her parents last week. Mrs. Winer last week had the misfortune to fall dislocating her shoulder. Mr. Chambers, don, and Dr. and Mrs. Strathroy, visited with. Winer on Sunday. The report of the for September and October shows that the average weekly' percentage of the pupils from the Exeter Public School making deposits was 44. The total amount on deposit at the end of October, 1937, was $661.17 as compared with $614.94-a year ago. Caven W. M. S. The annual meeting of Caven Presbyterian Church W. M. S. was held at the home of Miss Jeckell on Tuesday afternoon, -December 14th. Mrs. Sillery president of the society presided and devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. D. C. Hill. Reports of the various secretaries were given. The nominating com­ mittee presented its report and Mrs. Atkinson took charge of the election of officers with the following results Honorary President, Mrs. Christie; President, Mrs. W- Sillery; 1st Vice- President, Miss L..Jeckell; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. F. W. Gladman; Se­ cretary, Mrs. Fuke; Treasurer, Mrs. Kydd; Home Helpers’ Secretary, Miss Jeckell; Welcome and Welfare Secretary, Miss Weekes; Supply Se­ cretary, Miss Hatter; Mission Band Secretary, Mrs. Hill; Glad Tidings Secretary, Mrs. C. Cann; Pianist & Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Dow; Press Secretary, Mrs. Hill. A motion was passed to present to the Mission Band, four Seals or Junior Certifi­ cates. wMrs. Hill was asked to choose the Mission Band members who should receive them, A dainty­ fireside .lunch was served by the hostess. The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Christinas Service Friday 8 p.: (any and all, are welcome) Services for Sunday, December 19th 2 p.m.—S. >S. and Bible Class 3 p.m.—'Devotional Service 8 p.m.—Great Evangelistic Meeting Text—i“Men whose lot, is always cast in the land of Cabul” Attend your church' in spite of the *■ weather J. T. EDGAR, Pastor Continuing the monthly dividends started in June 1934, E. P, Rowe’s (eminent petroleum geologist, Tor­ onto) Tilsonburg sweet natural gas wells paid cut dividends, through the Guaranty Trust Co., Toronto, in October of $2,100, in November $3,800 and this month will distri­ bute $5,600.00. Mr. Rowe’s Bruette NO'. 3 Gas Well in the Chatham-Dover field will pay out on its first monthly at least $25.00 on each $50'0 invest- ted with a larger dividend expected in January. of Lon- Truemner, of Mr. and Mrs, penny banks ■Y Christmas Cards 'Come in and See the grand collec­ tion of Christmas Greeting Cards we have to show you We advise ordering while most complete. 75'6 a dosen up dress complete. chase them without name as low as 21 for $1.00. Exeter Times-Advo- cate. PERMANENT ENDS Including Shampoo and Finger Wave All approved method for every type of hair, Many different solutions used. Satisfaction Guaranteed VISIT OUR CHINA DEPT,—A beautiful range of fancy china and glassware is on display. She our tables displays at 25c., 39c. AND 50c. X Our gift shelves are stocked with practical sugges­ tions for each member of the family. Come in and look around. SUGGESTIONS FOR Bath Robes House Coats Sweater Coats Leather Coats Suede Coats Biltmore Hats Pyjamas Forsythe Shirts AU Wool Mufflers MEN Fine Gloves Goloshes Cosy Slippers Boxed Neckwear Boxed Braces Initialed Handkerchiefs Belts Fancy Hose Leather Caps i Fcr many days we have been preparing this fine offering dF quality foods. Leave us your Order for Christmas-Fowl NUTS CHOCOLATES MINCEMEAT ORANGES FANCY FIGS CRANBERRIES CANDY DATES APPLES GRAPES CHRISTMAS CAKE PEANUT BUTTER the collection is Prices range from with, name and ad- You may also- pur- SOUTHCOTT