HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-16, Page 5t C. THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE HENSALL ...................... . "" "" was sold and over $40. was realized. The Hensall 'Public and Continu­ ation .Schools will wlose for the Christmas holidays oh Wednesday, December 22nd. Each school will have their own entertainment and Christmas Tree on Wednesday after­ noon. iSplendifl programs are being prepared. Parents and other friends are invited to attend. celebrated home here a number cards of 84th Birthday Mrs. Robert Bonthron her 84th1 birthday at her on Sunday, She received of telegrams, letters and congratulations from distant mem­ bers of her family, who were unable to be home for the occasion owing to the storm. Mrs. Bonthron is in fine health, enjoying life, is able to be out every day and delights to the visits of her family and friends. One daughter, Mrs. James McMar- tin, of Barrie, spent Sunday with her. Mrs. Bonthron’s many friends hope that she will be spared to see many more happy birthdays, ' THURSDAY. RECRMBJQR 10, 195S7 CENTRALIA DASHWOOD 4* Hensall merchants are hav- good are and Christmas trade, filled with the windows Their Christmas are nicely McClincheyMrs. James this week into the house Christ- Thu rs- A good Santa United Clmrclii Mission Circle The Mission Circle of the Hensall United Church met on Friday even­ ing at the home of Miss Mary Clark for their regular meeting; also hold­ ing axx election of officers for next year. After lunch several contests were enjoyed. The meeting theix opened by singing the hymn “.Silent Night” -and the Circle moto. Miss Dorothy McQueen led in prayer. Miss Erma Kipfex* read the scripture les­ son after which all joined in sing­ ing “Joy to the World.” .Sentence prayers were then given by Alva McQueen, Qoldie Cross and Margar­ et Tudor. The business part of the meeting was then taken up. The min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and the roll call. T'he following officers were elected for 193 8: President, Elva McQueen; Vice-President, Mary Clark; Secre­ tary, Erma Kipfer; Treasuer, Nor­ ma Cook; pianist, Goldie Cross; Press Secretary, Barbara Shepherd; Lunch Committee, Pearl Harpole, Magaret Tudor; iSick Committee. Audrey Twitchell, June Saundercock Mary Goodwin. Miss Irene Douglas then gave a very interesting topic taking as her subject, “The Otihei* Wise Man.’, The meeting closed by singing, “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” and the Lord’s Prayer in ison. Wedcling bells will be ringing in Hensall, on Saturday of this week. Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill spent sev­ eral days last week visiting in Lon­ don. Mr, Stanley Elliott, lif Toronto, is a guest this week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer. "The choirs of the local churches are preparing special Christinas music for the Christmas services., 'Mrs. John Zuefle who has been confined to her room for several weeks through illness is slowly im­ proving. The many friends of Mrs. Richard Blatchford will be sorry to hear that she is seriously ill at the home of Mr. Charles Jinks. Mr. Robt. J. Moox-.e, principal of the Hensall Continuation School, re­ cently received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of To­ ronto. The ing a stores goods decorated. Mr, and are moving on South Richmond St. belonging to the Richard Blatchford estate and lately occupied by Mr. William Fair­ bairn. The Sunday School of Carmel Presbyterian church will hold .their annual entertainment and mas Tree ixx the church on day evening, December 23rd. program is being provided. ■Claus will be present. The Sunday School scholars of the Anglicaix church will hold their an­ nual Christmas Tree entertainment in the basement of the church, on Friday evening, Decembex’ 17th. A splendid program has been arranged and Santa Claus will be present, in person, to distrubute the presents. |Tlxe Sunday School scholars of the United church are holding theix* an­ nual entertainment and Christmas Tree iix the church on Thursday ev­ ening, December 23rd. A splendid program is being prepared and a good time assurred. Santa Claus will be present to distribute the pre­ sents. Mr. Cyrus Sates, popular radio preacher and singer, occupied the pulpit of the United church on Sun­ day evening. Mr. Sates gave a very interesting address and also sang two beautiful solos, accompanying himself on axx Otto Harp. He has a wonderful personality and voice and his address and singing were great­ ly enjoyed by the large congregation present. He took the service at the Chiselhurst United church in the afternoon where anothex* lai’ge con­ gregation was out to heax* him. The Hensall Chambex’ of Com­ merce have their beautiful Christ­ mas Tree erected iix front of the Town Hall. At night it is illumin­ ated with colored lights and it has a very handsome appearance, o’clock cember rive in all the _ __ inity around the Christmas tree. He will have over 500 bags of candy and other presents to distribute. Addresses will be made by Santa Claus, the Reeve and resident' £Ox" 193 8 were" re-elected "as" follows? clergymen and if weather conditions''Hon. President, Mrs. H. Arnold; are good a very pleasant afternoon' president, Mrs. Colixx Hudson; First is assured. At 3 on Thursday afternoon, De- 2 3rd, Santa Claus will^ar- Hensall and wishes to meet children of Hensall and vic- un- the Car- held W. M. S. Meeting Tlhe Decembei' meeting .of Women’s Missionary Society* of mel Presbyterian Church, was oxi Thursday afternoon December 9 in the schoolroom of the 'church. There was a good attendance of members in spite of the storm-. The president, Mrs. Colin Hudson presid­ ed and opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer. The minutes of the last meeting w^re read and ap­ proved. The roll was called and answered with “Joy” as the text word. Mrs. Manson read t'he Scrips ture lesson. A life membership cer­ tificate was then presented to Mrs, Geo. Walker in recognition of hex’ services. Mrs. W. A. Young read t'he address and the presentation was made by Mrs. John Dallas. A Seal was also given to Mrs. W. A. Young foi* Diantha Young’s certificate. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron then sang a very beautiful solo, “Trusting Jesus”. Very encouraging reports were heard from the different secretaries Rev. W. A. Young then gave a very interesting and helpful address: The nominating committee gave their report, Rev. W. A. Young, taking the chair for the election of officers .1 I Ray, of Exeter, called Dallas; town on Monday. ! “ • I Vice-President, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Basil Ed­ wards; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. J. ZSecretary, Mrs. Geo. Walk- 1 er; Treasurer, Miss J. Dougall; Sup- Mr. Lloyd on friends in . Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allen were ply Secretary, Miss McGregor; Wel- visitors in London on Saturday. ’ , come and Welfare, Mrs. j. W. Bon- Mr. Earl Palmer, of Toronto, tliron; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Jas. Pat- spent Monday and Tuesday in town erson; Literature and Library, Mrs. wit'll his parents Mr. and Mrs. Tiros. W. A. MclSaren; Home Helpers’, Mrs.. Parlmer. • Mrs. Robt. Paterson, Sr., has turned home from London where has been visiting for a couple weeks. Mr. Thos. Hudson and Mr. James Hoggarth were in Seaforth on Mon­ day attending the funeral of the laite Mr. Joseph Hoggartii. Mr. T. C. Joynt and Mrs. Alice Joynt attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Mr. John Joynt in' Lucknow on Monday afternoon. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres­ byterian Chur-c'h held a bazaar and sale of home-made cooking in the basement of the church on Satur­ day afternoon. Nearly everything '.Hudson; Assistant, Mrs. A. ..Logan; re- Pianist, Mrs. W. A. McLaren. she meeting closed with a hymn of prayer by Rev. Mr. Young. INTERCEPTED * The and She tripped along with fairy feet, A vision that my heart beguiled. Bewitching, fragile, roguish, sweet, And as she came she smiled. We met . . . Alas, the usual fall O’ertook my pride, the dull and blind. Her smile was not for me at all, (But someone else behind. (obuluu/t CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR S FARE AND A QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Thursday, December 23 until 2 p.m. Sunday, December 26. Return liihit to leave destination not later than midnight, Monday, December 27, 1937. Also good going Thursday, December 30 until 2 p.rn. Suh'day, January 2. Returning to leave destination not later than midnight, Monday, January 3, 1938. FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Tuesday, December 21 until Sunday, January 2 inclusive. Return limit to leave destination riot later than midnight, Friday, January 7, 1938, f What more appreciated Gift than a prepaid rail- | < way ticket for a journey anywhere in Canadd or > I United States? Aalc about this convenient plan. I Tickets tind complete information from any agent CANADIAN NATIONAL | .. ...... . , . . , . T.5I8 Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here.Mrs. Truman Mills, of Wyoming, is visiting with Mr. find Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bi Jack, of Clandeboye, visitors with Mr. and Bowden. Mr. Jack Morrissey Saturday in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Clinton, Dr, W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.£, ’DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartloib Block, Dashk wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. spent last Skelton, of were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. The Sunday School will hold their .Christmas concert and tree in the schoolroom of th® church on Thurs­ day evening Decexnbei’ 23rd. Home and School Club Meets The December meeting of the Home and School Club was held at the school on Friday evening of last week. The president Mrs. Pen­ warden was in charge and the meet­ ing was opened with a chorus by the school. Mrs. Lightfoot and Greta Pollard sang a duet. Several busi­ ness matters were discussed and it was decided that Mrs. Taylor of Goderich be invited to. address the meeting oix January 2’lst. Friday, January 28th was the date set aside foi’ a <> good-old fashioned program followed by lunch, please keep these dates ixx mind.in mind, ELIMV1LLE The annual Chistmas Concert in connection with the Sunday School will be held on Thursday, December 23rd in the church. Next Sunday will be observed as Christmas Sunday here. Service will be at 2 p.m. There will be no day School session. Miss Shirley Coultis has been fined to her bed for some days a heavy cold. Mrs. Thos. Bell was on the list for several days recently. Elimville Mission Circle An election of officers for ^Mission Circle was held on Friday 'evening of last week when the " ’ lowing officers were elected 193 8: Advisory President, Mrs. vin Pym; President, Mary Johns; Vice-President, Laura Ford; Record­ ing Secretary, Hazel Johns; Corres­ ponding Secretary, Eva Penrose; Treasurer, Eula Herdman; Organist. Audrey Prance, Ina Ford; Supply Secretary, Marian Miners; Temper­ ance Secretary, Gladys Johns; Her­ alds, Dorthy Johns, Margaret Miners Eithglen Johns, Eileen Johns, Bes­ sie Johns, Doris Elford, Gladys Skinner. Sun- sick the fol- for Al- lst u SHIPKA for aMrs. Robt. Tayloi* visited few days last week with relatives in Bayfield. Mrs. Harry Clarke has spent the past two weeks visiting relatives in Zurich. JUiss Betty Lippert returned to Melbourne on Friday after visiting for a week with Miss^Nola Sweitzer. The Public School concert was held on Tuesday evening and the iSunday .School will hold, their ‘con­ cert on the evening of December 22. A good program is being prepared Everybody' welcome. Miss Ruth Kinney is confined to her home the past week with an at­ tack of tonsilitis. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Station have returned from their honey-moon and have settled down to the stern realities of life in the village Mr, Statton has a gas station. We wel­ come them to our village. The heavy snow of last week kind of tied up traffic but all highways are now open. Miss Beatrice Green is holding her school concert on December 21st. All enjoyed this concert last year. Come again is her request. Mrs. Jack Waldron, of Exeter, ited her parents on Monday. Mr. Wesley Isaac is on the list. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter ited with Mr. Frank Statton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have moved into the Blue Bird Inn for the win­ ter. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Andrew Turnbull, whose funeral was held last week. vis- sick vis- WINCHELSEA |The heavy snow fall the past week has made motor traffic rather difficult. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Denham, of Kirkton, spent Tuesday with and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and ley, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. net Johns visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock. Mr. Chas. Kerslake, of St. Cath­ erines, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. were Mrs. pital. Mr. Sherwood Brock in (London on Monday visiting Sam Brock who is in the lios- WEST WILLIAMS - Mrs. J. Hodgins and daughter Pearl called on Mrs. E. Rooke Saturday evening. Mrs. Fife has gone to London a visit, Nairn School concert was held Monday evening of this week, j Cowie is the teacher. The Nairn ladies had a quilting on Friday afternbon at the home of Mrs. E. Barnes. The quilt is to be sent in the bale to the West. j Several dogs in the township have' I had bad attacks of distemper, Mr, Allen Loomis, of Sylvan spent Sunday in Nairn. on on I on Mr. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Dashwood Public School Concert on Tuesday, December 2'lst. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schalz and family of Toronto, spent the week­ end with his brother Mr, and Vernon Schatz. Mr. Hopcroft, who spent the week with friends in Toronto returned home, Mrs. Messner, who has the sick list for some time improving. Mrs. Louis Rader is on a speedy recov- Mrs. past has been on is slowly the sick ! list. We hope for • ery. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bend, are spending her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Gu'fen- ther. A ten-cent Christmas Tea will be held in Tieman’s furniture store on Saturday afternoon and evening De­ cember 18th undei’ the auspices of the Evangelical Choir, A sale of home made candy and home bak­ ing will be held in connection with the tea. Everybody is cordially in- ' vited to attend, Mr. Ira Lelland Vincent returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital at London, where he recently under­ went an operation for appendicitis. He is recuperating as well as can be expected. Webb, of Grand this week with CREDTTON Mr, W. H. Wood, of Toronto, has been visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Miss Idella Fahner, of London, visited on Sunday with her sister Mrs. Sam Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Culbert, of Biddulph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr on Sunday, Old timers of this district cannot recall when . such severe winter weather was experienced the past few days had been recorded in early De­ cember before. The mercury drop­ ped as low as 15 below in some sec­ tions Monday night. Side roads are almost impassable for cars with the drifts 5 to 6 feet deep. Highways are in good condition, motorists must use much precaution and stay on the main traveled roads. At the Sunday morning services of 'the Evangelical Church Mrs. WT. Smith and son Gerald, rendered a vocal duett entitled “His Wonderful Love.” The Annual Christmas entertain­ ment .of the United Church S. S. will be held Monday, evening, December 20th. iAi good program of drills, pantomines and choruses will be given. A pageant “He Came to Bethlehem” will be presented. Nei­ ther time nor effort has been spared by those in charge and they will ap­ preciate a large attendance. Decorate Christinas Tree I I The trustees of the Evangelical church have granted the town trus­ tees permission to decorate an evergreen tree on the church lawn. This tree which will be nicely dec­ orated and lighted will bring to many thoughts of cheer and happi­ ness this Christmas season. The store and business 'places too, tell the story of approaching Christmas, for windows are gay with gift sug­ gestions for every family and friends list. member of the on the Christmas Christmas Meeting The home of Mrs. H. K. Eilber was the scene of an enjoyable gath­ ering on Thursday evening when the members of the Mission Circle met for their Christmas dinner meeting. Twenty-two sat down to a well-laden table. After the meal had been partaken of the Christmas spirit was introduced by singing carols and reading the Scriptures by Margaret Guettinger. Prayer was then led by Mrs. Emerson Wein. Vo­ cal duet by Misses Ruby and Norma Finkbeiner; a Christmas poem by Margaret Kuhn and a piano duett by Ruby Finkbeiner and Leila Mol- lard. Crediton W. I. regular monthly meeting of I. was held at home of Mrs. |lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllH | THE RED and WHITE STORE | CANDI ES | We have a large assortment of Christinas Candies in bulk S or fancy boxes. ass Fresh Christmas Nuts mixed or separate. == New Oranges, all sizes S2 Prices and Quality are the best we have ever been able; S to offer you. ==> S Special Reduced Prices for School and Xmas Concerts. * ♦ * *■ * ♦ * .* xxx We have choice quality New Raisins, Currants, Dates, .EE Bleached Sultanas, Cherries, Peels (cut or whole), Pineapple Rings, all colors, Almonds, Walnuts, Spices and Flavorings, S Everything for your Christmas Cake or Mincemeat. EE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES —California Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit S Cranberries, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Carrots Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Par- EE snips, Onions, Etc.; also Oysters, Codfish, Fillets of Haddies and Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon EE == Phone 102 ROLL1ES’ GROCERY We Deliver |= ImiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN WOODHAM KHIVA Our deepest sympathy goes out to the friends and relatives of the late James Routly, who passed to the Great Beyond on Sunday morning. In his passing Woodham has lost a highly esteemed and valued resident Although Mr. Routly was in his SOt'li year he kept young in his ways and will be greatly missed by both young hnd old. The committee in charge are busy preparing the scholars for the Christ­ mas concert which will be held Friday evening, December 17th the Orange Hall. The W. M. S. meets this week t’he home of Mrs. John Camrn. Mrs. Wm. Wynn is spending the winter with her sister Miss C. Swit­ zer of St. Marys. Mrs. C. Cornish has improved somewhat and is able to uip and around some days after hex- recent illness. on in at 4 CREDITON EAST Mr. Gordon Parker and Vera Ed­ wards, of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with relatives here. ■Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Heather ley Mrs. Frank Scheiding and Mrs. Stan. Kelly,’all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wareing and children, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jesney. Look Your Best A Neat Haircut and Shave is as vital to your Appearance as Good Clothes — For — Up-to-Date Workmanship —SEE — Gerry Smith CREDITON BARBER & TOBACCO FRESH c. Fresh AND CURED MEATS Phone 37rl3 H. Schenk CREDITON Home-Made Sausage Try our Home-Rendered Lard HARPLEY Miss Dorothy Harlton is spending ______ ________________ ___,a few days with hex- aunt Mrs. Jos. A good program is being prepared' Hickey, by the children. Misses Thelma and Bernice, London, £_ ~ parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. Messrs. Edward and Lloyd Lip-i.e pert visited a few days last week j. with relatives in Melbourne. iMiss Gertrude Amy visited over | . the week-end with Miss Eagleson. The following is a letter preciation Dietrich. Khiva school concert will be held on Tuesday afternoon. December 21. Mr. Lloyd and Miss Edith Love, of; of London, visited on Sunday with spent , Sunday with their their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Love. , . I Miss Mearl Watson and her broth­ er and Mr. Joe Varley spent Sunday in Parkhill. Owing to tne drirteu condition of Aldene!the roads the Parkhill High School [.students from around here were un­ able to get to town Thursday and Friday. Miss Pearl Carruthers is spending a couple of weeks with hex’ grand­ mother Mrs. Joseph Carruthers, Sr. Mrs. A. Hicks went to London on iSunday fox’ a few days. Mr, and Mrs. S. Finkbeiner called on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carruthers on Tuesday. received by Mr, of ap- Chris. Bindloss, Nov. 2 5til DietrichMr. Chris. JJashwood, Ont. Dear Sir: This is to acknowledge the receipt of carload of vegetables from Cen­ tralia, Ontario. We wish to express our thanks and gratitude to all who have contributed to this splendid sending. The foodstuffs were justly distributed and I may say that every­ one was very thankful and satisfied with the sending. I happened to receive potatoes in which I found your address and have therefore addressed this (letter to you. However, we trust that you will convey our appreciation to all who have donated so much of their goods as well as their effort to the people of the Bindloss district. We had a total crop failure this year with fiye or six previous years of poor crops. The gardens were all destroyed by dust storms and pests, so you can readily see that the need for vegetables was very urgent. It was a real old genuine dust storm day the day the people receiv­ ed their goods; carburators of cars were plugged up with sand and got stalled on the road; many could not get home that night. However, everybody took it all in good spirit. Thanking you all again we remain Frank .Lydsman Secretary A'gric. Tempi District XIRKTON Mrs. Louise Wells, of Pasadena, Cal., is spending the winter with her mother Mrs. Lucy Batten. Mr. Earl Doupe, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. A. E. Doupe. The Government snow plow was used on No. 23 highway ISunday morning for the first time this year. The Kirkton skating rink has again opened and we hope the young people will enjoy themselves for the season. Miss Gladys Shier spent Sunday with Mrs. Ross Marshall. BLUE WATER U. F. O. The regular monthly meeting of the Blue Water U.F.W.O. was held Tuesday afternoon -at the home of the Secretary Mrs. Melvin Desjar- dine. The roll call was responded to by a favorite quotation of prose or verse of poetry. The first in the^j series of the stories “Know Canada’’ was taken by Mrs. Sam Hendrick, who gave a very interesting and in­ structive talk on Huron County in­ cluding pioneel’ tales of the early days in this vicinity and the history of Port Blake. Mrs. Caryle Taylor' entertained the .club with a humor­ ous story. A brief outline of the- convention of the United Farmer of Ontario was given by the president Mrs. Lloyd T'aylor to be concluded: at the next meeting. A Travelling: Library is to be secured for use in the in the community during the winter The Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Colin Love for the January meeting. During the meeting three of the members were called away owing- to the sudden and unexpect­ ed death of their father, Mr. Andrew Turnbull. To "the immediate fam­ ily the Club extends love and sym­ pathy in this sad hour of bereavement. trial and Our stock of Christmas Cards is now .complete. 1 assortment of our new < Artists series and many Rich conventional Christmas themes with or without printing. Priced reasonably. Exeter Times-Advocate. Greeting Beautiful Canadian r others. The the W. Wes. Wein on Monday, December 6, with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer. Motto for December “He Climbs the High­ est who Stoops to Help Another.’’ Roll call was answered by a Christ­ mas message. Many letters of ap­ preciation were read from people in the Bindloss district who received help from the car of food and cloth­ ing sent. Mrs. Telfer gave a report of the district meeting held at Mrs. Rundle’s home. Mrs. E. Lawson pre­ sided over the following program. Song, jingle bells; interesting cur­ rent , events were read by Miss ’’A. Gaisei’ topic on community activi­ ties was given by Mrs. C. Sims. Song “(Silent Night” was sung; Mrs, Wes. Wein gave a reading; Christmas giving; Mrs. E. Fahner favored with an instrumental entitled, “0 Come All Ye Faithful.” This was followed by a visit from Santa Claus, who distributed gifts in a jolly manner. [Lunch was served and a social hour spent. A vote of thanks was tender­ ed to Mrs. Wein and her committee Mrs. A. Amy, Mrs. E. Fahner, Mrs. jE Lawson and Mrs. M< Neil. Thin One: ’'Isn’t it awful when you have to wait for a seat,” [Fat One: “Yjou’re lucky, I have to wait for two.” Fahner’s, Crediton Phone RAISINS, SEEDLESS DATES ....... ALL PEELS BAKING POWDER JELLY POWDERS . FRESH BLUE RIBBON COFFEE BLUE RIBBON PACKAGE TEA OUR OWN BLEND COFFEE...... 2 pounds for 25c 4 pounds for 25c.- .... per pound 25c. 1 pound tin 15c. 4 for 25c.; 5 for 25c. ......... per pound 42c. ........... per pound 55c. .........per pound 25c. Fine Assortment of Christmas Candies and Nuts. Priced right Fresh Fruit and Spices for Christmas Cakes Good Assortment of Oranges at low prices Mitts and Gloves, Scarves and Sweaters, Overalls arid Windbreakers, Hose and Socks. We have an attractive assortment of Christmas Handkerchiefs—All Prices SPARTON RADIOS. ALSO USED ELECTRIC AND BATTERY RADIOS “Satisfied Customers are our best Advertisement.” Give Us A Call FAHNER’S, CREDITON