HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-09, Page 12Thursday, December 9th, 1937 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk Crepe Dresses New styles now in stock for the holiday season. Great Reductions in Prices of Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Coats We have a large stock of Ladies’, Misses and Girls’ Coats to clear out in a hurry regardless of cost. These would make very acceptable Christmas Gifts. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR LADIES AND GIRLS Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, Fancy Towels, Gloves, Parasols, Hand-Bags, Neck Scarfs, Sweaters, Bath Robes, Knitted Suits, Silk Lin­ gerie, Silk and Silk and Wool Hos­ iery, Fancy Linens, Lace Table Cloths. SPECIAL-MEN’S OVERCOATS AT $15,00 A real Christmas Special—Men’s Overcoats, all this season’s coats, made in the newest styles, Oxford Greys, Browns and New Checks, about 25 coats in the lot at $15.00? Also 7 or 8 Men’s heavy tweed lin­ ed, big collar overcoats at the same price and other coats at $18 to $25. 1 We have a very large stock for the coming Christmas Season. Below we offer a few suggestions to help you with the Christmas Gift Problems Skating Outfits, Over­ shoes, Spats, Etc. Any of these make nice gifts. The skates on our best grade outfits, are of the best steel. Come and see these. Good vel­ vet overshoes for women at $2.50 to $2.95. Men’s Spats in different shades at $1.00 pair. Lace Table Cloths We have a large stock priced from $1.25 TO $5.50 EACH Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns Bath robes for Ladies, Men and Children are here for the Christmas trade. Every member of the family would enjoy one of these. Woolen Blankets and Bed Covers Give a pair of our handsome wool blankets or satin bound reversible bed-covers. Prices very reasonable. Girls’ and Boys’ Ski"Suits at $2.95 Girls’ and Boys’ Heavy Ski-Suits ages 2 to 6 years, very special value at $2.95. Larger sizes also at higher prices Groceries! * Groceries! Special Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday FLOUR—Five Roses or Robin Hood— ............. ..............98 lbs. $3.98; 49 lbs. $2.05; 24 lbs. $1.09 Hillcrest Shortening ........................................... 2 lbs. for 23c. Crunchie Sweet Mxed Pickles .............................27 oz jar 21c. Lipton’s Tea, decorated tin canster free with 1 lb...............65c. Tuna Fish, white meat ........................................... per tin 15c. New Mixed Nuts ........................................... per pound 19c. MEN’S TIES—35c.—3 FOR $1. 5 dozen Men’s good quality Ties in fancy boxes, on sale while they last at 35c.—3 for $1.00 MEN’S SHIRTS $1.59 6 dozen men’s fine shirts with fused collars or 2 seperate col­ lars, sizes 14 1-2 to 17, newest colors and patterns, also white, real value for Christmas at $1.59. Cut Mixed Peel with Cherries Christie’s Imperal Fruit Cake . ..... per lb. 25c. ...... per lb. 35c. Poultry Poultry Poultry We will take in poultry daily, including Saturday. We offer best cash prices and giye careful grading. .We pay ex­ tra for trade on all poultry and will call in the country for reasonable quantities. There is no better deal offered than we can give you. Phone for prices as these are subject to change at this time of year. EEB»s=s#«3a M JONES & MAY 50 YEARS AGO G 5? GIVE FURNITURE AND MAKE YOUR FAMILY HAPPY THIS CHRISTMAS A Chesterfield Suite will help your family entertain in your home. In spite of the higher prices we still have 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites as low as $49.00. Several Suites to Choose from. Tapestrys and Velours Lamps! Spring Mattress for Christmas We can fit any bed $1L9$ TO $39.50 Mother and Dad would appreciate a with spring-filled cushions, spring mattress All Good Covers $27.50 TO $45.00 Table, Junior, Bridge and Tri-lite Lamps Nearly 100 to choose from We can suit any purse Studio Couches For the Kiddies DOLL CARRIAGES AND TABLE & CHAIR SETS Occasional Chair or a Table would fill that empty space in your room We have a very large selection to choose from SMOKERS CEDAR CHESTS BOOKCASES, DESKS, MIRRORS, FANCY CUSHIONS DINNER WAGONS *......... .............................................."" .... . .............. ...... ■ ■ We invite you to visit our store. Maybe we can help solve your Christmas problems. Hopper’s Furniture Store EXETER, ONTARIO DAlIvcr Anvwhere Gifts Delivered Xmas Eve. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN AND BOYS Initialed and Fancy Handker­ chiefs, Shirts, Tes, Gloves, Fancy Socks, Braces, Garters, Arm-Bands, Bath Robes, Shoes, Suits and Over­ coats, Sweaters and Windbreakers, Umbrellas and Neck Scarves. BOYS’ OVERCOATS & WINDBREAKERS Boys’ Overcoats, big variety $3.98 to $12. Zipper windbreakers at $2.95 each. Also special sale boys’ leather coats up to 10 years at $5.00 each. HEAVY SKATING JACKETS Girls’ and Misses’ Heavy Skating Jackets in red, greenand brown at attractive prices. WOOLCOTT BLANKETS (Wool and- Cotton mixed) are real values at $2.00 each 14 more Shopping Days $'0 fspeeches by Dr. Pascoe, of Hamilton ( organist and choir leader of James Rev. 'S. J. Allins, of Windsor, Rev. ' St., succeeding the retirement John Holmes, of Talbotville, Mr. ] Prof. Anderton, who has gone Brooks, of Owasso, an old resident, Goderich, and the pastor who occupied the ’ chair. Solos by Mr Goodwin, Miss Carling and Miss Chowan; a reading of toDecember 8, 1887 Mr. Francis Sanders met their sisters and brothers City last week. The family . ____o _______ __ ___, .. _____„ met as.such for a period of twenty J by Miss Edmunds and an instrumen- years. | tai by Miss Jennie Frayne. Features Mr. P. Bawden, who has been en- of the occasion were the playing of gaged with Mr, D’Avignon, druggist, the melodeon by the organist of 5O'fr: Windsor, for some months, has se- years ago, Mr. D. Braund and blie1 cured a more lucrative .position in presence of the following persons I Sarnia. ' | ’ .... Some weeks ago> Mr, John Gould of the church and who have since't a___, _ ...... ............... purchased .the (confectionery sto’rejhad a group photograph taken were seated to Mr. and Mrs. Peters with in P. O. block from Capt. Kemp. j John Kerslake, P’ ------ Mr. W. T. Hawkshaw, who has ' Mrs. James Pickard, Mrs. Richard been visiting in Detroit for some ] Pickard, E. Jory, C. H. Horney, Mr. weeks returned home on Friday last, j and Mrs. R. Keddy, William West- Mr. Samuel Gid ley” sustained sev-1 cott, Mrs. T'. Clark, Mrs. Geo. Sam- ere injuries the other day by a gate well, Mrs. Jane Srfiith, Mrs. R. which- he was opening, flying back ! Blatchford and Thomas May, Mr. and suddenly and striking him on the Mrs. D. Braund, Doctor and Mrs. mouth. . V,'. ____ Mr. and Mrs. Senior and family,1 Dearing, Mrs. of Toronto, were in town .yesterday attending the wedding of Mr. Senior. Doney-Reeves-At Centralia sonage, on the 3rd inst., by the mo- Bay his at had not Jos. A The presi- all joining Ode. The by Miss S. PRESENTATION Atwood, Ontario On Friday evening of last week number of neighbors and school- iends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peters. A crokin- j persons! oie party and a program was the ev- |whojvere present, at^ the opening, ening’s entertainment. After the ....K program, a walnut end table was pre­ Richard Delbridge,1 t-he following address: To Mr. Stanley Peter^,— , Dear Friend,— We, your schoolmates and friends from No. 4 Elma Township gathered here to extend our gratulations on this occasion wish you a long and. happy wedded life. We also wish to extend a very | hearty welcome to Mrs. Peters into our community. We ask cept this token of our and hope as you use it think of your friends of iSigned; Your old school mates The groom gave a very, fitting re­ ply. Refreshments were then serv­ ed. The Atwood Young People pre­ sented Mr. and Mrs. Peters with a lovely table lamp. cL I par- Rev. . W. Sweet, Mrs. Geo, Fisher, Mrs. W. . H. .Horney. >C. T. Brooks and j. Brooks. Mr. John Hunkin conducted a live bird shooting match on Thurs­ day last on the shooting ground in which sixteen gunmen took part. KIPPEN The Kippen East W. I. met at bhe home of Mrs. Harry Caldwell on Wednesday evening, November 24, with a good attendance, dent opened the meeting, in singing the opening ’ Bible Heading was given Sinclair. Miss Gertie Martin played a piano solo and Mrs. Broadfoot had a splendid report of the Institute convention held in London a few weeks ago. Nearly every one ,had the name of a pioneer character for the roll call and Mrs. Cole gave a short talk on the Buymanship course that she attended a few weeks ago. The . president then introduced Mr. W. H- ' Golding M.P., and he gave a very in- have teresting - talk describing the work n<_ of a member of parliament and the and ' Parliament buildings. The meeting- , was closed by the singing of the, 'national anthem. The ladies then' gathered round the tables where the you to ac- men had been eni°yinS a g°od game friendship you will No. 4. of euchre. Lunch was served dur­ ing which everyone took part in a very interesting amusing contest. Mr. Kershaw, Mr. John Doney, of.The honors went to Mr. Wm. Snell Usborne to Miss Leslie Reeves, of. who got 19 out of 20. St. Thomas. [ Miss Winona Howard gave a taffy, Rowcliffe-Ball-In ..Clinton on the’PdH to her PlusJJltra class of boys 29th inst., Mr. Robt. Rowcliffe, of Usborne to Miss Bessie Ball, of Dashwood. Senior-Wood-In Exeter on the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. Jas. Graham, Mr. Jos. Senior to Miss Almena, third daughter of Mr. Wm.' Wood, all of this place. Moatz-Mitichell - In Crediton on the 30th ult., at the Royal Hotel, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr, Geo. Moatz, to Miss Martha Mitchell, all of Cred- iton. Anderson-tBlsliop-At the residence of the bride’s parents, Usborne, by the Rev, Collh Fletcher, Mr, H. An­ derson to Miss Janet, daughter Archie Bishop M.P.Pr at her’ home on Firday evening. The Exeter band completed their summer engagements in town on Saturday evening when they gave the last of their open air concerts for 1912. The newl.yt organized band has made rapid progress under the able leadership of Mr. E. Treble and the presidency of Mr. W. J. Mallett. Of jas. 25 YEARS AGO December 12, 1012 On .Sunday and Monday last Street Methodist Chui’ch celebrated the Fifietli Anniversary of the es­ tablishment the church in Exeter. The services on Sunday were taken b’y Rev, Dr, Pascoe, who whs the first minister in charge of the con­ gregation after the union took place* assisted by the present pastor Rev. W, G. H. McAlister, On Monday ev­ ening a fowl supper was given, the ngram consistod of reminiscent 15 YEARS AGO iSeteral of the foreign delegates tc the World’s Temperance Conven­ tion visited Exeter on Friday last on their tour of Western Ontario. A banquet was served in James Street church about 200 sitting down. Mr, Frank Taylor met with a nasty accident at the Ross-Taylor planing niill and aS a result he has lost part of the fore and of the ring fingers of the right hand. Dr. Gvaham 'has moved his office on Maid Street to his new residence opposite Harvey Bros. Mill. Mr, Ed. Taman, who has been working for his brother W» W> Ta­ man, left for Blyth on Monday. Mr, C. W. I<eddy, of Usborhe, is visiting for a week with his bro­ thers in Detroit add Birtnlnghani, Midh, Professor Leslie ^Hearts, organist at Emerald iSt, Methodist Church, Hamilton, was invited to become the DATE MRS. WM. POLLOCK Mrs. William Pollock, widow of the late Wm. Pollock, Goshen Line, Stanley T’wp., died very suddenly at iher Home on the Bayfield road in her 7;6th year. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian Church, Bay­ field, Mrs. Pollock was a daughter of the lg,te Mr. and Mrs. James Arm­ strong, of Stanley and was born -on the Bronson Line. After her mar­ riage she resided on the Goshen Line where her son, Milton now re­ sides. Following Mr. Pollock’s death five years ago, Mrs. Pollock Went to live with her son, Ernest at Bay- field road, where her death occur­ red. iSurviVihg are two three daughters: Milton, homestead, Goshen Liiie, .Ernest, Bayfield Road, Florence, at home; Mae (Mrs. Cope­ land,) Toronto and Olive who is married and lives near Owen Sound; also sons and on the Stanley; Stanley; three brothers and four sisters. 4 Fair Warning How is It possible tor efcpecit that mankind will take advice, when they will not so much as take warning? —-Swift. The same fine old D.L.&W. Scranton Anthracite that ha* been the favorite in.Canadian homes for over 50 years — is sold in — EXETER by — • H. T. ROWE PHONE 40W ALBERTA COAL & COKE