HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-09, Page 9THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, December 9th, 1937 For better Values — Better Merchandise — SHOP AT — COLE’S DRUG STORE Try Your Druggist First” Phone 65 WHAT TO BUY Let us help you to solve that problem. NOW! is the time to select your gifts. We will gladly hold any article until Christmas. Whore the largest assortment of Christmas Merchandise we have ever shown is now in stock, W. s. Cole, Phm.B. The Rexall Drugstore “Save with Safety” Trivitt W. A, The Annual Meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Women’s Auxiiliary was held at the home of Miss McTaggart on Tuesday evening. The meeting opened with hymn 58 followed by Litany and Prayer by the president. The 'Secretary gave her report. Mrs. Middelton gave the Treasurer’s re­ port. Miss Luella Stanlake gave the Little Helper’s report. After the business of the evening Rev, Mr. Hunt took the chair fdr election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Oran Weiner; Vice- President Mrs. Tanton; Treasurer, Mary Day; Secretary Caroline Davis; Secretary of Little Helpers, Luella Stanlake; Social Service Secretary, Mrs. Middleton; Convenor of Dorcas Work, Miss MdTaggart; Secretary of Prayer partners, Mrs. Middleton; Se­ cretary of Living Messages, Mrs, Bierling. The meeting closed with hymn 318 followed by the benedic- , tion. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a social half hour fol­ lowed. EL1MV1LLE Miss Florence Bell, nurse-in-train­ ing at Victoria Hospital, London, paid a short visit at her home dur­ ing the week-end, Miss Lorna Johns, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyes, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns, of Hibbert, Mr. and Mrs. Jim WilHs, ox .Stephen were, Sunday visitors with Mrs. John Johns. Mrs. Abe Grago, of Kirkton, vis­ ited a couple days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly last week. Mr, and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of Kippen, were visitors in this neigh- boi'hood on Monday. Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose gave an ad­ dress in Whalen church in the in­ terests of the W.M'.’S. of that church on Sunday, Mr. and.Mrs. Rich. Johns visited the latter's sister Miss Ruby Miners in St. Joseph’s. Hospital, London, on Sunday. The Thames Road Beef Ring held their annual meeting at the home -of Mr. Kenneth Johns on Monday ev­ ening. AT 83 SHE DEFIES RHEUMATISM Then she started to and now she letter in her from rheuma- At first, I felt W IDEAL MEAT MARKET CHOICE C. TANTON QUALITY MEATS For the past five years we have established a reputation for selling only the best quality meats. Our courtesy and service is also well-known by our numerous customers. Redeem your Put-A-Pennies and get youi’self a Christmas Gift The oak tree is preyed upon by more than 30'0 insect pests. z McGillivray W. I. The McGillivray W. I. held a very successful euchre and dance in the West McGillivray hall on Tuesday evening last. Cards were played from 8.30 until, ill p.m. after which lunch was served and dancing en­ joyed until the wee hours of morning. The ladies’ high score won by Mrs, Lin Craven and Gent’s high score was won by ton Amos. The lucky chair prize went to Wesley Lewis. the was the Hil- also Main St. Y. P. U. The election of officers for Main Street United Young People’s Union took, place on Tuesday evening, De­ cember 7th as follows; Hon. Pres,, Rev. A. E, Elliott; President, Jack Jennings; Vice-President, Gladys Ryckman; Secretary, Marlyn Camp­ bell; Assistant Secretary, Margaret Fitzgeald; Treasurer. Lillyan Mc­ Donald; Counselor, W. G. Medd; Fianist, Merna Sims; Assistant Pian­ ist, Dorothy Hatter; Convenors; C. Fellowship, Marion Powell; Mission­ ary, Florence McDonald; Citizen­ ship, Helen Smith; Christian Cul­ ture, Tom Walker; Social, Lawson; Recreational, Ray horn. / Olive Wag- Views of England Shown A very pleasant and entertaixxing evening was spent at the church last Friday evening when Mrs. A. Pym’s group of the W. M. S. sponsored a showing of lantern slides, These views were taken last summer in England, Scotland and Wales by Mr. Wes, Bosnell, of Toronto, broth­ er .of Mrs, WesaJohns, shown in na­ tural coloring, they were some of the best ever shown here, many be­ ing buildings of interest as well as scenery. 4Miss Mary Johns read the concise and instructive descriptions given with each picture. Miss Aud­ rey Prance gave an instrumental and Mrs. Ed. Johns and Mrs. Harold Bell sang a solo which added variety to the program. A dainty lunch was also served in the basement, After Suffering Acute Pain for Years Rheumatism first attacked this old lady in 1931, and gradually spread from hex* ai'ms to other pax’ts of her body, take Kruschen Salts, sends the following own handwriting:— “I have suffered tism since 1931, acute pain in both arjns. I could not sleep for pain, It grew worse, and gradually crept down to the tips of my fingers. Next it reached my knees and ankles, which made me quite helpless for a long period, A friend recommended me to take Kruschen Salts. I find they do me more good than any othex* medicine, liniment or ointment I evei* used. This is my own writing, though I am in my ‘84th year.”—(Mrs.) H. The pains and stiffness of rheu­ matism are often caused by deposits of needle-pointed uric acid crystals in the muscles and joints. Kruschen Salts stimulate your livex* and kid­ neys to healthy, regular action, and assist them to get rid of the excess uric acid 'which is frequently the cause of your suffering. Shower for Bride-Elect May we also serve you when you need any Meats, Poultry, Butter, Lard, Bacon, Etc., and we are sure you will be sat­ isfied whetner you order by phone or by a personal visit to our store. PHONE 38 OPPOSITE FORD GARAGE Results are What Pay—Profits BRINSLEY TUCKEY TRANSPORT SUPER SERVICE With our Equipment we can Serve You Better The Christmas concert of the pub­ lic school and United church Sun­ day school combined will he held in the United church oix Decembex* 20 (Monday evening.) We hope there will be a good crowd. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice have returned from Toronto after a short visit with theix* daughter. The Exeter Tinxes-Advocate ex­ tends congratulations to Harold Lee and his bride (Marine Steeper.) Brixislev also welcomes them to our vicinity. Mrs. Wesley White has been made president of St. Mary’s church Guild, Mrs. L. Lee is president of tbn Ladies’ Aid of the United church and Mrs. J. L. Amos remains as president of the W.M.g- for the year 19318. Miss Ida Hardy who has beexi in Victoria Hospital, London for some time has returned to hex* home in the village. Mrs. Aitken, of Sarnia, has re­ turned to hex* home after spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Wesley Morley. Young People Entertained About forty young people were entertained at the home of Howard and Mary Johns on Tuesday evening of last week. A short program was given with Gladys Johns in charge. A verse of each of two hymns was sung, Mr. Wes. Johns led in pray­ er. The Scripture lesson was read by Elgin Skinner. Marion Miners read a poem “iSuch as I Have.” A Bibical .contest was worked out. Lome Elford sang two numbers ac­ companying himself on the guitar. After singing a verse of another hymn several games were much en- served of Miss A mock Thelma Dorothy Miss Helen Flynn and Mrs. Pearl McF’alls held a shower at the home of Mrs. K. J. Sims on Monday even­ ing of last week in honor Dorothy Sims, bride-elect, marriage was staged with Hockey as the bride and Jennings as the groom; M. Camp­ bell and I. Appleton as bridesmaids and Doreen Campbell as groomsman while Ruth Collingwood acted as clergyman. Marjorie Flynn gav.-. some dance numbers accompanied on the piano by Laurene Beavers. The bride-elect was presented, with some beautiful and useful gifts. The rest of the evening was spent in games. Lunch was served and a jolly time was enjoyed by all. joyed. A dainty lunch was at the close. Route Your Freight by Tuckey Save Time and Expense z PHONES Exeter, No. 25 London M. 4892 Forest City Laundry Agency IISTEnTjIPI rtANADA-l937>1 Kt IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S ' y INSPIRING PROGRAM Jgg FRIDAY 10 p.m. E.S.T. Stations CFPL-CRCT Delicious CANDY ft» for the family Jr ft ft ft ft ft ft. It. Mixed Nuts, choice selection ...... Real English Toffee in tin boxes Fahey Roxedf Chocolates ............ 2 pounds for 35c.' 25c. to $1.00 50c. to $5.00 Luscious Nut Filled Candies PER LB. 50c. Special Candy for School and Church Christmas Concerts Goodies for Gifts token of your good wishes. Some crunchy Puts . toffee with a dash of rum * . . . It’s not the low cost . when you give goodies for Gifts. for friends^ Candy, some chewy . the curious flavour of fruit jollies * it’s the good taste that counts . « . O' GRIEVE’S SANDWICH SHOP WOODHAM Our Bible class teacher Sunday School had a rest Sunday af­ ternoon when Mr. Truman Tufts, of Kirkton, kindly consented to come over and take it, which he did in a very able manner, while his two children Norma and Edwin delighted the adherents with two beautiful vocal duets, which fitted in with the lessoxi so well, “When the World Forgets” and “Open the Doox* for the Children.” We are sorry to report that Mr. Jas. Routly continues very ill. Miss Beatrice Doupe, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Misses Amanda and Sarah Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dykerman axid little son Paul, of Galt, spexxt Sunday at the home of Mr, axid Mrs. McNaughton, Mrs. Dykerman’s par­ ents. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Urquhart, of Kirkton, attended Sunday School services here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Scott enter­ tained - a number of friends on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Delmax* Johnson and Audrey spent last Saturday in Lon­ don. Mrs. W- Switzex* and Raymond, visited recently at t-he home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. Louth, London. HURONDALE* ' Hurondale Women’s Institute The regular monthly meeting the W. I. was held at the home Mrs. Stanley Mitchell on jWednesda.v November 24th with a good atten­ dance. The meeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode and the roll call answered by “Suggestions for Christmas Table Decorations”. Correspondence and business were dealt with and a committee appoint­ ed to see that the children were not forgotten at the Christmas meeting. Miss N. Keddy was appointed to act on the committee in charge of the .program for Commuinty night in Jan­ uary in place of Mrs. C. Down who stated that she would be unable to act. Mrs, C. Cann led in commun­ ity singing after which a Very in­ teresting report of the Women’s In­ stitute Convention recently held in London was given by Mrs. M. Beck- ler and Miss N. Keddy. The high lights of the convention and inter­ esting details and description were vividly portrayed. Mrs. E. Mitchell gave an excellent demonstration on “A Christmas Table Centrepiece” which, was much enjoyed. The meet­ ing closed with the National Anthem and lunch was served by the commit­ tee In charge, Laugh if you want to, Grin if you must, But keep a straight face If the joke’s dry as dust. Thats what George Ingram, of Exeter, tells us, I have 300 yearling hens and about 300 pullets. We use Wein Bros, mineralized feeds and deworm every month with R. A. Finn & Co’s, wormfood. RESULTS—Sure we got them, 1,019 dozen eggs in No­ vember. Which netted us $355.43 good Canadian money. Our cash outlay on feed was less than $100, Our eggs grad- ed 75 to 80 per cent. A Large. We had practically no losses during the last month, no cannibalism or none egg bound. These products are wonderful says George Ingram. Pro­ fits never dreamed could be made in the Poultry business. We have on hand or can ship the following products:— 1. “Wormfood” for poultry, hogs, etc., the new and proven discovery by R. A. Finn & Co. The only remedy we know of that will check or prevent paralysis and kills all, kinds of worms including microscopic tape worms in Poultry. 2. Health Minerals for poultry, cattle and hogs. 'With these new feeds we can decrease the cost of feeding and in­ crease production by 20 per cent, or more. Many, customers in this district are doing this with mineralized feed following “Wormfood.” Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. I 1 Of all the useful things you can present your family, there is nothing more enjoy­ able than furniture. Make your house a home your family will be really proud of . . . one where your sons and daughters will love to entertain. We carry every­ thing to be had in an up-to-date furniture store at very lowest prices. We invite you to call whether you purchase or not. LAMPS—’Bridge Lamps, Table Lamps and Floor Lamps, that are attractive and useful in the home. They make lovely gift. PRICED FROM $2.00 UP TABLES—A spendid collection of Oc­ casional Tables. All handsome new pieces in walnut, mahogany and maple from $1.25 UP CHAIRS THAT ARE ROOMY AND COMFORTABLE. MATTRESSES THAT INVITE SLEEP Bargains in all Lines of Furniture for the Christmas Season- Chesterfield If you are thinking of a Chesterfield it will pay you to see our stock and compare our prices Studio Couches Velours are the popul ar coverings. Very at tractive and modern colors and shades. KITCHEN CABINETS, SMOKER CABINETS, MAGAZINE AND END TABLES. SEWING CABINETS AND PLATE GLASS MIRRORS A piece of furniture is a gift for every member of the family