HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-09, Page 7v- • > t ► i THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE Thursday, December 9 th, 1937 CANDIES the United at - S. B. TAYLOR Jeweller Exeter spent and • of CanrteP ROLLIHS’ GROCERYPhone 102 I III meeting of the Arn- Carmel PresbyterianHudson visited over with his brother-in- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon, well known lecture, Wednesday, at 7.45* Hensail spend an Each child a bag of Church A social a tasty We have choice quality New Raisins, Currants, Dates, Pleached Sultanas, Cherries, Peels (cut or whole), Pineapple Rings, all colors, Almonds, Walnuts, Spices and Flavorings, Everything for" your Christmas Cake or Mincemeat, ternopn December 23rd in front of the Town Hall Santa Claus will- ar­ rive about two o’clock, of welcome will be given by reeve dren, vited hour will be presented with -candy. The Wohelo Class of Church held their regular monthly meeting in the school room of the church on Friday evening. The meet­ ing was in charge of Miss Eleanor Fisher and Miss H. Smillie. Follow­ ing the usual opening exercises con­ ducted by Miss Smillie. A short pro­ gram was enjoyed, this was inter­ spersed with the singing of Chris- mas Carols by the class. A piano solo was given by Miss H. Mc- Murcljy reading by Miss Lettie Love and a dialogue by Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett, At the close of this, program, games and contests were enjoyed, A box was packed valued at $15.00 to be shipped to a family in Saskatchewan, half hour was luncih served. Addresses the and local clergymen. All chil- of Hensall and district are in­ to be present and with .Santa Claus, Bulova Watches Blue Bird Diamonds Wrist Watches $3,75 up Ppcket Watches Birthday Rings Signet Rings Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets Necklaces Bracelets Gents’ Brush Sets Schick Electric Razors Compacts Glass & China Gifts 25c. up Silverware Clocks, Christmas Cards KIRKTON Mrs. Glen Sawyer, of Ottawa, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, John Sawyer in the Village. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buck have mov­ ed into the house lately vacated by Mr, A. Bickell. Mrs. Allan Doupe and daughter, of London, spent the past week with Mrs. A. E> Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cluff accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore attend­ ed the winter Fair at Guelph on Thursday, I THE RED and WHITE STORE « J- HENSALL Mrs. William gangster spent Mon­ day with friends in London.' Mi-, and Mrs. J. A. Paterson spent the week-end with Kitchener rela­ tives Mr. Earl Palmer, of 'Toronto, is Visiting his parents Mr, and Mr? T W. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children spent Sunday with Ridge­ town relatives, Mr. and Mrs. L. Knight and c-hilr djren, of Kitchener, spent the week­ end here with relatives. Mrs, Robt. Paterson Sr., is visiting in London this week, the guest of her sister Mrs. Robt. Eacrett. Miss Margaret Bell, of Guelph, spent the week-end here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell. Mr, Roy Paterson, of Toronto, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pater­ son. Mr. Robt, Drysdale accompanied by his mother and Mrs. Jas. A. Pat­ erson spent Monday with London friends. 0 Hear Geo, E. poultry experts’ December 15tb Town Hall. Mr. Harvey the week-end law and sister Abray of London. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and children of the Thames Road were visitors here on Monday with Mrs. Passmore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Moir. Mr. Harold g-herritt, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. gherritt, of Hensall, recently passed his ex­ aminations as an embalmer .making a total of 917. The gunday School of gt. Paul’s Anglican church will hold their Christmas Tree and Entertainment in the basement of the church on Friday evening December 17th at 8 o’clock. Mr. Wm? Fairbairn has moved the Blatchford house on South Rich­ mond Street and until he can secure a suitable house has stored his furniture in rooms over, the pro­ duce store of Mr. Lennis O’Brien. The popular radio preacher and singer Mr. Syrus Gates, of Toronto, will preach in the United Church next Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. Mr. Gates will preach and sing at . Chiselhurst in the afternoon at 3 p.m. Mrs. R. J. Ferguson, of Minnea­ polis, Minn., who was called to Windsor owing to the illness and, death of her sistgr Mrs. Jane E. •Shortt and who later visited here for a few days with her sister Mrs. E. •Johnston has returned to her in Minneapolis. 'The Hensall Chamber of merce held a big euchre and a week ago and it was a big success. The prize winners were: Ladies 1st Miss Sarah Manson; ladies’ second, Mrs. Albert gpencer; consolation, Mrs. ’Orville Beavers; gents 1st, Mr. William Hyde; gents’ second, Mr. Melvin Traquair; consolation, Mr. J. Soldan. Miss Florence Malcolm, of Mitchell, won the lucky lunch ticket drawing a -big basket of groceries. The annual Community Christmas Tree will -be held on Thursday af- Arnold Circle The regular old Circle, of Church was held at the home of the .president Miss Mabel Workman on Monday evening and was opened by singinng a hymn and prayer led by Miss Workman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The roll was called and a business period held. Plans were made for the Bazaar and sale of home made cooking to be held on Saturday afternoon December 11th. A paper on Deaconess Training was given by Mrs. Roy McQueen. Xmas Carols were sung. Miss Beryl Pfaff gave the topic. The meeting closed by singing a'hymn and repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison. CREDITON Miss Marguerite Lamport and Mrs. William Henninger, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Miss Myrtle Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert spent .Sunday at Benmjller. We are gla# to report that Mr. ,Paul Schenk is improving after his recent illness. I The car driven by Mr. Ed. Hend- rick of the Blue Water Highway swayed into the ditch about two miles 'and a half north of town on Satur­ day night. The car was slightly da- ■ maged but the occupants escaped injury. Mr. Baumgarten, of Portage La Prairie, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lamport. j Mr. Ross Krueger, of London, spent the week-end at the home of SHOES LEATHER & RUBBER - REPAIRING Believe in the old adage “Keep Your Head Cool and Your Feet Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fahrner Dry and You Will Live Long j A largely attended Thank-offering and Die Happy” service was held in the gunday ! School room of the Evangelical Have those Rubbers and Shoes -Church last Thursday evening. Rev. ' made leak-proof at Wuerth’s We do your work while you wait Skate Sharpening a Specialty. Prices Moderate 1 Cyclone League Revived took place as to entering a Hen- O. H. A. It was revive the Cyc- of teams •home Com- dance Mens’ & Boys’ Heavy Rubbers and Rubber Boots To Clear Mens’ & Boys’ Fleeced Lined Underwear Groceries Tea Cup Tea with Premium Red Rose Coffee Dashwood Home Made Sausage Every Thursday Morning H. Bierling We Deliver Phone 160 III We have a large assortment of Christmas Candies in bulk or fancy boxes. Fresh Christmas Nuts mixed or separate^ New Oranges, all sizes Prices and Quality are the best we have ever been able to offer you. > Special Reduced Prices for School and Xmas Concerts. 4 * ♦ M » FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—California Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit Cranberries, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Carrots Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Par­ snips, Onions, Etc.; also Oysters, Codfish, Fillets of Haddies and Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Nomination & Election We Deliver If? A well attended and enthusiastic meeting of hockey fans took place in the Council chambers on Friday evening. Discussion the advisability of sail team inthe W. finally decided to lone league, consisting from Hensail, Zurich, Dashwood and Exeter. This week representatives of the four clubs are to meet in the village to draw up a schedule for the winter months. The following officers were elected: Hon. Presi­ dents, James Ballantyne M.L.A.. Wm. Golding M. P.; President, Geo. Brock; Secretary-Treasurer, Claude Blowes; Manager, Ernest Shaddick; Coach, Harold Foster; Executive Committee, Messrs. G. Case, ,S. Tu­ dor, E. Drummond, G. Hess, W. Spencer, Jas. Paterson, M. Drysdale. Y. P. S. Elect Officers The Y. P. S. of the United church held t-lieir annual meeting Monday evening. The president Miss Greta Lammie was in the chair. Devotional exercises were held with scripture readings by Elva McQueen and Gol­ die was was and Greta Gladys Passmore; Secretary Elva McQueen; Associate Mildred Scru- ton; Treasurer, Clarence Smillie; devotional -convenors^ Mrs. Hess and Gladys Passmore; missionary con­ venors. Doreen Farquhar, Mrs. R. Broderick; citizenship con., Blison i Forrest, Bill Glenn: social com.,, Florence Welsh, Shirley Twitchell, ’ Goldie Cross; pianist Gladys Luker, Helen McMurtrie. Mrs. Wilson. Carlisle; Temperance Secretary, Miss Jennie Murray; Mite Box Secretaries, Mrs. Ed. McQueen, Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. George Hess; Supply Committee, Mrs, Elder Mrs. C, Cook, Mrs. S. Merner; Flow­ er Committee, Mrs. Fred Hess; Mrs. C. A. McDonell; Stangers’ Secretar­ ies, Mrs. Merner, Mrs. C. Cook; Mis­ sion iSupt., Miss Irene Douglas; Mis­ sion Band Supts., Miss Kathryn Drys­ dale, Miss Mildred McDonell, Mrs. Normington; Baby Band Supts., Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs. C.! Cook; 1 A. E. Pletch acted as chairman and gave a short but inspiring talk, •stressing the Christian’s duty to­ ward others. Piano solo by Leila Mollard; reading “The Thanksgiv­ ing Habit" by Dorothy Ratz; vocal duet by Alma ,Smith and Ruby Fink- beiner; reading by Alma Ratz. A play entitled ‘‘Mrs. Smith’s Mite Box" was ably given by1 members of the Mission Circle. At this junc­ ture the secretaries of the W. M. S. Mission Circle and Little Heralds called the roll and the thankoffering boxes were received. A dedicatory prayer on behalf of the offering was given by Rev. A. E. Pletc'h. A fine spirit of fellowship was evident at this service. Church Suppers Almost Past The season of the church supper almost past. These delightful----- ------ ...----- - ----- ,. is almost past. __ __o_-The meeting was closed with pray-1 events crowd the autumn evenin. er by Rev. Mr. Sin^air- Council Minutes minutes be Carried. Cross. The treasurer’s report given. Election of officers conducted by Rev. Mr. Sinclair resulted as follows: President, ILammie; Vice - President, Secretary Hensall Dec. 6, 1937 Regular meeting of the Village ■Council was held this evening at 8 p,m. in the Council Chambers with all members being present except Mr. O. Twitchell. Minutes of the previous meeting were read-. Brock- Shepherd: That the adopted as read. Dr-. I. G. Smillie, Medical Officer of Health read his annual report and made a few suggestions re the health of the village. Broc-k-Jo*es; That the Medical officer’s report be accepted as read. Carried. J. A. Paterson, Relief Officer re­ ported no one on relief at present. _ | Communications read; Dept, of l, I Health; Dept, of National Health & I Pensions; Dept, of Highways re By- | Law. game filed. "Jones-iShepherd: That By-Law No.' 9 be given third and finanl reading. Carried. I Bills and accounts read as fol- ows; H. Dayman, relief, groceries, $13.40; O. Rowcliffe, relief, -milk, $2.00; T. E. Drummond, relief, meat | iUUU yuu $2.0-0; F. w._ Hess, printing $34.00; I ™ G. M. Case, teaming and -coal $4,8.- - ’ * ’ $5.93; I material, etc. Battery) ) They come in such numbers that a I problem of selection is oft time, presented. The pity is that there is no way of regulating the dates so that co-operation might eliminate competition as it were. In this day and generation of so-called high speed existence, when we seem to depend so largely on manufactured enjoyment, it is indeed a refreshing treat to attend the average church supper. At these events there is to be found a wholesomness and abun­ dance of food and associations of far greater value than the for the ticket. These conducted for profit of there is a broader profit tary gain alone. The good folk who sponsor and provide them add to the menu a measure of good will that makes one always want to come again. If other attractions lose their appeal, and enjoyment runs at a low ebb, if the appetite fails, life goes stale, .crank up the car and seek out one of these price paid affairs are course, but than mone- suppers. In this pres­ will find a tonic that lost appetities, sooth and revitalize low spir- Such good Hensall W. M. S. The W. M. ;S. of the United church held their December j __ o Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock in J- the school room of the church. The F. D., $12.40; J. A. Paterson, Revis-) president Mrs. Cross presided. The Pug Voters’ List $45.75; F. G- Bon-, meeting opened by singing a hymn . thron, ditto $5.00; F. Coleman, la- and the Lord’s Prayer in ^unison, hour, streets, $ll.6iO; L. Rands, dit- The devotional period was taken by , t°> $1-70; O. Hedden, ditto $2.30; Mrs. Drysdale; prayer by Mrs. Lam- A. Hildebrandt, ditto $2.30; J. Sang- mie; solo by Mrs. Geo. Hess and a 'ster labor, park rink, $20.75; A.. very interesting talk by Mrs. Filshie. jTaylor, ditto $3.50; R. E. Shaddick Different reports were given which | salary reeve, $42.00; G. Brock, sal- VyCAU O/J-L VUAJ' Ottl-USia VW1 J , CDjJU UliXl AJf w ------ the Mite Box report. Rev. Mr. Sin- ditto $28.00; meeting on,45) Hensail Hydro, hydro, o’clork in J- Passmore, material etc. were all very satisfactory, especially ary as councillor $28.'00; W. J. Jones .Shepherd, ditto $28.00; O. Twitchell ditto $26.00; J. A. Paterson, balance salary 84.- 00; C. Cook, salary treasurer, $67.- 50; G. Fee, salary, constable, $36,- 70; Dr. I. G. Smillie, salary M.-O/H. $90.00; F. G. Bonthron, Tax Col-; lector $45.00; C. Passmore, salary motor mechanic $.25.00; G. Walker balance salary caretaker $5'2.50; G. Hudson, balance salary Water Tank $22.50; N. Blabchford, salary B. of H., ’$14.00; J. A. Paterson ditto $|6:.00; R. E. Shaddick, ditto $6.00; Dr. I. G. smillie, ditto $6.00; total $80i8.28. Shepherd and Jones; That ac­ counts as read be paid. Carried, Brock tnd Shepherd: That the instructed to collect Carried. of plans as to rates for the rink took place clair then took the meeting and an election of officers for 1938 took place which resulted as follows: HOn. Pres., Mrs. C. A. McDonnell; President, Mrs. B. Cross; 1st Vice- President, 'Mrs. Ballantyne; 2nd Vice-President. Mrs. Sinclair; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. J. Elder; Treas­ urer, Mrs. C. Cook; Corresponding (Secretary, Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill; Recording Secretary, Mrs. N. Cook; Assistant .Secretary, Mrs. H. Hillard; Missionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. Fred Manns; pianist, Mrs. Drysdale; {Assistant Pianist, Mrs. Sinclair; C. Stewardship and Finance Secretary, cription you will restore jaded nerves ’* its all in one evening. . food you have never tasted, unless i are a - ‘‘supper fan’’ ' and such quantities folk who willingly never content until ter having eaten such delicacies as plenty of food of ’course but added to it will be crisp pickles and a sauce that sharpens the appetite, tasty jellies the pride of some neigh­ boring housewife, perhaps a dainty cottage cheese and dozens of little touches that the average meal lacks. Added to this, one finds opportunity for widening the circle of acquain­ tance, of knowing one’s neighbors just a little better. To get the most out of living is not such a hard job after all. There are plenty of op­ portunities and these countryside events are part and parcel of them. If you aren’t already a church sup­ per fan join up, you’re passing up a valuable opportunity to add to life’s enjoyment. a - ‘‘supper of it. The good serve you are you cry quits af- your fill, you will DASHWOOD For Real Economy -Better Flavour PURITS FLOUR tour PF337 And find, then constable be the poll tax. Discussion for charging also a set of rules partly drafted out to be completed next meeting. Jones and Brock: That we ad­ journ, 3. A, Paterson, Clerk First Time Angry Customer: "Here,that horse you sold mo yesterday dropped dead?* Deaelr; "Can’t help that, guv-nor He never did while I had him/’ We wish to advise our customers that we have moved our stock of mill feed, grain and concentrates from the chopping mill to the rear of our store and will be pleased to Serve you. from this location at any time.—J. 0. REID & CO., Dashwood Education makes people easyi to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.— Lord Brougham. . 0—0---->0' When highway construction ex­ ceeds the budget they, shut down oh the work, but when a car gets mired in Bad roads you can’t budget. 0-—0——o Professor; "Name the five common hugs.” Student: "June, tumble* bed and hum?’ most lady, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, December 27, 1937, at one o’clock in the afternoon for the 'purpose of making and receiving Nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Coun­ cilmen. AND further notice is hereby giv­ en that in the event of more candid­ ates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than requir­ ed to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, January 3rd, 193 8, when polls will be open at 9 a.m. at the following places as fixed by the Townsfaip By-Law:—- Poll 1, Mills’ ghop, Lot 5, Con- 1, W. B. Willert D.R.O, Lloyd Hodg­ son Poll Clerk; Poll 2, Penhale's Kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 2, Preston Dearing, D.R.O., Geo. Walker Pol) Clerk; Poll 3, Wenzel’s Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6, Thos. Trevethick D. R.O., C. G. Morlock, Poll Clerk; Poll 4. Town Hall, Lot 10, Con 7, J. T. Hirtzel, D.R.O., J. H. Gaiser, Poll Clerk; Poll 5, School House, Lot 11, Con. 12, Pat Sullivan, D.R.O., Jas. Mawhinney, Poll Clerk; Poll 6, Koehler's Bake Shop, Lot 23, Con N. B., Ed. G. Kraft, D.R.O., Chester Gaiser, poll Clerk; Poll 7, Sweitzer’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con; 17, John Houl- ahan, D.R.O., Major Baker Poll Clerk; Poll 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B., Wm. Hicks, D.R.O., Mansel Hodgins, Poll Clerk; Poll 9, Ravelle’s Store, Lot 1, Con. Sauble, Isaac Bestard Jr., D.R.O., John G. Lovie, Poll Clerk. [AND all Electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Herbert K. Eilber Returning Officer Crediton, December 6th, 1937 FRESH AND CURED MEATS Phone 37rl3 C. H. Schenk CREDITON Fresh Home-Made Sausage Try our Home-Rendered Lard UynMfl mcat 1 USED CARS 1937 FORD TUDOR 1936 FORD FORDOR 1936 FORD TUDOR 1932 FORD COACH, 4 CYLINDER 1932 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 4 CYLINDERS 1935 FORD PANEL DELIVERY 1937 FORD STAKE TRUCK 1936 FORD STAKE TRUCK 1936 INTERNATIONAL STAKE TRUCK 1936 FORD DUMP TRUCK 1934 FORD STAKE TRUCK 1934 FORD DUMP TRUCK SEVERAL CHEAPER CARS AND TRUCKS BUY NOW AT THE NEW LOW PRICES SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 Exeter See our Display of Christmas* Cards We are Specializing in Christmas Cake FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON Delicious with the finest of Fruits and Nuts Sold by the Pound or Made to Order TRY OUR BREAD AND PASTRY WHITE’S BAKERY Fahner’s, Crediton Grocery Specials RAISINS, SEEDLESS ..................... DATES.......................................;......... ALL PEELS ....................................... BAKING POWDER ........................ JELLY POWDERS........................... FRESH BLUE RIBBON COFFEE BLUE RIBBON PACKAGE TEA OUR OWN BLEND COFFEE...... .... 2 pounds for 25c. ... 4 pounds for 25c. .........'per pound 25c. ..... 1 pound tin 15c. 4 for 25c.; 5 for 25c. ......... per pound 42c. ..........per pound 55c. ......... per pound 25c. Fine Assortment of Christmas Candies and Nuts. Priced right Fresh Fruit and Spices for Christmas Cakes Good Assortment of Oranges at low prices Mitts and Gloves, Scarves and Sweatees, Overalls and Windbreakers, Hose and Seeks. We have an attractive assortment of Christmas Handkerchiefs—All Prices SPARTON RADIOS. ALSO USED ELECTRIC AND BATTERY RADIOS “Satisfied Customers are our best Advertisement.** Give Us A Call i FAHNER’S, CREDITON a