HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-12-09, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ...With the Churches...SHIPKA Come in and register a guess cm the num­ ber of Beans in a jar, One guess with each Dollar Order See Prizes in Window in the Jar? Large Puff Raisins Currants ................. Seedless Raisins .... Walnuts ................ Pineapple Rings ... Fancy Bleached Raisins ............ Large Lexia Raisins with Seeds Lemon or Orange Peel ............. Candied Cherries ................ 17c. a pound 2 pounds for 25c, ........2 pounds for 23c. one pound for 37c. ......... 1 pound for 54c. ....... 2 pounds for 35c. 2 pounds for 23c. 1 pound for 23c. 1 pound for 45c. now on hand at lowest Prices Christmas Oranges Nuts & Candies F. Coates LAWSON’S XMAS SALES Offers Outstanding V.ilues for Thrify Shoppers WE SPECIALIZE IN DIAMOND RINGS PRICED FROM $12.50 UP Birth Stone Rings ................... $1.00 and up We have a Nice Assortment of Cut Glass in White and Coronation Colors Don’t forget to get our prices on Popular Dresser Sets. Splendid Variety Chime Clocks ................... $15.00 to $28.50 Mantle Clocks ......................... $6.00 and up Dresser Clocks .................... ... $2.00 and up Ranging in price from $5.95 TO $100.00 Repairing a Specialty JAS. LAWSON Jeweller 15 and 17 Jewel Move­ ment WRIST WATCHES James Street Mission Dumj Thirty-six members were present I at the meeting of the James Street Mission Rand on Wednesday after­ noon last, Shirley president occupied the the minutes were read retary, Edith ,Hunter, ture lesson was* read Hannigan and Marion Dorene Shirley mental t?on of • resulted Jack O'Brien; neth Jones; i Cowan; ing; ’ass’t. treasurer, (Friends secy,, Mae Snell; Mite Box : secretaries, Donald Brintnell and Frank Brintnell. the and Moise, chair by the sec- The /Scrip- by Mildred •Cowen and iii prayer, an instru- . The elec- Parsons led Moise played very acceptably, •officers for the coming year as follows: President ; 1st vice-pres., Gwen- 2nd vice-pres,, Marion secretary, Dawson Gould- secy., .Shirley Appleton'; Dorene Parson's; World Trivitt Memorial Chancel Guild The annual meeting of the Chancel Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church was held on Friday evening at the rectory with Mr. Hunt presiding. Following a business discussion the officers for the coming year yere elected: President, Miss Marion Bis­ sett; Vice-President, Mrs. Clarence Heywood; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Margaret Quinton. During the busi­ ness discussion it was decided to send letters-pf appreciation to the Bissett family for the beautiful al­ tar lights and to Miss Dorothy Dick­ son fpr the gift of the altar vases. Mention made made of the faithful, efficient services of the former pres­ ident the late Miss Ethel Bissett and a record of this was placed in the secretary’s book. It was arranged to hold the regular meeting on the first Friday of the month. Follow­ ing the benediction refreshments were served. Rev. Mr. Mair from the Thames-; Road preached a very inspiring ser­ mon Sunday morning at the United Church which was much enjoyed by all present. Rev. Mr, g« Finkbeiner, of Mel- borne, S. Dakota, is at present vis­ iting with relatives in this vicinity. The children are busy practicing for the Christmas entertainments, at the Sunday School the evening of December 22nd. Public School the evening of December 14th. Mr. Arthur Gaiser, Miss Ada Gaiser spent the week-end with rela­ tives in Kitchener. Miss Nola Sweitzer has returned to her home after visiting with rela­ tives in Melbourne. Quite a number are confined to their homes suffering from colds, Mr, Sam Sweitzer, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Billy Lippert, of Melbourne, spent the past week visiting at the home of Miss Nola .Sweitzer. Mrs. John Sharpe spent last week with her sister Mrs. Hedges, Parks, hill, who has been seriously ill. The Home and School Club held their regulafr meeting in the School house on Tuesday evening last, The Ladies’ Aid held their regul- lar meeting on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. Roy Ratz. After the- business the ladies quilted a ed a box to be sent Northern Ontario Mr. Chas. Mathers is engaged to work with moved his ity, A very spent Wednesday when neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kading to bid them farewell before leaving for their new home at Woodstock. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and music after which re­ freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Kading were presented with a beautiful walnut end table with book trough. Mr. Kading in his jovial manner thanked one and all for their kindness and beautiful gift. part was over quilt and pack- to the needy in Main Street Evening Auxiliary were elected: Hon. Pres., Layton; pres., Mrs, Benson 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. 3rd Vice-Pres., Miss Gladys M. N. Mr. Jacob family into Ratz having the commun- For Convenience Exeter Public Utilities . The boon of electrical labor-savers is one that every housewife appreciates more and more as the years go by. More of het energy and more of her time can be devoted to things more important if she has the facilities to as­ sist in her housework. We have a complete line of electrical accessories. Welcome gifts • at lowest ptices* The December meeting was held at the home of,Mrs. E. Russell on Wednesday evening of last week, with Mrs. R. Hopper presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 226. The Devotional Leaflet was read by Mrs. H. Skinner. The report of the Chis­ elhurst meeting was ably given by Mrs. R. Balkwill. The remainder of the evening was spent in election of officers for next year. The following officers Mrs. G. Tuckey; Walker; Hockey; Ryckman; Recording Secretary, Miss Merna Sims; Assistant Rec/ 'Sec’y., Mrs. McKnight; Secretary, Mrs. E. Russell; Treasurer, Miss Marjorie Broderick; Pianist, Miss Helen Dig- nan; Assistant Pianist, Miss Marjor­ ie Medd; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Waghorn; Sec. Christian Steward­ ship, Mrs. H. Skinner; Strangers’ iSec’y,, Mrs. R. Hopper; Temperance iSec’y., Miss Eva Pearce; Mite Box iSec’y., Miss Isobel Kirk. The Vice- Presidents chose the members groups with whom each will After the meeting a dainty was served. of the work, lunch James Street Woman's Association The annual meeting of the Wo­ man’s Association of James Street United Church was held on Decem­ ber 2nd with the president in the chair. Mrs. Earl -Shapton read the iScripture and Mrs. C. Christie led in prayer. After the business session the president asked Rev. Mr. Page to preside ovei’ the election of of­ ficers which resulted as follows: Pion. President, Mrs. (Rev.) Page; President, Mrs. C. W. Kestle; First Vice-President, Mrs. Earl Shapton; 'Second Vice-President, Mrs. T. Coates; Third Vice-President, Mrs. Moise; Secretary, Mrs. L. O’Brien; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Southcott; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Page; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. TTaquair; Corresponding Sec’y, Mrs. T. Din- ney; Press Reporter, Mrs. J. Norry; Assistant Reporter, Mrs. Pianist, Mrs. V- Kestle; C. Snell; Assistant Pianist, Mrs. T. Coates; Floral Com­ mittee, Mrs. W. Shapton (convenor) Mrs. L. Reynolds, Mrs. E. Westcott, Mrs. W. Coates, Mrs. Roulston. Visiting Committee: Mrs. F. Tay­ lor, Mrs. E. Harness . Parsonage Committee: Mrs. M. I-Ieywood, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. S. Mc- Falls, Mrs. J. Rowe. Emergency Committee: Mrs. T. O. ■Southcott, Mrs. Pickard, Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. Coates. Vestry Committee: Mrs. J. Southcott, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Auditors: Mrs, J. Bowey Miss Keddy. A short program followed which included a reading by Miss Reta Rowe; a quartette by Mrs. T. Coates Mrs. H< 0. Carey, Mrs. Lindenfield Miss R. Rowe. v Phone 127 Exeter Naming the Miilo “What are you going to call that mule of yours, Uncle?’* “Well, suh,” saidi the driver Of the animal,! “I ain’t made Up my mind, I’se tried all de names 1 ( could think of, an’ 1’se goinn’ right J?* ‘ on, hunting Mo*, if I ever find one Ilie pays any ’tention, to, dal’s what X Is gwino ,call him.”' 1 'Hi Thursday, December 9th, 1937 DASHWOOD Make this your Christmas Season Slogan “Give Something for the Car s The holiday table in every home should groan with the weight of choice quality Meats and Poultry .... Here you’ll find tasty foods at low prices . . . all specially reduced for the festive feasts, Shop here if you want to save on choice Christmas Meats and Poultry. 9 All Poultry Drawn Free Choice Beef, Pork, Lamb, Smoked Bacon, Smoked Ham, Picnic Hams, Cottage Rolls, Weiners, Headcheese RIVERS’ QUALITY MEAT MARKET For Service and Quality Phone 9, Exeter Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Har'tleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Dashwood will be held comber 21. mas entertainment will be held on Thursday evening December 23rd. Rev. J. M. Oestricher, of Rosen­ thal, occupied the pulpit in the Evan­ gelical church on Sunday evening. Messrs. Addison Tieman and Mil­ ford Merner spent a few days in De­ troit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Nancy spent troit and also nia. Miss Jean spent the week-end in Kitchener. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins and We are glg-d. t&» report .that Mr. I children and Mrs. Hodgins Sr., of and Mrs. Geo. Gollsn’s little daugh- ’ Parkhill, were Sunday visitors with ter whose .hand was injured in the sausage machine is recovering. Dr. Wilford of China, gave a very interesting talk in the United Church on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey have returned from Union. They re­ port that Mr. Ed. Bloomfield who was seriously injured by a falling beam is resting in a St. Thomas*' hos­ pital. Mrs. Harry Isaac and -Kenneth re­ turned from London on Sunday. Kenneth is now convalescing from an operation for appendicitis. Willis Stewardson was in London on Thursday to consult his doctor. We are -glad to report his condition is somewhat improved. Mr. G. Flagel and family have moved into Mr. Lawrence Pollock’s house next to the church. Word has been received here of •birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott (Viola Hutchinson) o Ravenswood. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of Toron to, spent the week-end with his par ents. Mr. R. Carruthers has moved in with Mr. John Appleton for th present. Miss Dorothy Belling is visitin Mrs. Ed. Bloomfield at Union. Miss Mae Wilson has had a radio installed. The W. M. S. held a very success­ ful tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts last Friday. Everyone reports a good time. The annual meeting of the Sunday School Executive will be held at Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand’s home on Wednesday evening. IThe' young people gathered at the home of Mr. last Tuesday social hour. served Erma dress and Ula Ul£ns and Ray Eagle- son presented Mrs. Edgar Steeper (Norma Steeper) a recent bride with d china tea set. iShe replied in a few grateful words. Norma has been a quiet, faithful worker as a teach­ er in the Sunday School and officer in the Y. p. U. and will be missed in both groups. enjoyable evening was Zurich, Ont. public School Concert on Tuesday evening De- The Dashwood Christ- GREENWAY The Harmony Class will hold regular meeting on Friday, Decem­ ber 10th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts. Full attendance is requested. Listen! Why if it isn’t those wedding bells ringing again! Mr. and Mrs. R. English and and Mrs. C. W- Woodburn spent week-end in London. We are gletd. t^ report .that its Mr. the the week-end in De­ visited friends in Sar­ Weber and Kenneth Mr. and Msr. A. Weber. Mr. and Mrs, J. McNevin, of Lon­ don and Miss Kate McVica and Du- gald, of Crampton attended the fun­ eral of the late Mrs. Oestricher last week. The Death of Mr. Henry Staubus The death of Mr. Henry Staubus occurred in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Friday, December 3rd in his 73d. year. The remains were brought here and interment took place on Monday afternoon to the Lutheran cemetery with Rev. T. Luft officiat­ ing. is some­ what we a friend. A SPECIAL PRICE WILL BE GIVEN ON ALL ARTICLES LISTED BELOW DURING CHRISTMAS SEASON De Frosters All sizes in stock. Heaters Hot Water, Copper Core • Weed Chains, Emergency Chains, Lj 1131 US Cross Chains, Monkey Links Anti-Freeze G. M., Vulcan, Alcohol n1! nu - Winter Grades for Motor Transmission Oil Changes and Rear Axles Tires Dominion. All sizes and treads. Batteries Exide, G. M. "All prices. Snell Bros. & Co. EXETER M. N. T. F. and Mrs. Fred iSteeper evening and enjoyed a Just before lunch was Goodhand read an ad- Cur chief want in life body who shall maike us do can. This is the service of o—o—o True friendship is a tender flower that must be nourished every hour. —W. S. Galbraith. PHONE 100 CHRISTMAS CARDS—A splendid assortment at very low prices. CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES—1-2 lb. 25<i.; 1 lb. 50c. and 2 lbs. $1. Fresh this week* 1 .’nuun1, LOCATED >tASY Flowering Potted Plants, including Cyclamen, Begonias, Pepper Plants, Fern Pans, Fems, Etc., ranging from 20c. to $1.25. Also orders taken for Cut Flowers PHONE 50 b \ WdL x Lfb x iste. s IUAl K w4. x (Lux.* irAt « linit-i an.. t Choose RATES WALKER’S DRUG STORE The Store of Quality and Service LET US SOLVE YOUR SHOPPING PROBLEMS WITH OUR COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE Below are listed a few of Our Outstanding Values FOR THE LADIES Ritz Toilet Sets ........................................................................$1.00 Ritz Bath Powder..........................................................59c. to 85c. Cutex Manicure Sets...............35c., 65c., $1.25, $2.50 and up Yardley Toilet Sets...............85c., $1.00, $1.65, $3.25 and up Leatherette Book Ends with Stationery $2.00 Leatherette Desk Sets with Stationery ... $2.00 FOR THE MEN Yardley’s Men’s Sets.....$1.00, $1.35, $1.65, $2.00 and $2.65 Colgate Shaving Sets ............................................................... 98c. Yardley’s and Potter and Moore’s Shaving Bowls.........$1.00 Rolls Razors ................................................. $6.95, $8.95 and up Thirty-Five Shaving Sets ......................................... $1.00 each Shaving Brushes....................................... 75c., $1.00 and $2.00 Brush and Comb Sets.............................$1.50, $1,98 and $4.50 *•