HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-11-25, Page 7THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE County Council i COUGHS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WIND hfive met their master in ZEV—-made by the mak­ ers of Buckley’S Mixture. Stockmen, poultry breed, ers, etc,, who have used ZEV say it is positively “sure fire” relief for all respiratory diseases in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and dogs, It.is amazing how quickly it gets results in the most stubj bom case?. In fact, we guarantee ZEV to do in a day or two what it took old- fashioned remedies a month tp do. Pet size 50jS, Stock size $1.00. Get ZEV at BROWNING’S DRUGSTORE Not Only Menace Reeve Bowman declared uw\.jnrtiM&rniffiaw (Continued from previous page.) Reeve Bryans: "One session should be sufficient. The council should stand firm o(i this motion. When a man abuses a privilege he should be punished. Ail epidemic cf reckless driving is sweeping the province. Reeve Huckins; “If a man delib­ erately gets drunk and drives a car 1 after one lesson taught him he should ' be prepared to take the consequences I I the drunk driver is not the only killer. The speed-crazy youths are killing ten to one -compared with dr-unk' drivers. He then introduced an amendment: “That we, t„_ council of Huron, encourage the pro­ vincial government to make the traf- fic laws more stringent.” , [ This produced some confusion, Reeve Archibald, seconder -of the amendment, said he could not con­ scientiously vote “yea” on the mo­ tion. .Some members objected to the procedure stating the issue was not clear. They felt they should vote .for both the amendment and the motion. Council voted unanimously on di­ vision in 'favor Of the amendment ( and the motion was automatically - lost. | The Executive Committee, witn Reeve Sanders in the chair, asked to have the Mothers’ Allowance Bd. report discussed in open One meeting had been held in Clerk J. M. Roberts said he -chairman last year, not this. most important to come before this ■parliament, or any other parliament since "the turn of the century. If the tariffs can be lowered then it will make a different story, not tliT'county only economically, but will- go a long way toward bringing peace to this troubled world and in main- ■ taining and assuring it. [ Council adjourned to meet the third Tuesday in January by sing­ ing the National Anthem. i Guelph Winter Fair Officials of the Guelph Winter Fair are smiling broadly these days as a cheek on entries for this oldest of all winter -fairs in -Ontario shows the heaviest entry list in the past ten years. This is true in all clas­ ses, In fact, Live Stock 'Superin­ tendent, Wm, Watson, and his assis­ tant, Dick Graham, are wondering just where they will place all the cattle and horse entries which are'we understand there is a number away above those of last year. I of like subscribers up on the Goshen Line, who would like a similiar change, and it is quite a procedure to go about it to have the change enacted. The consideration of the line taken over was near the $30'0. mark,—'Zurich Herald ENLARGES TEWHONE SYSTEM Owing to petitions and pressure to urge the movement along, the Hay Telephone System was obliged to purchase from the Tuckersmith (Sys-1 tern the line equipment a mile north of Blake on the Bronson Line. These ten subscribers will soon be con­ nected to the Hay System and be i served from Zurich central, which j will be a big -convenience to them, as Zurich is their place of business. ■Percy Bedard,, son of Mr. and Len Bedard of St. Joseph north Miss Marie Masse, daughter of and Mrs. James Masse, of south. Gets New Cane There are over 200 entries and 145 light 217 cattle listed—the several years. 'Swine heavy horse horses, with heaviest in entries total 161 in all classes', while the sheep show totals 364 animals. 'Seed bits are on a par with other with 330 entries, Secretary L. E. O’Neill states will ‘be the best -Clyde show in fifteen years. There are thirteen entries in aged Clyde stallions, eight three- year-olds, eleven two-year-olds and thirteen yearlings. The mare classes are equally well .filled with 21 year­ ling fillies also entered. It is of in­ terest to note that J. E, Falconer, presented®' well-known Clyde breeder, formerly I exhi- years there The engagement is announced of Lillian Evelyn, daughter -of Mr. and Mirs. George Neil, *of Parkhill to William John Treve thick, son of John Trevethick and the late Mrs. Trevethick, of Ailsa Craig, the mar­ riage to take pace the latter part of November. looked charming in her of rust with accessories to The groom was supported Leonard Denomme, while Bedard-Masse On' Monday, November 15 th a very pretty wedding took place in. St. Peter’s Church, French Settlement, by the Rev. Father L. Marchand, of Mr. Mrs and Mr. Blue Water Highway bride, who vras given away by father, semble match, by Mr. Miss Yvonne, sister of the bride was bridesmaid. After the ceremony a dainty breakfast was served at the groom’s parents, after w'hich the bridal party left on a motor trip to Courtright, Chatham and Windsor and other points. On their return they will reside in Beaver Town. Warden Eckert was . . „ with a gold-headed cane and address < Of western Canada and now resident at a banquet in Hotel Bedford at of Lambton County, is exhibiting at which he entertained the members Guelph, show for the first time, of the council and county officials, j The evening horse show promises again to be up to. a very high stan- ' dard, with many prominent stables being represented, including horses from Toronto, London, St. -Cathar­ ines, Simcoe and Galt. It is a fea­ ture that is becoming increasingly ) lovers Ploughing Bee i on Thursday afternoon M votun-,- .teer teams and drivers madeat Q the ince/ neighbors on the Townline ol Blan-| Don,t £m.get there-.are cheap rates ’ on all railways. So make up , Mr. Farmer, bring your family too. council. June. was Var-‘ shard, 10th and 8bh concessions, also ious members complained they could a few frc-m Biddulph Township gath-. min(j t0. attend * get not get replies to letters. ; ered on the farm of Mr. Norman ’ * ’ The warden said that he had been (McNaughton and ploughed about 22 informed 'by C. A. Robertson, M.-L.A.' acres, being the amount of fan that council lhad overstepped the' plowing to be done on the farm, mark in making recommendations of Norman has been confined to bed appointments to the board of the government. Reeve McNall wanted to know who knew 'better than the county coun­ cil who should be on that board. Council agreed to pay the honor­ ariums of memtiers of the board, but also asked the government to ap­ point a competent and active Old Age Pensions and Mothers’ Allow­ ance Board in Huron County. with infantile paralysis for nearly | two months. At present he is as ! well as .can be expected and .nepes! I to soon be able to return to his j jlhome on the 10 th of Blanshard to see his fall work well under way. ? MRS. MCNAUGHTON BURIED that gave lack services Lades Organization The opinion, was expressed the .Mothers’ Allowance Board honest individual action but 'organization to' give - the required by the ..public. A discussion on the collection of long 'distance telephone calls was launched by Reeve McNall. He ob­ jected to tihe rural municipalities being made collection agencies for telephone companies, inasmuch as under the presnt act unpaid long distance accounts were levied against the -property. No action was taken1 on the matter. 'Council endorsed the recommen­ dation that the bull or spear thistle known as the “’Scotch” thistle be paced on the noxious weed list. Endorsation was given a motion Sponsored by Reeves J. H. Scott and Bryans, that the County Council of Huron notify Amos Ball, R.R. No. 1 Auburn, by a letter from the county clerk, that. in view of the fact that the council had reimbursed Andrew Shephard to. the extent of $100 for the loss of a horse sustained when he was extricating Mr. Ball from . serious difficulties on a county highway. Council was of the unani- “ mous opinion that Mr. Ball should pay Mr. 'Shephard at his earliest convenience an additional $75 to re­ imburse in full for the loss of the horse. Council voted in favor of memor­ ializing the legislature to again give $50 to the Teachers’ Conventions of Ontario as was paid in past years as it was felt these conventions are a great benefit to the junior teach­ ers. 'Funeral services for Mrs. Margar­ et Ferguson McNaughton, early set­ tler of Seaforth district, who died ,in her 85th year, were conducted by Rev. A. W. Shepherd of Egmondville United Church, on Tuesday last. In­ terment was in Maitlandbank cem­ etery, Seaforth. She was born In i Tuckersmith., where she was married ’over 60 years ago to- William Mc­ Naughton. After the death of her husband, in 1904, she resided for 17 years in Seaforth, since then in Tuckei’smith, where she died at the tome of her son-in-law, John Shol- , dice. Two- daughters and one son survive: John A. McNaughton and | Mrs. Sholdi-ce in Tuckersmith and ' Mrs. W. J. Morphy, in Saskatchewan Try To Get Board The local members, James Bal- lantyne and C. A. Robertson, will be asked to take the necessary. action to ihave a. competent and active Old Age Pensions and Mothers’ Allow­ ance Board appointed in Huron -County. The Teachers’ Institutes of East and West Huron were given a grant of $50 each. Warden Eckert will join the dele­ gates from the town of Goderich which will go. to Ottawa to present the harbor improvement plans pro­ posed by the town council. R. J. Richardson, M.P., addressed the afternoon session. He said that he considered the proposed legislation that is to -come before parliament at its next session respecting new tariffs between the Ahglo-iSaxon group of nations is the Stubborn Of Constipation Constipation May Become Serious If Allowed To Continue Keep Your Bbweis Regular With WHY .SOME MEN FAIL To much talk; Not TOO Not Too Not Too- much blow; Not ■ Too enough walk, much sigh; enough try. much bask; enough ask. enough go. much blink; enough think, much mope; enough hope, much shirk; enough work. The result is, You miss the biz. GRAND BEND your been Nin­ th e Company. Baynham is visiting in Mrs. William Elsie, who has sick for some time is able to be up I home in Detroit on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dick Masse, of cardine, has come home for winter. Mr. Masse was working for the Bremna'r Mrs. Russ Hamilton. Mr. Lloyd to the house winter. Miss Ivy Baker, who has been in London for the past week visiting, returned home on Sunday. Pollock has moved in- with bis father for the CanUi Toll A man took a clock to a pawn­ broker in an effort to “raise the wind.” , “Is it an eight day, clock?” asked the pawnbroker. “I don’t know,” .replied the mean. “I’ve never had it ,more than four days at a time.”- Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction^ We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First IAONS CARNIVAL AT MITCHELL NETS $2127,7|5—$1500 FOR POOL Lion William Elliot “brought home the bacon” from his recent hunting trip to Moosonee, only happened to be wild geese and his generosity tho Lions’ feasted on this delicacy ” at regular semi-monthly meeting. The reports following the dinner brought out the fact that the recent carnival showed a net -profit of $728.71 while the net profit from the sale if tickets on the car amount­ ed to $1399,04. Of this amount $15 0'0 was turned over to the fund ■or the swimming pool. It was also announced that the new Lioris Club at Kitchener was included in Zone 3f in which is inculded Mitchell, ■Stratford, Seaforth. Clinton & God­ erich. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1037 HAMCO JAS. P. BOWEY, it thro’ Club their | For steady volumes of : clean, easily regulated heat, order a ton of HAMCO, Puts summer warmth in every room, regardless of the weather. No dust, no smoke, no waste, less ash. Easy to handle, too —and easy on the budget! For prompt service, order from your local HAMCO dealer — he deserves your fuel business. Sold By-- HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA z MRS. ANDREW CALDER . BURIED AT SEAFORTH The funeral of Mrs. Andrew Cal­ der, a resident of Seaforth for more than CO years, was held to Maitland- bank cemetery.' Funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. C. C. Kaine. ■Mrs. Calder was born in Nova Scotia, 87 years ago, and came with her parents to the Gore of D'o-wnie, later to Egmondville. Her married life was spent in Seaforth, where her husband died 29 years ago. ing are two sons and three ters. Sui'viv- daugh- strand- INSIST1 H. T. ROWE, R. G. SELDON itinerant musician was a village one Sunday morning An ed in and, as he was playing his cornet in the street, the was approached by the clergyman of the parish, who said, “Do you know the Fourth Command­ ment, my good man?” “No,” the man replied, “but if you will just whistle it over, I’ll do my best.” Rex Battle, Famous Musician :? ’L Wire -Al Farm News Basket For Eggs of membership Ontario Poultryfarm Egg Producers is that the eggs be gathered and cooled in wire baskets. There’s a reason. The keeping qualitjr of the egg is greatly improved by rapid cooling. In a test it was found that egsg gathered in wooden bas­ kets had a tempature in five hours of 82 dergees and in ten hours of 65 degrees. Eggs gathered at the same time in wire baskets had a five-ihour temperature of 67£ degrees and a 10-hour tempature of 56 and a half degrees. Wire baskets for egg collection are now in almost universal use on commercial egg plants in the New York and Boston areas. Wire bas­ kets are now manufactured and sold by poultry supply firms. A very sat­ isfactory basket can be made with sides of light lumber and a bottom of wire- netting with half-inch mesh. Screw a spool under the bottom cor­ ners so that the air can always culate up through the eggs. the requirements for in the newly organized International Exposition Canadian farmers from several provinces of the Dominion have many entries in the 38th Interna­ tional Live Stock Exposition and the 19th International Grain and Hay Show which will be held at Chicago from November 27 to December 4th, 1937, inclusive. Ever since the In­ auguration of these two shows Can­ adians have taken a conspicuous part each year winner a fair share of the blue ribbons. In 1936 exhibitors from the Dominion won 16 grand cham­ pionships, 10 reserve grand 'cham­ pionships, 76 first prizes and 277 other rewards. Since the Internation­ al Grand and Hay Show has been held at Chicago, Canadians have won the championship prize for wheat no less than 14 times and’ 22 times since the International competition was introduced in 1.911 at the New York Land Show. The 193 6 winter was Herman T’relle, of Wembley, Peace River, Alberta, who also won the championship in 193'0, 1931, and 1932. Every winner from Can­ ada of this coveted award has scored with a variety of wheat developed by the Cereal Division, Experimental Farms Branch, Dominion Depart­ ment of Agricultural. The joint international shows held annually at Chicago are among the leaders in agricultural shows. This year it is expected that live stoick entries will total about 15,000 and the grain and hay entries will be be­ tween 5,000i and 6,0-00, principally from the United States and Canada, though there will be some 13 ether countries. tario Department of Agriculture will provide two resident instructors in agriculture. They will be O. Ax C. graduates who are practical farmers and will be assisted by the agricul­ tural representative of the county, and government specialists who will give special lectures. The Home Economics be under the direction men’s Institute Branch, partment of Agriculture, have one resident instructress. She will be assisted by special W. speakers from time to time. • It is exepected that at least 1,000 boys and girls will receive instruc­ tion this winter at these courses. course will of the Wo- Ontario De- and will I. Guelph Winter Fail* Entries Pouring In i Sliort Courses Cir- They Mol Gripe, One of Canada’s best known musicia-ns is seen here at Canada’s leading hotel, the Royal York, in downtown Toronto. He is Rex Battle, leader of the Royal York Hotel concert orchestra, which plays daily at the hotel and is heard oh regular coast-to- coast radio broadcasts. The pic­ ture of Mr. Battle is from a, por­ trait recently dwie by Allan Barr, and^hows the maestro concen­ trating on a* difficult piano pas­ sage. At the Royal York Hotel, which is the largest hostelry in the British Empire, Rex Battle’s orchestra is a favorite among the guests, who gather in large num­ bers at his concerts or tune him in on the individual radios in bedrooms throughout the hotel. The orchestra has spread its fame by playing for conventions that gather at the hotel from all over the continent. Tho Royal York’s fine facilities for this type of hotel trade attracted 7’5 con­ ventions, totalling 0,000 dele* gates, up to the middle of March, while 45 others are scheduled to bring 11,000 delegates to the hotel from all over the country later in the year. Present indications point .to a. record entry list for the Ontario Provincial’ Winter Fair and Fat Sto-ck -Show, states IL. E. O’Neill, se­ cretary-treasurer of the fair. M. O’Neill and other officials were delighted with prospects -for a suc­ cessful show and more than pleased with the number of exhibitors show­ ing at Guelph for the first time. The fair opens on Tuesday, November -30 . and concludes December 2nd. There ! will be an exceptionally fine light ( horse show each night of the fair in the judging arena. The steer market class is always a feature at Guelph. There are five classes with eight prizes in class ranging from $25 to $10. auction sale of cattle will be Thursday morning, December with buyers present from all Ontario. This sale has in the netted exhibitors handsome returns. The Guelph considered rightly so. considered to yourself Educational features will include an important soiltesting demonstrations by Prof. G. Ruhnke, and his Chem­ istry staff of the Ontario Agricultur­ al College. Every farmer should see this demonstration and make ar­ rangements for a soil test on his own farm in order that -he may farm intelligently and profitably in the years to come. There will also be a market potato exhibit by the Hillsburg growers that will be well worth seeing. Just remember this. Six big shows! in one; $20,000 in prizes for -cattle, horses, sheep, swine, seeds and poutry. Remember the dates, Nov. 30th, to Dec. 1st and 2nd. each An held ' 2nd over past fair has always been farmer’s show and trip to Guelph can be a pre-C'hristmas gift and family, Mr. Farmer, A three Agriculture for farm boys and in ages from 1'6 to thirty, has been announced for nine counties by R. S. Duncan, director of agricultural representatives, Ontario Department of Agriculture. There is no fee for those taking the course, which com­ mences November 23rd and ends February 25th with Christmas vaca­ tion from December 18th to January 3rd inclusive. In addition to the above course, seven one months’ courses have been arranged starting November 23 rd. More of these courses will be announced later. Three months’ courses are being held at Walkerton in Bruce County, Milton in Halton; Grimsby in Lin- months’ short course ini and Home Economics girls, ranging a A as Dipping Sheep Ticks and -other external sites of sheep are serious at any time and cause more direct loss than is generally supposed, but)coin.; Ailsa Craig in Middlesex; Bol- during the period when the sheep are in winter quarters it is even more important to rid them of all sources of irritation. It is especia- ly desirable that the flock be clean before and during lambing, other­ wise the infestation is sure to be passed along to the lambs which will thus receive a very serious set­ back at the most of their lives. Properly dipped on some warm day will dry out quickly, the whole flock will remain clean throughout the whiter, unless, of course, other un­ dipped animals are brought the farm With the very convenient powder dips, sheep are put through tlie minimum of bother and at a cost of only a. few cents per heath The only thing necessary is to make Sure Of good dip, diluted to the prdpfer strength ahd that every animal is passed through the Solution slowly and thoroughly saturated. para- enougn important period in the autumn, when the fleeces ton in Peel; Stratford in Perth; Norwich in Oxford; Roseville, in Waterolo; Lynden in Wentworth. Courses of one month’s duration are being held in St. Andrews, Glen­ garry; Read, Hastings; Alice, Ren­ frew; Hillsdale, North Simcoe; Cree- more, South Simcoe; Wareham, 'Grey; Alfred, Prescott and Russell. Municipalities in which these courses are being held will provide halls for instruction, while the On- ■■■■ PIPE .MM■■L TOB ACCOjHHI FOR A M1LD.COOL SMOKE H FARMERS - - ATTENTION WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Call 11s for prompt service. Our Men Will Shoot old and Disabled Animals ONTARIO TALLOW CO* EXETER, TELEPHONE COLLECT—EXETER 235 ONTARIO i i ■ i h linji ~ i.i iim 1i:■ iiiiiiiiii iir iiii r"‘ j 'i . .’rii ■jn'ti'r imiiilii MKSifciA