HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-11-18, Page 8TMUBSDiAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1937 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE B Q N A T Combination Permanents A Combination that revitalizes the hair that „ improves the texture, that produces a Permanent Wave comparable with the beauty cf a Natural Your hair is your so why not have it latest coiffure trends, charm and the Wave. crowning glory dressed in the V’s Exeter Markets Wheat 97c. Oats 4Qc. Manitoba’s Best $3.95 Welcome Flour $2.95 Shorts $1.60 Bran $1.55 Low* Grade Flour $2.10 Creamery Butter 34-35c. Dairy Butter 27-3 Oc, Eggs, A, large 38c, ^Eggs, medium $4c. Eggs pullets 24c, Eggs R 22c. Eggs C 18c. Hogs $7.75 THE HARDEST WORKED ORGAN OF YOUR BODY is ypur eye. It is the duty ef your optometrist to see that there is no strain. Glasses correct eye defects and make seeing easy. Consult your Optometrist I • • i For Individuality 112 for Appointments Bazaar under the auspices of the Main Street W. A. in the Town Hall, Saturday, November 20th. Opens at 2,30. Afternoon tea, cocking sale, apron and gift shop, novel features, special delivery P.O., white elephant and other attractions. Hot dinner served beginning at 5.30; Price 35c, FRESH OYSTERS 45c. a pint C. E. ZURBRIGG, r o. For Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices Open every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, R.A.,J R.D. Minister Mrs. J. Q. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—'Sunday School 10: a.jn.—'Sunday School White Gifts Service. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. “Jesus Questions Us," p.m.—“The, Mount of 2nd last in series “Mountains of ■Religious Importance.” Friday, November 26 th—Congre­ gational Supper and concert un­ der auspices of Caven Congrega­ tional Circle. * Annual Sermon; Highland Hill Dairy.. 7 Olives.' Are you in need of a Smart Winter Coat? You will do well to see our splendid assortment. The prices have been greatly reduced. Our prices should interest you, Grand Bend Y. P. will present u play “Cheer Up Chad’’ in Main St. Church on Friday, November 26th. Admission 25 and 15c. Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Save the Coupons ——8 DRINK the NATURAL RAW MILK from. Tuberculin and Blood Tested Herds “The Milk Free From Disease” N. STANLAKE & SON * - BOYS’ AND MEN’S OVERCOATS In styles and materials at the price you are pre­ pared to pay. A beautiful All Wool Muffler free with every coat sold this week. Outstandng values at ......................... $16.50 ! i i UMI »■ I (I m»>n M ■!» gf W. A. Bazaar, Exeter, November 20. Ray and Earl Frayne spent the j week-end visiting in Toronto. ’> Mr. Bruce Rivers has been con­ fined to his home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Sliipka, spent M. Bowey. Mrs. A. O. Monday after in Detroit. Miss Phyllis Prouty, of Hay, I spent the week-end with Miss Ruth particulars. Hay & Co., Ltd., Wood-, Collingwood, stock, Ontario. WANTED —- 5<0 Dressed paying 15c. cash and 16c. Must be No. 1 quality, once for particulars. Jones & May. Geese, trade. Phone at LOCALS LOST—Between Ellerington’s farm and Centralia a man’s new smock. Kindly leave at Times-Advocate. LOST—-From Lot 18, Con. 8, Step­ hen, 3 yearling cattle with ear mark. Harry Swartz, Crediton. ..Band Concert.. LEAVITT’S THEATRE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd at 8.30 p.m. Silver Collection Ted Walper, Director MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—The first address in series on the Lord's prayer. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U, Thursday, 7.3 0—Prayer Service ^>s'-,»5 REGENT YARNS You will find that Re­ gent Yarns are hard to full ri a JF.: JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH I / yi rG ■c ■ ken wood Christmas Club Albert Keys, of Sunday with Miss E. WANTED—Cattle to feed for the winter. Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED — .Standing hardwood bushes, and maple, basswood, elm, beech and chestnut logs. Write foi' ll-18-3tc FOR SALE—(Beatty’s demonstra­ tion yaccuum cleaner at reduced, price. G. A. HAWKINS FOR SALE — General Electric range, used only as demonstrator, (good sized oven, warming oven, 4 plates, done in two tone cream. Will sacrifice.—(Geo. Griffiths Ltd., 1470 Queen St.*, Toronto. FOR SALE—2 pair galoshes near­ ly new, boys siz~ 3, girls 11; also a good hand clothes wringer and a wood range. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. WARNING—-Boys of town are warned against the carrying of air guns or fire arms within the muni­ cipality. It is contrary to the vil­ lage by-law apd boys are asked to govern themselves accordingly. By Order. SPRINGERS FOR SALE— Apply W. Glenn, Hensall R.R. 1, ltp. FOR SALE—Quebec Heater, small kitchen range, drop leaf table, large roll top desk,—R. E. BALKWILL STRAYED—From let 13, con. 6, Hay, a grey yearling steer with horns pig ring in left ear. Information gladly received by Fred Hogarth, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone Crediton 18r 15. ll-18-3tc WANTED FOR A CLIENT—50-75 acre clay loam farm, good buildings, convenient to school.—W. Exeter C. Pearce, ll-ll-2tp with alco-Fill your radiator now hoi AntiiFreeze only 6:9c. per gal­ lon at the Ford Garage. toWANTED—IA couple to go Florida by motor and share expen­ ses about the first of December. Married couple preferred. John Bol­ ton, Hensall R.R. 1. ‘FOR SALE—Electric motors of various sizes from 1-6 to 3-4 ih. p. Each motor guaranteed. Motors also repaired and rewound. Lome John­ ston, Exeter, Ont. ll-ll-2tc. ■Garage for Sale, Main .St., High­ way No. 4, Lucan. -50 ft. by 100 ft., 2 storey, red brick front, ideal for car agency, sacrifice price. Mrs. A. K. Hodgins, 280 Queens Avenue, London. MONEY TO LOAN on ‘good farms . at 5i per cent. Old mortgage re­ financed, for further information write W. W- Evans, 432 Richmond St., London, Oht. APARTMENT TO RENT — On Maitt street, centrally located, 7 rooms and all conveniences. Apply Times-Advocate. Cash paid for Dead Animals or Fertilizer Horses. Phone 34rl5, Dashwood. We pay for phone chile JACK WULILIAMS 10-29-tf FOR SALE—sseveral good farms in Exeter District. Good buildings. Wheat well advanced. Prices and terms reasonable. C. V. PlCKlAjR’b, Phone 165, Exeter. FOR .SALE—-40 acre farm. N >t)t. 1.0, North Boundary, Bldduiph, bank bum SO x 68 on stone and brick foundation, framework, metal root, metal driveshed, hog pen, good wa­ter supply. , Apply on premises to John R. Ogden, it.R. 1, Centralia. Elliot returned home spending several days Mrs. Nicholson, of Exeter, visited with Miss Dorothy Gorvett at Gran­ ton on Sunday. Mrs. G. Peters and Miss G. Simp­ son, spent the lattei' part of last week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and three children, of Toronto, were in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Passmore, Mrs. J. Peart and Della, spent Fri­ day last in London. Miss Mary Day returned home on Tuesday after holidaying for a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. Cecil Johnston, of Ashfield, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston on Friday. Patsy Hawkins, of • Seaforth, is visiting with her great grandpar­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore, of Sarnia, spent a few days recently with relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon, of Londesboro were guests over the week-end with Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Frayne, of Brantford, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. P. Frayne. Mrs. (H. C. Carey is visiting for a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant, of Glencoe. ■Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and family, of Thedford, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Colling­ wood. Mr. John E.- Dignan left Monday for Kingsville, where he will spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey took in the Motor Show at Toronto on Arm­ istice Day. Mr. Silas Reed was home from the Queen Alexander (Sanitarium at Byron for over Armistice Day. He is looking exceptionally well. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer, Mrs. Nelson Clarke and Mr. E. M. Quance attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Hutchinson in London on Mon­ day. Messrs. Jas. Horton and Jack Hor­ ton, of Toronto, spent tihe week-end at the home of the former’s- sisters, Mrs. Horney and Miss * M>aude A. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tapp, Monk­ ton, spent .Sunday with the former’s I father, Mr. Rd. Tapp. Mr. Tapp re- | cently opened up a new drug storq. at Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. T^plfer, of Crediton, entertained to supped and .bridge at the Central Hotel Friday evening of last week. Eight tables were in play. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Sims," of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. George Reavely, of Thamesford, were week­ end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pomeroy, of London, spent Friday last visiting with relatives in town. They left on Monday for iSt. Petersburg, Flori­ da, to spend the winter. Miss Maude Bolton, of London, Messrs. Jack Stutt and Norman Floody, of Windsor, visited at the home of Mr. and Mr®. E, Lin den- field over the wdek-end, Mr. Nelson Station has moved from the residence of Mr. WnL Hod- gert, North Sanders street, to th® residence across the road recently occupied by Mr. Bruce Rivers. THE CENTRAL HOTEL Cordially extends an invitation to the public to patronize their newly enlarged and re-decorated dining­ room for Dinner Parties Bridge Supper Sunday Etc., Parties Dances Dinners Etc. Every effort will be made to please the public at a very reasonable charge. A. & C. HARPER, Proprietors For Those Who Have so Faith­ fully Patronized Us Throughout our 1st year in business We Thank You We offer as our 1st Anniversary SPECIAL Gen, Naturelie Permanent Waves Regular $5.00 for $3.50 Regular $3.50 for $2.50 NOVEMBER 15th to 22nd G. M. Simpson Exeter Phone 245 A MAN is judged by the linen . he wears Have Yours Laundered Often Tuckey Transport gives you city service Leave your parcel at Tuckey’s office Forest City Laundry & Dry Cleaners TUCKEY TRANSPORT, Agency, Exeter Phone 25w for information FOR BEAUTY’S SAKE TOMLINSON ’S Phone 146 Specializing in PERSONALITY HAIROUTTING FINGER-WAVING PERMANENT WAVING All Expert Work Guaranteed OF CANADA Rev. Arttar Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M.- Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“How to Talk to Yourself11 3 p.m.—-Sunday School Bible Class—The 7 p.m.—“Managing gonisms” Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y, Wednesday, 8 p.m.—-Prayer Service Minister personal P. U. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector,- Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir Leader, Mr. Middleaniss Sunday Next Before Advent Missionary Sunday Go-to-Chunch Sunday a.m.—Holy Communion. ■’Morning Prayer and ser- 8:30 11 a.m.' mon. p.m.—(Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon I A small deposit each week buys a KENWOOD BLANKET for Christmas Buy soft, warm, fleecy, colourful KENWOOD Blankets for Christ­ mas— for yourself; for your friends. Do it the easy way — by joining our KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB. Each week you make a small weekly deposit. It is entered in Lwrocisi your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, the blankets you plan to buy are PAID FOR’—and you’ve never missed the money, inciuzz at our blanket department for full details of this simple, pleasant, purchasing plan. _ beat. We carry a range shades in— . Sea Shell ............... Sea Gull ................. Sea Bleach ............. Bonnie Lass ........... 15c. 22c. 25c. 25c.I 3 7 8 'p.m. Monday—Evensong and Ser­ mon. Each family is cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. W. G. Bugler, of Bayfield, will be in charge. ' the The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Service this week Thursday night, 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, Nov. 21, as usual. The Thursday night meeting is spec­ ial. We are having Rev. J. W. Mor­ rison of Strathroy, taking charge of this service. There will be special musical selections such as you will like Ccme and Bring a Friend J. T. EDGAR, Pastor IT’S THE RESERVE HEAT IN D. & H. ANTHRACITE THAT COUNTS . . Cold, blustery days are on the way, you’ll need a fuel of high heating power to keep your home heated at a sung 70. Because it is unusually pure and accurately sized, D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite has re- esrve heating power to meet every challenge of sub-zero weather. For its the reserve heat that counts. Order D. & H. Anthra­ cite NOW. Phone 33—157j JAS, P. BOWEY ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ “Sun Life Representative” Mr. J. E. Penhale, who has been superintendent of the London Life Insurance Company at Kitchener has been transferred to Halifax, N. S., where he has been appointed city manager of that branch. Messrs. Ed. Anderson, Wm. Snell and1 Wm. Northcott jr., were in the Bruce Peninsula for on a deer successful Mr. and daughters Detroit, were recent visitors with we receive sufficient replies to this Mrs, Robinson’s mother Mrs Passmore and other relatives. Mr, anl Mrs, George Lawson Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson of eter and Mrs, Cooler, of Kjppen, visited with Dr, and Mrs, W. L. Lawson, at Listowel on Thursday. Mrs, Cooper and Mrs, James Law- son remaining for a few days, ’ several days former a deer. Robinson RADIOS FOR SALE hunt. The in securing Mrs. W. C. Thelma and Luella, was and of E. and Ex- To the new Hydro . Users. Your choice at 25 Electric Console and Mantel Radios, from ten dollars up. I Reconditioned and guaranteed.* If advertisement,, we will send our truck with radios and you ban make your Own Selections. We will demonstrate in your own heme. GEORGE GRIFFITHS LIMITED 1470 Qtiedn Street. W., Toronto DOMINION RUBBERS and GOLOSHES * When Myou buy Domin­ ion Footwear you know you are getting the best Protect your health by keeping your feet dry and warm. Every pair of Dominion Rubbers are guaranteed.a GROCERY SPECIALS COOKIES strictly fresh 6 .Different Kinds 2 lb • • SODAS De Luxe SHORTENING Jewel 25c 2 lb. for ....25c 2 lbs for ... . 25c TEA TEA Orange Pekoe, black or mixed ... 70c. a lb. Try our Tea Cup Tea and get a beautiful piece of china FREE ’ CORNFLAKES 3 Quaker Cornflakes for 25c : with boy’s and girl’s Scribbler FREE PORK & BEANS 3 large tins for . . .25c Per box OATMEAL Quick Quaker Plain ■ : .... 23c APPLES APPLES APPLES We still have a splendid Cooking Fall Apple, so save your Spies ■ ....................................................................................................................................... .. —IR..-..——. ................ — ' APPLES . per basket 25c. ■ Southcott Bros. Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Mrs. W. T. Acheson received word' last week from Brooklyn, Mass., that the mother of Prof. C. E. Locke, of that city, had passed, away. Prof. Locke visited here during the summer and will have the sympathy of many friends. Misses Olive Wood, Reg. N. and Doris Harmon,-Reg. N., of Toronto, motored up Wednesday of last week week and spent Armistice Dayi with the former’s parents. Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mr. Clifford Griffith, of Toronto, spent the week-end with- .his aunt Miss Annie Handford. He was ac­ companied home by Miss Handford and Miss Myrtle Walker, of Credit­ on, who will attend the Winter Fair. Mr. Oliver White, of Toronto, a butter grader, called on his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John­ ston. He was on his way to Luck­ now to grade butter there and will then go to-Guelph to test butter for the Winter Fair. ■Reeve W. D. Sanders, of town; Reeve GeO. Westcott, of Usborne; Reeve Chester Mawhinny and Depu­ ty-Reeve Edward Lamport, Stephen, are in Goderich this week attending County Council. The County council meets this year in November instead of the second week in December. Mrs. Jas. Green has received Word from Mrs. Evans ThoS, Dunsford, who visited here ago stating that way to California, with Mrs. Evans’ Mrs. Webster to their home in Long and her father Mr. of Marlette, Mich., about three weeks they are on their returning home sisfer, Mr, and Shut-in Cards with Greeting and a full range Christmas Cards now on Exeter Times-Advocate, Christmas of various display at Trivitt Memorial W. A. MEN’S SUPER WINTER CLOTHING YOU CONSIDER QUALITY I H YOU CARE ABOUT STYLEII YOU WANT VALUE THEN COME IN AND SEE OUR SAMPLES OF SUITINGS AND OVERCOATS MEN’S | SUEDE JACKETS All Sizes $4.75 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS All new colors and patterns . $1.00 TO $2.00 SPATS Wonderful Value $1.00 MUFFLERS New Fall Patterns LOO UP NEW TIES 50c. TO $1.00 W. W. T A M A N • PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. The Stella Mr engagement is announced Louisa, younger daughter and Mrs. John N. 'Middleton' of Of Granton, to Thomas Corbett Waine, of Waterloo, tihe marriage to take place quietly November 23rd, The Women’s Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Bierling on Tues­ day evening, November 16th. The meeting opened with hymn 299 fol-* lowed by prayer 'by Mrs. Winer. The Scripture reading was given by Miss E. M. Bowey. " was answered by a verse. A letter was Middleton, principal Indian school at Cdrdston about the safe arrival of the bail. After the business the meeting was taken over by Mrs. Tanton. Mi&s McTaggart gave a reading “How a W.A. member learnt the answer to ‘Who Is My Neighbor?’ ” A solo was sung by Juno Bierling. Mrs. Achesen read a sketch of the “Life of Bishop Tserf.” The meeting clos­ ed with, hymn 314, followed, by the benediction. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The roll call favorite Bible read from Mr. of St. Paul’s Alta., A well known resident of Mitchell Mrs. Fred Heckman, died at her home on Sunday aged 78 years. Spouse and Dog A woman went to buy a drinking trough for her dog and the merchant asked her If she would like one bearing the dog.” Woman: My husband the dog can’t read,” the inscription to ihave t “For at all.“I don’t mind never drinks water, and