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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-11-18, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1937 HENSALL FOR SALE—-iBrick house and lots. Property of the Pepper Estate, on the West side of Highway No. 4, in the village of Hensail' A good litttle property at a low price. C, y. Pick ard, phone 165, Exeter. Rev, W. A- Young is spending a few days in Toronto- this week. Miss Myrna Hudson, of London, Spent iSundayj at her home (here, Miss Mary Little, of London, spent the week-end at hei' home here. Mr. W. J. Stewart, of Clinton cal led on friends in town on Monday. Miss Ruth Shaddick was a week end visitor at her ihome in Londes- boro, Mr. E. K. Hutton is relieving, at the C.N.R. station at Durham tips week, Miss Florence Welsh is spending a week in Toronto visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe of Brucefield. Mr. Alex Filshie who is attending -the Toronto University spent the week-end at his home. Mrs. A. J, Sweitzer and two child ren of tlhe Beach-O-Pines spent Sun day with relatives in town. (Mrs. Archie Ro'wcliffe has return ed home after visiting a couiple of months in the Canadian West, Mr. A. L. Case has been making a nuihber of nice improvements to his property on South Richmond St. Mr. William Fairburn has rented ( the McKenzie home on the west side | of the village and will move in shortly. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair were Sunday visitors with ,Mrs. Sinclair’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Watson of Londes-boro. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and children and Mrs. Albert Bowen, of Kitchener, were week-end visitors here with relatives. Mrs. Hamilton, of' Detroit, and Mr. Howard Hamilton, of Lansing, Mich, were recent visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. John Dallas. Dr. Steer is remembering some of his friends with roasts of venison from tlhe deer he shofliear White church, Bruce County last week. „ Reeves Ernest Shaddick, oif Hen sall and Geo. Armstrong, of Hay, are attending the meeting of the County Council at Goderich this week. Mrs, C. H. Blowes and Claud ette visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon at Schrom- burg. They are at present visiting with relatives at Oshawa. A Court of Revision on the 1937 municipal voters’ lists was held on Saturday morning, with County Judge Costello- presiding. ISome 55 changes were made on the lists. Miss Gladys Douglas R.N., who has been nursing at the home or Mr. and Mrs. iL. Eyre, of Brucefip... for several weeks is now spending a few days at her home in Blake. Mr. Tiros-. Parlmer is starting .a butcher shop in town in the Mur dock -block- on the north side of King street, fitted up and ness in a few Miss Beryl sume her duties at the Hensall Pub lic School on Friday after being con fined to her home for several days as the result of a motor accident the previous Friday evening. -Jack Drysdale, young son of' Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale who was a victim of infantile paralysis during the epidemic here, was able to com mence attending school again on Monday morning. The new municipal skating a’ink being built by the -council on the ■park property is about completed. The young people of the village and district are looking forward to the time it will be open for skating. 'The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres byterian church held their sewing meeting on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy McQueen. A bazaar is being planned for the hear future. After the conclusion of tlhe meeting a social half hour was spent. Mr. G. M. Drysdale of the firm or Bonfchron & Drysdale w'ho recently spent several weeks in Toronto at tending a school of embalming and writing on his examinations has re ceived word that he has passed suc cessfully obtaining 91 per cent, on his examination. Mission Circle The Mission Circle of the United C'hurch met at the home of Miss Barbara .Shepherd on Friday evening last. The meeting opened by sing ing “Unto the Hills Around” a Circle motto after which Elva McQueen Goldie Cross, Pearl Harpole and Nor ma Cook led in sentence prayers. Mary Clark read the scripture les son after which “Breathe on Me” was sung. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and approved. A collection was taken up and a business session held. Miss Murray gave a very interesting ad dress on David Livingstone. Meet ing closed by singing “When I Sur vey the Wondrous Cross” and all re peating the Lord’s Prayier. A was *serVed and a social hour in contest ahd games. Nomination Netvs A nomination meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Monday even ing, November .29till, to nominate can didates to fill the following positions for the year 1938: Reeve, Rouf The .building is being will be open for busi- days. Pfaff was able to re lunch, spent « trustees one public utilities commission- Jf .qp election is necessary, jpol- wiU talte place, Monday, 6th. Poll No. 1, will be Council Chamber, with Parker as be held in Town Halli as D.R.O, much municipal talk in the village as yet. The only thing we have definite yet is that Mr, Geiger will enter the contest for the Reeveship, Councillors, three school and er. ing her the Decenx-- held in Gordon 2 winD.R.O. Poll No the waiting room of the wjtli Nelson Blatchford There has not been Renieinbrance Day Remembrance Day was observed in Hensall as a public holiday, Memorial services under the auspic es of tlhe -Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion which includes* the Hensall. war veterans, was held in the afternoon. At 2,45 -the Legion headed by the Hensall Citizen’s Band marched, to- the United clhurcb where a large assembly had gather- The church service was pre Rev. E. F. Chandler, United cihurch assist- A. Hunt and Rev. A. order of the service Call to worship; ed. sided over by of the Kippen ed by Rev. M, Sinclair. The was as follows: Psalm selection “O, God of Bethel; Invocation prayer, Re-v. W. A. Young 'Scripture lesson, Rev. M. A. Hunt; prayer followed- by the Lord’s pray er, Rev. Arthur Sinclair; sqIo “In Flanders Fields,” Mrs. W. A. Young “The Last Post,’’ two minutes sil ence, Reveille; offering; dedicating prayer, Rev. W- A. Young; violin solo, “God of Our Fathers;” Rev. E. F. Chandler; anthem, j be Still;’’ I Soldiers”; the service headed by monument where another service was lheld in the following order: Last Post, two minutes silence, Reveille. The pro vincial wreath was placed by Mrs. Eva Stapleton; the Hensall wreath by Mrs, William Sang,ster; the Legion wreath -by Mr. Wm. Stone. The service was concluded by tlhe band playing God Save the King and benediction by Rev Mi^Sinclair. Visits the County Home About 7'0 members of the League of the United church motored to the County Home at Clinton on Mon day- evening and presented a pro gram to the aged inmates of the home. They were warmly greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, manager and matron of the .home, inmates each received candy, given: prayer, prayer, Sinclair; sing song led by -Sam Ran- nie; duet Bella Smale and Mrs. Broderick “A Wlh-ispered Prayer”; selection- *by the Hyde Orchestra; song by Mrs. Geo. Hess “I’m Tired”; song and dance by Joyce Broderick; reading, Miss Ellis “iGrandmother’s Story”; guitar selection by Kathryn Drysdale; piano duet by Elva Mc Queen and Goldie Cross; solo ,b-y- S. Rannie; selection, Hyde orchestra; sing song led by Sam Rannie. Mrs. Jacobs, on behalf of the inmates tendered a vote’ of thanks to the members of the league f-or! their vis it, their splendid program and pre sents and she hoped they would soon come again. Mrs-. Jacobs ask ed her boys and girls as she calls those under her charge, to show their approval by a .hand clap, which was heartily given. Rev. Mr. Sin clair replied. The visit and pro pram were greatly enjoyed by tlhe inmates- of the home. iSome -of those who attended and never before made*a visit to the home were greatly impressed ,by the comfort able surroundings a-ifd the splendid management of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs It might be of interest to know that one of the inmates of the home, a man from Exeter, was one of the first to„ enter the home after it was built in T898 and after nearly 40. years is still there, well and happy. Miss Greta Lammie; hymn, Our Fathers;” address, “Peace hymn, “Onw'ard Christian benediction. Following i at the ciliurch the Legion the band marched to the in front of the town hall The 102 ; each received a bag of The following program was Hymn “Abide With Me;’’ Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Lord’s •chairman’s address, Rev. Mr. Letter of Thanks and Appreciation Tlhe following' letter of thanks and appreciation for the splendid carload of food stuffs shipped from the ’ Hensall district to Atwater, Sask., a couple of weeks ago was recently received by Mrs. Anna Mc Donald, of Hensall. Woodside Farm Atwater, Sask. November 5th, 1937 Dear Mrs. McDonald: Yesterday we were told to go- up to Atwater to get our share of the splendid car of vegetables, etc., which came from Hensall, Ont. It was all stored in the community hall for distribution, half of it was gone when we got there, but such a sight met our eyes. It brought the tears to my eyes to See such a quant ity of lovely things to eat, all sent by strangers to strangers, but in such a kindly spirit. I thought the world is full of generous hearted folks in spite of wars going on. One of the ladies on the committee asked me if I would write a line of thanks and appreciation. -I said I would, so here I am. I hope many will write to thank you and all the other dear people who thought of us up here in dry Saskatchewan. We (have had seven years of drought, but we are not as bad off as 'the people further south. But this year was far the worst. We really ihad no vegetables except some po tatoes and the thought of another DASHWOOD Dr, W. D. Bryce, U-D.S., D.D.S. RENTAL surgeon At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office -over the post Office, jn Zu- rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. A Coronation Travelogue illus trated with lantern slides will be given by Mr. Harry Hoffman in the Evangelical Church on Friday even ing, November 19th at 8 o’clock. He will be .assisted by Dr. Bell, Hen sall, who will also show slides taken by himself on a world tour. Miss Anna Tiernan is spending a week in London. Miss Catherine Finkbeiner who spent several weeks with her sister in Sarnia has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raschke and fam ily, of Detroit, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, G. Merner. Miss Kathleen Merner, who spent several weeks in Detroit has return ed home. Mr. and Mrs. L. Morenz spent the week-end with friends in Guelph. Howard Klumpp is on the sick list We .hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Waltar Hentz, Mrs. at | Wm. Schroeder and Miss Amelia guests, were Willert, of Detroit, and Mr. and who came ip Mrs.' Clayton Wildfong, of London, were weekend you and Mrs. Leeper sent Please thank her for us was given to families or If you ihad seen all the winter without vegetables was wor rying piawy of us, for after all they really are most important for health, But thanks to all you kind people we shall do very well indeed now, I think honey. all, It children. happy faces -going home, going home with the backs of buggies and wag ons piled up with bags, you would have been glad to see how it was all appreciated. Please give all toe people who helped to fill the wond erful car foi’ us our most sincere than'ks and we hope that they will jiever want for anything. May God bless you all, with sincerest good wishes 5 Jessie McNeill (Mrs. William McNeill) CREDITON W. A. Bazaar, Exeter, November 20. Mr. anu Mrs, Henry Krueger and daughters Florence, Ruth and Dor othy of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Groughtqn and son Thom as, of Waterloo, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fahrner and family. Miss Dorothy Krueger is remaining for a week's visit. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fahrner observed the twenty-fifth ‘ anniversary of their wedding by en- I tertaining a few close friends dinner. Among the Mr. Harold Fahrner, from Guelph for the event. Miss Myrtle Walker is in Toronto 1 niachei'. attending the Royal Winter Fair this week. Mr. Fred Finkbeiner, who re cently moved here from the West has purchased the farm of Mr. Abe Dearing. Possession to be given in the spring. Mrs. D’orah Gaiser, of Denver, 'Col. who .has been visiting with relatives and friends in this communinty for the past month left on Monday for Buffalo. .She was accompanied by Mrs. Henry Haist, John Gaiser and Gordon Ratz. Mrs. ,S. Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowe and son Gordon, of Clawson, Mich., spent Sunday at the home or Mrs. Sims’ son Mr. J. Woodall. I Witzel i, •> visitors with Mrs. Ha- and Mrs. E. Tieman Gordon McPherson and herMrs. daughter Ruth, of Bryanston, spent a few days with her sister Mrs. A.- E. Oestrioher last week. Mr. Harry Hoffman was soloist at the Diamond Jubilee at Adelaide Street Baptist Church in London cn Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk and Verna, of Guelph, spent the week-end here. Mrs. V. Schatz, spent Sunday with friends in Blyth. iMr. A. Weber spent the week-end in Kitchener. Sauer-Kraut Supper THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPECIALS $ GOOD COOKING RICE.......................... READY CUT MACARONI .................... WALKER’S SODA BISCUITS .............. KETA SALMON ...................................... GOLDEN STRAND PINEAPPLE ........ AROMA COFFEE with cup and saucer CHIPSO ......................................................... .... per pound 5c. .... per pound 5c. 1 lb. pkg.; 2. for‘25c. .... tall tins, 2‘ fifrr^LDc. .... sliced, per tin 10c? .... per pound 39c. large pkg. 2 for 35c. Golden Spray Cheese per pkg.............. 15c. Mince Meat, Choice Quality ....... 2 lb. 25c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes for ................. 17c Texas Grapefruit, 6 for Sweet Potatoes, 6 lb. for Fresh Cocoanuts, 2 for .... . 25c .. 25c .. 15c FISH Fresh frozen B. C. Salmon, also fresh fillets of Haddie, Smoked Fillets, Codfish, Red Herring and Qysters Phone 102 KHIVA ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver Shower for Bride-Elect a An ac- read by gifts room Mas- gaily Well, all we wish to you is joy, To fill each year you live, We wish yo-ur ihome would be near by And we could often meet. And Lucille, you will surely try, Sometimes your friends to greet, But ere you go we want to say, We loved to have you near, And in this substantial way Our gifts show it here. Wishing you an abundance happiness in your future life. Sign ed' on behalf of your neighbors and friends. the unfortunate R. R. No. in the.West. 5, Saskatoon, Sask. October 28th, 1937 of Greeting Beautiful Canadian r others. Our stock of Christmas -Cards is now complete. ] assortment of our own ( Ar-tists series and many Rich conventional Christmas tihemes with or 'without printing. Priced reasonably. Exeter Times-Advo- cate. CENTRALIA will 10:30. hold their next Sunday The guest Claire Mc- who formerly A sauer kraut supper under the auspices of the Excelsior Sunday School class- of the Evangelical church, Dashwood, Ont., will be given in the church basement on Wednesday, December 1st at 5.Ct' to 8.00 p.m. The first supper of this nature in Dashwood was introduced a year ago by this Sunday School -class and the success of it followed, by many requests t-o have";it again has inspir ed the class to now make it an an nual event. A full course supper will be served. Watch- for further parMcmlars. -On Monday evening, November 15 very interesting event (for one young, lady at least) took place at the home of Mrs. Chris. Dietric'i when about fifty neighbors and friends of Miss Lucille Dietrich met to do her honour and bestow on her their tokens of esteem in the form of a miscellaneous shower, companying address was Miss Muriel Dietri-ch and the were brought into the living by Miss Marlene Dietrich and ter Leonard Dietrich in a decorated basket which held many useful gifts. Miss Lucille made a very suitable reply thanking all for their useful gifts. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing after which a dainty lunch was served. . All re turned home in the wee small hours of the morning witlh conjectures as usual as to who will- be the next lu-cky young lady. The following is the address: Dear Lucille,—- Say is tihis true The stories that we hear, About what you intend to do, Within the future near? Well, if they are, we cannot scold, Our Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ma son and Miss Ila attended the fun eral of their aun.t the late Mrs. S. Hutchinson of London, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pius -Dietrich spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Ayotte, of Drysdale. Miss Marie Ziler entertained a number of her friends on Tuesday evening to a dan-ce. ' All report a good time. Miss Lorna Kraft left on Thurs day for IL'ondon where’ she will main- for some time. Mr. Henry Ziler visited with latives in Kitchener last week. Mr. Gordon Ratz, accompanied Jacob Ratz is visit- Buffalo. re- re- And Dear Friend; > I happened to the bag of potatoes with your note ... in it. They arrived all right and in good order. We appreciate the car of potatoes very much, it is certainly a very wel come gift to us folk who- have no thing to face the winter with. It is very kind indeed of you people down East to think of us -unfortunate people in the West for we simply got nothing for our summer’s work. It is very discouraging but these gifts from the East .help to make life a little easier, but here’s hoping next year will So I thank much for the us folk in the In closing I 1 luck and kindest regards to all. Yours truly Wm. Murray be the one who got be different. you and others very help you have sent West. wish you the best of" W. A. Bazaar,-Exeter, November 20. The W. M. S. Thankoffering Service morning- at speaker will be Miss Gowan, -of Blyth, taught in China. Mrs. S. Brokenshire visited for a couple of days last week with her son Mr. and Mrs. A. Brokenshire in London. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills, of Wyoming, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Messrs. Dave Smith, Jim Cook, D. Parker and Charlie Dalplhin spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sleamon have returned from a motor trip to De troit and Cleveland. Mr. Jac'k Morrissey’s race 1 was the winner in Toronto on day of last week. Mrs. Thos. Pollock has been iting for the past week with daughter Mrs. Lome Hicks. Wilda Pollock R.N. -of Kitchener, wpent the week-end here. Miss Doris Greb and June Slea mon spent the week-end at the former’s home in Exeter. Miss Mary O’Brien o-f London, spent tlhe week-end at her home here Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton were week-end visitors with and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Baynliam, Mrs. Lock>ner Mrs. Taylor, of fibigka, visited Saturday of last week with Mr. Mrs. George Baynham Jr. Mrs. Dave Smith visited over week-end Mrs. C. few days mothers and sisters did the same, since the years around have rolled, think you’ll try the game. (his mother Mrs. Ing relatives in Letter of by Appreciation letter was receivedThe following by Mrs. Art. Willert from bne of HENS CULLED Now is the time to get your hens culled. Price for 50' or under 50c.; over that .01c. per hen. We cull for age and laying qualities and will buy your hens if you wish. We have a nice lot of Pullets for sale yet. If you are interested, w-rite or phone for prices. Phone 38-3, Granton. A. H. SWITZER, Granton, Ont. new 1938 [HEUROLET Mr.A vis- lher Miss andr ou and You KNEE-ACTION Monthly payments to suit your purse on the General Motors Instalment Plan. With Safety Glass All Around Larger interiors—lighter, brighter colors — and Unisteel construction, making each body a fortress of safety. Styling as different as If is beautiful, for this bigger-looking, better looking, low-priced Chevrolet. Giving the most efficient balance of power, econ omy, dependability. Giving protection against draffs, smoke and wind shield clouding. Each passenger has individual ly controlled ventilation. A simple, efficient, single diaphragm spring re places the conventional multiple-coil springs— for easier, tiptoe-pres sure action—long life. Smooth — powerful — positive . . . the safe brakes for modern travel . . . giving maximum motoring protection. With Shockproof Steering So safe—so comfortable so different . . . "the world’s finest ride". On Master DeLuxe Models. ENGINE GENERAL MOTORS PRESENTS THE horse i Fri- the with friends in London. O’Brien visited for a Detroit. J. with relatives in United Wednes- United Glad'man Programs was given by SHIPKA The Ladies’ Aid of the Church were (hostesses on day last to the Crediton Church W. A. Rev. Mr. presided. the .Shipka ladies and the Crediton ladies. Rev. Mr. Gladman gave a very interesting talk on Remem brance Day. A social hour enjoyed at the close and luncih served by‘the Shipika ladies. Mrs. W. ited a few sister Mrs. Mr. and companied Brenner, of Grand Bend spent Sun day in Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Lorn© Finkbeiner and family spent the week-end with relatives in -Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lamport from Crediton visited Sunday at the ihome of Mr, and' Mrs. Wm. Devine. Mr. Sam Sweitzer from St. Thom as, spent Sunday at his .home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Baumgarten and daughter, from Melita, Mail,, called on friends here Sunday, Jones from Crediton days last week with Thos. Keyes. Mrs. Wm. -Sweitzer by Mr. and Mrs. Glen TODAY) we invite you to see the best-looking and biggest- looking car Chevrolet has ever produced—the new Chev rolet for 1938 — The Car that is Complete. It’s roomier, more luxurious, more massive in appearance —-beautifully different with its new Modern Mode Styling —outstandingly complete in exclusive quality advantages. To see and drive this smart, dashing car is to know that you’ll be ahead with a Chevrolet. To own it is to save money all ways ... for the Chev rolet trade-mark is the symbol of motor ing savings. Come to our showrooms today. Drive the brilliant new beauty leader—and value leader—in the lowest price field. ALrSluNT ALL-STEEL BODIES VALVE-INtHEAD FISHER NO-DRAFT S-,-WWW Associate G. Koehler, /Suricti Dealers J. £. SprOwl, Lucan