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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-11-11, Page 8
TMURBDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1937 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Do You Desire Beauty? If so the answer is an artistic DONAT PERMANENT WAVE Bonat offers not only the finest and latest in hairdressing but backs them with a world-wide reputation for better results V’s Beauty Shoppe For Individuality 112 for Appointments Exeter Markets Wheat 95 c. Oats 40c. Manitoba’s Best $4.00 Welcome Flour $2.95 Shorts $1.65 Bran $1.55 Low Grade Flour $2.15 Creamery Butter 34c. Dairy Butter, 26 c. to 29c. Eggs, A, large 38c. Eggs, medium 34c. Eggs pullets 24c. Eggs B 22c. Eggs C 18c. Hogs $7-75 THE HARDEST WORKED ORGAN OF YOUR BODY is your eye. It is the duty of your optometrist to see that there; is no strain. Glasses correct eye defects and make seeing easy. Consult ypur Optometrist» At the auction sale of farm stock of Mr. Arthur Weber, Mr. Weber’s son Jack, aged thirteen, undertook to follow in tihe footsteps of his father and weilded the auctioneer’s hammer for about fifteen minutes making a hundred per cent job of it and securing real prices for the articles he was selling. Some un dertaking for a lad of his years. A successful progressive euchre party was held on Wednesday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F, Ellerington under the auspices of the A.Y.P.A. Lunch was served at the close. Prizes were won by Bill Dunsford, gents high; Miss Annie Sanders, ladies high, and Miss E. M. Bowey winner of lone hands. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of Huron Coun ty Council will be held in the Coun cil Chambers, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, November 116th, at 2 p.m., 1937. All accounts, notices of deputa tions, applications and tenders, Should be in the hands of the clerk by November 13th. J. M. ROBERTS, ll-4-2tc. County Clerk, Goderich STRAYED—From N% Stephen, one 2-year-01d black with white markings, mation gladly received by Preszcator, R.R. 1, Exeter lot 22, heifer, Infor- W. J. ltp WANTED FOR A CLIENT—<50-75 acre clay loam farm, good buildings, convenient to school.—-W. C. Pearce, Exeter ll-ll-2tp STRAYED—Onto lot 15, con. 4, Usborne, a small pig. Owner may have same by. proving property and paying expenses. A. Hicks, phone 172r6, Exeter. Fill youi* radiator now with alco hol Anti-Freeze only 6(9 c, per gal lon at the Ford Garage. toWANTED-HA couple to go Florida by motor and share expen ses about the first of December. Married couple preferred. John Bol ton, Hensall R.R. 1. WANTED—A married man Tor farm work, reliable man, no milk ing, house, garden, wood and milk. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE'—An English billiard table in first class shape, fully equipped. Apply to Mrs. S. 'Fitton. Two York sows to let on shares. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Electric motors of various' sizes from 1-6 to 3-4 ih.-T. Each motor guaranteed. Motors also repaired and rewound. Lome John ston, Exeter, Ont. ll-ll-2tc. Garage for Sale, Main St., High way No. 4, Lucan. 50 ft. by 100 ft., 2 storey, red brick -front, ideal for car agency, sacrifice price. Mrs. A. K. Hodgins, 280 Queens Avenue, London. TO LOAN on good farms cent. Old mortgage re- for further information MONEY at 51 per financed, write W. W. Evans, 432 Richmond St., London, Ont. FOR al gas vocate. SALE—2 small Internation- engines. Apply Times-jAd- ll-4-2t>c APARTMENT to RENT — On Main street, centrally located, 7 rooms and all conveniences. Apply Times-Advocate. Cash paid for Dead Animals or Fertilizer Horses. Pihone 34rl5, Dashwood. We pay for phone calls JACK WILLIAMS 10-2 9-tf »•* C. E. ZCRBRIGG, ro. For Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices Open every week day except Wednesday FRESH OYSTERS 45c. a pint LEAVITT’S THEATRE Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St Save the Coupons LOCALS Goderich be- home in At- London, Creech’S vis- on who spent the J. T. Paisley of Caledonia, past D. Mr. son Maclnnis and and Mrs. Ed- Walter, all of recent visitors FOR SALE—(125 Barred Rock Pullets. Just coming in to lay; also 175 3 - weeks younger. —• R. E. POOLEY, Winchelsea. STRAYED—Onto lot 18, con. 2, Stephen, a yearling white-face steer. Owner may have same by proving property- and paying expenses. Ap ply to James Stanlake, .phone Credi ton 17 r 5. SPENCER CORSETS, individually designed. Style or surgical. Mrs. Anna MacDonald, phone 137, Hen sail. 10-21-4tp« FOR SALE—Several good farms in Exeter District. Good buildings. Wheat well advanced, terms Reasonable. C. V. Phone 165, Exeter. Prices and PICKARD, FOR SALE—40 acrerum ------farm. N Pt. AO, North Boundary. Biddttlph, bank barn SO k 68 on ©tone and brick foundation, framework, metal root, metal driveshed, hog pen, good wa-tor gunnly, Apply *h premises toJohn R, Ogden, R.R* 1» Centralia, social evening. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 11th, 12th, 13th DOUBLE FEATURE Wheeler and Woolsey “ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN Gene Autrey in “GET ALONG LITTLE DOGGIES” (Western) TWO NIGHTS ONLY MONDAY MORNING MIDNIGHT SHOW 12.15 AND MONDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 15th COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN” GOD’S All James Technicolor Special Oliver Curwootl story TWO NIGHTS ONLY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY November 16th and 17th , Nonna Shearer in “ROMEO AND JULIET” COMI NG—-“Varsity Show” with Dick Powell “Life of Emile Zola” For Those Who /Have so Faith fully Patronized Us Throughout our 1st year in business We Thank You offer as our 1st Anniversary SPECIAL We Gen. Naturelie Permanent Waves Regular $5.00 for $3.50 Regular $3.50 for $2.50 NOVEMBER 15th to 22nd G. M. Simpson Exeter Phone 245 NOW is the Time THIS is the Place We Have THE System To Dry Clean Your Clothes Perfectly i 15c. 22c. 25c. 25c. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—,pv M. S. Thankoffering Are you in need of a Smart Winter Coat? You will do well to see our splendid assortment. The prices have been greatly reduced. Our prices should interest you CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas p. Hill, B.A., R.p, Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochran©. Organist 10 a,m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—'Public Worship Sermon on Luke VI 46. And why call ye me '‘Lord, Lord and Jo not the things which I say?” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Continuing oui- series on Mountains of Religious Importance. No. 4, The Mount of Transfiguration 8 p.m.—(Fellowship hour under the People's Guild, Speaker, Rev. M1'- Peddie, who will tell of the Peace River Country. Sunday, Nov. 22—White Gifts Ser vice in .Sunday School Friday, November 12 at 8 p.m—The Mission Band is putting on evening entertainment in Church. Lantern slides will shown of the Church’s pioneer work, including some of Dr. Mar garet Strang Savage’s work. 11 ___ ...(Service. Missionary Address. Lad ies Choir. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—'The Minister 3 7 Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.3 0—Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH' OF CANADA | Rev. ArtilMU’ Page, Minister W- R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—^Sermons on the Miracles ‘‘Defeating our Fears’’ 3 p.m.—'Sunday School 7 p.m.—'‘‘What does it mean saved?” Thursday, November 11—10.5 5 a.m. ■Armistice Sunday Wednesday, 8 p‘m.—-Prayer Service Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. A hearty welcome to all services. 11 to be TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHQRCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFgul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss KENWOOD 3 7 ft 25th Sunday After Trinity -Bunday School -Evensong and Sermon p.m.- p.m.- = A small deposit each week buys a KENWOOD BLANKET for Christmas Buy soft, warm, fleecy, colourful KENWOOD Blankets for Christ mas— for yourself; for your friends. Do it the easy way — by joining our KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB. Each week you make a small weekly deposit. It is entered in your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, die blankets you plan to buy are PAID FOR—and you’ve never missed die money. Inquire at our blanket department for full details of this simple, pleasant, purchasing plan. BOYS’ AND MEN’S OVERCOATS In styles and materials at the price you are pre pared to pay. A beautiful All Wool Muffler free with every coat sold this week. Outstandng values $16.50 REGENT YARNS You will find that Re gent Yarns are hard to beat. We carry a full range shades in— Sea Shell ... Sea Gull Sea Bleach . Bonnie Lass DOMINION RUBBERS and GOLOSHES When you buy Domin ion Footwear you know you are getting the best Protect your health by keeping your feet dry- and warm. Every pair of Dominion Rubbers are guaranteed. GROCERY SPECIALS NEW DATES 4 lbs for ... . 25c NEW RAISINS English 2 lb. for ... . 25c TEA CUP TEA A high grade Orange Pekoe TEA with English China Free Black or Mixed 70c. a lb. NEW MINCEMEAT Very Choice 2 lb» • « • •« • 25c PEANUT BUTTER Harry Horne’s in “bulk 2 lbs for ... . 25c LIBBY’S SAUER KRAUT large,. . 2 for 25c . — nil— - - - BROKEN WALNUTS Per lb.............40c Southcott Bros I IM. *1 .« I — Il «II 'I ■ I‘Q Miss Phyllis Medd, of Constance, is visiting with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton. Miss Ada Gaiser, of Bhipka, vis ited over the week-end with Miss Barbara Dinney. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter Jean are visiting in De troit and Michigan. Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Jewell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt in London last week. Misses Edith and Reta Clipson, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end with their grandmother Mrs. D. Davis. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Wilson, ot London, spent Sunday with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and family spent the week-end visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes, of Dresden. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Beer, Mr. and Mrs. Mm. May and son Gordon and Mrs. Thornton visited in Inger soll on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kent and Miss Grace ’Christie of Woodstock, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kent’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Luker, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, of Detroit, Mr. Geo. Beavers, of St. Marys, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. A child’s red tricycle, picked up in the lane north of G. A. Hawkins’ harware store Hallowe’en made be had by the owner by calling at the ihome of Mr. Fred Huxtable. Mr. Stanley Peters and bride spent Sunday in Exeter leaving here to spend a few days in fore returning to their wood. Mr. Wm. Rollins, of ited at Mrs. T. G. Sunday and was accompanied home by Mrs. Rollins week here. Mr. and Mrs. little daughter, tended the Lammie-Dunn wedding on Saturday and spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. -son Donald and gar Annis and near Paisley, were of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. George Rochola, of Ripley, spent Sunday with the lat ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Cann. Miss jean Cann returned home with them for a few days' visit. Mr. J. H. Tookey Sr., was in Tor onto on Sunday where he attended the annual Memorial Service of the 58th Battalion C. E. F. The service was held in the Church of the Trans figuration. Mr. and Mrs. W- L. Butler ot London, attended the funeral ot their aunt .Mrs. Henry \JOhns at Elimville on Friday and also visited with the former’s mother Mrs, Wm. Butler, at Cromarty. Mrs. Her'bert Alton, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Webster and baby Lois, Mr, Durmir, all of West Wawanosh, Miss Helen McCabe, Benmiller, were vis- i itors in the home of Mr. and W. H. Johnston on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W« D. Sanders in London on Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Pomeroy, and Mrs. Pomeroy are leaving for St. Petersburg, Florida, wihere they will again spefad the winter. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Orr, Doreen Barbara and Charlie Orr, of Gode rich Township, Goderich; Mr, ham, Blanche, Ashfield; Mrs. son Herbert, of Varna, were callers recently in the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. On Thursday evening of last week a number of friends from Hensall presented Miss Vera Dunn, bride- elect, wltti a miscellaneous shovzef. A jolly time was spent during the everting. On Tuesday evening vela*. tlVes and friends surprised Mr. and Mrs* Lammie in tiheir home, present* ing them with gifts and enjoying a Mrs. were with Mr. Mrs. J. B, Graham, and Mrs. Percy Gra- Jack and Jim, of R. Stephenson and RE-TEX the entirely new system of Dry-Cleaning RE-TEX eliminates odour trouble when your suit is returned from dry-cleaning RE-TEX restores the natural oils to <your clothing that other dry cleaning removes. Thus your clothes will hold the press longer and look better when RE-TEXED The Same Low Prices Forest City Laundry & Dry Cleaners TUCKEY TRANSPORT, Agency, Exeter Phone 25w for information For Quality Best of Workmanship — SEE — TOMDIN SON'S Barber Shop Hairdressing Phone 146 Bruce and Stewart Cann spent Sunday in London with their brother Jackie at th© War Memorial Hospit al. Jackie is improving nicely. THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Will hold an open meeting in the Town Hall, Exeter, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER' 16, 1937 Come one, come ail and have a good time. It costs you nothing (moving pictures). You will 1be glad you1 came No children under 15 admitted un accompanied by parents The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of Creamery) Bible study, Friday evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, 2 3 8 Hensall, Phone 16 the p.m.—iS. S. and Bible Class p.m.—Devotional p.m.—Great Evangelistic meeting J, T. EDGAR, Pastor D. & H. ANTHRACITE HEATS YOUR HOME EASIERSURER Easier—Because accurate______ siz ing of D. & H. Assures Steady Even Heat. Surer—Because D. & H. is Cone-Cleaned, and rigidly in spected assuring you a pure coal. For home heating made easier Surer, call Phone office 33 residence 157 j Just Arrived a Car of Blower Coal. Try a ton. JAS. P. BOWEY ‘The solid fuel for solid comfort’ DIED IN CLINTON The death took place in Clinton on Tuesday of this week of Mr. John E. Tinney, a former resident^ of Hen sall, aged 66 years. Mr. Tinney, had been ailing for about six months add for the past few weeks had heen critically ill. He Was born in Mc- Killop township and lived for a num ber of years in Hensall. For the past fifteen years he has lived at Wood- stock. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Colclough, predeceased him a year ago last February. Survived by two daughters, John Campbell, Ingersoll and Frank Parks, of Woodstock, sisters aiid two brothers also sur vive, Mrs. John Penhale and Mrs. Wm. Colclough, of Woodstock; Mrs. Wm. Blackwell, Mrs, Chas. O’Brien, Robert and Matthew Tinney, of Hay. The funeral, private, will be held Thursday afternoon with interment in He is Mrs. Mrs, Four the Hxeter eemeteny, Renew Now! Mr. Samuel McLean, of Lumley, is at present in Victoria Hospital, ILondou, for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollen, of Flint, motored over and spent the latter part of tihe week in town. Mrs. Jas. Francis, of Tavistock visited on Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. Miss Bessie Hartnoll and Mrs. Chas. Johns visited in Hensall with Miss Consitt on Thursday last.’ The many friends of Mr. W. H. Dearing are pleased to see him again up street following his recent oper ation. Mr. Eber Hogarth, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his sister Miss Elizabeth Hogarth and "Other relatives. Dr. and Mrs. William Lawson, of Listowel, spent Bunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etherington and Marjorie attended the funeral ot Mrs. Fred Oehm at Shakespeare on Tuesday. . Mrs. E. Swenerton, who has spent the summer at Kingsville, is at present visiting with Mrs. .Darling, at Clandeboye. A variety concert, December 3rd under the auspices of the Women’s, Instituate. Particulars later. Please reserve the date. At the Y. P. Guild of Caven church Monday evening Mr. Thomas Pryde gave a most interesting dress on war reminiscences. . Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Veary, of Soudan, Central Africa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. C, Pearce the beginning of the week. A severe thunder storm passed over this district early Monday morning. This was something un usual for this season of the year. Mr, and Mrs, John .Appleton, of Rochester, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. John Layton; Of LOifrdon, visited with Mr.- and Mrs? Geo. Layton on Sun day. '• iMiss Luella iStanlake was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Saturday evening when she erated on for appendicitis, getting along nicely. Dr. and Mrs. waiter Johns, terlop; Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Johns and Mt. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, of Elim- ville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mi’S. Cihas. Johns, ad- t)he the was Op- She is of Wa- J MEN’S SUPER WINTER CLOTHING TT^ YOU CONSIDER QUALITY I H YOU care ABOUT STYLE JLA YOU WANT VALUE THEN COME IN AND SEE OUR SAMPLES OF SUITINGS AND OVERCOATS MEN’S MEN’S SUEDE JACKETS TINE SHIRTS All Sizes AU new colors and patterns $4.75 $1.00 TO $2.00- NEW TIES 50c. TO $1.00 - SPATS MUFFLERS Wonderful Value New Fall patterns $1.00 1.00 UP W. W. T A M A N PHONE SI EXETER, ONT. Miss Berneice Delbridge, London, spent the week-end at her ihome here. The brickwork for Dr. Cowan’s new residence has been completed and the roof is now on. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Veary, of the Soudan, Central Africa, who are home on furlough gave an illustrat ed lecture in Main Street church on Tuesday everting. A very sincere and interesting talk was enjoyed by members of the W. M. S. and Even ing Auxiliary. Rev. A. E, Elliott oc cupied the 'Chair* ? Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcott and Florence were in Toronto Saturday attending the Book Fair at the King Edward Hotel. Saturday was .Can adian lAiUtihor’s Day add among those who spoke during the day Were Dr. Fraser Smith, Elizabeth (Foreman Lewis, Mrs. Kathleen strange, Ar thur stringer add Lewis Blake Duff. Mrs. Strange told some interesting anecdotes about her first book “With the West in Her Eyes” which won for her a $1,000, prize. At the annual Women’s Institute Convention held at London last week Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers was ap pointed convenor of Historical Re search for this district, Mrs. Beav ers has always shown a -keen in terest in tihe-history of the pioneers of this district and will no doubt make a Valuable contribution to the work of the Institute. James Street Women’s Association Were hostesses oh Thursday last to the Crediton United Church W. A. Mrs. C. W. Kestle presided over the business part of £he meeting, and Mrs. Page conducted the devotional exercises; fallowing which tiie Cred iton ladies gave a delightful program Duet by Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Mis- oner; piano seic> by Mrs. Dimofe Lawson and readings by Mrs. Wood- all and Mrs. Weight. A social hour was enioyed at the close and lunch was served by the James (Street ladies,x