HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-11-04, Page 4wrcgjrr* THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4tli, 1037 B O c I A B S SHORTENING CURRANTS The Stores That Give You Value EXETER 58 — TELEPHONES HENSALL 46 f o Tasty Biscuits Chocolate Marshmallow, Sand­ wiches, Cocoanut, Jams, Shortbreads Crispy Flake 2 lbs...............25c Cook’s Choice Quality THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE C O K all 2 pounds for SODAS Fresh and Crisp 2 1-Ib. pkgs. . 25c Pastry Flour Hunts Best 75c DEATH OF MRS. ROBT. FLYNN Biddulph Township on October 21 lost one of its old and highly re­ spected residents in the person o-f Mrs. Julia Fl/nn widow of the late Robert Flynn wiho predeceased her by sixteen years. The decased was in her 80th year and lived in the community for half a century. She js survived by five sons and two dau­ ghters,'Thomas of Clandeboye; Mrs. J. Clnff, of London; Mrs. J. Fer­ guson, of Nipiwin, Sask.; Robert, of Exeter; Charles, o£ Sarnia; George and Edward at ijiome; also 21 grand­ children and 12 great grandchil­ dren, 3 sister and 4 brothers. The funeral was very largely attended on Sunday to St. James Church, at Clandeboye for service and burial in St. James Cemetery. The pall bearers were six grandsons, Clyme, Norman and Alex Flynn, Cecil, John and James Cluff. Helen Flynn, Harry Cluff, Joe and Roy Hodgins carried flowers. Rev. Mr. Harrison officated. HENS CULLED Now is the’time to get your hens culled. Price for 50' or under 50c.; over that .01c. per hen. We cull for age and laying qualities and will buy your hens if you wish. We have a nice lot of Pullets for sale yet. If you are interested, write or phone for prices. Phone 3 8-3, Granton. A. H. SWITZER, Grantoil, Ont. I* New Recleaned 2 lb 25c BIRTHS SCOTT — In Usborne on Tuesday, November 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray 'Scott, a son. HARRISON—In Exeter, on Sunday, October 3'0th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison,, a daughter. COLEMAN—In ,’Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Oc­ tober 27, 19'37, to Mr. Wesley Coleman, of daughter. SQOITT—-In Clandeboye, 21st, to Mr. and Scott (nee Mary Harrison) daughter (Evelyn Jean) DENOMME—At Hay Township, on O'Ctober 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Steleck, a daughter (.Pa- trica Fay) REGIER—At Hay Township on Oc­ tober 2 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Regier, twin sons. (Died shortly after birth.) RECEPTION AND PRESENTATION A well attended tea and reception, was held in th® United church base­ ment on Saturday evening last when the congregations of Shipka and Crediton united in honoring Rev and Mrs. D. J. Gladman, who recently returned from their honeymoon. A buffet luncheon was served from a daintily arranged table, at which Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and Mrs. T. Tre- vethick poured tea. A short pro­ gram followed at the close of which Mr. Wnx. Sweitzer read an approp­ riate address and Mrs, Albert Keys on behalf of the Shipka charge pre­ sented Mr. and Mrs. Gladinan with a handsome wall mirror. An ad­ dress was then i<ad ;by Mrs. ,J. Woodall and Mr. T. Trevethick, on behalf of the Crediton congregation presented the honored couple with a silver tea service.- Mr. Gladman, in his usual happy manner, made on appropriate reply thanking both congregations for theii’ gifts and as­ suring them that he and Mrs. Glad­ man, would, in the years to come, remember the kindness shown them on this occasion, Following are the addresses: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gladman:- Some one has said that “All the World Loves a Lover.” but we say that all the world loves a bride and groom; and when the October winds whispered to us that soon you were going to sail your little bark into the matrimonial sea, our hearts re­ joiced with you. As a token of our friendship we have brought to you this little gift, which we hope will be useful, and which expresses our good wishes for many, many years of happiness with your chosen part­ ner on life’s voyage. That the hap­ piness of your wedding day may in­ crease with the years and that life for you both may be “One Grand Sweet Song” is the ardent wish of the Shipka United church and Ladies’ Aid. Dear Mr.’and Mrs. Gladman:- It is with- unusual feelings of joy and delight that we, the members of the Crediton charge gather together to offer you our heartiest congratu­ lations on the occasion of your mar­ riage and to wish you many years of happy married life. Cowper has well said: The kindest and the happiest pair Will find occasion to forbear, And something every day they live To pity, and perhaps forgive. We believe that marriage rightly un­ derstood, Gives to the tender and the good, a Paradise below. May that Paradise be yours, as you, by sweet experience, improve the golden hours as they come and go. Having been associated with you Mr. Gladman the past few months, we have learned to love iand respect you, and we are looking for­ ward to the same pleasant associa­ tions with Mrs. Gladman. As a token of the high esteem in which you both are held, and as some vis­ ible expression of our .best wishes we ask you to accept this gift, with the prayer that the common tasks,., trials and joys of the years to come may only serve to bind you ever­ more closely to each other. Signed Members of the Crediton Congrega­ tion. M ■ James Street United Church Sunday, November 7th, 1937 U a.m,—REV, J. E. J. MILLYARDt Hyatt Avepue., London 7 p.m.—-REV. ROBERT HICKS, BD„ of London SPECIAL SOLOIST—MISS HELEN COLE, of London an outstanding vocalist, winner of two gold medals, McXiagap. Rose Bowl and the Vocal Scholarship at the last Musical Festival at a Stratford An invitation is extended t o all to join with u s in these services. ..............................—■ ■ ■■......... ...................■ See a Real Stage Show A JOHN B. ROGERS’ PRODUCTION EXETER The Exeter Bowling Club Presents SUNNY SKIES” A Musical Comedy of Southern Romance Melodious Tunes Hilarious Comedy Beautiful Costumes Curtain 8:15 Admission 50c Thursday, November 11th, 1937 and Mrs. Exeter, a on October Mrs. Witmer a CARD OF THANKS Mrs. S. West, wishes to thank the many friends who remembered her in any way wJHle a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital and since her return home, also for cards and flowers re­ ceive^. CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Alfred Tilley wish,Mr. to express their sincere thanks to all those who helped in getting the sur­ prise gift before theii’ departure. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley, Dash­ wood,Ont. CARD of thanks Orediton Women’s Institute like to take this opportunity iThe would to thank every donor of money or DEATHS FINKBEINER — In Dashwood, on Wednesday, October 27, Caroline Wolf, wife of the late C.'F. Fink-’ beiner, aged 83 years and 7 days. JOHNS—In Usborne -on Tuesday, November 2nd, Mrs. Henry Johns material and ^Iso all who lent their wife of Henry Johns, in her 74tn I assistance during the canvassing and year. The funeral will take loading of the car. Mr. Trevethick place on Friday, November 5 th, | wh,0 s0 kindly lent his building. service at 2 o’clock. Interment in Elimvillfe cemetery.Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Centralia had full charge of loading, the spent the greater part of in the work. We certainly ate the work of those who and the time so generously given to a worthy cause. car and one day appreci- assisted Appreciate Conveniences? ---------- -----------.-- ft Then let us demonstrate a Spencer range with slide out oven bottom, non scortch lid and special grates, These three patented features give numerous advantages and you pay No More- The DucheSs (range, cabinet style, makes a beautiful choice with either red of black handles, full enamel or black ends and large roomy ovens. Now is the time for good lighting. There is nothing to compare with a Coleman lamp or lantern. Large assortment of Work Gloves-*—-20c. to $1.65 — When Shopping, Shop at — Lindenfield’s Hardware Phone 181 Exeter DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L-D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON * At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Rost Office, ip Zu­ rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B, COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Zurich, Ont. Mrs. R. Biesenthal, of Sask., are visiting his J. Schroeder and Mrs. Phone 96 Public Holiday ' 1 fl ' ■ Whereas the Government of Canada has decreed by statute that the eleventh day of November in each year shall be a public holiday and be known as “Remembrance Day.” These are therefore to request that in order that “Remem­ brance Day” may be fittingly observed, all citizens engaged in com­ mercial and industrial business co-operate wholeheartedly by ceas­ ing all business activities for the day. I do hereby further request the citizens to join with the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion in a Civic Memorial Service in Janies St. United Church at 10;55 a.m. to afford citizens an oppor­ tunity to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the Great War. Mr. and Windthorst, sisters, Mrs, O. Miller. Rev. Mr. been conducting evangelistic services here was called to his home Fen­ wick owing -to the death of his mother-in-jaw. Mrs. George Merner who spent the past few weeks with her dau­ ghters in Detroit Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. of Mitchell and ther, of Kitchener, visited relatives here on'Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Calfas and Mr. Henry Calfas, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. V. Schatz. Mrs. Carrie Hoffman, of London, spent "the week-end with relatives also attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher visit­ ed relatives in Dorchestex’ on Fri­ day. Donald and Eunice Oetsricher at­ tended a Hallowe’en Party on Sat­ urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, of the Thames Road, Mr, and Mrs. G. Chesna and fam­ ily, of Birmingham, Mich, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. F. Willert. Rev. S. Finkbeiner, of South Da­ kota attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Finkbeiner on Sunday, Mrs. P. M'C'Isaac who spent the past week in Detroit returned home on Sunday. Mr. Norman Kellerman, of Kit­ chener also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Finkbeiner on Sunday. Miss Cathern Finkbeiner returned with her sister Mrs. Humble, to Sarnia where she will remain for a few weeks. At the annual meeting of the Stitch and Chattel’ Club Miss Ell? Martinson was elected president and Mrs. Harry Rader will remain as vice-pesident while Mrs. A. Kuntz i will be the secretary-treasurer. Its humorous, hilarious and stu­ pendous. Don’t miss it. The Happy Cousins of Elmira at Dashwood Lutheran Church on November 12th at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and daughter, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Sittei’ and family, of Arkona, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. Schroeder. The Five Hundred Club met at the home of Mrs. Maurice Klumpp, on Thursday evening the occasion being a Hallowe’en party. Ea’ch member entered in appropriate cos­ tume and were welcomed at the door by a ghost. The’ house was beauti­ fully decorated in black and orange After a few Hallowe’en pranks the members of the club all sat down, to a delicious goose supper, the table being centred with a Jack O’Lantern orange streamers from the corner^ of the table were connected to a light above. Following the repast the old witch entered and each member was given her fortune. Five Hundred was men played the win- ner Miss Helen Nadiger and consolation prize was -awarded Mr.s Maurice Klumpp. Gretzenger, who lias returned home on Lloyd Edighoft’er, Miss Grace Guen- the to TWO MINUTES SILENCE to be observed throughout the Village at 11 o'clock a.m., so that in perfect silence tile prayers and thoughts of every one may be con­ centrated in reverent remembrance of the Glorious Dead, and of the victory by God’s grace vouchsafed to the Empire and its devoted Allies. A service will be held at the Soldiers’ Memorial at 12.30.- W. D. SANDERS, Reeve Mrs. Rundle, the president, WHALEN Mrs. Frank Parkinson visited at Ingersoll with Sunday. Huroiidale Womens Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Hurondale W. I.' was held at the home of Mrs. A. Hicks, on Wednes­ day, October 27th, with, a fair at­ tendance. The roll call was answ­ ered by “A Recipe for a Sweet Dis­ position” following which Mrs. L. Rowcliffe led in community sing­ ing. then took charge' of the business part of the meeting. delegates to the convention appoint- , ed at the September meeting Were unable to attend, Mrs. M. Bechler and Miss N. Keddy were appointed to bring back the report for the next meeting. Mrs. A. Morgan and Mfs. A. Hicks were appointed pian- I ists for the balance of the year and I Mrs. C. Cann press reporter. Mrs. ' H. ’ Perkins gave a very interesting | talk on her trip to the coast and I around some (AS the two Mr. and and family friends on Mrs. Allen Jaques and Ray spent a few days during last week with Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter. __„Miss Ruth Hodgson isj spending | passed _____ ___ a month with Mrs. Harry Rodd, of t souvenirs and snapshots. Woodham. ' n-nH Kathleen .Tnhns and Master Beverley Foster had tonsils and adenoids removed in office of Dr. Dehny, London, Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden, and Mary are spending a few Weeks with relatives in Ray, Ind.Mission Circle met at the of Gladys Squire on Saturday, members were present with Morley presiding, A piano was given by Velma Squire his the ‘Oil home Nine Mary sblo . - and readings by other members. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. Mr. F. Squire and Shirley were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher hear Exeter. interesting ,____ Marjorie ' and Kathleen Johns and Nola Per- I kins » tion, | thg” gave tion | points. qred vRth a solo by Mrs. ‘Shapton. Community singing brought a very excellent program to a close. Dur­ ing the lunch hour Mrs. Wilson gave a demonstration on “Sandwich Fil­ ling’1 and. Mrs. P. Passmore a dem­ onstration on ’’Cake and Filling.” The results of the demonstrations were sampled and pronounced very good. - each gave an amusing recita- The topic for the day “Bank- was given by Mr. Moffatt, who some very interesting inforina* and stressed some important (The meeting was then fav- LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 4th, Sth, 6th Marx Bros, in <*. “A Day at the Races — / MIDNIGHjT SHOW, MONDAY MORNING AT 12.15 SHARP AND MONDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 8th .TWO NIGHTS ONLY Double Feature Comedy “Mountain Music” with Martha. Raye and Rob Burns 44 ff with Edward Everett (Horton Lynn overman COURT OU REVISION Und Village of Exeter Notice is hereby giyen that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter for the year 1937 will be held iii the Town Exeter, On Monday, November at 7.^0 o’clock p.m. NOT®— Ohly appeals duly with the Municipal Clerk on or be­ fore the 21st day of October, 1937, will be considered by the Court. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk Exeter, October 20, 1937. Halli 8 th. filed proved very successful, Over four hundred iieople were fed. A very high class program was provided by five artists from Centenial church, London. About twO' hundred and thirty-five dollars was cleared from the Sunday supper, Mr. gnd tended the grandmother which was held in London on Mon­ day afternoon. Mrs, Morley was in her ninety-sixth year, Mrs, Harry March visited the early part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge in London. We regret very much- to report that Mr. Harry Johns is ill with * bronchitis and Mrs, Harry Johns is quite ill With pneumonia. The Young People’s Union met on Monday night and elected their officers for 193 8. The results were as follows: President, Delimer Skin­ ner; Vice-Pres., Lome Elford; Sec’y Gladys Skinner; Treas., William Jghns; Organist, Margaret Miners; Asst. Organist, Audrey Prance; Cit­ izenship Convenor, Howard Johns; Missionary Convenor, Eva Penrose; Christian Culture Convenor, Eula Herdman; Christian Fellowship, Mary Johns; Social Committee, Dor­ othy Johns and Gladys Johns; Re­ creation Committee, Hazel Johns and Marian Miners. services and the fowl Mrs. |Louis Johns at- funeral of the latter’s , the late Mrs. Morley, MT. CARMEL and Mrs. James Glavin andMr. their daughter Camilla, of Centralia accompanied ’by Mr. ana Mrs. Jos. Carey, of Mt. Carmel spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radcliffe, of Detroit,, spent the week-end with Mrs. Nora Hall. Mr, and Mrs. N. Geromette, of London, visited Coughlin’s and Ger- omette’s this week-eijd. Mrs. C. O’Rourke and Gordon spent the week-end in London. Mr, and and Mrs. friends in end. Mr. and family spent Saturday at Kitchener and Preston. Rev. Fr, Fogarty made, the an­ nouncements on Sunday of the in­ tended marriage of Lucile Dietrich daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Dietrich to Milfred Ayotte, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ayotte, of Drys­ dale. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ducharme, of Chatham spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Hogan. Miss Madedine Glavin, of Colgan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Glavin. Miss Helen Murray and friend., of Chatham, spent the week-end with friends here. t "* Mr. Joseph McKeever returned home on Monday after spending a week visiting friends at Detroit., Mrs. J. Carey and Mr. James Glavin visited Detroit over the week- Mrs. Alonzo McCann and MORTGAGE SALE — of — VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort­ gage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offer­ ed for sale b<y public auction at the property hereinafter described, on Monday, the Stli day of NovetmibOr, 1937? at the hour of 1.3 0 p.m. the following property, namely. Lot Number 2'8', in the North East Boundary of the Township of Us- borne in the County of Huron, con­ taining by admeasurement 100- acres more or less. On the said property is said to ibe erected first class farm buildings. On this farm there is said to be a » good bush of about ten acres and a plentiful supply of good water. The said .property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer >F. FINGDAiND,, Clinton, Ont., Solic- itdr for the Mortgagee. wasA reception and presentation Rev. D. J. Gladman and his Brinsley on Friday last, an of which has .been crowded week. 0 • given to bride at account out this ELIMVILLE Dr. E. G. Wilford, missionary on furlough from China, will speak in the church here next Sunday even­ ing. Miss Margaret Johns visited with friends in Clinton on Sunday. We are sorry to report .that Mr. Teddy Johns was Hospital,’ London, ing. t Quite a number ed the anniversary services held in Main Street church, Exeter on Sun­ day last. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of near Varna, were visitors on Thurs­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. The Young People’s Union paid a visit to the James St. Young people in Exeter on Thursday evening of last week and were quite royally entertained. Misses Bthelene and Eilene Johns entertained a number of friends to a Hallowe’en Party on Saturday evening.Mr. and M*ts. John Herdman 'cele­ brated their thirtieth. Wedding an­ niversary on Saturday evening last. • Their family presented them with I an Aladdin lamp. | Mr. and Mrs. A* 0. Whitlock, or' St. 'Thomas were visitors' in this vicinity on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Dennison, of London, and Miss Florence Unger, of Mani­ toba, visited recently, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. Williams. Mr. Alex Latta had the misfor­ tune to have the ligaments in his right arm badly twisted when it eaught in the belt on the township crusher on Friday morning of. last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman were Sunday visitors with *M:r. and Mrs. * Rolland Squire near Hutondalo. The fowl supper which was held ( in the church last Tuesday evening taken to' Victoria on Friday morn- from here attend- Weekly Mixed AUCTION SALES I will hold an auction sale Of HORSES, CATTLE AND HOGS EVERY THURSDAY Will take stock in on commission TERMS—CASH NAIRN & TAYLOR, Auctioneers G. J. DOW, Proprietor NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the [estate of WALTER RICHARD HILL latb of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, farmer, de­ cased, who died on or about the 12th day of August, 1937, are re­ quired to forward their claims duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Credit- on, Ontario, on or before the 16th day of November, 193'7. And notice is further giVen that after the said date, the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which Dated they then shall have notice, this 29th day of October, 1937 LEONA HILL, Orediton WILSON, Byron,- MRS. CZAR VERNON WILSON, Lobo LAWRENCE HILL, Exeter, Execu­ tors. tf?.- i