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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-10-21, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE T1IWSS1IAY, OCTOBER atst, J 087 De Soto Dealers Territory includes -- Zurich, Hensall, Exeter, Dashwood, Crediton and Surrounding Country 1938 NEW CARS AND TRUCKS NOW AVAILABLE. NO WAITING SEE THE NEW DODGE BEFORE BUYING C. Fritz & Son, J. Passmore & Son, Zurich Hensall HENSALL Rexall lc. Sale next week October 27th, 28th, 29th, 30tih. Phone orders accepted. — Hemphill’s Durg Store, Hensall, Ont. Mrs. Dadson, of London, visited friends in town on Monday. Miss Joyce Scr-uton, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home. Miss Mabel Workman was a week end visitoi' with London friends. Miss Irene Hoskins, of Dublin, spent the week-end at her home here Mrs. Alex Hildebrandt and little daughter are visiting relatives in Detroit, Miss Dorothy Farquhar, of Tor onto, sipent the week-end with relatives. Miss G. Marks, of Brucefield, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Robert Bonthron. Mr. William Loff, of Goderich Twp. was in town on Tuesday calling on friends. Mr. Robt. Morrison, of Woodstock was a week-end visitor with his sister Mrs. James Priest. Miss Emma Johnston was a recent visitor with relatives and friends at Windsor and1 Detroit. Miss Dorothy McQueen" has ac cepted a position in London and left for that city on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir have got nicely settled in their new home on South Richmond street. Mr. and Mrs. John Elder were in Leamington lasto week visiting with one of their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case have re turned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Detroit. Miss Stella Robson, of Toronto, spent last week visiting with her sister Mrs. Harry Arnold. Mr, Archie Filshie and son Ian spent a few days last week visiting relatives at Mount Forest. Mrs. Geo. Brown is visiting in Stratford for a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Wilson. In each of the onion storehouses gangs of men are* at work storing away the onion setts for the winter. Mrs. E. Rannie is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto visiting with her daughter Mrs. Paisley, Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth has returned home after a pleasant, visit of sev eral weeks in St. Hyacinthe, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White and fam ily, of London, were recent visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ste wart. MisS Marion Sinclair, of Toronto, spent the week-end here with her parents, Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sin clair. Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Wm. McLaren spent a couple of days in Toronto the first of the week. Sunday, October 3)lst will be rally day in the United church. (Special music is being prepared for the oc casion. Mrs. D. F. Kemp and daughter, of Detroit were visitors during the week with Mrs. Kemp’s mother Mrs. Geo. Sparks. Mr. William Van Roozen left here last week for Sarnia where he has secured a splendid position with-the Imperial Oil Co. Dr. Jimmie Smillie, of Toronto, was a recent visitor with her bro ther Mr. James Smillie and her sis ter Mrs. John Elder, Mr. Jonn Drummond and friend of Listowel, spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Er- rold Drummond. The executive of the Young People’s Society'of the phited“church met last week to arrange for the fall and winter program. Mr. and^Mrs. James MoClinchey and family have secured apartments in the Petty Block. They will take possession on November 1st. Mrs, James Bonthron has return* ed to Hensall, ’from her summer home at Grand Bend. She was one of the last to leave that resort. Mrs. R. J. Ferguson, who has spent a couple of weeks visiting her sister Miss Emma Johnston, left last week for her home in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. John Pope, who has spent several weeks visiting different mem* berg of the family at Preston, is now visiting with a daughter iii Toronto, Miss Gertrude Martin and JVilss Mabel Workman spent the week-end with Miss Martin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Martin of Tuckersmitb Township. Mr. Roy Webber, Mr. and Mrs. L. O’Brien and Mrs. Joseph Hudson were in Toronto on Sunday visiting Mr. Joseph Hudson, who is being treated in a hospital there. Owen Geiger and son have a large number of men engaged, working up thein crop of flax at the flax mill. Quite a number of the staff of bh&ir Exeter mill are also employed here, Mrs. Geo. Troyer, accompanied by her daughters Misses Ellen and Mary and lher two sons Francis and John -of Courtland, were week-end visit ors with, Mr. and Mru. Geo. Hudson. Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of Car mel Presbyterian church |preached anniversary services at Kinloss on Sunday. Mrs. Young assisted the choir with mnsic and also sang two solos. Mr. an'd Mrs. Fred G. Bonthron,. accompanied by Mrs. Robt. Bonthron were visiting relatives in Barrie over the week-end. Mrs. Robt. Bonthron remained in Barrie and will visit for a couple of months. John Passmore & Son, of Hensall and C. Fritz & Son, of Zurich, have taken the agency for '’“the new Dodge and De Soto cars. The new 19 38 models of these cars and on exhibition in their showrooms. « Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden moved their household effects to, 'Glanworth last week where they will reside. Mr. Hedden has been running a garage there for several months. Mrs. Hed den-will be missed in town especially in musical circles in which she took an active part. Mr. Harry. Cook, B-A„iSc., an hon or graduate of t'he Toronto Univers ity and son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelus Cook, has accepted a position as teacher of Applied Science and En gineering at the Toronto University and has left for Toronto to assume his new duties. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. peppier, Little Current, spent a few days last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and other friends. Mr. Pep per was a former accountant at the Bank of Montreal here. Mr. and Mrs. Peppier’s many friends here were glad to see them. Rev. G. M. Young, of Kinloss took the morning service In Carmel Pres byterian church on Sunday last, his son, t'he pastor taking the annivers ary services at Kinloss. The even ing services here^was withdrawn on account of the Caven Presbyterian church anniversary at Exeter. A children’s day service was held in St. Paul’s Anglican church 'on Sundaj' evening. A former rector, | Rev. B. H. Farr; of Dorchester, was j the guest speaker and gave a very interesting and helpful address to the young people. Special music was furnished by a young peoples choir. Mr. Walter J. Fee^celebrated his S|8th birthday on Sunday, October 17th at (his home in Hensall with members of his family present. During the day Mr. Fee received numersous' congratulations and gifts . from his family and other friends, who wish him many more happy birthdays. With the municipal elections just a few weeks aSvay, interest is being shown in the selection of the candi-I dates. Mr. (Geiger will run again for the Reeveship against the present Reeve Earnest iShaddick and the name of George BrOck, a member of this year’s council will probably be on the ballot for reeve. The name of David Robinson is being mention ed for a seat on the council. Mr. William .V,an Rooyan has dis posed of his produce business to Mr. Harold Hansen. Mr. Hansen has been assisting Mr. Van Rooyan with' the business for the summer months He took immediate, possession and will no doubt work up a splendid ■business. Mr. Vah Rooyan cam© here a couple of years ago and start- ed the business and soon worked up a good trade wjth the farmers in the district, Mr. Joseph Flynn who has con ducted a barber shop in the Davis block on the south side of King St- for several -years has purchased from Dr. McKinnon, of Zurich, th© building known as ine Hardy prop? erty, a few doors east of his present location. He intends fixing up the front of the building for a barber shop and a residence in the rear, Mr. Flynn will bo located in his new shop by "November 1st. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres byterian church met at the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff on Monday evening with the president, Miss Beryl Pfaff in charge. The meeting opened with singing Psalm 113 and prayer by Miss Pfaff. The .Scripture Lesson was read by Irene Hoggarth after Which the business was discussed. Mabie Workman gave a very inter esting topic. Margaret Dougal gave a pleasing reading on “My Passage money." The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. The opening meeting of the fall winter of the Y.P.S. of the United church was held in the school room of the church on Monday evening. The meeting was of a devotional and missionary nature and opened with singing hymn 223 and the Lord’s prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Elva McQueen and devotion al was taken by Goldie Cyoss. Busi ness was discussed and the offering taken. A piano solo was given by Gladys Lpker. The topic was taken by Miss Jennie Murray which was on David Livingston. A piano in strumental by Miss Greta Lanynie, The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the benediction. Next the meeting was in charge of Doreen Farquhar, Gladys Passmore and Mrs. Russell Broderick. Next Monday evening will be citizenship night. Funeral of the Late Miss Moir The funeral of the late Miss Janet (Jessie) Moir took place on Friday afternoon from the residence of iher brother Mr. Peter Moir. A short service was held at the home, after which a public service, which was largely attended was held in the United church. The service ' was conducted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair assisted by Rev. W. A, Young, In terment taking place in the Hensall Union cemetery. The floral tributes were very beautiful. Th pall-bear ers were: William Craig, William J. Jones, James Smillie, Geo. Brock, Robert Parsons and Dr. Moir. Among those who attended the fun eral from a distance, were: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison, of the Thames Rd. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prout, of Usborne Twp. Women’s Institute Meet The Hensall Women’s Institute held their ^regular meeting on Wed nesday evening last at the home ot Mrs. Garnet Case. The meeting opened by singing the ode, followed by “'0 Canada’’. The motto, “a wise woman is like' a pin, her head keeps hqr from going too far” was discuss ed by Miss Irene Douglas. Miss Kathryn Drysdale gave a guitar selection and Miss Maude McLean spoke on the topic “Buymanship.” Mrs. Garnet Case illustrated the pre paration of fruit salad this was fol lowed by a piano- solo by Miss Gladys Luker. A playette “Table Manners” in which Miss Maude MclLean, Miss Beryl Pfaff, Miss Beryl Drummond and Miss Mabel Workman took part was very interesting. At the conclus ion of the meeting a lunch was serv ed and a social half hour spent. 83rd Birthday Mrs. Robt. Paterson, one of Hen- sall’s grand old ladies quietly cele brated her 87th birthday at her home on Tuesday last. Not being in very good health she did not have a large gathering, just a few relatives and intimate friends. Mrs. Paterson was born near Hensall and has spent all her life in Hensal land vicinity and for over twenty years she conducted a private -hospital here. She is still able to- get out and when able at tends her church and enjoys its ser vices Owing to her advanced age, her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson, moved in with her giving the aged mother the -best of care. Mrs. Paterson is highly re spected by all who have the pleasure of knowing her and their earnest wish is that she may still foe spared awhile. CREDITON Reeve Chester Mawhinney, as* one of the County Good Roads Commis sion, was in Midland, Mich,, last week inspecting the Dow Chemical plant, manufacturers of calcium Chloride used as a dust preventa tive. Mr. and Mrs. Herman oestrelcher have gone to Toronto to spend and Mrs. the Ed.I winter wlt’h- Mr. • French. Mr, Gibbons, of surance was here specting the books of Mr. H. K. Eil- ber, treasurer of the Hay T’wp. Fire Insurance Company. Mrs. Barrie, of London has moved into the home of Mr. A. E. Wuerth. We welcome her to our midst. We regret to report that Mrs. Chas. Zwicker is quite ill, we wish for -her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber will attend the funeral of the latter’s uncle, Mr. Mr. J. D. Anderson, in Lucknow, on Thursday. I Miss Norma Finkbeiner, | ham, . visited on parents Mr. and beiner. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. John Gaiser Zurich. Mr. Gordon Ratz wpent -Sunday at Rodney. Quite a number from here attend ed the anniversary services at Brins ley last -Sunday. We regret to report that Mrs. C. Treitz is on the sick list. We wish her a spqedy recovery. Mrs. C. C. Misener has returned home after spending a week at Fen wick. iBo Organize Choral Society On Monday evening about music lovers met at the .home of Emery Fahrner to discuss the ganization of a choral society, vote was unanimous in favor. ivir(J Lawrence Wein acted as chairman. The following officers were elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. C. C. Misner; presi dent, Lawrence Wein; vice-president Mrs. Gordon Morlock; secretary, G, Ratz; treasurer, Earl Haist; con ductor, W. R. Goulding, of Exeter. Twenty members were obtained at this organization meeting and the secretary expressed the desire that as many take of ■culturt, the Dept, of Wednesday Sunday Mrs. W. In in- of Wood- with -her H. Fink- Henry Haist and spent Sunday ■ at 25 Mr. or- Tshe Mr, as possible will take advan- this opportunity for vocal Crediton W. I. THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPECIALS QUICK QUAKER OATS ....... CARNATION MILK, tall tin FALCON PEANUT BUTTER PEERLESS WHEAT PUFFS ... SWEET WHITE CORN ......... WALKER’S SODA BISCUITS DUMART S SHORTENING per package 22<?* .......... two tins for |7c. ......large jar, each 20c. .......... per package 10c’ ..................3 tins for 25c. 1 lb. package, 2 for 23c. ..........2 pounds for 25c. Good Cooking Rice ....,1^...........4 lbs. for 25c Choice Mincemeat ............... 2 lbs. for 25c. New Pack Prunes, large size 2 lbs. fpr 23c. Hillsdale Tea, black per lb.................... 49c. SMOKED FILLET OF HADDJE .. CODFISH ..................................... Phone 102 WHALEN on Sunday. Large were in attendance at In the morning Rev. .Seaforth, had -charge There was special anniversary day with Mrs. Frank Anniversary services were held in this church congregations both services. Mr. Craw, of of the service. music by the choir. In the evening Rev. Mr. Stewart had charge and special music by the Messrs. Mills Bros, and Paul Bros.- quartette. Mr. Wilson Morley was elected as ‘trustee for this school in the place of Mr. Alex Baillies, who has resign ed. Those who attended services an-d spent the friends were: Mr. and Coates and Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodd, of Woodham; Ruth and Ralph Mill- son, of Lucan; Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smith-, of near (Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl and family, of Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunning, ot Woodham with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Morley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, iSquire, of Granton; Miss E. Camm, of Woodham with Mr. and Mrs, E. (Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Brock, of Zion with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold (Hern and Norma, of Wood ham with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squirfe. Mr. and Mrs. Phil, porter, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Well. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mill- son, of London* witn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mardlen, of London Township and Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson, of Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson, of Exeter and Mr. John Greaves, of and Mrs.. Earl Mrs. Norris and the The October meeting of the W, I. was held on October 12th at the home of Mrs. M. Ewald with a good number present. The meeting op ened by singing the “Ode” and re peating the Lord's prayer, O’Can ada was sung.’1'* Plans were made for sending food and clothing to the needy in the West. "" Miss T. Weber and Mrs. G. Zwicker were appoint ed to attend the convention held in London. Roll call was answered by “A Canadian of Note.” We were pleased to .have four new members added to our roll. Mrs. B- Kestle ■presided over the following program: -Song, “Home on the Range;” inter- etsing'current events were given-by Mrs. Woodall; a vocal duett with London with Mr. guitar accompaniment was rendered Johnson, by Rena Yearley and Laura Wood- Misses Mabel and Olive Elliott, of all. The topic on “Legislation” was ’ London with Mr. and Mrs. William very ably taken by Miss Ella Mor- J Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer lock her subject being women’s | of Kirkton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. right to vote. “Long. Long, Long Duffield, of Granton with Mr. and Ago” closed the meeting which was | Mrs. Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. A. followed by contests. A dainty Jaques, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar lunch was served by the following j Rodd, of Woodham and Rev. hostesses: Miss A. Gaiser, Mrs. B. Kestle, Mrs. L. England, thanks was tendered to Mrs. Ewald and to all who took part in the pro gram and to the hostesses. -----------i------------------------ GRAND BEND Mr. Ben Yeo, of Detroit, Diamond Budded Walnuts Large Fancy Pecans ......... Good Cooking Onions ...... Sweet Potatoes .................. CTT X? T O X* XX L Xj id Jj We Deliver Old Canadian Cheese Fresh Made Stiltons Baby Cheddars Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCH ELSE A Mrs, (Dr.) Nile from Lansing, Mich., and Mrs. Archie Webb and daughter Jean, ;of ,Shanavon, Sask., called on realtives on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. F. .La’ F§nd and fam ily, Miss Erma Finkbeiner, of Sarnia visited' relatives on Sunday. Mr. Ed. (Lamport attended the convention in Clinton last Friday" and gave an interesting report at the Sunday School last Sunday.- Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Sw-eitzer and family visited Sunday with relatives in Melbourne. Miss Ndal • Faist re turned home with . them after a week’s viist there Mr. .and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, Lila. and Audrey visited. Sunday with relatives in Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. 1?, E. Wuerth from .Zurich, visited with . relatives here on Saturday last. .... Miss iNola Sweitzer who has spent the past week visiting, relatives in Melbourne day. Mr. and Miss Erma visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Crediton, spent the -past week visiting rela tives here. Mrs. A. Webb and Jean formerly of Shanavon,. .Sask, and Mrs. (Dr.) Niles, of Lansing, Mich., called on relatives here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer visit ed Sunday in Thedford at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gpo. Clark. returned 'home on sun- Mrs. F. La Fond and Finkbeiner,- of Sarnia. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and Doreen, cf Stephen, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale. Quite a large number from here attended anniversary services at Thames Road and Whalen churches on Sunday. Anniversary services will be ob served in this church next Sunday., at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev Mr. Lang, of Woodham will be the minister for both services. The music at the evening service will foe supplied by the Woodham .choir. IIENS CULLEjj Now IS the time to get your hens culled. Price for 50' or under 50 c.? over that .01c. per hen. Wo cull for age and laying qualities hnd Will buy your hens if you wish. WO have a nice lot of Bullets for sale yet. If you are interested, write or phone for prices. Phone 3S-3, Granton. A* H. SWITZER, Granton, Ont. CROMARTY Special services will be held in Cromgrty church Sunday, October 31St. Dr. Rochester, Of Toronto, will be the speaker for the day. Dr. Rochester is the editor of the Pres byterian Record. „ Miss Lila McCullouch spent a few days of the latter part of last week with her aunt in Logan, (School is being closed for two more weeks to prevent any spread of paralysis in the neighborhood. There is no cases of any kind at the present time. Mr. Joseph Speate, Mr, and Mrs, McLellan and Miss Ada -S-peare mo tored to Harriston on Sunday last. Mr. Roy McCulloch' is having his residence veneered with- Ashphalt shingles which gives it a very pleas ing appearance, Mr. and Mrs. Rearie spent a few days last week at Hillsdale, their former home. a week-end guest with his sister Miss ,’M. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Rurus Turnbull is spending a week or so in Flint, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Dies Mass, of Kin cardine, visited with Mrs. Wilbur Dewey over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton spent last week at Owen Sound, Callan der and Hamilton. Mrs-. Wm. Elsie, .who faas been quite ill for the past few weeks is much ibetter which report is gladly received by her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Statton and Mrs. Capes, of Forest, visited in the burg on Sunday. ,Miss Addison, of Clinton, visited with Miss Marjorie Jennison over the week-end. Mr. Chas. Giles was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sun day, having practured his hip in a Ibad fall on the cement walk. Mr, Walter Statton has started taking up his sugar beets which is a very large crop and good beets, z Mr. Ham and family, of Blyth, visited with Mr. and Mr&. Bert Crai over the week-end? Mr, and Mrs. Wes, family visited for a Mr. Robt. Mbusseau ines. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Ravelie and family were week-end visitors in Windsor.A number from here atten*ded the C-ohching Conference in Clinton oh Friday afternboh and evening last. Rev. J. B, Moore, Mervyn Love, feetilah Holt and Majorie Jetmisoh, attended the London Conference Young peoples* Convention in Chat- i ham recently. and Mrs. Craw, of Seaforth, with Mr. A vote of i and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Miss - ‘Margaret Hern, of Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield, of ’Woodham, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson. The W. M. S, and W. A. will meet at Mrs. Wm. Hodgsons house on Thursday afternoon. The roads in this vicinity have been resurfaced with crushed grav el the past week. Women’s Association The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw on Thursday afternoon of last .week. Mrs, Free man Horne had charge of the meet ing which was opened with the hymn “Glory to God for His Sunshine is Free" and the Lord’s prayer was re peated in unison. Mrs. James Kirk land read the Scripture lesson. Miss Eva Penrose favored the ladies with a solo. An interesting reading “Are Children a Crime-’’ was given by0Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. Wanda and Murray Stephen sang a charming duet. The hymn “Work for the Night is Coming” was sung. Lunch was served at the close of the meet ing. TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS vs. SYRACUSE STARS was SHIPKA Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Wren will foe in charge of the service at the United' Church at 10.30 a.m, Miss Alma Ratz, teacher of S. S. No. 7, Miss Norma Crago, teac-her at S. S. No. Ill- are this week attending the Teachers’ Convention at -Goder- BIG LEAGUE HOCKEY at the LONDON ARENA, FRIDAY, OCT. 29 th Reserved Seat Prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Send Cash or Express Order (No Cheques) to Kiwanis Club, Wyatt Building, London, Ont. Please act quickly if you want tickets as there will be an early sell-out. Nickles few days with in St. Gathar- PROCEEDS FOR BOYS’ WORK OF KIWANIS CLUB REFRIGERATORSWASHING MACHINESRADIOS pleased to announce that they have appointedare Um THE WESTINGHOUSE CO. CORNISH BROS, as their Representatives for Exeter, Clinton, Goderich and district Cornish Bros, will be distrubtors for their entire line of electrical equipment and appliances Phone 29 or 182 Exeter for information Radios on Display at Goo. Hawkins* Hardware Store iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiiliiiiiillliliiilliilliiillllllliiilllillllliillliiiiilllllllllllllliililillllllilllllllililllli