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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-10-21, Page 4
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1037 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ed by one sister Mrs. Jas. O’Rourke, s P E O C II< BIRTHS- s Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, MARRIAGES SAUSAGE DEATHS The Stores That Give You Value HENSALL 46TELEPHONESEXETER 58 Bernice Neeb, of Loudon, and Mrs. borne, a Melville. ISAAC—At Wednesday, October 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Isaac, of Centralia, a daughter. Schneider’s Small Link 1 lb of English Breakfast Orange Pekoe Tea. With every pound of Tea 2 China Cups and Saucers FREE!! Corn Syrup Bee Hive 5 lbs. tin 9 s Rock Bottom Cash Stores LOOK! SPECIALS LOOK!! BUTTER MARMALADE First Grade Creamery Orange Per lb. .... . 30c Large jar .. . 21c C o 9 s KHIVA - Jieath of WiUia«) Barry Mr. Wm. Barry who left here this spring for North Dakota passed away on Sunday, October iovh*> at the age of 79 years after an illness of a couple of weks. The remains were brought to the home of his brothei* on Thursday morning. The inneral which was largely" attend ed. took place on Friday morning at 10 o’clcck to the Roman Catholic church, Mt. Carmel, where requiem High Mass was sung by Rev Fr. Fog arty. Interment took place in the Mt. Carmel cemetery. He is surviv- j of Mt. Carmel and one brother Jerry The pall bearers were: Messrs. Ben. Cann, James Ziler, p. Sullivan, Jerry Campbell, Joe Querrin, Alonza Mc- T'ae sympathy of this com- is extended to, the bereaved FOWL SUPPER THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH CREDITON announce their Annual Hot Goose Supper for \ Announ PRUNES Large and Meaty Offer A Peanut Butter Fresh Pack 32 oz. jar . . . 23c past and Kit- and were Mr. W- H. Thompson is remodel ling his home north of the Trivitt Memorial church. He is making a sun parlor of one of the front rooms and changing the entrance from the west side to the south. LEAVITT’S THEATRE Given Away Free! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Laurel and Hardy — in — “WAY OUT WEST” il On Saturday next and each succeeding Saturday during October we will give away Free a beautiful cake to the first lady who enters our store and gives definite proof that her name is the name as that which is on the cake Don Ameclie, Lauretta Young and an all star cast “LOVE IS NEWS J? & same iced yourCome in and leave name on a slip of paper. Name will be revealed at 6 p.m. and cake delivered the same evening. Middleton’s Bakery Try our Soy-Bean and Rye Bread Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wildfong and Frank, Mr,.- and Mrs. C. E. Aidworth and Mr. Louis Aidworth were in De troit last week attending the fun eral of a cousin, the late Mrs. John Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Aidworth and Frank remained for a couple of days and on their return visited Mr. J. Miners’ place at Kingsville. The engagement is announced or Bernice Ludella, youngest daughter of Mrs. Wm. Lankin, of Granton, to Gordon E. Rathburn, younger son of Mr. George Rathburn, of Gran ton, the marriage to take place quietly on Tuesday, November 2. Appreciate Conveniences? Cann, m unity family. Miss spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. Mr. Gordon Miller is sporting a new car, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Hy, Eagleson were: Mr. and Mrs. George pinner and babe, of London and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson and family, of Parkhill. The work on Dr. Cowan’s new house opposite the Main St. parson age has been held up for several days owing to the wet weather. It is io be a red brick veneer. The framework is completed and the brickwork is up several feet. With fine weather the work will again be rushed. THURSDAY, OCT. 21 1937, from 5 to 8.30 p.m. To be held in the spacious church shed THE DASHWOOD BAND will give an excellent mixed program ^umbered tickets will Church The program will be shed CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs.* Royal Gaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender’ spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Lewis and son Eber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lewis at Brinsley and at tended the Anniversary services there. Mr. and Airs. Jack Jasney, Mrs. Eli Sims and Mrs. Sam Baynham and daughter Jean spent Saturday in London. Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Hunter and Mr. and. Mrs. Isaac Sims, of Exeter, spent Sunday with the latter’s ents Mr. and Mrs. Job Sims. W“ be sold -in t’he given in the Admission; Adults 75c. Children, 9 to 15 years, 3 5c. 8 years and under 20c. Bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Wohkly Mixed AUCTION SALES will hold an auction saleI HORSES, CATTLE AND HOGS Of EVERY THURSDAY Will take stock in on commission TERMS—-CASH NAIRN & T'A-YLOR, Auctioneers G. J. DOW, Proprietor AUCTION SALE Town lane of Dashwood, OCTOBER 28111 on a P. stores in Bender spent in London. DOWN—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, [ ( on Sunday, October 17th, to Mr. | j Clarence Down, of Us- j j son (Robert William1 DASHWOOD Dr. w. D. Bryce, LD.$., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office ip Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office -over the Post Office, in .Zu rich, last three days of week. PR, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc, Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Opt. w Mr. Elgin Merner spent the week with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preeter Aldeen were Sunday visitors in chener. Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Wilson son Herbert, of Bunasson week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Bender. Miss Margaret Watson and friend Of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hamacher. Dashwood planing mill has been given the contract of 'building a new home tor Mr. Isaac Rathwell, of Varna, whose home was destroyed by fire several weeks ago. Mrs. Qe:rge Merner is spending a few weeks with her daughters in De troit. Robert Hopcroft has secured position in. the A. & Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sunday with -friends The Anniversary Supper given in the Evangelical churih under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid was a big success. The Sunday School or chestra provided music during the supper and the program consisted of the Diamond Octette and Miss Helen Plyley, of Rodney and Mr. Close, of Seaforth was well received. The ceeds amounted to $111.40. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Moffatt daughters Helen and Janie, of forth, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mc- j Ewen and Joyce and Miss Emma Anderson, of Ailsa Craig were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher. Mrs, Sillery, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. pro- and Sea GLADMAN — WYNDMAN — At St. John’s United Church, Oakville, on Saturday, October l'6th, Nan Marian, daughter of Mrs. William Wyndham, and the late William Wyndham, to Rev. Donald James Gladman, of Crediton, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman, of Exe ter, by Rev. D. H. Gallagher. DOUPE—At his late residence, Lot 10, west boundary of Blanshard, on Tuesday, October 19, 1937, Adam E. Doupe, beloved husband cf Elizabeth Switzer, in his 80th year. 'Funeral, Thursday, Octo ber 21, at 2 p.m. Interment in Union cemetery, Kirkton. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Case wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their many kind acts and remembrances while Mr.Case was a patient in hospital. CARD OF THANKS take this opportunity of thank- the Masons, Odd Fellows and I ing others for the lovely flowers and cards sent me during my illness; al so those who called or inquired for me, R. N. ROWE CARD OF THANKS Frank King desires to expressMr. his sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who assisted so heroical ly in fighting, the .fire which recently destroyed his barn and also to those who have assisted in clearing up the debris and who have extended kind ness in other ways. IN MEMORIAM WOODHAM Sunday, October 2 4th, there no service held in owing <to anniversary Zion Church on this ser- the October 29th, will hold their the an- in at of the Whalen Landan, home of. Next will be church vices held at Mitchell road. On Friday, Mission Band nual Hallowe’en entertainment the basement of the church. Several from here attended anni versary services held church last Sunday. Miss Netta Shier, spent the week-end at her sister Mrs. Victor Chatten. The quartette consisting of Messrs. William and Ray Mills, Charles Paul and son Gerald, of Kirkton sang beautifully two inspiring hymns at Whalen anniversary on Sunday The October meeting of the W- M. fi. was h’eld at the home of Miss Ethel Wilson with twenty-three members present. Mrs. Wilbur Wynn, convenor of group No. 1 was in -charge of the program and the president Mrs. Wm, Rodd .conduct ed the meeting. As this was the thanksgiving meeting, th,et Leaflet and responsive reading were in ac cordance and Mrs. Wm. Mills read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Ben Wilson gave the Bible story about Moses; Mrs. Wilbur Wynn, one of the seven who attended the W. M. S, Rally at Listowel brought ;back a few messages and head-lines from the meeting. Rv. Mr. Laing ex plained the chapter in the Study Book in, a very able manner and made it quite interesting. lAt the business part of the meeting it was decided to send a bale of honey to Earlscourt Home in Toronto each member contributing 25c. toward it and this splendid meeting was then brought to a close by prayer, after which a 10 c. lunch- was usual by the hostess and mittee. served as her com- SMITH—In loving memory dear mother, who passed October 20, 1935. In the City of (Light on a away, Where the suiWiever sets flowers decay; She .has gone to her sorrow and pain, Where in God’s own meet again. Sadly missed by her Sons. ourof away on hili far nor the rest free from time we shall Daughters and i HARPLEY returned Then let us demonstrate a Spencer range with slide out oven bottom, non scortch lid and special grates. These three patented features give numerous advantages and you pay No More- The Duchess range, cabinet style, makes a beautiful choice with either red or black handles, full enamel or black ends and large roomy ovens. Now is the time for good lighting. There is nothing to compare with a Coleman lamp or lantern. Large assortment of Work Gloves—20c. to $1.65 — When Shopping, Shop at — • Lindenfield’s Hardware Phone 181 —- Exeter IN JIEMORIAM ofGILBERT — In loving memory Kenneth one year Chrystal Neil, wife of Gilbert, who passed away ago October 18th. She is not dead, the child affection, But gone into a school Where she no longer needs tection, And Christ Himself doth rule. Ever remembered by Father, Mother, Sisters and. Brothers. Of our our pro-r ■■ In Loving Memory of GARNET sniS who was killed on October 20, 1027 Sadly missed by Parents, Sisters, Brothers ■ ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, October 24th Service? at 10-30 and 7 j>.m. Rev. A. Laing of Woodham will be the special Speaker Woodham Chcir will have charge of the music at the evening service FOWL SUPPER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26th Supper served from 5.30 to 8 followed by a program by the CENTENNIAL CONCERT PARTY, of London Mrs. Gladys N. Gray Director Rev. Walter B. Craw Lecturer and Reader and others Admission 60c. and 30c. Rev J. W. Penrose, Pastor' Wm. Elford, Secretary. CENTRALIA Mrs. (Rev.) R. N. .Stewart and Lorraine are visiting with relatives in Montreal. Mrs. Thos. Willis and Miss Flossie Davey visited over the week-end with friends in Toronto. They motor ed home with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West, who were returning form their trip to South Bend, Ind. Mr. Fred Warner was a Sunday visitor- with Mr. at Crediton. Mr. knd Mr,i Greta visited on and Mrs. E. Steeper in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs., G. F. Penwarden and Harold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton in Clinton. • Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham, Jr. and family visited on Sunday relatives in Sh-ipka. Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of chener, was a week-end guest Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. Donald Hicks, of Guelph spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden and families were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bowden. and Mrs. C. Haist rs. J. A. Pollard and Sunday with Mr. with Kit- with CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS FEED & McNeil and Nairn, auctioneers, will sell by public auction on Lot 0, Concession 5, 2 miles East of Kirkton, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1937 at one o’clock, the following: HORSE'S—-Mare, 13 years old sup posed to be in foal; 1 horse 12 years old; 1 filly rising 2 years old; 1 ag ed horse. CATTLE'—7 Holstein cows, 3 due in March, 2 due in May; 1 Holstein heifer due in April; 1 cow with calf by side; 1 cow due time of sale; 1 yearling heifer, 1 heifer calf, four months old. H'OGS—5 shoatS, 175 lbs. each. FEED AND 'GRAIN—40 tons of hay, 400 bushels of wheat, 40'0 bus. barley, 300 bushels of oats. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick er 7 ft. cut; Maxwell mower, John Deere manure spreader; spring-tooth cultivator, set of harrows, land roll er, wagon with rack, DeLaval cream separator, set of harness, wheel bar row, 50 grain bags, 500 lbs. fertil izer, 150 feet of hayfork rope, pul leys, set 'Of sling ropes, trip rope, whiffletrees, forks and other articles •POULTRY—60, -year- old Barred Rook hens, 15, year old Leghorn, 20 Leghorn pullets. TERMS—-CASH MRS. .ROBERT E. HAZELWOOD, Proprietress . . McNETL & NAIRN/ Auctioneers bind- FARM SHOOK* IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer ha received instructions to sell by pub lie auction at Lot 18, 15 miles East THURSDAY, at 12 o’clock sharp the following; HORSES—1 brood mare, 8 years old, supposed to be in foal; 1 bay horse 17 ears old; 2 gray mares 18 years old; 1 ‘bay Clyde mare rising 2 years old; 1 Clyde sucking colt, CATTLE—-2 cows fresh with calf at foot; 1 cow, fresh; 1 red cow,«l baby beef, 600 lbs.; 2 roan cows sup posed to be in calf still milking; 7 red cow in calf; 1 steer, 2 years -old; 1 2-year-old heifer supposed to be in calf; 1 2-year-old heifer; 4 steers rising 2 years; 4 spring calves. Cattle are all good Durhams. PliGg—7 stocker pigs weighing about 60 pounds. POULTRY—75 white Leghorn hens; 2 geese, 1 gander. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bind er, 6 ft.; McCormick mower, 5 ft.; Brantford B.B. mower, 5 ft.; three- drum steel roller; McCormick ill- disc fertilizer drill; 10-hoe grain drill; International spring - tooth cultivator; stiff-tooth T'udhope 'Cul tivator; McCormick low-down man ure spreader; M. H. bean scuffler with puller combined; 2-wlieel trail er; circular saw, 8 h.p. gasoline en gine; 25 li.p. gasoline engine; 3 wa gons, wagon box, stock rack, 2 flat hay racks, 16 ft. International hay loader, McCormick 1'0 ft. steel rake; side delivery rake, double light sleigh with tongue and shaft and box, 2 set of bob-sleighs, 2 sets of bunks, 2 cutters, International walk ing plows, 2 Fleury walking plows, riding plow, disc, 2 2-furrow plows, road car.t, 2 gravel boxes, Imperial incu'bator holds 175 eggs, 4'00 capac ity incubator, broad axe, adze, boring machine, large fence stretcher, scraper, neck yokes, eveners, cant hook, 3 sets iron harrows, 1-horse scuffler, root pulper, cutting 'box, 1 army saddle, emery power, 2 sets of heavy harness, bells, 2,000 lb. scales Clinton fanning mill, Jolly-et grain grinder, quantity of bags, extension grain blower. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Kitchen cook stove, large heater, burns coal or wood, Detroit Vapor 3-buffner coal-oil stove, lawn swing, De Laval cream separator, Eaton separator, 1 copper kettle, iron kettle and other articles too' numerous to mention. Everything will be sold to highest bidder as proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS OF SALE—CASH JOHN BENDER, proprietor GEORGE MERNER, Clerk ARTHUR WE'BER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE HORSES MORTGAGE SALE _ --- Of --- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offer ed for sal© by public auction at the property hereinafter described, on Monday, the 8th day of November, The undersigned auctioneer- has re ceived instructions to. sell by .public auction on Mrs. Ann Ridley -has from visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. Stanley Ingle, of fit. Thomas, is visiting at present with Mrs. F- McLinchy. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Oliver, of De troit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ridley. Mrs. Joseph Carruthers, Sr., ent ertained the Ladies’ Guild of Grace church, Greenway and friends to a ten cent tea ' ' ‘ J desday, Miss Pearl urday at her at her home on Wed- Carrutners spent Sat- .. . .. home here. Mr. and. Mrs. Mack Miller, of De troit, were guests of Mr. ahd Mrs. Fred McLinchey over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson vis ited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Joseph Carruthers. COURT OF REVISION Village of Exeter Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter for the year 1937 will he held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, November 8tft, at t.30 o’clock p.m. NOTE—* Only appeals duly filed with the Municipal Clark on or be fore the 21st day of October, 1937, will be considered by the Court. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk Exeter, October 20, 1937. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The -undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, at Lot 8, Concession 12, HAY TWP. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4tli, 1937 one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES— Grey Percheron mare 6 years old with colt at foot; 113- year-old Clyde mare supposed to be in foal; dark, iron grey, general purpose mare rising 2 years; black Percheron mare rising 3 years old. CATTLE—3 Holstem cows in calf still milking; red cow suppose to be in -calf; Durham cow 5 years old with calf at foot; 4 heifers,^ 2 years old; 2 2-year-old steers; 2 steers weighing 1,0'00 lbs,; 6i fat heifers, Durham and Polled-Aiigus; Hereford baby beef; pure-bred Durham bull. •PIGS—‘1 York .brood1 sow with litter at foot; 7 sucking pigs eight weeks old; 7 stocker. pigs. IMPLEMENTS— McCormick bin der 6 <ft cut; Deering mower 55 ft. cut; McCormick Spring-tooth culti vator, McCormick - Deering. 11-disc drill, double skim plow, wagon, gra vel box, 2 Fleury walking plows; 3- section harrows, 2-drum steel roller, pig box, wheel bai’rOw, root pulper, cutting box, 1% gasoline engine, 1 stone hOat, 2 15-foot ladders, 36-ft. ladder, extension straw blower with hood, crow bars, eveners, pair of bob sleighs, hoes, single set of hard ness, double set of harness, coulters, rolling coulter, 2 skimmers, cow ■chains, 30 tons of good mixed hay and other articles too numerous to mention. Every article in A-l con dition. ' Everything will be sold tn highest bidder as proprietor Jias rented his farm. ■ . 1937, at "the hour of 1.30 p.m. the following property, namely. Lot Number 2'8', in the North East Boundary of the Township of Us- borne in the County of (Huron, con taining by admeasurement 100- acres more or less. The Farm of the late Andrew Moir, Usborne Township, one mile and a half East of Hensail and one mile south, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd at one o’clock the following: 2 brown mares, 1 gelding; 1 sor rel mare rising 6; team bay mares rising 6 and 7; bay mare rising 5; 3 gray geldings rising 3; 3 bay geld ings rising 3; 1 brown gelding ris ing 3; dark bajr gelding <10 years old; 1 black mare rising 3; bay mare 4, well broken. TERMS—CASH On the said property is said to (be CLARE MOIR, Proprietor erected first -class farm buildings. | Auctioneer’ On this farm there is said to be a good bush of about ten acres and a plentiful supply of good water. The said property will be offered tor sale subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. GEO. H. ElLiLIOTT, AU'Ction§er iF. FINGUANiD,, Clinton, Ont., Solic itor for the Mortgagee'. FRANK COATES, Clerk AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK: & IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions to sell by pulblie auction at TERMS—-CASH OSCAR KJDOP-P, (FRANK TAYLOR Aiidtlonedrs ARTHUR WEBER, Proprietor GERORGE MERNER, Clerk. in AUCTION SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction, on NtunbCr 4 Highway \ about 3 miles north of Exeter, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 30th,’ 1937 at one o’clock sharp the following: One-horse wagon, half-ton truck, Ford coupe in good shape; 3 onion screens, 50 rods of wire fencing 5 ft, high; new machine for sowing onions, 2 cultivators, scythe, 200 bags, 2 planks, bucksaw, bandsaw. Heater in goo'd stove and pipes, 2 rocking chairs, 12 2 rugs, linoleum, dresser, 2 bed springs and' mattress es, one day bed, sideboard. 5 small stands, flour tubs, boiler, cream dishes of all kinds, wash-bogrd, tool box oil stove, 2 tables, wash, stand, forks shovels, hoes, etc. 1500 lbs. boilers and picklers; 400 lbs. big onions. Chicken bouse, 20 Rock roosters. TERMS—CASH SINA-CK, Proprietor TAYLOR, Auctioneer Coates, clerk shape, kitchen tables, couch, 2 kitchen chairs, carpets, (buffet, pictures, , 2 wash lamps, , boxes, stand. crock, pails, and tools, coal PETER FRANK FRANK Lot 16, Concession. 2, Us borne, on Huron st., 1 mile east of.Exeter, .on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th at 11 o’clock the following; HORSES—1 work horse 9 years old. CATTLE—Cow due Nov. 2nd; cow due April 1st; cow due May 1st, cow due June 7th; 4 coww, milking, good. PIGS—18 pigs weighing 100 lbs. POULTRY — 50 Leghorn hens, yearlings, 25 Leghorn puliets. IMPLEMENTS— McCormick bin der 6 ft.; McC.-Deering mower 5 ft.; M. H. bay rake; Bain wagon; M. H. manure spreader; McC. cultipa>cker; set diamond harrows; M. H. disc, 2 row scuffler, M. iH. spring tooth cultivator light wagon, walking plow, Cockshutt 2 furrow plow, set sleighs, road cart, Cockshutt seed drill, 2 flat hay racks, gas Engine, oil brooder, root pulper, fanning mill, turnip drill, Titan tractor and. also some parts, good set Tifatt chains, White threshing machine in good shape, 1 drive belt 80 foot, Viking cream sep- new 800 lb. capacity; set harness, double harness, shovels, whiffletrees, neck- erator single forks, , _________z yokes, chains;'1927 Ford Model T in good shape and other articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN—20 tons mixed hay, 400- buskfels of mixed grain; 400 bushels mangolds and turnips. Terms of sale . . $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit Will ibe giv- eh 6n furnishing approved Joint notes with 5 .per aent. added, CHARLES GODBOLT, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer