HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-10-14, Page 8I'lIVRSDAX, OCTOUJilt 14tli, 1»37 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MARCEL DAY SPECIAL, MONDAY, OCT, 18tli Hot Oil Shampoo and Marcel In xememibrance of Marcel Gra­ tian, the inventor of Marcelling, who was born in the French Province of Chaviany (France) on October 18th 1852 and died June 2, 1936. A monument to his memory is being erected at Paimain, France, and unveiled this autumn. Think of the persistence which .won for him the glory that is his and which 'he in turn, has made ours Exeter Markets Wheat $1.05 Oats' 40c. Manitoba's Best $3.95 Welcome Flour $3.15Shorts $1.65 Bran $1.55 Low Grade Flour $2.25 Creamery Butter 32c. Dairy Butter 24e. to 27c. Eggs, A large 31c. Eggs, medium 29 c, Eggs, pullets 23c. Eggs B 20c. Eggs, C., 16c.Hogs $9.00 WE ARE LICENSED TO SELL THE FOLLOWING TRADE- MARKED LENSES TilJyer, Correctal, Monostep, Cryxite, Punktai, Ful-vue, Tpnelite, Nutralite, Kryptok V’s 112 for Appointments Successor to Miss H. Smith e C. E. ZURBRIGG, R-o. Successor to S. p’itton at Exeter For Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices Open every week day except Wednesday VOLLEY BALL—All persons in­ terested in volly ball are requested to meet at the Arena tonight (Thurs day) at 7.30 for games and re-or­ ganization. FRESH CAUGHT .. Pickerel Fillets All ready for the pan 25c a pound —, at the — *1 • • * WORK! Topic for the Young Peoples’ Class MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th FOR SALE — 300 bus. of sprayed Spy apples, 85c. a bus. at faun, 7 miles west of Clinton, turn right one mile, stucco house. — Wm. A. Mc­Guire. 10-14-2 te. -NOTICE—All parents of pupils in attendance at the Exeter High School take notice that each pupil should be supplied with running shoes foi’ physical training at the gymnasium as required by the de­ partment. * Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 - Main St. ----------------------------------------—Id o— i 1 l LOCALS 1 f n.0Tna, - r__;__________ —r-..-1 3 p.m. “Idleness?” ‘‘Unemployment ?” “Compelled Labour?” “Strikes and the Right to Work?” “What Does the Bible Teach” Young People Cordially Invited =!=SS*= toSpecial Music New Coats for Misses and Women % J s ■$CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN church Rev. Douglas C- Hill, B-A., B,D, Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane. Organist THE 76TH ANNIVERSARY OF CAVEN CHURCH Public Worship at 11 a.m, & 7 P*111* conducted by REV. C. S. OKl’h of Knox Church, Stratford We are expecting new shipments of Ladies’ and Misses Coats for this week-end. We are looking for some smart styles in Misses and we can offer you some good numbers in Women’s that are very reasonably priced at f 0 Middleton’s apples now ,for sale. Snows, McIntosh Spies of good quality. Fred dleton, Clinton. FOR SALE—A few rows turnips for sale. Snows, McIntosh Harrison, Hay P.O. If we can judge by the number of overcoats we have already sold, this is going to be one of our best years in overcoats. The reason for the increased business is that we have never shown a better range of cloths and patterns tailored in the very smartest models. Look them over MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader Morning service withdrawn in honor of Caven Presbyterian Church Anni­ versary 7 p.m.—-The Minister Thursday, 7.30, Week-night service. Octciber 31st Church Anniversary Preachers.—Dr, Dobson, of Alma College and Rev. S. Edworthy, of St. Thomas Esmond Plaid Blankets These lovely blankets come in Blue, Green, Mauve and Yellow checks size 66 by 80 inches. They are truly warm and cosy and are good looking but not expen­ sive.®1K That Enhances Your Beauty Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, of Greenway, is visiting with relatives in town?’ The trees are now appearing in all the grandeur of the fall .colors. I )A heavy Lost Friday evening of last week cut most of the flowers around town. Miss Ida Gillespie, of Windsor, spent the holidays at the home of her brother William. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snell and daughter, of London, visited with relatives over the holiday. Miss Violet Willis, -of Decker, Mich., is visiting with friends and relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Lome McFalls, of London, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates, Miss Margaret-Peainale, of iLondon spent Thanksgiving week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Pen- hale. The first snow to cover the ground visited this section early Wednesday morning but remained only a short time. Miss Berniece Delbridge, of Lon­ don, spent the holiday week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. James Francis, Tavistock, spent the (holidays Mrs. Francis: parents Mr. and Geo. Jaques. Miss May Armstrong visited her mother Mrs. I .Armstrong and sister Mrs. McCreath at Kincardine over* the holiday. The Exeter Bowling Club have-ar­ ranged to present a play “Sunny Skies,” a J. B. Rogers production, in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman and Mrs. Jackson, of Kingston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, G. Seldon for Thanksgiving. Misses Margaret and Jeanette Ta­ man, of London and Mr. Ted Taman of Atwood, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoag, of , Oshawa, spent Thanksgiving with relatives. Mrs. Hoag and Frederick are remaining for a few days. Master Harry and Bobby Hern, of Zion, spent the week-end with their grandparents Mr, and Mrs, George Earl, of" town. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Aclheson, Jane and Nancy have returned to Toron­ to after holidaying for two weeks with the former’s mother Mrs. • W. T. Acheson, Mr.’and Mrs. T. C. McLeod and family ,cf Aurora, and Miss Annie McKenzie, of Waterloo, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Husband, Miss Georgia and Miss Myrtle Rater­ worth, of London, visited over the holiday with Rev.ja.nd Mrs. Hunt at the Trivitt Memorial Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns and son Bobby, Miss B. Hartnoll, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns visited at the home of Dr. Walter Johns of Waterloo for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hillborn, Gor­ don and Margaret, of Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman, of Hay, and visited with friends in town, The Exeter Badminton Club held a dance in the Arena Thanksgiving night. Over 200 persons, mostly young people, were present and en­ joyed the old time and new time Ltc. dancing. and darkFOR SALE—At once, one nearly new tailor made suit for short medium stout man; also one heavy wool sweater, nearly new, gents; one fine all wool scarf, reasonably pric­ ed. Apply Times-Aavocate. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE— 75 acres with never-failing water in ditch. Small bush. Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. 120 acres near Clinton, good buildings, electricity, telephone. 80 tillable, 20- bush. 125 acres handy to Wingham and Brussels, good buildings mostly till­ able and tiled, 3 acre orchard.- See WM. PEARCE, Exeter, 2tc. FOR SALE—Several head of cattle a few springer heifers; also cne driving mare. Apply to Jno. Cald­ well, 13rll Exeter. LOST—In Exeter on Tuesday, a ladies’ gold wrist watch with round face an gold wrist band. Finder will please leave at Times-Advocate. i car- some SEY- FOR SALE—2 good heaters,- a large quantity of good citron, can sell a ton, plenty of cabbage, trots and sweet peppers and dandy Savoy cabbage. W- J- MOUR, phone 221, Exeter. 10-7-2tp. -----,------------ FOR SALE—40 acre farm. N pt. 10, North Boundary. Biddulph, bank bam 30 x 68 on stone and brick foundation, framework, metal rooi, metal driveshed, hog pen, good wa­ter supply. Apply on premises to John R. Ogden, R.R. 1, Centralia. FOR SALE—One fertilizer drill, one riding plow, one rebuilt spread­ er, quantity of plow shares at re­ duced prices. Harris G. McKnight, Massey agent, Exeter. 10i-7-2tp BUYbuy or __ ________ _____ ___C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. OR SELL—If you wish to sell a farm or house see— FOR SALE—-Two farms, 70 and 100 acres. Well located. Both with good houses, bank barns. Land_and buildings in good condition, good buys.—C. V. PICKARD, 165, Exeter, NOTICE—'Persons wanting quality gravel as used in Exeter sidewalks or reservoir phone 171r3 Exeter. Our truck will deliver gra­ vel fiom this pit. Cudmore, Gravel. Both phone same Cash paid for dead animals or fertlizier horses. Phone 34rl5, Dash­ wood. We pay phone call. Williams. Jack 9-30~3tp HardwoodWOOD FOR SALE — cor$ wood, delivered in Exeter at $8 per cord in 3 cord lots. Soft wood at $6 per cord in 3 cord lots. Arnold Hodgins, R.R. 2, Denfield. 10-30-4tp. PULLETS FOR SALE—Barr, Rocks and Red Hatnpshires, started to lay; also' five young pigs. Apply to Jos .Ferguson ,Lot 33, con. 4. Us- borne. phone Hensall, 801’2, 11;. MLWimWwiwra ........................... People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. FL Partlo, Prop. Phone 131w “Shoes to fit the Family”Exeter SPECIAL Men’s Work Shoi Values to $2.49 BROKEN LINES Mostly large sizes $1.79 a pr. For ■ft, of with Mrs. with Ontario All members of the family in all the popular styles and materials See the New Fall Shades in Butterfly Hosiery A good permanent is important for your new Fall Coiffure. Finger Waving Marcelling Manicures Facials Consult us on your hair problems G. M. Simpson Phone 245 JUST ARRIVED A car of Alberta’s Best Domestic Coal .Just the fuel for this time year. Phone 157J for a trial ton. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 am.—Rev. S. R. Johnston, B.A.. of Lucan 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Tuesday, 8 p.'m.—Y. P. Union Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Sunday, October 24th W. M. S. Anniversary Dr Wallace Crawford of W. China Sunday, November 7th 75th CHURCH ANNIVERSARY 11 a.m.—Rev. J. E. J. Millyard 7 p.m.—Rev. Robert Hicks Single $2.00 Double $3.95 Men’s Flannelette Pyjamas In three price ranges, made from good quality English Flannelette and Yama- Cloths in A. B. C. D. and E. sizes Priced at $1.39 $1.59 $2.00 GROCERY SPECIALS My^T-Nice WHEATFLAKES Fresh Stock 5 lb. bag . . . 27c DUTCH CLEANSER 3 large cans.. 27c of TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 1 large pkg. OXYDOL and 3 cakes CALAY SOAP All for............28c 2 cakes KIRK’S CASTILE SOAP and 6 cakes P. & G. SOAP All for ..... 29c Aylmer TOMATO JUICE New Pack 3 large tins . . I JAS. P. BOWEY ‘The’solid fuel for solid comfort’ BEAUTY KNOWS NO HOLIDAY SPECIAL UNTIL OCT. 21st ONLY $5.50 Tulip Oil Permanent—$2.95 including Shampoo & Finger Wave Fiiigenvave 3|5c. Shampoo & Fin ger wave 50c. For appointment phone 146 21st Sunday After Trinity “Family Day and Children’s Day” 8.30—Corporate communion for the 'Sunday School and A.Y.P.A. 11 a.m.—Family Service. Preacher The Rector. Every family is urg­ ed to' attend. p.m.—Children's Day Service. Owing to anniversary services in Caven Presbyterian church, ‘there will be no evening service. Tuesday, October 19th, at 8 p.m., Bishop Tsen, of Honan, China and Rev. C. D. Spencer, of Japan, will address a public^ meeting in St. Paul’s church, Clin ton. The public is cordially invited. 3 TOMLINSON’S Barber Shop Haii- Dressing APPLES! APPLES! * Good cooking apples Per bushel.. . 65c Rideau Hall COFFEE 1 lb. tin ... . 43c 1-2 lb. tin . .. 25c LIBBY’S SPAGHETTI Large cans 2 for • •25c Crispy Flake SHORTENING 2 lb. for .... 25c Southcott Bros Hensail, Phone 16 . Miss Helen Salter, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday at hei’ home here. Mr. R. C. Chadwick, of Hardisty, Alta., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Salter, of Lon­ don, visited on Sunday at the home cf Mrs. M. Salter. “ Mrs. J. A. Traquair. sp'ent the week-end in Hamilton the guest of her aunt Miss Gould. 'Mr, and Mas. L. Ehrlich, of Chi­ cago, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hind. Miss Ferrol Higgins, of Clinton, visited o^ver the week-end with Mr. and Mrs? Wm. Etherington. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd and fam­ ily, of Toronto spent the Holidays at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. and Mrs. F ,K. Matthews, of Toronto, were the gu.ests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W- G. McLarven, of Workwoith, were guests of Dr. and" Mrs. Anderson over the week-end. Miss Vera Roadhouse, of Toronto, spent the holiday wwek-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Winei’. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Patrick’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. J. J. O’Birien, of Brucefield, was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Johnston on Thurs­ day last. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers and Reg. at­ tended the funeral of tfie late Joseph Brown at St. Marys on Thursday last. Mrs.i.' N. Hockey a-nd son Harold visited in London several days last week with Mrs. Hockey’s mother Mrs, Bishop. Mrs. Bishop has mov­ ed to Ottawa. # Thanksgiving Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth Were: Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor; Miss Janie Hogarth and Mr. Mitchell, of London and Miss Hogarth, of town. The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of 1 Creamery) Service Friday night at 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, October 17th p.m.—-S. S- and Bible Class p.m.—Devotional • p.m.—Evangeltistic Service J. T. Edgar, Pastor 2 3 8 the Highland Hill Dairy — Buy — THE PURE ' RAW MILK — from — Tuberculin & Blood-Tested Herd — WE DELIVER DAILY — I N. S tanlake & Son Exeter Ontario Mr. and Mrs. W. Servent spent the week-end in Stratford. Mi*, and Mrs, Earl Tapp, of ronto, spent the holidays with former’s father Mr. ltd. Tapp. To­ th e A number of Oddfellows of town were in London on Saturday attend­ ing the Samaritan Lodge. Miss Billie Dowie, of Sarnia, was a g.uest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers over, the holiday. Also> Reg. has (returned to St. Cath­ arines after spending hib*^vacation here and at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris, of Kingsville, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery. They left Friday to spend . Thanksgiving with their, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whetton, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coates and Elaine and Mir. and Mrs. F. L. Grieve, of Grand Bend, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams, in Rochester, N.Y., for Thanksgiving. Mr. Rd. Coates accompanied them as fur as Hamilton. A meeting of the British and For­ eign Bible Society to which the pub- blic is cordially invited, will be held Thursday evening at 8 p.m. in Main Street United Church. Rev. Denny Briight will give an illustrated ad­ dress and motion pictures will be shown. * Messrs. Frank Delbridge and E. .C. Ward, district manager of the Con­ federation Life, London, spent one day last week fishing at Wiarton and Franlc reports a grand trip. Out of ’ a total of sixteen boats Frank, was the only man to catch his full quota of fish for the day. k V ■ Fred E. J. Fur coats remodelled any repaired, re-glazed like new. your muskrat coat dyed lovely finish guaranteed, For little Samples of shades shown prices on work fur for Mrs. collavs for Dean’s Dry . N. Hockey, style, Have shiny cost. Special for October. Lovely sate, chea.p. Agents Cleaning, Apply to ...PLOWING MATCH... AND FIELD MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION will be held on the farm of HENRY RHODE AND THOMAS BALLANTYNE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21st ON THE THAMES ROAD, 4 MILES EAST OF EXETER A banquet will be held on Tuesday, November 2nd in the Thames Road Sunday School room DR. CHRISTIE, of O.A. C., Guelph and MR. J. A. CARROL Manager of the Provincial Match will be the speakers. Tickets may be purchased from managers, — ALL WELCOME — GORDON MCDONALD, Sec’y R. B‘ WILLIAMS, Pre*. k" Fall and Winter Attractions NEW OVERCOATS Biggest values ever known $14.95 to ^8.00 . all new, models SJJEDE JACKETS....................$4.75 SPATS, wonderful value, . . . $1.00 NEW MUFFLERS . . $1.00 & $2.00 TIES,GLOVES,HATS w. w. PHONE 81 AMAN EXETER. ONT. ..jAi meeting in the interests of mis­ sions will be held in St. Paul’s chuc.h, Clinton, on Tuesday, October 19th at 8 p.m. wlien Bishop Tsen, of Honan, China and Rev. C. D, Spencer, of japan, will address a meeting to which the public are in­ vited. Mr. and Mrs. Don McInnis and son Donald, of paisley, visited in Exeter over the week-end. They brought with them Mr. and Mrs. Samuel sweet, parents of Mrs. Mc­ Innis and Mr. Jas. Sweet, who have been with them for the past two and a half months. the he ask- That Let’s Him Out The teacher had explained cruelties of Nero, and believed had made an impression. HO ed the biases: Teacher—Now boys, what do you think of Nero? Do you think he was a good man? No one B answered, Thev tea-cdiei1 finally singled o'lit Tommy. Tommy (after a long pause)— Well ho never done nothin’ to me. Misses Hilda and Dorthy Sims un­ derwent an operation for the remov­ al of their tonsils on Monday morn­ ing, Mrs. Belt, of Parkhill, was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, Sylvia, Vivian and Billy and Miss Betty Sturdy, all of Toronto, and Miss jean Thor, of Saskatoon, visited with Mrs. Jonathan Kydd giving week-end. Mr, Ernest Blake, cousin of Mrs. W. H. led on them Sunday on his way home from London where Mr. and Mrs. Blake had three children in the isolation Hospital, suffering from infantile paralysis. Clifford, aged 19, died, and Mrirlel, aged 17, and Keith, aged 9, are still there. All three were treated in the “iron luhg” find hopes are ihold out for the two who are Still there. Mrs. Blahs is there all the time. No one else in the district contracted the disease and It is^a mystery where the three children got, it as they were all healthy and strong. Mr. add over Thanks- Of Ashfield, Johnston, cai-